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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Monday, January 23. 2017Monday morning links Impossible to understand Western civilization without that Pilot Salaries in 2017: Which Airline Will Have the Highest Pay? Why We Don’t Call It Rape When a Woman is the Perpetrator California Unveils Sweeping Plan To Combat Global Warming… So wonderful A Skeptic's View on Climate Models Donald Trump talks to a Jersey guy about a long-overdue debate on climate change Obama administration spent billions to fix failing schools, and it didn’t work $ has little to do with it Why do we care what celebs think? In Hollywood, being open-minded about Trump is worse than rape The Pointless Paranoia of the Women's Marches There is no point - it is indeed just a hootenanny Althouse on the Pussy Marches:
Elizabeth Warren’s school-voucher hypocrisy Williamson: Our Unimaginative Politicians, and the Need to Stop Rewarding Them
Obamacare Replacement Plan to be Unveiled 8 ways President Trump can rebuild America — at half the cost Kimball on inauguration: A tale of two speeches Turkey’s currency begins to contract as tyranny takes hold Ataturk is weeping Bonus data below the fold: Clinton Foundation tax data from 2014 - Continue reading "Monday morning links" Sunday, January 22. 2017If they have children, do they pick up their rooms?
Trump's foreign policy
I think The Donald views himself as having been hired as CEO to run a company called USA. Perhaps, for now, with a TRUMP logo on it. He told the Board of Directors (citizens) what his plans were, and they voted to hire him, along with a Repub Congress and Senate. If he doesn't put "America First," he should be fired. I guess that is "nationalism." From Noonan: President Trump Declares Independence. His message to America: Remember those things I said in the campaign? I meant them. I meant it all. Also, Bill Kristol: ‘It’s profoundly depressing and vulgar to hear an American president proclaim America first’ Unrelated but of note: Billionaire George Soros has ties to more than 50 ‘partners’ of the Women’s March on Washington - What is the link between one of Hillary Clinton’s largest donors and the Women’s March? Turns out, it’s quite significant
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A Few Thoughts on Yesterday
It is rather interesting to think about some comments I've seen regarding the march. One, in particular, I've seen many times. "You just don't get it, and since you don't, my explaining it won't help you understand, and so you'll never understand." This was said several times to a friend of mine, and despite his request to be enlightened, nobody was willing to do it. I filled him in on the nature of why the women were marching (although I find it a confused message). However, the reaction to him was an indicator of why the Hillary forces lost the election to begin with. In a nutshell, we're all stupid and they don't want to take the time to explain anything - we just have to trust their superior instincts. It's also clear by now the only reason to vote for Hillary was 'she's a woman'. Which wasn't enough of a reason for me, any more than voting for Obama 'because he'll transform race relations' was a reason (given the state of race relations after his transformative role, one can only imagine how awful gender relations may have been after Hillary!). I had another person say to me, "Your privilege is showing." Privilege is a word which drives me insane. We all have crosses to bear, burdens in life which must be dealt with, and biases to fight. I've seen, and supported the cases of plaintiffs suing for, sexual discrimination. I've also experienced age discrimination. I'm aware of the discrimination which used to take place against my Irish ancestors. Suggesting I have privilege implies I am enjoying the benefits of something I didn't earn. I earn it every day I go to work and deal with the nonsensical idiocy of liberal Progressives who have lost their bearings over this election. Remaining quiet during their diatribes is difficult, but could cost me my job. There's no privilege in political discrimination, and that takes place every day. Still, I'm not marching for laws, or attention, or anything else to protect myself or my rights to believe what I want. My 'privilege' regarding gender ends the minute women start having their conversations which exclude men (see the paragraph above).
Continue reading "A Few Thoughts on Yesterday"
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Saturday, January 21. 2017Saturday morning linksThey are overfed to grow like that A Consuming Fear of Small Government The Greatest Scientific Fraud Of All Time -- Part XII Reporters flocked to a campus controversy but missed its surprising conclusion Public School Is Often The Most Destructive Institution In American Life, Yet Democrats demand the status quo. Obama dismissed those who disagree with him like a professor forced to deal with simple-minded, wayward students Zero Hedge: It’s Finally Morning Again In America, And A New Day For Our Country Starts Now Trump overpromising A Plain and Powerful Inaugural Address - Trump’s vision is constitutional, not Wilsonian. Media very interested today in pointing out that Obama’s inauguration crowds were bigger David Brooks is unhappy with Trump Secretary of the Army: A telling tale for these transformative times Friday, January 20. 2017
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Hope and Change Day in the USAI think people are expecting too much from a new administration, too much good and/or too much bad. My hope is for a return to simple common sense. I am all nuanced-out.
Also, The REAL women behind saucy 1950s 'cheesecake' paintings MLB Playback - The Most Interesting Plays In History In DC, Our Favorite Spot in Washington Swarthmore College Course Asks: Is God a White Supremacist? Yes, a very old rural white dude and a Trump voter for sure. That's in the Bible. Female Voice Assistants Is Digital Sexism Or Something Washington State U. students plead with peers not to freak out over Milo visit Student jailed for passing out Constitutions because it might threaten ‘rural farm’ students It is a dangerous document New Hampshire: Right to Work Spreads to New England A revolutionary school ‘turns back the clock’ in Brooklyn Washington Post Disgraces Itself over David Gelernter Man Who Uses Lots Of Fossil Fuels Asks Why The Climate Is Changing Sanders: We Are Not A Compassionate Society, Worse Than Any Country On Earth… Democrats in the Wilderness - Inside a decimated party’s not-so-certain revival strategy. War on Betsy DeVos shows the left hates giving educational hope to poor kids GovExec Poll: 28 Percent Of Fed Workers Say They Might Quit Or Retire Because Of Trump Let's call that A Good Start Obama Was Not the Left’s Reagan What Trump Is Up Against He's up against what American citizens are up against (See My Day at the DMV):
Trump enters the swamp The bien-pensant class thought Trump could never win, because they had no grasp of how many people were suffering in severe, personal ways due to political correctness. Donald Trump the Revolutionary - Donald Trump is coming to change many things in the lives of Americans I doubt it Abbas Poses With Photo of Palestinian Terrorist Who Massacred 38 Israelis, Including 13 Kids
Thursday, January 19. 2017I Guess I’m an Angry White Man
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The Most Dangerous Time to Live
I focus on the fact, in general, our lives are improving. Today, most of us hold more computing, audio and video power in our pocket, at a reasonable cost, and this device can help us control our houses, cars, and money with a few swipes. We text or call someone and are sure they got a message. Our diets are vastly improved, our choice of diets extensive, and we have more options regarding the quality and types of foods. When I was in my teens, few people had flown in a plane. Today, most have. I was the first of my friends to visit Europe in 1976. Today, most of them have kids who have vacationed or studied abroad. Continue reading "The Most Dangerous Time to Live" Thursday morning links
Brandeis Hires Anti-Semitic Islamist With Al-Qaeda Links Insty likes Tom Price The NYT on Tom Price Trump talks stupid on trade Trump is talking politics, not economics, Don War on Betsy DeVos shows the left hates giving educational hope to poor kids Martin Armstrong Rages: Ken Rogoff Is "An Elitist Who Has No Respect For The People" Lagarde Urges Wealth Redistribution To Fight Populism Genius. Pay off the hoi-polloi Davos Elites Call For a Ban on Physical Cash... in the US. The Elites are insane, drunk with arrogance and power. No wonder people rebel. Oxfam's upside down inequality study The Once and Future Obamacare Death Spiral On the 20th of January, the dustbin of history will slam shut on the Utopian American Progressive Left. Trump Faces Time Bomb in College Loan Program Z-man on medical bills:
Pentagon readies aggressive ISIS proposals for Trump The overweight American infantryman How does China's first aircraft carrier stack up? Why doesn´t Europe protect itself? Wednesday, January 18. 2017The Math Behind InnovationComplexity Theory fascinates me. I have always enjoyed math and physics as an avocation. Physics was, originally, my college major, but I soured on it in my second year. Classes were very cut-throat, and I didn't have that mentality. Today it's a fun hobby. Years ago, I attended a conference sponsored by the Santa Fe Institute, which sought to apply the principles of Complexity to a variety of industries. I managed to convince my firm to send me, and it was one of the more interesting conferences I'd ever attended. I've wanted to apply several ideas I picked up there to business. Unfortunately, I've never had the opportunity. I'd be interested to see what this recent discovery on the math of innovation can yield. I'm sure there are some great applications of this concept. I haven't thought much about it, having just read the article. I can, however, see some bad applications. If innovation can be quantified mathematically some people may be lead to believe you can arbitrarily 'create' innovation. It's pretty clear the math doesn't work that way, since innovation seems (even in the equation) to spring more or less organically and its benefits are related more to acceptance rather than application. Wednesday morning linksDisappearing Puffins Bring an Icelandic Hunting Tradition Under Scrutiny Pale penis people damage brown academic achievement The Necessity of Self-Help Lit Advice is always welcome The Doomsayer is back: Paul Ehrlich Addressing Vatican Conference on Biodiversity: New at Reason
The Coming Crackdown On Free Speech: Facebook Takes Its ‘Fake News’ Fight To Germany New Poll: Most Americans Back Parental Choice in Education JEW-HATRED DRESSED UP AS 'JUSTICE' - A look at the hate group Students for Justice in Palestine. New ABC / WaPo Poll Shows Drop In Trump Favorability Courtesy Of Aggressive "Oversamples" Are terrorists crossing the US-Mexico border? Woodward Says US Intel Should Apologize Over Trump Dossier CNN's Resident Racist Called Steve Harvey and MLK III 'Mediocre Negroes' There ain’t a word, thought, deed, symbol, piece of legislation, or news item that cannot be imbued with a racial angle when there’s a determined race hustler around " I must myself be a very attractive person for, after all, I am very rightwing." Obama legacy a big lie, let me count the ways Trump time starts now Blind Opera Singer Andrea Bocelli Backs Out of Inauguration After Receiving Death Threats Jennifer Holliday Says She Received Death Threats for Agreeing to Perform for Trump "Hillary is going to be very busy as President the next 4-8 years. Donald Trump is going to be very bitter. And the Republicans are just going to be gone. Good riddence."
Trump Considering Cutting Government Budget by 10%, Federal Workforce by 20% Easily done - executive orders like Obama WaPo: Trump presidency is doomed The Republican Health-Care Debate: A guide for the perplexed Why Obamacare’s ‘20 Million’ Number Is Fake Trump met with Judge William Pryor on Saturday How Rex Tillerson Got Even With Venezuela’s Socialists Iran deal: A shameful day Why the United States Is Losing Its Technological Edge Israeli Technology Helps Giants Like Monsanto Feed the World Last year was a gruesome one for Turkey, and this year is getting off to the worst possible start. Tuesday, January 17. 2017Political Derangement SyndromesIs Trump Derangement Syndrome really any different from Bush Derangement Syndrome, or Reagan Derangement Syndrome, or even Nixon Derangement Syndrome? I doubt it. It's an R-Phobia. Sensitivity training might help.
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Tuesday morning links
January is Divorce Month At SDA: "Riddle: I pay 2.76 cents/L CO2 tax to dry corn to make wet-milled ethanol to displace gasoline to fight climate change. Why is my bum sore?" The Phony ‘Public-Health Crisis’ of Gun Violence Will 2017 be the year of Right to Work? Ignorant pundits, like David Brooks Fun items in The Week That Perished Faking History to Make the Black Kids Feel Good University Hosts MLK Day Teach-In on 'Oppressive Fashion Trends' Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall, Which Is the Biggest Moocher State of All? Martin O’Malley Compares Trump To Hitler, KKK How Chuck Schumer Caused Bank Collapse Dems Now Blame On Trump’s Treasury Nominee An inauguration full of protesters protesting an election Clinton Inc exposed for what it was Press always left it alone Finally, a Republican Leader Playing Offense Major Media Ignored or Downplayed Trump’s Meeting with MLK III REPORTERS BEG MARTIN LUTHER KING III TO DENOUNCE TRUMP Journalists happy to have an administration to go to war with Yup. A slobbering love affair, 60 Minutes style WINNING! GM Will Invest Over $1 Billion In New US Factories, Create More Than 1,000 New Jobs Monday, January 16. 2017Monday morning links
Three-ring circus - Greatest Show on Earth - Saw it twice I think. Yuge! A job: Topless trampoline health officer Physician: American Children ‘Immersed in a Culture of Disrespect’
Single Mom Builds An Entire House For Her Family Using YouTube Tutorials California's bullet train is hurtling toward a multibillion-dollar overrun Clinton Foundation Laying Off Workers – Shutting Down Global Initiative Amid Ongoing Investigations " The Associated Press cites a study based on Federal Reserve data showing that "millennials earn 20 percent less than boomers did at the same stage of life, despite being better educated". They are on track to be poorer than their parents despite all that progress." German Green Party Offers Publicly Funded Prostitution Everything free in the brave new world Toronto Sun Accuses Trudeau of Gross Green Hypocrisy Whoever Puzder is, they’re against him FAKE NEWS: WaPo Did Not Tell Whole Story on DC National Guard Chief’s Resignation Obama and His Movement Prepare to Challenge President Trump Donald Trump Invites Critics to Pray at Inauguration How most doctors, patients will benefit from ObamaCare reform:
Klavan: My Strange Trumpian Glee Kimball: A Modest Disposal
Sunday, January 15. 2017Teen thoughtCountry Mouse, City Mouse
I think VDH has a foot in both worlds. He discusses: Trump and the American Divide - How a lifelong New Yorker became tribune of the rustics and deplorables I did vote from Donald Trump, not because I approve of him as a person but as an imperfect messenger. Messengers are always imperfect.
Saturday, January 14. 2017Why not show L.L. Bean some love? Linda Bean is quite the entrepreneur. LL Bean is a wonderful store with excellent footwear and outerwear, fine hunting and fishing gear, etc. Not high end, and eminently practical stuff. Excellent return and repair policies. They will stand by their outerwear and footwear, even after ten years. Their winter sale is on now. Pic is their Maine Hunting Shoe. I have two pairs, one larger to fit heavy socks. They have already re-soled one, for free. I use them like Wellies.
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Saturday morning links
SJWs Claim Sandwich Invented in U.S. Is Being Culturally Appropriated by Americans We need these people for daily humor A pied a terre: Bezos buys largest house in DC Salem update: City Known For Witch Hunts Is Taking On ‘Climate Change’ or Something Midwestern Legislators Take Aim at Academic Tenure-for-Life American millennials paid 20% lower salaries than baby boomers at same age Millions Escape to States With Right-to-Work Laws and No Income Taxes And bring their blue culture with them Coerced equality and the power of the state Aren't Americans supposed to detest government powers? Protesters planning to blockade inauguration checkpoints, 'party' outside Pence home Why Is Obama Expanding Surveillance Powers Right Before He Leaves Office? I hate spying on Americans. We pay for it Q-poll: 65% want some or all of ObamaCare repealed Manic Trump Lashes Out at Hillary Clinton, Intelligence Officials in Tweets Why the left hates Trump so intensely BAD NEWS AND GOOD NON–NEWS: ISRAELI ARABS AND WESTERN VALUES End the UNRWA Farce - As president, Trump should defund the agency perpetuating the Palestinian refugee problem. Friday, January 13. 2017The Blue Church The country elected a bull for the effete china shop of the greedy federal government and all of its sinecures and parasites. At least, thought they did. Entertaining, too. Big cojones, a Honey Badger, a tough crude person for our times. A common-sense liberal, I believe, to restore some balance of sanity. Good circus for all news junkies and big $ for the networks. Reality TV. Half the country, it seems, is glad to finally find somebody to really hate. I guess their lives lack a little something and I don't mean money. Many people need something to hate. Sad for them, but life is too short for that. Going skiing. Nothing to hate at all. Another happy American tax-paying citizen having fun in the global cooling. Cold beer, pretty athletic girls, good pals from church. Good life. The whiners need to get with the program and make the most of it. Soon enough, they will be old.
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Friday morning links
A walk down Manhattan’s first “block beautiful” A Drought of Sanity in California Hotcoldwetdry is everywhere these days. All you have to do is to see it, U.S. Report Cites the Good and Bad on Marijuana 'Ferguson effect': 72% of U.S. cops reluctant to make stops
The problem of having government in medical care is the politics and power The Inauguration War - The Left prepares its counter-attack on American democracy. Trump’s Model First Press Conference Trump Derangement Syndrome Comes to a School Near You Slate: Jeff Sessions doesn't understand that racism is everywhere Why the media's Trump dossier coverage is suicidal Trump Effect: Amazon to create more than 100,000 full-time jobs in the next 18 months 74% Republicans, 33% Democrats back Israel over Palestinians Thursday, January 12. 2017Has Lack of Empathy Been Pathologized?I am not delving into the psychology of empathy. I'm not trained in it, and I don't know enough to make a statement from that position. I can, however, write about its effect on my own experiences, from my own therapy, and from a recent event which sparked a challenging debate. That event was Meryl Streep's Golden Globes acceptance speech. I watched about 5 minutes of it, then left. Because I can, and I chose to. While I agreed with a bit, there was far more there than I was interested in hearing. To begin with, I don't watch award shows, I happened to switch it on at just that moment and thought I'd like to see her receive her award. If I am going to watch an awards show, I want to be entertained, not lectured. I turned it off. I did read the text the next day when the brouhaha around it began. Mainly because New York, the center of 'if you disagreed with her, you're insane and wrong and must have something wrong with you' began to show its ugliness. In other words, "Hillary lost and WE STILL HAVE NO CLUE HOW AND WHY IT HAPPENED SO WE MUST LASH OUT!" Meryl was offered a moment to lash out, and she did. Following some kind of empathic tribal code, her supporters rushed to demonize anyone who didn't 'feel' the same way Meryl did. Continue reading "Has Lack of Empathy Been Pathologized?"
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Thursday morning links
Love Your Spouse More Than Your Kids, Make Sure the Kids Know It Semen Is An Antidepressant First Bumblebee Declared Endangered in U.S. You can really feel the mascot's frustration in this local commercial How tort reform helped ignite the Texas boom. Why Volkswagen’s Emissions Scandal Has No End The Swiss are serious about citizenship Tons of good stuff at American digest L.L. Bean begs liberals not to boycott over donation to Trump Zero Hedge: The future is feudalism Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire Obama begins new career…as a climate scientist Why liberal elites are so resentful of middle America NYP re Trump: For now, all we know is that a madness has been set loose in America and there is no reason to believe we have seen the last attempt to destroy Donald Trump. The Deep State Goes to War with President-Elect, Using Unverified Claims, as Democrats Cheer Sworn Trump enemy John McCain admits HE handed smear dossier to FBI - as details surface of document's bizarre journey from British former spy and diplomat Chuck Todd to Ben Smith: ‘You just published fake news’ IT WAS ALL A HOAX: Intel Official Admits No Direct Link Found Between Trump and Russia 4Chan Claims To Have Fabricated Anti-Trump Report As A Hoax Nets Repeat Bogus Claim of ‘Hacked Election’ 49x In One Month
Wednesday, January 11. 2017How Trump might improve your life
The main job is to get government out of the way of job formation and growth especially in America's sad towns - and for small and start-up businesses.
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