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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Sunday, February 5. 2017A Trump Progress ReportIn two weeks, he has accomplished 27 things he promised to do. Like it or not, I doubt any previous president can claim as much. The list is below the fold - Continue reading "A Trump Progress Report"
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Saturday, February 4. 2017Superbowl Sunday
Serious football fans seem not to like Superbowl parties. My father-in-law would never attend one. Too much noise and distraction. When it comes to football, he likes to focus like a laser beam, in solitude. Slightly related, The NYT Is Horrified That Members Of The New England Patriots Organization Are Friends With Trump. The NYT is horrified that anybody likes Trump, and they do not know anybody who does. I do not particularly like him, but I am impressed by what he is doing. Seems mostly like common-sense undoing of errors. His infantile lashing out, however, has got to go.
Saturday morning links
The Circus Dead, Animal Rights Kooks Target Rodeo NLRB memo: football players at private schools are employees Photos: Sea cliff at Kamokuna ocean entry collapses California: Easy to Love, Impossible to Do Business In How the Teleprompter Changed Public Speaking U.N. Official Admits Global Warming Agenda Is Really About Destroying Capitalism Bummer: ‘Climate Change’ Will Kill The Groundhog Day Groundhog Or Something Who are Those Refugees Australia Doesn't Want? The Bureaucrats Think That They Don't Answer To The President How does David Brooks get it so wrong? ‘Born In The USA’ Singer Bruce Springsteen Tells Australian Fans He’s Embarrassed To Be American THERE ARE FASCISTS ON CAMPUS. PROTESTERS DON’T REALIZE IT’S THEM, NOT MILO YIANNOPOULOS: Rabid NYU Professor Melts Down, Orders Cops To Assault Conservative "Vice" Co-Founder Gavin McInnes CNN’s Don Lemon and Robert Reich: Conservatives Masterminded The Berkeley Riots Shameless vendors of "alternative facts" Media freakout: Another day, another media-instigated panic over Trump This is Joy Behar. Today on live television she called Gunning for Gorsuch — liberals' new normal Trump Short Circuits Washington:
AVI on Refugees How France has become the number one target for extremists in Europe and has been repeatedly brutalised in
A Return to Constitutionalism
Friday, February 3. 2017Newsy itemsGood summary of the past exciting week or so at Betsy Why Democrats are declaring war on Trump: They're terrified Trump’s Political Blitzkrieg He has very little time to normalize things, but he is a Honey Badger for sure. I think the "Hard Left," with which many ordinary Dems have now allied themselves, will discredit their party and their even their reasonable arguments.
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Friday morning links
Fight for 15? Meet the Big Mac machine The danger is that entry-level and teen jobs will disappear The search for the African Einstein Boy Scouts to Admit Biological Girls After New Jersey Transgender Lawsuit If We Can’t Unite Against Rioting, We Can’t Unite at All Berkeley Blowback: Milo Book Sales Soar 12,740% Overnight Sarah Silverman Calls for Military Coup of Trump Administration Liberal Journalist On Twitter Says Milo’s Words And Ideas Make Him Feel Threatened Experts: California voter registration system 'highly susceptible' to fraud "Agree With Trump Or Not, He Seems Determined To Enact What He Promised" Trump Overseeing the Destruction of the Democrat Coalition VDH: When normalcy is revolution - Trump raises ire only because he is undoing the Obama upheaval Trump's no monster... and he's not mad either: While the liberal elites literally lose their minds the polls show that common-sense people quite like the big bad boy in the White House ‘Homegirl in a hijab’ returns - Linda Sarsour, an activist venerated by the left, does more damage NY Daily News: How Democrats are getting played Federal employees receive “resistance” training You can't fire them. Can you just eliminate their jobs? On Boycotting Radical Islamic Nations Outrage at Trump's 'Muslim ban' yet silence over the Middle Eastern 'ban on Jews' Theresa May SMACKS DOWN Anti-Trump Socialist In Parliament NYT Misreports Trump’s Statement on Israel Sweden extends border controls until spring 2017 Thursday, February 2. 2017More Milo derangementVia Althouse:
A reference to his gay romps? Director Judd Apatow Supports Far-Left Berkeley Riot, Warns ‘This is Just the Beginning’ Who is this guy who is threatening violence?
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Thursday morning links
CalExit? Go Ahead. Make My Day. Protesters at U. Michigan March Against Campus Deer Cull UC Berkeley cancels right-wing provocateur’s talk amid violent protest The Goldman Sachs Effect - How a Bank Conquered Washington Trump might end up being the most consequential conservative in American history—and he is not even a conservative. For The Last Time: Stop Throwing ‘Never Trump’ Delusions In Our Faces Z-man's The Cloud Party goes to war:
Suddenly, The NY Times Has A Big Problem With Using A Pen And A Phone Flashback=> Obama: “We Simply Cannot Allow for People to Pour in, Undocumented and Unchecked” Refugees and the Right to Immigrate Trump’s PATCO Moment: Emanating Reagan, the Leaked Executive Order Reveals Trump's Plans For H-1B Visas Obama Refused 91 Refugees – Sent Them Back to Castro’s Hell-Hole 2 Days Before Inauguration – Liberal Media Was Silent Sultan: 3 Questions to Keep Future Muslim Terrorists Out of America Is the New York Times Hysterical or Just Lazy? Kimball: Donald Trump vs. Immanuel Kant
McArdle: Trump's Doomed War on Regulations AP: Republicans “Rammed” Nominees Through Committee With “Brute Political Muscle” Althouse: "No one has ever tried moving at Trump’s speed before." Democrats are becoming the party of secession Chris Matthews: Dems who vote for Gorsuch “will have to answer” for it for 30 years Slate: Gorsuch is not a villain CNN Lets Pelosi Smear Gorsuch As Opposed to Air, Water, Food, and Medicine Without Challenge Gorsuch nomination a lose-lose for the Democrats European Council President Says Trump Is ‘Existential Threat’ to Europe After Eight Years Military Casualties Are Front Page News Again Germany may be the land of engineers and chocolate makers, but it is also the home of the world most dangerous morons too. Wednesday, February 1. 2017Gorsuch
Pic is Gorsuch with Scalia in Colorado. Gorsuch is a gentle, warm, refined outdoorsman, a Christian, with a crushing resume. He is 49 years old. A remarkable individual, superstar intellectual. We are fortunate that he is willing to do this job. With Gorsuch, Trump got his Supreme Court pick right The three numbers that will keep Democrats from blocking Neil Gorsuch Neil Gorsuch upheld the rights of hated prisoners and Muslims Trump’s Supreme Court Pick: "The Best The Left Could Have Hoped For" Obama’s Solicitor General: Neil Gorsuch ‘Thoughtful and Brilliant’ Wednesday morning links
20 Ridiculous Signs That Prove Humanity Is On The Wrong Track Eighty birds of prey take flight - on jet to Jeddah Online Grocer Debuts "Fruit-Picking Robot" In Latest Blow To Minimum Wage Proponents Stingray: A New Frontier in Police Surveillance Beyond creepy DEVOS ATTACKED FOR CIVIL LIBERTIES DONATIONS If she donates to FIRE, she's fine with me VDH: Fake News: Postmodernism By Another Name Gutfeld: 'Trump Is Treating the Presidency Like an Actual Job' DELINGPOLE: Trump’s Climate Plans Just Made the Media’s Heads Explode Smoking Out Islamists via Extreme Vetting Why Do We Have A Refugee Crisis? Because Of Elite Failures On Foreign Policy And Immigration Pause in U.S. entry policies sensible WSJ’s Strassel: I Don’t Remember Protests, Lawsuits When Obama Paused Iraqi Immigration to U.S. in 2011 But Obama wasn't Hitler Byron York: Dems escalate anti-Trump offensive Are We Going To Freak Out Every Time Trump Does What He Promised? Tuesday, January 31. 2017This Isn't As Easy As It Seems![]() My poker night is this Friday, and I look forward to it each month. 50 people, food, libations, conversation and competition. There are afew heated moments. Not many, mostly good fun and the chance to take your friends' and neighbors' money. I have more or less broken even in this game. I keep pretty good records. We play a cash game for an hour, then a tournament, followed by cash games as people are bounced. The idea of a computer beating a human at poker seems like it should be simple. It's not. But we've seen computers win at Go, Jeopardy!, checkers, and even chess. So why not poker? It's a game of incomplete information. Computers are good at games that have lots of available information, not games lacking in it. But poker often has more information available than we care to admit. Betting trends are like prices. They give signals. Being able to sort through the signals and recognize where value lies is a skill. But humans also think and behave in linear ways. If you have a non-random betting approach, a computer should be able to sniff it out. A computer beating a human at Texas Hold 'em, even a limited table such as this, is quite a feat. The fact I happen to know the inventor of the computer makes it doubly interesting for me. He presented some of his yield optimization techniques to our team several times. I have suggested to our team we bring him back in. Tuesday morning links Many Americans have an adolescent attitude towards gummint. They want stuff from it, but can feel defiant and don't want to be told what to do. Barcelona Seeks to Limit Number of Tourists With New Law' Initial Impressions: India and Mumbai First Buckingham Palace, now Windsor Castle: Time-honoured tradition of Changing the Guard is AXED amid fears of a Nice-style terrorist attack Maybe time for some extreme vetting Trump v. the Border-less Left: For progressives, the universe of victims is infinite.
Microaggressions, Macro Debate Why the Left hates tolerance - On the shallowness of left-wing “inclusivity.” An American Leader FLASHBACK: Chuck Schumer in 2015: “REFUGEE PAUSE MAY BE NECESSARY!” Flashback 2006: Senators Clinton & Obama Vote For Secure Fence Act, Bush Signs Bill FLASHBACK: Democrats Tried To Block Thousands Of Vietnam War Refugees, Including Orphans Diaz-Balart: Where was the outrage when Obama blocked Cubans? Trump fires acting AG after Justice Department staff told not to defend refugee order New Rasmussen Poll Reveals Silent Majority Approves Of Immigration Ban Trump signs “one-in, two-out” EO to reduce federal regulations Millions Of Lost American Jobs Show The High Cost Of Unfettered Free Trade Trump's team gets ready for Supreme Court fight Saul Alinsky in the White House...Still? Monday, January 30. 2017Trump Protects U.S., World Gets EnragedStory here. Maybe "the world" can learn something from Trump.
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Monday morning links
Scientists finally figured out how to make tomatoes taste good again GMO technology Eat More Peppers, Live Longer; Eat More Grilled Meat, Die Sooner - Exploring the absurdities of modern nutritional epidemiology. "I'm A Woman Who Went To The Women's March And The March For Life. The Differences Were Stunning" A union in Ohio is actually cutting their pension benefits Trump’s EPA Secretary Will Have ‘16,000 Employees Working Against Him’ Good Grief: We Need To Keep Obamacare Because Of ‘Climate Change’ The Media Honestly Doesn’t Get It The Real Relevance of '1984' Today Trump's Unconstitutional Attack on Sanctuary Cities - How the president’s executive order debases the Constitution. Soros Bankrolling Effort to Stop Trump’s Temporary Refugee Halt Order Obama Banned all Iraqi Refugees for 6 Months in 2011 – Liberals SAID NOTHING! Epic – Is Team Trump Baiting Liberal Media and Refugee Protesters By Using Obama’s Own Policy?… President Trump's Immigration Ban is Magnificently Right NY Times Pukes All Over Trump's Refugee Ban Washington Post solicits immigration sob stories The real shocker: Trump is a politician who delivers on his promises Newt Gingrich: The left should be scared to death after Trump's first week Trump sets 5-year and lifetime lobbying ban for officials LAT: When it comes to Trump, liberals can’t see shades of gray
UN Ambassador Haley: 'There is a new US at the UN' Sunday, January 29. 2017The outrageFunny, isn't it? There was no outrage when Obama passed those immigration restrictions in 2015 which Trump just reinstated. None. Stunning media malpractice on Trump suspension of entry. Also, What's the real deal on this 'Muslim ban'? Also, Reynolds: The immigration debate hurts the Dems most because it makes clear that they don’t really care about American citizens.
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Saturday, January 28. 2017Woman Power
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Saturday morning links
"Banal"? The Forgotten Holocaust: The Films of Boris Maftsir How School Choice Changed These Brothers’ Lives. Let Jerry Brown Turn California Into A Socialist Utopia MSM BIAS: Headlines From the Women's March vs. March for Life Prove It The men's march against fascism How Do You Measure "Success" In K-12 Education? Freedom of speech and the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act on college campuses The Neocon Lament - Nobody wants them in Trump's Washington Scientific American: Trump Mexican Border Wall will be a “Climate Mistake” Humiliating Mexico over the Wall Would Be a Big Mistake Ohio State class teaches students to detect and respond to microaggressions, white privilege Microscope skills required Trump: Persecuted Christian refugees will get priority Immigration Priorities: Translators, and Victims of Genocide Trump argument bolstered: Clinton could have received 800,000 votes from noncitizens NBC’s Chuck Todd: Media knew how ‘hated’ Hillary was in heartland and we ‘underplayed’ it Trump remains completely clueless on trade. Scarborough warns Trump on fighting with the press: The media always wins Voters Like What Trump Is Doing, and They Can’t Stand the Press Press Pretends to Fact-Check Trump, But Only Misleads Readers Surprise! Trump doing what he said he would Flashback: President Obama Encourages Illegal Immigrants to Vote Trump is already killing people At Ace:
Germany: A Ministry of Truth is an assault on truth. Europe Proposes "Restrictions On Payments In Cash" Why Trump Should Support a Kurdish State Mexico: Peña Nieto and the Juarez cartel What military Aid to Israel Buys America Friday, January 27. 2017Vox schools the WaPo
How deeply invested is the WaPo in spinning tales to make Trump look bad?
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Friday morning links
Making New York’s Airports Great Again - Port Authority mismanagement has made air travel in the metro area a Third World experience—but there’s a better way. California’s High-Speed Rail: Slow, Expensive, and Bound for Cancellation Is it Time We Stopped Viewing Schools as the Best Parent? Map of the African slave trade It’s Not The State’s Job To Pay For Your Art Hobby — Or Your TV Shows - Let's remove the state’s imprimatur from art. The “Weirding” of Sex - The concept of “affirmative consent” brings bureaucrats into bed. Segregation Now! VIDEO OF THE DAY: HOW TO SHUT DOWN A SILLY PROTEST Sundance Moonbats Offer Profound Scientific Arguments For Global Warming, Claim It Will Destroy Our “Landbase” To Have “Sex”… Dalrymple on the wealth gap Libs Who Want To Move To Canada Blocked By Its Strict Immigration Policies Bernie Is Blind to Compassion without Compulsion In the Civil War Between Right and Left, Only the Latter Fights Ferociously 'This is an emergency': Left-leaning sites grapple with Trump's defiant attempts to undercut the media They are as determined to destroy Trump as they were determined to cover for Obama. What is Trump supposed to do? EPA Workers "Coming To Work In Tears;" Still Not Have Accepted Trump's Win Trump Playing Rope-a-Dope with the Media Trump Fires Border Patrol's Pro-Amnesty Boss Trump Week One: The return of the nation-state Can Trump Bell the Progressive Cat? The battle to shrink the last half-century of hypertrophied statism and leftist tyranny. If he can't, nobody can VDH: Trump turned the world upside down Donald Trump Is The First President To Turn Postmodernism Against Itself - No one should be surprised that postmodern America chose an antihero to be our next president. Donald Trump's Revolution To Undo Barack Obama's Revolution - Trump's gutting of Obamacare is a breeze of freedom on a sea of regulation. Shaken by Trump’s Criticism of NATO, Europe Mulls Building Own Military Force Time for Europe to grow up Europe's Hate-America Brigade is Back in business. Iran's Axis of Resistance Rises - How It's Forging a New Middle East Borders: Why Australia Day Matters Thursday, January 26. 2017Thursday morning links
Photo, and more: "My Little Old Sod Shanty on the Plains" No trees out there, for various reasons Mary Tyler Moore, RIP She provided years of innocent delight A woman flew through a tornado in a bathtub and survived College Student Mistakes Lab Equipment for Klan Rally What's Causing Chicago’s Homicide Spike? Government is confused, but it's clearly Researchers uncover vast numbers of unknown Nazi killing fields The $7 billion school improvement grant program: Greatest failure in the history of the US Department of Education? Money is rarely a solution for education Bourbons of the Press, Believed by But 15%, Straggle on in Defeat Was the Women's March a revolution — or a self-indulgent dead end? Trump is the revolution Dem Rep. Barbara Lee: Republicans Want Women To Die From Abortions… Why The Democrats' Rise Is Far From Inevitable Are performers dumber than normal people? Like most people, I just assume this is so, because actors tend to say stupid things when not following a script. Poll: Voters liked Trump’s ‘America first’ address Trump's Great Wall Will Be Costly and Useless and Mexico Won't Pay For It Trump’s intervention into policing, voting and immigration sets up showdown with America’s largest cities Texas Reps Move to Protect States’ Rights to Refuse Refugees Suddenly, people are for state's rights. Local power vs. federal power - a good battle Defeated candidate Clinton considers launching liberal television show to lay the groundwork for ANOTHER White House run Trump Administration Preparing Executive Orders To Drastically Reduce U.S. Role in U.N. CNN Quietly Releases Updated Pic Showing Trump’s Inaugural Crowd Size Greater than Obama’s 2009 Inaugural Crowd Woops Sanctuary Cities must still obey the Constitution ‘America’s Having a Love Affair With Tucker Carlson’: Morning Joe Panel Praises Fox Host How Trump is remaking the ‘culture war’ Networks Give 129 Times More Coverage to Women's March on Washington Than March for Life Trump expected to order temporary ban on refugees What if Trump ran Britain? Germany Unleashes New 'Ministry Of Truth' Confronting China's Slow Invasion of the South China Sea Is Long Overdue Why is this America's problem? Former CIA director: US must keep military option in Iran open Wednesday, January 25. 2017Campus disinvitations
I do not blame tiny minorities of obnoxious, noisy bullies. I blame spineless, castrati administrators. In recent years, even comedians have been barred from some campi. Indeed, Milo is more entertainer than anything else. Reminds me of the equally-charismatic and anti-establishment Lenny Bruce, also banned in Boston. Not many ballsy people make careers as college administrators.
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Wednesday morning links
What the Death of the Circus Means for Today’s Kids DOOMSDAY PREP FOR THE SUPER-RICH Al Gore Dodges a Question About Why His '10 Year' Warning Was an Inconvenient Falsehood For ten years he has refused to debate anybody Bummer: ‘Climate Change’ To Lead To More Pleasant UK Weather The emptiness behind NYC’s rising high-school-graduation rates Jonah on the Pussy March: I think this is all really quite inane and morally grotesque. Yazidi Women Sold As Sex Slaves as Vulgar, Privileged, Liberal Women March Against Trump Z-man on American regionalism:
DNC Chair Candidate Wants to "Shut Other White People Down" Nice, tolerant, inclusive Morning Joe to Aides Who Counseled Trump’s Combativeness: ‘You’re a Disgrace, Leave Today’ Trump can never stop stepping on his message with petty nonsense Why the Left hates tolerance - On the shallowness of left-wing “inclusivity.” Lefty tantrums:
Bill Clinton on Illegal Immigration, 1995 Sounded exactly like Trump Governor Greg Abbott hammers a Texas sheriff after she refuses to comply with immigration laws In 2009, media drooled over Obama. To Trump they bare their teeth. Trump is typical, a pragmatist On Wednesday, Trump To Order Building Of Wall, Tighten Border Security… The 7 Most Egregious Acts Of ‘Social Justice’ In Obama’s Military Is Brazil ready for freedom and a free-market economy? Kerry Says Repressive Vietnam 'Embracing' Freedom Tuesday, January 24. 2017Tuesday morning links Scott Adams on his Talent Stack The highly unusual company behind Sriracha, the world’s coolest hot sauce Delicious. I put it on burgers, cottage cheese, pizza, Thai take-out, scrambled eggs
Trump has already redecorated the Oval Office That was quick. The guy doesn't waste time. The culture that is San Francisco Why is Chicago so corrupt? In Jefferson County, Colorado, George Soros found 'justice was not for sale' Judge fears Yale has forgotten commitment to free expression Obama's net worth is $12 million It always amazes me how rich public servants can become Surber: President Trump Made JFK and Reagan Stand Up and Cheer Foxconn CEO Plans $7 Billion Investment in U.S. Display-Making Plant The "workers" of American will learn to love what Trump is doing. The elites, not so much. Trump Wins The Unions: Teamsters Praise TPP Withdrawal, Labor Chiefs Describe "Incredible" Meeting With Trump:
The Collapse Of The Left's Great Con Did the Washington Post just come out against sanctuary cities? Sanctuary Cities: Restricting law enforcement risks public safety How Donald Trump can be America's change agent Trump Targets 3 Agencies With Ambitious Budget Cuts How Trump is remaking the ‘culture war’ Donald Trump, American hero - Sinner though he may be, Donald Trump is this generation's incarnation of John Bunyan's pilgrim, writes David P. Goldman. Like a character from Sinclair Lewis or Frank Capra, he stands as a lone wolf ready to avenge the injustices of globalization ‘Glad TPP is dead’: Sanders & Dems applaud Trump for pulling out of global trade deal The Obama years were tough ones for state budgets. Can Donald Trump reverse the damage? Netherlands PM says those who don't respect customs should leave China orders more than 100 golf courses shut French Socialist party in trouble; story is similar throughout Europe Advice for Mexico A LIST OF PRODUCTS AND SERVICES TO PROPERLY BOYCOTT ISRAEL EU Funding to NGOs Active in Anti-Israel BDS Campaigns WERE THE ARABS INDIGENOUS TO MANDATORY PALESTINE? Monday, January 23. 2017Who is George Soros?5 Easy Pieces for President Trump
"President Trump" does not seem real to me, but "President Obama" never did either. From Sen. Judd Gregg, Five easy pieces
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Goodbye, Barry. My final post about the Obama administration.I am happy to see him go because he was foolish, naive, and deluded about so many things. I will give him credit for being an effective campaigner, though. "Articulate," as Biden said. An engaging talker (who could do either black-talk or white-talk), if entirely self-centered which I suppose can happen if both your mother and father abandon you in childhood. Via an Insty link, Obama talking brilliantly and content-free in South Carolina:
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