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Saturday, March 25. 2017Saturday morning links
Scientists Warn That The Coming California Megaquake Could Plunge Large Portions Of The State Into The Ocean Sheesh. I blame climate change. We have good friends there but I guess they can all swim. Higher CO2 made agriculture possible Dalrymple: Worms have rights too:
Forget Immigrants. Technology is Killing Jobs Imagine it’s 2020 and Trump is spying on Democratic candidate Kamala Harris. Documentary on Yale Reveals How Scary U.S. Campuses Have Become Wellesley College Insulates Students From Ideologically Noncompliant Speakers Fragile girls? Charles Murray speaks at Columbia, with support of nearly 150 faculty members Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore Lead Nation in Population Loss; Maricopa County Has Biggest Gain Black Man Arrested In Charleston, SC For Writing Racist, Misogynistic And Anti-Gay Graffiti… "Israeli police on Thursday arrested a 19-year-old hacker who they said was the main suspect in a wave of bomb threats against Jewish community centers in the United States..." Ayaan Hirsi Ali to Liberals: Terrorists “don’t say thank you for being PC” She sees apologetic attitude about Western Civ Canada Passes 'Blasphemy' Bill To Silence Critics Of Islam To a man and woman, nearly every one of the 237 Republicans elected to the House last November made the same promise to voters: Give us control of Congress and the White House, and we will repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. Paul Ryan Is Solely To Blame For RyanCare's Demise Bad plan, bad bill. The Stupid Party. The Conservatives Made a Mistake New Analysis: Obamacare Regulations Drove Up Premium Costs by Up to 68% Texas signs first-ever trade agreement with Samaria region Comments
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" Scientists Warn That The Coming California Megaquake Could Plunge Large Portions Of The State Into The Ocean". That is what half of the country is hoping for as one way to get rid of the problem of California.
QUOTE: Imagine it’s 2020 and Trump is spying on Democratic candidate Kamala Harris... Faced with that scenario, who thinks the press would be mocking Harris’s claim that her campaign was wiretapped by its enemies? So why are reporters mocking Trump’s? Because there's no evidence that Obama "tapp {sic} his phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!” There is evidence — which has been available for some time — that the U.S. government was surveilling Russian agents, and that people inside the Trump campaign were making contact with these Russian agents. If they can get Dennis Montgomery to the hearings that will show that not only Trump but chief justices, justices, judges, businessmen and even congress has been illegally surveilled for years. He has thousands of pages and dozens of hard drives showing the illegal activity of these intelligence agencies. That should help shrink government administration.
Dennis Montgomery? The one who falsely claimed that al Jazeera was sending coded messages and that he had a computer program that could decode the messages? That Dennis Montgomery? QUOTE: Ayaan Hirsi Ali to Liberals: Terrorists “don’t say thank you for being PC” No. It's out of consideration for the vast majority of Muslims who aren't terrorists, and in the interest of fighting terrorism by not allowing the West to be painted as an enemy of Islam. Mistake, Zack.
Nobody in the West would give a darn about Islam if they would leave us alone. BD: Nobody in the West would give a darn about Islam if they would leave us alone.
Leave us alone — Osama bin Laden IIRC, UBL gave the fact that non-Muslim armed forces were in Saudi Arabia as one of his reasons for 9/11. I guess we should have stayed out of the Iraq/Kuwait issue entirely and let Iraq attack Saudi Arabia next.
mudbug: I guess we should have stayed out of the Iraq/Kuwait issue entirely and let Iraq attack Saudi Arabia next.
Keep in mind that the western powers overthrew the democratic government of Iran, which led to the Iranian Revolution, which led the western powers to arm Iraq as a counter. And so on and so on. We don't accept bin Laden's justifications, however, BD's point about Muslims leaving the West alone rings hollow.
2017-03-25 14:43
You are a total fool. You will still be making excuses for them after they enslave your family and are ready to cut your head off. This was never about us leaving them alone, it was always about them creating an Islamic world. There are only two possibilities going forward: Either we kill enough of them to make them stop and leave us alone or they kill enough of us and force us to commit to Islam or die. There was never another choice since early in the 7th century. It was always going to come to this. What created the situation we see today was oil money and it had nothing to do with us bothering them or any other excuse you can come up with.
As for the vast majority of muslims who aren't terrorists don't for a second think that they are moderate or peace loving. They will gladly hold you down when the radical/terrorist muslims cut your head off. It is their religion, their belief, their philosophy. They intend to win and winning means everyone else must lose. Sooner or later the fools will figure this out but probably not in time to save themselves.
2017-03-25 16:47
Not sure that hyperventilating makes for much of an argument.
2017-03-26 09:28
That is the best response you've got? Can't think of a single reason we should all roll over and let Islam dominate us? Come on I expect better from a bleeding heart liberal. Surely you want to call me names, Hitler or xenophobe! But you got nothing.
The stupid leaders like Obama, Merkel, Trudeau, Cameron and others have doomed us to a life or death fight with Islamist. But the worst part is that they have arranged it so that we will do it in our own countries amongst our families while they will be disguised as our neighbors. They have opened the gate and pulled the Trojan Horse inside. They did it knowingly and intentionally. We will all pay for that stupid mistake regardless of if you were for it or against it. There is no other possibility. The radical Muslims will kill you and the moderate Muslims will raise money to support them in killing you. And of course our own Liberals will support them as well and feign surprise at every attack.
2017-03-26 10:12
GoneWithTheWind: That is the best response you've got?
Our position is already noted in the first comment on the topic: the vast majority of Muslims aren't terrorists. You ignored our position in lieu of hyperventilating. GoneWithTheWind: let Islam dominate us? Reactionary forces in the Middle East are responding to the hegemony of Western civilization, which is predominant in nearly all spheres; economic, political, cultural. These reactionary forces do not represent an existential threat to the West, and their societies will be irrevocably changed by confrontation with modernity. This is what frightens them, and it is their very weakness that leads them to the last resort of terrorism.
2017-03-26 10:35
I do believe that you are simply naive and don't understand the threat. You may have no interest in Islam but Islam has an interest in you. Until that threat is up close and personal you are going to ignore it and call the Paul Revere's of the world names. You can ignore reality, but you cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality. There are really only two possibilities: 1 Radical jihadist continue and increase their attacks until finally the West has had enough and goes to war against Islam. 2 Radical Islam gets a weapon of mass destruction and uses it against a large Western city and the West goes to war against Islam.
This daydream that the radical Islamist are just reacting to real or imagined acts of the West is foolish and misleading. It is the elite and the ruling classes way of trying to emulate Neville Chamberlain. I don't think this insanity/denial can be fixed. That is no one can use logic and reason to change your mind since your position on this was not the result of logic and reason. The left believes in "one world" and they know they cannot have it with a strong America and a strong American middle class so it must be destroyed. Immigration/diversity is the tool to destroy it. If a lot of people must die from bringing these 7th century barbarians into the civilized world than so be it as long as the elite aren't the ones getting stabbed, beheaded, run over or bombed.
2017-03-26 22:05
GoneWithTheWind: 1 Radical jihadist continue and increase their attacks until finally the West has had enough and goes to war against Islam.
Where have you been? The U.S. is already engaged in military conflict. Do you think invading Indonesia would make any difference? Or do you want to intern Muslim Americans for the duration? GoneWithTheWind: 2 Radical Islam gets a weapon of mass destruction and uses it against a large Western city and the West goes to war against Islam. Only a nuclear device would significantly change the equation. That's why nuclear cooperation and non-proliferation are essential. GoneWithTheWind: This daydream that the radical Islamist are just reacting to real or imagined acts of the West is foolish and misleading. The daydream is to pretend that Western meddling in the Middle East in the pursuit of cheap oil hasn't been a factor in the political instability there, to wake up as if history starts today.
2017-03-27 10:05
Does islam consider the western form of civilization IT'S enemy? If so, what should our reaction be? Dale: Does islam consider the western form of civilization IT'S enemy?
Islam is not a single entity, but a group of widely disparate cultures around the world. Most Muslims do not hate the West; however, radicals have been inflamed by continued foreign military incursions into majority-Muslim territories. Zuchriels, the vast majority of islams is pro-terrorist, even if most of them don't strap on bomb vests.
why haven't you been fitted for one? Mrs. Boffin's Third Grade Class: the vast majority of islams is pro-terrorist
Muslims are a highly disparate group. "There is a wide range of Muslim attitudes toward terrorism. Most surveys find a majority of Muslims oppose terrorism, while a relevant minority is in support of it." On a related note, Pew found in the U.S: • 69% of Muslims think religion is very important in their lives, about the same as Christians; • 47% of Muslims attend services once a week, about the same as Christians; and • 35% of Muslims believe theirs is the one true faith, again, about the same as Christians. you should take a few debate lessons, you'll be less embarrassed.
none of the responses you made negated our point that while islams might come in all colors, they all are pro-terrorists, or liars. Mrs. Boffin's Third Grade Class: you should take a few debate lessons, you'll be less embarrassed.
That's funny. • You made an unsubstantiated claim. • We provided evidence that your claim is false ("negated"). • Instead of addressing the evidence, you engage in ad hominem.
2017-03-26 09:34
RE Forget Immigrants. Technology is Killing Jobs
it is time for the Butlerian Jihad " Wellesley College Insulates Students From Ideologically Noncompliant Speakers
Fragile girls? " Why are all these girls such shrieking violets? March Madness? I don't even like basketball. RE Participating In Your Office’s March Madness Pool Makes You A Criminal
QUOTE: Rather than seeing legal sports betting as the enemy of sports competition, we should see it as an ally to protect sports. Using powerful algorithms, sports leagues (the NCAA included) can use sports wagering technology as an “early warning system” to uncover potential signs of corruption. forget leagues, it was Las Vegas sports books motivated by unexpected losses who detected the NBA points-shaving scandal of a few years ago. Sharia law comes to Canada. I am just dumbfounded. We are watching the end of Western Civilization, and are willing participants in it. Cheering it along. Ho hum, how are my bracket picks doing?
QUOTE: Canada Passes 'Blasphemy' Bill To Silence Critics Of Islam Several mosques and synagogues have been recently attacked in Canada. M-103 is a non-binding motion, not a law, calling for research into how to go about "reducing or eliminating systemic racism and religious discrimination, including Islamophobia." B. Hammer--I am almost daily pointing out something along these lines to my husband. He laughs because I seem surprised every time. Like you, I believe we are slowly watching Western civilization destroy itself. I am sure my ancestors who gave so much to get us to this point would be in a rage if they could see us.
"Canada Passes 'Blasphemy' Bill To Silence Critics Of Islam"
While I am firmly of the opinion that the term "Islamophobia" is an utterly bogus one and any MP who voted for M-103 richly deserves to be punted from office at the very next opportunity, this is a private member's motion and NOT a bill; it will not result in the establishment of any law. (Indeed, an attempt to formalize "Islamophobia" into a bill and subsequent law would be a minefield since the word would first have to be clearly defined. Good luck with that.) Sharia Law in Canada brings me to the subject I wanted to ask Dr. Joy Bliss about this morning: what is it in the human being that continually refuses to acknowledge when bad things are happening? How do they go into that denial and most importantly why? I understand that sometimes it is a condition inherited in the social make up of the personal family, i.e. passed from one generation to the next. What I want to know is if there is something in the physical make up of an individual that can be passed genetically. A condition whereby even the youngest child is too docile, too compliant, too immune to any difficulty? Is there a relationship between "slightly slow" people and those who are constantly in denial of things evil? I know the rest of you MF'ers will have a good laugh at this question, but I am hoping that the doc will come back with a well documented/researched response and sincere attempt to answer my question. Thank you
I think that is an excellent question. Why are we here in the west so self loathing? Why do we seem to despise all that our ancestors built? We must be the most self-destructive civilization ever.
I am, of course, speaking as a whole, not individually. There are plenty of us willing to defend western civilization. The perception is that we are in the minority, which very well may be the case, however slight the percentage may be. B.Hammer: Why are we here in the west so self loathing?
You seem to be conflating self-questioning, a tradition in Western civilization going back to Socrates, with self-loathing. If anything, Western civilization has always been culturally hegemonic, rapidly assimilating and often overwhelming other traditions. Re: Conservatives made a mistake
So that said, if the president now finds himself humiliated by the conservative leadership... if the president now finds himself unable to work with Republicans on the Hill... if in two years, the president finds that he no longer even has a Republican majority in the house... many conservatives may find they have paved the way toward an essentially left-wing presidency. Many conservatives thought electing Trump paved the way toward an essentially left-wing presidency, a RINO-led Congress plus a Rockefeller Republican president. The essential question is whether Big Government is a good thing when the right top men are in charge or a bad thing no matter what. Repeal Obamacare all together on the premise that the best thing government can do is get out of the way or tinker with socialized medicine on the premise that there's a way to get this right if only we have the right people in charge? One of those ways is already leftism no matter what you call it - no need to fret that it might merely lead to leftism. This is just more of the "hold your nose and vote for the RINO because at least he doesn't have a (D) next to his name" sort of thing the donkeys in the GOP have been braying for half my life. Accept the GOP form of Obamacare because it's good for the GOP? What's the use of supporting the GOP if the GOP is just going to be Dem-Lite? At least the Dems are honest and upfront about their love of Big Government. And if you bothered listening to Trump, you know he doesn't have a problem with Big Government, either. It just needs the right Top Man in charge. Obamacare is illegal and unconstitutional.
The only thing that should have been passed is a one line bill, reading: "The Affordable Health Care Act is repealed in its entirety, effective January 1, 2018." Now we get to watch the American health care system completely collapse as Obama implodes. Health care is going to become a cash-only business. |
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