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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Wednesday, February 8. 2017Wednesday morning links
RIP Hans Rosling, Who Saw and Explained Our Wonderful World Sowell: Education at a Crossroads More on the why the education establishment so loathes Betsy DeVos. She wants poor people to have a choice Re Devos: “This is not a job for amateurs,” the former “Saturday Night Live” comedian added. 92% of left wing activists arrested by police live with their parents Explains a lot Former Planned Parenthood managers: We had to meet quotas for abortions It's a sales job House Committee Moves Forward With Investigation Into NOAA Climate Manipulation Chief of 84 Lumber Speaks Out on Super Bowl Ad - She's pro-Trump, pro-border wall It turns out that there is a “wage gap” at Audi. America's Latest Social Crisis: Couples Call It Quits Over Trump Calling Out Feminists on Shame of Not Calling Out Islam Williamson: Approve the Cabinet Z-man: Progressives and Race The ‘Fake News’ Problem - Why the left is also responsible for the proliferation of inaccurate information—and why the big beneficiary is Donald Trump
What should the Dems do? The Longest Nooooo!
Mohammed Rapes 13 Year-Old Swedish Girl in School Toilet – Gets 2 Months in Prison Isn't tolerance beautiful? Muslim Brotherhood Making Inroads in Germany, Says Senior Intel Official 55% Of Europeans Agree With Trump: "Muslim Immigration Should Be Banned" Trackbacks
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Entering a country without legal right to do so isn't heroic, it's illegal. Let's test it. Let's get to together and try to sneak into China and see if they will treat us as heroes if we manage it. Or we could pose as Guatemalans and try to sneak into Mexico. I wonder what will happen if they catch us? Make a commercial celebrating our heroism?
But, but, we have been told for decades that women in power would be more selfless and noble, more altruistic and fair, more inclusive, more compassionate and empathetic, more honest, less given to violence, and waaaiitt for it, defenders of the defenseless,........ This article and Project Veritas provide an alternate image of women, in power, being just as self serving, greedy, sneaky, exploitive, vile, and soulless as any gangbanger, robber baron, thug, plantation owner, or racketeer.
Exasperated: But, but, we have been told for decades that women in power would be more selfless and noble, more altruistic and fair, more inclusive, more compassionate and empathetic, more honest, less given to violence, and waaaiitt for it, defenders of the defenseless
Heh. History contradicts that narrative. It does provide a larger talent pool, however. "Re Devos: 'This is not a job for amateurs,' the former 'Saturday Night Live' comedian added."
A nation that prides itself on its democratic, egalitarian virtues ought to oppose rule by technocratic oligarchy as a fundamental principle. Ref rape story:
Julian Assange (WikiLeaks) is holed up because of old questionable charges under Sweden's arcane permissions laws regarding a woman he already had a sexual relationship with. If he had claimed to b a Muslim minor, he'd be free. "What should the Dems do? The Longest Nooooo!"
Tim Blair down under offers some advice: "Attention, Trump haters! You all want to get rid of the 45th President of the United States, and that’s fair enough, but you’re going about it completely the wrong way. Honestly, it’s almost as though none of you has any political skills at all. Please sit quietly for a time and pay careful attention while you read the following idiot-proof seven-point guide to Trump removal." http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/blogs/tim-blair/seven-steps-to-success/news-story/d8d90b899a45c1049d14aa2bc9df8147 "92% of left wing activists arrested by police live with their parents"
This is why the protests are merely a gnat. Not like the Tea Party event back in 2009 that put the fear in DC, both Republican and Democrat. You could hear it in their reactions and see it in the quick rush to vulgarity. The Tea Party attendees weren't bored college students or living with their parents. They were parents. They had taken time off jobs, skipped soccer practice and dance recitals to be there. So they had to be destroyed and when they went home, the MSM and DC rejoiced. But here we are 8 years later.... RE DeVos: I visited a charter school in the Bronx awhile back and it was very impressive. The students were the most polite and orderly I'd ever seen. I was really surprised at the massive difference from the PSs.
Anyway, I say it's more than just unions behind opposition - especially to vouchers. People pay top dollar to live in areas with the "best schools". Otherwise PC leftists will come right out and say they picked their house "For The Schools". It's the pat excuse for hipster types to live in the suburbs. It's also the loudest of all racial dog whistles. The last thing they want is city kids invading the school that their trophy snowflake attends. Mark my words, racist SJWs are going to start complaining that they have to pay for their kids to go to private school because Trump. 3rd reason they oppose school choice is that more poor kids will elevate themselves from dependency to the middle class. Progs will lose votes. QUOTE: House Committee Moves Forward With Investigation Into NOAA Climate Manipulation The so-called whistle-blower has already walked back the original reporting. QUOTE: AP: However Bates, who acknowledges that Earth is warming from man-made carbon dioxide emissions, said in the interview that there was "no data tampering, no data changing, nothing malicious." ... "The study has been reproduced independently of Karl et al - that's the ultimate platinum test of whether a study is to be believed or not," McNutt {editor of Science at the time the paper was published and now president of the National Academy of Sciences} said. "And this study has passed." QUOTE: Calling Out Feminists on Shame of Not Calling Out Islam NOW Supports Legislation that Denounces ‘Honor’ Killings and Violence Against Women QUOTE: Mohammad recruited followers by offering them sex slaves captured from the caravans and then villages they looted. Numbers 31, 17-18: Now therefore, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who has known a man intimately. But keep alive for yourselves all the young girls who have not known a man intimately. your anti-Semitism is well known. but using a tu quoque fallacy comparing islam to a bronze age writing is laughable.
Thought Kriminal No. 392342-A: but using a tu quoque fallacy comparing islam to a bronze age writing is laughable.
We do not claim that one justifies the other. We simply provided another example of a theocratic society that killed adults and boys yet kept the female virgins for themselves. At this point, you might remember Blount's conclusion "From evil seeds grow evil trees." WE THINK that when you juxtapose the Book of Numbers and ISIS in a comparative context you're making a tu quoque fallacious argument, even if you don't understand it. your concession that you have a poor grasp of English enforces this, but does not excuse it, because you come into this forum uneducated at your own risk.
I can't deal with your juvenile comments, I'm turning this job over to one of my dogs. Thought Kriminal No. 392342-A: WE THINK that when you juxtapose the Book of Numbers and ISIS in a comparative context you're making a tu quoque fallacious argument, even if you don't understand it.
You think wrong. A tu quoque {literally, "you too"} refers to the characteristics of the speaker, in particular, their supposed hypocrisy. Our juxtaposition, on the other hand, is meant to show an inconsistency in the stated position.
2017-02-08 14:57
you were caught making a tu quoque argument, otherwise, a plainly stupid analogy.
wikipedia won't help you, ever. grow up, you've been schooled again.
Thought Kriminal's Beagle
2017-02-08 15:16
Thought Kriminal No. 392342-A: you were caught making a tu quoque argument
We explained why it wasn't. You can address the argument, or continue to divert. That's up to you.
2017-02-08 16:40
stringing words together is not an argument or an explanation. an ipse dixit assertion, especially from you, is not anything worth addressing, except to point out another of your endless diversions and deceits.
you got burned again using terms and concepts you're clueless about. deal with it.
Thought Kriminal's Beagle
2017-02-08 18:59
Not sure why you refuse to address the topic. Be honest. Are you trolling?
2017-02-09 08:59
I Timothy 1-2: "Treat . . . older women as mothers, and younger women as sisters, with absolute purity."
In this thread Thought Criminal exposed the lying Z-bot(s) inability to debate - if you can call machine language debate - in anything approaching good faith.
Given that neither real curiosity, objectivity, or especially human reflection pollute its tin and silicon, let's see how long it takes it to compose a sentient reply to your verse. While physically impossible, the Z-bot(s) output is the sound of turds clattering. Thank you! We can find more like this in the New Testament. This pretty much covers it all: John 13:34-35, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
I'm giving up arguing with the Z-Bot for Lent. I know it is a few weeks off, but I need to get into practice. It is incredibly difficult for me. It really is like banging your head against the wall. B. Hammer: We can find more like this in the New Testament.
Of course you can. And we can also find many more instances in the Old Testament where God directly caused or commanded genocide. Some Christians do not share your particular beliefs, some are Old Testament Christians, and then there is that sect of followers of the Old Testament who do not accept the New Testament. Perhaps you have heard of them. QUOTE: "I command you to be kind to women." — Muhammad "I command..." Ha! Who did he think he was, some kind of god, or king or something? And, I reckon from the history I've read, that his next action after speaking those words was to swing his sword in the general direction of the throat of whomever he was addressing... GK Chesterton best explains the foibles of Islam... “There is in Islam a paradox which is perhaps a permanent menace. The great creed born in the desert creates a kind of ecstasy out of the very emptiness of its own land, and even, one may say, out of the emptiness of its own theology. It affirms, with no little sublimity, something that is not merely the singleness but rather the solitude of God. There is the same extreme simplification in the solitary figure of the Prophet; and yet this isolation perpetually reacts into its own opposite. A void is made in the heart of Islam which has to be filled up again and again by a mere repetition of the revolution that founded it. There are no sacraments; the only thing that can happen is a sort of apocalypse, as unique as the end of the world; so the apocalypse can only be repeated and the world end again and again. There are no priests; and yet this equality can only breed a multitude of lawless prophets almost as numerous as priests. The very dogma that there is only one Mahomet produces an endless procession of Mahomets. Of these the mightiest in modern times were the man whose name was Ahmed, and whose more famous title was the Mahdi; and his more ferocious successor Abdullahi, who was generally known as the Khalifa. These great fanatics, or great creators of fanaticism, succeeded in making a militarism almost as famous and formidable as that of the Turkish Empire on whose frontiers it hovered, and in spreading a reign of terror such as can seldom be organised except by civilisation…” Typical out-of-context distortion of scripture.
The Moabites had already prostituted their own daughters to incite G-d's wrath and encourage rebellious elements of the Jewish people. (Their religious fetish was the worship of Ba'al Pe'or - "pe'or" means exposing oneself. The high point of this pagan ritual was relieving oneself before the holy site.... LOVELY people, no doubt they'd have voted Democrat). The "have not known a man" standard was a way to distinguish those women who participated in the undermining of Jewish society with those who did not. Ben David: The Moabites had already prostituted their own daughters to incite G-d's wrath and encourage rebellious elements of the Jewish people.
And the penalty was death to everyone, including children, except the female virgins, which they kept. That was then; this is now. To conflate one small verse given to the ancient Israelis WAAY WAAY back in the day and the writings of Mohammed much more recently as to the recommended treatment of captured women is totally disingenuous. No Jew today would take that particular verse as a directive about treating non-Jewish women. However, far too many Muslims - ISIS being the most extreme example - use Mohammid's words as a justification for slavery and rape of women - think Yazidis and Christians in the territories they conquered.
Frances: That was then; this is now.
You are very close to the point. Frances: To conflate one small verse given to the ancient Israelis WAAY WAAY back in the day It's not just a single verse, but a series of genocidal events. Frances: and the writings of Mohammed much more recently as to the recommended treatment of captured women is totally disingenuous. More recent, but still more than a millennium ago. Frances: No Jew today would take that particular verse as a directive about treating non-Jewish women. Nor would the vast majority of Muslims. And now you have made the point. The federal judge in Washington state showed a bias against the president and lack f understanding of the constitution that borders on malpractice. He was of course carefully selected for this case by opposition forces who shopped around for a judge sympathetic to their agenda. The three judges in the 9th circuit also showed a lack of knowledge about the constitution and proceeded to ask questions totally outside the purview of the case seemingly in an attempt to find something, anything to allow them to legislate rather than to be judges. It is past time that we identify these bad judges by their actions and impeach them to protect the country from their ignorance and malice.
you can't select which federal judge you want to hear a case, they're randomly assigned based on case number.
I get that you're worked up into a kind of hormonal rage over a decision you don't like, but you're throwing the same kind of tantrum the snowflakey Left is. Trump and his legal team knew exactly what was going to happen; any educated observer knows this is headed to the USSC and will be decided on grounds other than those that resulted in the restraining order. you won't understand any of that, but that's ok, its above your pay grade. No, but you can certainly choose the district in which you file your claim, knowing that no matter the outcome it would be appealed to a higher court....and knowing it would go to the 9th circuit which has a history of making rulings that are unconstitutional and typically overriden by the Supreme Court.
basic litigation tactics, done all the time. just because it hurts this time doesn't make it unlawful or unethical.
We were discussing bias. Not legalities. The left chose the 9th district for a reason...BIAS in their favor. Hello. The 9th circuit has been overturned more than any other court.
Government departments know this is true and quote it to citizens all the time: "Go ahead and sue, you will lose in the 9th district." Just go ask people in the West who have tried to stand up to the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) or the EPA.
2017-02-08 14:42
its the "Ninth Circuit", made up of judicial districts. given that the case is Washington v Trump, that the State of Washington would file in the Western or Eastern District of Washington is kind of a no -brainer. where else would the State of Washington sue?
"bias" is a term of art in the legal world, either use it correctly or don't use it at all. pro-tip: you're not using it correctly. 28 U.S. Code § 144. look it up. I live in the west. I just don't live in the paranoid west.
Thought Kriminal No. 392342-A
2017-02-08 15:30
When discussing DeVos and school choice on Twitter, most lefties eventually got around to pointing out how much they hate the Bible and how awful the Bible is. I am not quite sure what school choice has to do with the Bible, but that seems to be their biggest fear: that parents will send their kids to religious schools.
So lets just get that out there: the left does not want anyone but the wealthy to have an education that includes some sort of religious class or Biblical values. The poor and middle class should not have that choice, should be forced to attend the public school in their district and shut up. That is what I got from the conversation. They did not care about bad schools, schools that are falling apart, bad teachers, worsening outcomes. None of it. All of it was about the idea that a parent should be able to choose a school that matches their values. and lefties will often cite Germany as a model of how we should abolish homeschooling. When we don't have the freedom to educate our kids in the way we think is best, it really is too late.
And yes, I realize that in Germany the fig leaf is that they don't want anyone homeschooling their kids to be Nazis. That is a straw man argument here. In America the leftists have such a monopoly on schools that they don't want our kids (or money) to have a way around their propoganda. Z: NOW Supports Legislation that Denounces ‘Honor’ Killings and Violence Against Women
How noble of them. They endorsed Keith Ellison who has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and won't denounce sharia law. Ranchers struggle to care for livestock as snow piles up
http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2017/02/08/ranchers-big-snow/97649370/ |