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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Wednesday, January 11. 2017Wednesday morning links
Cowen has a serious ear Kicking stem cells into high gear could naturally repair tooth damage In Missouri, Kids Could Now Go to Jail for Getting into Fights at Recess Some Blue-Collar Workers Probably Shouldn't Do Pink Jobs The Telltale Sign a New Hire Isn’t Fitting In How To Know Your Product Will Succeed Althouse gets into a spat with the mayor How To Fix Health Care in a Populist Moment Silicon Valley CEO: Middle America a “Sh*thole” Full of “Stupid People” Buzzfeed’s Trump report takes ‘fake news’ to a new level FAKE NEWS and CIA Fell for Incredible “Golden Shower”Fable about Trump Federal Employees Brace for Possible Draining of the Swamp Washington Post Still Searching For A Way To Stop Trump From Being President Anarchists Are Hoping To Turn Donald Trump’s Inauguration On January 20th Into One Of The Biggest Riots In U.S. History They should like Trump - he has an anarchic streak "We are making the argument that we can ruin the notion that this is a peaceful transition of power." Celebrities Head to D.C. for Trump Protest Dem Senator Blumenthal Demands Sessions Disavow David Horowitz. Sessions' answer: "He's a most brilliant individual and has a remarkable story." Disavow David Horowitz? What? Blumenthal is a maroon DISGRACEFUL: Tom Cotton Crucifies Cory Booker for Sessions Testimony VDH: What Exactly Is Trumpism? Iran to expand military spending, develop missiles What Rafsanjani Hagiography Exposes Tuesday, January 10. 2017Tuesday morning links
Image via Never Yet Melted Vibrating hot pants are the ‘smart’ invention no one knew they needed America’s Kids Badly Need a ‘Chore Culture’ I Visited The Church Of Scientology. Here’s What Happened
Inside Sears' death spiral: How an iconic American brand has been driven to the edge of bankruptcy Choosing a new car Pope Francis Now International Monetary Guru? Lightbulbs: Blinded by Green Mania California as Alt-America
We Americans are Trump’s unexpected win has Democrats coping with a vastly smaller job market for their skills. New York Jumps on the Free College Bandwagon Missing from the Intelligence Report: The Word ‘Podesta’ - Disclosure of embarrassing information should not be confused with disinformation. Barnes: Obamacare is incurable Holding Obamacare Repeal Hostage for Replace Guarantees Its Defeat After six years of resisting legislative changes to Obamacare, President Obama and Democrats now say they’re ready to work on fixes to the massive health law — so long as they expand the federal government’s role in health care. Jane Sanders Praises Colin Kaepernick for Inspiring “Respect” by his “Dignified Actions’ No doubt she is a big NFL fan Democrats silent as Israel-bashers get louder The despicable Southern Poverty Law Center. Celebrity-filled telethon set for Facebook Live on inauguration day The Left Means to Break This President Salon: Trump's oblivious denials on the Russia hack are delegitimizing his Meryl Streep’s Speech Is Why the Left Wins Farewell to a Decade of Media Drooling Over Barack Obama White Media Outraged Over Tucker Carlson’s Prime Time Spot At Fox News How softball coverage press hurt Democrats Senate Dems Opposing Trump’s Ed Sec Nom Attended Private Schools ‘We Know in Alabama Who Jeff Sessions Is’: Black Pastors Defend Trump’s AG Pick Against Charges of Racism A vote cast for Trump is kind of like a murder #MAGA: Alibaba Talking To Trump To Create 1 MILLION New US Jobs! Somebody must stop him! Revealed: The Super Epic Battle Where 100 Australian Soldiers Defeated 2,500 Viet Cong Protecting Palestine - Israel's unacknowledged role on the West Bank iBig Stick: Review of Book by Eliot Cohen Restoring America’s Defenses: A Memo to the President-Elect Monday, January 9. 2017Monday morning links Feed Your Kids Peanuts, Early and Often, New Guidelines Urge Franz Kafka, failed travel entrepreneur Rake’s Progress: A Look at the Well-Traveled Casanova We Have Pushed Physics Too Far - Parallel universes are a non-answer to a premature question. Don't Blame My Kid for Thinking Your Cross-Dressing Child Is Weird iTesla Flips the Switch on the Gigafactory Musk is expert at harvesting government $ Ten Crazy Things That Offended College Snowflakes in 2016 Why are people so terrified of Milo Yiannopoulos’s book? I blame homophobia White Hot Rage of the Left With Pedagogical Comment Brady Campaign: You Can ‘Carry a Gun and Ammo’ in Checked Bag When You Fly Of course you can. I have done so many times. Just tell them is all you need to do. Why President Trump Is “A Nightmare For Univision" You Do Realize that if You Keep All the Jobs in America, the Mexicans Will Return? Media Runs Sob Stories About Mexicans Losing Jobs To Trump’s America… Big League: Fiat-Chrysler to Invest $1 Billion in Michigan and Ohio, Plus 2000 US Jobs Hitting Trump Before He’s Sworn In The hate! They should hate the voters instead of Trump- he's just the messenger. Perhaps nothing has made modern progressivism look sillier than the often hysterical reaction to the election of Donald Trump Communist Leader to Bill O'Reilly: Trump is Hitler Of course he is Barone: Government by Faculty Lounge Subject to Repeal Liberals Awake from 8-Year Moral Coma DON'T JUST REPEAL OBAMACARE, REPEAL GOVERNMENT HEALTH CARE INTERVENTION Meryl Streep Uses Lifetime Achievement Award Speech to Bash Donald Trump She should bash the voters Trump opposition sets up blue-state headquarters - California and New York emerge as centers of the Democratic resistance. NY and CA against the rest of the country HOLLYWOOD HATES TRUMP, BROADWAY LOVES HILLARY Jeff Sessions shunned, slandered by longtime Senate Democrat collaborators Great colleagues Germany's Islamist scene growing: security chief Duh. Saturday, January 7. 2017Saturday morning links Everyone in 19th century New York loved oysters Der Spiegel: Has political correctness backfired in America? Peanut butter and political correctness Liberal Arts for $5 Climate: The Greatest Scientific Fraud Of All Time -- Part XI Man-identified people are encouraged to show up "Depressed" Millennials Are Convinced The Trump Economy Is Going To Implode “Scientist” says that Starting Work Before 10am is Torture A hard-working scientist, no doubt Obama builds a wall Via Powerline:
Democrats can't just pretend ObamaCare is terrific No, because more government control is needed Conrad Black explains Trump Friday, January 6. 2017Friday morning linksImage clipped from American Digest Granny, the world's oldest known orca, is likely dead I blame climate change Earth Cooling At The Fastest Rate On Record EPA's Clean Power Plan Lies Undermine Congressional Oversight Where the Buffalo Zone - An innovative zoning code overhaul could help revive the western New York city and is already inspiring copycats. Holiday Sales Expose Losers in a Changing Market Sultan on the power of weakness:
In civil societies, showng weakness can be a power play. In uncivil societies, signs of weakness are suicidal. For University Endowments, There’s No Time like the Present VDH: Chicago Is Breaking The Real Housewives of Isis: "Another woman models her new suicide vest for her fellow jihadist wives. “What do you think?” she asks. “Ahmed surprised me with it yesterday.”" The Most Epic “Epic Media Fail” of All Time? Democracy and the bloodiness of mob rule Gallup: Americans still overwhelmingly see big government as greatest threat What the 'Women's March on Washington' Is Really About Dave Barry on the Ephemeral Nature of the "Deeply Held Beliefs" Of the Coke and Pepsi Party Pray for Jeff Sessions President Obama's Legacy Follows His Shadow Trump didn’t just beat the gentry liberals, after all. He also humiliated them. House GOP, Trump team hatch border wall plan Keeping promises Washington Post Is Richly Rewarded For False News About Russia Threat While Public Is Deceived Ireland and Brexit Thursday, January 5. 2017The prepster gets the big job
Tucker is the quickest, brightest, slyest, and wittiest guy out there despite being a boyish prepster (St. George's).
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Thursday morning links
KATZ: The World Needs More Men - Not Boys. Not Social Justice Indoctrinated College Weenies. Men. Animals: The Wilding of America Yes, we have lots of bears Georgia Tech Climatologist Judith Curry Resigns over 'the CRAZINESS in the field of climate science.' David Brooks Seems Pretty Upset That Trump Does Things Different Than Other Elected Leaders David has always lacked testosterone. That's why he was hired. The Ideological Reasons Why Democrats Have Neglected Local Politics - After losing many races in 2016, the party is looking to regain power outside the federal government. But in many ways, it’s not set up to make that change of emphasis. New from Detroit: The $15 minimum wage is racist Ted Kennedy Secretly Asked The Soviets To Intervene In The 1984 Elections Carter, Democrats Asked Soviets to Stop Reagan Broken: The Sickening, Stale, and Worn Out Narratives of the Left:
Make the Inaugural Celebrity-Free! In Departure from Obama, Trump Picks Qualified Ambassador to Japan Obama's failures are Trump's opportunities Three Bungled Stories On Russian Meddling All Demonstrate The Same Big Mistakes Poll: Majority of Democrats Think Russia Manipulated Vote Totals The lies work PEOTUS TRUMP Knocks DNC For Cheating for Hillary During Debates Julian Assange: Media Is Colluding with Democrat Party in America Congress! Listen Up, Hollywood is Talking Here To Fix the Department of the Navy - Kill the Mabus Legacy Palestinians face budget cuts after sharp fall in foreign funding Wednesday, January 4. 2017Kurt Schlichter achieves acceptance......and discovers that it doesn't feel too bad:
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Intellectuals for Trump
Good essay. Trump is no Conservative. I see him as a moderate pragmatist and probably an old-style Liberal at heart. I still can not understand why progressives and lefties hate him so much. He seems to love America and Americans, and he is entertaining. And character flaws are de rigeur for politicians because normal people avoid that game.
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Fake NewsI received a link this morning to an article which suggests readers should more or less 'be afraid' of a certain group of technology companies. Over the course of time, many firms have acted in an amoral or immoral fashion. These tech firms have all probably also behaved poorly at various points. But the value they provide is significant. Fearing them is not sensible. There is good reason to not fear them. History indicates they are likely to all be undone or greatly diminished at some point in time. For most of the 1980s, the 'company' I was supposed to fear was the entire nation of Japan. For most of the 2000s, it's been China. Funny how Japan has been in a 20 year funk while China is just now dropping like a stone (apparently, Bitcoin prices are soaring over there - a sure sign of instability). I consider articles like the above link to be a form of fake news, because it's an emotional appeal based on faulty logic. Articles of this nature appear every 10 years or so about various companies. Aside from China and Japan, I've read articles like this about GM, GE, Exxon, IBM, Cisco, Oracle, Bank of America, Citibank, AT&T, Coca-Cola, ITT, and a host of other large firms who, in total, represented large and innovative firms at various points in time. They were firms which happened to benefit from temporary blips in demand and consumer behavior. Point is, almost all are still fairly large firms, but their dominance has diminished, our fear subsiding as our interests and spending patterns change. In every case, consumer behaviors shifted, innovation moved in different directions, or smaller more competitive firms caught up with these firms. But in almost every case, the dominant positions they claimed were lost. I see the same thing happening with Alphabet, Facebook, Amazon, Apple and Microsoft at some point. In fact, Microsoft is no longer the dominant company it once was - it, too, was part of the group mentioned above back in the 90's as a potentially dangerous 'monopoly'. I guess being downgraded from 'monopoly' status is just as frightening as being part of a group of large firms which all compete with each other? The idea that there is something new and different happening with these tech firms is misguided. Railroads dominated the economic scene for many decades in the 1800s, then oil companies, then car manufacturers. Each one was demonized in similar fashion. Tech offers greater opportunity than any of these firms did, as well as great potential for abuse. But you take the good with the bad, and the good usually outweighs the bad in an overwhelming fashion. I'll take my chances with these firms as opposed to any government oversight and regulation, thank you. Their fear and dislike of each other will keep them on a far more even keel than any pinhead politician.
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Wednesday morning links A brief bio of Carl Zeiss and the Zeiss company NBC Touts NYC Subway Line That Took 96 Years As ‘Proof’ Gov’t Can Still Do Big Things Re-linked: Feds preparing to drop warnings on cholesterol VDH on California: Madness in paradise Columbia University Students Support FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION, Want Planned Parenthood to FUND Male college students to undergo ‘critical self-reflection’ of masculinity UW program explores dangers of masculinity UW student paper defends ‘Problem of Whiteness’ course SO MANY Trump Hate Hoaxes By Deranged Liberal Fascists – The Complete Video Washington Post Admits Its 'Russians Hacked A US Utility' Story Was 'Fake News' Nonprofits would rather spite Trump than help those in need Ford cancels plan for new $1.6B plant in Mexico; to add 700 jobs in Michigan to build electric, autonomous vehicles Thank you, Donald Earth2Trump Resistance March Starts Its ‘Roadshow’ Across America… Don't these people have jobs? “ONE OUGHT ALWAYS TO BE ON THE WRONG SIDE OF HISTORY:” John Podesta fell for a phishing scam. Let's not start another Cold War over that. Scots-Irish voted overwhelmingly for Trump How ‘Elites’ Became One of the Nastiest Epithets in American Politics Senate Democrats Plan to Delay Confirmation Votes for Trump’s Cabinet Nominees GOP Congress storms into Trump era Iran's Growing Naval Ambitions - Why It Wants Naval Bases in Syria and Yemen Assad's Palestinian mercenaries Five ways the Trump administration can negate the anti-Israel U.N. Security Council resolution Kissinger: To Prevent Regional Explosion, US Must Thwart Iranian Expansionism Tuesday, January 3. 2017Tuesday morning links
The Story Of Curious George’s Great Escape From The Nazis The PC Police Crack Down on . . . Kids Books Nordique Tiger - Quebec City, an unlikely Canadian success story Illegal Immigration Up 15% in 2016 Compared to 2015 — Obama Illegals Flood the Border Journalists Exposed By WikiLeaks Will Now Cover Trump White House Assange To Hannity: Source For WikiLeaks Was Not Russian Government Paul Krugman Loses It Over Coming "Era Of Epic Corruption" In 'Trumpistan' Misreporting on Trump and the United Nations This Chantrill is good: I Want a President Who Loves America: Pre-Inaugural Edition>
Monday, January 2. 2017Monday morning links, with the good news on cholesterol
Dietary cholesterol has minimal to no medical significance. Expect no apologies for messing up so many people's food habits for decades. Z-man's 2017 predictions Obama’s final weekly address of 2016: You’re welcome, America Fake news: Russian Hackers Said To "Penetrate US Electricity Grid" Using Outdated Ukrainian Malware From A German: Americans Are Too Timid In Confronting Hate He never saw American hatred for Germans Italian Priest Puts Mary in Burka for Christmas so Muslims Won’t Be Offended Should he kill himself so as not to offend? How do you protect decent Jewish philanthropic women from aligning with groups who would be quite happy to hurt them in many ways? Policing in America: Understanding Public Attitudes Toward the Police. Results from a National Survey Civil Discourse Didn’t Die, It Was Murdered By The Left Government controls your morning shower Wisconsin Takes a Step Toward Sanity Regarding Global Warming Hoax Gov. Kasich Sides with Environmentalists on Ohio Energy Bill Trump Versus the Blue Wall in Washington A Resolution for 2017: Keep Reminding Trump That He Has No Mandate DC Court of Appeals global warming decision threatens First Amendment Italy to seek to track down and deport migrants with no right to stay Looks like Angela Merkel may be starting to get it. Afghan Teens Convicted of Gang Rape in Sweden Won’t Be Deported, Because It’s ‘Too Dangerous’ France's Hollande warns against nationalism in New Year address Doesn't he work for France? The new world order, 2017
Sunday, January 1. 2017Trump is proof
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Saturday, December 31. 2016I'll Take Manhattan: An isle of joy
For 1 million, you do not get much. Supply and demand. You are not paying for the lousy living square footage, you are paying to be here. Like an ocean liner, you do not just get your little rooms. You get the whole enchilada just out your door. It's not for the faint of heart though. Gosh, I love living here but I am saving for a country getaway in northwestern CT or Ulster County. I need my own shooting range, at least, and that is not allowed in Central Park unless you are a crim.
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Sowell on gun controlSaturday morning links What is Hogmanay? How is New Year’s Eve celebrated in Scotland? Anthony Bourdain Slams "Privileged" Liberals For Their "Utter Contempt" Of Working-Class America Good stuff, from a lib The Fall, Rise, Fall and Rise of Stamford, Connecticut R.I.P. Robert Leo Hulseman, creator of Red Solo Cup Americans Are No Longer on the Move Sign up for Disability and stay put Althouse schools Jo Piazza MORE TRANS MADNESS: Eight Year Old Girl Says She’s a Boy, Wants To Join Cub Scouts California: Good Luck With Your "Climate Leadership" Typical California feel-good nonsense California: Retired City Manager Gets $216,000 Pension in City Where Average Family Makes $32,000 Uber Tells California Where to Shove Their Regulations EPA Cracks Down on Key Ingredient of Bread Next they came for my yeast The Brilliance of Thomas Sowell: A Tribute Your employer wants to monitor your health and fitness Tom Cotton: Fix Immigration. It’s What Voters Want. Mormon Tabernacle Choir Singer Resigns Rather Than Sing for Hitler
Rep. Franks: If Russia hacked, it was a public service Why US voters keep giving elites the boot The UK: I’m a part of the elite. So why am I cheering for the populist right? If, in a parliamentary democracy, the establishment and the people diverge, one must surely bet that the elites are wrong The UN is obsolete: UN Withdrawal: Never Wound a King IRANIAN MILITARY AND OPERATIONAL SUPPORT FOR THE SYRIAN REGIME British Leader Slams Kerry’s Unbalanced Approach to Israeli ‘Settlements’ Friday, December 30. 2016Job killersObama unleashes 3,853 regs, 18 for every law, record 97,110 pages of red tape Jobs for lawyers though.
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Friday morning links
Many charities across the US giving up your money to the marketers they hire Bye Bye Disgusting Michelle Obama School Lunches! Congress Looks to Repeal… American Colleges Are Approaching a Constitutional Crisis BBC Finally Admits Its Famous ‘Women Write Better Code’ Story Was Fake News Trump Press Conference Prompts Hysterical Reaction Soros: Trump is a “Would Be Dictator” Who Threatens the New World Order We can repeal ObamaCare and still protect the sick Obama under pressure to prove Russian interference in election
Trump Inauguration to Have Less Pomp, Circumstance So He Can Get Right to Work HOW ABOUT WE JUST DO THE OATH AND GO HOME? All the fancy parties are not appropriate for a democratic republic MOUNTING EVIDENCE OF ADMINISTRATION DISHONESTY OVER U.N. RESOLUTION UK Government issues unprecedented attack on the US after Secretary of State John Kerry branded Israeli regime the 'most right-wing in history' It’s Not the Settlements, Stupid Yes John Kerry, if only this orange sliver was smaller there would be peace. Kerry’s Rage Against Israel - The Secretary doesn’t understand why his peace talks failed. Christians laud freedom of worship in Israel Palestinian Official Rejects Kerry Peace Plan Economics of the 2016-2017 Debate Topic: U.S. Relations with China, Mixing Cooperation with Competition Thursday, December 29. 2016Cardio Days, sprints, and heart rate A few comments about cardio (eg rowing, running, swimming, fast-walk treadmill, stair machine, jump rope, elliptical, bike): These exercises do not build strength. Cardio exercise does nothing to prevent osteoporosis or to strengthen bone. They do help build cardiac power and muscle endurance. These exercises do not help with weight loss in any meaningful way, but keeping your body moving with exertion every day is a good idea, and you can't lift heavy weights every day. We strongly advise against running as a cardio exercise because of joint damage. Sprinting outdoors or indoors is fine, but long runs outdoors are physically destructive (even if mentally beneficial) and offer little fitness benefit. 20-25 minutes of pure cardio, twice or at most 3X/wk, is all anybody needs as the cardio component of a fitness program. It doesn't take much time because it's intensity, not duration, that matters. If you have more time on a given day, spend another 1/2 hr on high-rep weights or calisthenics instead of wasting it on more pure cardio. There are caveats, however. To be effective, cardio has to be HIIT - High Intensity Interval cardio - approx 1-2 minute sprints alternating with one minute sub-sprints to catch your breath. If you can talk or read during cardio, you are wasting your time. A sprint means around 80% of your max heart rate (unless, like me, you are on BP meds that limit your heart rate in which case you just push it to your max which for me is 120). To get that rate up and maximize the stress, use the max resistance (on a treadmill, for example, an incline of 10 or more) and/or your max sprint speeds and put your heart into it. Otherwise, it's fairly useless unless you are over 80 years old or infirm. Distance runners (I used to be one) and distance swimmers (I used to swim a mile daily) are not accomplishing very much. It feels good, though. The other Cardio caveat concerns variety. Continuous repetition of the same cardio exercise increases your efficiency with it and thus diminishes its cardio effectiveness, so we need to vary the cardio exercises to keep the stress up. Mix it up, even within one session. Less boring, too. I always add a few minutes of jump rope at the end - singles, running man, and one-footed, to make sure I finish with nothing left in the tank. Jumping is tough and you will see mostly guys doing it - few if any bouncing gals. An example of a typical cardio day for me would be 5 minutes elliptical warm-up intervals, set above 10, then a one-minute straight-arm plank, then 15 minutes treadmill fast-walk intervals at a 10% incline, then a minute elbow plank, then 5 minutes jump rope. If I have more free time to fill, I'll do some sets of heavy ball throws, light-weight squats, high-rep curls and press-downs. Thursday morning links
Meet the couple who earn $110,000 a year, have THIRTEEN kids, all with college funds, and they have never owed a cent in debt After Weight-Loss Surgery, a Year of Joys and Disappointments 100% Of US Warming Is Due To NOAA Data Tampering An Oregon couple has been told they must destroy a 2-acre pond Government claims it owns the rain Trump’s Health Secretary Pick Leaves Nation’s Doctors Divided Campus Reform's 15 most outrageous stories in 2016 All the fake hate news the MSM got wrong Employee Agrees to Deliver Pizzas to Dangerous Georgia Neighborhood, Gets Shot How George Soros Destroyed the Democratic Party ´They're coming back!´: Trump announces 8,000 new jobs for Americans - 5,000 for telecom giant Sprint that had outsourced roles overseas Obama had 8 years do do these sorts of things Lindsey Graham Ready for War with Russia Idiot From Tim Carney: Tim Carney, failed pundit, got EVERYTHING wrong this year. Sad!
Wednesday, December 28. 2016Darwin Award candidate
Advice to our readers for 2017: Never try to rob a gun shop.
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Wednesday morning linksWhy childbirth is so painful and dangerous Bang for your buck: Best handguns under $500 Mike Rowe: So Many Opportunities Out There That People Don’t Know Exist The American middle-aged: 80% are now 'overweight, lazy or drink too much' The meals your parents made for you are now too calorific for modern lifestyles. Teens' view of pot changed in 1 state after legalization Whole Foods’ ‘Cultural Appropriation’ of the Chopped-Cheese Sandwich Education in America Before the Education System A deplorable speaks Crashing the party: First couple set to shake up old-line D.C. society Making Defamation Law Great Again: Michael Mann’s suit may continue As Chicago backs off policing, its murder rate skyrockets ever higher Are Public-Employee Pension Funds Now Too Big To Fail? Tesla And Panasonic Announce Plans To Manufacture In BUFFALO, NEW YORK Sessions: The Left’s Desperate Attempt to Get a Scalp Trumpism and The New York Times - Trumpism isn’t traditional conservatism Trump vs. Conventional Conservatives In the Wake of Trump's Election, Consumer Confidence Soars Trump Win Could Usher In Boom For U.S. Housing, Says Shiller Trump nixes pet projects of liberal and conservative elites Tuesday, December 27. 2016Tuesday morning links
Why Is the Government Telling Us How to Raise Our Kids? Because they are your moral and intellectual superiors Discovery of gravitational waves named science 'Breakthrough of the year' At What Age Do You Outgrow IKEA? Offensive? Christmas Is a Multicultural Holiday Kwanzaa: Holiday Brought to You by the FBI - A made-up holiday experiences a resurgence among white liberals despite its bloody origins. Good News: UK To “Likely” Experience Hotcoldwetdry Flooding Every Year How To Tell Who's Lying To You: Climate Science Edition A Kurt Schlichter rant: Sorry, But Our Fight Against Liberal Fascism Has Only Just Begun Robert Reich: Dark cloud of illegitimacy hangs over Donald Trump’s pending presidency If it's repeated enough times, will it be true? Trump’s Superman Style of Politics Donald Trump’s wrecking crew: A cabinet of zealots who yearn to destroy their own agencies Music to my ears Angela Merkel is destroying Europe
Monday, December 26. 2016Monday morning links
Human flying drone A Christian Answer to the Age of Terror Fake News: WaPo Says Berlin Terrorist ‘Sought Better Life In Europe’ When did epic self-absorption become an admirable trait? Michelle Obama’s Christmas lump of coal Greenfield: US Should Not Only Defund UN But Withdraw From It Israel: Obama Leaves Another Hot Mess Electoral Masterpiece - The Founders knew what they were doing California Dem Wants to State to be 'Wall of Justice' Against Deportations President Obama on Political Correctness: ‘Don’t Go Around Just Looking for Insults’ The Origin of Political Correctness Oh, really? North Carolina no longer classified as a 'democracy' Biden: I Watched Trump Rally, Realized ‘We May Lose This Election’ ´Ring of steel´ plan to protect London´s skyscrapers from terror attack Petrified Unity in Terror-Struck Berlin In Venezuela, The Dictator Who Stole Christmas
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