Tame vs. Domesticated: How did a dog get on my bed?
Not tame: Officials Move Closer To Delisting Yellowstone Grizzlies
Iceland does not want tourists
SNL Fake Ad Offers Liberals Their Very Own ‘Bubble’ to Live In
UK Researchers: Tax Food to Reduce Climate Change
Largest oil discovery in US history
The musky smell of Elon Musk
What Is With This Infrastructure Fetish?
What Happens When You Give Basic Income to the Poor? Canada Is About to Find Out
I'd consider the unintended consequences
Thanks to pension funds, Los Angeles is close to becoming a microcosm of Greece
Thanks to Wikileaks we know at least 65 MSM Reporters Were Meeting with and/or Coordinating Offline with Top Hillary Advisors
America Called Bullshit on the Cult of Clinton:
We mortals are not worthy of Hillary. "Hillary didn't fail us, we failed her," asserted a writer for the Guardian. The press, and by extension the rest of us, "crucified her," claimed someone at Bustle. We always do that to messiahs, assholes that we are.
President Obama Blames the Internet for the Rise of Trump – Technology Needs “More Control”
Sheesh. "Obama and Angela Merkel Blame Internet and Social Media for Disrupting Globalism." I guess our moral and intellectual superiors don't like us having too much information.
The Age of the Honey Badger Dawns
Donations to Clinton Foundation fell by 37 percent
Big surprise. They have nothing to sell.
AAUP: Trump 'greatest threat to academic freedom' since McCarthy
Maher: Trump is Stalin
Outrage as reporter is sacked for praising Donald Trump and criticising Obama
Ingraham Decimates Juan Williams on Trump 'Team of Radicals' Charge
The “American Conservative Movement” Has Ended. the American Right Goes On.
Sign Language Interpreter Licenses and Wisconsin's Other Costly, Pointless Permission Slips
Stemming the Rot in American Manufacturing May Defeat Even Trump
Colorado Voters Send Message: Universal Healthcare Too Expensive
According to the school district, the girl violated the county’s weapon
policy when she used her butter knife in the cafeteria to cut the peach.
Everyone needs to stop talking about ‘white people’ - How the elitist fear of the underclass was given a PC makeover.
Calling everybody you don't like bad names loses its effect
Pat Caddell: CNN ‘Smearing’ Trump Supporters — ‘They Just Call Everybody a Racist’
Town and Country becomes Town v. Country
Hinderaker: I could go on for a long time; this AP story is a target-rich environment.
Whoopi Said Trump Nominee Wants to Bring Back Slavery
Post-Election, Why Don't We All Just Skip Thanksgiving This Year?
Via Insty:
Both Brexit and Trump were manifestations of cascading failures of the governing elites of the Western world, who pushed too hard for universalistic values and grew fundamentally disconnected from their populations. Saving liberalism will require elite introspection and a deeper understanding of our current crisis of governance. Self-satisfied assurances that anti-establishment voters are clueless—that they didn’t understand the significance of their vote and will now change their minds, or that they could be educated if social media sites simply promoted the right news outlets—are borderline suicidal.
THE FORGOTTEN MAN: No Longer Forgotten?
That Time Steve Bannon Tried to Arrange a Trump Visit to the Golan Heights
To All the Peter Pan Republicans: Trump Bests Captain Crook Clinton - The businessman succeeds where the GOP has failed
Trump succeeded in doing something Republican strategists and campaign geniuses have failed to do since 1932: smack down an ideologically hostile press.
The Economist is worried: The new nationalism - With his call to put “America First”, Donald Trump is the latest recruit to a dangerous nationalism
Isn't the job description to attend to America's needs?
Donna Brazile Calls For Senate To Reject Sessions’ Confirmation As AG
Why the Dems Are Hysterical About Jeff Sessions, and Why They Don’t Mean It:
So the Democrats have pulled out their old reliable, the race card. Which causes me to wonder: has the race card ever actually worked? The Democrats obviously think that false accusations of racism are political dynamite, but if that were true, why don’t they win more elections?
It's just an all-purpose smear, same as "He's a poopy-face."
NYT: The End of Identity Liberalism
The Clintons burrowed into the brain stem of the Democratic party, like one of those ear-tunneling scorpion things in Star Trek II.
Trump will have vast powers. He can thank Democrats for them.
Democrats suddenly thinking that states' rights might be good
Jihadi Invaders in Germany
UK Passes the Most Extreme Surveillance Law in the History of Western Democracy
What's the excuse for that?
Tony Blair is back?