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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Saturday, February 11. 2017Saturday morning links
Doll based on transgender teen to debut at New York Toy Fair San Francisco schools: Gender-inclusive language Ancient Israel's National Anthem - The great song marking the Israelites’ safe crossing of the Sea of Reeds is the Hebrew Bible’s only full-length poem recited collectively by the people as a whole. What is it really about? There's one big reason Macy's may not dump Ivanka Trump Getting Out of Debt: Make That New Year’s Resolution Work Want Your Husband to Step Up? Try Getting Out of His Way Another global warming catastrophe: the Sahara Desert is getting greener People of Color Can't Be Racist Says New College Guide The Unhinging of the Academic Left: History, Hate, and Hysteria A Conservative Case for Climate Action Fossil fuel divestment crashes and burns in Vermont Old Guard Republicans and Business Allies Push Carbon Tax The hidden agendas of sustainability illusions HATE MACHINE: How Liberals Became the Very Fascists They Always Warned Us About She voted illegally five times. She claims now that she has a "learning disability" and didn't know that non-citizens could not vote. NY Times Seems Pretty Upset Over An Illegal Alien Felon Being Deported 'We're going to see more': Sanctuary cities cave in face of Trump's funding threats Most states still have jobless rates above prerecession levels Reports of the Demise of Obamacare Repeal and Replace Are Greatly Exaggerated Why Is It so Hard for Republicans to Replace Obamacare? Judge backs health insurer in ACA payment suit - Risk corridors program fight takes a new turn The Pension Monster that Devoured Education How school choice can benefit teachers Politico: ‘Data-Driven’ Campaigns Are Killing the Democratic Party - Over four straight cycles, Democrats have suffered historic losses. Why? Because they learned all the wrong lessons from Obama’s success. Democrats Are in Worse Shape than Even They Think HATE MACHINE: How Liberals Became the Very Fascists They Always Warned Us About Different Republican Nominee, Same Democratic Dance Quotation of the day on ‘Trump Trauma’ POTUS TRUMP THUMPS NY TIMES on Latest #FakeNews Groups want Trump to close loophole allowing illegal immigrants to abuse tax credits Venezuela may have given passports to people with ties to terrorism Iran’s missile tests reveal weaknesses of UN Security Council Resolution Majority of Europeans in favor of a Trump-style Muslim ban, poll shows Cash No Longer King: Europe Accelerates Move To Begin Elimination Of Paper Money Evil Hungary’s Orban renews attack on influence of George Soros Germany’s Merkel announces plans to speed up deportations
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"How Liberals Became the Very Fascists They Always Warned Us About"
The mistake is in thinking that they are not fascists at heart. This is exactly how the fascist in Europe began. An elite group think that believed they and only they knew what was right and it must be mandated for the good of all. First they force their will on everyone Then it becomes a purge of those who just don't get it. Fascism is just another permutation of socialism/communism; it is a leftist ideal pure and simple. QUOTE: HATE MACHINE: How Liberals Became the Very Fascists They Always Warned Us About ... Donald Trump was never called a racist or sexist or xenophobe for decades in business, working with Hollywood, or in the primaries. Well, that's patently false. Here's one example:
Donald Trump Was Once Sued By Justice Department For Not Renting To Blacks: Donald Trump’s vehement questioning regarding President Obama’s place of birth has provoked charges of racism ... From the article you cited “laziness is a trait in blacks.”
That is an observation that many people have made. In a recent article about the St. Paul schools and how they effort to decrease the number of black suspensions and other punishments have destroyed order in the schools a black school management individual agreed. She called these traits "cultural" and demanded that we adjust to them vs the other way around. Now as to the question of should we point out the faults of others, or is it polite to say the truth. Well you yourself answer that question as well in your constant effort to demean those on the right. ALL YOU DO is point to "faults" of those on the right. My god man! If we were black YOU would be a racist! IdahoBob: “laziness is a trait in blacks.”
He also said “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.” In any case, you can't discriminate against blacks when renting, even if you think they are lazy. You can discriminate based on objective criteria, such as individual credit history. IdahoBob: She called these traits "cultural" and demanded that we adjust to them vs the other way around. You didn't provide a citation, but minority graduation rates in St. Paul have been generally improving.
2017-02-11 12:31
I realize it doesn't sound good to say you want Jewish accountants/bankers but I suspect if you are a business man with billions rolling in and out that you would want the best you could get and that seems to often be Jewish accountants and bankers.
On the other hand the rate of crime by race is much higher for blacks than white or Asians or Jews. Now the question is; is it improper to notice this??? "minority graduation rates in St. Paul have been generally improving" Well nothing would make me happier. But are they improving as they did in Atlanta where the teachers gave the students test answers and after the test went back and corrected wrong answers to improve graduation rates and thus earn a bonus? Or are they actually teaching the students what they need to know to succeed in life? Until you can answer that your comment means little
2017-02-11 15:19
IdahoBob: I realize it doesn't sound good to say you want Jewish accountants/bankers
That's because most people want to be treated as individuals, and not lumped into classifications that may not apply, even if you think they are positive attributes. Not all blacks are good dancers, and not all Japanese are lazy.
2017-02-12 09:35
So when Michelle Obama said "White folks are what's wrong with America" it proves she was a racist. Right?
2017-02-12 10:17
IdahoBob: So when Michelle Obama said "White folks are what's wrong with America" it proves she was a racist. Right?
You must be well-steeped in the right-wing stew to really believe she said that.
2017-02-12 10:30
Silly me! I get it now. Every bad thing we hear about someone who is from the right side of politics is true while every bad thing we hear about someone from the left side of politic is fake news. How could I have been so stupid? I understand now, no need to send me to the gulag for re-education.
2017-02-12 13:53
IdahoBob: Every bad thing we hear about someone who is from the right side of politics is true while every bad thing we hear about someone from the left side of politic is fake news.
Please provide some evidence to support your claim that Michelle Obama said "White folks are what's wrong with America."
2017-02-12 15:14
We all know that Obama produced a valid birth certificate.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-F9U99KJfkZw/V9wLaSeK60I/AAAAAAABfgw/9f5R9V19OQw/bo%252520birth%252520cretificate%252520copy_thumb%25255B2%25255D_thumb%25255B4%25255D%25255B4%25255D.jpg?imgmax=800 That should end the controversy.
2017-02-11 12:36
Another birth certificate! What happened to the fake on that Obama put up on the White House web site? Oh! That's right. It was proved to be a fake birth certificate. But it was completely different from this one. Odd! But I notice all the things left off this seemingly incomplete birth certificate were the very things used to prove the birth certificate was a fraud. Their honing in on creating a fake birth certificate that can't be proven to be fake. Good work. But you have to ask yourself why? I have a birth certificate. It is real I never had to fake it. Why did Obama fake half a dozen birth certificates???
Even the Hawaiian Department of Homelands clearly stated on their website that a Certification of Live Birth did not constitute adequate proof of citizenship under their program. Why did Obama use a dead man's SS #? Why did Obama not have a U.S. passport in 1981 when he traveled to Afghanistan? Pakistan was on the U.S. State Department's "no travel" list in 1981. Conclusion: When Obama went to Pakistan in 1981 he was traveling either with a British passport or an Indonesian passport. Here is what I think will happen. One day, could be in a year or two or ten, someone will finally "out" Obama and show sufficient proof that he was not born in Hawaii and we will all feign surprise. It will be too late to deal with it or any of the legal consequences so we will have been scammed by the Democrats who knowingly scrubbed the records and gave us the first Kenyan born president. I think Ted Kennedy was part of the conspiracy but he took this to his grave (along with a very long list of other crimes). It will be funny though when it comes out; jokes on us, LOL. But one day it will happen.
2017-02-11 15:39
its time to stop this dumb obsession with al-hussein osama's nationality.
the Clinton Crime Family was the best financed, most motivated group to who stood the most to game from proving osama wasn't US born. if the clintons couldn't find anything to use against him, no right wing nutcase could do better.
Thought Kriminal No. 392342-A
2017-02-11 16:23
You are aware that Obama himself said he was born in Kenya. That Obama used a dead man's SS #
That his "birth announcement) was full of intentional errors. That he never produced a real birth certificate but did produuce about half a dozen provably phony birth certificates. That his Aunt in Kenya said many times that she attended his birth in Kenya and then mysteriously disappeared from sight. But what the hell... Oh look something shiny over there.
2017-02-11 19:39
no one here is going to indulge your fantasy.
its time to grow up.
Thought Kriminal No. 392342-A
2017-02-12 01:13
Was it a fantasy when Obama wrote in his book and told his friends and associates that he was born in Kenya? Was it a fantasy when Obama sought and used scholarships to college as a foreign student? Was it a fantasy when Obama used a foreign passport to travel? Was it a fantasy when Obama was caught using a dead man's SS#? These things are real and need explaining. Our "free press" failed us.
2017-02-12 10:21
OneGuy: Was it a fantasy when Obama wrote in his book and told his friends and associates that he was born in Kenya?
QUOTE: Dreams From My Father: A month. That's how long we would have together, the five of us in my grandparents' living room most evenings, during the day on drives around the island or on short walks past the private landmarks of a family: the lot where my father's apartment had once stood; the remodeled hospital where I had been born; my grandparents' first house in Hawaii, before the one on University Avenue, a house I had never known.
2017-02-12 10:35
So that means what? We already know Obama has been schizo about his past. So we now are going to play dueling Schizophrenic Obama quotes and weigh each side to determine truth.
It changes nothing. Obama himself said he was born in Kenya. No matter how many times he denies it what does not change is once he claimed it to be true.
2017-02-12 13:59
OneGuy: So that means what?
You claimed that Obama wrote in his book that he was born in Kenya. That was false.
2017-02-12 15:15
2017-02-12 18:38
Obama didn't write the blurb, and the person who wrote the blurb admits she got it wrong. You were wrong when you said Obama wrote in his book "that he was born in Kenya".
2017-02-13 08:52
The author of that biography got it approved by Obama before publication.
2017-02-13 10:35
OneGuy: The author of that biography got it approved by Obama before publication.
“There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii." — Miriam Goderich, who edited the bio. Nor is it found in a book written by Obama, as you had claimed. It's important to note that a prominent birther is now the President of the United States.
2017-02-13 15:15
Indeed. She actually went into hiding about the time Obama was deciding to run for president. And when she finally was released after retraining she did make that statement. I do hope the woman is recovering from the retraining.
Funny how you never commented on Obama's fake SS# or his trip to Pakistan.
2017-02-13 15:32
Keep in mind that the current U.S. President spent years questioning the citizenship of the first African American elected President.
2017-02-12 11:01
OneGuy: Another birth certificate!
It's actually the Certification of Live Birth, an official Hawaii state document that verifies that the person was born in Hawaii. OneGuy: Even the Hawaiian Department of Homelands clearly stated on their website that a Certification of Live Birth did not constitute adequate proof of citizenship under their program. That is false. The Certification of Live Birth doesn't in-and-of-itself constitute proof of Hawaiian native ancestry. It is, however, adequate proof of U.S. citizenship.
2017-02-12 09:40
A true birth certificate can be used to prove citizenship. But a true birth certificate has a unique registration number and Obama's birth certificate used someone elses number. It is no coincidence that in the birth certificate you cited ALL of the evidence from a real birth certificate that would have proven it was false was omitted except that number which was conveniently blacked out. Why??? The obvious reason was to prevent someone from pointing out the obvious errors. Obama's "cleaned up" forged certificate is not a real birth certificate, period!!!
2017-02-12 14:04
OneGuy: Obama's "cleaned up" forged certificate is not a real birth certificate, period!!!
So you're saying that the State of Hawaii has been conspiring for the last decade to forge a Certification of Live Birth for Obama? Sure. Meanwhile, the U.S. has a birther as president.
2017-02-12 15:17
Keep in mind that the current U.S. president was a prominent birther conspiracy theorist.
2017-02-12 09:42
yes, because calling someone a nasty name makes it true. Your paymasters have told underlings like you to call anyone you don't agree with a Nazi. So that is the truthy reason for your remark, I guess.
But 60 million voters had the sense to see that the real Nazis in this election were the people on your side. Democrat thugs were the ones who tried to shut down Trump rallies with violence. Your side was the one that used violence and intimidation to push its agenda. So yes, there were Nazis in this election. Democrat Nazis. Dangerous Dean: because calling someone a nasty name makes it true.
We didn't argue it was true (though such an argument could certainly be made). Rather, we refuted the claim that "Donald Trump was never called a racist or sexist or xenophobe for decades in business, working with Hollywood, or in the primaries." We cited an article from 2011, which referenced a history of such accusations going back to the 1970s. Dangerous Dean: Democrat thugs were the ones who tried to shut down Trump rallies with violence.
"I'd like to punch him in the face." — Donald J. Trump Is that in any way equivalent to paying people to incite violence?
2017-02-11 12:03
mudbug: Is that in any way equivalent to paying people to incite violence?
They're not equivalent. Having the candidate with the megaphone vocally inciting violence during a rally is far worse than people showing up wearing a "Planned Parenthood" t-shirt, even if they are hoping that someone will overreact.
2017-02-11 12:34
Saying you'd like to punch someone in the face is not inciting violence. If that's true, then Trump is just following President Clinton's example when he said he wanted to punch William Safire in the nose.
People were paid by the Clinton campaign to incite violence, the best example being the violence that stopped Trump's Chicago rally.
2017-02-11 13:44
mudbug: Saying you'd like to punch someone in the face is not inciting violence.
It was just one of many such examples of Trump encouraging violence. mudbug: People were paid by the Clinton campaign to incite violence Wearing a Planned Parenthood t-shirt to a Trump rally is not inciting violence.
2017-02-11 14:16
I'm sure you are equally troubled with these incitements to violence:
"Whose ass to kick..." "Bring a gun to a knife fight" "Argue with neighbors, get in their face" "I don't want to quell anger, I'm angry!" "I want them to get out of the way" "Gearing up for a fight" Nobel peace laureate, Barack Hussian Obama
B Hammer
2017-02-11 16:26
As usual, you didn't address the point I made that Clinton said basically the same thing and nobody thought he was inciting violence.
I'm not talking about wearing t-shirts. I'm talking about paying for violence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IuJGHuIkzY&t=587s
2017-02-11 20:46
mudbug: As usual, you didn't address the point I made that Clinton said basically the same thing and nobody thought he was inciting violence.
You queued your video to a certain point, but we never saw where "Clinton said basically the same thing" or said anything at all for that matter. Nor did we see an incitement to violence. You might want to provide a quote.
2017-02-12 09:50
Do you really thing that someone wearing a Planned Parenthood t-shirt caused the violence that forced Trump to cancel the Chicago rally?
2017-02-11 20:49
mudbug: Do you really thing that someone wearing a Planned Parenthood t-shirt caused the violence that forced Trump to cancel the Chicago rally?
Reporting indicated that the presence of protesters led to scuffles with Trump supporters. -- “Part of the problem and part of the reason it takes so long is nobody wants to hurt each other any more.” — Donald Trump “Tonight the seeds of division that Donald Trump has been sowing this whole campaign finally bore fruit, and it was ugly.” — John Kasich
2017-02-12 09:55
Here's an interesting case, Sopan Deb, arrested in Chicago:
QUOTE: Deb is Indian. He has never been to the Middle East (or India for that matter). And yet, he has repeatedly been singled out at events. At a rally in December, he tweeted, "A man came up to me to say 'Go back to Iraq!' I've never been!" And in January, he tweeted, "A Trump supporter just asked me at Reno event if I was taking pictures for ISIS. When I looked shocked, he said, 'yeah, I'm talking to you.'"
2017-02-12 09:59
QUOTE: This is exactly how the fascist in Europe began..... that is not how "the fascist" began. it is, however, proof that public education in the US is a failure, at least in your case. for everyone else, William Shirer's Rise and Fall of the Third Reich is a good popular history. you need to learn something about word usage and choice. while the Left and Right's levels of intolerance both rise and merge in degree the more you get away from the center (e.g., your hatred of all immigrants is matched, tantrum for tantrum, with the Left's hatred of free speech), communism and fascism are polar opposites in political theory and practice. I bet you didn't know that the fascist powers in Europe (Germany, Italy, Romania, Hungary, and Spain fought a war against the Soviet Union in which somewhere north of 20 million people died. Story about Sahara getting greener is over a year old...
http://hotair.com/archives/2015/06/02/another-global-warming-catastrophe-the-sahara-desert-is-getting-greener/ which is from an even older article from 2011 http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2011/08/26/climate-change-is-making-deserts-greener.html Still interesting, but old news... There are significant benefits to grasses in a warming climate from CO2 fertilization. See Morgan et al., C4 grasses prosper as carbon dioxide eliminates desiccation in warmed semi-arid grassland, Nature 2011.
Gold's editorial on Democrats learning the wrong lessons from Obama:
He says they need to sell emotional messages instead of relying on data and they will win elections again. Good luck with that. The problem for the Democrat party is that it is selling a message that Americans won't buy: victimization, unlimited immigration, fluid gender, climate change. There are a small percentage of true believers out there who believe that this tripe is important. And there are 40 to 45% of Americans who are so dependent on the welfare state that they will vote for whatever their Democrat overlords are saying. But as they found out in the last election, many of them won't vote for a career criminal like Hillary. The funniest part? Gold uses a Christmas tree as his central metaphor in the article. A large and growing part of the Democrat party doesn't want to think about Christmas trees unless it is because there is some government goody underneath it for them. They certainly don't have the traditional Christian values embodied by that tree. I wonder how many of them are triggered by your Christian analogy. So trying to sell them the cure to what ails them is going to be a tough sell. Good luck with that, Gold. QUOTE: POTUS TRUMP THUMPS NY TIMES on Latest #FakeNews Can anyone answer why this is not an actual example of fake news? RE People of Color Can't Be Racist Says New College Guide
I stopped caring what 20 year olds think about three decades ago. Twitter doesn't engage in censorship, your right to free speech does not impose on anyone an obligation to provide you with a platform.
What they engage in is "sensorship" - it's against their terms of service to hurt anybody's feelings. Of course, we all know evil Nazi right-wing extremist fascists like Trump and Trump supporters and Republicans and conservatives and men and white people don't have any feelings so it's impossible to say anything offensive about or to them, whereas the perfectly normal people like the leftist SJW's are pathologically sensitive to the feelings of all human beings, animals, plants, inanimate objects and everything in the entire universe including abstract concepts like "nature" and therefore there's nothing you can say that doesn't hurt their feelings. Hi folks:
In my long list of major international power being held by the old families of Seattle I forgot to add one that is not too politically active. The list should now read (in case your interested as to why the judge who challenged Trump came from Seattle) thus: 1. Boeing (China sales and manufacturing) 2. Microsoft (all federal and state governmental agencies work on this machine and system Lesser known: 3. Amazon 4. UPS 5. US Bank 6. Costco 7. Starbucks 8. Boeing Employees Federal Credit Union 9. Nordstroms |
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