Saturday, August 25. 2018
The Unusual Difficulty Of Photographing Pandas
Defense Against Bears with Pistols: 97% Success rate, 37 incidents by Caliber
That's a great website
Why the Earth Has Fewer Species Than We Think - A primer on the epigenome.
Why bigger planes mean cramped quarters. The incredible shrinking airplane.
YDSA urges socialists to infiltrate public education
Asia Argento's Time Is Up - A tale of fame, fallacy, and the perils of good intentions
The Billion Dollar Homeless Scam
Two officers suspended after body cam video was leaked of the Denver mayor's son berating cops
America is experiencing a major culture war between its interpreters and the people.
The NYT is doing an effective job at instilling revulsion for Trump.
"Every day it becomes clearer that the true object of the investigation taken over by Robert Mueller is the removal of President Trump from office."
We live in a schizoid time. In the world most of us inhabit, things are going extraordinarily well. We are in the midst of the longest bull market ever. Employment is at a record high, unemployment–especially among minorities, young people and women–at or near record lows. GDP is growing at a 4% clip, which liberal economists deemed impossible in the last administration. Wages are rising. We are at peace, but at the same time our government is finally taking steps to deal with long-festering problems in Iran, Russia, China and North Korea. What’s not to like?
If you listen to most journalists and pundits, none of that is important.
Just how communist is Mainland China?
E U Meeting Ends With No Deal On Migrant Redistribution
Netherlands Prosecuting Man for Insulting Turkish President Erdogan
Friday, August 24. 2018
At present, Muslims make up about 17% of the population of Antwerp and Brussels, 22% of Birmingham, 25% of Marseille, 11% of Amsterdam, 13% of Rotterdam, and 13% of Frankfurt. Immigration patterns and demographic trends indicate that those numbers will increase steadily in the years to come, and eventually, I repeat, all of Western Europe will be under sharia law. Or, as John puts it so prettily, “many things will be different and some things will be better.”
Palestine: A false road to statehood
Thursday, August 23. 2018
Why Prosperity Has Increased But Happiness Has Not
Venice restaurant bill outrages Japanese tourists
It's a tourist trap
San Francisco "Poop Patrollers" Make $185,000
The Folly of Scientism
Passing the Torch - Why the eons-old truce between humans and fire has burst into an age of megafires, and what can be done about it
Social Media Companies the Most Dangerous Monopolies Ever
The Guardian: Men’s Fixation on Younger Women is Indicative of a Crisis in Masculinity
Says Legal Insurrection, "Longest “crisis” in human history"
If neo-Nazis didn’t exist, the left would have to invent them. And to some extent have.
Texas School Removes 'Ladies' and 'Gentlemen' Quote After Single Twitter User Complains
‘Social Justice’ is Overrunning the University of Texas
Kling: I think that the case for spending “public money” (i.e., money extracted from taxpayers) on schools is quite weak. Until I see a well-controlled experiment, I will be skeptical of the benefit of schools.
College bans ‘racial’ and ‘offensive’ discussions on campus network for 11 years
52.1% of Kids Live in Households Getting Means-Tested Government Assistance
THE SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER’S PERFECT STORM - And why religious freedom is at stake.
What Socialists (and Most Other People) Don't Understand About The Oil Industry
Anti-Trump Harvard Law prof ‘has lost his mind’ over Supreme Court nominee
Steyn: The Priorities of US Justice
Anatomy of a Sting: Robert Mueller Likely Used FBI and Foreign Intel to Set-Up George Papadopoulos in July 2017…
Wednesday, August 22. 2018
Woodrow Wilson's biographer discusses the 28th president's racism and the disabling stroke he suffered in 1919
Don’t subsidize coal; just stop trying to kill it off
Sea level rise has been average 7 inches per century for 7000 years
Can Sexual Orientation Change?
Cultural appropriation update
New Jersey governor bans black bear hunting on state grounds, but not without backlash
Asia Argento: I Deny Everything — And The Payoff To My Accuser Was Anthony Bourdain’s Idea
Do People Really Think Earth Might Be Flat? A poll says lots of Millennials evidently do
Not The Onion: PETA Frees Animal Crackers From Cages
At UCLA, 20 paid diversity advocates isn’t enough
Is Democracy Really Dying? Why so many commentators share an overly grim view of America’s fate
When the Left admits they hate America and Americans
Pulling Their Clearances Is Only The Start — It’s Time To Stamp Out Elite Privilege
The monsters from the id that seized control the Democrat Party have transformed that party into a mob of undead extras from The Walking Dead (Season 285). From “the friend of the working man” this party has become an indecent and disgusting spectacle of crazed cultists and prevaricating perverts claiming they are “normal”.
Tuesday, August 21. 2018
Besides the Clinton-Russia collusion/treason?, there is just too much inbred corruption and deception.
Where is the Special Counsel?
Above: Perry's Venn Diagram related to MacDonald's Gender is a construct - except when it's not
Tyler Cowen is visiting Baku
Most wildfires are started by humans, we can do a lot to prevent them too
Ethanol Is Terrible for Health and the Environment, but Government Keeps Backing It. The US federal government still strongly pushes corn- and soy-based ethanol despite the EPA's new study showing its harmful effects.
US military having trouble finding good recruits
California Dems Pass Bill Banning Sale Of Soda And Juice To Kids…
Public Housing’s Most Notorious Failure - Revisionist history notwithstanding, Cabrini-Green more than deserved its reputation for crime and squalor.
Dalrymple on bureacratese
The Pernicious Impact of Government Intervention in Healthcare, Captured in a Chart. This “third-party payer” system basically means market forces are absent.
Weinstein accuser Asia Argento made deal to pay her own sexual assault accuser, bombshell report says
Asia Argento Paid Off Sexual Assault Accuser (Report)
"...conservatives also cave in large numbers even when their most sacred cows are in danger."
Chelsea Clinton Now Calls Running for Office a ‘Definite Maybe’
David Horowitz: Trump’s Character and Trump’s Presidency
This is why all Americans should support President Trump on immigration
Trump is gaining black support because his policies are improving the lives of all Americans
... this was never about Russia at all, although if they caught some Russia this or that, they’d scream to the high heavens. (Expect that in the Mueller report.)
No, this was about getting a gangster, Don Trumpeone, by getting people like Fredo Manafort and Clemenza Cohen on some tax thing or other, and having them turn on the Dogfather. And if there’s no tax thing, there’s always perjury, simply manufactured by Mueller’s preferring some statement from Party X over one from the mouth of Fredo or Clemenza (truth isn’t truth as you know — cue screaming).
The left made multiculturalism and the multinational order unviable as a power play. But the play went awry. Instead of the left’s plans moving forward, they’ve been set back. And instead of taking responsibility, the left is blaming everyone else for its own crimes against liberalism.
Trump didn’t break the old order. The left did.
Why should Kofi Annan’s death cause us to forget how bad at his job he was? Failure falls upwards.
Saturday, August 18. 2018
Photo from this piece . Furthermore, efforts to reduce accidents can backfire. There is a book: Normal Accidents
Thursday, August 16. 2018
Shark attack victim suffers puncture wounds to torso, legs
Just down the beach from where we were last week
A Weird-But-True Story Takes Flight In 'The Feather Thief'
NYC's Gowanus Canal cleanup has unearthed historic treasures — covered in toxic goo
Prof Claims 'Responsible Fatherhood' Reinforces 'Patriarchy'
K-12: Creating the 'Ideal' School
Obama Foundation’s monumental rip-off
We are not Rome. I detest these self-aggrandizing presidential monuments
Democrats are out to sabotage the middle class on health care
Dems against choice, just one-size-fits-all government medical care
Not a joke: The New York Times has an advice column about how to 'cure' white skin privilege
Trump Slams NY Gov Cuomo's "Total Meltdown" After "America Was Never That Great" Comment
"The narratives that painted Black Lives Matter activists as 'violent' have turned into legislation that targets black people, leftists, and other marginalized groups."
Washington Post: Trump’s Guilty Till He Proves Himself Innocent
Michael Barone: Either Trump is delivering on his economic promises, or he's very lucky
Mainstream media ignores Trump’s success on world stage
A Journalist Reflects On His Profession’s Anti-Trump Collusion
Laws of Armed Conflict in Gaza
Wednesday, August 15. 2018
The Nastiest Feud in Science - A Princeton geologist has endured decades of ridicule for arguing that the fifth extinction was caused not by an asteroid but by a series of colossal volcanic eruptions. But she’s reopened that debate.
Good News: Climatruther Computer Model Predicts End Of Civilization By 2040
Al Gore says Trump undoing environmental regs has done less ´damage´ than he once feared
Pennsylvania priests 'abused thousands of children'
How To Identify Racist And Sexist Remarks And Slurs
NY Times Advice Column Tackles White Guilt
Antifa, Democratic Socialists, & New World Order All Want Same Thing: "No Borders, No Wall, No USA At All"
Forbes Slammed for Wilbur Ross 'Grifting' Report
Feinstein, Strzok, and the Sinister Russia Probe
Prof: Free speech could normalize Trump
Boycotting Sam Adams Beer Over Trump Support?
Stung by President Trump’s repeated charges of “fake news,” last week The Boston Globe announced an alliance of more than 70 newspapers planning to run editorials protesting a ‘‘dirty war against the free press.”
America’s Newspapers Just Played Right Into Trump’s Hands
THE COORDINATED 'WAR OF WORDS' AGAINST TRUMP - The latest surge of fake news from the establishment media axis.
Kurt Schlichter: NeverTrumpers Don't Hate Trump. Primarily They Hate You.
The Media Are Hiding Their Knowledge and Duplicity – Buzzfeed, WaPo and New York Times Had Unredacted FISA Application For Over A Year
Brennan, the Spooks, and Russian Collusion
No time limits, no 'public circus': Bruce Ohr to testify behind closed doors, Trey Gowdy says
How Were Bruce and Nellie Ohr, Christopher Steele, and Fusion GPS Plotting?
Jews: The Middle East’s Other Refugees
THE CONFERENCE THAT PAVED THE WAY TO THE MURDER OF MILLIONS - In one fateful day, 200,000 Austrian Jews were caught in the jaws of the power-hungry, Jew-hating monsters to whom nothing was sweeter than Jewish blood.
"Furious" Swedish PM Rages At Violent Gang Rampage: "What The Hell Are You Doing?"
London Declares TERROR ATTACK After Man Mows Down Bicyclists In SUV
British Prime Minister's Comment On Terror Attack Makes CNN Look Stupid
Tuesday, August 14. 2018
Trump in 1987. The man is consistent.
and 1992
Saturday, August 11. 2018
Friday, August 10. 2018
Painting by John Grillo . We have met him on many occasions and have some of his pictures. Always wanted one of his big oils but too much $. No wall space anyway.Yes, Wellfleet had a secret ocean nude beach for the free-love bohemians, artists, architects, and Harvard intellectuals. Not easy to find. Not much nude there now.
What Is War Good for? Ask a Chimpanzee. What apes and monkeys can teach us about the roots of human aggression.
Now another poet gets in trouble with the Red Guard
Nobody ever expects the Spanish Inquisition. Where are the grown-ups?
The troubled 29-year-old helped to die by Dutch doctors
Canada To Chronically Ill Man: How About A Little Euthanasia Instead Of Home Care?
Apple Vows iPhones Do Not Listen In On Users... But Its Apps Are Another Story
Ethanol Is Destroying the Environment
We had corn on the cob with steak last nite. Corn is good food. And ethanol is for cocktails.
How Do You Tell If The Earth's Climate System "Is Warming"?
Steyn: MS-13 are nice kids
Why California Cities Are Becoming Unlivable. California has the highest poverty rate in the U.S. and is rated dead last in quality of life.
A tale of 3 ctiies: In 1960, Detroit had the US's highest average income
Sarah Jeong Is a Boring, Typical Product of the American Academy
She is predictable: Hates the US, hates whites including Jews, loves Palis. illegals, and loves all self-anointed victims, hates the New York Times (yeah). I doubt she ever met a roofer or a hunt dog trainer.
Twitter Explodes After Ocasio-Cortez Attacks Shapiro In Response To Debate Offer
U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy: Big Tech ‘Must Do More Than Take Down’ InfoWars
Who next? Is Maggie on his little list? We feel he is a deplorable punk.
Court denies preliminary injunction in U. Michigan Bias Response Team lawsuit
The Red Guards win one
Watch Ivy League Students Try To Explain First Amendment
Berkeley: In addition to higher wages, the union workers are demanding that the school guarantee them free tuition and childcare, subsidize their housing costs, disarm the campus police, and provide financial support to illegal immigrants.
No free lollipops?
With the possible exception of Baltimore, there is no city where the consequences of leftist policies in terms of law and order are more dire than Chicago.
Democratic Socialism Threatens Minorities. Nothing better protects victims of bigotry than a system where they can pursue their needs and wants outside the realm of popular control.
Dear LeBron: Democrats, Not Trump, Ran Cities Like Akron Into The Ground
NAACP's own poll reveals surge in black support for Trump – and they react badly
Blacks' approval of Trump reaches a high of 21% and NAACP charges 'racism'
Here We Go… Far Left Actress Alyssa Milano Blames Russia for Republican Win in Ohio Special Election
I blame climate change
Michael Moore: ‘F—k Hope, Seriously, F---k Hope;’ Trump Will Be ‘Last President of the U.S.’
VDH: How can Americans now trust the intelligence agencies shown to be corrupt in the very recent past?
Dianne Feinstein was an easy mark for China’s spy
Byron York: What Was Hillary Clinton's Cut-Out Christopher Steele Doing Pallin' Around With a Putin-Linked Russian Oligarch Who Wasn't Allowed in the United States But Really Wanted that Prohibition Lifted?
Is there any doubt about a spy-FBI- Russia-Clinton nexus?
"The Outlook Has Become Grim": Trump Trade War Causing "Rare Cracks" Within China's Communist Party
Why the EU Won't Comply with Trump
There has never been free speech in China
Who Really Stands Up for America?
Trump Wins: Germany’s Central Bank Stops $400 Million Cash Delivery To Iran
Thursday, August 9. 2018
Richard Jarecki, Doctor Who Conquered Roulette, Dies at 86
Surprise: Warmists Admit Carbon Taxes Are Jobs Killers
Poetry: The progressive heretic-hunters turn their eyes to The Nation, and the nation.
American Jews: oppressed minority or privileged ?
Rabbi Sacks: On not being a victim
Meet America's Elite Farm Subsidy Club
Hall of Famer Jim Brown says he'd never kneel during anthem
Why Chicago can’t get a handle on deadly shootings
Drug gangs killing eachother. Maybe Chicago doesn't care about that
"Heavily Armed" Muslim Extremists Arrested In NM; Trained 11 Children To Commit School Shootings
The Great White Culture War
Never will you hear the Progressive say “this is good enough, we can stop now.”
The Elite Freaks Out When Trump Puts Americans First
Trump May Lose Star on Walk of Fame, But Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey Won't
Americans Give Trump An 'A' For Economy
Via Ace:
Hundreds of pages of previously undisclosed FBI emails and memos show that the Democrat opposition research firm Fusion GPS, through former British spy Christopher Steele, worked closely with the FBI, and DOJ official Bruce Ohr, to take down Donald Trump before, during, and after the 2016 presidential election.
Beijing demands Christians infuse faith with 'Chinese characteristics' amid crackdown on religion
Saudi Arabia crucified a man in Mecca while aggressively calling out Canada over human rights
China has had a strategy to supplant the United States as the dominant military and economic power since 1949.
How to Combat the Left’s ‘Alternative’ Israel Brainwashing - My time among the propagandists
Wednesday, August 8. 2018
The real story behind the ‘Little House on the Prairie’ controversy
UCLA students forced to pay for ‘Toxic Masculinity Committee’
Should Christians Vote for Muslim Candidates?
Why not? It depends
The Latest “Trump The Tyrant” Article From The WaPo Is A Real Ge m
Obviously. And unlike Clinton, there was no payment for Russian dirt
The Big Tech censorship storm has landed
Socialist ‘Future of the Democrat Party’ Just Had a VERY Bad Night
Beyond family separation: Trump’s ongoing war on asylum, explained
But if you get arrested, you can't be with your kids
How a senior DOJ official helped Dem researchers on Trump-Russia case
Why Doesn’t President Trump Get More Credit?
German Spy Chief Warns, Islamist Children "Pose Real Threat" To Nation
Asylum seeker who raped 17-year-old student in a cemetery replies ´Yes, I did that. Why not?´ as he is jailed for 16 years for attacking her and another woman five months apart
We have to be more multiculturally understanding, right?
China may have to resume U.S. soybean purchases in weeks
Trump drives tough deals