Saturday, November 2. 2019
Image is Currier and Ives' Autumn
Kimball: A genuinely transgressive act - On the dedication of Christ Chapel at Hillsdale College.
Stunningly beautiful
Left-Wing Racial Grievance Merchants Want to Ban Honors Classes in Schools, Claiming They Only Promote "White Supremacy"
America's religion of anti-racism reaches peak absurdity
Clinical insanity isn’t just a fashionable option anymore. It is becoming mandatory.
The Electric Car Fantasy - Senator Chuck Schumer’s ambitious proposal bucks basic economics—and science.
Huge October Payrolls Beat: 128K Jobs Added As Black Unemployment Rate Hits All Time Low
New York Times: Airing National Anthem On TV Could Trigger Viewers Who Hear ‘Political Overtones’
Tomi Lahren responds to left-wing backlash over her AOC Halloween costume: 'Calm down'
California's Prop 47 leads to rise in shoplifting, thefts, criminal activity across state
WAKE UP, IDIOTS! 453,000 New Yorkers Fled the State Last Year — And Now Trump!… And Cuomo and De Blasio CRACK JOKES?
Aaron Sorkin, Who Built His Career on Making Up Stuff About Politics, Claims Free Speech "Assaults Truth"
Former CIA Director On Trump Impeachment: ‘Thank God For The Deep State’
A stunning confession from a Deep State member subverting the constitutional republic
Suspected ‘Whistleblower’ Ciaramella May Be CIA Spy Planted in Trump White House Identified as “Charlie” in Strzok and Page Texts
Military Official Who Worked with Top Schiff Witness Alex Vindman Reprimanded Him for Inappropriate and Partisan Behavior in Military
Andrew McCarthy: Trump impeachment inquiry's sneaky next chapter – Get ready for THIS
Finland Has a Sports Screw Loose - Swamp soccer. Wife carrying. Phone throwing. The country used to be formidable in traditional sports, but has pivoted hard to the bizarre side of competition.
2020 Dems Stand With J Street, Hamas and ISIS Against Israel - Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders declare war on the Jewish State.
Trump Admin Considers Adding More Nations To So-Called Travel Ban
Friday, November 1. 2019
Vladimir Bukovsky, hero of freedom
In-law issues are normal: Prince Harry, Meghan reportedly have confrontation with Queen
The Weird Psychological Theory behind Gym Class
CNN: Asthma Sufferers Need To Change Their Medicine To Stop ‘Climate Change’
The Female Sexual Predator
It’s Not Climate Change To Blame For California’s Fires And Blackouts. It’s Democrats - Thanks to Democrats, California’s large and heavily regulated public utilities prioritize wind and solar power, leaving little for powerline maintenance and upgrades.
The ‘Farm Workforce Modernization Act’
How 'mattress girl' changed her mind
End the Failed Renewable Fuel Standard Experiment - Why Congress should abolish the ethanol mandate.
UMich nixes 'Bias Response Teams' amid free speech lawsuit
Results Are In: Common Core Is Making American Kids Dumber
California is nearing the logical limits of progressive adventurism in policy and politics.
The Chicago Teacher Union vs. Charter Schools
Trump Judicial Pick Breaks Down in Tears Over Horrible Far Left Smears During Hearing
Former Time Editor Wants Hate-Speech Laws, Thinks Trump ‘Might’ Violate Them, and Misses the Irony
Trump Tweets Meme About Hero Dog, Journos Lose Minds.
Trump is a master troller. Funny, too
The Adam Schiff Empowerment Act
House Impeachment Resolution Authorizes Fishing Expedition Probes that Go Far Beyond Ukraine
Impeachment Has Been Their Plan All Along
Anti-Trump Media Is Waging Psychological Warfare Against the American People
The Deep State Isn’t a Conspiracy, It’s a Revolution
NSC Official Tim Morrison To Schiff: ‘I Was Not Concerned That Anything Illegal Was Discussed’ In Trump-Ukraine Phone Call
Adam Schiff Coached Alexander Vindman Throughout Impeachment Testimony
Who could be in Durham’s investigative crosshairs? Obama-era figures have reason to sweat
Whistleblower Eric Ciaramella: Is this the best they've got?
Marxism Never Dies in Chile - Ongoing demonstrations have good cause, but the South American country needs more “neoliberalism”—not less.
Thursday, October 31. 2019
About an influential book nobody reads anymore: The Columbian Orator
Motorcyclist Who Identifies As Bicyclist Sets Cycling World Record
Dave Chappelle Blows Raspberry at Political Correctness - "And I'm sorry if I hurt anybody. Etc., etc. Yada, yada, yada. Everything I'm supposed to say."
Eddie Murphy, Dave Chappelle and more comedians weigh in, bluntly, on 'cancel culture'
Obama: ‘Cancel Culture’ Is Canceled
Pro-Palestinian college group is 'main driver of Jew-hatred on campus,' study suggests
Title IX Has Spawned a Dangerous, Totalitarian Bureaucracy
Can The Government Really Limit Marriage To Two People?
California Burning
I blame it on fire suppression
So do the experts
But Jerry Brown blames Trump for the fires
California Has the Nation's Worst Poverty Rate, New Census Data Shows
Border apprehensions increase by 500,000 from 2018 to 2019
Elizabeth Warren Pledges To Crack Down On School Choice, Despite Sending Her Own Son To Elite Private School
Hillary Clinton Paid to Have Her Personal Conspiracy Theory Made Into Official US National Security Policy, and The Entire Nation Has Been Forced to Live Inside the Sick Imaginings of a Paranoiac for Three Years
Nikki Haley Goes After The Deep State During AEI Event In DC
Speaking of which, Anti-Trump Whistleblower’s Identity Revealed – Worked for Susan Rice, Obama, Also Helped Initiate the Russia Collusion Hoax Investigation!
Brokaw To Mitchell: House Dems Don’t Really Have “The Goods” On Trump, Do They?
Trump’s praise for the dog that helped capture al Baghdadi was a psy-ops classic
Would Baghdadi be alive if Biden was president? As VP, he opposed raid that killed bin Laden
Prof: Trump ‘mentally impaired,’ experiencing ‘early onset dementia' as 'obese male’
Wednesday, October 30. 2019
Photo from NYC : Behold, The Soul-Stirring Peregrine Falcon Who Watches Over Us All
He's not dead, just resting
Your Halloween Decorations Are Bad For ‘Climate Change’ Or Something
'Cultural appropriation is cultural genocide,’ says Mo. school’s costume workshop
So my ravioli destroys Italian culture?
Vladimir Bukovsky (1942 - 2019)
1776, not 1619 - America’s Founding was not defined by slavery and white supremacy—quite the contrary.
'Your Past Is Terrible, and Your Future Is Terrible': What the Left Tells Young Americans
Bankers Fleeing New York
"The most knowledgable conservationists I’ve known were all hunters, quite unlike know-it-all urban hipster “environmentalists.”
The first guy I hunted ducks with was the founder of our local Audubon Society
Elderly Vet Has Guns Seized After Criticizing School Resource Officer For Allegedly Leaving His Post
The Export-Import Bank Shuffles Forward — Like a Zombie
Get rid of it. Crony capitalism
US detains record 76,000 minors traveling alone in 2019
It's incomprehensible. Parents send them?
Kanye West Claims Democrats Have ‘Brainwashed’ Blacks
Kanye West’s Conversion Could Be a Cultural Wrecking Ball
U.S. Recovered Valuable Intelligence In Baghdadi Raid
The left stumbles all over itself to praise al-Baghdadi
Sick and getting sicker. But I don't care about ISIS any more. Let the Syrians, Turks, and Russians grapple with them. Not my problem.
Adam Schiff Accused of Witness Tampering in 'Soviet-Style' Impeachment Inquiry
Dan Crenshaw challenges entire premise of Ukraine impeachment efforts
He is right. Crenshaw is a good one, also, Matt Gaetz. Both potential presidential material.
The Bell Is About to Toll - The real malefactors of election interference are soon to be exposed.
“I’ll agree to let you outlaw hate speech if you agree to let me define hate speech.”
NYT Writer Finally Admits It Feels Good To Hate Trump
Hate is fun, especially when it's self-righteous
Why the 'Woke' Corporations Back China
Tuesday, October 29. 2019
The Enduring Value of Herman Melville
Academia and the Spirit of Fear - Suffering from want of courage.
Oxford Nixes Clapping Lest It Trigger Snowflakes
I don't even understand this
Training for Title IX investigators lacks tested, effective techniques
Accomplished Charter-School Leader Fired for Publicly Worrying about Academic Excellence
Excellence is "problematic"
VDH: Our Bankrupt Nomenklatura - Take all the signature brand names that the Baby Boomers inherited from prior generations—Harvard, Yale, the New York Times, NPR, CNN, the Oscars, the NFL, the NBA, the FBI, the CIA, the Rockefeller and Ford foundations, and a host of others. And then ask whether they enhanced or diminished such inheritances?
Teachers union instructs members how to push identity politics on students
You are either a victim or an oppressor. Did you know that? Hang the sign around your neck.
The Real Climate Crisis Is Not Global Warming, It Is Cooling, And It May Have Already Started
NYC secretly exports homeless to Hawaii and other states without telling receiving pols
Brother of Sandy Hook victim blasts Joe Biden for 'lie', reveals family barred from Air Force One flight for opposing gun control
The Bidens: "Stone Cold Crooked" (3)
John Kelly to Democrats critical of ICE: ‘Go to hell!’
Kelly is needed back in the WH
IMF chief applauds "bravery" of Trump tax cuts
The Real Reasons Why Legacy Media Are Freaking Out Over Trump’s Successful Baghdadi Mission
NY Times thinks it found the real enemy in al-Baghdadi raid: TRUMP
Trump is Satan
James Foley’s Mother Thanks Trump and Brave Troops for Death of ISIS Leader
Mother of Kayla Mueller: My Daughter Might Still Be Alive “If Obama Had Been as Decisive as Trump”
Impeachment pursuits began on the day Trump was inaugurated
No kidding
Italy: Mass Legalization Of Migrants Is Suicidal
Media Frantically Reminding You That Trump Hasn’t “Defeated ISIS”
Sunday, October 27. 2019
Statement from the President on the Death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
Sorry to include this bit: WaPo Eulogizes ISIS Leader Al-Baghdadi as “Austere Religious Leader”
Fun with the WaPo from David Burge: "Adolph Hitler, socially awkward Austrian vegan with background in painting, dead at 54."
Saturday, October 26. 2019
Has The Intrepid Sidney Powell Tapped Into A Deep State Source?
Why did the FBI etc take all the trouble to entrap, or whatever, the patriot Flynn, and destroy his life? That's my question. Gen. Flynn has been a better American than any of those dirty SOBs who wanted a scalp, any scalp connected to Trump.
If Powell is doing this work pro bono, God bless her. I believe Flynn had to sell his house to cover legal defence over a year ago. The General is broke.
Thursday, October 24. 2019
I avoid podcasts mostly, but Scott Adams' daily podcasts are a hoot.
He is not a Conservative, more of a free-thinker (claims to be a Bernie guy) who does the news and loves to think outside the box. Engaging fellow, smarter than me, and relentlessly happy. Here's today's. He might become a daily habit for me because he lights up my brain with cleverness and humor. Can find humor in anything, which is a good attitude.
Too bad he's on California time, because he'd be good with my morning coffees.
Wednesday, October 23. 2019
Tuesday, October 22. 2019
Politics is not my beat, but on a rare perusal of The New York Times today (dental office), I could not help but be struck by how the winds blow down there at their headquarters. If Trump is for it, they're against it from the news slants to the opinion (today, Trump is an existential threat to the Republic)..
Even when Dems were for something just a few years ago in Obama times. Suddenly, the NYT and the Dems have pivoted towards hawkish in the Middle East. Suddenly, illegal immigration is desirable. Israel is now evil. Our energy independence is bad. And so on. You can fill in further examples in our comments. Here's the guiding principle, as best as I can tell:
Scientists 'may have crossed ethical line' in growing human brains
Biological Male Dominates at Women’s Masters Track Cycling World Championships – Wins Gold Medal
Why not let everybody compete together? Then you can get the best of every human flavor. Like marathons.
The Kenyan ghost writers doing 'lazy' Western students' work
Gov. Cuomo signs bill outlawing elephant performances
How about banning politician performances?
The “Supermarket Sweep” - Addiction and decriminalization fuel a West Coast shoplifting boom.
The Clintons Coined The Phrase ‘Safe, Legal And Rare,’ But Abortion Activists Say This Is Stigmatizing
The American Melting Pot Isn’t Quite So Melty Anymore
Rand Paul: Rising Support for Socialism Among American Youth Is ‘Mind-Boggling’
Not really. Transitioning to independence is difficult for many.
An Opponent of Due Process for the Supreme Court?
The Supreme Court Is Poised to Strike Down a Major Obama-Era Agency
Supreme Court will take on 'fourth branch' of bureaucracies
All Nine House Intelligence Committee Republicans: Adam Schiff is Playing Games and Withholding Evidence
Hillary Now Blaming The DNC For Her Loss To Trump…
Beto O’Rourke: ‘This Country… Is Still Racist At Its Foundation, At Its Core’ - Still auditioning for that MSNBC gig.
USA Today's Print Edition May Be Another Casualty of Dying Media - The buried lede is that the media is struggling to survive. And so it's going to war.
The New York Times Gets Neoclassicals, Austrians, And Schumpter Wrong...All In One Article
Like Him or Not, Trump is Uniquely Suited for Such a Time as This
Trump's Labeling of 'Fake News' Was an Understatement
He didn't get the memo
Larry C. Johnson: FBI-DOJ Likely to Throw the CIA and Clapper Under the Bus
Barr Approved Expanded Scope Of Durham Probe — To Include Clapper And Brennan
It took too long to find Barr
About the Turks and the Kurds
Elizabeth Warren threatens Israel with aid cutoff but slammed Trump for cutting off aid to Palestinians
An ignorant question: Why does Israel need US aid, and why does US aid the Palis?
Monday, October 21. 2019
Photo : Lobby floral displays this week at the Met Museum. Some rich lady endowed their flowers, years ago and they are always worth atthention.
New York’s glorious Frick Collection does not deserve its planned mutilation.
Most U.S. Dairy Cows Are Descended From Just 2 Bulls. That's Not Good
The Rothschild's Downton Abbey
This is where the FAA does its tests to determine minimum dimensions for plane seats
Public university tells professors not to grade based on merit
Investigated for Not Having Sex With a Tranny
Who Needs Women’s Sports Anyway?
Hundreds Of Fans Protest NBA/China At Nets-Raptors Game In Brooklyn
Ex-NFL star Jack Brewer: Why Trump policies are secretly loved by most liberals (even if they won’t admit it)
Trump's Labeling of 'Fake News' Was an Understatement
CIA Analysts Lawyer Up As Brennan, Clapper Ensnared In Expanding Russiagate Probe
Mifsud’s Phones Obtained by Durham Have UK Sim Cards Tying Them to the UK — AND BACK TO JOHN BRENNAN
Hunter Biden got $83G per month for Ukraine 'ceremonial' gig: report
Beto O'Rourke Announces Support for Menstrual Equity Act on National Period Day
AOC: We Must Have The Government Control Things, So We Can Be More Free
Warren’s Plan To Tax What She Can’t Ban
"I Stand Against Everything She Represents" - Gabbard Hammers Tired, Sick, Fragile Hillary
Catfights are sort of fun
Crenshaw discusses border issues
How the Sinaloa Cartel Bested the Mexican Army
Socialist Tyranny, Genocidal Muslim Tyranny, Slave State and Libya Win UN Human Rights Council Seats
Trump is Right: Ending the Endless Wars Starts in Syria - The neocon consensus has brought nothing but disaster. If the president wants to chart another course, we should support him.
What Trump Actually Gets Right About Syria
China’s Maritime Strategic Challenge
Saturday, October 19. 2019
Happy Halloween! Annual ‘Offensive’ Costume Bans Begin, Starting With Michigan State University
‘Pass the iPad’: ‘American Families’ Data Explored
NYT: Why Don’t Rich People Just Stop Working?
What an idiot. Guy's never heard of the work ethic. Link via Althouse
‘Start Your Day With Maximum Gay:’ Kellogg’s Launches LGBT Cereal
Men’s Magazine GQ Introduces New Insane Issue Undermining Masculinity
And Now, A Musical Tribute To Cancel Culture
New California Law Targeting Uber and Lyft Will Destroy Freelance Writing Industry
Why short selling is so important
WSJ: Electricity Doesn’t Light Up the Soul - Secular humanism was full of promise. Now it’s having an existential crisis.
As Confucius Institutes shutter, Chinese spies in the US hold steady
Watch: Kat Timpf Responds to NYT Piece ‘Free Speech Is Killing Us’
Government Help Will Never Be Enough - Transforming the lives of struggling people requires personal commitment and willingness to change one’s perspective—not more “free stuff.”
Hysterical reaction to AG Barr's landmark speech at Notre Dame
Wait, What… DOJ Has Possession of Joseph Mifsud Cell Phones (Blackberries)?…
The Greatness of Donald Trump - You can judge him by the real “deplorables” — with enemies like his, the greatness flows naturally.
Not necessary to like his personality
Maneuvering To Force The U.S. To Accept Immigrants Who Will Become Public Charges
About a mile of new wall built each day along Mexico border, Pentagon says
Who knew?
Mike Rowe Gives Devastating Summary Of Democratic Candidates’ Economic Agenda
Impeachment Becomes A Psychodrama Of the Press
WaPo Admits State Department Official Raised Alarms In 2015 Over Hunter Biden's Ukraine Business, But Was Ignored
John Durham Now Has Two Blackberries Used by Russian (???) Agent Joseph Misfud, Who Incepted The Idea of Asking About Hillary's Emails Into George Papadopolous
Unhinged Retired Admiral and Clinton Loyalist Calls for Coup of President Trump: Remove Trump from Office ‘The Sooner the Better’
Not a good look for a military guy
The U.S. is the No. 1 most generous country in the world for the last decade
Don’t Romanticize the Kurds
Just because we helped them in a tribal war, do we have to love them forever? Sheesh, we only had 25 troops there.
Congress Just Begging for Another Quagmire War
So much for Trump being a threat to world peace
Move the summit, Mr. President
Wrong. It's Trump's house - home field advantage. Plus all the guests will want to play the famous Doral golf course
Friday, October 18. 2019
Hillary suggests that Tulsi Gabbard, Jill Stein, and Donald Trump are working with Russians.
Wasn't Hillary the "reset with Putin" girl?
Thursday, October 17. 2019
Wednesday, October 16. 2019