Thursday, August 8. 2019
Scott Adams:
In Movie One, President Trump is absolutely, definitely a racist, and any honest person can see it in the way he talks, the people who support him, and his policy proposals. For the viewers of this movie, Trump’s alleged racism is a fact, not an opinion. Therefore, logically, all Trump supporters must be racists because they support a racist president. This view of reality is promoted by CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, Washington Post, ABC, NBC, NPR, and essentially all of the left-leaning press.
In Movie Two, President Trump promised the country he would not be politically correct if elected, and sure enough, he is not. He goes hard at all critics, with uncautious language, and that makes it easy for his political foes to cherry pick the times he criticizes women and people of color, framing those instances as some sort of pattern. Viewers of Movie Two are confused about whether the viewers of Movie One are lying, stupid, brainwashed, or mentally ill.
Those two realities are starkly different. How can any of us tell which is the true one?
Wednesday, August 7. 2019
Samuel Pepys: Honest to a Fault
Good fun reading him in small doses,like Boswell's writings
Raoul Wallenberg — remembering a hero on his 107th birthday. To save tens of thousands of Jews, Swedish diplomat bribed, cajoled, persuaded and even threatened German and Hungarian officials; what happened to him remains unclear
"David Whitlock has not showered or bathed for 15 years, yet he does not have body odour."
What about "odor"?
NPR Discovers the ‘Nature Rights’ Movement
Professor wins settlement blocking forced union due
Think Google Controls The News? It’s Worse Than You Think, Experts Say
On Monday Barack Obama criticized President Trump and racism for the mass shootings over the weekend.
Here's What A Criminology Professor Learned By Studying Every Mass Shooting Since 1966
Most bitter, alienated people don't kill
Ex-Girlfriend Says Dayton Shooter Heard Voices, Talked About “Dark, Evil Things”
Chicago Mass Shooting This Morning. Where Is The Democrat Outcry?
Obama: 24 Mass Shootings. Trump: 4 Mass Shootings
Facts don't matter. Orange man bad.
Reporters Dismiss Dayton Shooter’s Politics - A new journalistic standard.
After Trump Condemns White Supremacy, Biden Compares Him To KKK
MSNBC Host: Trump Is ‘Talking About Exterminating Latinos’
NBC News Contributor Claims Trump May Have Ordered Flags Flown At Half-Staff To Honor Adolf Hitler
Hinderaker: The Democratic Party has descended into a maelstrom of hate. I’ve been around for a while, and I have never seen anything like it. Whenever you think they can’t sink lower, they do.
The Guardian view on the China-US trade wars: the global economy is at risk
It is way past time for the trade battle. Better now than later. Who wants the US economy held hostage by the giant China? Trump kicks ass.
French politicians want to add an ag-gag rule to the country's sweeping online hate speech proposal
When "hate speech" laws begin, there is no end to them.
NY Times: Europe Limits Free Speech, You Know
Monday, August 5. 2019
Democratic-Socialist dinosaurs hype climate change debate
Berkeley Somehow Bans Natural Gas
Why not ban gasoline?
Advice to the College-Bound from the Old, White Professor
Bad Grammar Makes You Sound Stupid
The regression of America’s big progressive cities.
Nothing the modern Left has to offer is going fix places like Baltimore
WILLIAMS: Being A Racist Is Easy Today
Harvard Law Prof. Calls For Trump’s Impeachment After Shootings, Says He Supports ‘Terrorism’
A bad case of TDS
Trump To Address Nation Monday Over Mass Shootings, Says More Gun Control May Be Needed
If Trump's To Blame For El Paso Shooting, Is Warren To Blame For Dayton?
I blame the evil in the human soul. Wrong moment to say it when we feel terrible for the victims and families, but mass shootings in the US have been declining for decades.
What If Man Is a Killer Ape Beset by Original Sin?
Mass Shooter Connor Betts a Liz Warren Supporter, Hated Trump, Twitter profile included: “he/him / anime fan / metalhead / leftist / i’m going to hell and i’m not coming back.”
The 2nd Amendment Is Inviolate: But Is There Anything To Be Done About These Random (And Rare) Mass Shootings?
AOC's Just-Resigned Chief Of Staff Under Federal Investigation
Harris Campaign Blames Russia for Humiliation by Gabbard
Even Liberal WaPo says Warren and Sanders proposals don’t “meet a baseline degree of factual plausibility”
Just pandering
HOTS ON FOR NOWHERE: Bill Maher: ‘I’ve Been Hoping for a Recession’ to Get Rid of Trump.
More TDS. Hates Trump more than he cares about people
Starting to Unravel the Mystery of Joseph Mifsud
What mystery? He's an obvious intel asset
Saturday, August 3. 2019
They are not crazy, MC, in my view. Just trying to turn on their base, the primary voters. That what pols do. Boob bait.
It's all calculated, a game. All parties do it. Figger this: 50% of voting age have below average IQs, and they are reading neither Maggie's nor MC.
Image: That's a John Grillo. I have a minor collection of his stuff, including that one of his wife at the nude beach in Truro.
Rolling Stones concert review: Mick Jagger proves time is still on his side
The Sahara buried this ancient Roman city—preserving it for centuries. Once a thriving North African military outpost, Thamugadi was forgotten under desert sands, until a Scottish explorer went looking for it centuries later.
Scientists say a blood test can detect signs of Alzheimer's 20 years before onset of symptoms
There is no treatment, but it's fun to know how you might end up
Unreal: McDonald's Employee Fired After Refusing To Serve Paramedics
Why Pre-College Service Is Good For Everyone
Prince Harry Would Have To Plant Hundreds Of Trees To Offset Carbon Footprint He Left Attending Posh Climate Change Summit
Royals not known for IQ. Good manners, though.
Euronews Wonders If Traveling To Google’s ‘Climate Change’ Conference By Private Jet Is Hypocritical Or Something
Naw, it's not. It's virtue-signaling. It's the current fashion.
Why Democrats Lose - Jonathan Rodden explores the urban-rural electoral divide.
The Fasting Cure Is No Fad - New research is showing the profound benefits—for weight, longevity and fighting disease—of eating only during limited hours
California Removes Arrest Records From Kamala Harris' Time as Prosecutor from Public Records
After Dems Praise Al Sharpton, WaPo Publishes Devastating Piece Detailing His Ugly Past
Biden Inc. Over his decades in office, ‘Middle-Class Joe’s’ family fortunes have closely tracked his political career.
That's what they do
Trump is delivering for African-Americans. Dems need to work with him to benefit Baltimore
CNN Host Don Lemon Demonizes Black Pastor Who Won't Call Trump Racist
A Dem approach is to scare African-Americans. Every election. It won't work with Trump, though.
Democrats warn of Trump trap
Trump sets modern record for meeting his promises
Covington Catholic High School students file lawsuits against dozens of public figures including Elizabeth Warren, CNN, New York Times reporters and Kathy Griffin, claiming their comments after That encounter were defamatory.
United Nations Singles Out Israel for Violating ‘Women’s Rights’
Why nationalism is required for political success
UK "Up To Its Neck" In RussiaGate Affair, Secret Texts Reveal British Role In Trump Coup Effort
Hezbollah Turning Syria Villages on Israel Border Into Fortresses
Young Palestinians are leaving Gaza in droves. With few jobs and no hope, there is little reason for them to stay
Unless your life mission is to kill Jews, I'd get out of there too.
Thursday, August 1. 2019
Google can move 2.4 million votes. Can't figure out how to embed this C-Span piece, but video is here.
Hal Prince, Giant of Broadway and Reaper of Tonys, Dies at 91
Video of a Piglet Squid
10-Year-Old Boy Reportedly Charged With Aggravated Assault After Hitting Classmate With Ball
Bummer: We Can’t Have Climate Justice Without Word Salad Justice
Threatening teachers' ability to control their classrooms - How the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights gets it wrong on school discipline
Wednesday, July 31. 2019
How did they work for the "indigenous people"? Scott Adams
I am the indigenous people now. Sue me.
Tuesday, July 30. 2019
The world is good, and getting better all the time.
Let Scott Adams convince you of that, today.
As you may be aware thanks to my merciless flogging of it, I have a new book out called The Smallest Minority: Independent Thinking in the Age of Mob Politics. It is about the way in which social media brings out the worst of the tribalism and idiocy in our contemporary politics by displacing almost all of the substantive discussion with a lobotomized — and, ultimately, useless — politics of white hats and black hats, good guys and bad guys, cowboys and Indians, Us and Them...
Monday, July 29. 2019
Focusing on Happiness doesn't work
Vanderleun: A Wife for My Next Life
Program under fire for saying kids need to ‘consent’ to grandma kisses
When tree planting actually damages ecosystems
Why you probably won’t actually get $125 from the Equifax settlement - The more people sign up, the less money there is
The real reason you see so many Chick-fil-A restaurants
Despite calls to start over, US health system covers 90%
MC: Should We Be Optimistic About The Future Of The United States?
"Yo, proletariat: If the Democratic Party is going to be against chocolate, high heels, parties and fun, you’ve lost me. And I’ve got some bad news for you about 2020."
Cotton Blasts Dem Nominees Over Death Penalty Criticism - Dems have lost their mind since the 1990s'
KLAVAN: Clueless Chuck Todd And The Democrats
Trump is right about Baltimore — and the Democrats know it
Baltimore Resident ‘Trump is Not Racist … Cummings Has Done Nothing For Us’
'Rat Film' highlights Baltimore's rat warfare, urban planning failures
Democrat Baltimore Mayor Caught On Camera Complaining About ‘Rats, Dead Animals’ Last Year
From Why the Left So Despises Donald Trump
This president is often gratuitously uncouth in public, and almost unrecognizable to those who know him as a congenial, courteous, and charming man and a fine raconteur. These traits are less frequently in evidence than in earlier days.
Like all of us, the President gets better at his job the longer he holds it. But this would be an easy problem to correct, and that would leave the intense disparagement of Mr. Trump exclusively to the extremists and the decayed servitors he has served the country admirably by driving from office.
Sacred Cows Die As Marine Commandant Changes Course On Amphibs
Foreign Policy: Democracy is the Enemy of Climate Action
Saturday, July 27. 2019
Mueller’s testimony before the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees was a watershed moment. At this point, it is up to Congress to act on the evidence of multiple counts of obstruction of justice committed by the president, and to continue our investigation into whether he has committed other high crimes and misdemeanors.
Friday, July 26. 2019
The horrific consequences of rubber's toxic past
“Zombie Eating’: 88% Of Adults Dine While Staring At A Screen, Survey Finds
Snow is now just a thing of the past...
... where can you get actual information on world energy consumption of each type, and of how it is changing over time?
Bummer: We Now Only Have 18 Months To Save The Planet From Hotcoldwetdry
Sony is crowdfunding a project called the Reon Pocket, a wearable AC/heater unit compatible with both iPhones and Android devices.
Why Is a Top Australian University Supporting Indigenous Creationism?
The condescension is stunning
Facebook co-founder working with government officials to build anti-trust case against site: report
Meet The Former Epstein 'Sex Slave' Who Helped Recruit Underage Girls For The 'Lolita Express'
Not slaves, really. More like courtesans. Rich and powerful people sometimes like to live out their fantasies.
Yale Psychiatrist Bandy Lee Returns to Diagnose Trump as a Racist
Wow. An expert mind-reader
Trump lashes out at Sweden: 'Give A$AP Rocky his freedom'
Proof he's a racist Hitler
In the long run, thinking about politics is a deflection from living life.
A fine rant but, as a commenter observes, You might not be interested in politics but politics is interested in you.
Rep. Rashida Tlaib Wants a $20 Minimum Wage for Tipped Workers. That Would Likely Destroy the Restaurant Industry. The Democratic congresswoman said that people cannot live off tips. People who live off tips beg to differ.
Mr. Mueller surreally responded: “As I said earlier, with regard to Steele, that is beyond my purview.” What a farce.
Mueller: Russians Also Tried to Help Hillary
Meddlers will meddle. I am more worried about Google's meddling than the silly Russians
Thursday, July 25. 2019
He discusses the terrible waste of time and attention about the Trump-Russia hoax.
He also wonders why the Clinton-Russia was ignored. Also wonders what now happens to people with TDS.
"The British elected Boris Johnson as their new prime minister, meaning both the United States and the United Kingdom will be led by blond natives of New York City."
A Profile of Boris (Alexander Boris de Pfeffer Johnson).
A question for our readers: Is the UK an important country anymore?
(Somewhat related, It's not the size of the Royal Navy, it's the size of Britain's balls that's the problem.)
Amazon Has 'Destroyed' US Retail Industry: Mnuchin
In a first, China has more companies on Fortune Global 500 list than the US
Want to Know How Complicated Our Tax System Is? Check Out the IRS's "Taxpayer Roadmap"
How 2 Women Used Sex, Activism, and Title IX To Scam a Harvard Professor Out of His House, Job, and Money
Dumbest law prof ever?
A Federal Court Takes on Title IX
New Baltimore deputy police commissioner robbed at gunpoint near Patterson Park
Schiff: Mueller investigation showed Trump's 'disloyalty to country'
What??? Muerller asserted there was no Trump-Russia collusion. The Clinton-Russia angle was never explored.
Rep. Ratcliffe to Mueller: You Didn't Follow Special Counsel Rules, You Wrote About Decisions That Weren't Reached
Wednesday, July 24. 2019
Why is airport food so expensive? The reasons you pay a massive markup on a water bottle are more complex than you might think.
Amazon Plows Into Real Estate Market With Realogy Pact To Transform Homebuying Process
Alibaba brings e-commerce platform to US businesses
We’re Saved: S. Korea Cuts Down 2 Million Trees, Replaces Them With Solar Panels
Disabled students proliferate
When Trans Activism Empowers Sexual Harassment
Title IX policies have ‘anti-male bias’ and treat students accused of sexual assault unfairly, lawsuit alleges
The Minimum Wage Is Not About Helping the Poor - A boon to organized labor.
THE U.S. COMMISSION ON CIVIL RIGHTS STRIKES AGAIN - The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights has issued a report on school discipline.The report claims that students of all races misbehave in school at the same rate...
Chicago Mayor Delusional About City’s Violence
Bernie Sanders’s Campaign Hit With … Federal Labor Complaint
NAACP Delegates Call for Trump Impeachment
Byron York: Democrats think they've got a slam dunk obstruction case against Trump. They don't.
Robert Mueller soon may be exposed as the 'magician of omission' on Russia
Welcoming Boris Johnson
European Union: A Massive Expansion Of Top-Down Powers
Tuesday, July 23. 2019
Supposedly Trump knows how to make deals.
If you want it too much, you lose.