Thursday, January 23. 2020
Monty Python Star Terry Jones Dies at 77
Died of dementia
Yes, somewhat
California needs to set more fires. A new study reveals the risks, regulations, and limited resources that hold back plans for prescribed blazes.
El Paso Zoo teases return of naming cockroaches after exes, feeding them to meerkats
Department of Transportation Plans To Ban Nearly All Emotional Support Animals
It's the support cockroaches that really bug me. And the support millipedes.
University of Minnesota faculty, staff to undergo LGBT pronoun training
A new language
Yale Faculty Members Say Yale Needs Political Diversity
Facial recognition’s reckoning, Fourth Amendment edition
CNN Hires CNBC’s John Harwood, Who Was Caught Colluding With the Hillary 2016 Campaign
Activists with bylines, as Insty says
Kling: What is the future of journalism?
Clearing a Path for New Infrastructure - The Trump administration is right to streamline the environmental-review process.
Donald at Davos: Trump teaches a lesson to the crybabies back home
The real Trump
Yeah, people who meet him say he's a sweet guy. He's just a bully for America.
The FBI Scandal
The big Trump administration mistake that led to impeachment
Trump's Impeachment Trial Will Only Make Us Hate Washington Even More. That's a bad thing, even—or especially—from a libertarian perspective.
Whistleblower Was Overheard in '17 Discussing With Ally How to Remove Trump
A Tale of Two Whistleblowers: One Protected, One Not
Nadler Goes Nuts, Accuses GOP Senators of ‘Treacherous Votes’, ‘Cover-Up’ and ‘Voting Against the US’ for Rejecting Schumer Subpoenas for Trump Impeachment Trial
JW Investigates if Ousted Ukraine Ambassador Ordered State Dept. to Monitor Journalists, Trump Allies
Competing against China
University of Minnesota student jailed in China over tweets
Everything you must know about the biggest diplomatic event in Israel’s history - Who’s coming and who’s boycotting the event? Who will be allowed to speak? Will Putin sit next to Pence? What are the leaders doing in their spare time? And what’s on the menu?
Having persecuted and purged their Jews as punishment for the rebirth of Israel, many Arabs now realize they shot themselves in the foot.
Ukraine’s Jewish president heaps praise on Israel in pre-visit interview
Iran blinks
Trump freaks them out. Good. He's good at freaking people out.
Wednesday, January 22. 2020
Tuesday, January 21. 2020
How are things going in the USA? Pretty well, right? Or even really well? Or even great again?
At the 10:30 point, Scott takes on Trump Derangement Syndrome. If Trump is an insane, ignorant, psychotic moron, we need more of them in government.
Summarized, with the video, here.
I heard most of it live this morning at the gym. Superb. A positive, optimistic message for the world and for the US.
Monday, January 20. 2020
What Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. might think of America today
In Retrospect - Amity Shlaes’s brilliant history of 1960s welfare programs and the flawed vision that underpinned them
Op-Ed: We Can No Longer Tolerate An Economic System Where The Rich Get Richer And The Poor Also Get Richer
It’s Hard to Be a Patriot. When did love of country get such a bad name?
Did it?
Another boring feminist pretends she’s SKEERY: Mona Eltahawy’s ‘patriarchy’ video recorded at #WomensMarch2020 accidentally HILARIOUS
44 profs at Catholic university demand school apologize for screening pro-life film Unplanned
Profs don't want students to see a documentary?
Student Govt. at Dickinson College Votes to Ban Israeli Hummus to be More ‘Inclusive’
That hummus is tasty. I like it. Easy to make it yourself, too.
Cuomo doesn’t care who else gets hurt by his war on the gig economy
Gigs are how lots of people amend their incomes. I did gigs when I was young.
Did You Know That 2020 Socialist Candidate For President Bernie Sanders Supported Iran During The 444 Days Of The 1979 Iranian Hostage Crisis?
How five members of Joe Biden’s family got rich through his connections
Minnesota: Republican Iraqi American Reportedly Set to Challenge Rep. Ilhan Omar
Warehouse Filled With Hurricane Maria Supplies Discovered Years Later In Puerto Rico
Like Trump said
Holman Jenkins: The Comey coverup unravels
Foreign Policy Run by Dopes and Babies
Trump was elected to shake all the boxes. He has.
Under Trump, America May Be Its Strongest Since the End of World War II
Something is missing from the charges against Trump: An impeachable offense.
Being orange is like totally impeachable
What the Media Won’t Tell You: Bill Clinton Charged of 11 Felonies and Impeachable Offenses – Trump Accused of ZERO Felonies and 2 Non-Crimes
The cant and emotionalism that enshrouds this final doomed effort to undo the 2016 election probably require a full trial. The public relations battle must be fought to the end.
“You’re Impeached Forever!” – ‘Prayerful’ Pelosi Giggles and Taunts Trump on Bill Maher’s Show
The Unexpected Consequences Of Germany's Anti-Nuclear Push
Makes them beholden to Russian gas
Taiwan Stands Up to Xi
Saturday, January 18. 2020
“When I saw the latest climate hysteria headlines earlier this week, I did what any rational person would do: I cashed out my IRA and spent it all on hookers and blow."
Appeals Court Throws Out Climate Change Lawsuit
Democrats move to crush small business
Meet the Muslim Republican Iraqi Refugee Who's Looking to Unseat Ilhan Omar
Robert Hyde: I Was Climbing Volcanoes In Ecuador When I Sent Those Texts About Surveilling Yovanovitch To Lev Parnas
Deep State Spying on Trump Family and Journalists?
Consumer Confidence Hit Highest Level in 19 Years
What Do Democrats Fear in Donald Trump? Greatness
Kinda true. He is a change agent:
Consider how many powerful ideas Donald Trump has cast into the national consciousness. He has exposed both major parties as socialist globalist cults more concerned with government health care and foreign nation-building than a policy for American freedom. He has exposed how free trade can never be free when based on slave labor. He has exposed how the silent destruction of towns across the Midwest came not from China's comparative advantage, but from American companies' use of slavery by proxy. He has redirected investment away from Wall Street and toward Main Street for the first time in over thirty years and has unleashed three decades' worth of pent up entrepreneurial energy in the very towns long deemed dead. He has questioned how the federal government can have any legitimacy if it fails at enforcing its very own immigration laws.
Not one Nobel laureate imagined this American renaissance of GDP and stock market surge, record-low unemployment, wage growth, and low inflation in one bubbling cauldron. It took a change agent. Not one foreign policy mandarin suggested unleashing the entrepreneurial spirit of the American oil man in order to destroy our enemies' power over us permanently. It took a change agent. Not one State Department official questioned why the United States was still subsidizing Europe's generous socialist welfare system seventy years after WWII. It took a change agent. Nobody wondered why we were enriching China at our own expense and preparing for a world where a communist dictator would lead. It took Donald Trump...
Kimball: Impeachment is now just another bludgeon in the armory of political warfare. There is nothing new in the plot of this lugubrious sitcom
Dream Team? Trump Adds Starr, Dershowitz, And Ray To His Senate Impeachment Defense
Putin’s Now Purged the West from the Kremlin
China's Antics Are a 'Game-Changer' for the Navy and Marine Corps, 4-Star Says
Erdoğan's 'Make-Turkey-More-Islamic' Campaign Is a Failure
ISIS' Own "Jabba the Hut"
Friday, January 17. 2020
This guy has a funny and pointed response to a Remainer's article. (h/t SDA)
What does it mean to be English? This guy is a good talker.
Thursday, January 16. 2020
Wednesday, January 15. 2020
Roger Scruton: A Defender of Life on a Human Scale
Spain's abandoned tiny villages for sale
Some Rich Parents Are Giving Their Kids HGH to Make Them Taller
The College Wealth Premium Has Collapsed
Did you know that Star Wars is racist?
Virginia Passes Four Gun Bills in One Day
Can't believe this Pelosi tweet
How Trump Derangement Syndrome Makes You Stupid
Joe Biden's streak of being wrong on foreign policy continues, uninterrupted
The Score: US 10, Iran 0
That's the wrong way to view it. This could be good for Iran too.
We Can’t Trust the Media to Report Honestly on Iran
Iran State TV Sees At Least 2 News Anchors Quit: ‘Forgive Me For The 13 Years I Told You lies’
Tuesday, January 14. 2020
Steve Hilton:
This is the Trump Revolution: Pragmatic, non-ideological. He approaches issues as a problem-solving businessman.
It's actually a revolution in ideas and it goes way beyond foreign policy. He is combining the best of traditional conservative ideas with positive populism, appointing conservative judges and leading the way on criminal justice reform, cutting taxes and boosting family leave.
Saturday, January 11. 2020
Glaciers refuse to melt at Glacier Park
Progressive Minded Washington City May Ban Use Of Natural Gas To Solve Hotcoldwetdry
US emissions are falling under Trump, thanks to fracking's war on coal
"Despite a new imperative to be scrupulous about affirmative consent, young men are still subject to incessant messages that sexual conquest... remains the measure of a 'real' man..."
Tucker Carlson Masterfully Debunks the Transgender Murder “Epidemic” Myth
Once Again, Government-Subsidized Projects Fail to Deliver. Trump’s Foxconn failure shows that targeted subsidies don’t pay off.
What is private equity, and why is it killing everything you love? Private equity led to the closing of Toys R Us and cost 30,000 workers their jobs — and it’s hardly the only example of a deal gone wrong.
Willing seller meets willing buyer. Isn't that ok?
More Chinese students arrested for photographing US naval base '
Prof calls college a 'racket,' blasts diversity hires
Is Fauxcahontas Sane?
Texas Governor Announces the State Will Not Be Accepting Any More Refugees, Becomes First in Nation to Decline Them
The Reagan Revolution Gives Way to the Trump Revolution - As with Reagan, Democrats and the media panic.
New Lawsuit Claims Rod Rosenstein Led Task Force that Spied on Sharyl Attkisson’s Computers
FBI Apologizes To Court For Surveillance Of Carter Page, Pledges Fixes
Intelligence Community’s Inspector General Is the Link Between FISAgate and Impeachment
Trey Gowdy Reveals Real Reason Democrats Impeached Trump
How McConnell Outplayed Pelosi
Under pressure, Iran admits it shot down jetliner by mistake
The IRGC Just Admitted All The Terrorism/War Proxies They Are Working Behind Across Region
Iran’s attacks against the US in Iraq accomplished what was intended. Behind the Lines: A large amount of noise and smoke
Trump's Approval Rating Among Terrorists Hits All-Time Low
Eliminating Qasem Soleimani was Donald Trump’s Middle East farewell letter. President Trump’s opponents cannot forgive him his victories. But it has become increasingly clear that it doesn’t matter
No Senate Democrats Support Measure Praising Military For Killing Soleimani. All GOP Senators Supported Same Resolution About Bin Laden During Obama Years
Five Obama Foreign Policy Messes That Trump Is Cleaning Up
Democrats Are Out of Touch on Foreign Affairs, Too
The new socialism, like the old, will not protect Jews
Or Christians, or Muslims
Friday, January 10. 2020
OOPS: Worship Band Accidentally Worships For Real During Rehearsal
Virginia Ban On Woods And Backyard Shooting?
An insane ‘feminist’ attack on Alcoholics Anonymous
Climate Change Advocacy: Application Of Science, Or Religious Cult?
Has Saint Greta become a joke?
The Climate Decade that Was: Failed Predictions, Tour De Paris, and the Gretas
Progressive Eco-Group Admits It: Renewable Energy is a Hoax that Benefits its Greenie Elmer Gantries like Al Gore
California to Throw Another $1.4 Billion at Homelessness
Academia's Leftism becomes more aggressive and more stupid
New York Bar Association Calls on Congress to Launch Investigation Into Attorney General Bill Barr
Medical Journal Declares War on Natural Gas
Idiots. That's not their expertise.
The Big Farmer Bailout Was Never Debated
White House unveils plan to speed big projects permits
How Bernie Sanders Became Your Child’s Economics Teacher - Without proper education, it's demagogues who will teach voters about political economy, to the nation's detriment.
Taco Bell Dangles $100,000 Salary Amid Tight Worker Market
I blame Trump
Why Warren Buffett is right to warn about Illinois: The state’s true retirement costs now total 50% of annual budget.
At some point, you run out of other people's money
Democratic Minority Voters Overwhelmingly Favor School Choice. Don’t downplay party’s racial divide on charter schools
This Is The Washington Post On Crack
Elizabeth Warren Gives Advice On Boyfriends, Pets; Gets Crushed Online
New York Democrats Move to Register Illegal Aliens, Non-Citizens to Vote
Trump's second term: Trump Unbound
Trump wows the crowd at Toledo rally – and takes no prisoners.
The guy's energy is impressive. In his mid-70s, right?
MSNBC Katie Tur is OUTRAGED After President Trump Delivers Speech with “Stern White Military Men”
Iran’s Fawning Western Apologists
Democrats And The Media Are Blaming America Because Iran Shot Down A Passenger Plane. This Is Beyond Despicable.
Trump reset the Obama Grand Bargain with the Mullahs by taking out Soleimani and staring down threats of retaliation
The Chicken Littles got everything wrong on Trump and Iran: Goodwin
Post-Mugabe Zimbabwe Still Faces a Host of Economic Problems
Iran's Options in Showdown with America Are All Bad
China: Beijing's Arctic Power Grab
That's why Trump offered to "buy" Greenland. We bought Alaska, and it worked out well.
U.S. congressional study urges sanctions on China over 'crimes against humanity'
Thursday, January 9. 2020
40-year-old tractors are now a hot commodity
What It’s Like to Date After Middle Age
Another Expensive Solar Scheme Bites the Dust
If you say you care about the environment but you oppose nuclear power or fracking, then you’re an idiot or a liar.
Bill Gates Calls For Instituting “Robot Tax” For Companies That Replace Workers With Robots…
Don't all machines replace people? Like even washing machines?
The Lost History of Western Civilization Is Coming
Why the NY Times’ 1619 Project Fails the Truth Test
Canada Touts How 'Assisted Suicide' Is Providing Human Spare Parts. So Hurry Up and Die, Already.
The US Has the Least Poverty In the World
Attorney General William Barr, ‘Adult of the Year’ - Kimberley Strassel has his critics’ number.
VDH: What Is the Middle East In the Middle Of Anymore? The United States is trying to square a circle, remaining strong and deterring dangerous elements, but to do so for U.S. interests—interests that increasingly seem to be fewer and fewer in the Middle East.
Enemy of the Republic Media Now Openly Mourning That Iran Didn't Kill Americans & Thereby Damage Trump's Political Standing
Joe Scarborough gets it wrong: Trump’s ignorance has created an international crisis
No, an opportunity
Defense Secretary Esper: Soleimani’s Attack on Americans Was Just Days Away
CNN International doesn't mention guest was spokesperson for Iranian hostage-takers during 1979 crisis
State Department Official Shutdown CNN Anchor & Leaves Her Speechless
The right strategy for Iran isn’t regime change. It’s regime collapse.
Venice mayor: Anyone who shouts 'Allahu Akbar' will be shot
Wednesday, January 8. 2020
Tuesday, January 7. 2020
Beats me, but lots of people are talking about it. I do not even know what Golden Globes means.
25 Words That Are Their Own Opposites - Stumble into the looking-glass world of contronyms.
Can Intermittent Fasting Reset Your Immune System?
Three meals/day is long obsolete except for manual laborers. If you want to be healthy, a protein shake after morning workout, an apple and a coffee for lunch. Meat for supper, preferably cow meat.
Val d'Isere: The doctor who hid a Jewish girl - and the resort that wants to forget
Irish Data Centers Are Killing Us With Carbon Pollution
Police Working on Premise that Arsonists Started Bushfires in Australia – 200 People Arrested So Far – 85% of Fires Blamed on Humans
Pre- & post-citizens by Victor Davis Hanson - On the meaning of citizenship in the twenty-first century.
Chelsea Clinton Hauls In $9 Million From Corporate Board Position
That's called the gig economy
Judge halts California’s new “gig worker” law that’s impacting truckers
"Gig workers" are basically the self-employed
UC-Berkeley Threatened With Lawsuit For Mandatory Diversity Statements In Hiring
'Great example for the rest of this country': Bloomberg sees California as model for U.S.