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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Wednesday, September 16. 2015InvasionWe have termed it an invasion all along. At Drudge: ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE ON HUNGARY BORDER...
Related, Cultural Suicide: A Do-It-Yourself Guide
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Wednesday morning links
Don’t Love Me Because I’m Beautiful - All hail America’s newest victim class: the pretty girl. Seattle Sued Over Use Of “Green Police” Two defining months: Francis could see rough waters in US, synod Coming to America Only to Bitch About It:
Hillary Clinton Thinks You’re Stupid . . . How Obama Has Fundamentally Transformed American Politics Europe Is Making a Fatal Mistake - When good intentions trump experience and wisdom. "Benefit Tourism": Top court backs German block on EU migrant benefits Refugee crisis: Divisions leave Europe paralysed as borders close to refugees Interview with an Islamic State Recruiter: 'Democracy Is For Infidels' Wave of migrants will give Europe an extreme makeover In Israel, more Jewish holy sites desecrated than Christian, Muslim ones combined This Satellite Image Leaves No Doubt That Russia Is Throwing Troops and Aircraft Into Syria - It also shows just how screwed America’s Syria policy is. Beirut Chokes on Its Own Filth:
Interesting place, Lebanon. Used to be a major tourism destination. Tuesday, September 15. 2015Tuesday morning links Photo is Peach Salsa Artisanal Firewood Happy That Her Green Tyrant Is Leaving Home For College Sheesh. That Mom is lame, and the kid is lamer Without Government, Who Would Force A Men's Barbershop To Cut Women's Hair? The World Really Could Go Nuclear - Nothing but fear and capital stand in the way of a nuclear-powered future I am for it Long Before James ‘Whitey’ Bulger, There Was Joe Kennedy Two criminal, low-life families Uber Progresses in New York and Sarasota, Florida Navy secretary threw us ‘under the bus,’ say Marines in gender-integrated infantry unit Driscoll quotes Sowell:
Microaggressions: A Case Study Leftist Universities Will Never Stop Trying to Stifle Free Speech Carly Fiorina PAC FIRES BACK at Donald Trump with New Ad: “Ladies Look at This Face” It would be cruel to compare Hillary circa 2008 with the bedraggled harridan of today. Calling Bullshit on Bernie Sanders Dem Sen. Chris Murphy Says Only Way To Stop ISIS Is By Giving Welfare To Syrian Migrants… BBC’s Stephen Nolan Demonstrates That the Media Is the Enemy Is the World Rejecting Western Values? World never accepted them. Western values are culture-specific. BBC’s Stephen Nolan Demonstrates That the Media Is the Enemy - See more at: http://moonbattery.com/?p=63037#sthash.QAP9pRwF.dpuf German Suicide Europe is going to run out of altruism long before it runs out of refugees Via Drudge, Pope Blames Refugee Crisis on 'God of Money'... True. The migrants are aiming for the money. Otherwise, what the Pope says is loony. Stick to your knitting, Pope Unified, open Europe is unraveling in the migrant crisis Cleaning Up After the Obama Team’s Iran Deal Last night, O'Reilly and Krauthammer on American voter angerMonday, September 14. 2015Monday morning links Basic science quiz Personal trainers sweat as Washington, D.C., readies new rules The Weariness of the Whiners - The cult of the whining victim is now ubiquitous. The Fainting Couch at Columbia - A new 'sexual-respect initiative' puts another stake into the heart of academic seriousness. Boy, 13, Charged With Assault After Kissing Girl on a Dare NY Times: Climate Deniers Have “an intellectual stance that is uncomfortably close to Hitler’s” Whites, as it happens, are even more “underrepresented” at Berkeley than blacks. The Redistribution Fallacy - The federal government knows how to support a welfare state. It does not know how to transfer money from the rich to the poor. The more I learn, the more I am convinced that 9 out of 10 "experts" are just making shit up. Poor nations want U.S. to pay reparations for extreme weather WALTER RUSSELL MEAD: The Migration Crisis and Europe’s Crippling Doubts. Europe is going to run out of altruism long before it runs out of refugees. Germany Closes Border to Migrant Masses After 13,000 Flood into Munich in One Day 75% of them are young males Sunday, September 13. 2015NYC update
Went there to see a one-act play festival at The Secret Theater. Golly, LIC is changing. High-rises everywhere under construction. We had supper at a superb tiny French bistro, LIC Market. Everybody who works there is French. You can park on the street in LIC, no problem. As a daughter says, a gritty mix of industrial, residential, and business: Real NYC. We meandered through Astoria while en route. Got a little lost. I have never been to Astoria. It is one of the most pleasant, middle-class, and remarkably multi-cultural places I have seen. Of all things, a large Maltese population too- over 20,000. Who'da thunk it? But if you think about it, there is little to do in Malta. It's not too far from where the big game - Jokevitch vs. Federer - is today. I can't miss that. - Out-of-towners like us are always more familiar with Manhattan, with its totalitarian arithmetical road grid. Here is something wonderful, probably worth a trip from anywhere: Picasso, Completely Himself in 3 Dimensions. It's on my to-do list. We never miss major Picasso shows, because his craft and imagination blows my mind. - Something else fun: Immersive (aka Interactive) theater in NYC. I have heard reports about how much fun it is. A friend had his daughter's Sweet 16th party for 25 gals at one of the scavenger hunt "plays," and a couple of people told me about the MacBeth one. - At my point in life, a visit to NYC is always good for a dose of hyper-stimulation and amazement in the works of man but I am always happy to return to my quiet more pastoral home where the loudest noise is a cricket. If I won the Powerball, though, I think I'd buy a brownstone (with working fireplaces) in the West Village in a flash. I need both. Prosperous people in NYC belong to elite clubs as private retreats, and have dachas in the country too. I could handle that. My lovely daughters live as if they owned NYC despite living on a shoestring. Fearless, undaunted, resourceful and adventurous, they just take daily bites of that apple as so many young people need to, and shoot for the stars. No bourgeois instincts, it seems - like their Mom. All the same, they do love to come home sometimes for love, free food, and to hit some tennis balls like the prepster kids they are.
Saturday, September 12. 2015Saturday morning links
It’s too easy being single in New York When Emily Post drove from sea to shining sea Long Island Estate Fit for a Czar Lists for $100 Million U. Penn defends expression of controversial opinions How have we gotten to a place where that is a headline? University of California considering recognizing a “right” to be “free from … expressions of intolerance” Cool. A right to be free from free speech and opinions. California Will Give Free High School Diplomas To Kids Who Flunked Out EPA Chief Blames Boston’s ‘Worst Winter Ever’ on Global Warming Legal gambling and government greed America’s longest-standing case of ‘legal plunder’ and ‘crony capitalism’ – the sugar racket "It's microaggressions all the way down." The Rise of Victimhood Culture - A recent scholarly paper on “microaggressions” uses them to chart the ascendance of a new moral code in American life. No, 48 Million Americans Are Not Going Hungry - "Food insecurity" doesn't mean what you'd think Portrait of a Fanatic: A top physicist’s embarrassing tirade Remembering 9/11: The Wolf In 'Patriot Act' Sheep's Clothing Justice Dept says Clinton could erase emails if she liked Dear Donald Trump, Respect Matters The Clinton campaign puts the ‘moron’ into oxymoron Marines Wrestle Over Gender WHEN WILL WE GET BACK TO NORMAL? A former French minister stirred up controversy Friday after saying Germany “took our Jews and gave us Arabs” Exactly right Racism via Powerline toons:
Friday, September 11. 2015Easy for you to say: To the elites on mass immigration
Regular people know that mass immigration will assimilate with difficulty, even if they want to. Regular people know that they will not value or respect their history, their legacies, their traditions, as they do. This is why regular people do not welcome mass multicultural invasions. For us ordinary people, it's much more about preserving a culture and a neighborhood than it is about economics. Noonan: The Migrants and the Elites - A humanitarian crisis threatens the future of Western institutions. Predictably, Thomas Picketty: In migrants crisis, Europe must follow Germany’s lead Wise thoughts re Noonan from Fernandez: Prediction From the Grave
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Friday morning links The Unlearned Lessons of 9/11:
Homeless by Choice' in New York “Snow White and Her Seven Friends” News about the lady's orgasm They recommend that women masturbate more Don’t Expect Health Benefits from NYC’s New Salt Law Ridiculous The more inept you are, the smarter you think you are There is ... day by day in America, a growing tolerance of intolerance. I am tolerant of intolerance, which makes me piously tolerant across the board The 2016 election is essentially about whether America will remain a country. Dem Activists to Release “We’re All Mexicans” Song to Combat Donald Trump This guy loves Hillary Donald Trump is irreverent and amusing In Case You Thought The Chinese Know What They're Doing Questions About the Hegira to Germany New Poll Shows Why Palestinians Have No Interest in Peace Fred Reed: Why They Hate Us The rest of the world is not a 51st State Thursday, September 10. 2015Thursday morning links
Something Wonderful: The Birds of Paradise Project Listen to a Grateful Dead Studio Cut of ‘Caution (Do Not Stop on Tracks)’ From 1965 Why Our Toddler Started Doing Chores as Soon as He Could Walk 7 Steps to Building a Baby Schedule Uncle Sam and School Lunches The hotel looks like Fawlty Towers A book: The Hotel Years by Joseph Roth Another: Operation Greylord: The True Story of an Untrained Undercover Agent and America's Biggest Corruption Bust The Future of Work: What If There Isn't One? Why Millennials Aren’t Starting Businesses (and Why That’s a Problem) NYC to Vote on Mandatory Sodium Warnings for Restaurant Menus "Hey, Blake, here’s an idea: Maybe the reason people aren’t taking you seriously is because you seem weak, whiny, paranoid, and unable to handle anything without taking it so personally that you become too upset to function." Over last 20 years, annual fires in the US declined by about 50% while career firefighters increased more than 50%? Of Course the Government Wants to Read Your Texts i Contrary to what the Tea Party will tell you, the Founders and their 20 percent of illegals caught at border have criminal records Will President Obama’s Regulations Move U.S. Industries Offshore? Can Somebody Explain The Bernie Sanders Phenomenon To Me? WHAT TEMPERS THE STEEL OF AN INFANTRY UNIT Soldier in the Sinai: A General's Account of the Yom Kippur War Face Of Europe’s ‘Syrian Migrant’ Crisis: 72% Are Men, 47% Not Syrian Denmark cancels German trains amid migrant influx 'Flood gates are open': second wave of migrants eye Europe Germany pledges to accept 500,000 migrants per year as Merkel boasts influx will “change our country” The Syrian Refugee Crisis is Not Our Problem It’s being called a ‘revolt’ by intelligence pros who are paid to give Obama in Alaska - he's the one with gloves on: Wednesday, September 9. 2015Labor Costs in U.S.EMPLOYER COSTS FOR EMPLOYEE COMPENSATION – JUNE 2015
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Wednesday morning links
The whispering gallery in Grand Central Terminal US College Grads Know Nothing About The Constitution College Board: Only 42% of high school grads are ‘college ready’ Depends on how you define it Can You Guess What College Students Consume More Than Any Other Food? "Some People Just Don't Fit In The Economy" Buffett Explains When Black Music Was Conservative - Songs from the classic soul era celebrated marriage and upward mobility. Microaggression Mania: Where the Victimhood Culture Comes From No more "sticks and stones..." THE LEFT’S DILEMMA: THERE ARE SO MANY THINGS TO BE OFFENDED BY, AND SO LITTLE TIME TO AGONIZE ABOUT EACH Bad Whites
Marine Corps’ women-in-combat experiment gets mixed results Duh Conservatives prepare to make stand on Planned Parenthood PP should not be a quasi-governmental agency, but this is not great politics The Left struggles to explain why black unemployment and illegitimacy were less severe during times of greater racism. Can Scott Walker Save Himself? No Joe Biden Blasts the Obama-Biden Economy Hillary’s Decades-Long Effort to Appear Human Gets Another Reboot Brokaw: Clinton’s Recklessness With Server ‘Stunning,’ ‘Astonishes Me’ Puerto Ricans to Spain: Take Us Back Take my wife...please Defying the EU the Italian Way
Thomas Sowell: No Real Answer To Europe's Refugee Crisis Which European Nations Have the Biggest Subsidies that Trap People in Poverty? Turkey: America's Really Bad "Faustian Bargain" Egypt's Two Years Under Sisi Raging Horror Confirmed at Austria Italy Border – Mid-East Muslim “Refugees” Go On Rampage…. GRADE SCHOOL GIRLS in Germany Ordered to Cover Up – So As Not to Provoke Muslim Refugees THE ‘EURABIA’ MYTH; MUSLIMS TAKE OVER EUROPE? SORRY, THERE’S NO CHANCE Chaos on Greek Island as Migrants Riot Why does Germany want so many refugees? Germany’s Muslim Demographic Revolution Survey Finds 85% of European Jews Fear Bringing Children to Rosh Hashanah Services Jihad Street: 'Pro-Israel' organization shows its true colors Via Moonbattery: Tuesday, September 8. 2015Tuesday morning links I blame climate change How does that make you feel? 7 surprising downsides of being extremely intelligent Glad I escaped those problems Exceptional American of the Day: J.P. Morgan 5 Personalities at Your Gym That Will Make You Healthier and Happier "God doesn't have to punish us. All He has to do is let us feel the full weight of our sins." "Why can't members of the sexes be more alike? Why do so many irritating differences persist?" SAT scores this year hit the lowest level in 40 years, even though governments across the U.S. spent hundreds of billions of dollars on education. AAUP update: TWO CONTROVERSIAL PROFESSORS Elite Schools Lobby Against Proposal To Cap Graduate School Loans Duh. Greedy. Why More Gun Control Laws Won’t Help Trump Surges Past Hillary, Biden, Sanders, and Gore — Here Are Some Reasons Why Hillary Clinton to Show More Humor and Heart, Aides Say Paid sick leave: Obama issues executive order - The president is compelling federal contractors to grant time off. Why Won't Obama Stop Lying About Iran's Military Budget? Report: 12 UNRWA-linked Facebook Accounts Incite Antisemitism & Violence Denmark places anti-migrant adverts in Lebanon newspapers Five Wealthiest Muslim Nations REFUSE Syrian Refugees – Fear Terrorism Merkel for open borders Below via Moonbattery's Watching Europe Die
Monday, September 7. 2015Will Europe Still Be European?
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Monday morning links
Easy Peach Tart Your cat doesn’t love you: science Stranded on Liberia's lab chimp islands Do Computers Die Of Old Age? Protesters march against Sacramento County supervisors vote that marijuana crops are waste of water Purified wastewater triggers release of arsenic within aquifer, study finds Like No-Fault Divorce, Gay Marriage Will Change Our Relationships Culture Higher Learning at an All-Time Low Why I quit teaching Plunging SAT Scores Show Failure Of Federal Control Washington Supreme Court rules charter schools are unconstitutional Blue Staters Fleeing High-Tax Hells for Low-Tax Red States Re Steyn: A Disgrace to the Profession Vox and Dunning-Kruger Pat Moynihan was right — but Bill Bratton’s still wrong Immigrant to Mexico Calls Out Jorge Ramos on His Immigration Hypocrisy Judge upholds controversial Arizona immigration law Immigrant to Mexico Calls Out Jorge Ramos on His Immigration Hypocrisy - See more at: http://moonbattery.com/?p=62682#sthash.rRzt0RoO.dpuf Something Rotten in the State of Britain - Review: Roger Scruton, ‘The Disappeared’ Hillary Is Totally Sorry You’re “Confused” About Her Email Scandal Hillary Clinton: Invalid:
‘Hillary’ replaces ‘Jesus’ in campaign rally song Nine Signs of the Impending American Collapse - The unmistakable signs of a disaster from which we would all suffer, the fall of the once-greatest nation on earth, have left me “shaken.” Western Civilization: The Final Frontier? The refugee crisis Europe helped bring on itself Remember This Guy’ Pic: Last Year With ISIS, This Year A ‘Refugee’… THOUSANDS of Jihadists Have Infiltrated Europe US Policy Towards The Middle East - The Old Potomac Two Step Obama’s Syria achievement Saturday, September 5. 2015Saturday morning links
What question is God asking you? Is it finally Time to Get Government Out of the Marriage Business? 10 Best Traditions in Southern College Football - College Football is more than just a game--schools throughout the South add their own brand of pageantry to Saturday afternoons. Why We Fall for Bogus Research - fixed link William McKinley, Republican Visionary Charles Krauthammer: The roots of mass murder Reengineering Masculinity Reengineering Masculinity Yes, Computers Have Improved. No, Communism Hasn't. “College: an oasis of totalitarianism in a desert of freedom.” Detroit public schools are failing academically and financially, but their teachers and administrators get high marks "Hi, I'm President Obama and I'm here in Alaska to help fix the climate." The Don Does Standup: "I knew Weiner before they caught him with the bing-bing-bing." Incentives: The Road to Moocherville;' Salon: Why Ben Carson’s rapid surge in the polls should have you very, very worried Immigration: The Invasion 64% want a border fence with Mexico — including pluralities of Dems, blacks, and Hispanics NY Times: Hungary Is SO HOSTILE to Migrants That It Is Building a BORDER FENCE! Clinton: ‘I Was Not Thinking a Lot’ When I Became Secretary of State Why Have Oil-Rich Arab Countries Abandoned Muslim Refugees? Friday, September 4. 2015Friday morning links
What Is America’s Worst Restaurant Chain? F*ck Your Rules: Why I’ve Decided I’m Going to Have Fun All The Time (h/t Insty) MSNBC to Expand Morning Joe One More Hour Watched the show once, at the gym. Not bad. Environmental Waste - Tom Steyer’s $1 billion “green-jobs” initiative is a bust. Ted Cruz talks sense on climate ‘Water Shortages Are Manmade’ Economist Says - The answer to drought: let prices rise. The Importance of Intellectual Property Protection to the U.S. Economy Glenn Reynolds: Ordinary Americans lead the way on racial healing America needs no racial healing. I have never seen or experienced any racial problems in my life, except those ginned up for election seasons. Poverty Among Whites Demands Philanthropy's Attention - Four in 10 poor Americans are white Do they want "help"? How much smokier can a gun get? A guy with bad hair calls the MSM political reporters to a press conference... Hillary’s Campaign Has Already Begun to Derail Hillary May Just Be Dumb From Bush is a “very low-energy kind of guy”:
Europe sells the hangman's rope - again Okamoto condoms: objects of desire for Chinese tourists in Japan Iran Commander: We’re Getting Prepared to Overthrow Israel Kafka in Caracas Netanyahu and AIPAC: Right to Fight Thursday, September 3. 2015Thursday morning links A good magazine: Yankee Magazine Parents Frivolously Sue School over Nonexistent Wi-Fi Sickness. Why Are Courts Actually Giving Them a Chance? Judge In California Delivers Uber’s Worst Nightmare There's Nothing Mysterious About the Market - The mystery is why we keep letting government get in the way. The insufferable return of radical chic Obama Prophesies Climate Nightmare: Famine, Floods, Fire, Fumes and Fighting Bill O’Reilly Tells Jorge Ramos He’s Not a Reporter “You’re an Activist” Donald Trump and the Weak Man’s Vanity Obama’s Threats Unlikely To Stop Cyber Attacks Marx Materializes at the Border - The migrants overwhelming Europe force the socialists to confront the global mess they created. Continental Drift: Europe at a Crossroads:
The Work versus Welfare Trade-Off: Europe Beijing at the Corner of Desperation and Panic Survey: 2/3 of Natsec Pros Give Iran Deal Thumbs Down Russia Puts Boots on the Ground in Syria What We Owe the Syrian Boy in the Surf The Truth About Congressional Pro-Israel Theater Wednesday, September 2. 2015Wednesday morning links
How Airbnb actually makes NYC affordable Pigs Aren't Quite as Domesticated as People Once Thought Government Exercise: See the NIH’s Embarrassing Fitness Recommendations Colleges' Big Fail: Protecting Feelings, But Not Speech It's not about feelings - it's about giving in to bullies Sheep Led To The Slaughter: The Muzzling Of Free Speech In America Not here on the Farm Texas Top State Where Americans Move, New York Last - Florida brings in greatest wealth from new residents NOAA METEOROLOGIST: POLITICS AND MONEY DRIVE GLOBAL WARMING HYSTERIA 59% of Americans Support Trump on Deportation of Illegal Aliens It's the first major wave of immigration since the US became a Welfare State THE SOCIALIST DREAM WILL NEVER DIE WaPo editorial writer about to become very unpopular with #BlackLivesMatter Thinking about Obamacare while in Cabo Krauthammer: The future of entitlement-state progressivism hinges on Obamacare. Jindal: Hillary ‘Literally One Email Away From Going to Jail’ Hillary Clinton Repeatedly Originated And Distributed Highly Classified Information The Middle East Diaspora Descends on Europe Tuesday, September 1. 2015Could A Lion Live On Veggie Burgers?
No. And I am a Leo: Could A Lion Live On Veggie Burgers?
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Saturday, August 29. 2015A few Saturday linksNo Trial Lawyers Get Rich, Plaintiffs Get Coupons I once got a check for $1.64 from one of those Brownie: Stop Blaming Me for Hurricane Katrina Scapegoated Why the other Republicans can’t push Trump off-screen A vivid character is why. Obama was a vivid character too. Trump is like Teddy Roosevelt. Indian sisters told they will be repeatedly gang-raped as punishment for their brother's crime Your daily challenge to test your multicultural sensitivity and tolerance Gloucester update: Libertarians and Heroin Has the War on Drugs ever worked in the US? Uber Shows How To Break Crony Capitalism I love Uber. It's the limo service for regular people.
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Friday, August 28. 2015A new business to regulate: D.C.’s personal trainersIt is expected to be a model regulatory system for the whole country: In the nation’s capital, a new business to regulate: D.C.’s personal trainers Like so many regulations (manicurists? barbers?), I understand that part of the impetus comes from protection of existing guilds, but why can't government just leave people alone to pursue their honest trades?
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Friday morning links Study finds women turn to lesbians due to lack of boyfriends Liberals can try to ruin anything… even the E Street Band Many scientific studies can’t be replicated. That’s a problem. Ten years after Katrina: let’s learn from those predictions of more & bigger hurricanes Ten years later, extent of Katrina fraud still unknown Is This REALLY What Environmentalists Are After? Texas Top Destination for Migrating Taxpayers in 2013, New York Biggest Loser A Nation Divided - Northeast Happiest In 8 Years As MidWest Comfort Collapses Uber and the Great Taxicab Collapse - Should taxpayers bailout bankrupt medallion owners? "You black people, my black people, you are the fucking most violent mother*****rs I have ever seen in my life.” Charlie Daniels to Congress (in essence) 'Fuck you spineless maggots.' The havoc that Trump wreaks — on his own party President Obama Is Rebuked By a Better Man Confirmation Bias - NH Primary Version Hillary Clinton Compares Republican Candidates to Terrorists Hillary Clinton’s laughable email defenses — a compendium Jeb: Hey let’s do “free tuition” and pay back students who don’t graduate in four years Jorge Ramos: My “right” to talk over other reporters and ask Trump grandstanding questions was trampled Europe's immigration drama has nothing to do with Donald Trump: Glenn Reynolds America’s Dangerous Bargain With Turkey The Alfred E. Neumann "What, Me Worry?" School of Nuclear Deterrence Retired generals and admirals urge Congress to reject Iran nuclear deal What he got: Thursday, August 27. 2015Thursday morning links
I love New York, even though it’s trying to kill me The Sidewalk Shed, a Ubiquitous New York Eyesore, Gets a Makeover Bottom Story of the Day: Lion Kills Man Gay black guy kills 2 happy white people Bottom Story of the Day: Lion Kills Man "On its own terms, the logic of the same-sex marriage movement inexorably Is America one country? Well, you can say it was assembled and held together by wars - not voluntarily Donald Trump Gets Earful in Spanish as Latino Outlets Air Disdain Houston’s Proposed Bathroom Ordinance for Transgenders ‘Endangers Women and Girls,’ Group Says Forget Criminals, Police Now Fear Activists and the Media Community-Based Chaos - The de Blasio administration has all the wrong answers on the homeless mentally ill. Illinois Towns Drowning in Pension Debt From Hundreds of Funds Public pension shocker: Shutting a pension plan actually costs taxpayers money The Economic Effects of Adopting the Corporate Tax Rates of the OECD, the UK, and Canada How to put some teeth into the nuclear deal with Iran Shortsighted on Cuba Wednesday, August 26. 2015Wednesday morning links
New England has moose coming out of our ears Stockholm Environment Institute: Carbon credits undercut climate change action Call off the bee-pocalypse: U.S. honeybee colonies hit a 20-year high How Much Yiddish Do You Know? If you live in NYC for a while, you pick up quite a bit of Yiddish slang The kids are not all right: The bleak future of the millennial generation Obama voters McArdle: You Can't Time the Market Sure can. Buy low, sell high. China government buying stocks to prop markets Brilliant plan - if you have no real markets Right Move for the Fed Is Hike in Interest Rates So Markets Come Alive Homeland Security Raids Rentboy.com - DHS "will use its unique authorities to disrupt and dismantle" gay escort sites, says special investigator. Homeland Security? What a joke. Protecting me from gay prostitutes? Expensive joke. Hitler has grasped the falsity of the hedonistic attitude to life. New CMP video: StemExpress CEO says Planned Parenthood is “a volume institution” So, Lois Lerner Had a Second Secret Email, Using the Name "Toby How many criminals in Washington? Our hyperactive, grasping federal government has inserted its wasteful, probing fingers into just about everything these days. Economic Freedom in America Is Declining Mostly Because of Creeping TNR: What If Stalin Had Computers? A new book contemplates the end of capitalism (again)—it's a nice story, but a terrible plan Gee, if only... The Very Real Economic Costs of Birthright Citizenship Anchor Baby Delivered Every 93 Seconds How I Became a Social Conservative by Default - I didn't become a social conservative, social conservatism came toward me. HOW TO SPOT A CULTURAL LIBERTARIAN Caitlyn Jenner Halloween Costume Sparks Internet Outrage: ‘Disgraceful,’ ‘Transphobic’ What is so special about trannies? Aren't they sort of strange? Al Sharpton Reacts to the Concept That Working Harder Produces More Wealth Hillary vs. Biden Would Get Ugly Fast Give Up Already: Almost Half Of Americans Say Hillary Should Halt Presidential Campaign Ben Carson: #BlackLivesMatter misfire Why does the only black presidential candidate insist the US is post-racial? Because it is "A newspaper that wasn’t emotionally invested in peddling racial narratives would have seen another story here..." Salon: Bernie Sanders is wrong about the Koch brothers: They’re even more dangerous than he thinks Voters Can’t Stand Hillary Greenfield: Mohammed Was a Pig
Sharpton Reacts to the Concept That Working Harder Produces More Wealth - See more at: http://moonbattery.com/?p=62266#sthash.1Zw0TiA2.dpuf
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