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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Wednesday, August 26. 2015Gals prefer guys with musclesTuesday, August 25. 2015Scary Freedom
It's the inner totalitarianism of the worldwide Left. There is always an excuse to control and oppress the people, and to take their money. For the Greater Good, of course.
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Tuesday morning links
Food fetishists: Orthorexia This is correct: China stock market panic shows what happens when stimulants wear off Same in the US, altho China is more obvious about its attempts to control markets. In the US, ZIRP and QE were errors in the beginning, and led to a bubble stock market which needs a meaningful correction, a high colonic enema. Central banks distort markets, distort reality. That's why Summers is wrong: The Fed looks set to make a dangerous mistake Rates should have inched up years ago Manufacturing Job Loss in the US The Long Rise of the Secular Faith - The threat to religious liberty has its roots in a progressivist faith that has been steadily gaining momentum in America for at least a century and a half. Is it time to regulate personal trainers? Good grief. Let's regulate everybody and every thing. Zero freedom. Times Square is packed because people like to go see the spectacle — topless ladies, Elmos, and all. It's a circus Crazy Like a Visionary - Elon Musk’s remarkable career reminds us that individuals matter. Is it time to regulate personal trainers? Vivid Example of Uber's Creative Destruction of New York Cab Business Congressmen Push for Food Freedom, Drink Unregulated Raw Milk
Atheists Warn Football Coaches and Chaplains Not to ´Instill Christianity in Vulnerable Young Men´ The Tragedy of “College for All” The education mess is a lot like the health care mess University of Maryland scholar: Ban the ‘Southern belle’ Boys being sophomorically-incorrect Democrat Utopia Is Coming to a City Near You Dem Rep.: Scott Walker ‘Tightening the Noose, Literally, Around African-Americans’ White House Throws Hillary Under the Bus=> Says Picking Biden Was Obama’s Best Decision Ever An ominous precedent for Hillary Clinton Via Ace:
Obama Gets Low Marks for His Handling of Iran Monday, August 24. 2015Big Brother on Campus
Glad my kids don't go here. It's unfortunate that this is in my home state of NJ. It's unfortunate this is the prevailing viewpoint at many universities. I am not aware of any notifications like this at Syracuse, or Miami (OH), where my boys are. However, I know this pattern of thinking is common at both schools.
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The War on Women Is RealConservatives sure do hate women: The War on Women Is Real Devastating. One quote: There has been some strange collateral damage in the Republican War on Women. We taught them that cooking and cleaning are for squares and they shouldn’t know how to do either. This has left young women today with apartments that are complete pigsties. There is nothing in the fridge and a mountain of clothes in one corner and a futon on the floor. This means millennial males end up having to do the cooking and cleaning themselves. Oh well, you can’t win them all.
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Monday morning links
Yale's Robert Shiller: Market 'Aftershocks' Are Coming It's needed Deutsche Bank Sums It Up "The Fragility Of This Artificially Manipulated Financial System Was Finally Exposed" From Whitewater to Email: David Kendall, the Clintons’ Dogged Lawyer I guess he works full-time for the Clintons Go Ahead and Pile Up Those Student Loans…. Bummer: We Only Have 100 Days To Save The World Realities Of Climate Change, Politics And Public Knowledge. Naomi Klein: “Climate Change” Is Making Racism Worse To the new culture cops, everything is appropriation Even Speech We Hate Should Be Free Very offensive song Thomas Sowell: No More GOP Excuses On Immigration Republican Elites: You Can’t Secure The Border, You can’t Deport, You Can’t Stop Illegal Aliens,…. The Quiet Revolution: How the New Left Took Over the Democratic Party:
Donald Trump: Warrior male extraordinaire Is Trump worse than that? WaPo columnist to Hillary: Stop digging Intel Ops: Hillary broke “So many” laws The Most Pathetic Headline to Come Out of the Terrorist Attack on French Train Terrorist Is ‘Dumbfounded’ That He’s Taken for a Terrorist ISIS Blows Up Temple of Baal Shamin in Palmyra I have always wants to see Palmyra Immigrants: ‘Please Tell Brussels We are Coming, No Matter What’ 3,000 migrants rescued off Italy in single day, tensions rise The IKEA Murders: Sweden in Crisis Leader of the Free World in Martha's Vineyard:
Sunday, August 23. 2015Work and School
Taking the Scenic Route to a Ph.D The
growing importance of social skills in the labor market - See more at: http://marginalrevolution.com/marginalrevolution/2015/08/the-growing-importance-of-social-skills-in-the-labor-market.html#sthash.3m0UeYyV.dpuf
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Saturday, August 22. 2015Saturday morning links 3 Americans praised for subduing gunman on European train Oorah Here’s how to make sure your kid grows up to be a loser If you’re going to cheat, cheat smart. How Many Families Were Broken This Week After the Ashley Madison Hack? U. of Wisconsin official: Don’t treat shoplifting as a crime, community should decide what laws to enforce Ten Things You Didn’t Know Were Racist "and subject to the jurisdiction thereof" NY Times Races to the Bottom on Immigration Hillary -- Don't Look Down! The birds circling over Hillary Clinton The Clintons stand where money, influence, and celebrity form a nexus. Why is Trump holding a mega-rally in Alabama? Political Reporters Cover a Business Candidate Countermoonbat Alliance: Trump + Cruz Countermoonbat Alliance: Trump + Cruz Macedonian police fire stun grenades to disperse migrants Ten New Reasons to Worry About the Iran Deal Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps Plans Massive Ballistic Missile Test Free Ad for Nora Gardner Her day-to-night line of professional womens' wear is for sale online, or in these towns. Friday, August 21. 2015Why do we fight forest fires? Like most conservationists, I believe that Smokey The Bear is obsolete. He was, in fact, an agent of the lumber industry as administered and subsidized by the US Forest Service. Lives and money should not be spent to combat a necessary natural process. As that article notes:
Government fire-suppression policies, like so many government policies, have unintended consequences which are worse than the original problem. If you must have a house in the woods or fire zone, get fire insurance and hope for the best. Or don't. Monitoring fires from the air is a worthwhile government - or private -warning service, same as storms. And let the trees burn. That restarts the natural succession which produces an abundance of wildlife and biodiversity. Brave as they are, these firefighters die horribly for no good reason at all.
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Friday morning links![]() Wolf Pups in Northern California When Jesus Said The Shema Safeguards for Economic Liberty 'Spook the American Left' - Liberal hysterics in defense of occupational licensing and property seizures. We’re #20! U.S. Sinks Again in Cato’s Human Freedom Index It's beginning to pinch in many ways Gov’t to creamery: Your milk is entirely too natural to not be labeled “imitation” Germany fact of the day, will support for immigration collapse? It's A Divorce Lawyer Orgy: "Ashley Madison Hack Is The Best Thing To Happen Since Moses" NYC: Carmen Fariña admits students aren’t a priority Union-owned government agency All my bags are packed - Corporate America’s tax-driven exodus continues Highest business taxes in the developed world Panopticon Jeb: NSA Needs Broader Powers So wrong Hillary Spokeswoman on Private Server: 'She Didn't Really Think It Through' Half of Jerusalem Arabs want to be Israelis U.S. concerned about Russian arms sales to Iran Germany fact of the day, will support for immigration collapse? - See more at: http://marginalrevolution.com/marginalrevolution/2015/08/germany-projection-of-the-day.html#sthash.99uUvG13.dpuf
scientists unexpectedly produce new type of glass - See more at: http://news.uchicago.edu/article/2015/08/13/molecular-scientists-unexpectedly-produce-new-type-glass#sthash.iSthJMGb.dpuf Thursday, August 20. 2015Illegal immigrationI am agin' it. It's illegal. Generally speaking, I oppose breaking most laws, however stupid. Five Serious Truths About Illegal Immigration That GOP Candidates Have To Accept. If you want to see what unlimited immigration (against the consent of the people) looks like, take a look at Europe. Mezzican immigrants now amount to what had been 1/3 of the Mexican population. That is an invasion, and it is without our consent. If we want to consent to that, then fine. However, I can say that there is not a single job I had while growing up which is not occupied by immigrants. What work would I do today as a 13 or 15 year-old eager beaver?
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Thursday morning links
Neither, it seems. It's mainly diet. 5 reasons to be skeptical of the new "female Viagra" McArdle on Ashley Madison 10 School Signs That Will Worry You Immensely After 6 Years Of QE, And A $4.5 Trillion Balance Sheet, St. Louis Fed Admits QE Was A Mistake “She gave me the scissors and told me that I had to cut down the middle Rachel Dolezal 2.0? Shaun King, activist for the Black Lives Matter movement, outed as a white man Vast majority of low-income students want to go to college; few ready to succeed Amusing piece: BNY Mellon Had Some Very Special Interns With a bonus vocab word: Litotes United States Drops In Overall Freedom Ranking. Study: Not Much Return on Forced Taxpayer Investment in Biomedical Science Of course not. The $ goes to rent-seekers. Obama Declares War On Natural Gas Bobby Jindal causes chlamydia Harsanyi: Trump’s Immigration Plan Is Hardcore Porn For Nativists - The billionaire's immigration positions are as ludicrous as they are destructive. For once, Harsanyi is wrong. Legal immigration is fine with me, for example. Invasion is not ok. From Z-Man:
No More Politicians: The Presidency Is Trump’s to Lose Trump is non-ideological The Donald Trump Conversation: Murdoch, Ailes, NBC and the Rush of Being TV's "Ratings Machine" The 3 a.m. phone call just came in — quick, hide the emails Hillary’s ‘cure’ for college costs only spreads the disease The greed of higher ed. Why feed the greed? Last year, Yale paid about $480 million to private equity fund managers as compensation Hillary Clinton: Return of the Congenital Liar Tel Aviv University’s Egyptian Valedictorian: ‘We Must Always Question Our Assumptions’ Senators: Obama Admin Hiding Secret Iran Deal Letters Why? Why Istanbul Should Be Called Catstantinople What Are Palestinians Doing With U.S. Money? Wednesday, August 19. 2015The Clintons in the HamptonsIt's not the $ that is the excess. Politicians get loads of $. The wretched excess is that Bill and Hill will have to pretend to be married.
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Wednesday morning links Mayor de Blasio’s war on the best public schools in New York Many State Dept Emails Used To Register On ‘Adulterer’ Site Ashley Madison Uh oh. I guess their server wasn't secure. Ashley Madison hack: Live updates as 'UK Government email addresses' in data of 32 million dumped online Uh oh. Lots of naughty gummint employees. Two Women Make History by Passing Army's Elite Ranger School Corporate Inversions: Obama Fiddles While the Corporate Tax Burns U.S. Competitiveness No one showed up for California's green jobs rush The recurrent problem of green scares that don’t live up to the hype (fixed) Why Aren’t We at War Yet over Climate Change? CO2-induced Greening of the Earth: Benefiting the Biosphere While Lifting the Poor out of Poverty Obama Seeks $1 Billion for Library, Post Presidency What is the point of these stupid presidential libraries? White unarmed teenager shot to death by police, nobody gives a shit. The Head Start CARES Demonstration: Another Failed Federal Early Childhood Education Program Every Year 400,000 Children Born to Illegal Immigrants – 1 in 10 Births in US Wapo: Donald Trump’s immigration plan would wreak havoc on U.S. society Are they kidding? Black Woman Rips Council over Illegal Aliens Mark Levin: ‘Nobody Talks About OUR Kids as Dreamers’ Populism Is Back, on Both Left and Right Now That Carly Fiorina Is Rising In The Polls, NY Times Takes Sexist Shots At Her Maybe Hillary Clinton just isn’t a very good candidate A raw deal for Iran’s dissidents
Tuesday, August 18. 2015Why I like CarlyCitizen government was the original idea, not professional careerists looking for an easy unskilled government job for life. Thank God she's not a lefty. Quick as a whip, compelling and highly likable. I do not agree with her on everything, but so what? She is an effective spokesperson, which is what she is running for.
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Drudge Kills
Story gets increasingly Nixonian (but Nixon was just about ordinary political tricks, nothing important). Or, should I say, increasingly Clintonian? Related, The Hillary Horror Movie, a Sequel
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Students Are Not Employees (Yet)
It's widely known that college football and basketball are de facto minor leagues for the NBA and NFL. But they are not true minor leagues, and while the athletes are not paid in the same fashion as professionals (they are 'amateurs', after all), they are actually paid quite a bit of money. Most of these payments are utilized at their own discretion, such as getting an education and not just taking Underwater Pottery 101. At any major school, the education itself carries a cost of $18,000-50,000 a year. At some elite schools, it could be substantially more. Very few people in the 18-24 age range earn this much money, let alone are given the opportunity to supplement that 'payment' through the use of educational facilities. There are other payments as well. 'Free' food (the players eat substantial portions at the school cafeterias), 'free' living facilities (not always 5-star quality, but I liked my college digs), 'free' health care and fitness facilities, travel to and from games, and the likelihood of a free meal at a host of local bars and restaurants (if you're the big star). My neighbor's son is currently playing Wide Receiver at a major northeastern university. I've spoken with him many times since he's been up there, and he works hard. His freshman year was a bust, due to pulled hamstring (he tells me the workouts for injured players are harder than for those who are healthy, but you work on other muscle groups that usually go ignored). To hear his stories, however, you come to realize these young people have a very good lifestyle, even if they are not the rock-star QB. The NCAA needs reform, no doubt. College athletics (and education - but that's a completely different matter), in general, needs reform. I don't think unionization will solve any of these issues, nor will any kind of governmental interference. It's fair to say these are well-compensated student/athletes (emphasis on athlete) for the level of play they are engaged in. If the players want to unionize, I really don't have a problem with that. I suppose if they did and pushed for more 'stuff', they'd find out just how important or unimportant they are (I'm thinking unimportant, at many schools, though not the big-sports ones). It's also fair to say that, if some people have their way, and these athletes get paid, the Title IX athletics will disappear. The wide-ranging effects of unionization and paid student-athletes has never truly been investigated. My guess is the only logical end to this will be to turn major college sports into a true minor league. For now, however, the NCAA continues to hold sway. Tuesday morning links Wolves, Resurgent and Protected, Vex Swedish Farmers “They Thirst for Cocaine: Soda Fountain Fiends Multiplying” New book: Thoughts on ‘The Devil’s Pleasure Palace’ - Subversion is Michael Walsh’s primary focus and the battle he describes is nothing less than a battle between good and evil The Trigger Warning Myth - Coddled students aren't the cause of a mental health crisis on campus. They're just pawns in the culture wars. The Wall Street Ponzi At Work——The Stock Pumping Swindle Behind Four Retail Zombies Do We Deserve a Service as Awesome as Uber? Today's "progressives" would have protested the horseless carriage. Charities on the Dole - Dependence on government funding destroyed FEGS and threatens other once-great philanthropic organizations. Obama, the Left downsizing the American Dream From the UNEXPECTEDLY!!! Files: In the Wake of Proposition 47, California Sees a Crime Wave From the UNEXPECTEDLY!!! Files: In the Wake of Proposition 47, California Sees a Crime Wave - See more at: http://proteinwisdom.com/?p=57497#sthash.XI1BP41p.dpuf Donald Trump’s Immigration Proposals: Mainstream and Popular Republicans Could Win Votes by Opposing Guest-Worker Programs The movement to surrender on amnesty is well underway Marco Rubio wants to kill your Granny The GOP’s Trump-Carson 1-2 Punch in the Nuts The ‘stupid party’ goes nukular The collected (nit)wit and (un)wisdom of Bernie Sanders David Brooks "Stunned" By "Egregious" Clinton Foundation: "I Thought There Were Donations And People Were Giving Money" Ex-officials prosecuted for mishandling gov’t info see ‘double standard’ in Clinton case Hillary looking more like Nixon as email scandal deepens Some good links at Carpe ‘I Am Strange Here’: Conversations With the Syrians in Calais What Will the Iran Deal Mean for NATO Missile Defense? Morning JoeMonday, August 17. 2015The Counterculture: Normal and cheerful
Normal and cheerful is today's counterculture. Sorority girls under fire for being bad role models or something
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Donald Trump is a New Yorker
The New Yorkers I hang with have nothing in common with him.
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Monday morning links 10 Extinct Giants That Once Roamed North America Here’s an idea: Try listening to police during stops It's No Laughing Matter: Campuses Have Become Intolerant Greedy Big Education: They Want More World poverty: Memo to Vox: You Know How This Prosperity Was Achieved? We Let it Happen. EPA Fails to Acknowledge It Coerced Mine Owner to Grant Access EPA’s Clean Power Plan Contains Antipoverty Transfer Programs - Measures are set to offset harm the plan does to the poor Officer Beaten by a Convicted Felon Hesitated for Fear of Being Called Racist: Welcome to Post-Ferguson Policing VDH: The Tragic and Complete Collapse of Racial Relations = Polls show that racial relations have gotten much worse under Barack Obama. Why has that happened? Ben Carson is a messenger the GOP needs to hear George Will: Purge Trump and His Supporters from GOP Hillary Doesn’t Pay Her NYC Interns But At Least They Get Coffee… If America really wanted to destroy Russia, it could do no better than tell it to keep doing exactly what it’s doing. 40 migrants die off Italy as EU faces 'worst crisis since WWII' Saturday, August 15. 2015Your daily speed thrillHillary Finds Deleting Emails Funny, Resurrects Vast Right Wing Conspiracy
Hillary! and Bill are schemers, sociopaths, bad people with a 40-year record. I know that politics often attracts low-skill sociopaths, but Dems can do better. True that this is all far worse than Watergate which had nothing to do with anything important. That was pure scalp-hunting as was going after Bill for his female-abuse. Federal criminal court is not the nightly news.
The Countless Crimes of Hillary Clinton: Special Prosecutor Needed Now Hillary finally hands over her server—after it's been professionally wiped clean Read more at http://observer.com/2015/08/the-countless-crimes-of-hillary-clinton-special-prosecutor-needed-now/#ixzz3itlnH8ER Follow us: @observer on Twitter | Observer on Facebook Read more at: http://tr.im/BDeFv
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