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Saturday, August 15. 2015Hillary Finds Deleting Emails Funny, Resurrects Vast Right Wing Conspiracy
Hillary! and Bill are schemers, sociopaths, bad people with a 40-year record. I know that politics often attracts low-skill sociopaths, but Dems can do better. True that this is all far worse than Watergate which had nothing to do with anything important. That was pure scalp-hunting as was going after Bill for his female-abuse. Federal criminal court is not the nightly news.
The Countless Crimes of Hillary Clinton: Special Prosecutor Needed Now Hillary finally hands over her server—after it's been professionally wiped clean Read more at http://observer.com/2015/08/the-countless-crimes-of-hillary-clinton-special-prosecutor-needed-now/#ixzz3itlnH8ER Follow us: @observer on Twitter | Observer on Facebook Read more at: http://tr.im/BDeFv
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Saturday morning links
That's not very good but, then again, we are Centrist, not Conservative. Do us a favor and let your friends know about us. They might enjoy our eclectic site. Quote du jour via Insty: What is DARVO? Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender Shows respect. Late does not. She looks good for age 57 Review: Black Rifle Coffee Review: Black Rifle Coffee Do you have the nerve to watch this? Alarmists are Growing Desperate in Their Efforts to Influence Public Opinion Bloomberg: We Need to Keep Guns Away from Minorities to Keep Them Alive Rubio: We need to modernize our antiquated, broken higher education system. Here’s how Good enuf, but why would the Feds be involved at all? How Hillary will probably shrug off the email server story Contra Media Spin, It’s Hillary Who’s Being Investigated, Not Her Server Joe Scarborough - Time for Special Prosecutor This is worse, far worse, than Watergate, but the press hated Nixon. Chris Christie is pretty good. Nobody ever suggested banning the very words “pork” and “pig” to appease Jews. Or oysters. Kosher forbids shellfish Pentagon Fears It’s Not Ready for a War With Putin There will never be that war Nobody
ever suggested banning the very words “pork” and “pig” to appease Jews. - See more at: http://moonbattery.com/?p=61909#sthash.oeXsVX8n.dpuf Friday, August 14. 2015Friday morning links You are in the bear's house...so it's a home invasion How Killing Elephants Finances Terror in Africa Federal court throws out scheme allowing windmills to kill bald and golden eagles for the next 30 years Can Maine Lead New England to a Farming Renaissance? Fat chance, dreamer Are You an Introvert — Or Are You Maybe an Undercover Narcissist? Pathways to Upward Mobility Could You Handle These Interview Tasks? (Some Are Pretty Crazy) Tests of thinking speed and problem-solving Milton Friedman interview from 1991 on America’s War on Drugs "Politics is thick with plotting and scheming. It’s all they do..." NY Times: Lying To People On Climate Change Is A Worthy Goal "... profit is a price paid for efficiency." And innovation, as Coyote notes California To Pay For Murderer’s Sex Change Operation The coming perfect storm on American college campuses — one that feminists and other professional victims will hate America makes it difficult to immigrate legally. Kasich defends immigrants as 'contributing significantly' Maybe so or maybe not. That's not the point. Record 42 Million Immigrants in US Today – 1 in 10 Americans Arizona State Hikes Tuition Dramatically, Yet Pays the Clintons $500,000 to Make an Appearance Al Gore´s Friends and Former Aides Eyeing 2016 Race Will Huma be the fall guy? Hillary’s best case scenario gets worse Ron Fournier on Hillary Clinton: The Elites Don’t Trust Her and the Low Information Voters Don’t Like Her Why Scott Walker has dropped to third in Iowa Donald Trump Talks Like a Third-Grader Trump: To Be Coarse, But Compelling Congress Can Rewrite the Iran Deal Thursday, August 13. 2015Back to DependencyNYC's mayor and the poverty industry. MacDonald:
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Thursday morning links
Anyway, thanks to those who send us interesting links, and thanks to some of our frequent but sometimes unacknowledged resources: Men may never truly get over a relationship break-up, says study David Warren's Household hints Fats, butter, and oils: "They could see no link to coronary heart disease, cardiovascular disease, ischaemic stroke or type 2 diabetes" Raising kids: Finally, a complaint about “entitlement” we can all get behind Finally, Unorganized Hancock hires a bass player Are Entrepreneurs Born or Made? The Illogic of All Sex Laws - A new book traces a century of legislative prudery. Mich. State students protest Boy Scouts for 'cultural appropriation' If You Love Lions, Let People Hunt Them, The New York Times Says My Tank: Driving the Sherman M-4A3 Obama, Clinton Foundation Donors Sold ‘Green’ Fuel to Military for $149 per Gallon - San Francisco’s Solazyme also received millions in stimulus funds from DOE From Steyn: "A Disgrace to the Profession" - The World's Scientists - in their own words - on Michael E Mann, his Hockey Stick and their Damage to Science Police kill more whites than blacks, but minority deaths generate more outrage California has now banned use of the word “alien” (as in ‘illegal alien’) from Labor Laws because it discriminates against illegal aliens looking for jobs and gives preference to American citizens. The ObamaCare Individual Mandate's Harsh Reality The return of the Showtrial The Spy Satellite Secrets in Hillary’s Emails Is Obama taking Hillary out? Via Powerline:
Carly Fiorina Shows How to Address the Left on Climate Change Army Leaders: Changes to Basic Training Will Produce Better Soldiers Cuban dissidents say being snubbed from Embassy opening is ‘slap in the face’ America Naively Swoons While Communist Cuba Cracks Down The U.S. has been complacent and lazy in responding to cyberattacks ISIS Organizing Small Armies Inside America Why Iran’s Anti-Semitism Matters How President Erdogan Mastered the Media - Turkey's once-feisty press has succumbed to an artful mix of bribery, muscle, and ideology. Film preview: The Unknowns is a documentary film by U.S. Army Veterans Neal Schrodetzki and Ethan Morse. Hamas has dug ‘several tunnels’ into Israel, in new Iran-funded war drive Wednesday, August 12. 2015Fun with politics
Heh! Rush Limbaugh Has A Theory On Why Bernie Sanders Is Drawing Record Crowds Hillary! says Marco Rubio is too young. Below the fold, a pic of Bill and Hill on a dreamy beach vacation...somebody was lucky to get that photo because those two have hardly ever been together for 8 years: Continue reading "Fun with politics"
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Wednesday morning links Parenthood is worse than divorce, unemployment — even the death of a partner Buffalo, NY: Where the Cool Kids Want to Live Annie Lennox's daughter rescued after kayak capsizes; boyfriend still missing No life-preserver? On a big strong river? I have kayaked on the Hudson. Best with a flotation device. NC State receives approval for new dorm to house basketball players Whatever happened to good old jock fraternities? Peak Oilers Shut Up Forever Please Renewables Offer No Bang for Your Megawatt Tesla Burns Taxpayers' Dollars Like A Corvette Burns Gas Tesla runs on coal What Still Works in the USA? Well, me, for starters The Plight of the Unarmed Perp New Yorker Writer Thinks 'Speech Nuts' Are Like 'Gun Nuts' - Kelefa Sanneh thinks the American devotion to free speech is overrated because there's less of it in Europe. A Thoughtless Age - The West has cut ties with the great thinkers of the past. Only an elite few ever studied these Hillary Clinton’s higher education plan touches all the bases, except reality. Liberals Can't Admit to Thinking Like Conservatives:
Is Hillary above the Law? Why a huge Los Angeles crowd turned out for Bernie Sanders "Trump is not a candidate, he's making an infomercial for a yet-to-be fully develped political reality show." Because Nothing Says ‘Protecting Her Honor’ Like A Father Letting His Own Daughter Drown Like Abraham and Isaac? Dalrymple: Isis Happens - On the linguistic constructions of liberal intellectuals:
The War Against the Swedish Flag - How love of country became racism. China Steps Up the War on the Cross White House Should Leave Politics Out of Iran Deal 5 Big Lessons from the First Gulf War Major Jewish Groups Slam White House, Allies for Use of Antisemitic Language in Debate Over Iran Nuclear Deal
Tuesday, August 11. 2015The World-Wide Undermining of Free MarketsChina’s interference in its stock markets reflects a global trend of states trying to govern economic activity. This never works. Genius planners only mess it up.
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Tuesday morning links
A University President Fights Campus Hypersensitivity with Free Speech How Privileged Are You? - Check(list) your privilege. My result was "not privileged." I thought I was.
Frank Gifford — impact player on and off the field DO COMPUTERS DIE OF OLD AGE? SHORT ANSWER: SADLY, YES What Conservatives Hate About Common Core, and Why They’re Not Alone California’s Uber Hunt - Golden State regulators and taxi companies want to bury the ridesharing company in paper. The Democrats’ War on the Sharing Economy People in my area share power tools, boats, Google Inc. to Become Alphabet Inc. in Shakeup No, Donald Trump, Single-Payer Health Care Doesn't 'Work Incredibly Well' In Canada & Scotland Clinton to propose $350 billion college affordability plan The Flawed ‘Missing Men’ Theory - Mandatory-sentencing laws need an overhaul, but the dissolution of black families in the U.S. predates them. Liberals Can't Admit to Thinking Like Conservatives Progressive policies drive more into poverty Fiorina: Making a good first impression Bernie’s Strange Brew of Nationalism and Socialism Inspired by Oscar Schindler, Jewish Businessman Leads Effort to Rescue Christian, Yazidi Girls From ISIS THE PROFS WHO LOVE OBAMA’S IRAN DEAL - Meet the Mullahs’ academic cheerleaders. Modern Middle East Studies vs. Scholarship CIA Enhanced Interrogation Techniques: Finally Getting the Rest of the Story The Secret Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians Monday, August 10. 2015Monday morning links Sounds like they weren't "college material" The Unseen Consequences of Zero-Interest-Rate Policy ZIRP is terrible The Modesty of American Genius - David McCullough brings the Wright Brothers’ story to life for our time. Six climate headlines from 2009 that tell us something important about the run-up to the 2015 Paris climate conference Dalrymple: Activity Isn’t Working It's puttering St. Louis may build new football stadium with taxpayer dollars without taxpayer approval 7 Key Measures of California’s Transportation Challenges Worried about your privilege? Want to be treated like an abused underclass? Start a business! Government rules and regs are major obstacles to a new enterprise Why Millennials Are Still Living with Their Parents Judge Rules New York Teacher Exam Did Not Discriminate Against Minorities 1199: The Union That Rules News York Union organizers lose bid to represent women’s college professors against their will The Overreach of Planned Parenthood And Their SJW Supporters Free Contraception Can't End the Abortion Debate Those poor single mothers wanted to be that Social Security Facing Major Problems as It Turns 80 Carly Fiorina: The Ronda Rousey of Politics Fiorina Fundraising Spikes After Debate Scott Walker: Everything That Hillary Clinton Touches Is a Mess Bernie’s Strange Brew of Nationalism and Socialism Victor Davis Hanson: Demoting Old Idols Out Of PC Ignorance 2016: The die is cast Is it? Malaysian Mufti Denounces Intellect and Logic Greece's Collapse Was a Reversion to the Mean… Who's Next? Saturday, August 8. 2015Clinton and NixonRecall that Mrs. Bill Clinton worked on the Watergate committee, but was fired for incompetence. From Cheryl Mills to erase Hillary emails:
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Saturday morning links
Is Our Universe a Fake? Artificial intelligence is already weirdly inhuman EPA Dumps One Million Gallons of Wastewater Into Colorado River Attorney General’s Charity Chief: Fraud Is “Surprisingly Common” An ‘unarmed’ white teen was shot dead by police. His family asks: Where is the outrage? Why White Men Get Shot by Cops Ben Carson: Our Skin Does Not Make Us Who We Are, Our Brain Does That’s Not Funny! Today’s college students can’t seem to take a joke.
New doc highlights Buckley-Vidal debates, a turning point in TV news history The New York Times Gets Money in Politics All Wrong Democrats: They're All Socialists Now The Return of the Silent Majority Cheryl Mills To Destroy Emails About Boss Hillary Clinton Clinton Campaign Deems GOP ‘Out of Touch,’ Hillary Selfies with Kim Kardashian, Kanye West, Kris Jenner Cheryl Mills To Destroy Emails About Boss Hillary Clinton Read more at http://observer.com/2015/08/breaking-cheryl-mills-to-destroy-emails-about-hillary-clinton/#ixzz3iDKgTMLl Follow us: @observer on Twitter | Observer on Facebook Read more at: http://tr.im/OfUsG Puerto Rico's 'death spiral' can be traced back to one mistake Yazidi Child Soldiers Take Revenge on ISIS Turkey and Its Kurds: At War Again HIROSHIMA 70TH ANNIVERSARY: A JUST END TO WORLD WAR II Friday, August 7. 2015Good comments
Hope y'all have as fun a summer weekend as I am planning - fishing and thriving on seafood and beer with my gal off Block Island on the usual shared Whaler. I still have no idea why the gal likes me. Yes, I do have a cooler with wasabi, fresh ginger, and soy sauce so we can have sushi fresh from the sea, still flipping, so that might be why. Sushi + Corona with some lime in it. They predict good sized seas on the ocean this weekend. Ride 'em, cowboy! Carpe diem, friends.
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Friday morning links Identify your life strengths 5 Effective Ways People with Thin Privilege Can Fight Fatphobia Good grief College Codes Make 'Color Blindness' a Microaggression The Religion of Climate Change - Lending the power of the pulpit to the cause of environmental politics. De-Policing: the Scariest Word of the Year Why Alabama Lets More Convicted Felons Serve Their Time in the Community The Twitter Mob: Society’s New Mechanism for Enforcing Morality Public University Paying ‘Diversity Officer’ More than Congressmen Make The Cost Of Over Insurance: National Health Expenditures Rising Again DE BLASIO COUNTDOWN CLOCK Bill Clinton Called Trump Before Campaign Announcement Will Supreme Court End Political Subsidy to Aliens? Inspectors So Far Denied Access to Iran’s Scientists The Troubling Question in the French Jewish Community: Is It Time to Leave Forever Vietnam: How a Divisive War Changed American Public Memory Putin Lays Claim to North Pole Obama Puts Fear Before Facts on Iran iIsrael and Japan Are Finally Becoming Friends. Why? Improving Ties between India and Israel Did Jews, Christians, and Muslims in Medieval Spain Really “Just Get Along”? Russia Is Running Out of Options in Ukraine Socialism Crumbles In Venezuela, But Democrats Think It’s a Great Idea Thursday, August 6. 2015Thursday morning links
Graph above via Carpe Giant Mystery Ring of Galaxies Should Not Exist Advertising the 1950s: These 60-Year-Old Car Ads Are Cool ‘Three Little Pigs’ — a fairy-tale nightmare for NYC schools The Politics of Delusion - Mayor Bill de Blasio’s radical dreams are leading straight to chaos. Kirsten Powers: I've got news for Democrats. It's a baby! The Employment and Income Effects of Raising America’s Minimum Wage to $12 and to $15 per Hour Professor arrested in racial profiling hoax Mark Levin to Rising Generation: Will You Choose Freedom? Crushing the Poor & Middle Class with the EPA Hillary Clinton Put on Southern Accent for South Carolina Democratic Chairman Britain Rolls Out Red Carpet for Illegal Immigrants From Africa I Will Always Remember Where I Was When Cecil The Lion Was Killed Tokyo Ascending: Abe’s New Defense Strategy Assessing the Iran Nuclear Agreement and The Washington Institute’s Iran Study Group June 24 Policy Statement Iran: U.S. Banned from Knowing Details of Iran Nuclear Inspection Agreement Very Smart Diplomacy: Creating Desert Storm's Effective Coalition State Department watered down human trafficking report Britain
Rolls Out Red Carpet for Illegal Immigrants From Africa - See more at: http://moonbattery.com/?p=61501#sthash.r41GaTa7.dpuf Wednesday, August 5. 2015Amusingly insaneWe do not make fun of true mental ailments here because there is nothing funny about them, but sometimes we encounter relatively-normal people who sound totally batshit crazy. Not sometimes, often. Good example: Undone By Her Radical ‘Do. "New frontiers of outrage." Annah Anti-Palindrome is “a Bay Area-based writer, musician, optical sound-smith and queer/femme antagonist.” Wow. She sounds mighty talented but she seems to be all about her hair style. Probably lives on the dole. Heck, reality and haircuts are difficult for everybody. I try to be understanding towards those who avoid reality, but there are always plenty enough nuts around to make you feel normal within your own "community." The internet says 2% of people are Borderline psychotics living in a mental world between ordinary and totally nuts. That 2% manages to get plenty of press if only for entertainment value.
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Wednesday morning links
How do we know the age of the Universe? 1936 Film Perfectly Explains How a Manual Transmission Works (h/t Insty) Giant gates to Goliath's home discovered: Monumental fortification belonging to the Biblical city of Philistine Gath unearthed Why Millennials Are Still Living with Their Parents Uber Battle in New York Shows the Problems and Promise of the Sharing Economy From Milton Friedman’s greatest hits
How to Read a Legal Opinion: A Guide Discouraging News on College-Bound Black Students New York’s grade-fixing scandal was entirely predictable — and predicted Not enough boys in college? The Immigration Onslaught Continues The H-1B Visa Program Gives American Workers a Raw Deal Netherlands abandoning multiculturalism Gov't watchdogs urge Congress to reverse Obama administration IG crackdown Has the Justice Department Seized Hillary’s Server? If Not, Why Not? German critics blast Berlin over economic minister’s ‘scandalous’ trip to Tehran Tuesday, August 4. 2015Impressions From Last Night's GOP Speed Dating Event
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Tuesday morning links
New York guys flee ‘Trainwreck’ women You’re 100% Wrong About Showering 5 Reasons Why Being Immortal Would Suck Rogue waves more than a myth How to Raise Grateful Kids in an Entitled World Funhouse Psychotherapy With Poker Chips - When the casino is a harsh classroom The Decline—and Fall?—of Religious Freedom in America Dutch King: the Party’s Over - RIP, the Welfare State. How Single-Payer Health Care Failed in Progressive Paradise Obama poised to unveil major climate change plan All This for .01 Degrees Celsius? More Green Cards in 10 Years Than Population of Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina Combined More Green Cards in 10 Years Than Population of Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina Combined - See more at: http://moonbattery.com/?p=61492#sthash.HQShWIRR.dpuf Hillary Supporters Call For Repealing Bill of Rights - "You can't have the rules of yesteryear now" Why I Think Scott Walker Would Make a Great Foreign-Policy President Russia Is Upgrading S-300 Defense Missiles Intended For Iran Vietnam's Unending Oppression Why Empower Iran? Fences Rise Across Middle East as Jihadi Threat Escalates Who Is Destroying the Palestinian Dream? Monday, August 3. 2015Monday morning links
5 Rucking Rules Every Backpacker Should Know Uber is just the tip of the iceberg Yes, people do not like to work for a boss.
Thanks Vancouver (BC) for a 40-minute Black Car Wait Company with crowds for hire sees opportunity in politics The Twitter Mob: Society’s New Mechanism for Enforcing Morality Is it a lynch mob or a modern-day stocks? Can College Tenure Survive the 2016 Election? Audit: Too Many Administrators With No One to Administer at Syracuse U. TV legend Norman Lear gives 6 strong opinions about American life How Corporate Welfare Harms Efficiency, Growth And Fairness The Six-Year Slough - New GDP revisions show the worst recovery in 70 years was even weaker. Spending More on Health Care Is Actually Sort of Good Chinese Company Replaces Humans With Robots, Production Skyrockets, Mistakes Disappear Living in Switzerland ruined me for America and its lousy work culture Is the U.S. Ready to Become Scandinavia? Drought, flooding, disease - climate change is already threatening the source of our caffeine fix. Are we facing the end of coffee as we know it Good grief, Now I'm scared! ‘Toxic lunacy': Salon’s concerned editorial to ‘White America’ is both ‘tragic and hilarious’ The New York Times begrudgingly admitted that raising pay arbitrarily to $15 an hour stinks. Congress wonders: Can the nation survive without Planned Parenthood? What if baby parts could cure…malnutrition? Will: Planned Parenthood and the barbarity of America Combative Fiorina targets Bush, Clinton and the media at Koch-funded summit Obama Wants 5-Year Plan: ‘I Guarantee You This Is Not How China’ Handles Its Infrastructure Navy to Charge Officer Who Fired on Islamist During Chattanooga Terror Attack Here Comes Puerto Rico’s Default A Home Without young Yazidi Slave Girls Is So Boring Venezuela Increasingly Looks Like A War Zone More "bad luck" for Venezuela as the phones go out. DEMOCRAT POLICIES WORK! Which country is out of food, pays doctors $15 a month, and has no beer? The UK: Migrants think our streets are paved with gold Behind the Lines: Erdogan’s bait and switch Saturday, August 1. 2015Uber
Related, SOCIALISM ALWAYS STARTS WITH THE SAME PROMISES AND END WITH THE SAME DISASTERS More: L.A. City Council Wants to Make Life Worse For People Trying to Get from LA's Main Airport: Uber shows-not-tells the people why legal transportation cartels suck
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Saturday morning links
Texas man shoots armadillo, gets hit in face by bullet ricochet Man shoots drone trespassing over his property and is arrested That dude could easily be me. I would do that. Why My Kitchen Floor is Always Disgusting How And When To Harvest Potatoes Five Facts About Chiropractic That Might Make You Reconsider Getting Your Back Cracked UC Irvine Applications Offer Six Options for Gender I am royalty born in a commoner's body, and society is discriminating against me UC Irvine Applications Offer Six Options for Gender - See more at: http://moonbattery.com/?p=61396#sthash.m73ngVJb.dpuf Who knew that jumping out of planes was safer than getting out of bed? Interview With a Drug War Casualty Marion Zimmer Bradley: “Children are brainwashed into believing they don’t want sex.” The Colossal Hoax Of Organic Agriculture:
Laughing Over Dead Babies? Media Bored Rock musicians vowed to smash capitalism and to “imagine no possessions.” What’s the problem here? What "Everyday American" Would Pay $600 For This Haircut? "... after fifty years of structuring everything in Europe to prevent German hegemony, is it really a big surprise that Germany isn’t well set up to act as a hegemon?" Planned Parenthood’s Mammogram Lie At this point, municipalities across the country need to seriously consider refraining from applying for Community Development Block Grants and other grant programs sponsored by HUD. In Michigan, Bad News for Unions with Hands in Workers’ Pockets - State supreme court upholds right-to-work for public employees. Asymmetrical politics: Republicans act like an unruly mob, Democrats like a regimented army Immigration As Obama's Vehicle For 'Fundamentally Transforming' America Obama Throws The Base A Bone, Will Offer Federal Student Aid To Prisoners Clinton touts 'passionate commitment to helping people' Central Planning Emerges As a Classic Error In Clinton’s Strategy
I'm sure she calls us plebes, not proles. I know her type. Hillary Clinton's camp fears a new 'bimbo eruption' will put the kibosh on candidacy - especially from Gennifer Flowers who claimed Bill liked to be blindfolded and tied up with silk scarves and called his wife 'Hilla the Hun' Hillary Clinton has never won a competitive election. Hillary’s Friends in High Places - Everyone—from her aides to the State and Justice departments—is bending over backward to protect her. Theodore Dalrymple - David Cameron’s Muslim Muddle WHEN “MIGRANTS” BECOME SUFFICIENTLY NUMEROUS AND VIOLENTLY INSISTENT, THEY’RE CALLED “INVADERS Undermining the US military - Along with budget reduction, the armed forces must endure social engineering What Obama doesn’t want us to know on Gitmo closure The Ayatollah's Plan for Israel and Palestine Rutgers Prof Deepa Kumar Criticized for ISIS Tweet; Complains of 'Death Threats' Friday, July 31. 2015Friday morning links Who's Afraid of Uber? I Used Windows 10 And Survived, And You Can Too For the love of God, stop dressing like crap Would you let your 12-year-old daughter sleep in a tent with an 18-year-old boy? Robert F. Turner: Thomas Jefferson and slavery Study: Claim That “97% Of Climate Scientists Agree” Is Really Just 47%… Washington, D.C. Sinking, So, We Totally Need To Discuss Climate Change The Chappaqua Case: The Feds Muscle In on Local Zoning Laws The Regulatory State’s War against ordinary Modern Life Why Do So Many Working Age Americans Choose Not To Enter The Workforce? Raising Children Contributes to 43% of American Poverty White House Says Planned Parenthood Videos Are Fake Undercover Journalists Have NINE More Planned Parenthood Videos In The Can Abortion word games come to end Sen. Ernst: Funds Will Still Be Available for Women’s Health Services, Just Not for Planned Parenthood Hidden Motives Behind the Huge GOP Primary - Sixteen Republicans are running for president. Why is the roster so large? DNC Chair FREEZES-CAN’T ANSWER=> ‘What’s the Difference Between Democrat Party and Socialist?’ Jeb Bush Takes Positions on Climate Change, EPA Rules, Other Energy Issues Pay Attention Republicans — Especially You, Mr. Trump Pay Attention Republicans — Especially You, Mr. Trump - See more at: http://bernardgoldberg.com/pay-attention-republicans-especially-you-mr-trump/#sthash.W23KWWdt.dpuf Revelations put Clinton in crosshairs of broadening inquiry into whether she mishandled classified information U.S. intel preparing for massive breach of classified data in Hillary Clinton emails From Hill-ary To Mountain-ary - How UBS Sent Millions To The Clintons After Saving The Bank In 2009 A.B. Stoddard: Clinton must be joking:
Why Hillary Clinton keeps falling in the polls The Truth About Western 'Colonialism' - How the misuse of a term legitimizes the jihadist myth of Western guilt. Facebook: Marine Corps emblem violates community standards Top French Official Contradicts Kerry on Iran Deal India About to Surpass China as World’s Most Populous Country India’s Faltering Economic Revolution: Lost Opportunity, Lost Future Palestinians: A Rare Voice of Sanity Hamas's Child Abuse Camps HuffPost Arabic’s Muslim Brotherhood connections THE BRUTAL REALITIES OF NAVAL STRATEGY Young Africans to Obama: 'Clean your own house first' Thursday, July 30. 2015Let's Talk Honestly About Immigration
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Dead babies vs. dead lionBig game is hunted all the time in Africa, quite legally. All you have to do is pay and the guides will find a convenient target for all of the Bungalow Bills. Poor schmuck shot the wrong one (but with a bow, to his credit). For real heart-wrenching, ‘It’s Another Boy!’ So we progressively humanize animals and dehumanize people. Something wrong there. I am neither pro-abortion nor anti-all abortion. I have been in a moral limbo about it for years while finding the very idea of abortion spiritually revolting. Abortion is not health care. PP abortions should not be funded by taxpayers. They can abort all the lions they want if they have too many. To care more about animals than about humans is the mark of true depravity. To
care more about animals than about humans is the mark of true depravity. - See more at: http://moonbattery.com/?p=61347#sthash.9yGiYW82.dpuf
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