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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Friday, October 2. 2015Friday morning linksLaid-Off Man Finally Achieves Perfect Work-Life Balance Correcting the New York Times’s Absurd Vision of the Modern Man The Latest DIY Trend? Sex Tapes Twitter Characterizes Disagreeing With Someone’s Opinion as “Abusive Behavior” Mad scientists beat back the politically correct ‘police’ Race-Track Owners Consider Moving One of the Triple Crown Tracks out of Baltimore, and the City’s Clueless Leaders Cry Foul Oregon bakery owners refuse to pay damages in gay wedding cake case WaPo: Problem with capitalism is that you have to work Al Gore: ‘Democracy Has Been Hacked; Capitalism Is in Need of Serious Reform’ Guy made 250 million on "green" scams. That ain't workin, that's the way to do it... Backfire on the #RICO20 and Jagadish Shukla is imminent; wagon circling, climbdown, dissolution begins Guy made millions on "green" scams, without working Did Hillary Clinton Spike CBS' Coverage Of Benghazi? What if the Refugees Were Blonde and Blue-Eyed Swedes? Germany's Sharia Refugee Shelters - "Bulk of Migrants Cannot Be Integrated" PM slams Abbas’s ‘deafening silence’ after terror attack Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu blasted the United Nations and its members OBAMA LOSES ANOTHER WAR THAT HE 'ENDED' - Afghanistan is turning into a disaster, just like Iraq. Top EU official warns of rising anti-Semitism in Europe Coming from the Left and the Muslims, no doubt The Russian Navy Is Back China dispatched nuclear-powered submarine on first combat patrol, report says Iran troops to join Syria war, Russia bombs group trained by CIA Russia and China want to be players in the world. I don't blame them. Obama’s Talk and Putin’s Blitz: A Russian Middle East Coup in Three Acts Posted By Claudia Rosett Comments
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RE: CBS "Chief foreign correspondent Lara Logan was suspended for seven months for using a bad source — a draconian punishment"
I'd like to know more about this. I'm starting to suspect that this "source" was a set-up. Even when caught in obvious wrong-doing, finding a single disprovable element in the investigators' story is enough to exonerate anyone on the left - even if they have to plant the misinformation. One bad source - Benghazi becomes a phoney smear job. Fiorina conflates video images with verbal testimony - the PP videos become a hoax. It's always like this no matter how blatant the misconduct. One overreach makes the whole thing go away. RE: Pimlico- I've lived in Laurel, MD. Ok place, but as in all of Maryland, the roads are a mess (by design). It also is shared among 4 counties, and I'd expect AA and PG counties to go after some of those tax dollars should the race move there. Still, a good piece summarizing the decades-long problems w/ Baltimore.
RE: Oregon bakers- GOOD FOR THEM! It's time to stand up to the leftist movement in this country, even when it puts on the false veneer of "the law". A better question: Why are there not, blonde - blue eyed refugees?
There won't be any blond-hair blue-eyes refugees. Folks of that ilk get jobs and obey laws.
They are not parasites. Ironically they are the ones that earn the money to carry deadbeats and crooked pols. 80% of my clients are white collar criminals. I like that ilk, especially the blonde hair/blue eyed type. because we Jews can always white-guilt trip you have a special cachet with you people, I always charge about 150% of what I charge normal clients.
It doesn't have anything to do with willingness to work. Millions of Northern Europeans became refugees in my father's lifetime and we're likely to see it again as it becomes increasingly difficult for them to live in areas they are ceding to often hostile outsiders.
The Blonde and Blue-eyed got their sh*t together.
But if there are I have a lovely spare furnished room in my house...
We are talking Swedish Girls aren't we? Bibi Netanyahu is almost the only leader in the world with any guts and values. Egypt's el Sisi and Jordan's Abdullah are also in the same club, but the "crowd" thins out mightily after that.
Bird Dog, you say, "Russia and China want to be players in the world. I don't blame them." That relativism dangerously ignores that both are actively undermining vital Western interests, China by building false islands in the South China Sea to rob other nations of mineral/oil resources and China increasing its ability to both absorb independent Taiwan and to deny the US and Japan and Southeast Asian nations access to the South China Sea and to oil and other product sea routes, Russia to reabsorb by force, and murder, their former East European communist empire and to create an alliance with an Iranian hegemony over the Middle East increasing the threat to Western Europe from there and dominating transport routes and perpetuating the slavery under which inhabitants live and create new radicalisms in reaction.
there's no relativism. he's stating an obvious fact. Russia and China, both of which were major players on the world stage long before there was a USA, want to be major players again.
he's not approving their goals. Wrong. Just because they once were does not mean they should be now, esp. as they are trouble makers inimical to US/Western interests.
It is lacksadaisical attitudes which disarm ourselves. you seem to have some trouble with basic english comprehension.
while it is an undeniable fact that the Russians and Chinese want to expand, no one here is saying this is a good idea for the USofA.
Donny "The Bear Jew" Donowitz
2015-10-03 04:18
Donny, my English is quite good, as is my comprehension, and deep and wide experience in foreign affairs and public communications. Wise-cracks and other similar lacksadaisical comments are a way of self disarmament that infects public discourse. You seem a fairly level-headed sort from the comments of yours that I've seen, not all by any means but some. And, I also detect a tendency to wise-crack and to not take as seriously the threats to us and allies and interests. It is that attitude brought large that has enabled Obama and ilk to get away with endangering and costing the lives of millions and growing numbers, including those tentacles reaching ever closer to here.
Bruce Kesler
2015-10-03 11:53
I believe that China's and Russia's adventurism is going to be a major problem for US interests; I don't believe anyone on this board disagrees with your statement in general.
But Mr Dog's comments were limited -- grammatically limited -- to observing that this was happening (which is true), and that he doesn't blame the Russians or Chinese for wanting to do this. Which is also true because any country would be expected to expand its influence, especially those two. With all due respect, its just not possible to read an endorsement into his remarks, more so because he's clarified this already.
Donny "The Bear Jew" Donowitz
2015-10-03 13:47
Intent, or explanation after sloppy language, is quite different than reception, and such language is weakening of our will and purpose, and furthermore is consistent with Bird Dog's recent isolationism.
Bruce Kesler
2015-10-04 10:09
I recall the US dealt with dictators several times in the past. Well, perhaps head to head draw with Russia but the others, put a line through their names.
While all is being said, not much is being done. To address a scourge such as Islam we must think in terms of extermination. Think: Dresden; Think: Hiroshima and Nagasaki; A fundamental truth: given a perceived need, there is no race more implacably murderous than White folk. re Oregon bakery owners refuse to pay damages in gay wedding cake case
Do the owners have a Constitutional leg to stand on arguing catering gay weddings inhibits their right to exercise their religion? It strikes me as odd that the Government will exempt people from military service or combat duty based on religious beliefs yet require them to bake cakes or make pizzas in violation of religious beliefs. maybe they can convince the ninth circuit because of these specific facts. but you need to think this through very carefully, allowing an exception for religious belief.
do you want a government clerk to interpret your religion to decide what is a valid objection based on belief? in particular, what if a protestant refused to bake a wedding cake for Christians, mormons or Jews because of her religious beliefs? seems like the better solution is to tell bakeries to bake the damn cakes for whoever can pay, and that if you claim your faith is unhinged by confectioneries then you're either grandstanding or grandstanding. Should a kosher Jewish deli be forced to make ham sandwiches for Gentile customers? Is refusing to do so discriminating against the Gentiles on a religious and/or racial basis? I would say obviously no.
The situation here is identical. The record here is uncontested that the baker couple did not discriminate against gays in terms of selling them baked goods. The complainants had been long-term customers. The baker couple refused to bake and decorate the cake because it violated their core religious belief that a marriage is between a man and a woman (which is what the Bible, Old and New Testaments, states), and that reason was made clear to the complainants at the time. This seems to be a pretty clear First Amendment violation. I agree with you that a court would and should find the fines as violating the constitution.
I'd also add that a deli advertising as "Orthodox Kosher Deli" couldn't make a ham sandwich for a Gentile if it doesn't stock ham. this goes to show how fact-specific this question is. but my suspicions of grandstanding remain and my challenge about allowing the government to decide what is or isn't a valid religious is serious. The Parable of the Kosher Deli This is why I was not in favor of arguing this from religious grounds. I saw it more as a freedom of speech issue. The government cannot compel speech - West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette, 319 US 624. Art is a form of speech (will pass on posting the citations) and while baking a cake is a question of chemistry, decorating a cake is an artistic effort. Compelling a person to prepare a wedding cake with all its attendant decorative aspects is compelling speech. Now, if they were to just require the chemistry part (i.e. bake the components) I think there'd be more of an argument for a compelling state interest. It's when the state says, "not only will you bake this cake, you will put it together, and decorate it with a smile" that's when the problem arises in my mind.
2015-10-02 18:09
but the government can compel actions -- as in any judgment or injunction.
while the government probably could not compel Norman Rockwell to decorate a cake with two gheysters frolicking in the frosting, it probably could compel Joe the Baker to decorate a cake by writing "Happy Wedding Ramon and Lance" in mauve food coloring. so once again, its fact-specific. I'd suggest that most cake decorating is more like the second example than works of art like the first. on the other hand, you've got a good point or two. could the government compel me to stock little plastic figures of two 'mos holding hands? stock mauve food coloring? become proficient at crafting reacharounds in sugar frosting? I don't think so. "sure, I'll bake you a gay cake, but you won't like it." for what it's worth, I operate under a totally double standard. there's no way I'd ever represent an islam, and there's no way the government could make me. "accused of a death penalty crime? sure, I'll represent you, Mohammed."
Donny "The Bear Jew" Donowitz
2015-10-03 04:07
Makes sense to me. Good rules to follow:
1-Never give anything away for nothing; 2-Never give more than you have to give. Always catch the buyer hungry, always make him wait. 3-Always take everything back if you possibly can; . and how'd that lemonade stand work out for you?
ProTip: below cost pricing, loss leaders and locality discrimination are illegal unfair business practices because they're successful tactics.
Donny "The Bear Jew" Donowitz
2015-10-03 13:55
Donnie, thanks for your specific interest in my comments.
"... and how'd that lemonade stand work out for you?" Facetiousness and cynicism are the symptoms of a hopeless humanity, lacking an enlightened point of view. . so, in other words, looking to star trek characters as a business model was a fail.
Donny "The Bear Jew" Donowitz
2015-10-04 11:00
Seems better? To whom? That's an idiotic response. More progressive grandstanding.
You don't like customers' choices and preferences? Your risk. That's life. I'm totally in favor of your candy store refusing to sell to a Black, gay, Christian, protestant, mormon, Jew, woman, gelding, transwhatever client for any reason you think is justifiable. I'll even give you a list of more reasons if that'd help your decision.
You don't like your customers? Your risk. That's real life, kid. Government does not want it established that people have a right to engage in commerce without so much as a by your leave from the political "masters. Why thats, thats capitalism.
=========== Capitalism is a system in which the individual is permitted, by the current entity that has monopoly on violence, to retain their personal earnings over that required for subsistence and use this “profit” to purchase additional productive capacity, such as training, machines, real estate, etc., i.e., capital, to better themselves vice spending it on non-productive consumption. Capital is nothing more than retained “old labor” that is put to use producing additional income. The type of capitalism one has is determined by whom the entity that has the monopoly on violence permits to engage in investments to better themselves. Not a lawyer here, which probably helps.
When the proposed penalty exceeded the cost of an another wedding cake (by what, a 1000%), to every reasonable American this was recognized for the abuse of the law that it is. No individual judge should be able to wield the power to break a citizen for not compiling with a request that would have been unthinkable not that long ago. The amount of the monetary damages are indefensible. That the bakers might have the money to pay due to the donations offered by outraged Americans is not the point. The next mouse caught in the trap might not be so lucky. And it is the next time this happens that can point to a successful precedent that we should be thinking about. Though, the next time the best response is probably to just spit in the cake batter. This whole cake issue can be resolved with a passive aggressive reaction.
Govt says you have to bake a cake for queers. It does not mention quality. My wife bakes cakes that belong in the Decade of Death. Anyone that can make Kraft Dinner can bake the kind of cake that will suit the 'mos. Or not. I'm surprised nobody mentioned fruitcakes. The ones that get passed around each holiday season. Slap some icing on it and Bob's yer uncle. "That'll be two hundred dollars, please, plus tax". . U.S. Passes 4,000 Breweries - Are we finally over the Progressive era with its concerted efforts to undermine the ancient liberties of English-speaking people?
Don't Follow Your Passion - There are laws against stalking these days. OBAMA LOSES ANOTHER WAR THAT HE 'ENDED' - Afghanistan is turning into a disaster, just like Iraq.
Trust me. He doesn't list those countries in the 'loss' column. Maybe his master plan is to stretch Vlad to thin... After Russia (8th or 12th global economy) has moved into every position of importance that the USA used to occupy and tops it off (after Obama handing Guantanamo Bay back to Cuba) with Castro then (in gratitude) awarding it to Russia. The Bear will be full and very, very busy. By the way BD, I drove East to your favorite place, Wellfleet, today.
The surf at Marconi Beach was quite impressive. http://onthenorthriver.com/2015/10/02/marconi-beach-in-wellfleet/ |
Tracked: Oct 04, 09:44