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Wednesday, October 7. 2015Wednesday morning links
The Retrosexuals The lost rivers that lie beneath London For decades, the government steered millions away from whole milk. Was that wrong? Yes, wrong Why Are We Still Buying Cars at Dealerships? Gig Economy Is Piecework. But This Isn't Dickens. Pitzer College students say 'yacht club' is too offensive PC Police Want to Ban Ham Sandwiches Because Muslims Find Them ‘Offensive’ Why have so many men stopped working? What Happens to our Economy as Millions of People Lose the Habits of Hard Work? Houston transgender bathroom bill debate centers on differing definitions of ‘men’ Oliver Stone: “Who owns reality? Who owns our history? He who makes it up so that most everyone believes it; That person wins” Is There a Shortage of Poor People? Assimilation? Who Needs to Assimilate? Forget Illegal Immigrants; Legal Immigration Will Soon Destroy America Forget Illegal Immigrants; Legal Immigration Will Soon Destroy America - See more at: http://moonbattery.com/?p=63806#sthash.yzyZhclx.dpuf De Blasio threatens New York City’s museums and cultural institutions over “diversity” ‘This Changes Everything’ Proves Conservative Critics of Environmentalism Are Right De Blasio threatens New York City’s museums and cultural institutions over “diversity” - See more at: http://proteinwisdom.com/?p=57745#sthash.mFG0XDxz.dpuf Readin’, Ritin’, ’Rithmetic — After Waves of Immigration, Millions of Americans Lack Basic Skills 50 Years of Immigration’s Unintended Consequences
TPP signed: the ‘biggest global threat
If Your Town Is Failing, Just Go
Clinton searches for theme Mills shared now-classified info with Clinton Foundation Longtime Hillary Clinton Aide Lied About Personal Email Use Ilya: My “USA Today” op ed on Donald Trump and political ignorance Swedish Bishop Wants to Remove Crosses to Make Church More Inviting to Muslims The Progressive Left and Israel's Right to Exist Krauthammer: Will Putin’s Middle East Gambit Succeed? Russia Declares ‘Holy War’ on Islamic State - While Obama sides with Christian-murdering “freedom fighters.” Why Assad Has Turned to Moscow for Help Thomas Friedman, read your Chomsky: The New York Times gets Putin/Obama all wrong, again - "Do you realize now what you've done?" Why we shouldn’t let Russia fight the Islamic State Russia's Baltic Defense Bubble Palestinians: Why Our Leaders Are Hypocrites and Liars Comments
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QUOTE: Assimilation? Who Needs to Assimilate? The graph provided with the article merely represents increasing immigration over the period, and tells us little about how well they are assimilating. Current immigrants are generally assimilating much like previous immigrants. The first generation speaks limited English. The second generation is bilingual. By the third generation, foreign language capability is often limited or lost. Foreign-born U.S. residents as percentage of population https://policyinterns.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/7-31-chart12.png That is not entirely true. The difference from earlier periods of heavy immigration is that: 1. There is less pressure to assimilate, and more excuses given by the wider society for not assimilating; 2. Many oif the current immigrants come with attitudes and behavior of insulting and even opposing the United States and/or its traditional values and institutions; 3. There are more risk of terrorist and criminal threats among an increased minority of, particularly illegal, immigrants; 4. There are large fiscal costs of the new immigrants, at least in the first and well into the second generation, that creates higher taxes on others and limits spending on needs of the citizens; 5. Citizens in our lower quartile are being squeezed out of jobs by recent immigrants willing to work for less wages, including off the books, and harsher conditions that our labor laws; 6. It is simply a huge undertaking all around to, even with the best of circumstances, integrate the largest incoming since the early 1900s.
Of course, there is some racism or xenophobia among some, but regardless the problems above and more remain, and are not being dealt with due to ideology (usually among those living in fenced communities, where they feel or are immune) and due to politics of stacking the voter roles with new Democrats by poor immigrants benefiting from our generosities and leniencies (while many of the Democrat past voting blocs move away in horror and justified cause due to the radical bent of today's Democrat leadership). 1. There's a great deal of pressure to assimilate. Recent immigrants, as they have in the past, live within ethnic communities, but to be successful in the long run, almost everyone knows they have to integrate with the larger community. That doesn't mean abandoning their culture, but it does mean learning English and civic involvement.
2. Nothing new about that either. Socialists, Jews, Fascists, Papists, have all immigrated to the U.S. 3. It used to be communists that had everyone afraid. That, and the Papists. 4. There were strains on social services during previous bouts of immigration, though some of the pressure was alleviated by western expansion. 5. Again, not a new problem with current immigration. 6. Of course. But an opportunity. Societies that successfully integrate their many facets will be the ones that will prosper most in the new global economy. "Current immigrants are generally assimilating much like previous immigrants."
Er, Zach, no they are not. Using Muslims for an example they make demands on society, like building mosques, allowing public prayer rituals, upholding Sharia. The Hispanics that come across the border demand and get Spanish as a second language, often as a first language in schools. "There were 4.7 million students classified as "English language learners" – those who have not yet achieved proficiency in English – in the 2009-10 school year, or about 10 percent of children enrolled, according to the most recent figures available from the U.S. Department of Education." AP - By CHRISTINE ARMARIO "Nearly 10 percent of the nation’s K-12 enrollment in public schools were “English Language Learners” (ELLs) during the 2012-2013 academic calendar, according to a new fact sheet from the Migration Policy Institute. "According to the MPI, the Department of Education estimates that for the 2012-2013 school year, there were 4.85 million ELLs in public schools across the nation." More and more immigrants will keep their customs, language, and work ethic, thereby diluting the ancient liberties of the English-speaking people. Racist or not, ninety percent of immigrants are, um, People of Color. It seems that everyone wants to live with White people. The thing is, they bring their culture with them and do not surrender it. They want to change the US into the old country. This has serious ramifications. Several African countries, one such being Rhodesia, have run to ruin once White people were removced from power. Here at home Detroit serves as an example of bad management when the citizens govern themselves. Lowest common denominator means just that — lowest. chasmatic: Using Muslims for an example they make demands on society, like building mosques, allowing public prayer rituals, upholding Sharia.
Using Catholics as an example, they make demands on society, like building Catholic churches, using rosaries in public, and answering to edicts from the Pope. What is it with these people who want to hold on to their old culture? http://www.vosizneias.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/RTR3B7WH_Comp-725x483.jpg chasmatic: "There were 4.7 million students classified as "English language learners" – those who have not yet achieved proficiency in English – in the 2009-10 school year, or about 10 percent of children enrolled, according to the most recent figures available from the U.S. Department of Education." There were places in Pennsylvania where German was language of the people, until they finally got around to teaching English. chasmatic: More and more immigrants will keep their customs, language, and work ethic, thereby diluting the ancient liberties of the English-speaking people. Darn those Indians Irish Italians Papists Jews Muslims! chasmatic: Racist or not, ninety percent of immigrants are, um, People of Color. Yeah. Pretty much racist. When we use the word "racist" we always assume it's Whites doing the discriminating. All races do it. from my limited experience Blacks dislike Whites the same as Whites dislike Blacks. People are just human beings, prone to the same shortcomings whatever the racial makeup.
Statistics cannot be "racist". Interpretation might be. From wiki: "The relationship between race and crime in the United States has been a topic of public controversy and scholarly debate for more than a century. Since the 1980s, the debate has focused on the causes of a high proportional representation of some minorities at all stages of the criminal justice system, including arrests, racial background of violent criminals as identified by their victims, prosecutions and incarcerations." "According to the NCVS for 1992–2000, 43% of violent criminal acts, and 53% of serious violent crime (not verbal threats, or cuts and bruises) were reported to the police. Overall, black (49%) and Native Americans (48%) victims reported most often, higher than whites (42%) and Asians (40%). Serious violent crime and aggravated assault against blacks (58% and 61%) and Native Americans (55% and 59%) was reported more often than against whites (51% and 54%) or Asians (50% and 51%). Native Americans were unusually unlikely to report a robbery (45%), as with Asians and a simple assault (31%)." "According to the BJS non-Hispanic blacks accounted for 39.4% of the prison and jail population in 2009, while non-Hispanic whites were 34.2%, and Hispanics (of any race) 20.6%. The incarceration rate of black males was over six times higher than that of white males, with a rate of 4,749 per 100,000 US residents." Reading and using the above statistics does not make me racist. Oh, wait, we'll just ignore them. There, fixed. A couple centuries back offenders were often put in pillories; The examples of Catholics and Germans are history; the example of Muslims is current. "I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today" is unacceptable. . chasmatic: Racist or not ...
Any time someone starts with "Racist or not ...", it's not going to end well. chasmatic: The examples of Catholics and Germans are history; the example of Muslims is current. That's right. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
2015-10-08 11:53
Oliver Stone: “Who owns reality? Who owns our history?
The winners write the history books. . QUOTE: Forget Illegal Immigrants; Legal Immigration Will Soon Destroy America - In the relatively near future, the people who created this country and for centuries comprised virtually the entire population will be a rapidly dwindling minority. Same issue. The people who created the U.S., and those that built it over the ensuing generations, were largely comprised of immigrants, and the children of immigrants. http://cis.org/sites/cis.org/files/immigration-population-highest.png I tend to agree with Zachriel here. The immigrants I meet - admittedly an unreperesentative sample - seem to be assimilating just fine, while still keeping some Old Country culture, just as previous immigrants did. If I lived in Los Angeles or something I might say differently. But there is nothing about immigration per se that unfits a person for being an American.
this is why libtards are winning this battle.
don't conflate "immigrant" with "legal permanent resident/naturalized citizen" and "illegal". libtards control the whole debate by defining the debate's terms. someone present here in the US might be here legally on a non-immigrant visa (meaning they go home to their forest village after the visa expires or they become illegal) or an honorable non-immigrant visa holder. they might be here as legal permanent residents (green card holders) who might or might not become citizens. or they might be here as uninspected migrants totally illegal wetbacks. "Immigrant" should be limited to those here by permission of the government, because they bring some attribute or status that the United States desires, have stood in line and jumped through all the hoops. libtards want this term to include everyone who gets here: MS-13 gangsters, second cousins 10th removed of a foreign wife of a US citizen, parents of an anchor baby and their second cousins tenth removed, border jumpers, "refugees" from every third world dungheap -- all potential demoncrap voters. personally, I'm not going to sing kumbaya and welcome all the world's vermin, not even as your neighbors. who gets to live here and when and how many is the work the constitution assigns to congress, not the third world. With two Romanian sons, a Sudanese Sunday School class, and working in a teaching hospital (with an environmental services staff 50% Slav) and foreign-born over-represented among the patient population on my caseload, I'm pretty familiar with the distinctions myself, thanks. Including the fact that you can be deported but still allowed by ICE to stay.
Let us note that the motivation for moving to America seems to matter a great deal. I think it has to do with numbers.
Otherwise, there will be no dominant, valued culture to which to assimilate! We need to promote among the immigrants the ancient liberties of the English-speaking people. It is the adoption of these beliefs that will make them successful Americans. Sadly, American schools and universities seem to go out of their way to avoid the history of these liberties, even today, they try not to mention them.
But it cannot be challenged that representative government, individual liberties, the rule of law, and the sanctity of private property has brought forth the modern world. Unfortunately, except for representative government which they hope to use (one-time) to achieve their goals, the Modern Liberal (DemProg) seeks to overthrow all of this culture. Perhaps ignorantly, they seek to return humanity to pre-modern, headman-dominated tribalism. On the other hand, almost all the immigrants came here for the culture of liberties and will be zealous advocates if they are exposed to them as a formal culture. Pitzer College students say 'yacht club' is too offensive
I was in a kind of yacht club in my younger days. They'd take anyone, almost. Why have so many men stopped working? Unfettered Government rules, regulations and restrictions.
QUOTE: The declining participation rate isn't only a problem for the men who can't find jobs and their families. These men are not contributing to the economy or paying taxes. The last sentence is key. Those men aren't producing the surplus that so many in society depend on for their support. If a man works, 25-40% of everything he earns is taken to support others (some does go to common benefit projects) before he get to see if the remainder will provide his subsistence. And now, the society has decided if a man takes a half year off, he's done. Well, men can live on little, it's all those hungry mouths he used to feed that need to worry. If they are wife and kids, he'll do something, but the rest, who gained their support through government force, they have a problem. Funny in the story of why men have stopped working, they use an example of a guy who just took on the traditional female role of childcare and now, can't find a job. Not unlike many women who do the same. But it's a problem if a man isn't working. Why have so many men stopped working?
Kessler, who worked as a research analyst and database manager at financial information firms, hasn't held a job since he was laid off during the recession of the early 1990s. He was 37. portrait of a loser. got knocked down and stayed down. he could have managed a Stop-n-Rob and done honest work instead of sponging off his wife, which is why he's unemployed and unemployable. "sponging off his wife"?
Is that what you call it when a woman stays home to raise the kids? Are you sexist? "De Blasio threatens New York City’s museums and cultural institutions over diversity"
Diversity as it is now used means "quotas". Diversity/quotas is a one way street. It is used by politicians to benefit special interest groups who in turn support the politicians. In general all of the government discrimination is aimed at white males. If the white males continue to bend over and accept it than it will continue. The only solution to this government sponsored discrimination against white males is zero tolerance. Fight it tooth and nail where ever and when ever it occurs. |
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