Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Thursday, March 31. 2016Europe’s Muslims hate the WestMany of them do, anyway. Let's face it: they do not come for the culture or the political freedom. Or for the weather. I do not think this applies much to Muslim immigrants to the US, for some reason. The Muslim immigrants I encounter seem to jump into American bourgeois life with zeal and gratitude that can put native-born Americans to shame. Nonetheless, at the moment I am opposed to any new immigration to the US. The country is unsettled by it, and there is not enough work anyway.
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Fun with studentsVia Mud Huts v Western Civilization: Why #Rhodesmustfall Must Fail. Best (hypothetical) line to the students: "Understand us and understand this clearly: you have everything to learn from us; we have nothing to learn from you." Thursday morning linksStanford College Admissions Shocker! Millennials’ latest mistake: embracing the ‘starter marriage’ American University law faculty members disgrace themselves Why “To Kill a Mockingbird” Could Never Be Read Aloud* WHEN DID THE ACADEMY TIP Left? University Moves to Fire Conservative Professor Over His Political Views Victimhood culture explains what is happening at Emory Another Climate Alarmist Admits Real Motive Behind Warming Scare Renewables are useless: The Evidence is Overwhelming Detroit Teacher: $1 Million In Bribes Is Only ‘A Little Bit Unethical’ 'Drug Users Need Treatment,' Says President Obama. Not So Fast, Says Dr. Carl Hart Supreme Court appears skeptical about feds applying Clean Water Act to family biz properties The Amazing Expansion of Title IX Regulation In one recent year alone, Congress passed 138 laws—while federal agencies finalized 2,926 rules. Chicago’s Out-of-Control Gun Crime Already Up 84 Percent Over Last Year San Francisco Can Afford a $15 Minimum Wage. Mariposa Cannot. Conservatives’ New Strategy to Curb the Executive Branch, Administrative Power What Hillary gets wrong on wages Salon: The strange silence about Hillarymania: Clinton fires up voters more PAULA JONES: Media more interested in Trump campaign manager than Hillary’s ‘true crimes’ DC Is The Most Financially Illiterate Place In America, Analysis Finds The New Part-Time Job: "Get Paid $15 An Hour To Protest At The Trump Rally" If abortion is banned, there has to be some form of punishment for women who do it Idiot An obese Kim Jong-Un Tells His Slaves to Prepare for Famine Red Carpet for Cubans Crossing US Border From Mexico Features Cash, Social Security Cards, Food Stamps, Medicaid Red Carpet for Cubans Crossing US Border From Mexico Features Cash, Social Security Cards, Food Stamps, Medicaid - See more at: Christopher Dickey and 'Anti-Muslim Hysteria' - The tsunami of anti-Muslim hatred that still has yet to roll in. Delinquents Graduating to Jihad - In Europe, liberal criminal justice often turns common thugs into Islamists. Victim of Muslim attack blamed Islamophobia Kim Jong-Un Tells His Slaves to Prepare for Famine
Wednesday, March 30. 2016Trump updateFormer Trump Operative: The Donald Never Wanted to Be President I think it was a self-promotional lark, but it turned serious. Now what? Get out, Donald. You have had your fun. Either that, or get yourself educated. Begin with the US Constitution (that means the rules that constitute the union and the government, Donald). Evidence the guy has no clue what he is talking about: Trump names health care and education, along with security, as the top functions of the federal government Well, he got one out of three right. When he gets things right, it seems to be by accident. He is a Music Man. At Betsy: Even some of Trump's strong supporters are having trouble defending his brand of crazy. Ann Coulter, one of the most incoherent, attention-grabbing people out there, has been fervently defending Trump all over the place. Yet even she is having trouble sometimes defending him.
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Wednesday morning linksEmergency call to my IT consultant yesterday - "One of my machines is totally screwed. Nothing will open." Guy arrives, sits down, and in 20 seconds says "You just need a new mouse." And leaves. Sheesh. Talk about feeling stupid. Photo is cat looking for new mouse. Do Teenage Girl Scouts Really Require Adult Supervision While Selling Cookies? In Germany, yes. How Does A Penis Transplant Work? Here's what the first American recipient will undergo "Penis donors"? University Cancels ‘Vagina Monologues’ Because a White Lady Wrote It Transgender Man Sues Barbershop for Discrimination Penis donors again? College student warns: ‘Zootopia’ movie is ‘call to arms for white people’ Supreme Court: Non-Union Employees Must Now Pay Union Dues to Public-Employee Unions Forced union membership is wrong Marines across the Corps will be challenged on their unconscious Millennials bolt from socialism once they become employed and start making money FBI Investigating Reports Of 17 Men Chanting, Firing Off Shots In Apple Valley Obviously racists called the cops
Trump: He's Mean, but Is He at Least Bright? To be as kind as I can, I think I'd term him "incurious" I think so Paranoid politicians, sensational journalists – the Isis recruiting Fidel Castro Just Dumped Obama Frog, scorpion Sometimes Jihad Is Just Jihad - Examining the West’s habit of blaming itself for the terrorism directed against it Tuesday, March 29. 2016The Big Dog's pillow talk
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The Pernicious Myth Of The Oppressed European Muslim
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Tuesday morning linksBison coming 'home' to Montana Indian reservation Cool ‘No kill’ animal shelters have unleashed an epidemic of suffering. Is a life of misery any better than a quick death? How the Government Stole Sex - Screw morality—the state is now intervening in American bedrooms under the mantle of stopping sex discrimination. Feds to Fine Schools for Not Following Michelle Obama’s Lunch Rules Her kids don't eat that crap The NYT editorial board thinks AR-15s fire in ‘rapid bursts’ ACADEMIC ABSURDITY OF THE WEEK: VINDICATING MADONNA Emory Doubles Down on Beclowning Itself Williams College: ' Coddled’ students and their ‘safe spaces’ aren’t the problem, college official says. Bigots are. Williams College must be a hotbed of bigotry Does The United States Still Exist? “What’s The Real Agenda Behind Climate Change Alarmism?” Schism on the Left: James Hansen’s climatic ‘canon’ gets fired from a cannon Immigrant population over 15% in record 16 states, over 25% in 6 Fundamental transformation Obama reiterates refugee promise Who voted for that? Listen to the Victims of the Free Market The Myths of Black Lives Matter - The movement has won over Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. But what if its claims are fiction? Hey students! I would kill to be so oppressed! Glenn Reynolds: How PC culture is killing higher education Scripps College goes Emory AN OPEN LETTER TO EMORY UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT JAMES WAGNER " I’ve seen very little from the MSM that leads me to believe that it has great affection for either this country, or the majority of the people who inhabit it." Why STEM classes are tough on women and minorities
Useless things the government does with your money ObamaCare may force employers to pull the plug on millions of health plans, CBO report finds OBAMACARE AT SIX: A LEGACY OF DECEPTION - Virtually every promise the president made on behalf of his “reform” law has been broken Milo on Bernie:
Why Britain (and Europe) depends on migrants Sheesh. Screwed-up culture. There is no dignity in dependency. Belgian Soldiers Deployed to Fight Terrorists Had No Bullets in Rifles The U.S. Army Is About to Double Its Howitzer Range Monday, March 28. 2016Monday morning linksWhy Are Millennial Men Such Wimps? Any college president who adopts the rhetoric of “safe spaces” is already lost. Related, “MY THERAPIST JUST LAUGHED AT ME" Professor Ordered To Apologize For Conservative Blog Post, Or Lose His Job American College Of Pediatricians Warns: Youth Transgenderism Is Child Abuse Blue Civil War Escalates - Connecticut Democrats are going after Yale Why the poor in the US are not poor America’s Ethanol Industry Shows Why it Needs Subsidies Obama Administration’s ‘Equity’ Ideology in Public Schools Breeding Violence Hillary: Consequences Are for Schmucks Secrecy is the root of the Clinton email scandal Trump Aide: People Are Angrier Over Trump’s RTs Than Illegal Immigrants Murdering Americans Hey! Don't Overreact to That Issue, Overreact to My Issue Organisers cancel Sunday's Brussels attacks 'March Against Fear' - for security reasons How to deal with Islam? I repeat, take it at its word. Europe Has 'Battered Spouse Syndrome' When It Comes To Islam Russia is no threat, and NATO is obsolete
iU.S. leadership matters today, just as it did after World War II Pope Francis Says Defeat ISIS with “Message of Love” – ISIS Says New Attacks on the Way Loving your enemy is not about being effective. However, discernment is also called for. As SDA notes, "Frog, meet Scorpion"" Liberal Teacher Takes In Muslim Refugee, His Colleague Finds What’s Left Of Him
Saturday, March 26. 2016The EstablishmentAmerica to Establishment: Who the hell are you people? They are your betters. Bend over and get used to it. They know best.
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Saturday morning linksIn Newly Created Life-Form, a Major Mystery Easter Touches You No Matter What Your Faith Why education is productive — a parable of men and beasts Psychology is in crisis. This scientist's striking confession explains how we got here. Professor Ordered To Apologize For Conservative Blog Post, Or Lose His Job Residents Abandoning Chicago: Is It Following in Detroit’s Footsteps? Free Markets Aren't Free. Who Pays the Price? DHS Head Jeh Johnson: Illegal Aliens Are ‘In Effect’ US Citizens You belong to the Government, and it really really loves you Thousands Pledge to Get Arrested in D.C. Protests Next Month Obama’s Initial Reaction to Brussels Bombings: Right Decision, Poor Optics Solway is on board with Trump, and why New ISIS video: “Holy War Against Infidels Is An integral Part Of Islam”… Europol Official: 5,000 European Suspects Radicalized By ISIS Note that this quote would be considered hate speech in Britain today. Belgium, My Country, Is in Denial (h/t Insty) ISIS Supporters Release Video with Exploding Eiffel Tower Pope slams Europe over migrants
Friday, March 25. 2016Income inequality“Inequality: Diagnoses and Prescriptions” I have a better idea. The median household income in the US is around $50,000- 55,000 per year. I suggest, to eliminate inequality, that in the US we tax any income over $50,000 at 100%, and mail government checks to those households under $50,000 to bring them to the mean. Much in savings will come from eliminating all welfare, housing, and government medical programs. To further level the playing field, all savings and assets should be taken by the government for the greater good. Funds from these can be used for free diapers, condoms, medical marijuana, urgently-needed collegiate safe spaces, and PhDs in anything you want. Cuba figured it out way before I did. Did I mention free TV, cigars, and rum? As the High Administrator of this evidence-based scientific New New New Deal, with all of the responsibilities, worries, and burdens involved, I will obviously need to expect special compensation. Fidel has how many billions in Swiss banks? Something like that would meet my needs just fine. Even a little less. Special accommodations will be necessary for sub-administrators of course. This experimental program should begin with government employees and politicians, and proceed to journalists, academics, artists and writers, professional athletes, and to all of Hollywood before moving to the general population. It takes a village to build Utopia so many must sacrifice and continue to work as hard as they used to. For the common good.
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Friday morning linksMizzou Is Now Forcing Undergrads to Complete “Diversity Training” Class for Graduation ACADEMIC ABSURDITY OF THE WEEK Israeli Apartheid Week may be coming to a campus near you. An antidote, not complicity, is needed. Jesse Watters: If You’re Afraid of the Name Donald Trump You’re Either an Illegal Alien or a Total Sissy Yoga Banned from Georgia School: Blame Christian Conservatives, Not Political Correctness - Turning kids against Christianity? That's a stretch. K-12 IMPLOSION UPDATE: WHO COULD HAVE SEEN THIS COMING? New Jersey nonsense: Actor faces 10 years in prison for using a prop gun in movie Washington is out of control. Fascism, American Style Obama Needs to Get Over His Self-Serving Guilt Trip - POTUS should read some honest, non-Leftist history Drug tunnel discovered from Mexico to California is four football fields long James Comey and Loretta Lynch Hold the Whole Country in Their Hands Man With Largest Carbon Footprint In World Says ISIS Not A Big Threat, But Climate Change Is
Jihadi Idol? Kerry Team Says Fight Islamic Extremism With ‘Television Drama Series’… NY Times: Brussels Survived Terrorism, But May Not Survive Climate Change Or Something Why do Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton believe they know more about Islam than Muslim clerics?
NY Times Op-Ed: Europe has been living in a dream VISIT BRUSSELS, YOU’LL HAVE A BLAST Belgian Intelligence Had Precise Warning That Airport Targeted for Bombing The Mafia Runs Guns for ISIS in Europe Protests in Vietnam as prominent blogger goes on trial Thursday, March 24. 2016Psychologizing terrorism
One minor problem with it: she omits the power of religious conversion and religious fervor. Another "minor" problem with it: She mostly neglects the destructive aspects of people, as if "normal" people had no destructive, wicked, or evil impulses. They do. Unleashed, the dark side can be a terrible thing. That is not news, and Jihadism offers many rationales for behavior that Western Civ. finds abhorrent today. These people did not buy into the historical arc of Western Civ. and perhaps never will. One major problem with it: Many behaviors and choices of youth can be explained in similar terms so I see nothing specific to joining Jihad here. Similar motives could turn a suburban kid into a stoner Grateful Dead groupie. The problem is that you can psychologize anything - after the fact. That is not a weakness of Psychology, but, instead, a statement about the complexity of human nature and human cultures.
This is why Trump’s winning, and why I won’t vote for Hillary
Camille Paglia is always fun to read.
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Thursday morning linksToon via Lucianne Would not recognize Letterman When Dinosaurs Roamed the (Not Yet) Petrified Forest NY Becomes 50th State to Legalize MMA Let’s Just Clone Harrison Ford
Pink Snowflakes Meltdown at Emory Over “Trump 2016” Chalkings UND prof. vows to call cops on ROTC drills Mandatory Sensitivity Training to Be Inflicted on Marines Mandatory Sensitivity Training to Be Inflicted on Marines - See more at: The Lie of Academic Free Speech
One state with 600,000 people and an anti-GMO streak is about to rewrite U.S. food labels. What just happened? Leftist Heads Explode Over ‘Anti-Muslim’ Terrorism Thriller Janet Yellen: Monetary Arsonist——–Armed, Dangerous And Lost Meddling with Medicare - A wrongheaded proposal could make it harder for sole practitioners and small family practices to stay in business. Donald Trump, Uber-American:
Donald Trump reveals inner statesman, terrifies naysayers ANTI-TRUMP PROTESTERS Admit Answering Craigslist Ad and Getting Paid to Protest Trump Cuba's charming, tragic time warp Not so charming to live there President Obama is in Havana because not even the Castro brothers Migrants From Muslim Countries Big Beneficiaries Of US Green Cards Tony Blair Blames Terrorism on "Flabby Liberalism"
IS trains 400 fighters to attack Europe in wave of bloodshed "Fighters"? Poland Abandons Pledge to Shelter Refugees After Brussels Blasts Obama Regime Engaged In Secret Talks To Pay Iran Nearly $2 Billion DO TERROR ATTACKS DOOM THE EUROPEAN UNION?
Wednesday, March 23. 2016Dive BarsI receive emails each week making suggestions for weekend activities. Sometimes they are interesting, most times not. This week, a suggestion to visit certain dive bars before they become Pret-a-Mangers. Not a bad idea. I love dive bars. I grew up in rural Pennsylvania and my stepfather spent time at Mick's Tavern, the local gas station, garage and tavern. Total dive. At Syracuse, we had the student bar, Jabberwocky, which hosted many big name bands before they were names. That was before my time. The Jab also had Oldies Night on Wednesday nights, and Happy Hour on Friday. It wasn't technically a dive bar, but it could qualify. The drinking age was raised to 21 the year I left, and it closed. The real dive bar we used to frequent was Doug's Place, somewhere down near Carrier Circle. Real blue-collar stuff. We'd meet some alumni who lived in the area from time to time. It's where I learned to love dive bars. Pool, dimly lit, cheap glasses of beer, the only 'mixed' drink available was a Boilermaker. Always a few local factory guys in there. Doug's Place is long gone, too. I did hear 'Doug', whoever he is, opened a fish fry somewhere nearby. When I moved to Queens in the 80's, my roommate was a local who introduced me to My Lady's, a tavern for which I played softball and drank quarter glasses of beer on Thursday nights. I got to know the bartender, a giant of a man, but the classic example of a huge teddy bear. My girlfriend's family came one night to watch college hoops with me and dubbed it The Bucket of Blood because, well, that's pretty much what it reminded you of. The final night it was open was 1991, and early on it was a great party. I heard the rest was very good, too. I guess I had an early start on the evening... When we lived in Hoboken, Louise & Jerry's was our end-of-the-evening final stop. Louise, a widow in a housecoat, was always behind the bar. When God Bless America played on the jukebox, you had to stop what you were doing and sing with Louise. If she didn't like your look, she stopped you as you walked in, and demanded you leave. She once gave my wife the stinkeye for ordering club soda. When I told her, quietly, that she was pregnant with our first child, Louise smiled and gave us all a round of drinks (but kept the secret). Louise & Jerry's is still open, but I heard it's upscale now. Recently, I stopped in at the Canyon Club, in Williams, AZ. One of the finest dive bars I've ever experienced. A real honky-tonk. Loved every second, loved the people. Which is important. A good dive bar has friendlies, it doesn't attract surly or violent types. You can have a curmudgeon or two, but people have to want to have a good time. Some dives are iconic, and unlikely to go away. McSorley's is one. Out where I live, there aren't many dive bars left unless you're willing to take a chance. We used to have the Blue Collar Bar, but that got bought by a high-end group and was transformed into a "dive" bar. It retained the dive nature, but served high end cuisine. Excellent food, but ruined the ambiance. It closed after four or five years. Dive bars, I believe, have short lives. There is still one place near me, the Garwood Rest, which my buddies and I will gather in to play darts (American Darts - with the wooden shafts and we're playing baseball, not 301, 501 or Cricket) and watch football or baseball once very month. It qualifies as a dive, but it's higher end than any other one I've been in. Here are some more. I'm familiar with the Raccoon Lodge, The Smith, and Hogs and Heifers, though all from 20-30 years ago. When you find a good dive bar, it's a thing to revel in.
Wednesday morning linksFemale Researcher: We Must Make STEM Courses ‘Less Competitive’ to Be More ‘Inclusive’ of Women Does signaling also help you to do better? 20 rules for making money from P.T. Barnum I Have Met the Enemy, and He Is Easily Terrified:
Emory Students Complain School Is ‘Unsafe’ Because Administrators Tolerate Trump Support Moonbats Ask Amazon To Suspend Sales Of Trump “Racism, Sexism And Xenophobia” Products… In Face of Minimum Wage Madness, Carl’s Jr. Considering Automated Restaurants Court Orders 6-Year-Old Foster Child Removed From Only Family She Knows—Because She's 1/64 Choctaw I thought race was a social construct Yiannopoulis: How to beat me In Face of Minimum Wage Madness, Carl’s Jr. Considering Automated Restaurants - See more at: Hillary Clinton Wants To Use Obamacare For Illegal Immigrants Was Bill Clinton stoned yesterday in Arizona? Why Trump is Afraid of 'Crazy' Megyn Kelly TRUMP & FAUXCHAHONTAS We are back in a ground war in Iraq Flashback: New York Times mocked Trump for saying “there is something bad going on” in Brussels Brussels Attacks Fuel Debate Over Migrants in a Fractured Europe I would hope so A terrorist attack has happened in Europe. Let the standard response begin… Steyn: So "British Muslims Fear Repercussions Over Tomorrow's Train Bombing" is now joined by "Belgian Cabinet Minister Says Tomorrow's Train Bombing Is All Our Fault". It's not a war From The Atlantic:
Tuesday, March 22. 2016Local politics, money, etc."In small town America, politics has never been a great way to get rich, but it has been a great way to avoid poverty." It works just fine and quietly as long as the press leaves you alone. From The Clinton Crime Family.
I agree entirely with the post, but it is "old news" now and voters will generally prefer their crook over some sleaze on the other team. The Clinton charity makes Wounded Warriors look like pikers, amateurs. Role models are rare in the political game and most good folks avoid it as a necessary evil.
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Tuesday morning linksWhy I Don't Buy Organic, And Why You Might Not Want To Either A few people develop a compulsive urge to crack jokes 24 hours a day Remember America’s first experiment with socialism? The war on standards in Twin Cities schools Activism U and the End of Education Vindicated: Professor Whose Students Wanted Her Fired for Politically Incorrect Statements Rhode Island Bill Would Criminalize Offensive Speech Say, Who Will Lead The Anti-Capitalist Climate Revolution? Bill de Blasio’s surprising Trump-envy Bill Clinton Trashes Obama: 'Awful Legacy of the Last Eight Years' Glenn Reynolds: How David Brooks created Donald Trump Paul Ryan just revealed that the GOP has learned nothing from its Trump debacle Clinton vs. Trump on taxes "We won with poorly educated. I love the poorly educated." Harrington On Trump: Typical Democratic Playbook Won’t Work Mexican government urging US immigrants to become citizens and vote Stop Trump Movement Gets Boost From Mexico's Efforts in U.S. Dozens Killed And Injured After Massive Bomb Explosions Rip Through Belgium Airport. Subway Station - Live Feed Presbyterians strike again Cuba Breaks Up Weekly Dissident March Hours Before Obama Visit Obama Urged to Press Havana on Cuban Interrogation of American POWs Monday, March 21. 2016Shackleton Be Damned
Certainly Shackleton deserves his name on a polar research ship. But in a magnificent failure, the British botched the naming process for the ship. Well, temporarily botched. I happen to like "Boaty McBoatface" over "Shackleton" it just seems like a ship where stuff gets done.
Monday morning linksRe exercise, via Ace: 'I finally have the body I want. It's easy, actually, you just have to want a really shitty body.' - Louis CK The Secrets of the Wave Pilots - For thousands of years, sailors in the Marshall Islands have navigated vast distances of open ocean without instruments. Can science explain their method before it’s lost forever? Yale Grad Students Claim They Need More Therapists on Campus American University candidates promise snowflakes 24-hour counseling, more ‘inclusion’ The school safety debate: Mollycoddle no more - There are two sides to the debate over school discipline, and the policy being pursued is wrong. Moving beyond the contemporary ‘stigma’ of dismissing disruptive kids from the classroom, school Rhode Island Bill Would Punish Parents for Latch-key Kids Fact Checking the Washington Post’s Fact Checker on Trade and Manufacturing The Finnish Model - Helsinki prepares to give every citizen €800 per month and shut down its welfare bureaucracy. Commercial solar is not ready Former Secret Service Agent Explains The ‘Open Rebellion’ Against DC Politics The Case for GOP Obstructionism From the perspective of the political Left, racism is highly useful. I’m not just talking as a shaming tool. I mean as a political wedge. David Brooks Should Sit the Next Few Plays Out - Take a breather, 2016 election is not important Dem Michael Goodwin: Why it’s time for a Trump revolution Comedy Central is basically a Hillary Clinton SuperPAC Would Clinton vs. Trump Be the Ugliest Campaign in History? - Attack ads circa 1800 suggest otherwise. Every Republican Presidential Candidate Is Hitler - The “Big Lie” has been around for over fifty years. The Return of Socialism - It was lying in wait all these years, and now it’s come roaring back to life When Trump gets serious: Trump by the Script Trump scrambles American politics LEAD ORGANIZER Who Shut Down Hwy to TRUMP RALLY Is “Soros Fellow” from New Orleans Dilbert Creator Scott Adams on Donald Trump's "Linguistic Kill Shots" Obama Addresses the Diaper Divide Join the Campaign: Stop the Jew Hatred on Campus Obama Addresses the Diaper Divide The Road to Internet Serfdom - China, Russia, and Orwell’s boot The costs of Obama’s Syria policy are apparent to everyone but him Atheist British Author Challenges Liberals to ‘Become Jewish’ to Experience Antisemitism Cuba: First Obama, then Mick Jagger Who Is Salah Abdeslam? The French national The Lethal Cocktail of Terrorism: The Four Necessary Ingredients that Go into Making a Terrorist & Fifty Individual Vulnerabilities/Motivations that May also Play a Role “Raping Me is His Prayer to God. It’s Allowed. It’s Halal.” A terrifying look at the Islamic State's religious duty to rape. Obama Has Already Destroyed World Order, So What’s The Beef About Trump? If century-long trends continue, Canada will be a Muslim majority nation by 2050 Saturday, March 19. 2016Going medieval on warmth
I suspect that Dr. Ball is correct, but really who cares about this topic anymore? Other than bureaucrats, moonbats, and government-funded researchers?
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Hating on Donald Trump
There is too much hate. Why can't we all just get along?
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Saturday morning linksThe Role of Highways in American Poverty - They seemed like such a good idea in the 1950s. Go-Getters, Gone? How many jobs will the robots take? This Is the Year Shale Gas Knocks Out US Coal SANITY: Tennessee Law Would Outlaw Punishing Students For Speaking Freely, ‘Microagressions.’
"Thanks to progressive identity and victimization politics, some " the all-powerful central state worshipped by Reich and all the Say, where is the African-American revolt against Democrats? When the citizens reject your socialist, big government world view - get new citizens. How can anyone ever again be prosecuted for mishandling classified information? National Review…the Trump Recruiting Office The Gloves Are Off: Trump Accuses Hillary Of Being "Involved In Corruption For Most Of Her Professional Life" Kluge: An Open Letter to the Conservative Media Explaining Why I Have Left the Movement Wow Political correctness implosion in Sweden Gates: Obama Went Against ‘Entire National Security Team’ on Egypt Coup Repairing the Special Relationship We can´t stop the migrants: EU says Britain has ´moral duty´ to Turkey to accept refugees
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