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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, May 24. 2016Tuesday morning links
The wolf is making a comeback in Germany. A drug that lowers cholesterol does not save lives 'The First American Declaration of Independence?: The Disputed History of the Mecklenburg Declaration of May 20, 1775' Canada To Sentence ‘Anti-Trans’ Speakers to Prison…All these fines and jail sentences? They’re in the name of tolerance Windpower: Danes out while US has new plans to extend endangered species kill license for 30 years "Wind power is one of the best ways to protect eagles and other birds because it combats their biggest threat—climate change." What? The new EPA ethanol mandate will break the Blend Wall Surgeon general’s warning: E-cigarettes make leftists crazy TV Host Is A Bit Too Casual About The Massive River Wave Headed His Way Lucy Vallender: Transgender Gay Muslim Woman Eat more FAT to stay HEALTHY: Food experts at war over new advice on nation’s diet Fats are good for you. Carbs are just sugar. This Used To Be a Helluva High-Trust Country, But Our Leaders Are Destroying That - There's simply a huge cost when officials and politicians lie all the time. Moral narcissism: Moral Narcissism and the Least-Great Generation VA secretary: Disney doesn't measure wait times, so why should VA? Government medical care. No reason for the VA to exist. Time to Shut Down the Department of Education No reason for it to exist either April Sets FY2016 Alien Apprehension Record, Surges Past FY2014 Numbers Eric Trump Slams Hillary: She Has 730 People Working on her Campaign and She Hasn’t Beat a Single Socialist Trump Foreign Policy: Regaining America’s Respect Democrats Shirk a Challenge From One Donald Trump On Obama Foreign Policy Venezuela Is Falling Apart - Scenes from daily life in the failing state BDS backer, critics of Israel among Democrats drafting party platform White House took 'conscious decision to try to distance itself from Israel' 'F**k Israel, long live the Intifada' angry mob screams at Jewish UC student Do not eat fish imported from Vietnam Back to Hiroshima: Why Dropping the Bomb Saved Ten Million Lives Trackbacks
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Carbs are just sugar.
But fat is not fat. Roger. Fats are good for you. Because, in your bizarre two-substance dietary world view, the known cancer-fighting properties of bacon and burnt ends. Right. You people are goofy. Well, we may be goofy, Ten, but the rest of us are living the longest, healthiest lives in human history while consuming large quantities of meat, and enjoying it immensely.
None of us here care that you subsist on tasteless veggie gruel, and no one here is going to be persuaded by your general ignorance on nutrition. And I am pretty sure that all burns your a$$ to no end. LOL Yes, lol indeed. The Science!-ists and the partisans of scientism can and do commonly deploy amusing fallacies like yours. I cannot but agree.
The thing is, of the two of us I can identify those fallacies and why they persist. Laugh out loud, I believe it is? The hits on the worst city in America continue every day:
http://nypost.com/2016/05/23/watch-this-nypd-fdny-football-game-turn-into-bloody-brawl/ http://nypost.com/2016/05/17/de-blasio-could-be-taken-out-with-the-trash-literally/ A drug that lowers cholesterol does not save lives
Is this surprising? Confirming? Science!? Could it just be there's vastly more to the subject (and lifestyling carnists with an agenda don't really want to know where it starts and where it goes? That took 30 seconds to find. There's reams of real data out there, but naturally, the potboiling press releases skimmed by the rightist food-fad mill are Science! You have stopped writing English, just repetitive pop-up phrases. We get it that our oversimplified statements are ridiculous because they lack nuance, but your oversimplified statements are valuable because they are pithy.
Ah, that's not English. Actually, Idiot, what it is is not dogma. Dogma is what ties unthinking rightist carnists to their cartoons of people not like them and to their ignorant social signalling, and in cases like feeblemind above - also aptly named I take it - ties it to ridicule, anger, and some form of righteous apathy and some fallacies about justification-by-projected-lifespan and BBQ sauce caked in your neckbeard as a rite of principled rightist manhood.
These I take you find English. I can dig it. I find them deeply godly too, like I find industrialized slaughter ethical and like I find apathetic hedonistic epicurean consumption thoughtful. God loves death and terror, I take it, and God loves it when man, in his sacred role as gluttonous custodian in a fallen world, fully develops his rightful human pride in putting down as much life as possible because it's pleasurable and because he justly looks down on life not as noble as man but capable of trust in man. This we call Christian symbiosis, the sacred relationship of species helping one another, all Anthony Bourdain-like, with that whole man-of-God thing. This lifestyle signalling I'm sure God finds right and good, as surely God wants lugheads to diligently deploy everything but thought to deride anyone coming along and challenging this culture. All these are probably tenets of man's highest and most privileged and responsible calling as redeemed emissary to a dark and sinful world. You know, with cooking shows and political blogs and stuff. English enough for you, Idiot? Really, you're just ensuring that more of us tune you out. You're mostly just rude, and there's not enough useful information there to warrant absorbing the abuse.
Abusive and incoherent? Did you get that from your weekly lectionary, like your animal-hating God intended?
No, seriously. Did you get that from your weekly lectionary, like your animal-hating God intended, or is that abusive and somehow incoherent? My whole thing really just revolves around how rightists get themselves warped into that kind of cognitive dissonance, where they become God's chosen in their completely unthought presumptions about life; the stuff they never challenge except to paint up any challenger in their nice cartoon paint. Did that God also reward willful ignorance? Cause mine never did.
2016-05-26 08:00
Abusive? Check. Incoherent? Check.
2016-05-26 22:20
"Disney doesn't measure wait times"
That statement is categorically false. They have a sophisticated and computerized system using RFID cards that guests carry through the lines that measures actual wait times as opposed to just the length of the queue. This is used by management to redeploy resources and assure that the ride capacity is being utilized appropriately. The information is also available at the head of the line for people entering it, and via smartphone app to aid in guest decision making processes. If this can be done for something as trivial as to whether to go to It's a Small World or Haunted Mansion first, applying a similar philosophy to medical care should be a no-brainer. All that being said, he's just trying to redirect attention from how long it takes to have an appointment because their wait times still stink. On CSPAN, he even says, the VA is "trying to be veteran centric, not appointment time centric." That tells me pretty much all I need to know. He also said the average vet only gets 34% of his care from the VA. Not a strong vote of confidence.
His argument is doubly specious. He argues that wait times are the wrong measure; that process satisfaction should be used as the measure of effectiveness.
I would point out in return that Disney does not measure waiting times simply for its own sake. They have surveyed their guests repeatedly and found that the factor most likely to create guest frustration is long wait times for popular attractions. In other words, the lines are the cause they use to manage the effect of improved satisfaction scores. IN the case of the VA, measuring the wait times became an end in and of itself. That, combined with lax oversight meant it was more effective for the people in the field to game the system with things like the waiting list to get onto the waiting list rather than make the changes that would actually result in the greater satisfaction scores as well as morbidity and mortality rates. And I would expect that the satisfaction of the vet who waited three weeks to get a call back for an appointment was pretty low, as was those who died waiting or committed suicide when their call to the suicide hot line was put on voice mail.
"carbs are just sugar" "fats are good for you".
Don't be a carnist. The new superfood/magic food is (key trumpets)... SUPER BEETS!!! https://www.neogenis.com/products/superbeets-canister/ In the other thread in which you went to great lengths to beclown yourself we learned from your great "love of science" and your anecdotes of one that the world's doctors were and are engaged in a Great Global Conspiracy to rig all medical research related the rise in diabetes.
And they actually pulled it off, evidently! Do you suppose there's a secret email list somewhere these many evil mad scientists use? And now we learn that a magic foodist speaks for all of medical and dietary research too! Imagine, people; when medical research isn't thoroughly populated by secret globalist research fraud, it's populated by Magic Beet People. And from this great imaginary morass Gone Windy has uniquely and adroitly sleuthed out the true Science! of the One Guy Who Never Cited a Cite but finds his insights written on his many weekly Oreo wrappers. I wonder, does it echo in there where these contradictions come from? Is there a din? Good news Ten! I'm giving up Oreos. Not because I think they are bad for me but because of what the company did to the American workers. The last Oreos I had were it, I'm done with Oreos, No Mas.
Better news! My local Safeway sells "home made" (well made in Safeway's kitchen) chocolate chip cookies. 5 lbs for $5. I have tried but I cannot eat all 5 lbs in one sitting. Partly because I can't eat chocolate chip cookies without milk. Milk and cookies were meant to go together don'tcha know. Good old 3.5% pasteurized, homogenized cow juice. But it's OK, the cow is a vegan. Re: Dept of Education
Just judging from it's history of failure to raise education standards, it is long past the time it should have been shut down, not to mention this bathroom idiocy. It should never have been instituted. re Time to Shut Down the Department of Education
No reason for it to exist either True on both counts. But that would reduce, by an iota, the size and power of the federal behemoth. And we can't have that. re The new EPA ethanol mandate will break the Blend Wall
Indeed. I saw this the other day and am worried. We can still get alcohol free gas at about a 30 cent premium to E-10. What will the difference be if/when this goes through? Will the differential move to a dollar, if we can even get alcohol free gas at all? Will they force people to burn E-15 even if it ruins their cars' engines? Yet another example of an agency that acts in its own interests instead of the public interest. Of course they will. Broken window theory of economic stimulus. A car with a blown up engine that has to be [str] fixed [/str] replaced at $12k stimulates the Detroit economy. So of course it's a net positive, same way as if you gave me $10k in small bills and I set it on fire. You'd have to go out and earn another $10k to replace it. It is a win-win!
See? Unfettered capitalism is easy! "I'm from the government and I'm here to help."
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhYJS80MgYA HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOB!
May you stay .. forever young! Sheesh, I can't believe Maggie's farmers forgot that one. Ethanol, Education, E-cigs, and what food we should Eat: The Gummint Knows Best. Ask them; they'll tell you.
I note the Gang of Z has not chimed in to the benefits of E-15. Nuking Japan: Adm. Dan Gallery wrote books about his career and novels. In one of the career books, he said we did not need to nuke them--we had the ships to blockade them and starve them out. I can guess that, in that event, food would have been withheld from the populace to feed the army. Starving women children, and old people, I propose, could have caused the American public to be so upset as to vote the Dems out of office if public outrage did not sway them. What do YOU think other possibilities could have been? Any argument about the nukes that does not put them in the context of the firebombing campaign directed against Japanese cities is deceptive, and intentionally so.
The war could have been ended by November, '45, without the atomic bombings by continuing the firebombings, at a likely higher overall death toll and additional Russian territorial gains. "Canada To Sentence 'Anti-Trans' Speakers to Prison…All these fines and jail sentences? They’re in the name of tolerance"
Regarding our new government in Ottawa, it's increasingly clear that the inmates are running the asylum. RE Back to Hiroshima: Why Dropping the Bomb Saved Ten Million Lives
Argument disputing the US Strategic Bombing Survey's conclusion that the Japanese Empire would have surrendered without the atomic bombings, offered without evidence, is bullshit, and the professor is full of it. It's amazing how some people will twist their brains into pretzels to come to the conclusion they want. If Japan would have surrendered without atomic bombings, why did it take two?
It's not humanely possible for me to give a shit less than I do right at this exact moment in time, for how, when, why, or why not, the Japanese Empire surrendered, ending the war.
Fuck them. They started it. They were merciless fucking barbarian savages, who waged indiscriminate slaughter on hundreds of thousands of innocent women and children, ended up getting a big taste of it themselves, and I'm supposed to give a shit? Bet that "lets start a war crap" never occurs to them again. Wanna' bet? What do you bet the Chinese, Koreans, and Filipinos are glad we dropped them?
and I'm supposed to give a shit?
you personally? no. ethics is a higher level brain function. Amen. I was told the story about an old WWII Pacific vet that was being shipped off an oil platform by helicopter for the last time in the 1980's. He brought a bucket of bolts and nuts on with him. He asked the pilot to fly over a Japanese freighter that was traveling nearby. As they passed over, he dumped out the bucket, hoping to hit some of the crew and all the while cursing and swearing about the dirty Japs. He wasn't right to do it, but he obviously still had some strong feelings 30 years later...
in other words, he was a psychopath.
Donny "The Bear Jew" Donowitz
2016-05-25 01:30
We wussified the Japanese after WWII by taking away their military ability. Despite the fact that the Japan of today is totally different from that of WWII, there are still a lot of folks in Korea that probably would not mind the chance to beat the crap out of Japan. Unlike Japan, South Korea has universal male military service and you really would not want to tangle with its army.
Korean news stations every day make sure to broadcast what the weather is on "Dokdo," a fortified small disputed island Korea is holding against another Japanese invasion. It's a continuing "stick in the eye" by Korea against Japan. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liancourt_Rocks Another example is the "comfort women" statue facing the Japanese embassy in Seoul, in protest and in remembrance of the Korean women who were turned into sex slaves by the Japanese to satisfy the needs of their soldiers. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/southkorea/12075523/Comfort-women-statue-threatens-to-derail-Japan-South-Korea-accord.html We wussified the Japanese after WWII by taking away their military ability
holy shi'ite. just, holy shi'ite. the country really is doomed.
Donny "The Bear Jew" Donowitz
2016-05-25 01:35
it's easy to play monday morning quarterback. they had no idea how many bombs it would take.
if you'd be happier with Nagasaki and Hiroshima and another 10 cities burned out by conventional raids (a mix of incendiaries and high explosive), just say so. one B-29 or 200 of them could kill 100,000 civilians. according the Japanese sources interviewed in the post war study, the cumulative effect of the air raids that had started in March '45 would have caused the government to surrender by November, '45. Looking at the long term effects on the city (not the people) of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, maybe we should have bombed Detroit! Some ideas are more damaging than a bomb.
Fuck you, Don. You know it all, bullshit artist, lawyer shmuck.
Flash from The News Room: Nobody here gives a shit what you think. Now go transcribe a deposition report and make yourself useful. you signed your name, "douche"?
you're a headcase. I just read the linked (pro-bomb) article and ran across the following in the comments:
"Jenkins has not dealt with a very basic Christian rule of morals: it is never licit to do evil so that good may come. In the case of war, it is never licit to intentionally kill innocents as a tactic in the prosecuting of war." Layton To which I responded: Layton, I appreciate your argument, but it fails to qualify who are "innocents". When nations are at war, the NATION is at war. Everyone, even "not-combatants" are a part of the war support. Total war is not a game with rules, even if we pretend there are. If killing civilians has a strategic goal, then I think it is permissible. Things like the torture and rape by the Japanese in occupied territories, now that was truly evil. Inviting thoughtful comments on the issue. I am willing to be swayed. the concept of "just war" predates Christianity and one of the longstanding ethical rules has always been not to intentionally harm noncombatants.
repaying evil for evil is necessarily evil, I believe your Bible says as much. see, 1 Peter 3:9, Orange Catholic Bible. if you look at the 6 month air war against Japan, you'll find that the incendiary raids and the atomic attacks were morally justified. consider that Japanese military leaders (who are ultimately responsible) had dispersed war manufacturing into civilian built-up areas, and that high altitude precision bombardment by B-29s was impossible because of the then-unknown jetstream. the intent of the allied war planners was to end the war as quickly as possible to minimize the ongoing carnage which was costing more than 200,000 dead per month (mostly in China). the intent was not to kill 150,000 Japanese noncombatants by the atomic bombings, even though the result was inevitable. this is the principle of of double effect which is not the same thing as choosing the lesser of two evils. QUOTE: The doctrine consists of four conditions that must be satisfied before an act is morally permissible: 1. The nature-of-the-act condition. The action must be either morally good or indifferent. 2. The means-end condition. The bad effect must not be the means by which one achieves the good effect. 3. The right-intention condition. The intention must be the achieving of only the good effect, with the bad effect being only an unintended side effect. 4. The proportionality condition. The bad effect must not be disproportionate to the good effect. The second of these four conditions is an application of the more general principle that good ends do not justify evil means. so its a complex issue. Re: The bomb.
My best friend (my best man at my wedding) is married to a Japanese lady. Her mother was a survivor of the nuclear bomb. She had scarring and other injuries but she managed to live a long life, into her 80's. My friend's wife is a lovely lady, intelligent, kind, a pleasure to be around when we visit. She of course has opinions about the bomb and I of course avoid that subject like the plague. But my point is that she like most Americans was not involved in the war, she was born years afterwards. Americans/America has nothing to be ashamed of and the Japanese alive today with few exceptions didn't attack us. Their culture in the 30's and 40's was very different from what it is today. They are some of the nicest people you will ever meet. When I lived in Southern California my wife worked with a Japanese man who was sent to a internment camp during WW II. His story was heart breaking. He held no anger or "hate" but he had paid a price for something he didn't do. Don't misunderstand I am neither justifying nor condemning FDR's decision. I am also aware that as a juxtaposition to his internment millions of Americans were drafted, many against their wishes to go fight and die. By comparison his family had it good. But here was a man who was a professional, a really nice person, a good family man and a good American who was affected by the same horrible war. I was born during WW II so I have no memory of it but I remember well the family discussions long after the war since numerous uncles and cousins went off to fight (one was even at Tinian when the Enola Gay took off). No one who fought in WW II had good things to say about their experiences. But that was then, this is now. It's different, the people are different. Time changes everything. My mother and father-in-law both lived through Pearl Harbor. My father-in-law watched people getting killed by Japanese strafing runs outside his boarding house. Bombs came down in my mom's neighborhood and one of her neighbors was killed. So pardon me if I don't get too worked up about the feelings of the poor Japanese. If I remember correctly, they started it all by a sneak attack at the very same time they were "negotiating" with Washington.
Absolutely agree with the sentiment. I grew up hearing about the atrocities my uncles and cousins saw in the war. My father-in-law fought in the PI and his stories are particularly gruesome. I fully understand the reasons and justifications for being angry at the Japanese and the Germans of that time. My point is that the Japanese and Germans of today are NOT them. They are no more guilty of this sin then you or I am. And that is a GOOD thing. I personally know many Japanese some are Americans and some are Japanese citizens and without exception they are intelligent, kind, gentle good people. The old Japanese society is gone and with it the old terrible atrocities.
You can accept this or not. I embrace it and am happy with it. so you're into this identity politics, like any good liberal. "all Japanese should have been tried as war criminals, because, Tojo was no different from an Jap Infant incinerated by firebombs because they're all the same. they even look the same. Science!" amirite?
since we have to play the personal horror card in this thread, my uncle was KIA in the Philippines, probably in March, '42. also, for the record, only one bomb fell outside the naval and army bases. it fell in an industrial area, and killed no one.
one civilian pilot was killed and one civilian was killed by a fighter strafing the Honolulu airport. all other civilians deaths were caused by friendly fire. you'll never learn history from watching tora tora tora. |