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Thursday, May 26. 2016Thursday morning links Foxconn replaces '60,000 factory workers with robots' McDonald's and robots Robots are the new slaves Chanel: “Dress shabbily and they remember the dress; dress impeccably and they remember the woman.” The contemporary world is not very well built for a large chunk of males. Trans Teacher Wins $60,000 Settlement Because Co-Workers Wouldn’t Call Her “THEY” The contemporary world is not very well built for a large chunk of males. - See more at: http://marginalrevolution.com/marginalrevolution/2016/05/what-in-the-hell-is-going-on.html#sthash.KafpzXWg.dpuf Why Are So Many People Dying on Everest? Better ask why so few? The danger is the appeal. Protesters storm stage, threaten Milo Yiannopoulos while spineless security do nothing Milo is something else. I don't get why black people protest him Why The Flyover Zone Is Hurting——–Bubble Finance Is Strictly For The Bicoastal Elites MSNBC Praises Violent Anti-Trump Protesters Starting Fires, Assaulting Cops, Attacking Police Horses LET PROS RUN YOUR CAMPUS PROTEST Rent-a-Mob is now a business Anti-Semitic Mob at University of California Attacks Jewish Students The Party’s Over for Pro-Israel Dems
Networks Complain About Trump's Anti-Hillary Ad The State Department’s Top Cop Imperils Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Rousseau, via neoneo on Islam and leftism:
Military Suicides: Most Attempts Come Before Soldiers Ever See Combat Should women be required to register for draft? Avigdor Lieberman Is Just What Israel Needs Right Now The Russian Threat: NATO Struggles to Recover after Years of Budget Cuts Vietnamese dissident a reluctant tourist during Obama visit Freedom was never popular in the East, never will be Trackbacks
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QUOTE: Why The Flyover Zone Is Hurting——–Bubble Finance Is Strictly For The Bicoastal Elites ... The whole point of ultra-low interest rates is obviously to induce households to borrow and spend, and thereby trigger a virtuous cycle of rising demand, increasing production, more jobs and income and even more consumer spending. That’s Keynes 101. Actually, Keynes referred to utilizing interest rates to prop up demand as pushing on a string. However, with the political dysfunction in the U.S. political system, the responsibility fell to the Fed to use the meager tools at their disposal to stimulate the economy. There is a tool at the Feds desposel that is very underutilized. It works very well, every time it is tried. But as Glen Reynolds points out, it offers insufficient opportunities for politicians to line their pockets and remain all powerful.
No, he didn't. Actually, he wrote quite a bit about using interest rates effectively. The portion you're referring to was specific to Keynes' discussion of "the liquidity trap" - when there is an excess of liquidity available (possibly where we are now, though the idea of a liquidity trap itself remains highly controversial). His feeling, and the feeling many in the field of monetary economics, is that a centrally controlled money supply can reach a point of over-supply such that further stimulus does little or nothing. One can currently argue that the ZIRP and NIRP efforts abroad have exposed this quite well.
Keynes recognized lowering interest rates could artificially spur demand during periods of (perceived) over-supply. What you're referring to is the standard MISunderstanding of Keynes, and that I agree with. Politicians have tended to focus on a few functional parts of his schema without realizing those portions, ignoring the whole, can cause tremendous damage and limit future growth opportunities. In any event, this was one of the many points the Austrians used to argue against Keynes' model. Not only did they disagree with its fundamental underpinnings, but they realized it was open to abuse and misuse - which is precisely what has happened. Bulldog: Keynes recognized lowering interest rates could artificially spur demand during periods of (perceived) over-supply.
In a 'normal' economy, lower interest rates will spur investment, which will lead to more production, lower prices, and increased demand. When Keynes referred to "pushing on a string", he was referring to periods when demand was deficient, such as during bouts of deflation. During deflation, you can give people more money, but you can't make them spend it. Z: During deflation, you can give people more money, but you can't make them spend it.
Keynes was wrong about everything. One way to look at inflation is that money is losing value relative to things and in deflation money is gaining value relative to things. "Protesters storm stage, threaten Milo Yiannopoulos"
Watching the clip I have to say either Milo is very tolerant or a total pussy. I would have seen it coming and would have unloaded a shit storm if either of these fools had attacked me. You can bet your life if Milo had cold-cocked the bitch and bum rushed the A-hole throwing him off the stage that the security detail would have woken up. Nero is playing the martyr, as such his message is gaining strength.
Yes, and then he would have been arrested and possibly convicted of a crime. Instead, he comes out looking like the better person and was able to lead a protest to the president's office. Milo won this confrontation.
I did indeed consider that. It is of course different for people in the public eye. My personal philosophy is simply if you/anyone assaults me I will defend myself, period. After that, win or lose I will press charges. I do not understand or accept any other possibility.
I had the pleasure of witnessing (one more time) the sheer hubris of BLM and their Soros-funded ken disrupting this address, organized by the Young Republicans attending DePaul U. For some unknown reason, the administration tried to change the contract at the last minute, requiring many more security people for an increase of over $1000. The GOP group with Milo and Breitbart's help managed to come up with the money and the event proceeded.
However, anything "Trump" is the target for mass demonstrations in Chicago. His rally at the U. of IL Pavillion had to be cancelled due to agitators blocking the streets and threatening the ticket holders. But thanks to them, Trump garnered more votes to win the Illinois primary. And thus, the same occurred at DePaul. Jack is right. Milo handled himself well and all the resulting coverage of the mayhem will result in more votes for Mr. Trump…the unintended consequences of disobeying the law. People are getting tired of this mayhem. BTW, the security detail did NOTHING to stop the disrupters; the administration had told them to "stand down" and ignore that Milo and the GOP group were paying the bill. Bad PR move by DePaul. Very bad. This may explain why security did nothing: http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2016/05/25/meet-depaul-protester-waved-microphone-milos-face/
When you are the daughter of Chicago Police Department’s Director of Administration, are you untouchable? Milo and his sponsors should sue the police and DePaul for taking their money under false pretences.
Robots are the new slaves
Democrats will fight to give them civil rights, voting rights, ability to go to any bathroom they want, and welfare benefits. Robots are but a tool for freeing common laborers to do more enriching and fulfilling work, for which they are not qualified.
That's what they are now. Don't underestimate the ability for Democrats to manufacture a new constituency!
I'm not thrilled about a lot of creeping wimpism in our culture either, but I'm not really that receptive to arguments about how the culture is "over-feminized," any more than I was to feminist arguments about how the culture is "over-masculinized." Human beings come in both flavors. Neither sex is ever going to live in a world that's ideal for either style. Adapt and overcome.
Obviously you've NEVER been exposed to the "cash and prizes for women" system of divorce in this country. Thus, you think your "white-knighting" for the ladies' position will win you brownie points from them.
HA! Dream on, Texan. The Feminine Imperative will grind you up as well. Ha, ha, ha. Why do you assume Texas99 is a man? (Happened to me once on another forum when using a nongender name.)
what happened? you didn't want to pay child support and the local DA levied on your bank account?
You can't imagine how foolish it sounds for you to change the subject to your own hobby-horse, old codger. Have you got some knee-jerk reflex that just spits out "women have it great in divorce" whenever you see the words men and women in the same sentence?
I'm not convinced Mr.(?) Cohen knows what he's talking about. Many say far-right = neo-nazi, but remember, Austria is in Europe. There, far-right is about the same as run-of-the-mill Republicans here.
Rent-a-Mob is now a business
It looks to me from the article and a brief skim of their website that Care2 is in the business of collecting data for and selling what telemarketing cons, oops, I meant pros, refer to as "sucker lists" - lists of contact info for people who have been found to buy/donate in response to appeals. They make a big deal about being a B-corp, when all that means is they are a corporation that is allowed to make a profit and pay shareholders dividends, but can instead choose to donate to the board's pet charities. It is an explicitly distinct form from a non-profit or charity. Women and the draft? A big no. It would be a huge waste of time. If we really needed to call people up for a draft, we would like find most of the women called would be pregnant.
I'm just being real here. I'm a woman. I was in the military. I saw plenty of women take advantage of military rules with pregnancy to get out of work. Or to try to get out of the military entirely (although that dried up as an excuse in the 90s). I also saw numerous women with injuries, emotional problems who couldn't handle boot camp. That's just the truth. If we are trying to fill up the military with draftees, you would have a lot harder time finding women who could even be drafted. Dumb idea. Some of us are strong enough - physically and mentally - to get through boot camp and the continuing rigors of physical fitness tests every 6 months. Many women are not. Let me give you my recollection of boot camp and the differences between men and women: When the Drill Instructor yelled at an all-female group to do some sort of exercise punishment, like push-ups, there would be a lot of tears and insistence that no more could be done. Women would collapse into a crying fit and wail about what was happening. When the punishment was over, it was relief and irritation...usually anger at the weaker/crybaby ones who made us do pushups even longer. When the Drill Instructor yelled at an all-male group to do some sort of exercise punishment...No tears, just gut determination. They might fail or collapse, but they wanted to live up to the Drill Instructor's expectations. When the punishment was over, there was camaraderie and more respect and attachment to their D.I. That's the truth. I saw it for myself. Physical punishment for men is different than physical punishment for women. For men, it draws them together. For women, it is an emotional disaster zone. Networks Complain About Trump's Anti-Hillary Ad: Of course they do; they are part of the Hillary Network.
MSNBC Praises Violent Anti-Trump Protesters: Of course they do; they are part of the anti-Trump Network. Israel: Lefties hate them because they won't roll over and let themselves be killed. |