Women who cheat
Four Lost Decades: The Bumbling Incompetence Of The Power Elite
"Fix law schools’ diversity problem, NOW!"
Dartmouth: President Hanlon, include me out
Every American college student today, no matter his race or gender, is among the most privileged individuals in human history.
Christakises (and Free Speech) Not Coming Back to Yale
Yale says all-gender bathroom project ‘is about public signaling’
Laurence Tribe on the Royall Asses’ misguided radicalism
So the Feds require me to categorize an employee as a male or female but
New York makes it illegal to do so if the employee does not want to be
in one of those categories.
Good stuff at Woodpile
Transgender Studies Week at College Insurrection
Big Bureaucracies Beget Bad Behavior
Trump's Intellectuals - They’re out there--beyond the Beltway.
Why Trump Won, and Why the Current Crop of Purported Leaders Must Be Swept Aside
Hillary Embodies Washington's Decadence
CBS News Political Director: It’s Media’s Job To STEER AWAY From Clintons’ Past
‘We have to destroy her story’: How Hillary enabled Bill
Hillary has been burying emails since she was First Lady
And burying things long before that:
...For this purpose, Clinton, working with Webster Hubbell and Vince Foster, stole hard copies of the billing records of the Rose law firm where they were partners. They erased the electronic version of these records. One set of the documents was later found in the White House, just outside Hillary’s private office, by an employee. Another set was found in Foster’s attic by his widow, some years after he committed suicide. Clinton’s time sheets (handwritten, as was the practice back in the day) were never found.
The theft of the billing records occurred on March 7, 1992. It was then that a story on Whitewater/Castle Grande by New York Times reporter Jeff Gerth “hit the wire.” That night, Rose Law Firm documents were passed to a Clinton campaign aide in the firm’s parking lot.
Never Trump? Don’t stop there! Never anybody!
Hillary Clinton -- Career Criminal
Who Says Muslims Don't Have a Softer Side?
‘The French Have Been Silent For Too Long’: Identitarians March Through Paris
Shaking hands in Switzerland