Pretty much everybody agrees that government charity enables dependency and dysfunction. Pretty much everybody also agrees that there are numbers of people who will not or can not attain functional independence.
Despite the perverse incentives, and many unpleasant side effects (including creating a permanent underclass and supporting fatherless families), such people require basic food and shelter provided by the productive classes. It's not 1800 anymore when everybody could find something useful to do on the farm.
Via Assistant Village Idiot, see Three Great Articles On Poverty, And Why I Disagree With All Of Them
The problem with a guaranteed minimum income is that, if people can not manage their life adaptively, they probably can not handle money adaptively either. Every day we see how foolish people can be with unearned money.
Somewhat related, Hope for Public Housing - The House GOP leadership tries to pass much-needed reforms.
Bread and circuses are the costs of civilization.