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Saturday, May 21. 2016Saturday morning links
The Hamptons are this summer’s orgy hotspot Scientists: Michelle Obama’s Nutrition Facts Label Not Based on Science Annie Duke: 'What Life Lessons Can Poker Teach Us? All of Them.' Sex-crazed Olympians getting an insane amount of condoms
Google patents pedestrian flypaper for self-driving cars Zoning: Forty Percent of the Buildings in Manhattan Could Not Be Built Today NYC: Instrumental City: The View from Hudson Yards, circa 2019 The world’s most ambitious “smart city” project is here. The Quiet Dagger: Professional Program Accreditation and the Pressure for "Diversity Initiatives" The revolution is being televised: Bathroom wars continue Another California Rail Fail Not Helping: Austin Considers Using Taxpayer $ to Prop Up Uber/Lyft Alternatives How the West (and the Rest) Got Rich - The Great Enrichment of the past two centuries has one primary source: the liberation of ordinary people to pursue their dreams of economic betterment Climate science appears to be obsessively Illinois State Workers, Highest Paid In Nation, Demand Up To 29% Wage Hikes Inside the Clinton paid speech machine - What, exactly, do you get when you pay a Clinton $285,000 for an intimate, closed-to-the-press speech? Media in agony as Trump makes it relive Clinton sex scandals Why does NYT columnist Gail Collins call Bill Clinton's sexual misdeeds "private peccadilloes"? Trump Camp Posts Leaked Audio of Hillary Clinton Slamming Second Amendment Rights Pope Francis Compares Jesus’ Disciples to ISIS Killers Comments
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QUOTE: Could We Just Lose the Adverb (Already)? Yes please. "This insanely, massively important topic will take your breath away", and like that. Please make it stop. "Illinois State Workers, Highest Paid In Nation".
This is the result of a powerful union coupled with a criminal political party. The middle class pays for this misappropriation of tax money. "The Great Enrichment of the past two centuries has one primary source: The liberation of ordinary people to pursue the dreams of economic betterment". THAT is the exact opposite of unions and criminal political parties. Unions are by design intended to take from the masses and give to the members. It is so blatant a heist that it must buy politicians and the MSM to facilitate and cover up the crime. Crash course in What's Wrong with Labor Unions from Professor Richard Epstein.
[quote]Trevor Burrus: Is the collective culture that is. In the 1890s, beginning of industrialization, there were a bunch of evil capitalists who preyed upon workers and put them into horrible working situations too many hours a week, no vacations, dangerous working situations and then with a struggle against them to unionize, they were able to secure for themselves safe working conditions, lower working hours and a better pay and that’s the reason why we have things like the 40-hour workweek and the weekend to this day and labor unions are an essential part of the American society and they keep everything sort of stable. Is that true? What’s wrong with that story? Richard Epstein: Everything.[quote] Government employee unions have the added defect that the members of the union are also electors of those who represent management. QUOTE: Scientists: Michelle Obama’s Nutrition Facts Label Not Based on Science ... was based on the 2015 Dietary Guidelines, whose committee did not include a single expert on sugars. It's not Michelle Obama's nutrition facts, but the FDA's, developed by scientists, including those with expertise in the effect of carbohydrates on health and disease. QUOTE: It's not Michelle Obama's nutrition facts, but the FDA's, developed by scientists Top men. Eh Zack? Top. Men. feeblemind: Top men.
Did you bother to even look before waving your hands? Keep in mind that Clemens was on the 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. There was a comment period on the recent report, and Clemens availed himself of the opportunity to be heard. Remember this: The Science Is Not Settled. People make mistakes, and some select data to support their positions.
Sam L: People make mistakes, and some select data to support their positions.
Sure they do. But addressing that requires more than incorrectly ascribing the findings to Michelle Obama or hand waving at the qualifications of the scientists involved without even bothering to check their credentials.
2016-05-21 12:10
I infer a weakness in credentials from the total inability to come up with predictions that are borne out by observations over time. Kind of like that other situation where the science isn't settled.
2016-05-22 10:48
"...scientists, including those with expertise in the effect of carbohydrates on health and disease."
What effects? Like living and remaining healthy? There are only three categories/types of food: carbohydrates, protein & fats. Each of these food groups has a extensive activists lobby to denigrate it and make up pseudo-science about it. But are carbohydrates "bad" for you and do they cause disease? Should we ban carrots and potatoes or just the refined carbs that are so popular to hate today? Where's the proof? I don't mean the outrageous claims by the food activists I mean "proof". The only proof we have about our food is the continuing increase in health and life expectancy at exactly the same time our food supply has become more diverse and available to all Americans. Like it or not we are all part of the largest experiment testing the nutrition value of Western food and the results are: It makes no difference what you eat (my lawyer insists I add that it makes no difference providing you do not have a genetic illness that requires a specific diet). It's funny, I go into a modern American supermarket and I'm pleased and overwhelmed with the huge variety and amount of food, fresh, canned and even the highly processed food. In humans long history this is what we always wanted; good food, readily available and relatively cheap. But when the food activists enter the supermarket they are repulsed and scared by the carrots or the white bread (OMG). Go figure... GoneWithTheWind: Where's the proof? I don't mean the outrageous claims by the food activists I mean "proof".
Science doesn't deal in proof, but evidence. You will find citations to the scientific evidence in the Scientific Report of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. GoneWithTheWind: It makes no difference what you eat (my lawyer insists I add that it makes no difference providing you do not have a genetic illness that requires a specific diet). If it were all genetics, then there would be no increase in diabetes and obesity-related diseases. "If it were all genetics, then there would be no increase in diabetes and obesity-related diseases."
Thank you!!! There is no increase in diabetes and why? Because it is genetic. The rates of diabetes has remained the same. A few years back the medical community acknowledged that about half of the people with diabetes did not yet know they had diabetes. Since diabetes is a serious disease and benefits from early treatment they undertook an effort to identify diabetics earlier. It was successful and they did indeed identify a million or so more diabetic individuals a year than in the past. But wouldn't you know someone decided to use this for somewhat fraudulent purposes. The "increased" rate of diabetes was simply labeled as "increased" diabetes without any reference as to why there were more cases. But in fact the rate of diabetes has remained exactly the same (as one would expect since it is genetic). Whites or European descent have a relatively low rate of diabetes, while blacks have about twice that rate and native South Americans have about three times that rate. Interestingly the percentage of the American population that is white is slowly decreasing while the black and South American portion is increasing. This too increases the total percentage with diabetes (even though the rates haven't changed). So when you read that diabetes in the U.S. is increasing it is a lie and you should brace yourself for the second big lie. Typically it will be that sugar/carbs are bad for you and are causing our diabetes to increase. About as often you will hear that it is related to the increase in obesity. It just depends on what the lying activists are selling that day. But thank you for allowing me to prove my point. Even with what some people think is a terrible diet our diabetes rate has remained exactly the same. Even with the somewhat phonied obesity rates our diabetes rate has remained exactly the same. Diabetes is genetic, you get it from your parents and not your food. Diabetes is a serious illness and can be 'somewhat' managed by a specific diet so if you have it follwo your doctors advice. If you don't have it you should ignore the quacks and diet prostitutes and eat what you like. There is no increase in diabetes and why? Because it is genetic. The rates of diabetes has remained the same.
[quote]According to the Center for Disease Control "From 1980 to 2005, the crude incidence of diagnosed diabetes increased 124% from 3.3 per 1000 to 7.4 per 1000. Similarly, the age-adjusted incidence increased 114%, suggesting that the majority of the change was not due to the aging of the population." Diabetes is becoming more common in the United States. From 1980 through 2005, the number of Americans with diabetes increased from 5.6 million to 15.8 million. As the detailed tables show, people aged 65 years or older account for approximately 38% of the population with diabetes. http://uscentrist.org/news/2008/healthscare
2016-05-21 19:03
Again, thank you. This is exactly what I have been saying. The rate of diabetes for each ethnic group isn't changing it is the way we gather statistics and the percentage of the ethnic groups that have high rates of diabetes that is changing. BUT the real story is the way it is reported. Make no mistake the CDC knows this. They know that the scary increase is simply because of the effort to identify previously unknown cases of diabetes AND because of the changing ethnic population. THE KNOW that when they put this misinformation out there that it is bogus. Why do they do it? My best guess and the nicest thing I can say on their behalf is that they hope the scare stories will help people to choose healthier lifestyles AND to get tested. I do fear that a lot of this misinformation campaign is about funding both by government funded groups like theCDC and privately funded and generally non-profit groups that depend on scare stories to get donations for their cause.
It is a second level, a more nefarious level of fraud where special interest groups use this misinformation to push their own pseudo-science, i.e. carbs cause diabetes or obesity causes diabetes. In many ways it is like the AGW scam. Quite honestly it worries me how easily scientists and government bureaucrats so easily slip into the propaganda role instead of reporting the truth.
2016-05-21 22:32
GoneWithTheWind: There is no increase in diabetes and why? Because it is genetic. The rates of diabetes has remained the same.
That is incorrect. For instance, see Gregg et al., Trends in the Prevalence and Ratio of Diagnosed to Undiagnosed Diabetes According to Obesity Levels in the U.S., Diabetes Care 2004: "our finding that the prevalence rates for total diabetes (i.e., diagnosed and undiagnosed cases combined) have remained relatively stable within BMI strata, even as the BMI levels of Americans have increased, is consistent with prior arguments that obesity is the predominant factor driving the growth of the diabetes epidemic." In other words, as America has gotten fatter, total rates of diabetes have increased.
2016-05-21 23:08
"In other words, as America has gotten fatter, total rates of diabetes have increased."
A twofer!! The phony diabetes stats and the mostly phony fat American stats. For reasons I have already stated the stats on diabetes are intentionally falsified. The rates have not changed but the numbers of undiagnosed have decreased thanks to great effort to identify diabetics at a younger age. And of course we have more of those ethnic groups that are genetically more prone to have diabetes. It is fun though to tie this increase in stats to your favorite whipping boy. I blame the increase on feminisim, NO wait I blame it on welfare, No No, I blame it on president Obama. Ironically those three things increased along with the increased stats in diabetes AND overweight Americans. Just as logical as blaming it on sugar/carbs etc. As for the fat Americans: In 1998 we adopted the BMI measure to decide who is overweight and who is obese. Overnight the obesity rate doubled without anyone gaining a single pound. Since then the low information activists have blamed all our ills on our fat fellow citizens who as we all know are fat ONLY because of sugar or maybe it's HFCS, or it could be prepared foods or processed foods or whatever the whipping boy of the moment is. But whatever it is blamed on 90% of the fatties are a result of the change to BMI and not because of any actual weight gain or what we eat or GMO etc. As for the other 10% it is most likely due to less physical activity and more availability and cheaper food. Simple as that. By the way I just finished eating an entire package of Oreos, one of my typical junk food snacks that I enjoy every night. Some nights its 8-16 ounces of chocolate and sometimes a big bag of chips. I have eaten four meals a day for 72 years and I'm not overweight and I don't have diabetes. How can that be if sugar/carbs cause diabetes and make us all fat???
2016-05-21 23:31
Give it up, Z. Windy's moved from simple denial to insisting rising rates that track with dietary changes never happened to claiming that all the world's nations together are falsifying statistics to making his junk food addiction a proof by single anecdote.
Not much you can do with that.
2016-05-22 07:12
Actually the so-called rising rates of diabetes track more clsely with global warming, welfare, and the Iraq war. There are a dozen more long term events that track with the increasing numbers of diabetes too. Why pick diet? Oh wait! That's right. Diet is your thingy so it must be diet. No doubt you even think global warming is caused by our crappy diet. After all that tracks too... Hmmmmm.
If it's diet explain why blacks in America have twice the rate of diabetes that whites have? I'm guessing you think blacks eat twice as much sugar or soft drinks. Hispanics have about twice to three times the rate of diabetes than whites do. Again, you probably think it is those tacos or something. Australian aboriginal people have four to six times the rate of diabetes than do whites. I guess that too is sugar or ho-ho's or something. Sooner or later you run out of excuses and other things to blame and realize it is genetic. Right now in the U.S. we all eat the same "crappy" (or normal) food and yet still the rates of diabetes by ethnic group is exactly the same as it was 20 years ago and 50 years ago and 100 years ago. Can you really believe it is caused by what you eat???
2016-05-22 10:37
^ Hey Z, now he's making up facts to support the bias, with a little racism for good measure.
Statistically, type 2 diabetes increases track strongly with both westernized diet and culture - see China, India, and South America, more or less in that order, with the Mideast thrown in as a strong likely confirmation - and in the US, with the highest abuses of westernized diet, not surprisingly led by the southeast where fatty, starchy, and generally unbalanced diets and statistical obesity have increased the most. But, mom always taught us kids not to wrestle with pigheadedness, so there we have it.
2016-05-22 11:25
Aha! I knew sooner or later you would invoke a version of Godwin's law. But it isn't racist to report the facts. Arguably it is mother nature or god who is racist (by your standard) for making some races more genetically prone to certain diseases. If you had a serious rebuttal you wouldn't need to resort to slinging BS.
But explain if you can why some races/ethnicites have higher rates of diabetes... My explanation is that people who more recently were hunter gathers, like American Indians (including hispanics native to South and Central America), African blacks and Australian aboriginal people lived a life style that was inadvertently similar to how you can non-medically treat diabetes. This simply allowed those with the genes to survive to and past puberty thus assuring that they could pass on those genes. While Europeans lived a farming lifestyle which is not as conducive to suppressing the symptoms of diabetes and more importantly preventing the disease from causing early death. Survival of the fittest tends to weed out the week and the sick.
2016-05-22 14:03
What Windy conceals or is ignorant of is the biology of pancreatic failure
QUOTE: Type 1 and type 2 diabetes are characterized by progressive β-cell failure. Apoptosis is probably the main form of β-cell death in both forms of the disease. It has been suggested that the mechanisms leading to nutrient- and cytokine-induced β-cell death in type 2 and type 1 diabetes, respectively, share the activation of a final common pathway involving interleukin (IL)-1β, nuclear factor (NF)-κB, and Fas. [...] Chronic exposure to elevated levels of glucose and free fatty acids (FFAs) causes β-cell dysfunction and may induce β-cell apoptosis in type 2 diabetes. Exposure to high glucose has dual effects, triggering initially “glucose hypersensitization” and later apoptosis, via different mechanisms. High glucose, however, does not induce or activate IL-1β, NF-κB, or inducible nitric oxide synthase in rat or human β-cells in vitro or in vivo in Psammomys obesus. FFAs may cause β-cell apoptosis via ER stress, which is NF-κB and NO independent. Thus, cytokines and nutrients trigger β-cell death by fundamentally different mechanisms, namely an NF-κB–dependent mechanism that culminates in caspase-3 activation for cytokines and an NF-κB–independent mechanism for nutrients. This argues against a unifying hypothesis for the mechanisms of β-cell death in type 1 and type 2 diabetes and suggests that different approaches will be required to prevent β-cell death in type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Windy's 100% ode to 100% superior genetics simply ignores that fatty acids kill beta cells and saturated fats kill them far and away more than any plant type almost to the point of exclusivity. Windy also completely ignores the obvious fact that genetics are culture - for genetics to be the claimed cause, culture and history must come into play or there can be no differentiation between peoples such as the one Windy cites. In other words, genetics are influenced and in culture, diet is the obvious and overwhelmingly primary differentiating semi-permanent condition until cultural shifts occur. That is, diet affects and may even predispose genetics and true to the science, a strongly altered subsequent diet among any one cohort therefore reasonably and statistically precursors induced pancreatic beta cell death and diabetes when FFAs occur. How a given cohort responds depends on the complex link between genetic origin, genetic resistance or susceptibility, dietary intake vs change, and the resultant pancreatic beta cell impact. Note that you cannot reverse Windy's fallacy any more than you can avoid that it is a fallacy. None of the factors or domains above can be magically de-linked or set aside in order to support the resultant formulation. By shrieking about "genetics" Windy is inadvertently completely isolating cohorts when it's the cohort that responds to the conditions and influences that cause diabetes. Diabetes also correlates strongly with cardiovascular disease, another rising statistic in turn strongly correlated with dietary decline. The link is overwhelmingly convincing because that data is also conclusive.
2016-05-22 12:53
You cannot resist the temptation to "wrestle with pigheadedness" can you?
You don't seem to understand the relationship between cause and effect. The situation you describe is true for diabetics and untrue for people who are not diabetic. You don't catch diabetes from your food you get it from your parents. "genetics are culture" That and the rest of the explanation of that is pure pseudo-science gobbledgook. "Diabetes also correlates strongly with cardiovascular disease" Absolutely true. Diabetes is a serious disease and shouldn't be treated lightly.
2016-05-22 14:11
Well, now that you mention it, the target painted by pigheaded, hand-waving*, blow-hardy appeals to the automatic authority of one's own blog comment anecdote and its concise fellow assertion of unimpeachable universal truth - that is, the plainly transparent fallacies of utter psuedo-scientific hogwash (no pun intended) - are somewhat compelling. Now that you mention it. It's a phenomenon like the execrable, broadly risible national candidate running as if no one were looking or if they were, somehow had no sense.
One cites real data for months but egotists, per these lovely attributes, revel in anything but data that they can hand-wave into synch with some revisionist tributary of something they once heard and liked when they stood on one foot and looked at it with an eye closed. Now that you ask. Seriously, just refute the correlation of pancreatic beta cell death, animal fat intake, genetics per culture and diet - genetics being culture being diet - and as further corollaries, their rather precise statistical parallels with heart disease and with obesity and the diets thereof. Or would it be objectively fair to call ignoring all that and appeals to anecdote pig-headed? Wait, you're not asking that, are you? You're asking if I can resist engaging pigheadedness. Right. Well-played, sir. *another reluctant nod and a tip of the hat to Zees, who at least gets this right. Wow, does it ever get this right...
2016-05-22 15:27
You don't seem to understand the relationship between cause and effect.
Said mookishly after highlighting genetics as the sole indicator of cohort but denying the genetic diversity of the then presumably mono-genetic cohort regarding disease. To wit in that same context: "genetics are culture" That and the rest of the explanation of that is pure pseudo-science gobbledgook. Biocultural anthropology is "gobbledgook"? QUOTE: Biocultural anthropology is the scientific exploration of the relationships between human biology and culture. Physical anthropologists throughout the first half of the 20th century viewed this relationship from a racial perspective; that is, from the assumption that typological human biological differences lead to cultural differences.[1] After World War II the emphasis began to shift toward an effort to explore the role culture plays in shaping human biology. Contemporary biocultural anthropologists view culture as having several key roles in human biological variation: -Culture is a major human adaptation, permitting individuals and populations to adapt to widely varying local ecologies. -Characteristic human biological or biobehavioral features, such as a large frontal cortex and intensive parenting compared to other primates, are viewed in part as an adaptation to the complex social relations created by culture.[2] -Culture shapes the political economy, thereby influencing what resources are available to individuals to feed and shelter themselves, protect themselves from disease, and otherwise maintain their health.[1] -Culture shapes the way people think about the world, altering their biology by influencing their behavior (e.g., food choice) or more directly through psychosomatic effects (e.g., the biological effects of psychological stress).[3] While biocultural anthropologists are found in many academic anthropology departments, usually as a minority of the faculty, certain departments have placed considerable emphasis on the "biocultural synthesis." Historically, this has included Emory University, the University of Alabama, UMass Amherst (especially in biocultural bioarchaeology) [6] [7], and the University of Washington [8], each of which built Ph.D. programs around biocultural anthropology; Binghamton University, which has a M.S. program in biomedical anthropology; Oregon State University, University of Kentucky and others. Paul Baker, an anthropologist at Penn State whose work focused upon human adaptation to environmental variations, is credited with having popularized the concept of "biocultural" anthropology as a distinct subcategory of anthropology in general.[4] Many anthropologists consider biocultural anthropology as the future of anthropology because it serves as a guiding force towards greater integration of the subdisciplines.[5] In other words, "understanding cause and effect" to you means genetics somehow cannot define the identified genetic cohort. I.e., that genetics are not genetics! Try lobbing that one into a university, Windy. "Diabetes also correlates strongly with cardiovascular disease" Absolutely true. Diabetes is a serious disease and shouldn't be treated lightly. Cute. That's an obvious cherry-picking evasion that avoids the above and moreover, your own inherent contradiction. I pointed out the statistical medical correlation between diet and health and within that, how diabetes tracked heart disease per cohort, per race, per culture, etc., some of which your argument depends on while at the same time somehow denying the connection. I believe we can rightly call that fallacy a misunderstanding of cause and effect. How long did you expect to keep doing this? How culture shaped the human genome: bringing genetics and the human sciences together What Creates Our Behavioral Phenome? Genes Affect Culture; Culture Affects Genes How Human Culture Affects Our Genetics The Intelligence Problem Ad Infinitum...
2016-05-22 16:28
You have nothing new to offer. I have explained why there is no increase in diabetes rates and thus our change in diet could not possibly account for a non-existent increase in diabetes. But instead you offer more biased opinion about our terrible American diet and how it caused an increase in diabetes.
I pointed out that the rate of diabetes varies with the genetic ethnic groups and instead of explaining how that could happen you attack the messenger with ad hominem attacks. I point out that your mistake, your fallacy was that correlation is not causation. And I provided numerous other correlations that were just as likely to have caused an increase if there had been an increase, some of which I believe were very thought provoking. And you are unable to respond to any of that. You need a better source of information. You cannot depend on Gary Taubes or Natural news for information on health or diet. You are living inside an echo chamber and seemingly have never considered that there could be an explanation that is not based on superstition and bias. I wish it were true! I wish there was magic food (or as Taubes says "good food, bad food". Diet, nutrition, food has been one of my interests all of my life. I was also once sucked in by the many guru's of diet and read voraciously all of the many books and magazines published by the guru's of diet. It failed to support their many wild ass claims. Perhaps if they had managed to keep out the most radical diet crazies who made most of those crazy claims of miracles and how doctors are all conspiring to keep us sick and how there is a magic food discovered in the Amazon forest that would bring eternal life and great health, perhaps I would still be sympathetic to their beliefs. But almost without exception when the food guru's speak they lie and are simply selling something. You need to open your eyes and your mind. Your diet will not save you or cure you. It does make a nice fairy tale and sells a lot of books but it is pure superstition and pseudo-science.
2016-05-23 10:09
You've explained? Now that is a good one.
I have to conclude that you intend those buckets of denial and irony as a put-on. No? Then please, get that looked at.
2016-05-23 11:46
GoneWithTheWind: I have explained why there is no increase in diabetes rates
You didn't explain anything, but made a bald claim. When presented with scientific evidence that called your position into question, your only argument was that the scientific community is lying. Gregg et al., Trends in the Prevalence and Ratio of Diagnosed to Undiagnosed Diabetes According to Obesity Levels in the U.S., Diabetes Care 2004: "our finding that the prevalence rates for total diabetes (i.e., diagnosed and undiagnosed cases combined) have remained relatively stable within BMI strata, even as the BMI levels of Americans have increased, is consistent with prior arguments that obesity is the predominant factor driving the growth of the diabetes epidemic." In other words, as America has gotten fatter, total rates of diabetes have increased. If you have a specific objection to the study, we'd be happy to discuss it.
2016-05-23 12:58
Well that's just great Zach. Your position is that a scientific source has determined that the known AND unknown cases of diabetes has increased!!?? How would they possibly know that the unknown cases of diabetes has increased???? You got some splaining to do...
Let me solve it for you. I made it quite clear what happened which was that the medical community in a brilliant decision decided to try to identify undiagnosed cases of diabetes because the disease is very serious and early care can make a huge difference. Brilliant!! I applaud the medical community on this. In the process they identified about a million MORE diabetics early every year. This skewed the stats. If you didn't know what they did you would easily believe that the diabetes rate was actually increasing. But of course it was not, we were simply reducing the numbers of unknown diabetics and simultaneously increasing the number of known diabetics. So far, so good. It was a good thing. BUT (and you had to expect this) various non-profit organizations and various somewhat dishonest scientists (dishonest by definition because they had to know the facts) used this very understandable and explainable increase in diabetes to push their agenda. They wanted money and attention for their cause. But there never was a increase in the diabetes rate!! It was all raw statistical numbers badly in need of an honest representation of what really happened. But it was also a great opportunity for those who would misuse this data to misinform the public. The second factor (which allows "Gregg et al.," cover to make their dishonest claims) is that at the same time the percentage of the U.S. population of individuals/ethnic groups who are far more prone to genetic diabetes has increased while at the same time the percentage of the population which have low rates of genetic diabetes decreased so that the overall total rate of diabetes in the U.S. increased. Now these fine scientists KNOW THIS. They KNOW when they make these claims that they are playing around with statistical anomalies. The actual under lying rates never changed!! The African Americans and native Americans (North & South) STILL had genetic diabetic rates at twice what Americans of European descent have. The actual rates did not change. In effect these fine upstanding scientists and special interest groups prevaricated to benefit their own interests. IMHO everyone of these "stretchers of the truth" should be required to attend 3 hours of ethics classes every year until they learn to tell the truth. You either do not know the truth of this (which is understandable since there has been a huge effort to hide it) OR you do know the truth and need ethic classes yourself.
2016-05-23 19:37
GoneWithTheWind: Your position is that a scientific source has determined that the known AND unknown cases of diabetes has increased!!?? How would they possibly know that the unknown cases of diabetes has increased????
So you didn't bother to read the cited scientific study. Figures. They surveyed thousands of people. Some were diagnosed with diabetes, some were not. Then they tested those people for diabetes. Some percentage of those who were undiagnosed were diabetic. This process was repeated at various times from 1962 to 2000. They found that rate of diabetes is higher in fatter people. They also found that the rate of diabetes for a given fatness has been stable over time. However, the population has become fatter, so the incidence of diabetes — diagnosed and undiagnosed — has increased.
2016-05-24 09:24
So you didn't bother to read what I wrote. Figures.
Let me say it again and hopefully you will read and understand it this time: "The second factor (which allows "Gregg et al.," cover to make their dishonest claims) is that at the same time the percentage of the U.S. population of individuals/ethnic groups who are far more prone to genetic diabetes has increased while at the same time the percentage of the population which have low rates of genetic diabetes decreased so that the overall total rate of diabetes in the U.S. increased. Now these fine scientists KNOW THIS. They KNOW when they make these claims that they are playing around with statistical anomalies. The actual under lying rates never changed!! The African Americans and native Americans (North & South) STILL had genetic diabetic rates at twice what Americans of European descent have. The actual rates did not change. " Do you understand what I'm saying??? Because of the changing demographics with more people prone to genetic diabetes in the U.S. every year it is indeed possible and in fact inevitable that when you test the population at large you will find an increase in diabetes. HOWEVER if you tested ONLY hispanics the rate would be unchanged. IF you tested only African Americans the rate would bbe unchanged. IF you tested ONLY native Americans the rate would be unchanged. IF you tested only Americans of European descent, the rate would be unchanged. Are you getting the picture yet??? The scientists KNOW this. They KNOW they are dealing with a statistical anomaly which is the result of the changing demographics and NOT because of some fantasy diabetes epidemic. The simple fact is if you're vested in this diabetes epidemic fantasy facts won't matter to you. You will happily jump on the statistical anomaly that supports your biases. In this way it is no different than your position on AGW.
2016-05-24 10:41
GoneWithTheWind: Now these fine scientists KNOW THIS.
Yes, they do, and they discuss it in the paper you haven't read. GoneWithTheWind: The African Americans and native Americans (North & South) STILL had genetic diabetic rates at twice what Americans of European descent have. The percentage of blacks has only increased somewhat since 1960. Native Americans are only a small fraction of the population. On the other hand, the Hispanic population has increased significantly, most of it due to immigration from Mexico. When they eliminated Mexican Americans from their statistics, the same trend was found. Anything else?
2016-05-24 10:55
I used "native Americans" in the context of all of the America's. That is the native Americans from South and Central America TOO. I did this to differentiate from the many people who live there too but are native to some other country. AND YES, ALL of the NATIVE Americans from all countries in the Americas have genetic diabetes at about twice the rate of those whose genetics come from Northern Europe. AND the numbers of "native Americans" from the many countries in all the Americas who have recently moved to the U.S. has skyrocketed in case you haven't noticed. So YES indeed the numbers of these people are in fact large enough to skew the total diabetes numbers and they have.
2016-05-25 22:52
You keep making claims, but never provide support. Please, provide a citation to a study that shows that diabetes in the white population has not increased.
2016-05-26 09:16
You may also want to follow some of the citations. A number of different studies, using a number of different methodologies have all reached the same conclusion.
2016-05-24 10:58
You need a better source of information.
I'm sorry; what? You were specifically challenged to confront the Universities I cited. Do you deny the scientific findings of leading researchers in the field? Is biocultural anthropology misled? Are the entire cohorts you yourself identify really part of a single mono-genetic culture? I put these and other questions to you directly. Yes or no, Windy. Of the two of us I'm identifying objective sources, of which there are hundreds just as I alluded, while you recite from your internal script. That's not "explaining" anything but that script and it's neither scientific or rigorous or diverse or learned. Does this really need to be spelled out? You cannot depend on Gary Taubes or Natural news for information on health or diet. Which is why I never have. But that doesn't legitimize your odd personal screeds about human biology and diet. I've been arguing expressly against the Taubes folly ever since the topic came up. I'm not the lifestyle-signalling rightist carnist I've been challenging all these months. You are living inside an echo chamber and seemingly have never considered that there could be an explanation that is not based on superstition and bias. So the self-identified "lover of science" finds citing multiple scientific authorities within a diverse academy "superstitious"? You do recall referring to yourself in that and other similar flattering terms, don't you? Are you obtuse? I doubt you read what you think you're responding to. Less certain is that you can absorb the many objective, scientific references I've given you that refute your bizarre narrative of single anecdotes backed by "voracious" personal investigation. Answering my own question, yes, that is the height of obtuseness, which is to put whatever it is you're on about as mildly as possible.
2016-05-23 14:10
Oh I answered you but you are tone deaf. YES the experts, the prestigious scientists lied. They did it on purpose knowing the truth. They justify it by thinking it is a little white lie that they can support with statistics (a statistical anomaly that I explained in depth and you still do not understand). AND more importantly for these scientists "it's for a good cause". That is they justify their misrepresentation of the facts because they hope it will make people eat better and get more medical checkups. A "good cause" can't we all agree??? BUT it is still dishonest and worse it makes fools and charlatans believe their is magic food (and conversely of course; bad food). Thanks to the little white lie there are millions of people who spend billions of dollars on supplements and magic foods to keep themselves from this fantasy diabetes epidemic.
My best advice to you is to eat the SuperBeets (magic food) https://www.neogenis.com/get-superbeets/?utm_nooverride=1&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Brand%20Terms&utm_term=superbeets&utm_content=Neogenis%20Super%20Beets
2016-05-24 10:50
Ranting is what you're know for, Gone Windy, but I'm waiting for your cites, evidence, and proofs. I'm also waiting for you to offer a single syllable of evidence you're capable of checking the many scientific resources you've been provided. Near as I can reckon, you've never bothered. This is generally for a reason.
What I see instead is you borrowing all of the just criticisms of your bizarre form and throwing them back into some assertive hogwash tacitly demanding scientific evidence from others. Do you think this tactic is invisible? Could nobody see you doing this? I don't really care one way or the other. When I'm not wincing at the rampant confirmation bias on the subject, I'm just standing by watching you bury yourself in conspiracy theories, anecdotes from your sack of junk food, bald-faced assertions, and downright intellectual dishonesty. Every time you go back to that treasure-trove of knowledge you just confirm the evidence against whatever bizarre pose it is you're making.
2016-05-24 11:50
That we eat too much food I consider very well established. That it's the wrong kind of food is much less clear. The black sheep of the food family keeps changing every decade or so, and rarely holds up to systematic analysis of the food patterns in different cultures. There's an awful lot of magical thinking here, where people convince themselves they can eat as much as they like as long as they ingest the talismanic Good Thing and avoid the poisonous Bad Thing--different Good and Bad every couple of years, what's more. Rarely do we get answers as clear-cut as what happens to seamen who go without fresh fruit or vegetables for a year at a time.
Zachriel. Can you answere a simple question: If Michelle had never gotten herself involved in school lunch nutrition, would we even be having this conversation? It's a simple yes or no question.
B Hammer: If Michelle had never gotten herself involved in school lunch nutrition, would we even be having this conversation? It's a simple yes or no question.
Yes. Zach, the conversation would be at the local level if at all. Peanut Jimmy gave us a national headache that has been increased by banging our heads with Stupid Directives from the Department of Ed.
Lunches were handled at a very low level and if one complained, the complaint was handled at the school. What happened to Fish Friday? It's mostly gone and replaced by Meatless Monday to indoctrinate children into a vegan lifestyle. What happened to Mexican food on Wednesdays? It is replaced with halal food to indoctrinate children into the political system of Islam. Did Jewish children get special kosher food? No, they brought their own lunches. The discussion topic should be "Why are grannies in Iowa paying for school breakfast and lunch in NYC or Miami?" That is the big question. If you want lunch, carry or buy your own. The argument that the Federal Government should provide meals via the Department of Ed, via the individual State to the individual schools is completely incorrect. Dave I didn't think you would be intellectually honest enough to answer no.
It was the honest answer.
The relationship of health and diet has been an ongoing concern in the U.S. for decades.
2016-05-21 17:54
QUOTE: Climate science appears to be obsessively focused on modeling – Billions of research dollars are being spent in this single minded process ... To do this we first searched the entire literature of science for the last ten years, using Google Scholar, looking for modeling. Google Scholar is not the best resource for this purpose. 'Biology' since 2006 533k links. 'Modeling' since 2006 turns 1030k links. 'Biology Modeling' (conjunction is tacit) since 2006 returns 1570k links. That means modeling in biology is found about 300% of the returned links. Other odd results can be had by searching for things like climate change -modeling, which implies that modeling is never mentioned in papers on climate change. It means Z-Bot's Google-fu is an unfinished work in progress for its programmers: "Biology Modeling" (obviously, conjunction is included so as to return valid hits) returns 2.1k hits. "Climate change modeling" returns 2.7k hits, a 32% increase.
"Climate modeling" returns 19.3k hits. Where it counts, which is in the two most specific instances of modeling in Z-Bot's mention - they being biology modeling and climate modeling - climate is modeled 900% more than biology, amply proving the premise. Ten: "Biology Modeling" (obviously, conjunction is included so as to return valid hits) returns 2.1k hits.
Using quotes returns an exact phrase, while we're looking for papers with both words somewhere in the article; biology AND modeling. You can verify this by going to advanced search. Ten: "Climate modeling" returns 19.3k hits. Funny. That would be 0.15% of papers that include the word climate. However, as noted, your Google-fu is broken. Funny. That would be 100% of papers that include the specific words climate modeling, the obvious meaningful context of the entire subject, and a phenomenon appearing nine times more than Z-Bot's false return, biology modeling.
However, as I correctly noted, Z-Bot's Google-fu is as broken as its general programming is. Z-Bot's programmers are advised to input Twain's adage about lying and wanting to be misunderstood or even my previous recommendation that they code a routine recognizing that dishonesty and appearances-centrism are the two pillars of dysfunction(al programming). Mmm...zzz...pffft...zzz...SNAP. Ten: That would be 100% of papers that include the specific words climate modeling
climate returns 1250k "climate modeling" returns 19k (1.5%) So "climate modeling" rarely appears in the larger set. Of course, that's not the correct search. We're not looking for an exact match for "climate modeling", but papers that include both words, climate and modeling, anywhere in the paper. Again, use the advanced search. In any case, the returns have anomalies rendering them ineffective for the purpose.
2016-05-21 12:07
QUOTE: # Zachriel on 2016-05-21 12:07 Mmm...zzz...pffft...zzz...SNAP. Programmers, kindly rewrite Z-Bot's honesty+integrity=output routine. It's agenda unit seems oddly immune: QUOTE: 15 Detect 16 Search 17 Integer Bullshit 18 Screen 19 Output 20 Bullshit 14 > 15
2016-05-21 12:34
That would be {1.5%} of papers that include the word climate.
QUOTE: That would be {1.5%} of papers that include the word climate. OMG! And look, there are 5,910k hits for "cheese sandwich"! And 27.8k hits for "ballpeen hammer"! THE SCIENCE OF BROWN BAG LUNCHES BY RETAIL SECTOR IS SETTLED, PEOPLE!
2016-05-21 12:39
The obsession with high speed rail is absurd. Thousands of miles of land need to be obtained, track built and maintained for EACH route.
By contrast,planes go from any city with an airport to any city with an airport. Sherry. What do you bet that landowners wanting to be justly compensated for their property (and thus "causing cost increases") and individuals trying to block this waste of money will be justification for a stronger response from the government (CA or US)?
Also, the enviros claim "The Land Must NOT be Disturbed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111!@!!!!!!!!!!"
Not enough opportunity for graft, vote buyng, and croyism utilizing transit already in place.
The system and the elites exist and operate to fund themselves. Period. "How the West (and the Rest) Got Rich - The Great Enrichment of the past two centuries has one primary source: the liberation of ordinary people to pursue their dreams of economic betterment"
In other words, the more individuals who have the liberty or, are permitted, by the current entity that has monopoly on violence,, i.e., government, to retain their personal earnings over that required for subsistence, i.e. savings, and use this capital to purchase additional productive capacity, such as training, machines, real estate, etc., i.e., capital goods, to better themselves vice spending it on non-productive consumption leads to enrichment of the entire society. When this liberty is limited to the connected, e.g., feudal lords, bureaucrats, party members, government cronies, the society as a whole is poorer even as those connected individuals increase their consumption. |
Tracked: May 22, 09:32