Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Wednesday, June 3. 2020Wednesday morning linksImage via MOTUS German officials threaten Naomi Seibt with prison for climate ‘denialism’ New Title IX Regulations in Sexual-Assault Cases Are Upheld in Court All protests should be suspended until the curve of violence is flattened Unhinged Episcopal Bishop Calls in to CNN to Trash President Trump for Holding Bible without Her Permission — SAYS NOTHING ABOUT CRIMINALS WHO TORCHED CHURCH AVI: What if there is not a general problem of police racism that needs our constant attention? Yes, Meet Rioters with Overwhelming Force This riot is brought to you by Nike. Corporate America wants you to know it totally rejects imperialism and racism. Just not the Chinese variety Historic Macy’s On 34th Street Looted, Vandalized And Fires Started Inside Store…This is the flagship Macy’s store featured in Miracle on 34th St. Not a miracle anymore. Cops use surveillance footage to nab two lawyers who firebombed NYPD van Related, those REVOLUTIONARY LAWYERS They will have trouble getting jobs, with felonies Carolla via Ace:
Barack Obama Urges Activists to Capitalize on George Floyd Outrage COVID: CHINA IS ASSHOLE Sex At Someone Else’s Home Is Now Illegal In England So why not do it in the road? No-one will be watching you... Sovereignty over the Jordan Valley is key to Israel's security Turkey, Pakistan, Malaysia and Qatar form emergent power nexus in the Islamic World Tuesday, June 2. 2020We are not animals. We are Americans.
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How it worksShapiro via Hot Air: Trump: If the mayor of NYC doesn't do his job, I'll intervene. Cuomo, 12 hours later: If the mayor of NYC doesn't do his job, I'll intervene. Related: The Suicide of the Cities
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Tuesday morning riot linksBB: Clever Churchgoers Avoid Arrest By Disguising Themselves As Rioters It’s Past Time To Examine How Police Unions Protect Bad Cops North Carolina Dems Endorse Looting “Complete Anarchy”: New York Cops Beaten, Run Over by Cars in Night of Rioting and Arson by Peaceful Protesters Who is recruiting, moving and paying the professional anarcho-rioters? If The Rioting Seems Coordinated Episode 1011 Scott Adams: Let’s Talk About Antifa and Looters Setting Civil Rights Back a Decade Seattle Mayor: You Know, White Men Are Behind The Violence At These Riots Car full of white people gets caught handing bricks to group of young black men to throw. Churches Are Shuttered Over COVID-19 Fears, But Violent Anarchists Are Allowed to Congregate with Impunity YOU CAN’T LOOT US, WE’RE PROGRESSIVES! Heather MacD via HET:
America’s Black Communities Are Suffering. Violent Protests Will Make the Suffering Worse Italian Bakery Owners Welcome Cleveland Looters with an Impressive Arsenal Monday, June 1. 2020Monday morning linksArtist Christo, Known for Wrapping Exteriors of Landmarks, Dies at 84 Fiery meteor that doomed the dinosaurs struck at 'deadliest possible' angle Chinese cheating rampant in U.S. college applications, and in classrooms Trannies in high school sports Virginia Is Deluding Itself About Green Energy Brooklyn Protesters Block Rioters From Looting Target Black Firefighter Spent His Life Savings To Open A Bar. Then Minneapolis Looters Burned It Down Please consider donating to this firefighter in Minneapolis whose dreamed was burned Portland Police Are DONE With Rioting BS: Volleys Of Flash Bangs And Tear Gas Fly Through The Streets AG Bill Barr Identifies Antifa Activists as Organizers of National Mob Violence, Looting and Arson Only an intellectual could ‘justify’ these riots Trump, White Supremacists And Russia: Here’s Who Democrats Have Blamed For Riots So Far Time To Show The Better Angels Of Our Nature With Coronavirus
Riots are going to be the end of lockdowns Wuhan Virus Watch: New England Journal of Medicine – Wearing mask outside health care facilities offers little protection German Official Leaks Report Denouncing COVID-19 As "A Global False Alarm" Sunday, May 31. 2020Don't Join a Mob
This morning, watching the news, I simply told my son "never join a mob." The police can't win in a situation like this. If they do nothing and people get hurt, businesses and homes are destroyed. If they do something, a video will call out the 'bad cops'. There's nothing to be gained in a mob. You get to be part of a crowd, and sure that's 'fun'. You're in with the 'in crowd'. But when it all goes south, you stand a chance of getting arrested or worse. I hope we can all agree what happened to George Floyd, and many others like him, was unnecessary and requires action. I hope we can all agree peaceful protests of this kind of thing are useful and necessary as part of our nation's traditions. I'm sure we can all agree riots and destruction are counterproductive and unnecessary. They do not represent a revolutionary movement. I've seen many people making comparisons of the looting and riots to the Boston Tea Party. This is just nonsense. While it's true that John Hancock and Samuel Adams were happy to see the tea tossed because it kept prices on their smuggled tea high, many others opposed the Tea Party, with Washington and Franklin calling for restitution to the East India Company. So criticism of destruction also has a long history in our fine nation. That said, the East India Company existed by mandate of the Crown, and was an arm of the government. While it was 'private' in construct, even Parliament recognized it was both a political and economic entity. Taxes were only part of the way the Crown benefited from the East India Company. So any attack on the tea was an attack on the government, by default. Burning or looting Target stores are not an attack on the US government or local governments. The looting had nothing to do with depriving the government of anything, nor is it a statement about government. It's just violence and destruction for the sake of violence and destruction. Taking the comparison further, the Boston Tea Party was not an uncontrolled riot. It was, by most accounts, generally orderly. Armed British ships did not make a move to intervene. The participants went so far as to sweep the decks clean afterward. This was not mob behavior. This is the kind of protest one should feel comfortable joining. After being cooped up for 2 and half months, any spark was likely to result in an overreaction. Criminal elements love a protest, particularly one they can turn into a riot. Protests require strong leaders, soft guidance, and respect for order. But none of this exists with the 'protesters' in our current situation. There is no Martin Luther King here. George Floyd should not be dead. His murderers should be arrested. The reaction is still wrong and cannot be justified. Each is a separate crime in itself. The riots should not be linked to Floyd's death, they should be linked to violent thugs seeking to cause problems. Don't join a mob.
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Saturday, May 30. 2020Just a few Saturday morning linksA new humanoid is discovered The Incredible Story of the US Army's Earth-Shaking, Off-Road Land Trains WHO recommends no routine mask use Wait - what? New England Journal Of Medicine On What Masks Can’t Do Regarding SARS-CoV-2 Fauci changes tune, now says second COVID-19 wave may never happen — and mask-wearing is symbolic U.S. COVID-19 Death Toll Is Inflated Pence: You did it, America Minneapolis Police and National Guard DISAPPEAR — Allow Angry Leftist Rioters to Loot and Burn AGAIN Despite Curfew MSNBC Reporter Describes Minneapolis “Protest” as “Not, Generally Speaking, Unruly” as He Stands in Front of Burning Building Minn. mayor gives masks to crowding rioters after warning in-person worship would be 'public health disaster' At Hot Air:
'This is my big worry': Obama officials and other Democrats fear strong, post-coronavirus economic recovery Friday, May 29. 2020Friday morning linksAt Quillette: When I Was in Love with a Comparative Literature Student NYC: Richard Carranza is obsessed with destroying good schools Minneapolis: Outraged, they came, protested, and then did a little shopping Thursday Humor: Protestors Criticized For Looting Businesses Without Forming Private Equity Firm First An End to Campus Star Chambers Is Twitter engaging in unfair trade by holding itself out as a neutral platform for free expression and then engaging in viewpoint discrimination? Massive Unemployment Fraud Uncovered In Washington State, Others Lockdown Democrats California's COVID-19 Shutdown Was Driven by Science. Until It Suddenly Wasn't. New York’s rules on which stores can open make no sense — and inflict needless pain Who Believes the Lockdowns Were About Science? Genuine epidemiologists questioned the economic interruptions from the beginning. Judge Andrew Napolitano: Coronavirus shutdowns ordered by governors and mayors are unconstitutional When it comes to reopening, it’s not health vs. wealth — it’s health vs. health Hong Kong crackdown raises question: What does Xi Jinping fear? Trump administration to expel Chinese graduate students linked to China’s military schools
Thursday, May 28. 2020Thursday morning links5 resilient plants anyone can keep alive Workplace Wellness Programs Don't Do Anything Except Make Wellness Companies Wealthy Greta Thunberg Or Naomi Seibt -- How They Enforce Official Orthodoxy Why Are Democrats Fighting The Revival Of The US Nuclear Industry? Twitter exec in charge of effort to fact-check Trump has history of anti-Trump posts, called McConnell a 'bag of farts' Kimball: In praise of Kayleigh McEnany. She’s a patient but no-nonsense camp counselor in charge of the problem kids Fauci: Wearing A Mask Is Symbolic, May Be No Second Wave Of COVID-19 Unmasked: MSNBC’s Double-Standard, Elitist, Mask-Shaming Faceplant "... one more pronouncement of our so-called "togetherness" may make me scream." Leading UK Epidemiologist: "Pubs, Nightclubs, Restaurants Could Reopen Without Serious Risk" Let the Sun Shine In. Florida has proven that a measured, evidence-based response to reopening works. NYC Lockdown Continues Despite COVID-19 Hospitalizations Dropping To Just 63 On Monday Tucker Carlson: CNN And MSNBC Peddling Panic, Not Science Or Data (VIDEO) “To the extent Americans believe the media is going too far to downplay or to play up the coronavirus, they may see the media — in addition to elected leaders and public health officials — as responsible for making the crisis worse than it needed to be.” Wednesday, May 27. 2020All gone to look for AmericaWednesday morning linksAnother Scheme to Justify Racial Preferences University of California Dumps SAT for Diversity
Van Gordon Sauter, ex-CBS News president: ‘Liberal leaning’ media passes its tipping point Kayleigh McEnany Calls Out Press Bias; Conservative Men Freak Out The Price Of A Lockdown: Economic “Free Fall” In California The COVID-19 shutdown will cost Americans millions of years of life MASK AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO The big debate: is lockdown wrong? Matt Labash and Toby Young debate the biggest question of the moment One Size Does Not Fit the Virus. The Attempt to Protect Everyone Left the Most Vulnerable Nakedly Exposed MSM reporting of US COVID-19 mortality rate: An exercise in 'How to Lie with Statistics' From COVID-19 Is Also a Reallocation Shock
Democrats Really Are Worried about an Economic Rebound France's Determination To End Free Speech Knows No Limits Tuesday, May 26. 2020Tuesday morning linksImage: I forget whence Young Mathematician Solves Old, Famous Knot Problem in Barely a Week John Muir's first summer in the Sierras (at Atlantic, costs $1) Jimmy Cobb, 'Kind of Blue' drummer for Miles Davis, dies A virtual tour of NYC's skyscrapers (no $, just sign on) Bipartisan Group of Lawmakers Propose Reforms to Skilled Non-Immigrant Visa Programs to Protect American Workers Former Israeli Health Minister: The COVID-19 Response Has Been “Monstrous Hysteria” Reaching to the Irrational Rules are for the little people CDC: Coronavirus fatality rate could be as low as 0.26% Trump aims to cut red tape tying up doctors REVISITING THE IHME MODEL: STILL USELESS? Dr. Fauci NOW SAYS Staying Closed Too Long Could Cause “Irreparable Damage” — AFTER USING JUNK MODEL TO DESTROY ECONOMY! Minnesota: CORONAVIRUS IN ONE STATE Monday, May 25. 2020Monday morning links
Millions of cicadas are expected to emerge after 17 years underground A big cicada year? Great. So much fun to watch the birds chase them. Some bird whispered to me that they are delicious. Canada v US: Loon stabs eagle through heart The Party’s Over — No More Guest(worker)s Judge Sullivan Hires High-Powered D.C. Attorney To Defend His Actions In Flynn Case Beaches flooded with people Doing their part for herd immunity Don't Buy the Misleading Figures. Here's the Real Story About How the U.S. Matches Up on Coronavirus Deaths 5th grade math ‘A Year’s Worth of Suicide Attempts in the Last Four Weeks’: California Doctor Calls for End to Lockdown 500 Doctors Tell Trump To End COVID-19 Shutdown, Warn It Will Cause More Deaths The CDC Provides Draconian Guidelines for Reopening Schools Without Reading Its Own Research Ignoring The Science Does This CDC Study Deliver the Knockout Blow in the COVID Lockdown Debate? The Media Wants America to Stay Closed Forever. It has Americans right where it wants them: trapped in front of the TV. Fear sells D.C.'s So-Called Reopen Plan Is a Suicide Pact for the Restaurant Industry. It's full of ill-conceived and contradictory guidance. Europe Is Firmly Committed To Economic Suicide Sunday, May 24. 2020Taking a close look at the SARS-Corona numbersNobel Laureate Michael Levitt takes a look at the numbers. It's good news. (h/t reader). "This lockdown stuff is madness now."
Saturday, May 23. 2020Pray for the victims of the lockdowns tooIn the rush to care for patients with COVID-19, are we forgetting the millions of victims of government shutdowns? Some random estimates are that up to 1/3 of American small businesses will go bankrupt or completely out of business. Sounds as extreme as 2.2 million deaths, but we'll see. That's the heartbeat of America. Not to mention suicides and substance abuse with broken hopes and dreams. "They" offered 2 weeks of shutdown - almost national - to "flatten the curve." People went along with that, although it really was appropriate mainly to NYC and the NY metro area. Whether that worked or not we'll never know, but viruses pass through and curve down anyway. It is their natural course so no policy can take much credit for that. What ensued is that the goalposts moved, and keep moving. We can pray for the dead and their families, but let's remember the lives destroyed by COVID hysteria. In the end, if there is an end, that could be more people and more despair. Somebody needs to write the book. If I had the time, the ability to write snappy prose, and the research energy that I had in college, I would do it. Right now, I am trying to keep our business on life support. I am not optimistic.
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Saturday morning linksAs Common Sense Returns to the Gender Debate, Radicals Set Upon Their Own Allies Climate Change is a Threat to Expensive French Wine De Blasio: Riding in Crowded Subway, OK, Swimming in Ocean Isn't Coronavirus pandemic shows how risk-averse Americans have grown CDC: 35 percent with coronavirus may be asymptomatic CDC Admits Coronavirus Mortality Ratio is Similar to 1957-58 Flu Pandemic Where No Lockdown Was Needed Fauci says extended stay-home orders could cause ‘irreparable damage’ "Could"? California doctors say they've seen more deaths from suicide than coronavirus since lockdowns As predicted by our idiot President - the press mocked him for that.
Via Cafe Hayek:
Judge Positively Scorches Ohio Health Director for 'Criminalizing' Gyms Stop Calling The B-52 Bomber ‘Old’ — It’s More Youthful Than A B-2 Stealth Bomber 2030 Scenario: US Navy Robots, Carriers and Mines Counterattack China Why is China an enemy? Friday, May 22. 2020Virus news
The CDC Just Gave Us the Biggest Reason to End the Coronavirus Lockdowns Do we really know yet how dangerous this virus is? No, but with new info it keeps getting less. The President and his mask The purpose of masks is to not infect others. Another purpose is to simply show respect. A social signal.
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Friday morning linksThe Maine Ship Captain Who Invented the Modern Donut No, The Universe Is Not Purely Mathematical In Nature But donuts are Writer At ‘The Nation’ – I’d Vote For Joe Biden Even If He Boiled Babies And Ate Them… Obamagate: Co-ordinating The Cover Story How Russiagate Began With Obama’s Iran Deal Domestic Spying Campaign - Michael Flynn posed a threat to the former president’s legacy and was made to pay for it The ACLU vs. due process: The nonprofit takes a surprising stand against more rights for those accused on campus "Social Distancing Walls" - Gym Reveals Future Layout In Post-Corona World Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger says online encyclopedia scrapped neutrality, favors lefty politics Steve Mnuchin: Employees Who Reject Offer To Resume Work Ineligible For Unemployment The Coronavirus Timeline Liberals Don't Want You To See Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Nukes Media For Wishing More Virus Deaths On His State Doctors: End National Shutdown for the Sake of Health Do Lockdowns Work? Mounting Evidence Says No Two Countries That Just Declared the Pandemic All but Over Thursday, May 21. 2020Will anyone ever listen to Epidemiologists again?Was the COVID-19 event the biggest medical blunder of modern times? Maybe it was. How Fear, Groupthink Drove Unnecessary Global Lockdowns: What if Dr. Fauci was correct in the beginning, when he declared a nasty flu?
Thursday morning linksSusan Rice’s Team Confirms She Was Directed By White House Counsel to Write January 20, 2017 Email About Secret Oval Office Meeting The ACLU’s Absurd Title IX Lawsuit Why California Is In Trouble – 340,000 Public Employees With $100,000+ Paychecks Cost Taxpayers $45 Billion CDC Now Says Virus 'Does Not Spread Easily' on Surfaces Did The Lockdown Save Lives? Illinois Governor Pritzker Threatens Business Owners with a Year in Prison if They Try to Reopen Update: Illinois State Police Defy Tyrannical Governor — WILL NOT Arrest, Jail Business Owners for Breaking Lockdown Florida vs New York: Who did better? Doctors raise alarm about health effects of continued coronavirus shutdown: 'Mass casualty incident' Data Leak Suggests China Had Hundreds of Thousands of Coronavirus Cases in 230 Cities Evidence That Russia’s Coronavirus Numbers Are Almost Certainly Bogus Wednesday, May 20. 2020JobsI spoke with one of my local pharmacists today. He was harried. I asked him what was up. He told me all four of his assistants had taken a leave from work, then got copies of their unemployment papers from the government. They are all getting $1600/week from COVID unemployment, and he only pays them about $1000/week. He is an immigrant from Russia. He was not happy with the situation. Stereotypically cranky Russian. Asked me "Where is the work ethic?" How did he even know about that old fashioned phrase? Related: 68% Of Unemployed US Workers "Are Eligible For Payments That Are Greater Than Their Lost Earnings"
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Wednesday morning linksA man in the Netherlands has some pretty unusual new neighbors and they spend most of the day staring at each other. Government Announces Lockdown Of All Fast-Food Restaurants To Prevent Heart Disease Here are the Chinese 'propaganda' centers currently operating in the US WHICH IS MORE RACIST—HIKING OR JOGGING - or running? All or Nothing - How a selectively pedantic media is trying to rewrite history about the sloganeering of #MeToo U.N.: Stop Using Gender-Based Language. Social Media: Shut Up. ‘I am in their crosshairs’: John Brennan says he hasn’t been interviewed by John Durham — yet Ben Smith’s NYT Critique of Ronan Farrow Describes a Toxic, Corrosive, and Still-Vibrant Trump-Era Pathology: “Resistance Journalism” Why is the CDC a failure, with their ballooning budget? Mission creep Ticket to Cancel - Travel and entertainment will need to find new ways of doing business. This Is The Most Desperate Hour For Small Businesses California: Give Us Money Or We'll Fire Cops and Firefighters Jerk. He wants people in Alabama to help the richest and most profligate state in the US? California’s Budget Bust-Up - The Golden State’s record-breaking deficit owes as much to its progressive politics as to the virus lockdown. Tucker: The time for mass quarantines has passed Crenshaw nails what’s fueling deep partisan divide, and why the Left’s in ‘no rush’ to re-open America Failures of an Influential COVID-19 Model Used to Justify Lockdowns Will Americans Submit To A Second Lockdown? Ummm, no Trump Cutting More Regulations to Boost Virus Recovery What the Cold War Can Teach Us About Deterring China Tuesday, May 19. 2020Tuesday morning linksDating today Their Happiness Hurt My Feelings Vice: “White Supremacy Led To the Climate Crisis” House Democrats Say Trump-Russia Obstruction Investigation ‘Ongoing’ – Could Result in New Articles of Impeachment! How ‘collusion’ conspirators tried to oust President Trump On Trump-Hatred Gallup: Trump Approval Rating Higher Than Four of the Last Six Presidents, Including Bush and Obama New York’s emergence as the epicenter of the coronavirus was far from inevitable. Grandma Killer: Andrew Cuomo Murdered 5300 Elderly New Yorkers But He's a Hero Because He's a Liberal Psychopath Wuhan Virus Watch: NYC Mayor de Blasio’s Memorial Day Threat – Fence Off Beaches, Pull Swimmers Out of Water Social Distancing Is State-Mandated Humiliation. Change My Mind China slaps an 80 per cent tariff on drought-affected Australian exporters starting TODAY as brutal punishment for push for COVID-19 inquiry Monday, May 18. 2020NYC and NYS with virus
How and why they dealt with the pandemic - compared with California: Two coasts, one virus
Time to be scared is overScott's podcast: "The time to be scared is over; the time to be smart begins." He also suggests that nursing home COVID death numbers be separated from others. Makes sense to me.
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