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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, November 13. 2018Tuesday morning links An opportunity to throw a few coins to the now-homeless Gerard Vanderleun How five pals turned ‘Sex Island’ into a raunchy tourism empire for the rich Thought Crime at Victoria’s Secret Like explaining colors to a blind man - A color-blind one, that is. Sudden illumination. We can all use those experiences. Less than a third of Americans, and only one in five teenagers, meet new physical fitness guidelines issued by the federal government Fish, omega-3 may lower heart attack risk, studies find Or this: Vitamin D And Fish Oil Supplements Mostly Disappoint In Long-Awaited Research Results Lack of sunspots to bring record cold, warns NASA scientist Warmists Are Suddenly Coming Out In Favor Of Nuclear Power Surprise: Camp Fire Wildfire Not Caused By Your Use Of A Fossil Fueled Vehicle FACEBOOK FIRED VIRTUAL REALITY PIONEER FOR SUPPORTING TRUMP University of Texas says ‘meritocratic’ hiring is a ‘problem’ FAKE RACIST HATE CRIMES NOW AN ANNUAL TRADITION AT KANSAS STATE UW mandates diversity training after professor pens article on 'sex differences' For Army Infantry’s 1st Women, Heavy Packs and the Weight of History What Does It Mean That There Is "No Evidence" To Support An Accusation?
"If you are over the age of forty, one of the remarkable things to happen in your lifetime is the collapse of Buckley Conservatism. " Will Trump be the Last Republican President? Carlson Details Ugly Encounter With Avenatti's Latest Client, So Avenatti Posts Statement Attacking Carlson And His Kids THE WASHINGTON POST IS A PARTISAN RAG, CRITICS SAY 1,282 out of 1,762 New Votes That Magically Appeared This Weekend in Georgia Went to Stacey Abrams Provisional Ballot Boxes Discovered Inside AVIS Rental Car At Ft. Lauderdale Airport Monday, November 12. 2018Forget the Sweet Talk -- Both Parties Will Go to the Mat
Predictions of more political warfare
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Monday morning linksStaring at boobs is just one of six easy ways men can live longer Why Can't Psychedelics (and Other Drugs) Just Be for Fun? Supermum Sue Radford is celebrating the birth of her 21st baby and says it ‘will be her LAST’ after 12-minute labour On Veterans Day, an open letter to my children on appreciating American patriots Religious Coalition For Reproductive Choice Holds ‘Blessing Service’ For New Abortion Clinic How Immigration Changes Britain Harvard's Racist Diversity Fired Oberlin College Prof. Joy Karega, who spread anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, sues for discrimination Conservative professor mulls defamation suit against Penn for saying she made up black student stats LI: Delusions of Diversity Week in Higher Education Racists for voting for the hispanic guy Caravan Decides: It’s California Or Bust The Always-Gloomy American Left When liberals move to red states for jobs and lower taxes In New Hampshire, they term the Massachusetts immigrants "Massholes" HAVE YOU NOTICED THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A LATE-FOUND VOTE-HOARD THAT GIVES VICTORY TO REPUBLICANS? “No big deal. They’re just stealing an election right in front of our faces” Here We Go… Georgia Democrat Party Says Thousands of New “Absentee, Early, and Election Day Votes” Were Just Discovered in Several Counties Russia Russia: WHAT WE HAVE LEARNED SO FAR WSJ Calls It: Hillary Will Run Again In 2020 French President Emmanuel Macron: ‘Nationalism is Treason’ Maybe he forgot what his job was Saturday, November 10. 2018Paradise turns into Hell
Some video from the Camp Fire in Paradise. It's the second time smoke and horror have driven him from his home, if you recall his writings from Brooklyn Heights about 9-11. He was done with The Hive after that horror. I wonder what it's like to lose your home, your neighborhood, your town, and everything you own. I'm sure he will let us know because he likes to write. Our best wishes to Gerard. Saturday morning links
What the Beatles Sounded Like Unedited - Fifty years after its debut, The White Album has been reissued to include demos and sessions, giving listeners a wider lens through which to examine the seminal work from the band. Vanderleun: I am outta here You can't say "Long time no see" anymore Major Math Error Puts Widely-Cited Global Warming Study On Ice Hold the Rush to Get Rid of Paper Textbooks DARTMOUTH NIGHTMARE - It’s worse than you might think. College offers space to 'process' 'stressful' midterm election results China Infiltrates American Campuses Tucker Carlson On Antifa: ‘They Were Threatening My Family To Get Me To Stop Talking’ Jerry Nadler’s Loose Lips Reveal Democrat Strategy To Damage The Trump Administration CITIZENSHIP AND CHOICE - How our current immigration system is a political scam. Breaking=> Brenda Snipes Misses Deadline—Won´t Turn Over Ballots!–GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz Is Filing Contempt of Court Against Snipes Florida, again: A warning about mail-in and early voting Florida: Counters caught filling out blank ballots Hezbollah has more firepower than ‘95 percent of world’s conventional militaries,’ warns report Friday, November 9. 2018Another good move by TrumpTrump Signs EO Suspending Asylum Consideration On All Illegal Entries You have to apply, and then wait. Same as legal immigrants.
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Friday morning links
Above via Scott Adams' website Vanderleun's town is on fire Our best wishes to him 12 Tips for Hunting Geese - An all-star lineup of professionals share their secrets to goose-hunting success Age-Change in the Netherlands I am all for age change UCLA Shamefully Condones Students for Justice in Palestine ‘The View’ Accuse Young Female WH Intern Of Committing ‘Battery’ Against Jim Acosta Even the BBC calls out Acosta It's all theater Thugs threaten Tucker Carlson's wife and kids VDH responds to an angry reader JEFF SESSIONS, CONSERVATIVE HERO Election Update: Democrats Stealing Arizona, In Process of Manufacturing Votes to Steal both Governor and Senate Seats in Florida FL Governor Rick Scott Orders State Police Seize ALL BROWARD AND PALM BEACH BALLOTS GOP Congressman: 'Angers Me to My Core' for Trump to 'Piss on' Defeated Republicans Angers me too. Trump misses many chances to STFU Democrats Aren't Losing Faith in Our Constitutional System. They Just Don't Like It A birthday challenge for the Marine Corps Thursday, November 8. 2018Thursday morning links
It's Time for Congress to Acknowledge the Collapse of Pot Prohibition University drops hiring requirement in order to increase faculty diversity The old bumpersticker: When all else fails, lower your standards Jeff Sessions and IRRECONCILABLE DIFFERENCES Jeff Sessions is not a bad guy. It's just that he is not nor was he prepared to be an executive. He stumbled out of the gate and did not have the balance to recover. Progressives: White Women Need Accountability And ‘A Lot Of Learning’ After Failing To Vote Uniformly For Left-Wing Candidates Leftist Mob Shows Up At Tucker Carlson´s Home: ´You Are Not Safe´ The Shameful Election Coverage by Fox News Ted Cruz Won, But The Blood Is In The Water In Texas, And Democrats Smell It In the Senate, Democratic Fears Have Come to Pass Trump Jabs Republicans Who Lost: 'Mia Love Gave Me No Love' Admit it - Trump can be a terrible dick. I always liked Mia The election was determined by the perception of character, and very little appeared to be about policy or agenda. Incoming Democrat Chairman: Dems Will Go ‘All-In’ On Russia, Impeach Kavanaugh For ‘Perjury’ Has Bloomberg Begun the Battle for 2020? Yes Wednesday, November 7. 2018Random election stuffScott Adams thinks the election is good for Trump, if not for Repubs in general What's up with Minnesota? GOP Knocks Off Four Senate Democrats It’s Not What Happens Next. It’s What Won’t Happen The blue wave ran into Trump’s red wall
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Wednesday morning links
But, Trump Makes History By Adding Seats to GOP Senate Majority in His First Midterm Election
THE KEY TO A LONG LIFE HAS LITTLE TO DO WITH ‘GOOD GENES’ The story behind Me and Bobby McGee Note that Bobby was a gal Why won’t liberals admit their homeless policies don’t work? Millennial Men Failing To Find Jobs Amid Hottest Market In Decades New Jersey Flirts With Requiring Dog Groomers to Obtain a License D.C. Bureaucrats Are Trying to Make Parents Get a License to Let Children Play Together Girl Scouts in lawsuit claim Boy Scouts will ‘marginalize’ them by rebranding Long Island City To Offer Amazon Huge Tax Incentives Is that fair to regular people? TEXAS ELECTION WORKERS: WE'VE GOT A LOT OF ILLEGAL ALIENS VOTING Xinjiang: China's Muslim camp spending 'revealed' SHIN BET HEAD: ISRAEL THWARTED 480 PALESTINIAN TERROR ATTACKS IN PAST YEAR
Tuesday, November 6. 2018Tuesday morning links
The “Red Zone” In France Is So Dangerous that 100 Years After WWI It Is Still A No-Go Area College softball players to undergo diversity training for ‘insensitive’ Halloween costumes What if we all stop apologizing? The Emperor’s Woke Clothes - How did an elite, repressive minority policing speech and culture through political correctness come to browbeat the American democratic majority? A Racial Shakedown in Portland Google Goes Hard Left It is for political protection. Cuz Big Corporations are evil, right? Amazon Said To Pick Long Island City As Second Headquarters LIC, a once-industrial area of the western tip of Queens, is no longer cheap. I've been there. Some excellent bistros and high-rise luxury apartments. 20 years ago, that was unimaginable. If this happens, all those Amazonians will not be able to afford NYC. They will need to commute from Long Island. False Rape Allegations Against Brett Kavanaugh Prove That Due Process Matters Vote GOP to end war on your men Beto O'Rourke Breaks Leftist Hearts, Announces He Won't Run For President In 2020 Dilbert on Trump Adams' concept of the "talent stack" is a good one. It helps me understand many things. What is my Talent Stack, and how does it effect my life? (Being a basically positive guy, he never talks about anybody's Weakness Stack which is also a major factor in life.) I also like his distinction between people who order their lives by "systems" and those who use "goals." He thinks systems work better. I had never thought of that. I think he might be correct. It does apply to fitness programs. When voting, remember Trump is Hitler H’WOOD’S CLOSING ARGUMENT: WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE! We Already Know Who Lost The Midterms. We All Did. How Far Have the Democrats Moved to the Left? Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez get lots of attention, but the most significant shift is among voters, not candidates. Pro Wrestling Explains Why Trump Wins Every Battle With The Media He's the PT Barnum of politics Trump won because college-educated Americans are out of touch "Why is (almost) nobody talking about Trump-Russia collusion? I'm ok either way, I just would like to know..." Hey Michigan: John James is a star There are currently at least four caravans marching to the US southern border with Mexico. Louis Farrakhan Visits Iran, calls for ‘Death to America’ and ‘Death to Israel’ Monday, November 5. 2018More caravans
More on the way. Looks like invasion to me.
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Monday morning links
Toon above via Theo Crafty Caterpillar Mimics Snake When Threatened That Rat Cellphone Study – I’m Still Not Impressed RNAi Rollercoaster Begins to Reap Therapies Washington, D.C.'s New Biblical Museum Is a Winner for Jews and Christians Sarah Lawrence Prof pens Op-Ed about lack of intellectual diversity, social justice warriors want him driven off campus 2nd Kavanaugh Accuser Admits She Lied; Referred For Criminal Prosecution; Kamala's Office Involved Jane Fonda SEEKS NEW SCRIPTWRITERS Bloomberg: Climate Change Will Cause US Cities to be Overrun by Rats Warmists and Skeptics Should Agree That This is The Real Scandal in Climate Science "The mystery of Donald Trump is what impels him to overturn the usual rules. Is it a dark sort of cunning or simple defects of character?" Both. He is a natural politician. Character flaws seem to go with that. Plus he has dragon energy (11 rallies in 5 days!) "[T]he caravan was organized through social media in Honduras, initially planned as one of many such caravans that have left Central American in recent years." Caravan splits up, rips Mexico for directing migrants toward ´route of death´ Via Insty: Williamson: It’s a tough time to be running against the economy. Adam Schiff, Maxine Waters Vow Revenge And Ramped-Up Russiagate If Dems Take House Revenge for what? Saturday, November 3. 2018Saturday morning links
Wonderful BLAMING SCHOOLS FOR THE “ACHIEVEMENT GAP” IS FOOLISH AND COUNTERPRODUCTIVE Governments Will Have To “Nudge” People To Eat Less Meat Or We’re All Doomed Woman who claimed Brett Kavanaugh raped her now says she made the whole thing up A “news” story - NYT, not an opinion piece but front page “news” October Payrolls Surge By 250K, Smashing Expectations As Wage Growth Soars Trump is making Streisand fat Why Aren’t Democrats Walking Away With the Midterms? WERE OVER 10% OF MUSLIMS IN 1 BRITISH CITY IN GROOMING GANG? Friday, November 2. 2018Illegal immigration is literally illegalBut the magic words "I want asylum" trump all else. US immigration policies are set-ups for scamming. Everybody knows that. Border official: three-quarters of migrants in the caravan are adult men 'Migrant Caravan' Members Sue Trump Over 'Shockingly Unconstitutional' Asylum Crackdown Tucker Carlson: Establishment Siding With Foreigners Over Its Own People, That Tells You Everything Friday morning linksChart of sizes of world economies via Zero Hedge The Women Of Google Are Walking Out. Guess Why I can't watch this sort of thing either Against factory-model schools Dartmouth prof: 'If we don't abolish capitalism, capitalism will abolish us' Guess what - no capitalism, no Dartmouth New York Times Editorial Calls for Replacement of Whites Racists In These Outlier Congressional Districts, Density Doesn’t Equal Democrats OPINION: JANICE ROGERS BROWN — THE ATTORNEY GENERAL AMERICA NEEDS O’Keefe Strikes Again! Gillum Campaign Admits They Have to Lie About Who They Are, ‘Florida is a F*cked Up Cracker State’ Amusing brief video: TRUMP IS FINISHED, BECAUSE THE MEDIA SAY SO! TRUMP RELEASES 'CLOSING' AD PROMISING HARD LINE BORDER STANCE, SETS OFF MEDIA FIRESTORM "The utterance of “credible fear” and other “magic words” by migrants triggers protocols of U.S. asylum law that require adjudication before a court. The years-long process of adjudication poses a further problem for authorities when it comes to detention of these migrants, particularly those who arrive as part of a family unit." How could anyone — even a not-very-bright person — imagine that granting citizenship to the children of illegal aliens is actually in our Constitution? If you are a Trump-hater, tell me what in this interview you feel is so hateable:
Thursday, November 1. 2018Thursday morning links
Rewriting Tangled up in Blue Dissecting the Bloodthirsty Bliss of Death Metal Food magazine editor resigns after joking about "killing vegans, one by one". Law of Self Defense: Using Your Gun to Defend Your Car — Just Don’t More On The "Morality" Of Throwing Money At The Problem Of Homelessness Don Lemon: “The Biggest Terror Threat in This Country Is White Men, Most of Them Radicalized on the Right” If the Synagogue Shooter Were Muslim, the Media Would Be Defending Him SPLC Ties Trump to the Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting, Even Though Shooter Hated Trump... SOCIALISTS BACKING ACTUAL ANTI-SEMITIC CANDIDATE, PROTEST TRUMP OVER ANTI-SEMITISM Planned Parenthood Encourages Birth … for Illegal Aliens MSNBC’s Ali Velshi Compares Americans Concerned About Illegal Immigrants To Nazi Germany… The Democrats Have a Rich White Progressive Problem TRICK or TREAT? Democrats Promise American Horror Story if They Win in November Progressives Fed Up With Americans ‘The perfect safe surrogate,’ Pence delivers the traditional GOP message Trump won’t Jon Stewart Nails Journalists Covering Trump. CNN Proves Him Right. A Tale Of Two Acts Of Political Violence — And Proof Of Media Bias 7 of the Best Military Recruitment Videos From Around the World Europe: Upholding the Jihadist’s Veto Wednesday, October 31. 2018Wednesday morning links Woman who had sex with 20 ghosts is now engaged to a spirit John Taylor Gatto (1935-2018): Remembering America's Most Courageous Teacher Florida’s Panama City, Torn Apart By Hurricane Michael, Now Managed By Retired 2-Star Army General It's always good to see people making major contributions to their communities. The olde American Way. Thinking about Tintoretto Choking to death on pancakes Never wolf your food. Heimlich doesn't work for everything. Washington Post Super Excited To Ban “Assault Weapons” University Students Say Mandatory Diversity Training is Answer for Microaggressions Ahead of Halloween, universities nationwide warn against cultural appropriation Isn't Halloween itself a cultural appropriation? Princeton student gov issues checklist for 'inclusive' Halloween Insane. But what I worry about are Nanoaggressions Blame Trump du Jour: Trump’s Caravan Hysteria Led to This - The president and his supporters insisted that several thousand Honduran migrants were a looming menace—and the Pittsburgh gunman took that seriously. Donald Trump, America’s First Jewish President Trump Plans To End Birthright Citizenship For Children Of Illegal Immigrants: Axios Probably unconstitutional but not a bad idea. It is heavily abused. No, the Border is Not Secure. No, Troops Won’t Make a Difference. Why Democrats are staying silent about the migrant caravan "Organized Busing Operation" Exposed, Moving Migrants Closer To US Border Tuesday, October 30. 2018They got busesTHEY GOT BUSES!… Illegal Immigrant Caravan Organizers Load Up Illegal Immigrants on Buses for Comfy Rides Just say you're an asylum-seeker and you're in Related, from Tucker:
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Tuesday morning links
Plans to Build an Airport in a Louisiana Bird Refuge Canceled After Outcry Louisiana Is Restoring Its Barrier Islands to Defend Against Hurricanes and Rising Seas Beto O'Rourke Had Problematic History With Barrio Residents Of His Constituency, Report Says Phoney The Late Great State of Illinois ACCUSE A SUPREME COURT NOMINEE OF RAPE, GET $1 MILLION ROGER L. SIMON: This Jewish Boy Is Going to Buy a Gun Kanye West Designed T-Shirts Urging Black People To Bail On Democrats Dalrymple on Warren's DNA:
Jonah Goldberg hates on President Trump Trump Will Send 5000 Active Duty Troops to Border to Stop'... Mexico Should Not Consent To Do Washington’s Dirty Work Kenyan hospital markets in everything Russian Rights Group: Permission Revoked To Honor Soviet Victims At FSB HQs
Monday, October 29. 2018Monday morning links These are the bad things about early retirement that no one talks about ‘You can’t work your way through college anymore’ — and that’s a huge problem, Yale scholar says Columbia U. report finds 'lack of diversity,' despite spending $185 million on 'faculty diversity' Dalrymple: It appears that, unbeknown to me, I was a very needy person. Bummer: Guy Living In A Jar For ‘Climate Change’ Gives Up Al Gore: Well, Sure That Climate Report Was Torqued Up To Scare Lawmakers No, CNN: Nationalism Is Not White Supremacy The Feds Want To Tackle Causes of Food Waste, Except Their Own Don Jr. Tells Young Black Conservatives They ‘Have The Most Guts Of Anyone In America’ Guess whose fault the mass shooting in Pittsburgh was Kobach: The Caravan Is a Consequence of Rewarding Illegal Immigration Bad Hombres Found In Migrant Caravan Approaching America The United Nations admitted on Sunday that they are assisting the illegal immigrants and caravans from Central America making their way to the US southern border. The UN admitted in today’s news article that they have mobilized extra staff and resources to assist the illegal immigrants in the caravans. Europe's War On Italy Is Suicidal In Europe, Free Speech Bows To Sharia Venezuela: Role Model for South Africa How Israel Is Helping the Worldwide Water Shortage Saturday, October 27. 2018Virtue Signaling
I work at a major corporation and we have a diversity officer. I'm not sure what that position does, besides pay well and provide a public face at industry events which address diversity. The reality is the position isn't much more than virtue signaling. I happen to support diversity as a concept, but not as a goal. For one reason. It can't be a goal because it can never be 'finished'. My favorite moment at any HR event was many years ago when my firm was giving everyone an update on diversity and pointed out that our employee base mimicked the make-up of the US in terms of percentages for gender and race. That, in itself, was considered an accomplishment. But more needed to be done, of course. My boss, a female, raised her hand and asked a simple question. "When are we finished?" HR was floored. What did she mean? My boss said, when you have a goal to achieve something, you are finished at some point. She was curious what the goal of diversity was and when it would be met. I've mentioned this story before. It's important to revisit. What's really at stake when corporations invoke 'diversity' isn't anything truly tangible. I know there are almost no firms that value older employees. They are expensive and their experience is no longer valued the way it once was, so the 'diversity' they offer isn't a valued diversity. Older employees are often viewed to be technologically impaired, owning mindsets which are not as 'out of the box' or forward-thinking (I take issue with both these points). Diversity for most firms isn't really diversity at all. It's just virtue signaling to the public. True diversity is recognizing that different personalities and viewpoints have value and welcoming them as part of the mix so the overall organization benefits. It's not a goal, just something which should be done naturally. Do you need an officer to tell you how that's done? Saturday morning links I never leave Costco without one There is a medical site called Quackwatch Michiganders want global warming. European Court: Calling Mohammed A Pedophile Not Covered By Free Speech "Pedophile," like "rapist" and "liar,"are Western concepts. We must all struggle to become more multiculturally-tolerant. The Administrative State Is a Threat to the Constitutional Order The UN Wants to be Our World Government By 2030 Kimball on socialism: The Eternal Return of a Malevolent Charade This is The Resistance's Real Failure (Assuming They Want to Make Progress on Their Issues, and Not Just Score Political Points) NBC News Hid Information that Would Have Cleared Kavanaugh of Avenatti Rape Allegations Lying by omission ALLEGED FAKE BOMBER IS FILLIPINO EX-CON WHO CLAIMED TO BE SEMINOLE Papadopoulos May Recall Guilty Plea: 'I Was Framed' Democrat Leaders Announce Brief Moratorium On Calling For Political Violence Trump Weighs Travel-Ban-Style Order to Bar Migrants: Source Mexican Police Stop Buses and Trucks – Force Them to Take Caravan Immigrants North to US Border Caravan Members Reject Mexican Offer Of Benefits, Residency Friday, October 26. 2018Hurricane ReliefNot really a new story, there have been plenty like this in the past, but it is possible to build a home that can withstand a hurricane. It's still more expensive than a standard home, by about 20%. Those costs are coming down, though. Surviving a massive hurricane is a mixed blessing. If everyone else has lost their home, you've lost your neighborhood, and a good portion of your value. However, as the costs for building this sort of home continue to fall, more homes are likely to survive, and overall values along the shoreline will be maintained more effectively. Friday morning links
And it was not alcohol Drug Our Drinking Water with Lithium? Are transgenders just gay? Facebook Finally Censors Baby Photos Finally! Other peoples' baby pictures are boring. APODACA: Free Speech On Campus Is A No-Brainer, But My School Missed The Memo University of Maryland puts ‘multicultural advocates’ in dorms CHELSEA CLINTON IS SAVING THE PLANET WITH SHORTER SHOWERS, PRIVATE JETS Backfire Economics: Double-digit increases in US steel prices to the highest in the world are crippling US manufacturers Google Employees Second Largest Donors to Beto O’Rourke Campaign He is like Trudeau Megyn Kelly’s Blackface Comments Are Just The Tip Of The Racism Iceberg Such a rasist, terrible country that half the world wants to live here NY Times Tries Some Assassination Chic With Feature On Trump New York Times condemns Trump for ‘toxic environment’ right after publishing a fantasy of assassinating him Trump: Mainstream-Media Reporting Is Making People Crazy, You Know Steyn: Bombs A-Weighed WHAT WILL TRUMP DO ABOUT THE CARAVAN? The "caravans" are chess moves Why Are Young Eastern Europeans So Right-Wing?
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