Just learned: in the last few months the #FBI received over 1400 calls and emails saying Brett #Ķavanaugh raped them. #HystericalLiars. Ritual defamation.
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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Friday, October 26. 2018Friday morning links
And it was not alcohol Drug Our Drinking Water with Lithium? Are transgenders just gay? Facebook Finally Censors Baby Photos Finally! Other peoples' baby pictures are boring. APODACA: Free Speech On Campus Is A No-Brainer, But My School Missed The Memo University of Maryland puts ‘multicultural advocates’ in dorms CHELSEA CLINTON IS SAVING THE PLANET WITH SHORTER SHOWERS, PRIVATE JETS Backfire Economics: Double-digit increases in US steel prices to the highest in the world are crippling US manufacturers Google Employees Second Largest Donors to Beto O’Rourke Campaign He is like Trudeau Megyn Kelly’s Blackface Comments Are Just The Tip Of The Racism Iceberg Such a rasist, terrible country that half the world wants to live here NY Times Tries Some Assassination Chic With Feature On Trump New York Times condemns Trump for ‘toxic environment’ right after publishing a fantasy of assassinating him Trump: Mainstream-Media Reporting Is Making People Crazy, You Know Steyn: Bombs A-Weighed WHAT WILL TRUMP DO ABOUT THE CARAVAN? The "caravans" are chess moves Why Are Young Eastern Europeans So Right-Wing? Thursday, October 25. 2018Thursday morning links He won Powerball’s $314 million jackpot. It ruined his life. Global preferences for who to save in self-driving car crashes revealed "I am a failed and broken feminist. More pointedly, I am sexist. There are times when I fear for the 'loss' of my own 'entitlement' as a male..." He should worry less. Sounds like a eunuch. Megyn Kelly Makes Tearful On-Air Apology for Blackface Comments Experts Say Vast Deserts, Absence Of Life, May Indicate Mars Was Once Run By Conservatives Climate Change: Hysteria And Reality Dalrymple: In Search of Moral Authority - On Elizabeth Warren’s DNA Papadopoulos Told FBI Informant in 2016 There Was No Russian Collusion in Trump Campaign USA Today: 10 reasons you should vote for Democrats and against Trump in midterm elections. ASAP. Congress playing for keeps with federal judiciary Trump Cites 2005 Obama And Clinton 1995 Remarks To Support Immigration Policy President Trump caught dropping the “N” word CONFIRMED: Pipe Bomb and Powder Sent to CNN Were Har mless – It Was a HOAX BOMB Some questions about the caravan “Elaborately Planned” Caravan Brings Human Traffickers & Violent Gangbangers to Guatemala Migrant Caravan has People ‘From All Over the World’ Migrant Caravan Crosses Southern Mexico Unimpeded As Local Groups Offer Food, Support Wednesday, October 24. 2018What would you do?There Is No Easy Way for Trump to Stop the Latest Caravan Vigorous debates about it in DC: "Shouting Match" Breaks Out Over Migrant Caravan As Trump Admin Debates Response If you were Trump, what would you do about these two massive and growing immigration caravans headed to the Mexican border? My inclination would be to threaten the heck out of Mexico for enabling this mess.
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Wednesday morning links How Roman Historians Explained the Fall of Rome - They lived in ancient Rome and knew its traditions and shortcomings first-hand. She Let Her Kids Wait in the Car During an Errand Because…THAT IS A PERFECTLY NORMAL THING TO DO! Brown University flaunts 'Unlearning Toxic Masculinity' guide Megyn Kelly Says ‘Blackface’ Okay On Halloween So Long As You Dress Up As A Character. Internet Explodes. IT’S THE TIME OF YEAR TO REMEMBER YOU’RE LOSER IF YOU GET OFFENDED BY HALLOWEEN COSTUMES Focusing On Plastics Is A “Dangerous Distraction From Climate Change” Or Something Harvard’s gatekeeper reveals SAT cutoff scores based on race More Entrepreneurship Would Help Progressive Causes, But Progressives Do Not Understand It At All San Francisco to Allow Illegal Aliens to Vote Trump Rips Puerto Rico's Misuse of Hurricane Relief Funds A mystery: Americans are happier over declining government regulations PIERS MORGAN: The media hates him, Hollywood hates him but every hysterical piece of abuse they throw at him just makes Trump stronger and now the Democrats are heading for a midterms disaster VDH: Wolves in Wolves’ Clothing The Spectrum of Black Contrarianism Donald Trump may be remembered as the most honest president in modern American history. Don’t get me wrong, Trump lies all the time... Meet the man behind the migrant caravan headed to US A New Migrant Caravan Forms; Former Trump Campaign Adviser Calls "Political Gift" Before Midterms Another U.K. Rape-Gang Case Hey, it's multicultural Britain. Girls and ladies, relax and enjoy cultural diversity. An Epidemic of Knifings in Once-Great Britain Two Authorities, One Way, Zero Dissent - Arbitrary Arrest and Torture Under the Palestinian Authority and Hamas China's hidden camps - What's happened to the vanished Uighurs of Xinjiang? Say a prayer for Vietnam’s forgotten Montagnards - Communist regime's repression of the ethnic minority that supported the US during the Vietnam War has been largely invisible but is starting to come to light Tuesday, October 23. 2018Tuesday morning links
World's oldest intact shipwreck discovered in Black Sea - Archaeologists say the 23-metre vessel has lain undisturbed for more than 2,400 years Why It’s Time to End Factory Farming On Long Island, Failure to Absorb Sandy’s Lessons Lost to Sandy, Reclaimed By Nature - Here’s why one community chose not to rebuild MacDonald: From the Kavanaugh hearings to a lawsuit alleging that Harvard discriminates against Asian-Americans, the Left sees “white supremacy” at the heart of everything. Rust Belt Boom: Since Trump’s Election, Jobs Have Increased In Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, And Wisconsin. Ohio setting a 21-year record Paid Protest Firm "Crowds On Demand" Sued In $23 Million Extortion Plot "You Just Don't Know What's Best For You," And Other Pearls From The Elites More than half of Republicans in a new American Barometer poll say they support "Medicare for all," also known as a single-payer health-care system. How The New York Times And Washington Post Do "Poverty" Migrant Caravan Goes Home As Trump Buys Honduras (h/t Am. Digest)
Illegal Aliens Chant “Si Se Puede!” as Caravan of Invaders Swells to 14,000 The Caravan Means the Wall Will Be Built RGV Texas Border Patrol Chief Begs For Help Before Caravan Hits as Over 12,000 Illegals Caught in Last Three Weeks in Rio Grande Valley; 700 Caught Saturday Invasion: Honduran Caravan Includes Military-Aged Male Migrants From Bangladesh, Haiti and Congo Trump's Merkel Moment -- and Ours We doubt CNN reporter meant his photos of migrant caravan to be ‘a walking GOP ad’ Monday, October 22. 2018Monday morning links
Advice from Our Food Critic: If I Have One Day in New York, Where Should I Eat? I pulled a 1,500-year-old sword out of a lake Paul Simon: Fathers, Sons, Troubled Water PETA: Cow's milk a symbol of white supremacy How much do you remember about the miracle of photosynthesis? Striking photos of human scars on earth Americans Strongly Dislike PC Culture - Youth isn’t a good proxy for support of political correctness, and race isn’t either. The more equal women and men are, the less they want the same things, study finds What Do You Do When You Are Anonymously Accused of Rape? The writer Stephen Elliott is suing Moira Donegan, the creator of the Media Men list. How Manhattan Became a Rich Ghost Town - New York’s empty storefronts are a dark omen for the future of cities. The Japanese Man Who Saved 6,000 Jews With His Handwriting - What the astonishing Chiune Sugihara teaches us about moral heroism. South Carolina convicts 'blackmail soldiers in sexting scheme' Old Interview With Heavy-Drinking ‘Thug’ Obama Puts Wild-Man Brett Kavanaugh To Shame Everyone Is Smart Except Trump Kanye West’s White House Rant Steals Trump’s Spotlight How Russian hybrid warfare changed the Pentagon’s perspective KKL: Incendiary balloons caused environmental disaster Pentagon faces 'mounting challenges' protecting its weapons programs from cyberattacks, audit reveals Travesty of Palestinian education Saturday, October 20. 2018Today's Financial News
Usually, when we speak of financial news, we're referring to central bank machinations and Wall Street piracy and great big old honking government budget contortions and hedge fund rapacity and interest rate shenanigans and so forth. That's great, because talking about the monetary policy of your next door neighbors on the evening news could get boring. "Well, Stefanie, we see a period of instability in cross-border money transfers for the foreseeable future. Ms. Howard maxed out the Discover card on those super-cute Louboutins I was telling you about during the break, and Mr. Howard, oh dear, has been to the strip club again, so I don't see them going to Sandals this winter. Now the weather..." Actually, that might be more interesting than watching the evening news to determine whether you're flush or flushed in the spondulicks department. The same news is reported as all bad or all good depending on who's in the White House. "We're seeing negative unemployment rates this month, as more Americans are retiring after successful IPOs on their javascript empires before they're old enough to get their first job, and the Fed is continuing to hold interest rates at zero because nobody needs any money. However, our Aye-Team investigative reporters have discovered that one of those buckets at the gas pump at the Sheetz in Fishkill, you know, the ones with the filthy water and the squeegee? Well, it was almost empty, and the clerk behind the counter was unsure when he'd be able to refill it. As of this moment, it's unclear how long the monster in the White House can survive after news like this gets out." Well, I don't have time to scrape all your data from your Facebook pages to see how your personal finances are going, so going personal in the financial news isn't practical for me. And I would never peek in your windows to see how you're doing, but hey Ted, you should really tell your wife to stop undressing in front of the home security camera with the default password still on it. No reason. But let's at least take a Saturday look around the internet to see how we're doing in general, shall we? How Are Median Americans Doing?
My household has shrunk, too. My wife keeps wallpapering and the walls are getting closer. Ready meal firm set to close with the loss of 169 jobs
Oh dear. No ready meals in Ireland. This sounds vaguely familiar. The company was obviously poorly run, though. Look, they made a profit one year. Any Musk could tell you that's not how to run a company. So You Want to Open a Small Press Bookstore/Artist-Run Space? A Cautionary Tale
I don't see the problem. They wanted a non-profit, and that's what they got. The impact of gratitude on adolescent materialism and generosity
Gratitude? For adolescents, Halloween now lasts for three months, while Thanksgiving consists of texting all day while your stepfather watches football and your mother orders takeout Chinese. Do the math. Hackers breach HealthCare.gov system, get data on 75,000
Hmm. This article is unconcerned about HealthCare.gov data collection and an ensuing security breach, but doesn't like the timing of the announcement. Oh, and one of the squeegee buckets at the Sheetz is nearly empty. Lyft drops $100k against SF tax to fund housing for homeless
I hope the tax money goes to fund $10,000 community art grants to help the homeless open non-profit, small press/artist-run spaces of their own. In Reno, a boomtown resurgence leads to a housing crisis
If they get evicted, they can always take an Uber to San Francisco and vote for a homeless tax on Lyft.
Goldman chief DJ’d just days after former assistant’s death
I once played an Aerosmith record on my mom's stereo the day after my goldfish died. I still feel pretty bad about it. Hotel Industry Signals Recession
I had no idea things had gotten this bad. The United States is apparently running out of Patels. Gentlemen, our country can't afford a Patel gap. 'Typhus zone': Rats and trash infest Los Angeles' skid row, fueling disease
Typhus? Oh dear. I hope Prince Albert is OK.
The CEO of Cleveland-Cliffs forgot to mention the lamentations of the Goldman women, but other than that, a fine, Muskish tirade. I bet that shortselling Goldman employee won't be deejaying anytime soon after that verbal beating. In other news, Cleveland-Cliffs Initiates Dividend, Expect More Upside I hope you have a great Saturday everyone, with very few lamentations around your hopefully typhus-free home!
Posted by Roger de Hauteville
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Friday, October 19. 2018May Not an Ass Know When the Cart Draws the Horse? The left has a pantheon of go-to authorities for this and that that I find amusing. In any setting where real work is performed, these dangerous intellectuals would be getting everyone else coffee, and getting the coffee order wrong, too. They'd be unable to give you correct change for their encore. The media takes the easy out, every time, by selecting someone from this Mount Rushmore of lamebrain notoriety to opine on the issues of the day, be it Krugman, or Bill Nye, or the knucklehead with the vendetta against Pluto, I forget his name. You know all their names if you watch TV. They once asked Krugman, the king of this empire of ill-formed opinion, what he thought of the internet. That's an accurate quote from the guy. It's a ridiculous opinion, which is his stock in trade, I gather. It gets floated endlessly across the internet, and I saw it all over the place this week while looking for Maggie's Farm links. This opinion held him up to ridicule so badly that he got internet fellow travelers like the Snopes dissemblers to explain that he was just joking, or stirring the pot, or performing a thought experiment that the uncool couldn't grok. In short, he admitted he was wrong, without admitting he was wrong, of course. Look, I'm not arguing that Paul Krugman isn't a rantipole, addlepated, intellectually stunted jerkwad hack, or that his mother doesn't dress him funny. I'll leave that to others. What I'm saying is that it's funny that he disowned this comment, because it's the only time he was on the right track with his opinions. The quote gets posted on the internet as prima facie evidence that Krugman is a fool, as if no further exposition is necessary. That's because the average internaut has no idea how profoundly the fax machine, and technology like it, changed the economy. Posting this little quote is a form of begging the question. No, we don't all know reflexively that fax machines never mattered much, and the internet is everything. I stood in front of a teletype machine taking orders in the past, and slit open envelopes with mail orders from Fortune 500 purchasing agents, so believe you me, I know that fax machines transformed business. Many businesses in many parts of the world still use fax machines today as a primary form of business communication. Google stole the Yellow Pages, Facebook stole magazine ads, Craigslist took over newspaper classifieds, Amazon got the Sears catalog, and Shopify is just a bunch of Fingerhut catalogs. Most other internet businesses are just unintentional Ponzi schemes who haven't run out of seed money or IPO cash yet. The fax machine soldiers on in the corner. So I say Krugman was almost right, for once in his life, and then immediately disowned his own comment, keeping his batting average at a thousand. On to the links! I pulled a 1,500-year-old sword out of a lake
A charming story, but no, it doesn't make you the Queen. The guy you handed the sword to, however... Panasonic designed human blinders to block out open-plan office distraction
Millennials will go to any lengths to avoid admitting that they're wrong about anything, including cubicles, which were a fine way to balance privacy and office camaraderie. Chinese city 'plans to launch artificial moon to replace streetlights'
I'm not sure if I'll trust this to replace streetlights until Paul Krugman weighs in. How the Finnish Survive Without Small Talk
What is it with these phlegmatic Finns? What is it with these female writers and parentheses? IT Software Shop SolarWinds Shakes Up IPO With Lower Price
There are parentheses inside of other parentheses in this article. What is it with these male writers always trying to one-up the girls? Oh, and that balance sheet is a mess, so I bet Krugman would love it. Amazon creates 1,000 'highly skilled' jobs in three UK cities
Paul Krugman's head will explode while trying to explain this news while still blaming both Donald Trump and Brexit for all the world's ills. Jane VC, a new fund for female entrepreneurs, wants founders to cold email them
Maybe abject discrimination against males of the species can produce another Ginni Rometty! Exclusive: dramatic slowdown in global growth of internet access
As usual, women, minorities, and Paul Krugman hardest hit. Palantir, Peter Thiel’s All-Seeing Eye, Looks to a $41 Billion I.P.O.
Well, everyone at the FBI and the CIA is too busy ghostwriting articles at the New York Times to get any work done, so they had to sub it out. Why have humans never found aliens?
Please notice that Fermi followers never circle back to question their begged question: If aliens are so likely... Says who? Sears’ ‘radical’ past: How mail-order catalogs subverted the racial hierarchy of Jim Crow
That's funny. The internet shopping experience that replaced mail order catalogs lets advertisers discriminate by age, sex, and race when they decide who will see their ads. In order to promote racial equality, I demand that we immediately replace internet shopping with mail order catalogs and fax machine ordering. Who's with me? Besides Krugman, I mean. Now fax in your comments, and have a great Friday!
Posted by Roger de Hauteville
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Thursday, October 18. 2018This Must Be Thursday. I Never Could Get the Hang of Thursdays
Ways people trying to do good accidentally make things worse, and how to avoid them
A long read but somewhat interesting. It makes one major error early: "Few people persist [in]doing actions that are obviously harmful ..." This assumes facts not in evidence, your honor. And your grammar is subtly atrocious. Why You Should Ditch Google’s Favorite Data Collection Tools
Ah, the internet. You can be Amish, or you can be famous. Take your pick. Why Apple Eventually Lost Me And I’m Switching Back To Windows
It's a testament to the mindset that this announcement is proffered like it's earthshaking news. An expert dismantled a Tesla Model 3. He found poor design and manufacturing are squandering profits
I filed this one under: If only Comrade Stalin knew! Movement rises to keep humans, not robots, in the driver's seat
Who are we to argue with a generation of balding toddlers who want to ride in the back seat while playing with their speak and spell long after mom's kicked the can? U.S. to Withdraw From International Postal Agreement
It's almost like the President is pro-American or something. It confuses a lot of people. Not used to it. FBI takes down Nigerian-based phishing scheme that cost businesses $14 million
These are always described as "sophisticated" scams. They're not. Telling a dullard clerk to click on stuff that looks vaguely like a bill is hardly Ocean's Eleven. E-mails show how donors are considered in Harvard admissions
Thornton Mellon says been there, done that, got the T-shirt. Special Report: Why Poland fell out of step with Europe
Alternate title: Three millennial women wonder aloud why Poland doesn't just do whatever Germany wants it to. Yeah, it's a mystery, gals. U.S. regains crown as most competitive economy for first time since 2008: WEF
Unfortunate choice of words there, Katanga. Anyway, can anyone recall some problem that appeared in 2008, that's not extant now? I'm drawing a blank, but something has changed. It's a mystery. What the 1949 film Twelve O’Clock High still tells us about air combat and the burden of command.
They got all that stuff from the military because Hollywood wasn't unanimously anti-American yet. The Eastern Orthodox Churches may split. It’s the biggest crisis for these churches in centuries.
Why, this almost sounds like a church making a political, not an ecclesiastical decision. Does Putin want to behead a couple of wives or something? Have a great Thursday, everyone!
Posted by Roger de Hauteville
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Wednesday, October 17. 2018No French Today, and Precious Little Anglais. Oops
I'd prefer they decided social media companies should censor their users. That way, they'd be responsible for everything on their service. Good luck with that. Speaking of which... Spotify ad banned for causing 'distress' to children
In the SJW pantheon, Halloween is now a combination of Christmas, Easter, Ramadan, and Passover, so anything goes. It's their high holy days, and it lasts for months. I say bring back All Saints Day, and keep your candy. Kerch blast: Crimea college 'bomb' kills 13
There's trouble in the Crimea? I blame the Scythians, the Persians, the Greeks, the Pontics, the Romans, the Goths, the Huns, the Bulgars, the Khazars, the Byzantine Empire, the Arabs, the Kypchaks, the Russians, the City State of Venice, the Mongols, the Turks, the Cossacks, the Russians some more, the English, the French, and Kingdom of Sardinia of all people, Germany, the Soviets, the Ukrainians, and the Russians some more. And Donald Trump, because why not. Advertisers allege Facebook hid the fact that no one watches video ads
Half of the money I spend on advertising is wasted. The problem is I don't know which half. This is somebody's half, I imagine.
Tax evasion: blacklist of 21 countries with 'golden passport' schemes published
Then again, if turning a particular nationality into a marketable commodity is outlawed, America will turn into a one-party state. I Sent Fake Versions of Myself On TV and Everyone Fell for It
This fellow gamed TripAdvisor reviews to make a shed in his back yard the most highly rated restaurant in London. It worked, so he actually opened the shed up as a restaurant, and he charged big money to serve cheap microwaved food on paper plates to patrons, who dutifully raved about it on social media because they're dullards. Now the whole world wants to interview him about his exploits, so he sends an army of random people in his place. No media outlet notices. Fake news? Is there another kind? How to not be weird on the phone when you have a job interview
Get out of here with that email alternative. An email is like receiving a radioactive registered letter from the Gestapo to these kids. They won't answer that, either. The average college graduate has never spoken to a real adult about any topic, in any setting, and is terrified of answering their ringing phone. A generation of mannerless housebound agoraphobes who dress their pets in costumes for Halloween, which lasts for six months. Good jerb, social media.
What Emails Reveal About Your Performance At Work
And I'll bet they know how to answer the g*ddamned phone. Never mind all that. Let's get to the really interesting part of the story. Praful Tickoo is the greatest name I've encountered since reading about Hercules Mulligan in grade school. Canada becomes second country to legalise recreational marijuana
Once again, Uruguay leads the way! Said no one, ever. The U.S. Spy Hub in the Heart of Australia
Sort of in their job description, fellas, despite your breathless reporting style. Facebook Finally Admits That Its New Spy Equipment Can Spy on You
I'm constantly reminded of a demented form of the Lady Godiva story. Everyone simultaneously wishes to ride naked through town, sometimes forbidding everyone else to look, sometimes forbidding anyone from looking away, all the while reserving the right to be a peeping Tom, 24/7. Bon mercredi à tous! Oops again
Posted by Roger de Hauteville
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Tuesday, October 16. 2018Everyone Sees Noon From His Own Doorstep
It's nicer in the original French, and more subtle: Chacun voit midi à sa porte. It means that everyone sees everything from their own point of view. Adam Smith understood the concept. People have a foremost interest in their own affairs, and see everything in relation to their own worldview, wants, and desires. In commerce, it leads to the generation of wealth whenever a willing buyer and a willing seller get together. In politics, it leads to harridans testifying that someone looked at them funny thirty-five years ago. I freely acknowledge that my doorstep has a very different noon than my neighbors. When I was younger, I found eccentricity in others piquant. Now I'm the eccentric, I guess. But I can't help noticing, as I search for news stories for you fine folks here at Maggie's Farm, that it's always the same noon in every news outlet on the planet. I also can't help noticing that their noon is my midnight. On to the links! Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen dies of cancer at age 65
After the game, the pawn and the king go in the same box. Afternoon sex and the pursuit of poetry.Peter Thonemann on why Homer has always mattered so much
Ripping yarns never go stale. Ask Joe Campbell Macron reshuffles cabinet, names ruling party chief interior minister
Petit a petit, l’oiseau fait son nid. Walmart Plans Competitor to Amazon’s Video Marketplace
Everyone watches TV in their pajamas, and shops at Walmart in their pajamas, so this would be a perfect fit. Bezos defends Amazon effort for Pentagon cloud project
You know, it tipped from opposition to insurrection on day one. Ask Steve Scalise. Bezos just like money. I guess Google figures China will pay more. Speaking of which...
Ils ne sont pas des traîtres. iIs sont de l'autre côté. A Genocide Incited on Facebook, With Posts From Myanmar’s Military
I'm sure everyone working at Facebook will resign in protest over this dastardly use of their product, such as it is. This is my "sure" face. ‘Hyperalarming’ study shows massive insect loss
Fewer bugs? Your definition of hyperalarming and mine varies considerably. Chacun voit midi à sa porte.
The Prophets of Cryptocurrency Survey the Boom and Bust
I don't see noon on the cryptocurrency doorstep. Hostility to men and elderly people could become hate crimes
Punks? L’habit ne fait pas le moine. I'm sure, as always, women and minorities will be hardest hit by this law. Although, isn't it cruel to be nice to goths and punks? It cheers them up. They hate that. Well, that's Tuesday's slate. Be sure to describe the angle of the sun on your stoop in the comments.
Posted by Roger de Hauteville
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Monday, October 15. 2018The Dems’ Cage Match Rules
Posted by The News Junkie
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Who Doesn't Love Will Rogers?
Will Rogers was one of the most interesting men of his generation (1879-1935), which is saying something indeed. His bio says he was a "stage and motion picture actor, vaudeville performer, American cowboy, humorist, newspaper columnist, and social commentator." There are a lot of people in contemporary society who have gained notoriety trying one or two of those descriptors. Every actor is a social commentator now, for instance. However, as far as I know, Will Rogers was alive in the 1930s, but only acknowledged that Hitler was Hitler. He didn't have a laundry list of Hitlers ready for awards ceremony speeches. And he had the guy's number as early as 1933:
As far as newspaper columnists go these days, none have the resume of Will Rogers. I'm fairly certain George Will was never a cowboy, for instance. There was a bedrock of observation and wisdom behind the gossamer jibes, but never any malice. I know of no comedian today that could claim that. Malice is on the marquee these days. But malice doesn't last, I think. Malice appeals to the mob, and the mob gets tired from rioting and heads on home when their torches start to smolder and their pitchforks get heavy. No one will quote Amy Schumer in the year 2100. No one quotes her now, and I don't think she'll ripen none in the interim. Anyway, I decided to see if Will Rogers wisdom still applies to the news today. I report, you decide: Sears files for bankruptcy after years of turmoil
There are three kinds of men: The ones that learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves. Here's How Amazon.com Could Save the Shopping Mall
We are the first nation to starve to death in a storehouse that's overfilled with everything we want. Harvard and the Brigham call for more than 30 retractions of cardiac stem cell research
Letting the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier than putting it back. Ten Must-Have Travel Apps for Carefree Trips
When you get into trouble 5,000 miles from home, you’ve got to have been looking for it. Dow Jones Futures: It's A Stock Market Correction; Here's What To Do
"Don’t gamble"; take all your savings and buy some good stock, and hold it till it goes up, then sell it. If it don’t go up, don’t buy it. It's Official! Social Security Recipients Are Getting a Big Raise in 2019
Half our life is spent trying to find something to do with the time we have rushed through life trying to save. How to Delete Facebook and Instagram From Your Life Forever
Never miss a good chance to shut up. I Pay for News; Why Do I Still See Intrusive Ads?
Advertising makes you spend money you haven't got for things you don't want. It looks like China just laid out how it wants Google to help it persecute its Muslim minority
When the Judgment Day comes civilization will have an alibi, "I never took a human life, I only sold the fellow the gun to take it with." Tesla Has a New 50-Stall Charging Station in Hong Kong
We hold the distinction of being the only nation that is goin' to the poorhouse in an automobile. Fiscal Policy Report Card on America’s Governors 2018
Be thankful we're not getting all the government we're paying for. Have a great Monday everybody!
Posted by Roger de Hauteville
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Saturday, October 13. 2018Animal House
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I Have a Headache
I have a headache. I have a headache that has zip codes. I have a headache that should join the circus and be exhibited. I have a headache that would make Dante buy a Spirograph and get back to work. I have a headache that can only be described with Latin nouns. I have a headache that makes the back of my eyes behave like a stripper's tits. But I don't mind my headache, really, because somewhere in the back of my throbbing skull, there's still room for a sunny little spot that reminds me that I have never had a Facebook page. On to the Saturday links! Ekiben is a prized, and some would say essential, element of long-distance train travel in Japan.
I filed this essay under, "Every culture but my own is wonderful." Scam Victim Loses $48,000 Claim Against Canadian Bitcoin ATM Firm
She's new in town. She didn't know that the Canadian government only accepts Canadian Tire Money to avoid deportation. How An Amateur Rap Crew Stole Surveillance Tech That Tracks Almost Every American
Men who yell singsong doggerel into microphones held at a funny angle used LEO surveillance equipment to steal money from boosted credit cards, but their thermostat ratted them out. Man, I have a headache reading that. Elon Musk might be getting into the tequila business
Speaking of headaches, sing along with me: One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor...
The S.E.C. Dusts Off a Never-Used Cyber Enforcement Tool
There's a new sheriff in town, isn't there? Exxon spills a little oil and some birds get gooey, and they get a billion dollar fine. Data loss causes a lot more damage. Start treating it like an oil spill, and these little code monkey CEOs will wise up fast. Facebook Says Hackers Stole Detailed Personal Data From 14 Million People
You know, I can solve this online privacy problem in about ten minutes. There are stalking laws on the books, aren't there? Make them apply to the internet. One big button required on every website that says, STOP FOLLOWING ME, AND ERASE MY INFO. If they don't, prosecute them like any other creeper ex-boyfriend or jilted bunny boiler. Facebook Says Russian Firms ‘Scraped’ Data, Some for Facial Recognition
Please note that Facebook regards these sorts of things as an accounts receivable problem, not a security problem. If you paid them, you could do it all you want. They have an app for that, I bet.
Yes, but you can get into trouble for simply seeding more people at random. Ask Antonio Cromartie. Retracting Offer Of Laptop For Rs 190 Costs Amazon Rs 12,000
If my math is good, which it's not, because I have a headache, 10,000 rupees is about 135 bucks American. I think Bezos the Clown can swing it.
I'm a pretty fair writer, even when I have a headache, but this guy has me beat. How does he manage to write about something so mundane while twisting himself into manifold contortions like an origami, short-bus, Ida Tarbell? That's talent. Of a sort Have a great Saturday, everyone!
Posted by Roger de Hauteville
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Friday, October 12. 2018Back In the Saddle Again
Guten Morgen to all you farmers, and all the ships at sea. It's me, Roger de Hauteville. Bird Dog is having his teeth sharpened at the veterinarian/day spa. So you're stuck with me. Say, do you speak German? Guten Morgen is German. Like most greetings, it says, "good morning," but really means, "Screw you, get away from the coffee pot, I've got spreadsheets to lie to." What I find fascinating about guten Morgen, and similar greetings, is that they appear to be accusations, more or less. Now, I've declined very few German verbs, and no invitations to cocktail lounges, but just saying good morning should be guter Morgen if you're just assembling words out of the dictionary. Guten Morgen is correct, however, because it's in the accusative case. Guten Morgen is really just a truncation of a really long sentence in German (is there another kind?) that directs you to have a nice day. Like howdy, or hiya, or howyadoin, or hallo fellow well met, it's an abbreviated, handy way to express a longer thought in a short burst of syllables. It appears to my not very well-educated eye that all greetings are in the accusative case. So, from now on, to flesh out my greetings with the appropriate sentiment, and stay within the spirit of the accusative, I'll say, "Have a nice day, or else." On to the links! Facebook purged over 800 U.S. accounts and pages for pushing political spam
I'm sure this was accomplished in their usual, even-handed, transparent, and non=partisan way. Interstellar Visitor Found to Be Unlike a Comet or an Asteroid
They named it ’Oumuamua? The name starts with an apostrophe? Okey Dokey then. Let's pray that there's intelligent life somewhere out in space, 'Cause there's bugger all down here on Earth. The Biggest Buyers of American Stocks Are on the Sidelines Right Now
So, according to the Times, companies have been buying gobs of their own stock, which is bad, but they stopped for fifteen minutes to fill out some paperwork, which is also bad. I blame Trump, which I believe is conclusion I'm supposed to draw if I read anything in the Times. Leonardo da Vinci's tree rule may be explained by wind
I'm not buying it until I hear from Bob Ross. He can paint trees a lot faster than da Vinci, so he must know more about it. Tesla says orders placed by Oct 15 eligible for full tax credit
There are welfare queens, and then there's this guy. The last lighthouse keeper of Capri
The Italian government still pays a guy to flip a switch twice a day? Good work when you can get it. Of course Amazon Echo users shell out scads of their own cash, and surrender all their privacy, just so they can shut off the lights in the room they're in without flipping a switch. You decide which is crazier. Plastic surgeon buys top South Korea Bitcoin exchange
I still keep all my money in greenbacks. They're real, and they're spectacular. Astronauts escape malfunctioning Soyuz rocket
First, picture in your mind flying in a spaceship built by the lowest bidder. Now picture flying in a spaceship built by the lowest bidder in Vladivostok. Hipness a Priority for Amazon in HQ2 Meeting With Toronto Mayor
I'm trying to conjure up a name for someone less hip than Jeff Bezos, but I'm drawing a blank.
I blame Sesame Street. No, really. The minute children learned that the alphabet was supposed to get up and dance before you paid attention to it, every succeeding generation was doomed. Me, I prefer to snarl, "Good morning" to everyone at work and then scratch in my ledgers to fleece the customers and lord it over the employees. Jeez, kids these days. Guten Morgen, Maggie's Farm readers, or else!
Posted by Roger de Hauteville
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Thursday, October 11. 2018Thursday morning links
Woman removed from flight bound for Cleveland due to ’emotional support’ squirrel In Cleveland, everyone needs a support squirrel With campus tour, pro-choice group hopes to make abortion ‘positive’ CNN’s Bakari Sellers: Kanye West Is What Happens When Negroes Don’t Read — Candace Owens Offers $100,000 for Debate US paying more for illegal immigrant births than Trump’s wall That is brilliant, Australia: Export your coal UN Warns Climate Change Will Destroy Earth By 2005 After Scandalous Exposure, California Considers Freeze On DMV Voter Registrations. BERNIE SANDERS CALLS FOR SOCIALIST NEW WORLD ORDER - "It is time for us to stand up and say there is a better way to use our wealth" Socialism Destroys - Increased government control wrecks economies and ruins lives. Althouse: How can the NYT think this photograph is an illustration of "The Paranoid Style in G.O.P. Politics"? Powerline: CONFIRM ’EM ALL I Was A Never Trumper Until Democrats Went Gonzo On Kavanaugh. Now, Hand Me That Red Hat Wednesday, October 10. 2018Wednesday morning links
The UK is Bathing in a Soup of Anti-depressants Now Facebook Would Like To Put A Smart Camera In Your House Say, What Does The New Climahysteric Report Expect From You? Americans Strongly Dislike PC Culture - Youth isn’t a good proxy for support of political correctness, and race isn’t either. D.C. Workers Revolt Against Minimum Wage Hike, Win Repeal - Many of the very workers the law sought to rescue or protect didn’t want it in the first place and fought vociferously to have it repealed Anti-Kavanaugh protest postponed 'in recognition of Indigenous People's Day' Trump Caves On Year-Round Ethanol. King Corn Still Rules Terrible decision. If Trump doesn;t have the balls to get rid of that boondoggle, nobody does. The ethanol mandate has failed in its original purpose The rape allegation against Bill Clinton, explained Democrats Are Failing On Russia For The Same Reason They Failed On Kavanaugh - The similarities between the failed Democrat strategy against Kavanaugh and the way the Russia investigation is playing out are striking. Democrats’ latest excuse: Blame the Constitution Hillary is done with civility until Dems regain power Where’s the outrage over Hillary’s call for a ‘civil’ war? The Left Learns An Important Lesson From The Kavanaugh Fight: They Need To Be Even More Obnoxious The Casualty List From The Kavanaugh Battle JANE MAYER, RONAN FARROW RAN WITH KAVANAUGH HIT TO SHOW ‘PATTERN OF BEHAVIOR’ A New Chinese-Funded Railway In Kenya Sparks Debt-Trap Fears How an Extremist Government Treats Girls and Women Tuesday, October 9. 2018Tuesday morning links
Trump’s Columbus Day tweet sparks Backlash The Simple Reason Why They Hate Columbus Day Wisconsin Student Outraged Because Terrorism Course Discusses Jihad SNL Apparatchik Orders Kanye West Back to the Plantation Weather: The Greatest Scientific Fraud Of All Time -- Part XIX Stopping ´Catastrophic´ Global Warming Is Impossible, UN Report Shows, So What´s The Point? In the Absolutely Most Predictable Scientific Finding Ever, Solar Roads Are Found to Suck Aussie PM Willing to Consider Nuclear, to Reduce Australia’s Green Electricity Prices Kling: Write as if Mrs. Clinton won "False memories of sexual abuse lead to terrible miscarriages of justice/To avoid the innocent being convicted, police, lawyers and judges must understand the fickle nature of human memory." Sheldon “Gasbag” Whitehouse video goes viral after “boofing” debacle NEW YORK TIMES OP-ED: DUE PROCESS IS NONSENSE, PRO-KAVANAUGH WOMEN ARE "GENDER TRAITORS" "Fu*k. You. All. To. Hell": Google Exec Threatens GOP Over Kavanaugh Confirmation NYT: Kavanaugh Makes SCOTUS History With Clerk Appointments Should Republicans Thank Michael Avenatti For Kavenaugh's Confirmation? Via Three Horrible Things We Learned About Liberals From the Kavanaugh Hearings Just learned: in the last few months the #FBI received over 1400 calls and emails saying Brett #Ķavanaugh raped them. #HystericalLiars. Ritual defamation. Monday, October 8. 2018Almost the final word on the DC soap opera
From VDH: One Ford Narrative Too Many
Monday morning links
Roy Orbison hologram concert in L.A. invites awe and debate Columbia's Diversity Boondoggle Melania’s Hat Evokes Colonialism Comparison Or Something She looks great in that hat. She looks great in anything. Or in nothing. The $500 Million Central Bank Heist—and How It Was Foiled Steyn on the Gosnell movie MAOIST AMERICA: Astronaut Scott Kelly Grovels to Leftist Mob After Torrent of Backlash for Praising Winston Churchill Why encourage them? Ignore them, or punch back with wit. Never cave. It's not manly. Trump the Indestructible The left escalates its vilification of Susan Collins Susan Collins swings back at Planned Parenthood over Supreme Court double-standard If Christine Ford's lawyer needs a lawyer, the fat lady's singing Feinstein v. Kavanaugh: Anatomy of a character assassination "... Along the same lines was the tweet from a writer for Steven Colbert’s show: “Whatever happens, I’m just glad we ruined Brett Kavanaugh’s life." Evil
Sunday, October 7. 2018Mrs. BD insistsShe is a recovering liberal but no right-wing nutjob and she offers Maggie's links very occasionally (many people send in links for my morning offerings), but she wants our readers to read this. She has always seen Mitch as a shrewd gamer despite his RINO slurs. He picks his fights, like any good parent. Winners and Losers of the Kavanaugh Confirmation This is how nice moderate/lefty Moms of America are turned to the conservatives. Saturday, October 6. 2018For Brett Kavanaugh: A long strange tripStrangest thing about it is that he is a relatively non-partisan, moderate judge. He is no Scalia, not a ideologue. He was not my top choice. Trump's next choice, the lady, will be a tough nut to crack because she is not a drunk gang rapist.
Posted by The News Junkie
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Saturday morning links
Book Review: Militant Normals by Kurt Schlichter - How Regular Americans are Rebelling Against the Elite to Reclaim Our Democracy The West's New Antisemitism Crisis: Why Right Now? Here’s how much Americans trust 38 major news organizations The Problem With #BelieveSurvivors - It’s important to listen to those who come forward—and also to those accused. Scott Adams on Sen. Collins' brilliant speech . "Best speech I've ever seen." Kavanaugh: The Surprise Ending Campus Chaos Has Come to Congress Kavanaugh is the kind of nonpartisan judge we need now Planned Parenthood Threatens Senators Who Vote to Confirm Kavanaugh: ‘We’re Coming for You’ New US nuclear bombs and futuristic stealth aircraft to provide mind-boggling military might Friday, October 5. 2018Friday morning links Relax, Ladies. Don’t Be So Uptight. You Know You Want It - Remember the ’80s, when men preferred Hanes and could legally rape their wives? Sheesh Update: Labor Regulation and How It Harms Unskilled Labor, My Favorite Line of the Day - Amazon's $15 Minimum Wage Proposal is A Brilliant Way To Get The Government to Hammer Amazon's Competition Surprise: ‘Climate Change’ Is Barely An Issue For Midterms The most amazing greening on Earth – thanks to increased Carbon Dioxide Should the Stupidity of Youth Be Used Against Us? Ummmm, no. Breaking the Immigration Impasse - Reihan Salam offers a roadmap for the future, but one that will require compromise on both sides. Senator: Air Force Recruitment ‘Increasingly Difficult’ Amid Lack of Eligible Pilots - Joni Ernst: 'The pool of folks that we can recruit from is very, very small' Explosive Report Details Chinese Infiltration Of Apple, Amazon And The CIA New York Times finally admits how Obama screwed up the economy in 2016 Howie Carr: Elizabeth Warren's castoffs? Priceless! US weekly jobless claims drop to a near 49-year low IT’S HAPPENING=> Comey Confidant James Baker Gives ‘Explosive’ Testimony on ‘Abnormal’ Handling of Trump-Russia Probe Conclusion: “The activities of congressional Democrats and Dr. Ford’s attorneys likely affected Dr. Ford’s account” Women Who Actually Know Kavanaugh Share Why They #StandWithBrett In The New Yorker, Ronan Farrow Disgraces Himself Once Again Kavanaugh classmates back him up, ‘Devil’s Triangle’ was a drinking game at their High School - Sheldon Whitehouse hardest hit Former ACLU leaders blast 'appalling' anti-Brett Kavanaugh ad campaign Why they had to try to destroy Kavanaugh personally Lindsey Graham to Democrats: 'What y'all have done is bullsh-t' HOW FAR WILL DEMOCRATIC PARTY VIOLENCE GO? The hideous Blumenthal: The FBI Participated In “A Cover-Up” Even Democrats are noticing how their Kavanaugh stunts are poisoning their blue wave GOP May Deliver a Chastisement of Biblical Proportions in November Collusion bombshell: DNC lawyers met with FBI on Russia allegations before surveillance warrant
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