Friday, May 8. 2020
Good guy, likeable, mostly sensible and non-ideological. City Journal Podcast interview
I do not agree with him about everything, but nobody agrees with me about everything.
Wednesday, May 6. 2020
Colorado River Delta Ecosystem Blooms After Historic Water Release
Poll: 78 Percent of College Students Want to Restrict ‘Threatening’ Ideas
New York Taxpayers Have to Wear Masks, Not Welfare Takers
Harvard Canceled Human Rights Event as Its President Met With Xi Jinping Human rights scholar says university trades free inquiry for Chinese dollars
Bill Gates Tacitly Admits Global Warming Is a Lie
Al Gore did the same thing, as did Obama - buying fancy homes on the shore near sea level.
Elvis Was King, Ike Was President, & 116,000 Americans Died In A Pandemic
Corey Johnson’s deranged slam of Samaritan’s Purse — which only helped NYC
Jesse Watters Imagines What The Media Would Sound Like If Obama Were President During Pandemic
CNN Sends Cease And Desist Letter To Trump Over ‘American Comeback’ Video Ad
Neil Ferguson, The "Scientist" Whose Crap Models Panicked the World, Forced to Resign From Government Job After Breaking His Own Social-Distancing Rules to Have Sex With His Side-Piece
It is immature to blame anybody for Acts of God, like hurricanes and diseases, but I'll go immature here to blame that guy Ferguson, and especially China for closing China to Wuhan city but letting the Wuhan people fly all over the world. Ferguson cried Fire in a crowded theater, and China seeded the world. "Accidentally on purpose?" We'll never know. Regardless, governments destroying our economies, I've decided, was an overreaction. This is not The Plague.
Monday, May 4. 2020
Photo: 5th Ave, 1880s
Re Hunter Thompson and Gonzo: Decadence and Depravity in Louisville, Kentucky
Tracking the ‘Murder Hornet’: An Asian Deadly Pest Has Reached North America
Hafthor Bjornsson: Game of Thrones actor breaks 501kg deadlift record (1100 lbs)
How to wage war by Barry Strauss: On Leadership in War: Essential Lessons from Those Who Made History, by Andrew Roberts & Military Strategy: A Global History, by Jeremy Black.
Legacy news, social media giants converge in new era of censorship. Once rivals for audience share and cultural relevance, new and old media are now allied in top-down control of information.
Flynn was not the objective. He was the obstacle
Ex-Top FBI Official Admits Hillary Wasn't Indicted Because They Thought She'd Win 2016 Election
Relevant: George Carlin on disease and the immune system
Coronavirus and COVID-19 are not the same thing
COVID-19 turning out to be huge hoax perpetrated by media
A Wizard of Oz Virus: The COVID-19 Hoax
Life Or Livelihood: Americans Wrestle With Impossible Choice
Wrong. It's just reality
" I say we all chip in and find a freaking traveling circus to take his children off Mystal's hands."
COVID-19 Bites Identity Politics
CDC: “We Clearly Didn’t Recognize The Full Importations That Were Happening”
Trump was ahead of them
80 Patients and Staff Members Come Down with Coronavirus at Texas Nursing Home – 39 of 39 Saved by Hydroxychloroquine Treatment
Dr. Trump said "Try it - it might help"
Trump administration's 'Operation Warp Speed' looking at 14 potential COVID-19 vaccines to fast-track
DAMNING 'Five-Eyes' Intel Report: China Suppressed, Destroyed Coronavirus Evidence, Endangered Other Countries
Chinese government isn't evil: it is amoral
Here Are The Key Findings From The Bombshell Government Dossier On China's Bat Virus Program
China Expert Peter Zeihan Says China’s Collapse on World Stage is Coming Within Three Years
We’re Destroying Britain’s Wealth – And The Health Of Millions
France to extend coronavirus health emergency, will quarantine all travelers for 14 days, health minister says
There goes our trip to Provence
Mayor de Blasio: Opening NYC 'Few Months Away, at Minimum'
There goes away our...
Oregon Governor Kate Brown Extends Lockdown to After 4th of July
Spain's Push To Extend Lockdown Sparks Political Standoff As Global Coronavirus Deaths Decline For 5th Day
Majority of 17 international intelligence agencies believe COVID-19 started as accidental release from Wuhan lab.
Saturday, May 2. 2020
I will not bore or annoy you all with what I am doing, but it's good, not perfect, but daily. Heavy deads this morning, in a pal's dark, cold garage. Watch the food intake!
I wonder how our readers are dealing with maintaining fitness and strength during this crazy time.
Friday, May 1. 2020
Brit Hume Cites Two Reasons Why The Case For National Lockdown Is Getting ‘Weaker And Weaker’
True. Enough is enough.
Texas Lifts Lockdown, Michigan Gov Extends 'State Of Emergency' As More States Move To Reopen
Expert Report Predicts Up To Two More Years Of Pandemic Misery
Let's shut everybody down until 2022. There's a great plan. My view: End the darn lockdown and let's get going with a good, bold American spirit.
Thursday, April 30. 2020
Giant Asteroid Zooms by Earth at 19,000 MPH
Eating meat may IMPROVE mental health and one in three vegetarians are depressed, study claims
Climate Cultist Calls Michael Moore’s Film Dangerous, Wants It Censored
These students are going to extreme lengths so everyone gets an 'A'
Rutgers prof: 'F*ck each and every Trump supporter'
Democrats ramp up demand for massive bailout of state and local governments
Why Have Women’s Groups Gone Dead Silent On Biden Sex-Assault Accusation?
Unsealed FBI Handwritten Notes, Emails Reveal Agents Plotted Perjury Trap On Flynn
Explosive New Flynn Documents Show FBI Goal Was To ‘Get Him Fired’. Handwritten notes from the FBI that had been withheld from Michael Flynn and his defense team show that the FBI's goal in investigating and ambushing Flynn was 'to get him fired.'
Former FBI General Counsel James Baker Has Flipped! Durham is Building Conspiracy Case on All of Those Who Lied to the Court!
Christopher Steele claims Clinton lawyer fed him debunked claim about Russian collusion in 2016
Trump Says To Drink Lots Of Water, Media Reports He Told Everyone To Drown Themselves
Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know about Coronavirus Testing
Delaying Herd Immunity Is Costing Lives
Sailer: Science Says
Greenfield: Idiocy in the Time of the Coronavirus
The Pandemic Has Become One More Issue for Americans To Fight Over
Georgia reopening state is terrible, but Colorado doing the same is ignored
David Warren:
We’ll see what happens in the summer, then in the fall. For now, pandemic deaths are falling sharply, and we attribute this to our lockdown. That the rise, crest, and decline of these deaths has followed roughly the same statistical pattern, whether there was a lockdown or not, is interesting. Not having tried such an act of tyranny before, we can have nothing to compare with that lockdown. Still we can say that the virus is indifferent to our measures, and speculate that future waves will not consult our wishes, either.
Biden Admits That The Trump Administration Listened To The Scientists From The Beginning…
The left's 'listen to the science' mantra is growing old. Trump listened, and that's the problem.
The Netherlands Joins Switzerland: Will Reopen Schools Based on Findings that Children are Not at Risk of Coronavirus and Not Carriers
Wednesday, April 29. 2020
It was similar to this virus
Why is the reaction so different?
Ever since I graduated from grad school I have kept a major medical plan. Yes, it it portable.
Over my lifetime, medical costs have expanded enormously, mainly because of what medical science in the the US is able to do. Miraculous things. All worth doing? I do not know, but the USA has the best medical options in the world, however expensive. Among many other problems with Obamacare (a stalking horse for government medical care) was the absence of a regular cheap major medical plan like the one I still have.
Shop around. These policies still exist.
Speaking personally, I am not afraid of dying if I am in bad shape, but I think life is a kick and I'd be glad to stick with it for a while, working, making a living, and having an interesting life.
Two links:
Coronavirus: One thing that makes job loss in US so painful
Making political hay out of an epidemic is shameful, but there is a point.
Also this: Hillary Clinton on Coronavirus and Universal Health Care: 'This Would Be a Terrible Crisis to Waste'
Tuesday, April 28. 2020
Debate and discussion is good.
Related, US and European cases may have peaked a month ago.
Poll: Most Americans Want Coronavirus Vaccine Before Venues Reopen
Really? That could take a year or more. Possibly never. Of course, everybody wants a vaccine today, but no vaccine has ever been made for any viruses in the corona family despite many efforts.
Monday, April 27. 2020
Where my opinions are leaning towards. CORONAVIRUS REALITY CHECK:
By the end of March, most of the United States had been locked down. Tens of millions of Americans have lost their jobs. More than $6 trillion has been spent to save society from complete collapse. Relentless warnings have whipped the populace into frenzies of fear. All of this to contain a disease that, as far as we can tell at this point, is not significantly more fatal than the flu. Moreover, given how rapidly the coronavirus spreads, it seems likely that the radical and untested method of lockdown does little to control it.
In other words, the science increasingly shows that the measures we have taken in the last few weeks have been both harmful—with freedoms lost, money spent, livelihoods destroyed—and pointless.
Maybe not more fatal, but more infectious. It is unavoidable. Like death and taxes.