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Wednesday, July 8. 2020Wednesday morning links Charter Schools Going Woke Understanding Campus Antisemitism in 2019 And Its Lessons for Pandemic and Post-Pandemic U.S. Campuses WaPo: Now Let’s Purge Classic Literature A NEW LOW IN HIGHER EDUCATION? Cancel Culture: Descendant Of Thomas Jefferson Calls For Removing D.C. Monument City Of Seattle Trains White Employees To Work On “Undoing Your Own Whiteness” Scientists long ago exhausted their COVID-19 capital Not dying is bad for headlines EPA approves two Lysol products as the first to effectively kill novel coronavirus on surfaces US Withdraws From World Health Organization and Democrats Are Losing It Georgia Governor Declares State of Emergency, Deploys National Guard after July 4 Weekend Violence Tucker Carlson: Democrats Are The Driving Force Behind Racial Division
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"Descendant of Thomas Jefferson" is a designation that is just fake news from the mainstream media. There has never been any sort of evidence that TJ fathered children with his slaves. There is DNA evidence that some descendants of slaves are RELATED to Jefferson. The most likely father was Jefferson's nephew. See "The Jefferson Lies" by David Barton.
As a claimed descendant of King Komoniwanalaya, I offer said Jefferson offspring a bit of Hawaii. Or something.
Hey, it makes just as much sense as that blather... Lighthouse Catholic Media has an outstanding talk, offered by a practicing plastic surgeon, Dr. Patrick Lappert, also a Catholic Deacon, on the religious, medical, and psychological aspects of transgenderism. If the link doesn't work you can google his name. (Oddly enough, I listened to his talk yesterday.)
url https://www.lighthousecatholicmedia.org/store/title/transgenderism-a-surgeon-s-perspective /url "Undoing Your Own Whiteness"
Ha-ha-ha-ha-HA! Sounds about as useful as my childhood attempts as undoing my own (very prominent) freckles. Doesn't matter how many struggle sessions you attend to add certificates to your vita, you're always going to be a deplorable Whitey. Oh, I'll attend; I may rise, but I will not shine. Quite right Mike.
This is all about posturing . . . virtue signaling if you like, and to allow some well connected persons scoop up bucketfuls of taxpayer money by providing the indoctrination training. However, just looking at the presentation, I don't know how anyone could make heads or tails out of any of it. A good read
Don Lemon Speaks Over Terry Crews: Dead Black Children Are 'Not What Black Lives Matter Is About' Don Lemon reveals why Leftists ignore black-on-black crime/deaths. QUOTE: Black Lives Matter isn’t about all black lives mattering, but rather only about police brutality. This explanation does not hold up, of course, because the Black Lives Matter movement uses police brutality as a springboard to claim that “institutional racism” pervades American society. Black-on-black crime is an important issue to address when a movement makes grandiose claims like that. https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/tyler-o-neil/2020/07/07/don-lemon-speaks-over-terry-crews-dead-black-children-are-not-what-black-lives-matter-is-about-n611196On the issue of black people shot by other black people, rather than police, Lemon said, “I don’t understand what that has to do with equality. … I don’t understand what that has to do with a movement that’s for equality for black people. … It seems like apples and oranges.” As Upton Sinclair said, it's hard to make a man understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it.
It is also about firing/eliminating any thinking honest employees. The intent here is NOT to educate but to eliminate. Anyone who dares to disagree with the agenda is gone to be replaced by a POC.
Frank #1 above is right.
https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052702304211804577500870076728362 See also:
https://www.amazon.com/Jefferson-Hemings-Controversy-Report-Scholars-Commission/dp/0890890854/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=The+Jefferson-Hemings+Controversy&qid=1594216236&sr=8-2 What Ace said. I want my president to say stuff exactly like that every year for the celebration of our independence, and no Democrat will ever do it without apologizing, and neither will most Repubs. I don’t care about tweets or personality or orangeness as long as he fights for what is truly important, and to be quite frank I question the judgment of those who cannot prioritize those correctly.
There’s things that matter and things that don’t matter, and our whole lives are organized around prioritizing those. Culture is not self-sustaining; we need to promote it internally with every generation, and right now that process is obviously broken to a large degree. Trump’s speech is a good start. I completely agree. In a crazy way I'm grateful to the Left for the last couple months because they have made it crystal clear how much they hate this country and want to destroy everything valuable about it.
In order to wake up people like some of my family members they have to experience that the virtue signal won't save you. The Left Hates you and will not leave you alone. They have to see it for themselves. It is the only way to undo the media hypnosis and the feeling they have that if they just virtue signal they are part of the tribe. Even the lawyers that defended their homes with the guns were shocked - but but but I have a framed quote from an abolitionist in my office! Why are people coming after us now that they know that! It doesn't matter - you have "original sin" and must be for ever indebted.
World Health Organization
When the Government to the USA withdraws from The W.H.O, funds from USA foundations will become be the largest source of funding for the organization, most notably the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, which has been funding the organization almost as much as the US government (the WHOs largest funder) and at a level far greater than any other nation. And the W. H. O. doesn't spend this money itself, it in turn donates it on to other programs, such as agencies working on polio reduction. The US money is budgeted by Congress for international health programs, so it will still be spent, by giving it directly to the agencies doing the work rather than giving it via the W.H.O. So the USA will still have just as much commitment to funding global health programs, USA sources will still be the largest source of funding to The WHO, the only difference will be that the US 'loses' its vote and direct influence within the organization -- which by all appearances hasn't been very effective influence anyway, w.r.t. the US 'getting its way" in leadership or direction of The WHO. My prediction is that this will be like the US withdrawal from the international postal union, in that at the 11th hour, the fear of losing the USA will suddenly galvanize action by other nations to suddenly overcome decades of inertia for reform. Those who like the WHO as it is are hoping that their allies in congress and the US media can stop the white-house from completing this withdrawal before the 11th hour. The NPR Jihadi have now started injecting hopeful motes into their reporting, and this story was apropos this morning.
They noted that Trump's declaration of withdrawal from the WHO will only become effective in 2021, in which case "the withdrawal can be rescinded, should another administration choose to" Corn Pop had no comment. Went to look at the "Irreversible Damage" article and was thwarted by another "must subscribe" feature. I'm getting really sick of websites that demand you either subscribe, or disable ad-blockers before they let you proceed.
JWM Trans Cult: Cult is what it is.
WaPo: Now Let’s Purge Classic Literature: The WaPoo WaPoops again. (There's no trademark on "WaPoo", so use it if you like it.) A New Low In Higher Education? "A spokeswoman for the university confirmed that “the admissions team did recently have a conversation with incoming freshman Samantha Pfefferle about statements made on her social media accounts.” This girl is way too good for Marquette. Hillsdale should offer her a full scholarship. President Trump has often said that the fake news press is an enemy of the people. Most of our colleges and universities are enemies of the people, too." YEP!!! City of Seattle trains white employees to work on “undoing your own whiteness”: I suppose I could undo my whiteness with severe tanning or blacking my body, but not blacking my face, because as we all know now, black face is RAAAAAAAAACIST. Not dying is bad for headlines: I'm good with that! BAD Paper! BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD Paper!! BREAKING: US Withdraws From World Health Organization and Democrats Are Losing It: As well they should!! When did it become the EPA's mission to approve germ or virus killers? This is a wonderful example of the fact that the actual mission of the bureaucracy is to increase the size and power of the bureaucracy.