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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, May 2. 2017My ancestryAt Taki:
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Tuesday morning links Tyler Cowen's favorite book this year: Dreaming the Beatles Hilarious Customer Reviews for the Sigma 200-500mm Lens on Amazon The Path to Higher Education With an Intellectual Disability - The number of degree-granting institutions with options for these students is growing. Would an intelligent person pay a penny more for 'organic' food? School takes unusual (and heartbreaking) step to protect illegal immigrant students Immigrant Workers Stunned To Be Fired After Skipping Work For Protest Inner California Will Soon Be Beachfront " What’s surprising is that operations like ESPN have an audience at all. Their “news” converge is mostly jock-sniffing and their created content is so out there on the Progressive fringe, it borders on madness." New Frontiers in Microaggression: It's Unethical to Call Breastfeeding Your Infant "Natural" Because It Reinforces the Cultural Stereotype That Only Women Have Breasts Aussie not happy after transgender weightlifter Laurel Hubbard achieves New Zealand sporting first Bret Stephens just trolled the left with his supposed climate change denialism Trump haters may think they've got him this time, but look ahead a few moves for once. Your smug arrogance is blinding. Author Reveals How CIA's Enhanced Interrogations Helped Find Bin Laden The Weapon Wizards: How Israel Became a High-Tech Military Superpower Victims of Communism Day 2017 Monday, May 1. 2017A few Monday morning links
Bob Dylan's Early Days in New York: 17 Intimate Photos Why clapping is now deemed offensive Why Aren’t People Rushing To Buy My Art? Holding elections is not freedom California Squashes Its Young - The Golden State’s suffocating economic policies are driving out a new generation. Here’s Some Evidence ESPN’s Politics Are Impacting Its Audience Eight False Pretenses Liberals Use to Frame an Argument The Arrogance of Blue America - If you want to see the worst impacts of blue policies, go to those red regions—like upstate New York or inland California—in states they control. What Democrats won't admit about Trump's first 100 days How Hungary Managed To Erase Illegal Immigration In Just A Few Months Friday, April 28. 2017Swindle
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Wednesday, April 26. 2017Wednesday morning links That airborne slide to home plate Rebellion in Vermont A famous 'ancestor' may be ousted from the human family So many past species of hominids An eight-year project at Teotihuacán, once the western hemisphere’s largest city, failed to locate its rulers’ tomb but findings offered tantalising clues to its origins The UK: This Government Will Decide How Rare Your Burger Is Cruel And Unusual — Delta Airlines Passengers Forced To Endure Kenny G Live Performance… Reposted: No links found yet for diet and heart disease or cancer Hard exercise and cognitive decline Increasing number of Americans are willing to drive farther, pay more for ethanol-free fuel Man Refuses To Accept He’s No Longer Black After DNA Test Results What about the old "one drop" rule? WARNING: THIS VIDEO WILL MAKE YOU WANT TO GOUGE YOUR EYES OUT Guilt lasts a lifetime As it should. Jesus washes, but I must still be on the wash cycle. After great pain, where is God? That's a teenage question McArdle: Berkeley Once Stood for Free Speech. Now It Rolls Over. TIMES EDITORIAL BOARD ACCUSES JUSTICE GORSUCH OF MURDER NY Gov Cuomo tells the truth: "Today, college is what high school was..." March for Science: Comments On The March For Poverty Bernie Sanders Defends Ann Coulter, Slams ‘Intellectually Weak’ Student Activists What if John Bogle is right about 4% stock returns? Subway Sandwiches: Death by a Thousand Cold Cuts I'll always pick Subway over McDonalds Kling: Financial Policy if I were in charge I sexually identify as an Attack Tyronecopter. New York Times refuses To Use Term 'Female Genital Mutilation' Because It's 'Culturally Loaded" And that decision is not culturally-loaded? As in loaded with dhimmitude? Pelosi: Trump’s Border Wall Will Take Food from Babies and Cause Dirty Air and Water Nuclear Power Subsidies Threaten Wind and Solar Power… Proof That Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction Politicians are welfare queens Why the Clintons Won’t Go Away It's their money machine The FBI and the Clinton Way Looking back at Clinton's Samantha Bee problem When will Obama have made enough money? IMPEACH MAXINE WATERS Scott Adams: President Trump’s First 100 Days I still can hardly believe he was elected. People really disliked Hillary How Trump Can Destroy Democrats and Keep Congress German crowd hisses, boos at Ivanka when she defends her dad Migrant crime in Germany rises by 50 per cent, new figures show Tuesday, April 25. 2017Is Trump himself the Wall?These guys look like stage Texans
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Tuesday morning links The whole story of the Desert One debacle Politically Correct Wusses Fail To Ban Dodgeball In Louisiana Public Schools… What the heck is wrong with dodgeball? America’s manliest industries are all competing for women Ayn Rand's counter-revolution Why cultivating passion on campus is at odds with cultivating the mind THEY TOLD ME IF DONALD TRUMP WERE ELECTED WE’D SEE OPEN RACISM ON CAMPUS. AND THEY WERE RIGHT! AT WOMEN’S COLLEGE, A STUDENT STRIKE FOR MORE MONEY AND FREE THERAPY SUCCEEDS It's official: Berkeley hit with lawsuit over Coulter lecture Hate speech is free speech, Gov. Dean: Glenn Reynolds Sorry, College Kids, There’s No Such Thing As Hate Speech The Russians Hacked Democrats’ Plans to Cheat in the General Election Obama To Receive $400,000 Speaking Fee At Cantor Fitzgerald Conference In 2017, Americans Spending More on Taxes Than Food, Clothing, and Housing Combined Not serfdom, but similar Horowitz: Democrats 'Consumed by Their Hatred' Judd Gregg: Trump gets his sea legs Venezuela cannot wake up from its socialist nightmare. UN secretary-general: Denial of Israel’s right to exist is ‘modern form of anti-Semitism’ Terrorist accused of killing a British student will be paid £800 a month by the Palestinian government which receives £25m-a-year UK foreign aid End the US taxpayer subsidy for Palestinian terror Monday, April 24. 2017My Yale colleagues call Trump bad names
If my political history serves me, people in mental health found serious diagnoses for Nixon, Reagan, and Bush 2, but none for Johnson, Clinton, Obama, or Hillary. Is there a pattern here? Instead of name-calling, I'd like to see some thoughtful policy critiques but I won't hold my breath. Trump Derangement Syndrome (DSM 5006.09) strikes again. We must be kind to the sufferers.
Posted by Dr. Joy Bliss
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Monday morning links
The United States of Billy Joel - The Piano Man hasn’t released a new pop album since 1993. How does he continue to sell out stadiums? Exercise isn’t the key to weight loss. Still. But food companies want to convince you otherwise. Paris court sends ‘Spiderman’ thief to prison for €109m museum heist Muslims to March on Amazon Over Prayer Breaks ACLU: Force Catholic hospital to aid in 'sex change' Shale's the Wild Horse OPEC Can't Tame Labor is cheap in India which leads to some differences from the United States. Sea ice off Newfoundland thickest ever yet another polar bear comes ashore The Other Poison Gas Killing Syrians: Carbon Dioxide Emissions 'Science' marchers demand their 'right' to the taxpayer teat Cuomo’s war on pipelines is crushing New York’s economy Thomas Jefferson statue at Columbia protested as ‘symbol of violence against black and brown bodies’ The Supreme Court needs diversity, as does the NBA The Two Bills: Clinton And O'Reilly Bill Maher lashes out at Berkeley over Ann Coulter cancellation controversy DEPAUL—THE WORST UNIVERSITY FOR FREE SPEECH? Those ‘Snowflakes’ Have Chilling Effects Even Beyond the Campus - Academic intolerance is the product of ideological aggression, not a psychological disorder. Middlebury's obscene cowardice There are two types of societies, production societies and rationing societies Had the Founders selected direct popular vote as the means for electing a President, the residents of one state (California) would have dictated the choice to the other 49 Poll: 67% Say Democrats More Out Of Touch Than GOP, Trump DNC Chair declares there is no place for pro-life Democrats in today’s party Wash Post poll hides: Trump still beats Clinton, 43%-40% Debt is real Trump budget cruelty Chelsea Clinton: Little Creep Pat Buchanan did presage Trump French elect 2 non-elite outsiders LATEST MUSLIM TERRORIST ALSO MENTALLY ILL... LIKE ALL THE OTHERS Rachel Maddow Airs Headline Linking Venezuelan Protests to Trump, Retracts Online The Horrifying Death Throes of Venezuelan Socialism, Captured in 28 Headlines Saturday, April 22. 2017Saturday morning links Women burdened by birth control responsibility What’s So Wrong with Melania Trump Dressing Like a Lady? In public, women try to dress like ladies and men like gents. It's a civic duty. Even Caitlin Jenner dresses like a lady. A very cool couple What happens if you smoke marijuana every day? Idiots try to rob a gun store Love it Harvard tells students gender identity can change ‘day to day’: Report Or hour by hour? Sometimes I feel like a nut... Another teacher who Left the Left SCOTUS Case Could Allow Use of Vouchers at Religious Schools Ann Coulter: Liberal Protesters are “Beta Males” – Engaging in “Rodney King” Riots Over My Speech Alpha Gal throws down gauntlet Berkeley Mayor Is Member of Antifa Facebook Group that Organized Riots The Montana Republican running in the special election doesn't believe in retirement because Noah was still working when he was 600 Sheesh PLEASE, GOD, STOP CHELSEA CLINTON FROM WHATEVER SHE IS DOING She wants to be a "thing," like Paris Hilton, famous for being famous. No gratitude for not being aborted: Chelsea Clinton: I Left the Church When I Was 6 Because It Opposed Abortion "White House officials said Mr. Trump took a personal interest in her case.... 'He just said, "Let’s bring her home."'" "We’re told by many wise and well-meaning people that it is a huge and even fatal mistake for liberals (and for constitutional conservatives) to respond negatively to every Trump initiative, every Trump policy, and every Trump idea." Friday, April 21. 2017Stereotyping Trump voters
Megan McArdle has a half-decent piece, Trump Voters Want Respect. Here’s How to Give It to Them, but it falls into the same stereotyping: sophisticated, educated elites vs. ignorant, feckless plebs referred to as "them." It is condescending and inaccurate. If Megan wishes to contact me, I would be happy to introduce her to a goodly number of sophisticated, highly educated New York elites who were Trump voters - some enthused, some in the (political) closet, and some holding their noses but ok with it given the alternative.
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Vigorous Exercise: Calis DayA summary below of the hour of calisthenic circuits we did this morning (it's different every Friday) while we had the classical music station on pretty loud. The workout contained intense cardio bursts, explosive movements, agility work, and overall athleticism while igniting pretty much every muscle at some point. The endurance part comes in because for an hour your heart never has a chance to drop to a walking rate and you never stop moving hard except for the 1-minute breathing opportunities. Trainer uses a stopwatch to limit that. A quick reminder that calis, like sports, are not really for strength-building, and strength is just one component of fitness. As fun as it sounds, after an hour you are ready for a nap. Such are the crazy burdens of having a white collar job in the First World. A 3 min elliptical warm-up, then 4 band walks also as warm-up, then...
Continue reading "Vigorous Exercise: Calis Day" Friday morning links Where does the poop go?: The hidden machines of cruise ships Yahoo’s Demise Is a Death Knell for Digital News Orgs Michael Wolff: It's James Murdoch's Fox News Now Bill McKibben: Everyone Should Take Fossil Fueled Trips To Protest In Climate March MS-13 gang: The story behind one of the world's most brutal street gangs Mitchell: Your Socialism Is Bad and You Should Feel Bad A Z-man podcast interview Trump effect: Continuing Jobless Claims Collapse To Lowest Since Right Before DotCom Crash Began California Watch - Rewarding Public Employees With New Tax Hikes on the Private Sector What is a "pension"? Oregon's new approach to investing PARIS TERRORIST HAD BEEN JAILED FOR TRYING TO KILL COPS Iran accused of manipulating the Palestinian cause while hiding its colonialism against Ahwazi Arabs What's the most dangerous country in the world to be female? I know firsthand Palestinians: Hunger Strike or Smokescreen? Australia unveils major changes to citizenship process Makes good sense Thursday, April 20. 2017Thursday morning links
The Transgender Madness Has Got to Stop Boys Punching Girls: Feminism's Big Win Berkeley: TODAY’S UNIVERSITY EPIC FAIL Since the downfall of the Gestapo, nobody has treasured the verb “interrogate” as much as postmodern academics.:
California Governor Brown acknowledges other states aren’t buying his climate hype… Fox News moves Tucker Carlson up to O’Reilly time slot Tucker is fine, but not a big personality like O'Reilly. By the way, O'Reilly was not a conservative. I don't know Carlson's politics. Here’s why Rush survived pressure on advertisers while O’Reilly didn’t Simon: The Republican Congress Must Get Its Act Together NOW Confirmed: John Brennan Colluded With Foreign Spies to Defeat Trump A new book reveals that Hillary Clinton’s campaign was way more dysfunctional than we realized. Krauthammer’s Take: Devastated Democratic Party Has Lost an ‘Ideological Center’ Are parties about ideology? I don't think so Venezuelan president to arm nearly half a million “militia” members Wednesday, April 19. 2017Wednesday morning links
A Cosmic Burst Repeats, Deepening a Mystery - After a surprise discovery, astrophysicists are racing to understand superenergetic flashes of radio waves that sometimes beep out from distant galaxies. Your teen's brain on pot Battling Turkish intimidation, Armenian genocide epic set for big screen Universities Seek to Defend Endowments From Republican Tax Plan "The students ... characterize truth as a “myth” and a white supremacist concept." They blame the Enlightenment WHERE FREE SPEECH GOES TO LIVE: The University of Chicago has issued another warning to snowflakes.
Supreme Court rejects appeal for Latin American refugees seeking U.S. asylum Asylum is not for economic migrants but they all provide a sob story The Sad Cancer Of Third Party Pay Medical Care Man With Two Homes And A Lake House Whines About People Being Too Rich… Here’s One Reason Why the Dems Still Love Hillary Elizabeth Warren's new book, "This Fight is Our Fight", says that ordinary folk can do better economically if we only had more government control and less individual freedom. Williamson: Surprise: The New York Democrat is a New York Democrat. Photo scandal not what Marines are made of If a shooting war comes, the US Air Force is not ready ‘Germany Is a Nation of Immigrants’: Employers’ Unions Demand Open Borders British Olympian: North Korea has really got a “handle on obesity” French Election: Le Pen Vows to Quit the EU, End Mass-Migration She is a left-wing nutjob, regardless of her nationalism Allies knew of Holocaust in 1942, 2 years before previously assumed, UN documents prove Bashar al-Assad still has 'hundreds of tonnes' of chemicals stockpiled, former Syrian weapons research chief claims Tuesday, April 18. 2017If you can't write...Tuesday (tax day in the USA) morning linksThe Income Tax Basically Implies that Government Owns You The reason government spending is a disaster Dynamic Christianity vs. the Benedict Option Too clean for our children's good Why Do We Eat Coconut Macaroons on Passover? The "True" Human Diet - From the standpoint of paleoecology, the so-called Paleo diet is a myth A Twisted Tale of Rent Control in the Maximum City Why Wind Power Does Not Greatly Reduce Fossil Fuel Use " I've felt for some time that the left has gone off the deep end on the immigration issue." Animal expert worries that birds won’t be able to fly over the border wall This is what happens when the US government gets serious about our borders Arrests of Illegal Immigrants Jumped 32% in Trump's First Months These are the people who terrify campus administrators CUNY UNION CALLS FOR FACULTY TO TEACH CONTROVERSIAL ANTI-TRUMP ‘RESISTANCE’ Variety Editor Asks, “How cool does Chelsea Clinton look on our Power of Women, NY, cover?” Former FEC Chairwoman Calls for ‘Regulations’ of Political Speech on the Internet A Few Places Where Justice Gorsuch Can Make A Difference Why Were Foreign Intelligence Agencies Spying on Trump? It's Official: Trump's Swamp-Draining Begins POST-BREXIT BRITAIN WILL DROP RENEWABLE ENERGY COMMITMENTS America Can’t Do Much About North Korea Venezuela illegally issued 10,000 passports to Syrians, Iranians, report says Weapons: The Case For Caseless Trump juggles the foreign policy balls Obama dropped Monday, April 17. 2017Charles Murray's politics
I guess they mean in his tone because he does not give political speeches. His work is fascinating social analysis but far from provocative. Monday morning links
Preaching (ie Teaching) seems over-emphasized. I think people go to be part of a community which is body of Christ. Jesus clubs. When teaching becomes performance, I turn off. Why American men may have less luck finding a job than women "How realistic are New York apartments on TV shows?" Why Americans have stopped moving Also, if you are an owner it is very expensive to move California: AND YET THEY LEARNED NO LESSONS FROM THIS... SOLAR POWER: AN ENVIRONMENTAL DISASTER OUT OF “THEIR” “MINDS” AT BROWN WELLESLEY NEWS: FREE SPEECH ONLY APPLIES TO LEFT-WING SPEECH If You Paid $63,916 Per Year To Attend Wellesley And You Write Like This, You Got Ripped Off College Kids Are Intolerant Jerks University’s LGBT Students ‘Fear’ Arrival Of Chick-fil-A Liars. They say they don't feel "safe." Bullshit. " My committee colleagues argued that "we do not teach grammar" in our writing classes." Correct grammar is for the elites. It is difficult to learn. I am still learning grammar. Gay Porn Kingpin: Protect America From Muslim ‘Barbarians’ No institution or agency has done more to help the poor than Walmart. Is government ever big enough? Andrew Sullivan Says Good-bye to Hillary Why Do Democrats Feel Sorry for Hillary Clinton? Borders: There is a sheriff in town DONALD TRUMP ASKS A GOOD QUESTION Trump’s first 100 days have been better than you think France 2017 The problem of moral grandiosity, perhaps seen in purest culture in Sweden. Marine Le Pen: Pope Francis Exceeds His Role as Religious Leader -Tells States to Disregard Their Own Citizens Saturday, April 15. 2017Saturday morning links
Photo from An Untouched Frank Lloyd Wright Home from 1960 Is on the Market The Profound Connection Between Easter and Passover Why more men will soon find themselves doing ‘women’s work’ Is Facebook a Monopoly? Just Ask Snapchat All businesses try to dominate their "spaces". Somebody ought to make up a board game about that. What is Betteridge's Law of Headlines? McDonalds Should Not Bring Back Szechuan Sauce Because It’s ‘Low-Key Racist’. From a commenter there:
According to environmentalists, if members of the EPA can’t hide their data and refuse to show their calculations they’ll be “crippled” Saving Vladmir Putin's Face Microsoft Transparency Report Shows Massive Increase in 2016 Obama Era FISA Orders… Spying on citizens is not American Basically, Trump won’t Make America Great Again. Instead he’ll mostly maintain Obama’s policies. Why Trump Will Win Bigly in 2020 Hezbollah forces retreat from Israel’s border following US demand Chavista Marxists Attack Venezuelan Archbishop After His Calls for Freedom – Start Brawl Inside Church Sounds like Middlebury College Death toll mounts among Venezuelan protesters North Korean Army Officials Arrested After Calling Kim Jong-un ‘Mentally ill’ And A ‘Kindergartener’ Friday, April 14. 2017Friday morning links
The ‘Toxic Masculinity’ Trend Blames Boys For Being Born Male How Denmark is eradicating Down Syndrome Will autism be next? It's Time For EPA To Reconsider And Rescind The Endangerment Finding What “permanent drought”? New all-time rainfall record set for California An economic critique of prison Male student kills himself after University of Texas officials destroy his reputation for no reason Harvard Crybully Societies Team Up on Hate Hoax Tear Down State Barriers to Health Insurance Remove state barriers and permit all sorts of policies. That would be a real market. NY Times Is Rather Apoplectic Over The Attorney General Enforcing The Law Will Russiagate Become Obamagate? HOW MANY COUNTRIES CONSPIRED AGAINST TRUMP? Why Republicans Can’t Fix the Big Problems Trump is wildly unpredictable, at least he seems unpredictable. That’s a big part of how he plays the game. The Brilliant Incoherence of Trump’s Foreign Policy Sultan: Sarah Lucy Halimi was thrown out of the window of the third floor Paris apartment while she begged her Muslim killer to spare her life. Swedish Journalist’s Response to Stockholm Attack: Ban Cars Refugee Rapists Who Live-Streamed their Rape on Facebook Will Not Be Deported From Sweden Germany: Islamist suspects arrested over bomb attack targeting soccer team Thursday, April 13. 2017A campaign promise: BoomOne by one, getting them done for better or worse. Business guys just try to get through their checklists as fast as they can regardless of nuances and sensitivities. Promised he would blow the shit out of ISIS. Had this chance to do it without civilian damage, and he just did it. That's a bigtime traditional NYC F- you from a rough New Yorker from Queens. Manhattanites can be refined and delicate sometimes, but people from the boroughs can be tough as nails. Just ask any WW2 vet if you can find one. I have. I had thought we were done with Afghanistan. Must have missed something. Remind me where it is again. Z-man is right: it is today's Balkans. Nobody really cared about the Balkans then either, and nobody cares about the Middle East now. Or the Balkans. However, it's a message to the world: Don't f- with Trump. With Trump, nothing is predictable so watch your back, as they say in NY. Anyway, this is the only language the Islamists understand clearly. When you think about it, without 9-11 little or none of this Middle East involvement would have happened. So was 9-11 a success for them, or not? I want the USA out of there. And I want those baboons to leave me alone.
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Thursday morning links
Today is Holy Thursday (Maundy Thursday) UMD student calls hippie-inspired fashion 'deeply offensive' Guess what, Idiot du Jour: Hippie was fashion. Fashion + drugs. Why won't my shoes stay tied? Scientists are trying to figure it out. All knots inevitably fail The pros behind the hit records: The Wrecking Crew Paul Ekman: Three mottos I live by Evolving war technologies Food: Loonie Labels In La La Land By the way, Joss Whedon has announced that Trump will exterminate all gay men in America if you don't join #TheResistance. Alternate headlines Notre Dame Students Feel ‘Unsafe’ about Mike Pence Speaking Manipulative little lying punks CNN’s Acosta Rules It’s Un-American to Slam CNN, News Media; Doesn’t Regret Screaming at Trump Syria Strike Fails To Follow Progressive Playbook, Leading To Unhinged Op-Eds Bummer: Immigration Crackdown Leads To Illegals With Minor Crimes And No Criminal History Being Arrested Trump Was Right! Obama Got FISA Warrant to Spy on Trump Team Trump is plowing and salting the fields of a bureaucratic oligarchy Winning behind the scenes Trump Team Moves Closer to Gutting Some Federal Agencies.
Wednesday, April 12. 2017Claremont student rioters to be punished?
Wednesday morning links
Makes sense to me, but it's not what we do Peanut-Free School Zones Don't Work Peanut allergies are caused by avoiding peanuts. I love peanuts, and especially Thai peanut sauce. 13,000-Year-Old Fillings Prove Ancient Dentistry Was Brutal The Third Sex in India Towns which have outlived their purpose: Cairo, Ill Toyota shows robotic leg brace to help paralyzed people walk On the Front Lines of India’s Rhino Wars What's Causing the Retail Meltdown of 2017? Is Tesla worth more than GM? More Reminders That Global Warming Is Good Boys Don’t Need Books That ‘Put Them in Touch with Their Feelings Arizona Scored a Big Win With School Choice. Here’s How It Will Help Children. Female Student Shaves Head to Fight 'Gender Norms' How today’s liberal kids are going to ruin college How Colleges Try to Get Rid of Inconvenient Professors LA Times Editorial Board: Dear Colleges, Stop Squeezing Free Speech The US rolls out the Unwelcome Mat Sessions Announces Illegal Aliens Who Illegally Re-Enter The U.S. Will Be Charged With a Felony "What If?" Ron Paul Asks The Two Most Important Words
Who will pay California's bills? The Authoritarian Impulse: Getting What We Really Don’t Want Hillary Criticizes Obama's Syria Policy, Says "We Should've Done More" Turns out Obama was the real Russian stooge Migrants are being sold at open slave markets in Libya Piers Morgan: Why Isn't Christian Genocide 'Dominating' Mainstream Media? Sweden: The Silence of the Feminists Trump Refuses To Sign G7 Statement Endorsing Paris Climate Agreement France: Migrants Torch New Migrant Camp 34 Days After Torching Last Migrant Camp China Threatens To Bomb North Korea's Nuclear Facilities If It Crosses Beijing's "Bottom Line" North Korean Ships Head Home After China Orders Coal Returned Cuba after Fidel Castro: Full of life, but it is life on the brink of death
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