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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Wednesday, June 21. 2017Wednesday morning links Black bears can be aggressive, but usually not. Lots of Black Bears in the Northeastern woods nowadays. Patagonia Clothing Does Not Want Conservative Business=> CEO Pledges Resistance to President Trump There goes half their customer base Tesla car battery production releases as much CO2 as 8 years of gasoline driving Stephen Hawking: The solution to climate change is to get the hell off planet Earth The New ‘Consensus’ On Global Warming – a shocking admission by “Team Climate” Sanders to Supporter: Act in ‘Unprecedented’ Ways, Fight Back in Every Way That You Can Antifa Website Encourages ‘All Manner of Physical Violence’ Against Trump Supporters and Capitalists Prof Who Made Belligerent Appearance On Tucker Carlson Tonight Suspended Indefinitely Sen. Feinstein Is Ready To Accept The ‘Heckler’s Veto’ Of Free Speech On College Campuses But would she accept mine? UPenn Students Study 'Denial and Unconscious Bias' in Summer Course For $4000 they will explain to you why you are going to hell The idea that the Court "should have more carefully balanced the interests of free speech with the strong public policy against prejudice and discrimination." WashPost Buries Illegal Status on Salvadoran Killer of Teenage Muslim Girl in Virginia Critics rip University of California for favoring illegal immigrants over out-of-state Americans Washington Post: Hey, Maybe Single Payer Isn’t Such A Great Idea Blue State Blues: Illinois Comptroller: "The State Can No Longer Function, We Have Reached A New Phase Of Crisis" Minimum Wage Madness Begins to Kill Off California’s Restaurant Industry Scott Johnson: Don't subpoena me, Bro David Brooks: Let's not get carried away with scandal mongering Even when I agree with him, his sanctimony puts me off Greg Gutfeld Finds Perfect Medication For Delusional 2-Time Election Loser Hillary Clinton: Lingerex Pundit hates Trump intensely, but has no argument with policies Roger Simon: Hollywood YUUUGE Loser in Georgia Sixth Trackbacks
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In other news, an effort by the combined forces of the Democrat Party, Hollywood and media powerhouses and newcomer Mattel, to introduce the new, metrosexual Ken Doll to Congress, have failed miserably despite spending a record $26 million in Georgia.
I couldn't believe how transparently the MSM was spinning the disaster for the Dems last night. There was some other race the Dems lost in S. Carolina or somewhere like that, and the radio news as I was driving home was saying it showed Trump was vulnerable because the Democrat did not lose as badly as he was predicted to lose. I laughed out loud at that one.
"David Brooks: Let's not get carried away with scandal mongering
Even when I agree with him, his sanctimony puts me off" ____________________________________ Canadian metrosexuals with homo-erotic fixations on men's pant creases (more likely he was fixated on "crotch-bulge") as a means of determining the quality of a person, tend to do that! Tesla car batteries:
What isn't said in the article is that the CO2 that was released was essentially from the energy used to mine, refine, transport, manufacture, assemble and install those batteries. In other words instead of saving energy electric cars use more energy in their lifetime than a internal combustion engine would. This is the problem with all of the so-called "sustainable" green solutions. QUOTE: Tesla car battery production releases as much CO2 as 8 years of gasoline driving "Tesla will power its Gigafactory with a 70-megawatt solar farm." Problem solved. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure it will.
Sam L: Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure it will.
No, it is true. We will also have fairy wing wind farms and magic pixie dust furnaces. Science commands this. Problem solved. Lack of trust in Tesla.
Sam L.
2017-06-21 14:33
Sam L: Lack of trust in Tesla.
Turns out that Tesla actually makes electric cars, and their Gigafactory has already started production, and while it is quite possible they could fail, the factual existence of the Gigafactory is stronger evidence than "Is not!"
2017-06-21 14:41
The Tesla-Panasonic battery gigafactory is falling far short of the economic impact projections on jobs and capital investment used to persuade lawmakers to approve a record-breaking tax incentive package for the project, according to an analysis by the Reno Gazette-Journal.
2017-06-21 15:02
A little dated. Once the Gigafactory is fully operational, it will employ 6500 people, with thousands more jobs generated locally. Solar City is expected to employ an additional thousand people as well.
2017-06-21 16:35
2017-06-21 19:38
"This is the problem with all of the so-called "sustainable" green solutions."
The problem is the same. In the process of making PV panels; the mining, refining, forming the PV cellls, manufacturing the panels, transportation, installation and maintenance uses more energy than the panels can ever produce! Stunning! This is why all PV installations, commercial and private, demand and require massive government subsidies. It isn't sustainable!!! GoneWithTheWind: The problem is the same. In the process of making PV panels; the mining, refining, forming the PV cellls, manufacturing the panels, transportation, installation and maintenance uses more energy than the panels can ever produce!
That is incorrect. Energy payback for solar is 1 to 4 years, with a working lifespan of about 30 years. "...on the sun." Finished that sentence for ya, Zach!
The Distributist: "...on the sun." Finished that sentence for ya
"Energy payback for solar is 1 to 4 years, with a working lifespan of about 30 years ... 'on the sun'." Have no idea what you are trying to say.
2017-06-21 14:18
QUOTE: Have no idea what you are trying to say. That's because of your singular focus on talking points. Prevents the imagination gland from getting proper lubrication... Just because you quote things doesn't make any of what you say true. Global cooling/ warming/ climate change has never been proven to be caused by US, despite the continuous rhetoric. One of the biggest scams of our time. All the wasted capital and effort.
Joe Luke
2017-06-21 13:43
Joe Luke: Just because you quote things doesn't make any of what you say true.
Quite so, which is why we reference the scientific evidence. Joe Luke: Global cooling/ warming/ climate change has never been proven to be caused by US, despite the continuous rhetoric. You might start with Arrhenius, On the Influence of Carbonic Acid in the Air upon the Temperature of the Ground, London, Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science 1896.
2017-06-21 14:20
That computation is based on the post subsidy costs. If you have to pay full price with no government subsidy you can never make a profit. Also the life span might be 30 years but the PV cell loses 2%-3% of it's power producing capacity each year. When examined objectively PV simply is not sustainable.
2017-06-21 23:36
GoneWithTheWind: That computation is based on the post subsidy costs.
Your claim concerned energy costs, not monetary costs. You may want to acknowledge your previous error before discussing your new claim. GoneWithTheWind: Also the life span might be 30 years but the PV cell loses 2%-3% of it's power producing capacity each year. Photovoltaic degradation is generally less than 1% per year, and new technologies will be cheaper and more reliable. See Jordan et al., Compendium of photovoltaic degradation rates, Progress in Photovoltaics 2016.
2017-06-22 08:38
"energy costs! monetary costs!" You don't see a connection? What I am saying is that you lied and the stats you qouted are lies because they effectively ignore that a large percentage of the cost of PV installations are heavily subsidized. DUH!
As for the claim that new breakthroughs and technology will improve PV I can tell you that I got my first PV cells in 1955 and have been a big fan of PV ever sense and have watched the press releases these 60 plus years about PV and the one thing they have always said and continue to say is that a technological breakthrough is right around the corner. They continue to disappoint.
2017-06-22 10:52
GoneWithTheWind: "energy costs! monetary costs!"
This was your claim: "In the process of making PV panels; the mining, refining, forming the PV cellls, manufacturing the panels, transportation, installation and maintenance uses more energy than the panels can ever produce!" That claim was false. GoneWithTheWind: I got my first PV cells in 1955 and have been a big fan of PV ever sense and have watched the press releases these 60 plus years about PV and the one thing they have always said and continue to say is that a technological breakthrough is right around the corner. They continue to disappoint. Modern photovoltaics are far less expensive and far more efficient than those made in 1955.
2017-06-22 13:11
2017-06-22 13:38
QUOTE: The New ‘Consensus’ On Global Warming – a shocking admission by “Team Climate” The research paper is being misrepresented. What the researchers found is that models match observations when accounting for differences between projected post-2000 forcings and actual post-2000 forcings. Also, the claim that there has been a hiatus in global warming is false. From the same lead author, see Santer et al., Tropospheric Warming Over The Past Two Decades, Nature Scientific Reports 2017. bastionofliberty.blogspot.com/2017/06/the-great-global-warming-swindle.html all free from Liberty's Torch.
indyjonesouthere: bastionofliberty.blogspot.com/2017/06/the-great-global-warming-swindle.html
Can you provide a scientific citation rather than a polemic? Go to the indicated website and watch....that can't be too hard, and it's fine reference material for all....and...it's from climate scientists, some of which are IPCC contributors.
It also has charts and graphs for your viewing pleasure.
2017-06-21 15:28
indyjonesouthere: Go to the indicated website and watch....
What you mean is that you can't provide a scientific citation rather than a polemic. indyjonesouthere: that can't be too hard There's no transcript, so replying would require transcription.
2017-06-21 16:26
Reply to the data...or is that too hard for the zachborg. The data says that CO2 follows temperature by 800 years and that's part of their climate model...and notice it is model and not multiple modelsssss. It also includes sunspot activity ( in the model as well as cloud cover and cosmic rays) Are those in you model or does it require multiple models? If you choose to ignore the model then it does show that, like the typical AGW promoter, you need the money and power far more than the reality. Heh, I double dog dare you to get to the site and watch.
2017-06-21 16:43
indyjonesouthere: The data says that CO2 follows temperature by 800 years and that's part of their climate model
CO2, like many feedback mechanisms, is both a cause and effect. Warm oceans hold less CO2 than cool oceans, so warming will cause an increase in atmospheric CO2 which causes more warming. Cool oceans hold more CO2 than warm oceans, so cooling will cause a decrease in atmospheric CO2 which causes more cooling. A positive feedback. This is supported by studies of past ice ages. You have to account for the ice albedo effect, as well as CO2 forcing, to explain Earth's climate history. indyjonesouthere: It also includes sunspot activity ( in the model as well as cloud cover and cosmic rays) Solar activity is an input to climate models. If the sun were to unexpectedly dim, climate models could predict what would happen to Earth's climate, but they don't predict the event itself. Similarly, if there were an increase in volcanic activity, climate models could predict what would happen to Earth's climate, but they don't predict the event itself. There is some talk that the sun will be entering a minimum. But even if so, the signal from the drop in solar activity is several times lower than the signal from greenhouse warming.
2017-06-21 18:56
Wrong Zach....CO2 levels follows warming by 800 years...800 big ones. Now who was churning out all that co2 800 years ago? Yep it was the sun and we were not even here to see that sun churning out todays co2. You and Al Gore have the cart 800 years before the horse. The charts and graphs don't lie...only the money and power brokers, who feed at the taxpayer trough, along with the scientists and universities scooping up that cash as now they have a job if they just create the proper outcome.... carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is the result of global warming and the sun is the driver of warming. Just look up tomorrow and you'll likely see it if the cosmic rays haven't helped cloud the sky to shade you and your perspective.
2017-06-21 20:10
indyjonesouthere: Now who was churning out all that co2 800 years ago?
Atmospheric CO2 has been relatively stable for thousands of years, until the Industrial Age. indyjonesouthere: Yep it was the sun and we were not even here to see that sun churning out todays co2. Um, no.
2017-06-21 21:05
CO2 is neither stable in the atmosphere or in the water or in organic material. CO2 is a changing percentage in all three. CO2 does NOT create temperature change but instead temperature changes create changes in CO2 in the air. Its all in the graphs and charts but that ruins the globalist demand for more taxpayer money for the rent seekers and more jobs for otherwise useless scientific researchers. This entire dysfunctional Malthusian, zero population growth, environmental gibberish is just an excuse for shaking down the taxpayer, killing capitalism and placing more power in the hand of politicians that think islands can be tipped over in the pacific or tribal chiefs that need a fresh new bank account in Switzerland or globalists that need a new revenue stream. Gore even shows the temperature and CO2 graphs but fails to point out that CO2 is 800 years behind the temperature change. The greed for money and power in the AGW establishment is criminal and unethical....and will be found out.
2017-06-21 23:02
indyjonesouthere: CO2 does NOT create temperature change but instead temperature changes create changes in CO2 in the air.
CO2 is a greenhouse gas. Without the greenhouse effect, the Earth's surface would be a chilly≈ -18°C rather than the balmy ≈+15°C that it is. You can determine this from first principles by calculating the graybody temperature of the Earth.
2017-06-22 08:30
What the researchers found is that models match observations when accounting for differences between projected post-2000 forcings and actual post-2000 forcings.
Nope, nice try. The models were wrong and did not predict or match observations/reality until "adjustments" were made after the fact. Therefore, their "climate models" have/had little predictive vaiue for the future. The scam is unraveling, kiddiez. drowningpuppies: The models were wrong and did not predict or match observations/reality until "adjustments" were made after the fact.
That's not what the paper found, so the paper is being misrepresented. The amount of forcings are external to the model itself. If there is a volcanic eruption which cooled the climate that doesn’t mean the model was wrong. That would be like saying Newton’s model of motion is wrong because the wind velocity acting on the missile was higher than expected. To test the model, you input the corrected wind velocity and see if the model matches what happened. IThat's not what the paper found,...
THAT'S WHAT Y'ALL JUST TYPED. What the researchers found is that models match observations when accounting for differences between projected post-2000 forcings and actual post-2000 forcings. Over at the Cove, y'all typed: What the authors found was that the differences over the last two decades were because estimates of forcings were not accurate. When substituting the actual forcings, there the models and observations reasonably agree. Of course they do, after the fact, kiddiez. Why would anyone think their models will be any better at predicting in the future? drowningpuppies: Why would anyone think their models will be any better at predicting in the future?
Climate models don't predict volcanoes, but they can predict climatic effects if a volcano erupts. Volcanic activity is an input to the model. If there is a volcanic eruption which cooled the climate that doesn’t mean the model was wrong. That would be like saying Newton’s model of motion is wrong because the wind velocity acting on the missile was higher than expected. To test the model, you input the corrected wind velocity and see if the model matches what happened.
2017-06-21 18:58
But y'all keep repeating your non-argument and trying to move the goalpost.
So is it y'alls contention that although the "climate" scientists who have berated skeptics repeatedly and lied to the public that there was no "pause" or "hiatus" in global warming for the last 15 years or so, are lying now or were they lying then? Why did it take all these many years to "adjust" their models and admit to their uncertainties? Just how many volcanoes have erupted over the last 20 years or so? They have used their uncertain models to project out for more than 20 years. Please explain why they should be taken seriously. The scam is unraveling.
2017-06-21 20:00
drowningpuppies: But y'all keep repeating your non-argument and trying to move the goalpost.
No. The goalposts are exactly where they have been. The original post misrepresented the finding of Santer et al. drowningpuppies: re was no "pause" or "hiatus" in global warming for the last 15 years or so, are lying now or were they lying then? There has been no stop of global warming. However, observed warming has been slower than expected. Some of this is due to observational limitations. Some is due to internal variability. And as this paper showed, some is due to differences in post-2000 forcings.
2017-06-21 21:16
Zzzz: However, observed warming has been slower than expected. Some of this is due to observational limitations. Some is due to internal variability. And as this paper showed, some is due to differences in post-2000 forcings.
Nope. It's fudging the numbers, kidz...
2017-06-22 11:46
drowningpuppies: Nope. It's fudging the numbers
Which numbers are those? Please be specific.
2017-06-22 13:12
There's so many but just off the top of my head you kidz might want check on Karl et.al (2015) adjustments of sea surface temperatures.
2017-06-22 16:14
drowningpuppies: might want check on Karl et.al (2015) adjustments of sea surface temperatures.
And what precisely do you find wrong with Karl 2015? Has there been a research paper which calls Karl 2015 into question?
2017-06-22 16:17
Fudging the numbers, kidz.
2017-06-22 17:41
drowningpuppies: Fudging the numbers
specific, clearly defined or identified. You could say the same thing about any set of numbers with equal specificity; your personal budget, your homework, your age. You have to address the numbers in the particular scientific paper in order to be specific.
2017-06-23 08:26
Well when Karl et. al increased buoy temps by .12C to "eliminate a cooling bias" and then come to the conclusion that the sea surface temps are .12C warmer than previous calculations, um, one could consider that fudging the numbers.
More fudging here: http://www.rossmckitrick.com/uploads/4/8/0/8/4808045/mckitrick_comments_on_karl2015_r1.pdf
2017-06-23 23:39
drowningpuppies: More fudging here
McKitrick: "This example proves nothing about K15, of course, except that small changes in assumptions about how to deal with uncertainties in the data can have a large effect on the final results." Sounds more like a problem of an attempt to tease a trend out of tenuous data, not a matter of fudging. McKitrick: "Are the new K15 adjustments correct? Obviously it is not for me to say this is something that needs to be debated by specialists in the field." Even your own citation doesn't say the results are wrong, only that they should be looked at by other scientists more closely. And scientists have, indeed, looked at the evidence closely, reinforcing Karl 2015's original findings. See Hausfather et al., Assessing recent warming using instrumentally homogeneous sea surface temperature records, Science Advances 2017.
2017-06-24 09:11
Reinforcing Karl , hardly. More fudging
2017-06-24 13:50
Please see below.
2017-06-25 08:58
"2 fatal maulings in 2 days by Alaska black bears
Black bears can be aggressive, but usually not. Lots of Black Bears in the Northeastern woods nowadays." Yup. We have lots of them rambling about the woods here in the Ottawa Valley. I've had one or two stop by the bottom of my garden in the springtime. I think there's a popular tendency by folks who ought to know better to underestimate black bears, you know: "Well, they're not like those big grizzly bears and they're more afraid of you than you are of them". Sure they are. They're still big, powerful animals. Just let 'em be if you know what's good for you. When I lived in Alaska everyone carried a handgun. Fishing, camping, hunting and just out walking, everyone carried a gun. They have a marathon up there that follows a trail through the woods and the participants carry a gun with them. I camp in the woods in the lower 48 and I carry a gun. Not in established campgrounds but when out in the boonies.
I carry a gun when I walk my dog in the morning.
Admittedly it's either a .380 or a 9mm subcompact, and I'm more worried about 2 legs than 4, but still. "Stephen Hawking: The solution to climate change is to get the hell off planet Earth"
Even the most brilliant scientific mind can sometimes blur the distinction between science and scientism. We need to explain for the unscientistically educated. Force matchings are how we invoke The Force when we need to fudge numbers to make our pants-shittingly fearsome bird entrail readings match our political agenda of the day. For more or less details, see Santa et al., Tropospheric Warming Over The Past Two Decades, Nature Scientific Reports 2017
Niggle, naggle. Mr. Sackriel is not a scrote. I like 'im. We need a thunderous voice here in the wilderness. Gots to call 'em like you sees 'em sometimes. Gots to have balance, don't gotta be fair.
Perhaps my ignorant voice is 3rd? Regards, red It was meant as a droll compliment to a satirist. Maybe drollness and satire don't mix.
I see that I failed at my miserable attempt to be a droll satirist. Droll and satire mix like peanut butter and jelly. I am terribly upset and apoplectic if I offended you, Bill. I was trying to be humorous and I know that I don't seem to together on this end...but I was not offering criticism re your comment.
I do enjoy Nut's point of view. Refreshing. It is like they gotta special code that the print broadcast media distribute to all the family members. They all get on that same page with some frequently. I am astounded by some of the mind set. Too many drugs, I do think. Possibly LSD or other hallucinagenetic. And the brainwashing. Lotta Manchurians running around loose. I am just here, way out in right field, for the show. I love reading Zackoff getting an anus transplant daily. Fun is where you find it. Regards, red
2017-06-21 23:38
Absolutely no offense Red. The entire internet, with the possible exception of Newegg, Amazon and Ebay, is tongue in cheek with me. After cheating death several times over 86 years (the details would bore you), I refuse to take much of anything seriously.
2017-06-22 10:46
Study supports Trump: 5.7 million noncitizens may have cast illegal votes
http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/jun/19/noncitizen-illegal-vote-number-higher-than-estimat/ Michael Brown’s parents settle wrongful death lawsuit against Ferguson
QUOTE: The settlement amount was not disclosed, but U.S. District Judge E. Richard Webber of the Eastern District of Missouri said he was satisfied that the agreement was fair to the parties and compliant with the law. “The gross settlement amount is fair and reasonable compensation for this wrongful death claim and is in the best interest of each Plaintiff,” Webber wrote. He added that it provided a reasonable amount for attorney fees and expenses, and said the split between Brown’s parents was proper. The judge ordered the agreement sealed under Missouri’s Sunshine Law, saying Brown’s parents could be harmed if it were revealed to the public. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/06/21/michael-browns-parents-settle-wrongful-death-lawsuit-against-ferguson/?utm_term=.3376ab674b52 If it was for more than a dollar then the taxpayers got stiffed by the "parents" of the stiff and by the judge.
emails sent to both Evergreen College and Patagonia, thanking them for eliminating themselves from any of my future spending.
I know I am likely relieving myself into the wind on this, but if several thousand of us threaten to not do business with these entities that are hostile to our values, then they will get the message and might change. I can dream, can't I? drowningpuppies: http://us.blastingnews.com/news/2017/01/despite-new-study-global-warming-pause-still-going-strong-001372293.html
That's funny. "but land temps still show a global warming pause" which links to a story about satellite measurements of the troposphere. The article is wrong in the very first sentence. You might consider citing an actual scientific paper rather than an open source news blog. More important, have you ever considered your own views skeptically, rather than looking for articles that agree with you no matter how removed from actual scientific research? |