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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Friday, June 16. 2017Friday morning links
In praise of pachyderms - Conserve elephants. My Relationship With My Husband Is the Bedrock of Our Family, Not My Relationship with My Kids My Trip to a Marijuana Dispensary, the Happiest Place in Boulder Imagine no possessions... Except copyrights... Cook County businesses warn customers about upcoming sugar beverage tax Why not include fruit drinks? They are pure sugar too THE MAD OPULENCE OF DUBAI, FROM WATER VILLAS TO FAKE FORESTS Besieged by the tolerance bullies: If we’re ever to roll back this insanity we’re going to have to show some solidarity with the victims of homofascism and transfascism 'The cold biological truth is that sex changes are impossible,' says Camille Paglia Duh. But fantasy is powerful stuff. Humans are all about fantasy. First transgender woman runs for office in Virginia Experts warned government against cladding material used on Grenfell They did it to save the planet The Disappearing Valedictorian: Another Victim of the Participation Trophy Generation? It can be true that some people take gut courses to win that race A Second Evergreen Professor Speaks Out American Prospect wonders whether people are responsible for their debts Fred On Everything is fed up with ghetto culture Is he allowed to say that? Prometheus Bound: How Regulations Stifle a U.S. Manufacturing Renaissance ESPN Host Says NFL Injects Politics ‘By Playing The National Anthem’ Fernandez on political antiquities:
One of the many perils of too much government: the belief government is necessary for happiness Exactly THE NEW YORK TIMES’ KNACK FOR MISIDENTIFYING COLLUDERS WITH RUSSIA - A sordid story of hypocrisy and double standards. Clinton Crew Dripping In Russian Entanglements While Deep State Rolls Snake Eyes On Trump Hinderaker: The “far right”? I guess they mean people like me. The stunning truth is that the American political and media establishment allowed a phony story – that they knew was phony — to dominate our political discourse for months.... For Democrats, it's come down to 'Just Get Someone' MUELLER PURSUES OBSTRUCTION CASE AGAINST TRUMP - The collusion claim didn’t work, so the special prosecutor shifts gears. Special counsel is investigating Jared Kushner’s business dealings Can The President Be Criminally Prosecuted For Exercising His Constitutional Duties? Further Thoughts Presidential Historian: Deep State Operatives Are Attempting Coup d’état of US President EU Reaches Bailout Agreement with Greece . . . Again Comments
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The other morning on CNN they had a law professor and some former deputy assistant something-or-other from the DoJ on discussing the possibility of impeachment charges against Trump, both of them used the term "treason" in describing what they insist is Trump's collusion with Putin in rigging the election. And Chris Cuomo - a lawyer - never piped up and mentioned that "treason" is narrowly defined right in the Constitution itself and anybody using that term is either an idiot or a liar. It's hard to tell with Cuomo if he himself is an idiot or a liar so why CNN allowed these two the airtime to spread such nonsense is a debatable point, but the only reason I watch CNN is to marvel at how much of what passes for news reporting there is pure propaganda.
I consider "are people responsible for their debts" an unanswerable question. What is answerable is the question "can people continue to borrow money if no one believes they are responsible for their debts" and "can we sustain our current level of prosperity if we remove the mechanism of borrowing, or at least consumer-borrowing." The second question is particularly tricky. Borrowing in business, which is to say allocating capital to a new use that generates more than enough income (on average) to compensate the capital's owner for its use, makes total sense to me. It's far less obvious that it's helpful to either the individual or the economy for consumers to outspend their incomes more or less permanently.
The one we're in now, yes, actually. We had a mortgage of less than $70K on our starter, purchased in the mid-1980s. We paid it off in the mid-90s and never have had a mortgage since.
Homes are the one area where it probably makes sense to borrow for consumption, because the asset is so long-lived, and you'd be paying rent anyway, and there's at least a decent chance you'll luck out on the appreciation in value. But frankly, many people buy who should rent--generally buying WAY too much house--and then get in trouble with the mortgage. We've never borrowed to buy cars, appliances, vacations, or anything of that sort. Those are not income-generating investments by any stretch. As distasteful as this may seem, the freedom to succeed caries with it the freedom to fail. The people at question in your response made explicit agreements that they would pay back the money they borrowed with interest. Maybe this was a good deal for them, maybe not, but they still made the decision to borrow the money and take on the duty of repaying it.
The terrifying implication of the line of reasoning that the author of the article is pursuing is that judges should be allowed to decide cases based on what they think the law should be, not on the language the legislatures actually passed. I've stopped many of my leftist friends in their tracks with "wouldn't this mean a conservative judge should be able to prevent a woman from getting an abortion if he decides it's not in her best interest?" The usual response is that that is just an argument against allowing conservatives to be judges. On one level I agree with you; obviously your word should be good; obviously you should pay your debts. But when I'm addressing someone who doesn't share my ideological convictions, we just shout past each other when we deal with the question on that level. Where we might conceivably reach an agreement is on the practical effects of putting into place a pragmatic social arrangement in which people aren't responsible for their debts. I often wonder how people think that's really going to work out for them.
The sugar tax is the inevitable result of the crazies effort to label sugar as harmful and the politicians effort to take advantage of any opportunity to raise taxes or implement regulations. It has zippo to do with health or science.
It has, in an incredibly odd and almost unbelievable way, created a special class; food stamp recipients. Wait for it... People on food stamps using them to buy sodas to sell to those who cannot avoid the tax so that they will have money to buy alcohol and drugs. Another win for the big alt-left swamp. "ESPN Host Says NFL Injects Politics by playing the national anthem"
After Kaepernick caused some serious losses in viewership one would think that the NFL and ESPN would be smarter than this. But, no! They want another bite of that apple. I suppose that football is popular enough that nothing would cause some people to turn it off but I predict that if the NFL or any of the other spoiled millionaire sports leagues chooses intentionally to stop playing the anthem that there will be a price to pay. Go ahead NFL stop playing the national anthem. Replace saluting the flag with the black power salute. Go ahead! I dare you!! "Why not include fruit drinks? They are pure sugar too "
Last year the Dutch government imposed a "health tax" or whatever it's called on all soft drinks to "combat obesity". This tax hits every beverage that either has sugar in it or is carbonated. So it also includes bottled water, which is now apparently a serious cause of obesity according to the Dutch department of health... 'The cold biological truth is that sex changes are impossible'
It's amazing that there would be any question about this. "But ma FEELZ!!!" doesn't override basic biology, much as some might think it should.
I think the concerns about valedictorian are overstated. Competition hasn't been eliminated. Worthy achievements can be lauded for several.
Class rank is important, but it's not needed to the level of precision the author of this article suggests. And remember, this is the author who wrote, "The early competition between Anne and Gilbert undoubtedly helped further the success both enjoyed later in life." despite the fact that both characters are FICTIONAL. If the President can be criminally prosecuted for exercising his Constitutional duties, then this is definitely no longer the United States, and we are currently living in an illusion.
Why are you still pointing to WaPo 'anonymous leak' stories as fact? We just found out that NYT stories were FAKES about Trump being under investigation. Have you learned NOTHING?
We don't know what Mueller is doing and to trust that the Washington Post knows is just ridiculous. They don't. I know they just HATE Trump. This 'story' appeared a few hours after the devastating, targeted shooting of Congressman by an unhinged lefty Bernie follower. Do you not see the timing as suspect? I do. All the WaPo had to do was take Comey's testimony and spin it as negatively as possible. As in, they have 'source' within DOJ or FBI or possibly Comey himself, taking the statement about 'hope' from his testimony last week and extrapolating that b/c of that single bit of testimony that the Special Counsel 'for sure' must be adding 'obstruction of justice' to their investigation. NONSENSE. And Dep. AG's statement from late last night confirmed this - nonsense. Don't trust leaks. Yet, Maggie's Farm is trusting leaks. At least present the story as suspect and unknown. We have no idea what is truly happening with Special Counsel. Washington Post doesn't know. And if these were real leaks from within the Special Counsel office, they would be undermining their own investigation and perhaps tainting the result. Why in the heck would they risk that? Sigh. Oh, and by the way, Trump's tweet DOES NOT CONFIRM the story at all. Trump would NOT have inside knowledge about what Mueller is pursuing, or he would be involved in behind-the-scenes work on this case and it would be tainted as well. Trump was merely responding to the crazy WaPo story as he always does with other crazy 'anonymous sources' stories: he throws out his tweets to distract and drive the media batty. Meanwhile, he continues tearing Obama 'legacy' down to the studs. When I was in high school six decades ago the various awards were handed out to the "right kids". It took grade manipulation but that was common. Every teacher knew that you couldn't give one of the "honor students" anything less than an 'A' so they simply manipulated the grading process.
Back then the right kids were the athletes and cheer leaders, the children of prominent people and doctors and lawyers and of course the children of teachers. Over the years the only real change is that now "the right kids" must be kids of color, females and/or immigrants. The Disappearing Valedictorian: Another Victim of the Participation Trophy Generation?
The high school I attended in the '60s did not have a valedictorian. About ten percent of its graduates went on to Ivy League schools or to similar elite schools. As a classmate put it to me last year, the school tone was set by Harvard wannabees. Conclusion: the lack of a valedictorian does not necessarily indicate a school has de-emphasized academic achievement. I am guessing Fred never met Larry Elder. Larry (and me) hate stereotyping people. The majority of these kids are not idiots. They get stuck with them and the smart miscreants. Big F'n difference. Men, great men from the ghetto joined the military and died for our freedoms. Funny that POS never mentions THEM.
"hate stereotyping people"
Yeah, yeah! We get it your virtue signaling is done. maybe you haven't read much of Fred. He is no racist, he is no POS, he is not PC, he is outspoken, he speaks uncomfortable truths. It is all well and good to point to a few success stories and then declare that we can ignore the reality. But there is a real problem. We need to deal with it and by mislabeling the problem or simply not being able to state what the problem is will work against us. The problem IS the black culture. When I was a young man 50 years or so ago black families were mostly intact. In that 50 years we have destroyed that and created a culture of dependence, crime, violence, complacency and hate. This is what Fred is pointing out. THIS is what needs to be fixed. We really need to fix it. I do not think more "free stuff" is the answer. I don't think giving a posthumous aeronautical science degree to a thug and criminal is the way to do it. We are making bad decisions exactly because we refuse to accept the facts and prefer to sing Kumbaya and virtue signal. So be it; it will get worse. I apologize for calling Fred a POS. I never called him a racist.
1. White people have guns but don't kill each other. I hope you don't believe that. Yes black violence is out of control and they have a higher murder rate by far in the present. But only in that context. One could make a valid argument in regards to war that whites are more violent. The homicide rate in England in the 15th century was similar to present day Baltimore. One could argue that war and violence is a form of eugenics. 2. Pornographic lyrics. David Allan Coe's Cumstains on the pillow. "Nothing Sacred" was released in 1978. I am sure he was not the first but the album comes to mind. Now this musician is fringe. But he exists. 3. Education. The poor white underclass does not value formal education either. In fact they purposely hold their offspring back for a bigger check. SSI fraud is rampant in the white underclass. 4. Fred does not discuss nutrition which I believe is harming poor people. They eat garbage. Garbage in, garbage out. 5. Black families and marriage. Fred gets super deep on that one "whites are not their mother". How many fathers were thrown in jail and denied opportunity through marijuana laws? When I was 18 the local cops would not arrest you for weed. They would put in on the ground and grind it into oblivion. Then they would still arrest you for something trivial. Pay the lawyer (more than most blacks earn in two months) and there would be no record. It certainly did not hurt that Dad, the lawyer and judge were golfing buddies. I am not saying it was racist as the poor are always at a disadvantage in the legal system. White fathers knew it was a worthwhile investment. The judge knew your family and your family were regarded as productive members of society. Black families were judged on the sins of their fathers who even if they could afford the best lawyer they would not cater to THEM. It did not matter that he was once a master of golf course maintenance. He was now a criminal who smoked marijuana and was now a danger to society. I live in a inner ring suburb. The cooks, maids, gardeners and drivers were mostly black. They had opportunity to advance. That is gone thanks to white liberals and lax immigration enforcement. Their only salvation was through big government. The left has succeeded in that capacity. |
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