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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, June 13. 2017Tuesday morning links
Why Is the Speed of Light So Slow? Why Derek Jeter doesn’t feel prepared for fatherhood Euthanasia for existential anguish? GuideStar Marks Family Research Council as a 'Hate Group' 'Horrendous storm' to hit stocks, Wall Street not rational: David Stockman NYT: Stop pretending you're not rich Militant Homosexuality: Leftist Politics by Other Means Rolling Stone settles rape hoax case Puerto Rico votes in favor of statehood But the US doesn't want them. Why would we? Give it back to Spain. WaPo Writes Islamic Terrorism Out Of The Pulse Nightclub Shooting Robert Mueller should step aside: Friends shouldn’t be investigating friends Best pals, gunning for the rebel Trump. The empire strikes back. Steyn: Comey is a 6'8" gummy worm Best comment I've seen: Comey said that, as he was leaving the room with Trump, Trump grabbed his pussy Comey Suspected of Other Leaks to the New York Times Dating Back to at Least March Trump Is Beating the Media at Its Own Game Kimball: Trumping the narrative
Senator Graham: Trump may 'go down' because of inappropriate statements Trackbacks
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That "speed of light" article was odd. Do the authors really not know that what we call the speed of light is a maximum, but it's no great trouble to slow it? How does he think a lens works?
The speed of light in water is .75c. The linked article that photons were slowed in a vacuum. Please read before poasting.
Yer a nut and a Loon. and stop bating me. So
The light was slowed when it passed through some kind of liquid crystal substance or array, according to the article. But it's true that it's odd that they managed to produce a reduced speed that survived even after the light had gone through the "mask" and was continuing in the open space beyonde--not that the author of the cover article seemed to have a clue about this aspect of the news. He gave the impression that the fact that the light had slowed at all was the news.
Good Samaritans -- Usta wuz in China saving a life got you a servant of whatever quality and a mouth to feed. I hear it was often avoided.
Guide Star, don't you know the SPLC is itself a hate group? I learned that years ago.
Stop Pretending You're Not Rich: In the NYT! Someone MUST be fired for letting this in. Mr. Trump is a one-man flash-bang grenade, distracting the media to give himself time to do what he wants. I am wondering if Sessions testimony today will end Russia investigation once and for all. Or if he will bring evidence/testimony that will pound Comey into the dirt. Or also wondering if Mueller and Comey so chummy and have history of leaking, could Mueller be another person who helped Comey leak to the press? Rosenstein appointed Mueller very very quickly. Just something odd there.
I looked up Rosenstein's background. He went to Wharton School, Trump's alma mater. I think he is a solid guy. He is also Republican and did work on corruption type cases early in his career. I think there is a lot more going on here then we are allowed to see... Sessions is too nice a guy to fight back. He makes an excellent grandfather figure but he will be like a lamb before lions (liars) in congress. The Republicans/Rinos in general are incredibly stupid. The Democrats created this fake issue, the MSM propped it up with fake news, the Rinos gave it credibility and the Republicans (who are not Rinos) either walked away from the fight or are sitting around wondering what is going on. There is nothing there. If there was some kind of actual Russian "interference" in the election it all occurred under Obama and it was known to some extent as it happened. It only became an issue once Hillary lost the election and it is intended to cripple the president and Republicans in congress. It is working as planned. It is a dishonest fraud almost as bad as the dishonest AGW fraud and the MSM is eating it up and the Millennials are falling for it hook line and sinker (as planned). We should have voted out the Rinos/never Trumpers. The swamp is fighting back.
I don't think Sessions is 'too nice.' Did you not watch his confirmation hearings? He was great and knows how to answer questions well. I think he just has 'southern charm,' which makes you think he is a grandpa type. Trump wouldn't have put him at DOJ without thinking he'd tear it up.
I have known a few shyster lawyers and lawyers who would take a pound of flesh. If I really needed a lawyer I would not look for a lawyer like sessions I would look for an outspoken, loud, bulldog lawyer. Sessions is a gentleman. What we need is an asshole. A real in your face take no shit A-hole. Not everyone will agree with me but THAT is where I think we are today and anything less just won't do.
It won't matter what Sessions says. The Alt-left Democrats in congress will make him look like a fool in the media. They will demand his resignation and before they are done most Americans will believe that Sessions himself betrayed the U.S. to Russia. And all this because he is a Southern soft spoken gentleman and the left are the loud mouthed A-holes who will get their message out there. I Believe that the odds today are 50:50 that Sessions will resign in the next 6 months. Not for any good or legitimate reason but simply because the Democrats will hound him out of office. Are We Nearing Civil War?
QUOTE: Trump has had many accomplishments since his election. Yet his enemies in the media and their deep state allies have often made a purgatory of his presidency. What he and his White House need to understand is that this is not going to end, that this is a fight to the finish, that his enemies will not relent until they see him impeached or resigning in disgrace. http://www.cnsnews.com/commentary/patrick-j-buchanan/are-we-nearing-civil-war I don't think so. I think we will all sit here and witness the left destroy Trump and as much of the country as they need to in order to do it and we will do nothing. Sure some will write in blogs about how pissed they are and a talking head or two will warn us that the silent majority isn't happy. But in the end we will be the lambs that we are being led by the wolves that the alt-left is. We will get a alt-left Democrat president and congress (that damned pendulum will swing) and this time they will open the borders bringing in enough left wing voters to forever nullify the right. There intent is to take what you have, your jobs, your savings, your retirement, your house, your future (because giving away free stuff for votes requires OPM). Eventually the alt-left will turn us into Venezuela. MAYBE... maybe then we will stand up and fight but it will be too late we will be outnumbered.
Yours is a plausible scenario, IdahoBob perhaps even the most likely.
I watched the rhetoric on the Right rise to white hot prior to the election. Maybe it was all bluster from the commenters who think, had they been there, they and John Wayne could have taken Iwo Jima all by themselves, but now, if push comes to shove, they need to let the other guy act because they have to think of the kids and the little lady. Maybe so. But this was the first election campaign I can recall where commenters on both sides were freely talking about killing those on the other side. It does lead me to wonder if we are sitting on a powder keg with an unknown unknown coming to set it off? I have a bit more hope than this, for a somewhat bizarre-seeming reason. It seems to me that the alt-left is sneaking up on individualism from the other side through intersectionality. "You have no right to judge me because you are not a left-handed Serbian lumberjack with flat feet and toe fungus" is eventually going to lead someone of their tribe to the amazing insight that all people are a unique compendium of individual wants, needs, values, desires, and experiences, and it will be marketed as a new revelation devoid of 400 years of enlightenment thought, but it will happen, and within a single generation.
Not too worried about leftists taking over with their mean girl tactics (at about 2:10). Follow to the end, it's glorious.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=cqjEhNvP1ys I hope you're right, but I have to worry about a movement of people who can march against those who are against Sharia Law while being pro-LGBT, feminism, etc. The fact that those people are not totally discredited and roundly viewed as loons for taking this position means that there are enough ignorant, power-hungry, and/or stupid people and in places of responsibility to be a real impediment sane governance.
Draining the swamp is only the beginning. There is a lot of work to be done elsewhere, too.
2017-06-13 14:40
A good share of the chaos and stupidity of the left can be ended by cutting off the flow of taxpayer money that big government lefties have built into the system. Trump and his cabinet have been finding many of these seeps and leaks and shutting them down. There are also legal means to go after the Soros type funders and means to deal with the judicial tyranny either through the supreme court or congress removing the jurisdiction of the courts to even rule on an issue.
2017-06-13 15:49
Policy changes and legal challenges are important but in the end, they are less important than a reasonable and critical public.
2017-06-13 17:22
"Organic" and "Pesticide free" are almost meaningless terms to me. Sure, we should test new chemicals for toxicity, but the reality is that we are exposed to a LOT of chemicals daily, even in an "all natural" environment. God gave us bodies that are usually pretty good at protecting us. I often feel that an obsession with germs or organic, etc are really part o f our psychological need to feel we are controlling our health, when for most of us, the health die is cast at conception.
B'Radical, I don't think "the health die is cast at conception" completely. I think there are quite a few factors that come into play, and sure, genes count for a lot, but you can also be well fed, get plenty of sunshine and exercise, and love your work, and you'll enjoy better health than if you smoke cigarettes and hate your job so you go to the bar after work every night, etc.
I agree, the health die - as with the intelligence die, the emotional die, and all other factors - are not totally cast at conception. But as we watch the grandbrats (totally have earned that title and are proud of it) grow up and interact (these are fairly young grands with 4 years and a couple of weeks between eldest and youngest of four), we are watching inate personalities hit parental expectations.
That's not new. Remember - back in the day - eyeing our offsprings and muttering "you are so like your cousins; it's obviously hereditary." Then remembered said cousins were adopted. Took a deep breath and said "...it's still heredatary." |