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Thursday, June 29. 2017Thursday morning links
A little early for summer squash around here, but there it is Growing concerns over great white shark boom off Cape Cod Never swim in the sea New Hampshire: 80-year-old woman attacked by bobcat while gardening Never go outdoors World’s Oldest Fossil Is Almost As Old As The Earth – Life Was Present On Earth Much Longer Than Previously Thought Chores Lead to Happy Children. So Why Do So Few Parents Require Them? Superman Is Jewish And the new Superwoman is an Israeli “Non-Binary” Now Legal Gender Option In Oregon Fecal Bacteria Found in Starbucks Iced Drinks Restore your gut flora at Starbucks Government medical care in the UK: Let him die Death is always cheaper Why Isn't There An Uber For Air Travelers? Ask The FAA Bring Back the Matriarchy Well, I could argue that WE live in a matriarchy Racial physics In DC, D.C.’s massive Woodner apartment building has lived many lives—from fancy hotel to one of the last bastions of affordable housing in a gentrifying neighborhood. Now, it’s on the brink of another change. Progressive Business Owner on Living Wage Law: ‘The arithmetic doesn’t work’ Low wage jobs are not meant to be living wages. They are entry-level. Higher min wage laws drive jobs out of the country, or just close businesses. Wonderful only for unions who peg wages to min wage. Bummer: World Has Only Three Years Left To Stop Hotcoldwetdry Southern Poverty Law Center “extremist” lists used “to silence speech and speakers” - Politico shines a light on mega-wealthy SPLC and how it bullies its political opponents E-Cigarettes: When Regulatory Overkill Actually Kills Did Votes By Noncitizens Cost Trump The 2016 Popular Vote? Sure Looks That Way CNN Now Propagandizing Against Travel Ban By Using Refugee Expert... Elmo the Muppet The Expert Strikes Back - Review of 'The Death of Expertise,' By Tom Nichols Claire McCaskill Used Undisclosed Foundation to Pay for Dinner at Russian Ambassador’s House HAVE YOU HUGGED A FRACKER TODAY? The Witch Hunters People hate to think about the evil inside themselves. It's called "externalizing" Poll: Plurality Of Americans Supports Single-Payer Health Care, But… Well, 130 million Americans use some form of government medical coverage already Despite What You've Heard, The Senate Bill Doesn't Slash, Gut, Or Even Cut Medicaid Democrat/MSM Collusion v the First Amendment and Liberty Why Hollywood Celebrities Couldn’t Help Jon Ossoff Win in Georgia "It Is The Presstitutes, Not Russia, Who Interfered In The US Presidential Election" VDH: The Late, Great Russian Collusion Myth
The Left Espouses Dangerously Stupid Health-Care Rhetoric New Project Veritas Video: Van Jones Admits Russia "A Big Nothingburger" FAKE NEWS CNN EDITOR LED NEW YORK TIMES INVESTIGATION OF TRUMP-RUSSIA Does the UK need a second Glorious Revolution? ISIS Fighters Returning To Europe Are Struggling To Get Jobs Good grief Hmm: China’s National Oil Firm Cuts Off North Korea China babysitting a nasty baby Canada isn't taking rejected refugees Sweden Will Force Priests to Perform Gay Marriages Against Their Will That is called tolerance EUROPE'S WAR ON THE INTERNET - EU Levies €2.4B fine on Google Trackbacks
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Superman is Jewish: Known to the comics community since, oh, about the 1940s. He was a couple of Jewish kids' conception of what a secular messiah would be. Alien in a strange land, trying to keep to the traditions of a no-longer extant homeland while maintaining an identity under which he would not be noticed or stand out....
Racial Physics: "I read something I didn't understand, so I interpreted it under the only filter I have, and sure enough, it encapsulated everything I agree with." And this passes for scholarship? QUOTE: Did Votes By Noncitizens Cost Trump The 2016 Popular Vote? Sure Looks That Way The original researchers say that such an extrapolation is not warranted from such a limited data-set due to measurement error. The conclusions of these sorts of "studies" have been rejected by other scholars in the field on methodological grounds. Zacnrirl[/b]: extrapolation
We lie with statistics very well. We just have established a connection between hotcoldwetdry and the Russian theft of our Hillary's rightful place in Herstory. When you have the Democrat president of the United States caught on tape on Hispanic TV urging illegals to vote and promising there would be no consequences, that's pretty conclusive proof of the magnitude of the voting fraud going on right there.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfgEvgVC6Qs This shows just how desperate and invested in voting fraud the Democrats were, that they had to have to president come in and commit a felony to try get the illegal vote out. Fortunately this is all now being investigated by the Justice Department. Jim: When you have the Democrat president of the United States caught on tape on Hispanic TV urging illegals to vote and promising there would be no consequences, that's pretty conclusive proof of the magnitude of the voting fraud going on right there.
"In the full interview, it’s clear Obama is urging Latino citizens to vote in order to give voice to members of their community who are precluded from doing so by lack of citizenship, not urging non-citizens to vote illegally." Virginia, California and Kentucky refuse to cooperate in federal voter fraud probe.
This pretty much verifies that widespread voter fraud is in fact going on. http://resistancereport.com/news/one-states-blocking-pences-voter-suppression-scheme/ Jim: Virginia, California and Kentucky refuse to cooperate in federal voter fraud probe.
If the Obama Administration were asking for complete voter lists from the states, the Right would be hyperventilating about black helicopters. I bet the cowardly Swede's won't force muslims to mary the gays.
QUOTE: "It Is The Presstitutes, Not Russia, Who Interfered In The US Presidential Election" Well, it turns out that the press is protected by the First Amendment, while a foreign adversary hacking into a major political party's emails then selectively releasing the emails for maximum political effect is a felony and a threat to sovereignty. Consider that Russia has used similar techniques against countries in Europe, and you have a threat to worldwide democratic institutions. drowningpuppies: Back to the "fake news" argument again
Have no idea what you are trying to argue. The mainstream media is sometimes wrong, but that is not the same as fake news, which is deliberate mistruths, or illegal hacking by a foreign adversary. Instead of waving your hands, why not try to make your position clear, that is, if you have a point to make. Y'all don't get to decide what is and what isn't fake news.
How's that myopia? drowningpuppies: Y'all don't get to decide what is and what isn't fake news.
How many legs does a dog have if you call his tail a leg?
2017-06-29 17:51
You always retreat to these fallacious soundbites.
What's it like to be wrong? DrTorch: You always retreat to these fallacious soundbites.
The comment brought up two issues. One was asking for clarification of what drowningpuppies means by "the 'fake news' argument. The other was pointing out the repeated conflation of faulty reporting with fake news. Both are substantively related to the topic.
2017-06-30 08:10
Please tell me how you charge a foreign government with a felony? You are ridiculous. If this "DNC hacked by Russia" story is true, why didn't the DNC hand over their server to the FBI and DHS for a thorough review of what happened? Don't you think our government would've like to have seen how the Russians infiltrated their email system? Why would the DNC go to an outside source to do criminal investigative work?
Jeh Johnson testified under oath that they offered help and were rebuffed. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz said it didn't happen. Who is lying and why? MissT: Please tell me how you charge a foreign government with a felony?
By issuing an international warrant for the individuals involved. You know, the Russians (or Seth Rich / Wikileaks) did us a huge favor showing that the election had been rigged in favor of Hillary and just how corrupt and dishonest the Democrats were. I only don't know why the prosecutions of the Democrats have not begun. I think it's partly Trump continuing to have to deal with the Russia Hoax and you can't do everything at the same time.
Jim: You know, the Russians (or Seth Rich / Wikileaks) did us a huge favor showing that the election had been rigged in favor of Hillary
In fact, the Russia releases of the stolen emails was intended to tilt the election to the Republicans. Jim: I only don't know why the prosecutions of the Democrats have not begun. I think it's partly Trump continuing to have to deal with the Russia Hoax and you can't do everything at the same time. The President doesn't handle prosecutions in the U.S. system. In fact, the Russia releases of the stolen emails was intended to tilt the election to the Republicans.
--------------------------------------------------- As it should, are you saying we should have elected a dishonest criminal like Hillary who rigged the primaries and who cheated during the debates?? Just for a start. Zachriel: In fact, the Russia releases of the stolen emails was intended to tilt the election to the Republicans.
Jim: As it should Well, at least we know where your loyalties lie, which is clearly not with the democratic process.
2017-06-30 08:15
Yep. Truth, Justice and the American Way. None of which are part of the corrupt marxist-socialist Democrat Party which tried to rig the election and got caught.
The fact that California, Virginia and Kentucky are refusing to cooperate in the federal voting-fraud investigation should also be eye-opening to folks.
2017-06-30 15:03
Jim: The fact that California, Virginia and Kentucky are refusing to cooperate in the federal voting-fraud investigation should also be eye-opening to folks.
Twenty-four states have refused to provide any information beyond what is already publicly available, with Mississippi's Secretary of State telling the commission to "go jump in the Gulf of Mexico." Do you understand federalism? Or why some may be wary of providing private voter information to partisan hacks intent on reducing voter turnout by the opposition?
2017-07-01 08:53
Reposted from Trump/Russia, Trump/Russia, etc. thread.
QUOTE: VDH: The Late, Great Russian Collusion Myth • Trump called for the Russians to release stolen Clinton emails for his own political advantage. • Trump's Director of NSA resigned due to 'lying' about his contacts with Russian agents. He may have also worked as an unregistered foreign agent. • Trump's Attorney General recused himself from the Russian investigation because he 'forgot' about his contacts with Russian agents. • Trump's campaign head resigned because of allegations he received cash payments from pro-Russian Ukrainians. • Trump fired the Director of the FBI, who was overseeing the Russia investigation. • Trump's business organization involved large sums of Russian money in the past. He refuses to release his tax returns, after having promised he would do so. • Trump has spent months denying Russian hacking, while tilting American policy towards the Russians. While this doesn't constitute legal proof of collusion, it is certainly enough evidence to justify an investigation. A special council has been appointed to looking into the question of Russian interference in the U.S. election, and related issues. BD: Well, even the press thinks it is all BS
Most of the press does not think it is BS. There is an independent council, a fact which is of significant news value. drowningpuppies: Van Jones
Van Jones thinks it is politically non-productive for Democrats to be seen as only anti-Trump. He may or may not be correct, but that is irrelevant to the facts as stated above. No, Van Jones said the whole Trump/Russian Collusion story is a "nothing burger" (his words) in spite of the facts and their implications that you've mentioned.
Van Jones speaks:
QUOTE: Van Jones: James O'Keefe is a notorious con man whose infamy arises from his addiction to pulling the same media stunts, over and over again. He has gotten busted so many times posting fake, doctored videos that his name alone produces eye rolls among well-informed liberals and conservatives alike... Did I mean that there is "nothing" to the allegations that members of team Trump colluded with the Russians and then tried to cover it up by firing FBI Director James Comey? No -- and far from it. But that's not what I was talking about. I have been consistently pushing my fellow Democrats to deal with bread and butter issues -- and not just hope and believe Trump will be impeached and gone tomorrow. I have been beating this drum for weeks now.
2017-06-29 18:13
Too late. He said it was a nothing burger when he didn't think anybody would find out. He's trying to walk it back so he doesn't loose cred with his lefty friends.
2017-06-29 20:51
mudbug: He said it was a nothing burger when he didn't think anybody would find out. He's trying to walk it back so he doesn't loose cred with his lefty friends.
Except that Van Jones had been making the same point for weeks, so his comment was clearly taken out of context — usual fare for O'Keefe.
2017-06-30 08:12
Zachriel, you are so disingenuous with your points. Here are my responses to everything you said:
1) There is ZERO proof of your claim that Trump called the Russians to release stolen emails. He made a joke and it was funny. FYI, Hillary’s emails never were released by the Russians, so I guess Trump has bad Russian contacts? 2) Flynn was not ‘Director of NSA’ that is Rogers. Get your positions straight. Flynn’s phone call in December that was illegally leaked to the press was cleared by the FBI and they said he did nothing wrong. Flynn was fired for lying to the VP about the content of those phone calls. He didn’t ‘lie’ about contacts. It was the content of his phone call. 3) Sessions met with a diplomat as part of his job as Senator. Nothing to see there. It happens all the time. Others in Congress agreed this was not unusual. Sessions mentioned in his last testimony just a few weeks ago that the question asked of him by Franken was convoluted (it was) and Sessions thought he was referring to Russian contacts while working in the capacity of advisor to Trump campaign, not as a Senator. That one is just baloney. 4) Manafort did his job - he got Trump the primary win. Campaign went into new phase, Manafort’s expertise no longer needed. And who knows, maybe he was pricey with his background, and Trump is all about the bottom line. 5) Deputy Director of the FBI testified that Comey’s firing did nothing to interfere with or slow the Russia investigation. And Special Counsel has been appointed, so that is off the table. 6) No, Trump’s businesses have zero Russian connections. In fact, it was reported last year that Trump had attempted in the past to do business in Russia, and it had failed. If anything, you could accuse him of failure. The only thing we know about is sale of real estate to a Russian, but I’m sure we could find equal sales of real estate to other foreigners, so there is nothing there. Tax returns are unnecessary as Trump just filed a VERY extensive financial disclosure form a few weeks ago that details everything you’d want to know about his business and his income. 7) There is NO Russia policy that I can see that ‘tilts toward the Russians.’ You don’t provide ONE bit of proof for this statement, so I will provide some to prove the opposite of your claim: *Trump got NATO members who had underpaid in the past to pony up MORE cash. Russia does not like NATO. This will only strengthen NATO *Trump bombed Assad when he did an chemical attack. This angered Russia quite a bit and they amped up their aggressive language against the U.S. *Trump wants to increase exports of LNG, which also threatens Russia. They want to be the sole supplier to Europe and U.S. competition would harm them financially *Russia planes have continued to fly very very close to our planes, they have buzzed our ships, etc. Russia has shown ZERO signs of backing down the aggressive tactics we saw last year *Just read the other day that Russia fears the U.S. wants regime change. Quite right, MissT. Of course you didn't mention the connections between Obama, Hillary!, and Podesta and the Russians. The left's major tactic is to accuse Republicans of doing what they are actually doing.
MissT: He made a joke and it was funny.
You can tell it wasn't a joke, because he defended his statement. QUOTE: The fight began when Tur asked Trump if he “had any qualms” about calling on Russia or other foreign governments to release Clinton emails if they had obtained them. “Does that not give you pause?” an incredulous Tur asked Trump. “Nope. Gives me no pause,” Trump responded. “If they have them, they have them. We might as well find them." So, no. He wasn't joking. MissT: Flynn was fired for lying to the VP about the content of those phone calls. Why would he lie about it? MissT: Manafort did his job - he got Trump the primary win. You ignored the point. Manafort resigned because of the allegations he took cash payments from pro-Russian Ukrainians. MissT: Deputy Director of the FBI testified that Comey’s firing did nothing to interfere with or slow the Russia investigation. It led to a special council, so Trump's actions backfired. MissT: No, Trump’s businesses have zero Russian connections. Donald Trump Jr in 2008: “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets... We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.” MissT: Trump got NATO members who had underpaid in the past to pony up MORE cash. First, NATO countries had already agreed to increase defence spending. Second, this is not some sort of dues they are paying, but investment in their own defence. Zach, you do know that the only people PROVEN to have taken payoffs from the Russians are the Clintons and the Podestas, don't you? Unlike all this unsubstantiated stuff you are peddling.
That and the corruption of the Democrats (including stealing primary elections) are why they are spinning the Russia Hoax as hard as they can to distract attention from themselves. The evidence for very early life is ambiguous, but it's striking how early life apparently did appear on Earth. Most of what I've heard all my life about the "necessary conditions for life" turns out to be hogwash. What nonsense we still talk about what conditions are necessary on other planets as well! All it seems to require is some kind of energy gradient; our ideas about what's too "harsh" are plain silly.
It's a much trickier question what's required for the development of complex life. Earth life was content with very simple single-cell organisms for billions of years, and even now that kind of life vastly outnumbers us complex types. Texan99: All it seems to require is some kind of energy gradient...
And liquid water. Oh that racial physics. Somehow I just don't see a sociology major taking a course in relativity. Way back when I was an undergrad I took the tensor analysis course which was a prerequisite for the relativity course, then I never took the relativity course. You needed tensors to understand relativity. It's like the college of engineering required all us freshmen to take the calculus course because you needed calculus to understand the engineering courses. You didn't pass calculus, you didn't become an engineer.
Racial Physics: Well, sure. Black Holes are RAAAAACIST!
Living Wage: "What’s fascinating about this video, however, is the fact these business owners are not the stereotype of the right-wing crazies who ignorantly reject the idea of a living wage." Lefties do love stereotypes. Politico exposes SPLC: Color me surprised! And amazed! "Has a Civil Rights Stalwart Lost Its Way?" No, it's always been that way. Single Payer Healthcare: Praying today for a baby born 14+ weeks too early. He is lucky though; he was been born in the USA. If he had been born in his own country or almost any where but here or down under, he'd either have been allowed to succumb or maybe even helped along.
Hollywood couldn't help media darling Ossoff win. You would think they Hollywood lefties would learn. Their favorite candidates don't win outside of coastal enclaves very often. And the big take-away from the article was that Ossoff actually got LESS votes than the Dem who RAN NO CAMPAIGN in that district in 2016. LESS votes. Not more. Less. For $30 million.
Still, it somehow has to come back to racism and global warming, right lefties? |