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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Wednesday, February 5. 2020Wednesday morning links
Geologists Dig Into the Origins of Plate Tectonics. Researchers examined some of the oldest rocks in western Greenland to probe the beginnings of today’s continents. 1,000 ADULTS WERE ASKED WHAT THEY THINK OF VEGANISM. HERE'S WHAT HAPPENED NEXT. "Whether women singing and dancing in barely-there costumes or otherwise celebrating their bodies is empowering, or an assault on our ability to move through the world as men’s equals..." - "... is one of those forever fights.... Extinction Rebellion Co-Founder Caught Calling To “Take Down Civilization” Attenborough’s Arctic Betrayal: New video reveals that terrorizing young children about climate began with polar bears Baltimore County Admits It Hasn't Been Recycling Glass for 7 Years. It Still Encourages Residents to Recycle Glass. When ritual is more important than reuse Isn't garbage recycling mostly a scam? Democrats Declare War on Freelancers Why? Freelancers are just self-employed, or doing side gigs. Isn't that a good thing? Why the Left Really Wants to Kill America Target Trump Forever. Destroying the president is not just the only viable trajectory for the Left, but it is also the only possible narrative given that focus on the current left-wing agenda is slow-motion suicide. Trump's Was the Most Muscular, Consequential State of the Union in Years Pelosi rips up Trump speech at conclusion of State of the Union How is that sort of behavior good for the country? “When the President Talked About 7 Million People Coming Off of Food Stamps – Congressional Democrats Hissed” I thought self-sufficiency was a good thing Dem Women in White Sit While Trump Announces Lowest Minority Unemployment Numbers EVER Dean Obeidallah Suggest Iowa Chaos Could Be Due To Russians Trump Just Won The Iowa Democratic Caucuses Trump's popularity grows Here We Go… Trudeau Minister: All News Websites Must Get a Government License for Approved Content That's called "liberal fascism" Tuesday, February 4. 2020A good oneVDH: Is Trump's Unorthodoxy Becoming Orthodox? Maybe. Most things he does work. He's a "My Way" sort of guy, though, which makes the DC machine uncomfortable. They prefer people with government backgrounds, not business backgrounds.
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Tuesday morning links
Country Music and the Limits of Nostalgia - Ken Burns’s latest documentary evokes a past unfamiliar to many core PBS viewers. Ben-Gurion's Private Plan. On the eve of Israel’s statehood in 1948, with the massed forces of five Arab nations threatening invasion, David Ben-Gurion picked a fight with his own army. Why? Rewatch the Super Bowl Ad Honoring the American Flag Featuring Johnny Cash and Cpl. Kyle Carpenter California Says No to the Future. The Golden State rejects a bill that would address its crippling housing crisis. The US government is breaking up Big Razor before it gets to Big Tech. The FTC will sue to block the sale of razor startup Harry’s to Edgewell, the parent company of the Schick razor brand. Elizabeth Warren Transferred Oil-and-Gas Investments to Her Children To Protect Her ‘Green’ Political Profile MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace: Trump Is ‘The Enemy’ Schiff warns that Trump could sell Alaska to Russia if unchecked Chaos wins the Iowa caucus Navy arms sea drones for ocean attack Monday, February 3. 2020Life in America: Superballet Saturday
There was one piece that I got a good kick out of (Dances Concertantes), but for me the best part of the outing was brunch at Jean George's Nougatine on Columbus Circle. The downscale version of that Jean Georges. Haha, in the Trump International Hotel but nothing to do with the President. We both had the caramelized foie gras appetizer with a pineapple sauce. Food for the gods. She had the parmesan chicken with a lemon sauce, and I had the best, juiciest boneless piece of short rib I've ever had in my life, with a mystery sauce which I forgot to ask about. I had a Bloody, but shoulda had a Pinot. A fancy brunch and ballet was my Christmas present to Mrs. BD. She wants nothing material. Makes her very happy that I will sit through 2 1/2 hours of ballet just to please her. She sees plenty of modern dance and ballet with her dance pals, but it's special for her when I go. For me, fun is meeting people. We had great chats with people at adjacent tables at the restaurant (including couple who come for Restaurant Week every year, with a daily theater outing), and a late-80s lady at the ballet who chatted mostly with Mrs. BD during each intermission about the NYCB style. I said jokingly to the couple from South Carolina who love Restaurant Week "Isn't NYC such a cold and unfriendly place?" He said they feel it's the friendliest place in the world because they get into fun chats with smart people everywhere here, like with us. Yep. That's us! Semi-smart and kinda friendly. I love New York. To visit, anyway. It's one of our magnets on this planet. Just wandering around is a blast.
Rush's cancerStage 4 lung cancer is a bad deal. He's been a breath of fresh air, and highly entertaining, for decades although I have not had time to hear him very often in recent years. He is 69 years old. I hope he can keep going as long as possible. I feel certain that he will. A great American voice, always with humor, grace, and good cheer but I will not do an obituary yet.
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Monday morning links
Corona virus update The rise of cancel chic - Liberal journalists are so desperate to be canceled they’ve begun to form secret societies around the theme Peer Review Is Science’s Wheel of Misfortune. The system for evaluating the quality of research papers works little better than flipping coins. Budding scholars pay the price. Spy school: Chinese military officer busted for posing as Boston University student The Democrats May Have Lost...but They're Still Smarter than You Hillary Clinton ended the practice of humble concessions: Goodwin Bernie Sanders 'Medicare for all' plan could shrink GDP by as much as 24% Scott Adams has built a Bloomberg Box What about everybody else getting a box? Newt Gingrich: Likely Iowa caucuses winner is this candidate – Here is what it could mean for Democrats How people profit from perpetuating the false narrative that America is divided How the House lost the witness battle along with impeachment Retired Senate Dem leader tells Glenn Beck: If I were still in office, I'd vote to acquit President Trump Pelosi says Democrats must focus on mainstream, not progressive exuberances, to win in 2020 Bernie Sanders Wants to Impose National Rent Control Trump reinvented tariffs and it worked Saturday, February 1. 2020Saturday morning links
Climate change at work - before cars. No English Channel either, then. The Fast Food Sandwich War Is Depleting The US Of Its Entire Supply Of Little Chickens Students Demanded Disinvestment From Fossil Fuels, A Professor Offered To Turn Off The Gas Heating Checkmate Red China’s infection of American classrooms How The University Of California Prioritizes ‘Diversity’ In Hiring Assume that Asians are not diverse Coronavirus update Two losses for trans-Atlantic twits: Brexit finally happens, impeachment collapses THE WEEK IN PICTURES: CELEBREXIT BONUS EDITION! Are Dems the other stupid party? CNN Complains Trump's Coronavirus Team Not "Diverse" Enough Can You Smell Elizabeth Warren's Desperation? Mini Mike: Man of 3% of the People Group Of DNC Members Discussing Rules Change To Stop Sanders At Convention IT’S ALL OVER BUT THE WHINING Twenty-three nations embrace Trump peace plan, 7 in Middle East UK Came & Went, Leaving Europe In A Mess Friday, January 31. 2020Friday morning links
A revolution of independence without a war. Pretty cool. Down with White Medical Science Rometty Replaced As IBM CEO IBM still exists. Who knew? Sorry, dear millennials, but we may have screwed you for life What???? What weed smokers need to know before going into surgery Elizabeth Warren: A Young Trans Person Will Have Veto Power Over My Choice For Secretary Of Education Michael Bloomberg Does Nutty Video Promoting ‘Big Gay Ice Cream’ Losing a step or two: Forget the Map: Biden Can't Locate Ukraine in His Mind Ashley Biden organization received $166K federal grant while father was vice president FEELING THE BERN IN CALIFORNIA Jerry Nadler was overheard on the metro bragging on the phone about how he should be the one leading the impeachment against Trump … the day after Trump took office ABC, NBC, CBS evening newscasts favor Democrats on impeachment coverage Duh Hey, If You Can’t Trust the Chinese Government, Who Can You Trust, Right? Arab Israelis Hate Trump’s Peace Plan. Israel-Haters Will Hate The Reason Why Thursday, January 30. 2020Thursday morning links
"The Dangerous Rise of Men Who Won't Date 'Woke' Women" Women Publicly Whipped for Violating Sharia in Indonesia Study: Global Warming Will Cause 180,000 More Rapes by 2099 Deficit Will Top $1 Trillion This Year As Entitlement Spending Continues To Rise Democrats Warn That American People May Tamper With Next Election Sharyl Attkisson: The Department of Justice Coverup of its Spying on Me Continue The Steele Trump-Russia Dossier Was "Completely Fabricated", Leading British Spy Expert The role of the chief justice in an impeachment trial 'GAME OVER,' Trump declares, as old Bolton, Schiff videos surface amid Senate impeachment trial Trump’s Successful Iran Policy and Team Obama’s Existential Crisis Where once there was fury, Palestinian issue now stirs up apathy. Region no longer views fate of Palestinians as lynchpin, or – in some cases – even a cause worth championing loudly How it all went right: the great Brexit wound has almost healed. It didn’t take a generation – it took about two weeks NIGEL FARAGE BIDS FAREWELL TO THE EU Wednesday, January 29. 2020Wednesday morning links CBD: Therapeutic benefits of CBD show promise, but popularity outpaces research into safety, effectiveness It's a scam Hemp prices plunge as CBD demand falls short When Even Art Is Problematic Gun-grabber David Hogg puts out a statement so stupid everyone is now dumber Sheesh New York State Now Charges to Look at the Stars Harvard Professor Arrested For Failing To Disclose $50,000 Per Month He Received From China NJ Governor Murphy Makes Big Pledge To Force Citizens To Fight Hotcoldwetdry Elizabeth Warren’s proposed fracking ban was rejected as too radical by the Obama administration — for good reason. Peter Schweizer: Bernie Sanders rails about common good but public service has made him (and his family) rich Money for nuthin... Democrats Enter Panic Zone Over the Rise of Bernie Sanders In Iowa and New Hampshire #Red-Carded: How I Got Pushed Out of an LGBT Soccer League for Gender WrongThink George Soros partners with colleges to 'transform higher education' Three years after violent attack, Charles Murray set for return to Middlebury Reynolds: Campus leaders couldn't care less about racial progress. Hadn't we already agreed as a nation that racial segregation is morally wrong? Apparently, these schools haven't gotten the memo. New Scalia Rising? Supreme Court justice Neil Gorsuch warns judicial activists he's coming for them CNN Calls Trump Supporters Stupid Illiterate Rednecks That's me! And Mrs. BD too. GOP Launches Campaign Ad, Fundraiser Off CNN’s Don Lemon Mocking Trump Supporters Impeachment Is Killing Trump Derangement Syndrome. You can only hit the rage button so many times. They deny Trump the right to present a defense, then complain that he has produced no evidence. Goldberg: Our Nation Is Paying for Trump’s Refusal to Be Presidential Jonah should focus on results, not personality. Shut Down This Tiring Farce. The high court of the whole enfranchised nation will determine whether the president retains his office, in nine months, and this kind of unfounded assault must be discouraged, lest it become routine. Venezuela May Be Forced To Sell Off Its Oil Company… To Russia Trump proposes Palestinian state with capital in east Jerusalem Trump's surprisingly reasonable Israeli-Palestinian peace deal Wake me up when the Palis want peace. Not likely in my lifetime. Without hate, what would they be? CHINA UPDATE: Hong Kong Closes Schools Till March! — Food Shortages in Affected and Barricaded Areas Tuesday, January 28. 2020Tuesday morning links
Do College Students Need ‘Safe Spaces’? When Laws Make Divorce Easier, Research Shows Women Benefit, Outcomes Improve She Has It All, but She's Depressed THANOS SMILES: Quebec politician praises coronavirus for reducing carbon footprint in Wuhan. "These aren’t easy days for travel touts.... I couldn’t help feeling a few pangs of sympathy for the writers and editors who put together The New York Times’ recent Travel package '52 Places to Go in 2020.'" The Problem of Birth Tourism. An important step — will birthright citizenship be addressed next? The Left’s War On Women That Will Jeopardize Women’s Progress The Story Behind Miss Virginia Exemplifies The Moral Case for School Choice Neil Gorsuch Issues Savage Rebuke to Activist Judges and Nationwide Injunctions “What makes so many people angry at Washington,” Schweizer writes, “is the fact that those with political power get to operate by a different set of rules than the rest of us.” Why Won’t Hillary Clinton Just Go Away? DEMOCRATS DETERMINED TO FRACK THEMSELVES Democrats on House Impeachment Team VOTED AGAINST the Aid Package for Ukraine They Want to Impeach Trump Over Dershowitz calls out House Dems in Trump's Senate impeachment trial after Bolton shock waves 'Inconceivable': Dershowitz Dismantles Dems' Impeachment Case; Says Bolton Book Claims Aren't Impeachable, Either So That's Why Schiff Won't Release the Transcript of the 18th Witness Bolton’s Former Top Deputy Blasts Bolton’s Book Maneuvering As ‘Dangerous’ And ‘Inexplicable’ Target Trump Forever. Destroying the president is not just the only viable trajectory for the Left, but it is also the only possible narrative given that focus on the current left-wing agenda is slow-motion suicide. Monday, January 27. 2020Monday morning links
Prince Charles Flew 16,000 Miles In Just 11 Days On Three Private Jets And A Helicopter Before Photo Op With Climate Alarmist Greta Thunberg in Switzerland Trump Administration Repeals Federal Protections on Puddles, Dry Stream Beds, Some Ditches - Hysterical reactions greet the White House's modest changes to federal clean water rules. Today saw the premiere of two videos, each with a different vision of America Juan Williams: Trump was wrong to attend March for Life rally because ‘it divides the country’ Devin Nunes: John Bolton was warned about Obama holdovers who 'spy' in Trump White House Members of President Trump’s legal team on Sunday previewed what will be the meat of their forthcoming defense this week by saying that even if all the allegations Democrats laid out last week were true, they would still fall short of “impeachable” offenses under the U.S. Constitution. TRUMP VERSUS DEAN WORMER The Deep State Tapestry of Deceit is Beginning to Unravel WHAT IF THEY GAVE AN IMPEACHMENT AND NO ONE CAME? The Democrats are desperately trying to flog their impeachment show, but so far both the ratings and the reviews are bad. “They Virtually Accused President of Being Russian Asset, of Having KGB Email Address” – Jonathan Turley Breaks the News to CBS Hacks that Democrats Just Lost Their Case " ‘Thank God I was alive to hear Adam Schiff speak these past few days,’ Jennifer Rubin tweeted.” Dan Gainor: In impeachment trial coverage, liberal media heap praise on Schiff and Democrats prosecuting Trump US ‘satisfaction’ best in 15 years, Trump's high four times Obama’s low ABC/WaPo: Trump Climbs To Highest Job Approval Rating Of His Presidency Amid Impeachment Trial With Putin’s Proposed Changes, Russia Begins Its Transition to One-Party Rule Sunday, January 26. 2020Life in Ordinary America: Not just back from Wuhan
Already 6000 Americans have died from the ordinary flu this year. It can be the last straw for the frail elderly and otherwise fragile and ailing. Normal, natural final straw. As greeters at church this morning, I refused to shake hands because I am getting over a stubborn cold/cough. To good friends, I explained "Just back from Wuhan." Mrs. BD was NOT amused. Your Editor can be a jerk sometimes. I like dark humor but not everybody does, especially when entering church. She's at the theater and dinner in NYC this afternoon/night with gal theater friends, so my high crimes and misdemeanors will blow over as long as I do the dishes, the laundry, and a bunch of indoor and outdoor pick up (I am doing, including clipping the heck out the the Wisteria as best I can - but I would do them anyway on a winter afternoon without plans. Except a steak supper out with a dear old pal later today cuz whenever She is out for an evening, I get together with pals. Me not much of a sitter except when I edit this darn website - and for my day job). There is always a reason for not sitting, unless at work. I am off to the damn gym while the laundry cycles. Beer after. Life is pretty good in the good old USA. Saturday, January 25. 2020Saturday morning links SCIENCE-Y QUOTE O' THE DAY: "Chinese market at center of coronavirus outbreak sold wolves, rats to eat" East is east, and West is west... "Do you screen potential dates or partners for their political beliefs? If so, how? Please include specific examples and funny stories..." No Giver Is Safe: How the Left Is Poisoning Philanthropy AN IMPORTANT FREE SPEECH VICTORY AGAINST THE SPLC The Stupidity of the American Media Journalists Hate You. Review of Andrew Marantz’s Antisocial: Online Extremists, Techno-Utopians, and the Hijacking of the American Conversation.
NYT Reportedly Killed Story Revealing Obama WH Meeting With Whistleblower about Bidens and Burisma All the news they want you to get Proposed NYC Bill Allowing Non-Citizens to Vote Is Too Far Left Even for de Blasio Philly and Limousine Liberals Conn. Dems Want New State Police Dept. Just for 'Hate Crimes and Violent Right-Wing Extremism' A hotbed of right-wing violence. Examples? ELIZABETH WARREN’S JOE THE PLUMBER MOMENT. Schiff Admits Impeachment is a Coup Dems Can't Take the Chance of Voters Deciding 2020 Election While assassins blather in the Senate seeking his death the President marches for life A "Pro-Life Hero"? Trump Becomes First President To Speak At 'March For Life' Will an Arkansas stripper finally shut down the Schiff show? How China Overtook The US As The World's Major Trading Partner PM Boris Johnson has made good on his promise to the British people London Begins Deploying Facial Recognition Cameras Across The City… That's sick. Do they hate the citizens? Or fear them? Brits are pretty decent folks, when sober. Every single Jordanian lawmaker still views Israel as an enemy with whom trade is anathema, even if Jordan itself would benefit greatly. At Holocaust Memorial, a Survivor and Towering Moral Voice Says He ‘Cannot Forgive’. World leaders converged in Jerusalem to mark the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. Friday, January 24. 2020Friday morning linksPBS ‘NewsHour’ Host Jim Lehrer Dies at 85 Used to listen to them often. Relatively sane and sober, compared to nowadays. German Language Police Group Decides To 'UnWord' The Term "Climate Hysteria" Creepy US Treasury Secretary Recommends St. Greta Get A Degree In Economics Most American adults don’t know 6 million Jews were killed in the Holocaust, survey finds Bernie Sanders In The 1970s: Having A Job Is A Lot Like Slavery How would he know? Never had a real job. Partisan Registration and Contributions of Faculty in Flagship Colleges Elizabeth Warren confronted by Iowa dad over student loan plan, saying people paying for tuition would get 'screwed' Labor’s Love Lost - Membership in government unions falls to a 20-year low. 'Show up to court with a toothbrush': ICE says sanctuary city officials should expect jail time if they ignore subpoenas How A Bumbling Fool Marches From Triumph To Triumph More such fools needed Russiagate Spy Paid $1 Million By Obama Was WaPo Deep Throat TDS-Afflicted Schiff Admits on Senate Floor Impeachment is About 2020. The voters cannot decide for themselves because “we cannot be assured that the vote will be fairly won.” It sometimes feels unfair when your team loses. If you are a child. The Media Loves — And, I Mean, Really Loves — Adam Schiff Politico: Trump’s Removal Would Be Insane Republicans Set Nadler Straight After He Selectively Edits Professor Turley’s Testimony to Argue Abuse of Power is an Impeachable Offense Lies and smears, as many as time allows Shifting Terrain for India’s Foreign Policy - A big election win for Modi lifted India’s confidence in tackling a changing global order and challenging its critics Thursday, January 23. 2020Thursday morning links
Died of dementia DOES CALORIE RESTRICTION SLOW AGING? Yes, somewhat California needs to set more fires. A new study reveals the risks, regulations, and limited resources that hold back plans for prescribed blazes. El Paso Zoo teases return of naming cockroaches after exes, feeding them to meerkats Department of Transportation Plans To Ban Nearly All Emotional Support Animals It's the support cockroaches that really bug me. And the support millipedes. University of Minnesota faculty, staff to undergo LGBT pronoun training A new language Yale Faculty Members Say Yale Needs Political Diversity Facial recognition’s reckoning, Fourth Amendment edition CNN Hires CNBC’s John Harwood, Who Was Caught Colluding With the Hillary 2016 Campaign Activists with bylines, as Insty says Kling: What is the future of journalism? Clearing a Path for New Infrastructure - The Trump administration is right to streamline the environmental-review process. Donald at Davos: Trump teaches a lesson to the crybabies back home The real Trump Yeah, people who meet him say he's a sweet guy. He's just a bully for America. The FBI Scandal The big Trump administration mistake that led to impeachment Trump's Impeachment Trial Will Only Make Us Hate Washington Even More. That's a bad thing, even—or especially—from a libertarian perspective. Whistleblower Was Overheard in '17 Discussing With Ally How to Remove Trump A Tale of Two Whistleblowers: One Protected, One Not Nadler Goes Nuts, Accuses GOP Senators of ‘Treacherous Votes’, ‘Cover-Up’ and ‘Voting Against the US’ for Rejecting Schumer Subpoenas for Trump Impeachment Trial JW Investigates if Ousted Ukraine Ambassador Ordered State Dept. to Monitor Journalists, Trump Allies Competing against China University of Minnesota student jailed in China over tweets Everything you must know about the biggest diplomatic event in Israel’s history - Who’s coming and who’s boycotting the event? Who will be allowed to speak? Will Putin sit next to Pence? What are the leaders doing in their spare time? And what’s on the menu? Having persecuted and purged their Jews as punishment for the rebirth of Israel, many Arabs now realize they shot themselves in the foot. Ukraine’s Jewish president heaps praise on Israel in pre-visit interview Iran blinks Trump freaks them out. Good. He's good at freaking people out. Wednesday, January 22. 2020Wednesday morning links
In death of dinosaurs, it was all about the asteroid — not volcanoes Denver Post Columnist Fired After Arguing There Are Two Sexes French Intellectual Sentenced To 2 Months Jail After Calling Mass Immigration An "Invasion" Use of Derogatory Terms to Motivate Student-Athletes is Permissible Under Title IX Millennials Offended by Suggestion They Work Weekends 2020 May Possibly Maybe Be The Last Chance To Stop Climate Doom Mexico Begins Deporting Migrants Who Rushed The Border Monday Should You Hate the Media? TRUMP AT DAVOS: APOCALYPSE NOT NOW More on TRUMP IN THE LIONS’ DEN Imagine if Trump staffers were on camera talking about plans to drop communists from helicopters. Bernie Sanders Says He Will “Look At” Tearing Down Existing Border Walls… AOC: 'You Need to Give Up Control and Power' To her... Biden: “We Should Be Helping” China, “The Idea That China’s Going To Eat Our Lunch…Give Me A Break” Tuesday, January 21. 2020A little note for the Trump-hatersHow are things going in the USA? Pretty well, right? Or even really well? Or even great again? At the 10:30 point, Scott takes on Trump Derangement Syndrome. If Trump is an insane, ignorant, psychotic moron, we need more of them in government.
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Trump's excellent speech at DavosSummarized, with the video, here. I heard most of it live this morning at the gym. Superb. A positive, optimistic message for the world and for the US.
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Tuesday morning links
Get Out of My Bedroom, Andrew Cuomo! In the name of ending the patriarchy, New York’s governor wants to make sure that women don’t drink too much while keeping a close watch over our sex lives Big issue is that women want/need sex too. They love it. It's not talked about much in media, but women talk amongst themselves about it all the time. Many women are sex-starved (and men too). That's not good for the soul or biology/health. Tesla Is Cutting Down "Thousands Of Trees" To Put Up Its German Gigafactory 4 The Dems Still Don’t Know Why Trump Won in 2016 Left and right, arrogant elites just ignorant of what other half thinks Elizabeth Warren Says the Greatest Threat to Foreign Policy Today Is Climate Change… Joe Biden Endorses Teachers Walking Out On Students: ‘These Walkouts Are Vital’… The Best 'White Supremacist' Minority Protests From the Virginia Gun Rally You Won't See on the News Why Trump Had To Hire This Legal Odd Couple Not easy to work for Jenna Ellis: Trump impeachment trial – Here are four legal problems House Democrats have to face “We Will Not Stop!” – Maxine Waters Vows to Continue New Impeachments Against President Trump Democrats Are Impeaching Trump Because They Can’t Beat Him Duh John Durham Criminal Probe Gathers Steam Investigating Post Election Docs Monday, January 20. 2020Monday morning links In Retrospect - Amity Shlaes’s brilliant history of 1960s welfare programs and the flawed vision that underpinned them Op-Ed: We Can No Longer Tolerate An Economic System Where The Rich Get Richer And The Poor Also Get Richer It’s Hard to Be a Patriot. When did love of country get such a bad name? Did it? Another boring feminist pretends she’s SKEERY: Mona Eltahawy’s ‘patriarchy’ video recorded at #WomensMarch2020 accidentally HILARIOUS 44 profs at Catholic university demand school apologize for screening pro-life film Unplanned Profs don't want students to see a documentary? Student Govt. at Dickinson College Votes to Ban Israeli Hummus to be More ‘Inclusive’ That hummus is tasty. I like it. Easy to make it yourself, too. Cuomo doesn’t care who else gets hurt by his war on the gig economy Gigs are how lots of people amend their incomes. I did gigs when I was young. Did You Know That 2020 Socialist Candidate For President Bernie Sanders Supported Iran During The 444 Days Of The 1979 Iranian Hostage Crisis? How five members of Joe Biden’s family got rich through his connections Minnesota: Republican Iraqi American Reportedly Set to Challenge Rep. Ilhan Omar Warehouse Filled With Hurricane Maria Supplies Discovered Years Later In Puerto Rico Like Trump said Holman Jenkins: The Comey coverup unravels
Trump was elected to shake all the boxes. He has. Under Trump, America May Be Its Strongest Since the End of World War II Something is missing from the charges against Trump: An impeachable offense. Being orange is like totally impeachable What the Media Won’t Tell You: Bill Clinton Charged of 11 Felonies and Impeachable Offenses – Trump Accused of ZERO Felonies and 2 Non-Crimes The cant and emotionalism that enshrouds this final doomed effort to undo the 2016 election probably require a full trial. The public relations battle must be fought to the end. “You’re Impeached Forever!” – ‘Prayerful’ Pelosi Giggles and Taunts Trump on Bill Maher’s Show The Unexpected Consequences Of Germany's Anti-Nuclear Push Makes them beholden to Russian gas Taiwan Stands Up to Xi NEW YORK TIMES EDITORS PRESS DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES ON SHUTTING JERUSALEM EMBASSY Saturday, January 18. 2020Saturday morning links
Appeals Court Throws Out Climate Change Lawsuit Democrats move to crush small business Meet the Muslim Republican Iraqi Refugee Who's Looking to Unseat Ilhan Omar Robert Hyde: I Was Climbing Volcanoes In Ecuador When I Sent Those Texts About Surveilling Yovanovitch To Lev Parnas Deep State Spying on Trump Family and Journalists? Consumer Confidence Hit Highest Level in 19 Years What Do Democrats Fear in Donald Trump? Greatness Kinda true. He is a change agent:
Kimball: Impeachment is now just another bludgeon in the armory of political warfare. There is nothing new in the plot of this lugubrious sitcom Dream Team? Trump Adds Starr, Dershowitz, And Ray To His Senate Impeachment Defense Putin’s Now Purged the West from the Kremlin China's Antics Are a 'Game-Changer' for the Navy and Marine Corps, 4-Star Says Erdoğan's 'Make-Turkey-More-Islamic' Campaign Is a Failure ISIS' Own "Jabba the Hut" Friday, January 17. 2020Heather takes no prisonersEthnic Studies 101: Playing the Victim. An aggrieved Harvard professor exemplifies how a fast-rising academic field injects paranoia and hatred into American culture. Apparently the "cannon" of everything academic is about white supremacy. Science, too. I worry about people whose "identity" and career is based on their ancestry. A response to "How I Learned to Loathe England"This guy has a funny and pointed response to a Remainer's article. (h/t SDA) What does it mean to be English? This guy is a good talker.
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Friday morning links
How One Librarian Tried to Squash Goodnight Moon. There’s a reason this classic is missing from the New York Public Library’s list of the 10 most-checked-out books of all time. Stephen King faces backlash for saying 'quality' should matter in Oscar nominees over 'diversity' Brett Sokolow criticizes live hearings and cross-examination, suggests there may be ‘clever work-arounds’ Finally. The Feds — including ICE — appear to be investigating Rep. Ilhan Omar. At least three departments are reviewing what could be the worst-ever crime spree by an elected US official Here’s All The Liberals Who Were COMPLETELY WRONG About Trump’s Trade War with China — It’s a Long, Long List… Kevin Williamson Moves the Goalposts in Judging Trump’s Presidency Markets Surge to New Record on Trump Trade News! Up Nearly 267 Points Sharyl Attkisson Refiles Spying Suit, Exposes Big Deep State Players MSNBC Anchor: ‘Bleak’ Future for Children, Grandchildren of Trump’s Defenders Impeachment Is Not the Issue, It's the 2020 Election Double Standard Much? Biden's Threat to Withhold $1B from Ukraine Violated the Law An after-action report: Trump, Soleimani and Khameni Our ruling class’s judgment that America’s killing of terror master Qassem Soleimani united Iran’s people behind its regime is characteristic of their incompetence. The nuclear deal with Iran was a charade right from the start.
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