Thursday, April 22. 2021
MacDonald: The pervasive sense that cities would burn if Derek Chauvin were not convicted raises questions about whether the jury’s verdict was reached dispassionately.
President Joe Biden took the occasion of the conviction to recycle his favorite “white supremacy” themes from his allegedly “unifying” inaugural speech and campaign rhetoric. Floyd’s murder “ripped the blinders off for the whole world to see the systemic racism . . . that is a stain our nation’s soul; the knee on the neck of justice for Black Americans; the profound fear and trauma, the pain, the exhaustion that Black and brown Americans experience every single day,” Biden said from the White House. The “summer of protest” had sent the message, according to Biden: “Enough. Enough. Enough of the senseless killings.”
Biden was not referring to the senseless killing of seven-year-old Jaslyn Adams, gunned down in a Chicago McDonald’s over the weekend. He was not referring to the four dozen black children who were killed last year in their beds, front porches, back porches, at barbecues and family birthday parties, and in their parents’ cars. He was not referring to the dozens of blacks killed every day in drive-by shootings—more than all white and Hispanic homicide victims combined—even though blacks are only 12 percent of the nation’s population...
The Actual Number of Unarmed Black Men Shot and Killed By Police Every Year Will Blow Liberals’ Minds
Police shoot a lot more white people than black people. Who knew? It's not "news". Message to police officers is leave black people alone. However professional, they will tend to do that from now on.
Coming Out of the Chemical Closet - Neuropsychopharmacologist Carl Hart says most of what the public knows about drugs is both scary and wrong.
I'd prefer a cocktail, but who knows? Only opiates I've had were after dental procedures, and they made me feel sick. Almost forgot - had fentanyl for a colonoscopy years ago. That did feel nice. Floaty, without a care.
The predicted COVID apocalypse in ‘Neanderthal’ Texas never happened
How Government Subsidizes Obesity
Overweight is the #1 COVID risk factor
Andrew Yang has momentum — can he keep up to be next NYC mayor?: Goodwin
Tucker Carlson says Washington Post contacting his 'old college classmates' looking for dirt
Glad nobody is looking for dirt on my foolish youth
John Kerry in Earth Day wonderland
Commentary: The Problem with ‘Systemic Racism’
After the Floyd verdict: the US is not a racist dystopia. George Floyd’s killing united America in outrage. But some want to use it to keep us permanently divided.
Portland Rioters Smash Windows at Starbucks, Attack Police Officer
Vile response to the verdict: Devine
Biden: Chauvin Verdict Can Be 'Giant Step' Forward Toward Justice in America
LeBron James Threatens Hero Columbus Police Officer Because He Stopped a Teen From Stabbing Another Girl
Some of these people need to spend a day with a working officer
Land of Confusion. Review of 'The Last Shah' by Ray Takeyh
Russian and Chinese Shows of Force Confront Biden Administration
Of course
Afghanistan’s war and US stake in it won’t end when troops leave
Wednesday, April 21. 2021
Ace is not happy with the Dem reaction to the Chauvin case
Scott Adams seems to feel that the verdict serves the greater good.
I call BS on that principle.
Powerline reminds us of America's proud heritage of equal justice
Good rules of thumb for life: Don't break laws, don't abuse substances, never resist arrest. Just be a good, useful, productive citizen.
Tuesday, April 20. 2021
Mrs. BD and I have been fairly COVID-fearless during the past 12 months. Call us stupid if you want to.
Our Hadrian's Wall hike was cancelled last summer because the UK blocked foreigners (except immigrants - we blocked Europeans too). As Mrs. BD is getting ready for a long-weekend trip to Texas to get together with gardening friends, I decided to recall all of the places she, or we, have been during COVID Year (not including restaurants - we've done them all along):
Florida, Cape Cod (twice), Eastern Shore of Maryland for crab cakes and boats, NYC about 5 times, and Rhode Island. We tried to get a hiking week in Sedona for May, but every darn place was full. We have one of our group hikes in Upstate NY next week with great dining and beer at the bitter end. We want to get to Europe this fall.
Today, Mrs.BD is off to an architectural and historical hike around Staten Island with a pal. That is an Urban Hike. Carpe diem.
I think our running around has been about average for Americans in COVID Year.
What have our readers been doing for fun trips and adventures since last April?
Montana man dies following attack by grizzly bear. Investigators later shot and killed male bear near site of mauling
Chronicle: The Abiding Scandal of College Admissions - The process has become an intrusive and morally presumptuous inquisition of an applicant’s soul.
Scott Adams considers conservative and liberal happiness, at the 32:29 mark
Double racism at Cigna:
In chat logs reviewed by the Examiner, a hiring manager rejected a candidate with strong credentials who had performed well in an interview — because the hiring manager mistakenly thought the candidate was white. An employee corrected the manager, noting that the candidate was indeed a minority, and then the manager said she was excited to hire him, despite learning almost nothing else about his background.
Chauvin Trial: Jury has “a basis” to “find reasonable doubt here, but it’s not what I’m expecting”
UT Austin Approves Orwellian “Strategic Plan for Faculty Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity”
All Adult Americans Are Now Eligible for COVID-19 Vaccine
NY Times newsletter: Maybe these COVID fears are a bit irrational
Utah news outlet runs entire segment about local paramedic for ... donating $10 to Kyle Rittenhouse
After California's $100 Billion Light Rail to Nowhere, Biden May Fund More California Rail No One Needs
Andrew Cuomo just keeps the lies coming
New York State Did Worst in Pandemic, Study Says
New Study Shows Just How in the Tank for Biden the Legacy Media Is
Biden’s ‘Back To Normal’ Is Not What Voters Were Promised
NH GOP Chair torches Kamala's plan to visit, Border Czar headed to the wrong border
UN: US Vaccine 'Hoarding" Endangers Africa, Africa: We Don't Want Vaccine
Monday, April 19. 2021
We’re going to increase the number [of refugees]. The problem was that the refugee part was working on the crisis that ended up on the border with young people. We couldn’t do two things at once. But now we are going to increase the number.
Thursday, April 15. 2021

Sorry, but I forgot where that toon came from
Our internet pal David Warren is recovering from a stroke, heart attack, and bypass surgery
Who Is Freer These Days?
Rand Paul Calls Fauci a 'Petty Tyrant,' Urges Americans to 'Go About Your Lives'
Nate Silver Accuses Dr. Fauci of Gaslighting on COVID Transmission
Teacher’s ‘come at me’ rant caught on video by Reopen California Schools group
California Public School Teachers Being Told to Hide Critical Race Materials From Parents
CEOs’ Surrender To The Mobocrats On The Left Will End Poorly
No Charges Against Officer Who Shot Ashli Babbitt: DOJ
John Durham scrutinizes Steele dossier source through Brookings Institution subpoena
The Georgetown Affair: New Levels Of Progressive Reality Denial
BBC diversity chief says Idris Elba's TV detective Luther 'isn't black enough to be real' because 'he doesn't have any black friends and doesn't eat any Caribbean food'
Students support voting bill...then learn it's actually Georgia's law
Did the cop who shot Daunte Wright experience "slip and capture?"
The border is even worse than you think
Guatemala: We have no idea what Biden and Harris are talking about
Wednesday, April 14. 2021
I would be afraid to be a police officer today. I would enjoy, I think, being a detective but you have to begin on the streets.
Tuesday, April 13. 2021
'We Were Creating A Story -- Our Focus Was To Get Trump Out': CNN Director Busted By Undercover Veritas Operative
Monday, April 12. 2021
Are Organ Meats Healthy?
Metal detector finds ancient treasure in Rhode Island tied to famous pirate
‘No community should suffer this’: Florida’s toxic breach was decades in the making
The Woke Academic Idiotocracy
A Self-Loathing Ruling Class Cannot Endure
Fonts can be racist
Another, Clearer Take on the Chauvin Trial
BLM Founder Not Only Has One Million Dollar Home But Four…
Northern Ireland Violence Worst In Decades; Fears Of "The Troubles" Return
Saturday, April 10. 2021

The guy is a putz
“Look at how Young the American Founding Fathers Were!”
RIP, Prince Philip
John Kerry’s Family Takes Private Jet to Idaho as Kerry Goes on International Climate Change Tour
Newly ‘Woke’ Coca-Cola Joins Corporate Dogpile on New Georgia Voting Law “while Coca-Cola is bashing Georgia, they have no problem doing business with China”
High School Coach Fired After Refusing To Enforce "Senseless, Irrational, Bullshit" Outdoor Masks During Sports
The WHO advises against masks during exercise
Masks not good for health
What Should Be Done to Curb Big Tech? A few billionaires currently have the power to decide that some Americans’ speech rights are more sacred than others. Clarence Thomas offers a remedy.
Teachers' Union Boss Blasts Jews as "Ownership Class" Stealing "Ladder of Opportunity"
Philadelphia: Cradle of Liberty and City of Brotherly Love
CBP Statistics Released – Agents Took 172,331 Illegal Aliens Into Custody in March, Then Released Them
Biden Sends Unaccompanied Migrant Children to Former Japanese Internment Camp – Media and Democrat Frauds are Silent