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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Wednesday, June 16. 2021Wednesday morning links
N.J. city to unveil 700-pound statue of George Floyd Academia’s Obsession with Racism Why? Why ideology should not be injected into science Roger Waters Tells "Little Pr**k" Zuckerberg To "F**k Off" Following Request To Use Iconic Pink Floyd Song For Ad Ending due process: Reinstating Catherine Lhamon at the Dept. of Education is a mistake Former Dean of Students wonders 'How much damage have my colleagues and I done?' Bias response teams have become ‘weaponized’ as expected, education reformer warns House Republicans protest more books on Navy reading list Illinois Mom Pushes Back Against Leftist Education Don’t Let the Backlash Against Critical Race Theory Become a Victim of Its Own Success Media Panics Over Mounting Opposition to Critical Race Theory Democrats are trapped in a progressive echo chamber More Evidence Emerges That Joe Biden Is Not Well Not a criticism, just an unfortunate fact. Trackbacks
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I have to wonder how well that George Floyd statue is going to be protected lest anybody take it upon themselves to tear it down. I'm going to guess better than statues of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, or Jesus.
I'm sure you would be charged with a hate crime, crimes against humanity. St. Floyd shall not be disparaged. You may be in trouble for even harboring such wicked thoughts.
Media Panics Over Mounting Opposition to Critical Race Theory: Ahhhhhh; my first smile of the day!!!!! I am soooooooooooooo not bummed for them!
Democrats are trapped in a progressive echo chamber: My second smile of the day, and again, sooooooo not bummed for them! Tucker revealed that on the Jan 6th riot/insurrection that 20 FBI informants and likely agents too were in the crowd and actually planned and encouraged the violence. As more information comes out it seems that this was a setup put into place long before Jan 6th. The intent was to lead peaceful protestors into a position where they could then be pushed into a violent confrontation with the capitol police. Who were these 20 interlopers? Did they work in concert with the numerous Antifa and BLM activists that were there to also incite violence? Was the shooting of Ashli Babbit planned as well? What was Pelosi's role in this because she is in charge of the capitol police? How deep does this conspiracy go?
Tucker Carlson Outlines The Primary Threat to Our Nation, The Corrupt Intelligence Apparatus Which Includes The FBI
https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2021/06/16/tucker-carlson-outlines-the-primary-threat-to-our-nation-the-corrupt-intelligence-apparatus-which-includes-the-fbi/ video at link. Given what we saw with Russia collusion, covering for Hillary, and spygate, I fully expected the FBI to do something like this. The organization was created in the bowels of the swamp and built by the ultimate creature, Hoover.
Something very strange is happening within our military. It would appear that high placed civilian leaders and military generals are trying to dismantle or destroy the effectiveness of our military. Why? is it a conspiracy or stupidness? I would argue that at some level it is indeed and intentional conspiracy to destroy the strongest military in the world. Probably the conspiracy is more or less limited to civilian leaders elected and appointed but at some level the military was staked with leaders who would go along with this effort. It cannot be accidental or coincidental because common sense would prevail to countermand the effort. But anyone who objects to this is shut up and pushed out.
It would be easy to dismiss this all as a conspiracy theory. But I ask if it were in fact an intentional concerted effort to destroy our military what would be different? What is the end game here? A failed confrontation with China? What? QUOTE: military generals are trying to dismantle or destroy the effectiveness of our military. This takes the lead in the Poast of the Weak competition as it is more idiotic than yesterday's coronavirus ate my dog's homework poast. This will be hard to top, but everyone keep trying. PS QUOTE: It would be easy to dismiss this all as a conspiracy theory .Not hard at all. Here's an idea. Trying to sound profound doesn't make your claims any less stupid. Try refuting Saul's opinions with facts and links instead of your usual bullshit.
I would be most interested to see them. Oh wait. You don't have any do you. Fuck you. White Knighting another guy seems pretty LGBTTQQIAAP but you know yourself best.
There's nothing to refute, he gave a profoundly stupid opinion, not facts. This is a family-oriented forum and you shouldn't be using obscene language as an ad hom. I accept your apology, but you reconsider your approach to rational discourse. Ahhh! The Troll of the weak is back. What's your mom making you for lunch today? I'm guessing Cambell's tomato soup and a tuna sandwich. Does she open the basement door and tell her problem child that lunch is ready? Why don't you surprise her and find a job and move out of your Mom's basement.
2021-06-16 14:14
You're not original at all. This isn't AOL in the 90s. As with insults, it helps to be original in your conspiracy mongering.
Your claim is too batshit crazy to take seriously, but I am wondering, as you see it, at what grade do servicemen become traitors? Is it automatic? Are they all Manchurian Candidates or is their loyalty bought with Chinese take-out? Is it just general or flag officers or does the rot start at lower grades, like Lt. Colonel? E7? Cabin Boy? Do They have their own commie cell? Do They have a case officer in Peking who twirls his Fu Manchu 'stache? Enquiring minds want to know.
Poast of the Weak
2021-06-16 14:57
"at what grade do servicemen become traitors?"
Wrong and you know it. The proper question is what act would believe a reasonable person to think that a service member is complicit with destroying the effectiveness of the military. It is mostly officers that we see doing it because it is mostly officers who are called to testify in front of congress. And most of them are generals or admirals. If you set up a program that assumes based on skin color that you are racist and anti-government for the express purpose of intimidating people of that skin color to leave the service THAT would assure that our military would become less effective. If you did that knowing that you were merely being racist or bowing to racist THEN you are complicit in destroying the effectiveness of our military. It is important to understand that this/these movement(s) are Marist at their core and are generally funded and directed from communist countries whose intent is in fact to destroy America's military effectiveness. This isn't a secret!!! Every general and admiral knows that BLM. ANTIFA, CRT is a Marxist organization funded by enemies of our country. I would go a step further and say that anyone paying attention (including Poast of the weak) knows this as well. SO to go along with it, to be complicit with it makes you a fool/traitor/Marxist/anti-American. Can you really doubt this? Yesterday a Admiral who was testifying before congress justified a racist book that was on the reading list for their sailors which specifically stated that HIV was created by white people to kill blacks. When he was asked to deny that was true he refused to do so. (Interesting side note: Google is blocking the search so I could get a link to it. Why would Google block the search???). Now we both know that isn't true and I am sure that the Admiral knows it isn't true and yet he pushes this on his sailors and will not deny the statement. Why??? You come up with another reason then to push out white sailors and Marines who would immediately realize that they are being gas lighted and forced to swallow this crap along with their pride. If I even tried to list all the examples by military brass or Sec of Def Lloyd Austin Maggies would run out of memory to list it all. It is impossible that you are unaware of this so you must simply be a troll put here to dispute anything that goes against the administrations propaganda.
2021-06-16 16:40
Here is a link:
2021-06-16 17:06
A failed confrontation with China is pretty much inevitable and has been for some time.
The US military is seriously overstretched and tired, most of its major assets are in a sorry state of repair and a lot of its personel is exhausted from 20 years of constant wartime operations with no funding for replacements and major overhauls. But I think the idea behind the destruction of the US military as a fighting force is both more and less insidious. It's simply reflecting what the "progressives" (iow the far left) are doing to US (and indeed western as a whole) society: introducing their idiotic racial and sexual theories, and purging anyone who dares to not embrace them enthousiastically enough. It just so happens that among military people, that number is rather higher than it is among the human resource executives and other Ivy League graduates that rule major corporations, so the numbers to be purged and replaced with "equitable, diverse" candidates with no thought given to their effectiveness at their new jobs is far higher. Combine that with the tendency of those same leftists to gut military budgets in order to siphon the money to "social programs" that make them look good, at least until there's no more of that pesky "democracy" that could dislodge them from power, and you have the perfect storm: a military that's both chronically underfunded AND has piss poor people in leading positions. And have both happen in what's wartime for the US and the result is disaster waiting to happen. Although it seems that Roger Waters, has in the past shown himself to be an anti-semite, in the instance of telling that little prick, Zuckerberg, to f off: go Roger!
The left is playing a rear-guard defense of Affirmative Action. And it's not to protect Af-Am's from discrimination in the US in 2021. It's because the selective, race-based program is the template they use to model similar carve-outs for whatever victims' groups they seek to use in the moment. All the fake hate-hoaxes, and Michelle Obama's recent claims, and the "systemic racism" nonsense, are fabricated to render it impossible to repeal AA. Preventing its repeal is in the top three of the Global Progressives' agenda for America. Same thing with the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the reservations. The left loves the model of "safe spaces" and regional protectorates because they corrode the Republic's uniform codes of Law, while pretending to offer "protection" to tranches of our Society from the hurly-burly of regular life. Re: "Michelle Obama's recent claims"
Assuming that you are talking about the Secret Service claim of Michelle being subjected to raicel catcalls and racist posters, everywhere Michelle went? I find this claim to be extremely unbelievable. This would have been on every newscast 24/7/365, if indeed it had occurred. Much like the despicable claim from Rep. Lewis, that he was spit upon and called the N word, while he and Pelosi walked through the Tea Party protesters, and act entirely perpetuated for political theater. Pure fabrication. I think that the Dems have made the decision to use taxpayer money and legislation to give all the "minorities" fee stuff and special rights so that they can lock down that vote. I think they made the computation that between all the special groups and the useful idiots that they can win elections and hold power indefinitely. As a adjunct to that they are using lawfare, gulags and cancel culture to intimidate Americans to not organize and fight back. They are betting on your replacement voters and no longer care about you.
The Arizona Presidential election recount is essentially completed. They will spend a couple of weeks preparing a full report but the evidence already available shows that Trump won Arizona and that there was a criminal conspiracy to steal the vote. I expect the Dems to act in the next couple of weeks to prevent the official report from ever seeing the light of day. It is likely that if the report shows that Biden didn't win AZ that the legislature would decertify the election. All hell is about to break lose and the Dems know this. I would not be surprised to see a massive fire break out where the machines and ballots are stored or a left wing federal judge allowing the FBI/DOJ to confiscate all the ballots and machines while stopping the release of the report.
IF Arizona is allowed to do this and follow through and decertify the election results there are four other states who could decide to go through the same process. This is serious and for that reason I am expecting a raid by the FBI or Federal Marshalls to stop it as a last ditch effort to keep the stolen election from imploding on them. Anyone know what happens if a late recount and decertification shows our president is not really our president??? I happen to be in Arizona this week. I'm in Gila County. My good friend has been working on cleaning up the voter rolls in this county, canvassing house to house, based on voter registration of actual votes in the past election. Gila County is one of the bigger counties, by land area, in Arizona.
A small example: More than 50% of the homes have more voters than people living in the home. One vacant property had nine voters registered at that address. One house had three voters. When she went to the house to see if there was actually three voters, the man answering the door said that the name of the voter she was inquiring about, was his deceased daughter - died ten years ago. This is just a small sample of the corruption that took place in this one county. I for one can't believe that this sort of corruption did not occur in more than this county, in more than this state, throughout the country. |