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Tuesday, June 8. 2021Tuesday morning links More evidence the COVID-19 panic was just that: an unwarranted panic Liberals' Bizarre Fear Of An Unmasked Nation State authorizes ‘joints for jabs’ vaccine promotions Williamson: Thinking Honestly about Health Care, Welfare, and Taxes ‘Diversity Training’ Continues Its Kudzu-like Growth Since 2018 US Border Patrol has encountered about 5% of Honduras' entire population Guatemala President Blames Biden For Border Crisis, Kamala Harris Deflects, Blaming Climate Change Trackbacks
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If you are interested in the US public health response to Covid, you owe it to yourselves to watch and pass along the Weinstein Dark Horse podcast on the "Crime of the Century". Dr Kory and Dr Weinstein stayed with the facts and did a better job containing their cynicism than I did.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tn_b4NRTB6k To clarify, I think the government's initial response to focus and prioritize development of vaccine was the correct one. Historically, vaccines have been the most reliable response to viruses with a long track record of success. Those of us who have taken anti-virals (in my case for Shingles, as an example), have encountered their limitations. I hate Monday morning quarterbacking and second guessing but I am willing to make an exception here. I do fault the authorities for obstructing the development of adjunct therapies and for the demonization and vilification of anyone who questioned the Covid Narrative, no matter how benign or mundane. If Ivermectin is only 10% as efficacious as Dr Kory claims, the government is responsible for untold preventable deaths and suffering. All I can say is, that if I had lost a loved one to covid in the last year, I would be on the war path. I am not claiming that Ivermectin is a panacea but that it is a useful therapeutic that should have been investigated early. I don't know what motivates the public officals, who derailed alternative therapies, or who they work for, except to say, they don't work for the American public. https://covid19criticalcare.com/ I meant to mention that Ivermectin seems to have come out of left field, and it's not fair to have expected the public health officials to have anticipated it's potential as a covid therapeutic and preventive last year. But, they are at fault for sabotaging, obstructing and shutting down the consideration of any alternatives. Lots of Americans paid the price for that myopia.
Nobody is really talking much about it yet, but in my day, the idea of going to University was premised on me choosing what it was I wanted to study and specialize in for a career. Insidiously, the curriculum was constructed of course requirements that were supposed to provide underlying support to the more specialized subject matter in my major. Now students are being forced into behavioral induction classes that aim to re-program them into racially-charged drones, accepting their shame or their glory according to their skin color.
How many of them choose that as their major, I wonder? It will all fall apart when people get pissed enough to start filing lawsuits with numbers big enough to threaten the endowments. Now that the COVID hobgoblin is fading, it's time for Climate Crisis 2021~! Another step in the Forward March to Freedom! First stop: Forest Fire Season: Tony Heller notes how the groundwork has been laid, the old trick of selecting the data that gives the worst comparison to the past. It's a bad drought year in the High Plains, so you can just see the hands being rubbed in anticipatory excitement. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raR_IkUD7is&t=1s Kamala Harris is an idiot - everybody knows there's no border crisis and whatever problem there might be is a result of white supremacy, institutional racism, the patriarchy, transphobia and cultural appropriation.
Re Williamson: Thinking Honestly about Health Care, Welfare, and Taxes
Now it is clear. NR doesn't suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome. Instead it suffers from Freedom Derangement Syndrome. Any article that contains "There is much to admire in European governance and much that Americans — conservative and progressive both — could learn from the successes of Western Europe and the Nordic countries in particular." makes it clear which side the author is on. I thought it was a solid piece. I live in Western Europe and there is a hell of a lot to like. Zero reasonable fear of violent crime is something I’ve come to take for granted, no homeless encampments and little in any woke bullshit pandering. He makes excellent point that no health care in not free in Europe (I pay 350 a month for public and 60 for private because I hate to wait). The tax system is onerous but flexible and I have a ton of time off. Only major complaint is that the gun laws are better than NY or CA but not as good as AK. Really unsure what “freedom” I’m missing.
Agree. Williamson can be infuriating to me at times but this was one of the most lucid explanations of why the vast majority of comparisons between the US and Europe are way off base that I've ever read.
I've not lived in Great Britain, but I watch a lot of British Comedy. It seems to me based on jokes told that the typical Briton has a somewhat bizarre, co-dependent relationship with their NHS.
That the waits are too long, the hospitals are crowded and dirty, the quality is poor, the staff doesn't speak English well, and care is largely unavailable for the elderly are common enough experiences that they can be short-cut through as premises to set up a punchline. Yet make even the vaguest suggestion that substantial changes could improve it considerably, the immediate response is "Why, it's the best system in the world." They seem to have this image that every American hospital employs large men with sticks and clubs to prevent the poor from entering. NHS and gun laws are why I don’t live in the UK. Even more of a crap shoot than a country hospital in the US. Had friends die of things that prolly should not have but have also had friends receive insanely good cancer care. Yes for the vast majority of people the NHS has replaced the Church of England. It’s weird.
My wife has an aunt living in greater London (60+ years living in the UK now). She has a bum hip, but couldn't get a replacement because of her age, under National Health, even though she was perfectly healthy and in great shape. Her flat was 2½ floors up, no elevator, and laboring up the stairs kept her fit and active, in spite of the hip. Now she has Alzheimer's and has moved into something similar to an Assisted Living facility. It's not nice having your later years managed by some kind of anonymous administrator armed with actuarial tables. While she isn't rich, she isn't poor, either; and yet, most of her options are not to her liking; her current situation is simply the best she can manage.
She should look into having her hip done in Spain or Bulgaria. Good US trained Docs.
Liberals' Bizarre Fear Of An Unmasked Nation: We can SEE them...for what they are...
Williamson: I gave up on NR when it went NEVER TRUMP in 2015. Not going back. It's DEAD to me, by suicide. An Invented Insurrection.
How the left is trying to criminalize conservatism. America is not supposed to have indefinite detention based on political beliefs, and yet here we are. https://humanevents.com/2021/06/05/an-invented-insurrection/ Unwarranted panic: Please no more articles using the same cherry-picked anecdotes of a few places miscounting to give the impression that all of covid has been overcounted. That is deeply untrue, and a few exceptions, held aloft like a bloody shirt, doesn't change that. There are more deaths from covid than the official totals, not fewer.
Data. The actual data, please, not that kind of crap. 700,000 died and without our "panicked" responses it would have been more, likely many more. How many would be okay? Tell me the number of deaths that would have been okay. No one at MF goes there, they leave the question on the table, pretending it doesn't really exist. The repeated reasons are that the government got some things wrong, and some badly, they don't like the government telling them what to do, some of the people who advocated caution are hypocrites and jerks, and they don't like masks. None of those is a solid reason to keep stamping your little foot. It's just the flu, right? Isn't that what people here kept saying a year ago? Or have you forgotten? 700,000 died and without our "panicked" responses it would have been more, likely many more.
Data. The actual data, please. Assistant Village Idiot: The actual data ...
There are two independent data-sets pointing to the same result: • 583,000+ deaths attributed to COVID-19 on death certificates https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/covid19/mortality-overview.htm • Excess deaths during the pandemic. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/figures/mm7015a4-F.gif Ah, "data" then and "data" now...
before Biden and after Biden. A quarter of all deaths previously attributed to COVID-19 in Alameda County weren’t actually caused by the coronavirus, the Alameda County Public Health Department announced today. That puts the county’s new official COVID-19 death toll at 1,223, down from 1,634. The 25% decrease—or 411 cases—is due to the fact that COVID “wasn’t a direct cause” of death in these cases, according to county health officials. ****** Health officials said they had begun counting any person who was positive for the virus at the time of their death as part of the official tally before the state came up with a new definition late last year. https://nypost.com/2021/06/06/ca-county-cuts-death-toll-after-finding-fatalities-not-caused-by-covid/ AVI with all due respect. In the place where I live, I have known almost no one who had Covid, only anecdotal flu that was possibly attributed to Covid. I live in a rural state. I know of someone who knows someone in a far away nursing home who died of Covid. But in the meantime, my family member who wasn't able to get in to see her doctor regularly, ended up dying of undiagnosed cancer. So I wish there had been less fear and more access to routine medical care for seniors. That's my tragic experience from this year.
"Since 2018 US Border Patrol has encountered about 5% of Honduras' entire population"
And another 10-15% got past them and is now all over the US in criminal gangs. the spam filter takes out links, but look at the graphs yourself. Yes. Look at the graphs yourself at CDC covid excess deaths. Pretty dramatic, pretty clear . 750,000 excess deaths during the covid period. Probably some of them are drug OD's, homicides*, or postponed medical care, but not many. They aren't suicides, heart disease, cancer, or the other usuals. You can try to escape into pneumonia or COPD, but excess deaths there are going to be suspiciously close to aiee! I can't take it! covid, aren't they?
Do you have another explanation for excess deaths that started in March or 2020? Countries that had fewer restrictions had more deaths than similar countries that had more. Unless you think that Sweden isn't all that similar to Norway, Finland and Denmark. Or that Serbia isn't really, really similar to neighboring Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Croatia, etc. So extrapolating Sweden to the other Scandinavian countries, or Serbia to the other Balkans, and applying a back-of-the-envelope calculation (you could do it for adjoining US states or Canadian provinces instead if you like) and you get at least 50% and as much as 150% more death. So cut that in half, just to be cautious 25-75%. That's the "without panic" number. Is that an okay number of people to die? You tell me. Lots of people did lose jobs, lose businesses - that counts for something. What's the tradeoff? In the US, Texas and Florida got a very late start but still quickly got up to the national average, yet are crowing about how great they did, even as everyone else goes to near-zero and they are stalled at a low number of deaths. Not terrible, perhaps. The vaccines allowed them to outrun opening 2-3 weeks too early. What's the okay number of deaths we should have been willing to swallow so that the people at MF could pride themselves that no one told them what to do? *Homicides have another cause related to decreased policing, I think. But count them as "cooped up anger" if you like. I have read so many content about the blogger lovers but this post is in fact a pleasant article, keep it up.