Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Monday, August 20. 2012Why your taxes will go upThey have to, because of all the things people want to get from government (ie from their hard-working neighbors' pockets). As Bruce said earlier today, government has become the god to whom many pray for the stuff they want to make life easier. Utopia is always just around the corner if only people sacrifice a little bit more for the Common Good. Quickest things to deal with the debt? Cancel Obamacare, reform Medicare and Social Security, and unshackle the economy so we can get some growth going. While they're at it, shutter the Dept of Education, shutter the Commerce Dept, cancel Dodd-Frank, let GM, Fannie and Freddie go bankrupt, and trust-bust the giant banks if they are too big to fail because if I want to invest in a bank, I will do it on my own. Almost forgot one detail: vote out Obama.
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Nomination: Sub-Header of the Month Award Monday morning linksWhy Gore Vidal, Norman Mailer, and Truman Capote All Failed to Write the Great American Novel - It's not a coincidence all three befriended murderers. How Management Killed “The Village Voice” The Unending Battle for the Upper West Side - Property owners take on the social-services empire. ...would you trust your day and your life at 70 MPH to this "branding bullshit" group? What I built — with government help Obama’s GM ‘Success Story’ Headed for Bankruptcy Reich: Raul Ryan wants to starve your kid MoDo thinks so too. Flashback: Bill Clinton Admits Paul Ryan’s Budget Is a Good Plan Gross… Code Pink Activists Dress Up as Vaginas for Free Abortions Rally Obama deputy campaign manager: Entertainment Tonight of equal importance with White House press corps Giuliani Explains: Why I Hammered Joe Biden Mark Halperin: 'The Media Is Very Susceptible to Doing What the Obama Campaign Wants' Recovery Summer 3: July Unemployment Up In 44 States Obama biographer Ed Klein says that about two weeks ago Valerie Jarrett, Obama's brain trust and manager of his Acme Campaign Strategery , offered Hillary Clinton a slot on the ticket as Obama's running mate and she turned it down. Rights for ‘Asexuals?’ Bjorn Lomborg on junk science The Most Powerful Attack Ever on Obama is in Newsweek? The ‘new normal’ excuse - Just an economy that used to grow? Saturday, August 18. 2012The countdown You have to admit — if the world disappears into an alternate dimension, at least it'll take care of runaway inflation. And those pesky Democrats. While I don't think you'll particularly learn anything new here, it's still interesting watching an official JPL guy cover the bases. And if he's wrong? Just do as we learned to do back in the 60's when Russia was about ready to launch 25,000 nukes at us. Just crawl under your school desk. You'll be fine. Saturday morning tasty, salty linksChina's megalopolises may seem impressive on paper, but they are awful places to live. Spanx on Steroids: How Speedo Created the New Record-Breaking Swimsuit Do Parents Have A Moral Obligation to Genetically Upgrade Their Kids? Of course they do. It's called "selecting a worthy mate." Mataconis: Maybe We’re Getting Exactly The Political Culture We Deserve Ryan's seriousness inspires Democratic silliness Georgia high school choruses reportedly not diverse enough to perform with Atlanta orchestra Brooklyn Deli Clerk's Face Slashed Open For Refusing To Sell Beer For Food Stamps Probably a racist Hayward: Are Democrats Starting to Lose It Already? Russia’s Rock N Roll Riot Pizza Franchise Creates ‘Not After Dark’ Delivery Rule In Detroit Mitt and Barack are semi-WASPS Even in Bankruptcy, Unions Get Special Treatment - The pension-debt time bomb detonates in bankruptcy court. WH Press Corps: Obama Dodging Issues, Tough Questions From Journalists He's a flashy celebrity, not a national manager Column: Obama’s reelection strategy is driving America apart Nobel Economists Back Mitt Romney's Plan The Mantle of Leadership Has Shifted: Romney, Ryan Govern in All but Name:
Friday, August 17. 2012Democrats Line Up Against Special OperatorsLarry Bailey unleashed a prepared Democrat chorus to discredit former military special operators who oppose President Obama’s re-election.
Larry Bailey and I are friends. Larry is absolutely not a speaker who minds his PR Ps & Qs, nor ever tried to be a diplomat. He is a devout patriot who has devoted his life to the security of the United States. I am not a birther, nor are those I know who supported his first efforts, the first of several independent other organizations of former military special operators, to raise attention to the concerns – also expressed by several leading politicians, including some Democrats -- that President Obama and his minions exposed national security secrets in order to bolster Obama’s re-election. The usual Obama apologists and partisans quickly expressed their distaste for birtherism, understandable, but used Bailey’s words to attack all the other leaders of other organizations of special operators opposed to President Obama’s re-election. (Here's the leader of one of the other organizations of former special operators.) Omigosh, Obama For America website reveals that there are Republicans among the leaders of the four independent groups of special operators. Obama For America was an internet-based campaign organization for Obama in 2008, re-named Organizing For America after the election for his permanent campaign, and now Obama For America is back. Guess what Obama For America, there are far more Republicans than Democrats among the military, and especially so among special operators in the various military branches James Joyner, who sways with Democrat memes inside the beltway at his blog Outside the Beltway, with regard to one of the organizations of special operators, OPSEC (operations security), chimes in with “the fact that the group’s key spokesmen are all Republican operatives certainly changes the lens through which their charges should be viewed.” Oh, does it? Only for those looking for an excuse to look the other way. Failed Democrat presidential candidate John Kerry – who trumped up his Vietnam veteran status, as usual, rolls out his attack on the over 60 of fellow Swift Boat veterans who exposed his lies or exaggerations about his service in Vietnam, and Kerry’s certain betrayal of Vietnam veterans after in likening us to the army of Genghis Khan. Paul Mirengoff notes: " Kerry never explains why he finds the criticism of Obama “outrageous.” Doing so would have required a defense of the administration’s serial disclosure of sensitive national security information." I’m not defending Larry Bailey’s words, by any means. But, the effort by those supporting Obama’s re-election to avoid and broadbrush besmirch the valid concerns of special operators is typical of the Obama re-election campaign. Patriots, to the Obama folk, are those who support him. The special operators from the military and national security experts, whose lives are actually on the line and endangered by loose self-serving lips in the Obama administration, are denigrated by the Obama minions. In 2004, veterans and their families and friends saw right through John Kerry and, I confidently predict, will see through Obama like a soggy thin tissue too.
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A note to our (few) readers in ChinaI know that we have a few Chinese readers. We would welcome more. A reader in China asked me to post this shout-out. I believe that many in the Middle Kingdom might enjoy a refreshing dose of freedom-oriented Americana - if only to practice their reading! We'd love to see Maggie's go viral in China, but it ain't gonna happen. Politicians would shut us down. We would like it if our Chinese readers would forward our site around to their email list. I do not believe that we are censored by your government. Not yet, at least, despite our dangerously-subversive attitudes towards state power. Disaster vid: Train wreck at Wenzhou
As a disaster documentary buff, I've occasionally dashed over to YouTube to see if some company like the people who produce the 'Seconds From Disaster' or 'Mayday' series have done a special on it. But I've left disappointed. No one's ever produced a comprehensive documentary covering the entire sad event. Until now.
Friday morning linksDogs Can Shake 70% of the Water from Their Fur in 4 Seconds, Here's How Helen Gurley Brown Revisited Sale at Sippican Cottage Furniture ‘Hope Springs’ and the true love myth: Is hot sex necessary for a happy marriage? Psychopaths: The Intelligent, Charming Variant Watch a Plane Crash From Inside the Cockpit - Don't worry - everyone survived and is recovering but this is still rough to watch. Study: Men Paying For Sex From Prostitutes Looking For True Love Marketing Meets Higher Ed Christianity & gun owners in the crosshairs: Chilling tactic exposed McCotter: Serial Fraud Kept Congressman in Office GM could be heading for bankruptcy again SPLC’s hatewatch gives cover to hate Expert on Mental Illness Reveals Her Own Fight $100,000 per Year for California Meter Maids Pension Envy - A glimpse into the public-union mind-set Europe: "The Disease Is Incurable" Chicago Erects Memorial Marker to Commemorate Site of Obamas First Kiss at Baskin-Robbins… A Company Saved By Bain Why The Screwed Generation Is Turning To Paul Ryan Gone with the Wind - Green energy firm sacks two-thirds of American workforce days after receiving $32 million government loan How Bad Data Contribute to Global Warming Hysteria Archeology and war: Are we willing to die to save the past? From Kimball's Mitt’s mea culpa & Obama’s Waterloo:
It's a choice election Thursday, August 16. 2012Election 2012: Time for some well-deserved R&R
Personally, I'm quite pleased with the pick. I originally thought that Romney & camp would go the low-key route — especially after the VP candidate in the last election outshone the guy running for the P slot — so picking a firebrand like Ryan showed they do, indeed, have a message for America. That they are, indeed, going to give it a choice. My one regret is that I didn't start saving all of the "Why The Ryan Selection Is Great News For Obama!" links that suddenly popped up. It would have made for a fun post. Seriously, how insane do you have to be to make such a claim? Palin, sure. Newt, Perry, Bachmann, Christie, Pawlenty, Jindal, Portman, sure. I'd agree. All possible good news for Obama. But not Ryan. Not the one guy even Democrats will tip their hat to for knowing his stuff. And these loopy articles weren't on some backwater blog sites. Slate, Politico, Daily Beast, Puffington Host, Boston Globe, Washington Post, NY Times; all have spit out the "This is great news for Obama!" meme since the selection. One wonders, if their immediate reaction to the announcement is gross hyperbole — what's it going to be like from here on out? I'd look for some real zaniness coming out of these sites in the near future. I'll collect some of the better ones for our mutual amusement. The first official piece of zaniness is below the fold, and I'll also expound on why I think Palin not speaking at the convention is a good thing. Long-time readers know I'm a devout Palinite, so it's not an issue I take lightly. Continue reading "Election 2012: Time for some well-deserved R&R" Thursday morning linksAlthouse went to hear Bob (her photo) I'll be seeing him soon Marriage: Wisdom about Happiness from Jane Austen & Lived Experience Column: Girls don't need Obama's help with math The most terrifying horror movie of the summer College Slut Doubles as Hooker: ‘It was the best job a woman in Manhattan could have’ I guess she did the math How to find that perfect husband in college The New York Times' attack on Lolo Jones 5 Differences Between Boys and Real Men - Being 18 and male doesn't make you a man. The Sad Demise Of The Three-Martini Lunch John C. Goodman: Why the Doctor Can't See You - The demand for health care under ObamaCare will increase dramatically. The supply of physicians won't. Get ready for a two-tier system of medical care. Doctor Pay and Social Priorities - Med-school grads make less than business-school grads, and take on far more risk. Is this model sustainable? Social Security Administration To Purchase 174 Thousand Rounds Of Hollow Point Bullets hmmm US Poverty on Track to Rise to Highest since 1960s Welfare Dept. Mailing Roils Massachusetts Senate Race Politico Equates Obama Attacks with Romney Self-Defense Rove: For Romney, Even Means Ahead Democrats Target Janna Ryan Cute Wellesley grad, lawyer, stay at home Mom with three kids. What's not to hate? Paul Ryan, Master Bowhunter Michelle Obama: If You Elect Mitt Women Will Die From Cancer In Harvard essay, young Michelle Obama argued for race-based faculty hiring The Race Card Cometh Again...And Again New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks' Nice The Pitfalls of Private Investing in the Obama Era Obama created a high-risk, low-reward environment, yet the left wonders why companies aren't investing. The shooting: I Blame Rachel Maddow! I blame global warming Obamacare Doubles Premiums for Many Americans Over 100 Million Now Receiving Federal Welfare That's a lot of votes MSNBC Host Uses Racism and Class Warfare to Attack Declaration of Independence Swing state poll: After picking Ryan, Romney now leads in Ohio, Virginia — and Florida
Wednesday, August 15. 2012Political QQQ"This is an election in which we should be talking about the path ahead, but you don't hear any answers coming from President Obama’s reelection campaign. That’s because he's intellectually exhausted, out of ideas and out of energy. And so his campaign has resorted to diversions and distractions, to demagoguing and defaming others. This is an old game in politics; what’s different this year is that the president is taking things to a new low." Mitt Romney, yesterday
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Weds. morning linksGiant Burmese python caught in Florida DC Boomtown–The New Versailles French riots: Amiens buildings torched in clashes Brown Targets Warren, Class-Warfare Rhetoric The Democrats’ 2012 campaign: A bloody spectacle, almost too horrible to watch Obama's Strange Dependence on Valerie Jarrett 'TAKE YOUR CAMPAIGN OF DIVISION AND ANGER AND HATE BACK TO CHICAGO' - Details here. A quote from Romney:
VDH: ‘White’ on the Brain:
Sultan: The problem with being a moderate:
"Shockingly, the discussion reflected a “deep distrust” of individuals’ ability to make their own decisions." Why We Need Debate, Not Consensus, on Climate Change Leftist Planet - Why do so many travel guides make excuses for dictators?
Why I'm leaving China (fixed - a very interesting article)
Tuesday, August 14. 20122013 Taxes, etc.: I find the entire US Capitol revolting in its grandiosity.Middle-class taxpayers will pay a mere 50 percent of their income in taxes next year! Meanwhile, Auto Bailout Cost Taxpayers $25,000,000,000. I'll say it again: government is a special interest group, and one of the few growth industries left in the US right now. Washington DC is a boom town: people go where the money is.
Taxes are going to rise much further on the middle class. My simple theory is that the Left wants to take the money we all earn in the private sector, take their cut, decide what we need because we are too foolish and feckless to run our own lives, and then expect us to thank them with our votes for the service. They imagine we need care, like sheep, but we just want freedom from them. The Welfare State Industry underestimates the human spirit, and then shackles or cripples people to make their idea come true. Try saving the money to open a corner pizza joint when you're paying a 50% tax rate. Then, try getting a license to sell beer there. Then, consider your employee cost of Obamacare. At some point, people say The Heck With It and you have an empty storefront. That's the way to end up like Euroland, where nobody tries to do anything except to hold on to their safe crappy job, and everybody just waits to retire on the dole to complete their entire safe, spiritless, crappy life while their government betters live it up. Serfdom. It is a mistake for people to ignore the political appeal of the security of serfdom or slavery to the State or the Lord of the Manor, or dependency on the State, as long as those words are not used. Re the photo, I find the entire US Capitol revolting in its grandiosity. What are we - the Roman Empire? Possibly many disagree about that, but, as a New England Yankee with a long pre-revolutionary heritage here, I strongly object to the notion of an imperial city. Those idiots should be meeting in a church basement where they might acquire a little humilty.
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Tuesday morning linksPic via Theo A day late: Happy Left-Handers Day! Photos of abandoned insane asylums What Do You Know How To Do? A History of the Past: 'Life Reeked With Joy' The Frick Museum: SANCTUM IN THE CITY "...the belief in the spiritual superiority of natural things owes more to German paganism than to Christianity." Yep. "Nature" is only valued by those who can easily return to the gifts of civilization. Remarkable interview with Prof. Muller Ryan Pick Targets Key Demographic
Paul Ryan's Overton Window Yet Democrat Erskine Bowles Called Ryan Budget 'Sensible, Straightforward, Serious' "Paul Ryan" - Admit It, I Scare The Ever-Loving Shit Out Of You, Don't I? "Watching some of the Sunday shows ... and reading the usual suspects online, I was struck by how even knowledgeable liberals still do not understand what Obamacare has done to them." The Coming Battle for Medicare:
"Hanson suggests that liberals feel that they are morally superior, doing God’s work, and therefore do not have to obey the rules..." The first ad with Ryan. Not bad: Monday, August 13. 2012I need to empty my wheelbarrow full of linksRNC Chair: Obama 'Has Blood on His Hands' Gasparino: The fight’s on for America’s future Mead: 2012: Suddenly, A Historic Election? The failed policies of the past, or something better? The NYT hates Paul Ryan, so that's a plus. Paul Ryan means even more trouble for an already troubled Obama campaign
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Big C update So, here's how last Thursday went: I hated selling my stocks for the tumor operation, because they're one of the few things my dad left me, but they obviously had to go. The last time I talked to the broker, a few years ago, I was told they were worth around five grand. Or $3,284 on today's market. That's all I got for them, after the fees were paid and the dust settled. Welcome to the New Economy, Doc. I talk to the broker on the phone, he delivers the bad news, I hop into my car to do some errands and the battery's flat as a pancake. $523 worth of diagnostic fees, labor, and a new alternator later, I'm back on the road. I got the battery jumped that morning from a neighbor and drove it to the local fix-it shop. One of the guys was making a parts run and gave me a lift home. There's an email waiting for me from the guy I do my bread-and-butter work for (Web site maintenance), informing me that the Powers That Be at corporate headquarters have nixed this season's event and there goes my steady income for the next few months. I've had better days! As for my operation, I'm penciled in for Sept 4th. The good news is that I went up to a hospital in Miami a few weeks ago and the tumor hasn't gotten any worse. The bad news is that I'll have to push back the operation if I don't have the funds. I still have a month and a half to go, but it'll be close. Losing the Web job really hurts. The good news there is that they'll have to do their next event in October, so I'll be able to make some money while I'm healing. My original post on this worrisome subject is here. I could sure use some help with my donation fund. As I've noted before, if I can repay you by helping you with something online, like setting up a blog or web site, just tell me in the comments to email you and we'll take it from there. Monday morning linksThe State Gambling Addiction - Politicians are bleeding problem gamblers to fix their budgets—and it isn’t working. Does President Obama Want to Take Over Other Industries? Romney sailing straight Into the Storm Obama's Campaign One Of The Dirtiest In Modern Times "“INSERT NAME OF REPUBLICAN TO BE DEMONIZED HERE is the worst, vilest, sexist, homophobic, God-worshiping, Second Amendment-supporting, budget cutting, evilest human being I’ve ever known in my life.” Insty: "NOTE TO PROFESSORS: You must hate Paul Ryan." MSM on Ryan Pick: “Women and Minorities Hardest Hit” This is good: "Mr. President, get your campaign out of the gutter." Barack Obama: Still THE MYSTERY MAN:
I think he's a fraud. Sunday, August 12. 2012Sunday morning linksThe Science of How Music Enchants the Brain, Animated. Or try here. Is music a drug? Would it be boring if we could live forever? Chinese Hands - stunning video Kids know that weirdos are weirdos. Life is not fair. Never was, never will be. I feel sorry for the outlier kids. Painful, but builds character. My kids generally have been embracing of the outliers. Food Cranks: What Graham Crackers Can Teach Us About Whole Foods Is it perverted to appreciate feminine beauty? Perverted not to. Ted Frank’s chicken offset will let you eat at Chick-fil-A and still keep your liberal conscience clean. Photographs from the Democrat Utopia of North Korea Population control: let people over 50 die Why kill Perspective: Are firearm murders a significant statistic? Steyn: I am bothered that Romney’s insipid message does not rise to the challenge this nation faces. The Killing - The battle to define Mitt Romney is over—and Romney lost Too genteel to punch back? Should call them out as liars and as degrading politics. "Your campaign is disgusting and beneath the dignity of American politics. Shame on you." Quick: Obama Campaign Lies About Ryan Medicare Reform - Will the press let them get away with it? Media First ROFL Spin On a Paul Ryan Veep Pick: Too Inexperienced to Be President? Rahe: Romney's Declaration of War WOLF: Desperate Democrats reek of fear - Winning campaigns don’t behave like this Wrong. It's just the Chicago Way. Bare knuckles, no rules. Yes, More Solyndras for Clean Energy - The solar company failed, but the decision to invest in it was the right one Huh? Failure is success? NYT Hosts Media Fire Sale Back-To-School Spending Is In Detention Saturday, August 11. 2012Free ad for Obama
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Saturday morning linksVia Insty, Are You Ready To Be Friends ... With Benefits? Steven Shapin on An Intellectual History of Cannibalism Disorganized collection growth Crime and high school graduation requirements Senior Sex: Why Seniors Are Getting It On How a Single Oxycontin Pill Nearly Ruined One Man's Life No Conservatives, Please--We're Colleges Time, CNN suspend Fareed Zakaria for apparent plagiarism Penn Is Cutting Back on White Male Faculty It’s Not Just the Students; Colleges Are Going Broke Too I'd exclude these fascist idiots Unreal… Now the Far Left Is Trying to Tie Mitt Romney to El Salvador Death Squads It’s Ryan! The post offers this Ryan quote:
Should Economists Get Government Subsidies? Krauthammer: The Case Against Reelection More Leftists Let Their Masks Slip, Admit They Want Big Tax Hikes on the Middle Class Teachers' Unions in Action President Obama’s claim that insurance premiums ‘will go down’ Impossible, because Obamacare requires coverage of everything. Designed to fail. Obama the Uniter Has Diminished Himself "Uniter"? Cancer Ad Just the Beginning: Obama Super PAC Ready to Launch More 'Incendiary' Ads Most licensing is just a form of taxation Why Is Israel More Prosperous than the Palestinians? EDITORIAL: Obama: Pay my wife, please - President wants taxpayers to pick up larger family tab Intelligent, autonomous robots set to change combat landscape Machine vs. machine, just like the financial markets Gerson: Ignoring foreign policy won’t make it go away Obama's Campaign One Of The Dirtiest In Modern Times That was to be expected
Friday, August 10. 2012The kind of thinking which drives me nutsVia The American, a quote:
Friday morning linksAbby and Brittany, A Reality Show That Follows the Conjoined Hensel Twins Post-College Robert Loveless - An American Legend A Wasted Educational Crisis - Cal State Fresno might have tried to raise student quality and academic standards, but didn’t. DC is booming: Take Me Down to the Parasite City ‘Keep That Pay Raise, I Can’t Afford It’ - Welfare’s upside-down incentive: You get more when you work less Rahe: Landslide on the horizon Mr. Reid must prove he has not had sex with a cow. Bully, tax cheat, felon, murderer — and it’s only August. What’s in store for October? 'Romney Murdered JonBenét Ramsey,' New Obama Campaign Ad Alleges "It is becoming clear that Obama is not only intellectually, but also morally unfit to hold the office of President." Related: Mayor Rahm Emanuel declared that “Chicago Values” did not include traditional what are Chicago's values? Obama Wants to Repeat “Success” of Auto Bailout With Every Industry Greed: Right now, the greediest entities on earth are governments. More on Greed, below via Eratosthenes
Thursday, August 9. 2012Thursday morning linksReview of the new Nikon D800 Buddy is a fan of Ann Barnhardt's website Bruce Thornton on Roger Kimball Has success become proof of bad character? "Let's find this guy, kill him, and steal his woman." Curtis Martin Did Not Like Football Defensive Medicine Kills - Not just snake oil wasting our money, but an actual snake quietly poisoning us. Knish on the tribalism and cargo cult of the Middle East:
“Fed study says Bush and the banks didn’t cause the Great Recession. The Fed did,” The Obama Administration Pays Illegal Aliens to Come Here Why Team Obama Ran with the Dishonest ‘Mitt Killed My Wife!’ Ad Wednesday, August 8. 2012Best Olympic reporting everThe Laser race. Listen until the end. (h/t, reader)
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