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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, October 9. 2012Tuesday morning links
Administrative bloat at Ohio State, where the ratio of full-time non-instructional staff to full-time faculty is more than 6-to-1 More medicalization attempts of climate skeptics by psychiatry professionals Why Einstein never received a Nobel prize for relativity Is Obesity a Disease or a Moral Failing? And what are we to make of the fact that an affliction of the rich is now predominantly a problem of the poor? Eratosthenes: Goodperson Fever
Congress members back legislation that could benefit themselves, relatives Debate not wanted: Colleges Closing Doors to Conservative Ideas Goodbye To The Army And Marines: Political Correctness Has Taken Over Unintended Consequences of Obamacare - Hiring part-timers The Impact of Federal Regulations on U.S. Manufacturing How Bork won in the end From Zero Interest Rate To Zero Retirement: How The Fed Doomed Elderly Americans To Endless Work Iran’s Charity Loophole - House Dems push for Iran sanctions exemptions
Kenneth Cole: ‘Why send money to Obama when you can buy our shoes?’ Humorless Libs freak out Battleground Poll: Romney Up 16 with Independents, Up 13 In Enthusiasm Romney offers powerful alternative to apologizing for America:
Rumor: GOP Wants to Ban Tampons Four Years Under Obama Wipes Away 30 Years of Black American Gains CURL: The dismantling of Barack Obama Obama’s Plan for Ohio - Making suburban taxpayers prop up failing Democratic cities. Out of touch: Obama lives in left-wing bubble Trackbacks
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Obesity is genetic, you get it from your parents not from McDonalds. While we all have some control over small weight gains or losses it is extremely difficult for anyone to make the major changes in diet or lifestyle to overcome obesity. There are of course examples of obese people losing 100 and even 200 lbs but rarely is there a followup a few years later to discover these people were unable to maintain those weight losses.
Genetic? Every watched a fat person eating donuts? That's genetic?
Yes there's a genetic component but certainly lifestyle choices determine whether you will be a large healthy person or a gross obese blob.
Furthermore if obesity is just genetics, than why are there far more obese people now versus 50 years ago?
After they kill all the lawyers they need to go after all the administrators, in education, churches, government and even business with those useless armies of HR weenies cooking up various mult-culti awareness programs.
Obesity is both genetic and environmental. I wouldn't categorize it as either a moral failing or a disease. Hormones, caffeine, electric lights and gadgets, cheap and abundant calorie laden foods, cars, less exercise...the list of factors goes on. With all of that it gets complicated getting around to losing weight and keeping it off, but good god it's easy to put the pounds on.
All questions of God aside, the human body is highly evolved biological mechanism existing in an un-natural environment for which its functionality needs to be adapted...open instinct and all of that...well, I've adapted. This morning I'm 5 lbs away from dropping 100 lbs from my all time high. I put on weight after my dad died. Then one bad marriage and it all went south hard, you know. What the hell, right? About six months ago I figured I had dealt enough with the junk from my divorce and it was time to get down to my own business. I took out a picture of myself from way back and made it a target. I'm pretty damned close to hitting that target. I didn't eat cardboard. It wasn't torture. It didn't suck. I'm having a really good time, actually. What I'm doing now is pretty much what I'll be doing after my goal is achieved. When I hit my number I'll really focus on body sculpting. After that it's maintenance. None of that stuff is far off from what I'm doing today. Plus, what's cool is I'm lifting while I do this so I'm not getting skinny/fat. Some serious definition in my arms and shoulders. I have a V-torso again and I'm into clothes I haven't worn in a dogs age. Why? Because I've been pissed about this problem for years and I've been plugging my head into it. I found the path, baby. It wasn't because I was immoral or diseased. It's because I was floundering. Lost. Yeah, well I'm back. "why are there far more obese people now versus 50 years ago?" 50 yearts ago America was mostly made up of people with a european ancestory. Today the numbers of blacks and hispanics has quadrupled and obesity is a genetic reality for African and South American ancestory.
"Every watched a fat person eating donuts?" Ever watch a skinny person eat doughnuts? Visit the McDonalds or other fast food outlet nearest your local high school at lunch at take a look at the kids who eat fast food. 90% or more are skinny, too skinny. Why? because this is the norm for teenagers. If it was fast food or doughnuts then these kids would be as fat as their obese friends. But they are not. why? Genetics. "Hormones, caffeine, electric lights and gadgets, cheap and abundant calorie laden foods, cars, less exercise...the list of factors goes on" If it were that simple then all Americans and Europeans would be obese and all indigent people would be skinny. Have you ever seen what the indigent people in Africa look like??? These people who eat substandard food and work their tails off to survive are obese (mostly the women) But that is exactlyt because it is genetic. IF you are genetically predisposed to be obese then certainly the availability of high calorie foods and energy saving devices will assist that predisposition. But on the contrary if you are not predisposed to be obese you will not be, simple as that. Good luck on your diet but the bad news is that within five years of you losing that extra 100 lbs you will gain it all back and more. Sorry, it is genetic. It will take a constant committment on your part to eat a starvation diet the rest of your life to merely remain overweight and not obese. I on the other hand can and do eat whatever I want as much as I want and my weight stays normal. I wasn't aware European and African culture were the same as ours. Stunning insight....
How and what you eat is a choice. You just quit trying to fix what you broke and now you're pissed off. Get over it. HUH! Two simple sentences and yet they make no sense at all. Did you actually have something to say or was it a brain fart. Try again. It seems you have a disagreement but can't form the words.
Just read this: "It will take a constant committment on your part to eat a starvation diet the rest of your life to merely remain overweight and not obese."
I'm neither uncomfortable nor am I starving. You can eat whatever you want? I spent ten minutes on Sunday morning managing my days calories so I could have a feast during the Pats game. I had a fresh Spring Roll, Lamb Vindaloo, a Guinness stout, Mango Greek Yogurt and freeze dried blueberries...quite coincidentally just what I wanted. As for the constant commitment required to stay fit: It takes me less time to manage my calories and prepare food now because of the process, not in spite of it. A few weeks back I was at a farm and I saw a mouse that had drowned in a horse trough. My dollars to your doughnuts it tread water like a boss until it went beneath the surface for sheer exhaustion. Why? Because it didn't have the supreme power to rationalize away all hope. That mouse was a warrior to the end, but you don't have the will that rodent had to get the job done. If I'm fat in five years it's because I gave up. Just like you. I understand your anger but I didn't make up those facts. Your body is conspiring against you and your will be back to the weight you body wants, period! Is it possible to maintain a "normal" weight even though your genetics are programmed to be obese? Certainly but it takes, as I already said, a lifetime committment to eating a starvation diet. Perhaps you don't understand what a starvation diet is. If you are losing weight on your diet then you are on a starvation diet. Simple as that. All the well known diets are starvation diets of one form or another.
"...obesity is a genetic reality for African and South American ancestory"
Well perhaps that's true but I don't see a lot of obese Africans in Africa also don't see a lot of aboriginal South American ethnics obese in South America...I assume you are referring to aboriginal South Americans as all other South American ancestry include European, African, Jewish and various Asian ethnic groups. There's no doubt that there's a genetic component, but there's also a huge environmental/life style choice component as well. It is genetic, simple as that. I am 69 years old and have never been obese. I eat four times a day and my evening meal is usually chocolate, cookies and crackers (sometimes peanut butter by the spoonful). I eat the entire 8 oz bag of chips although I admit it is difficult but I can still get it all down. I am not obese and doubt that I could be no matter how hard I try. I have friends and relatives who cannot prevent themselves from being obese. Their parents were obese and they were in their teens and now as older people they are still obese. They dieted and worked out and simply became hungry and tired obese people. it is genetic!!