Pic: It's Oktoberfest. That's my beer and smokes from the deck of a Danube riverboat a couple of years ago. Just a boatride. Yes, that is the original Czech Budweiser
Huckleberry Finn is just a boatride.
Urban Coyotes Could be Setting the Stage for Larger Carnivores to Move Into Cities (h/t Jungle Man)
Plenty of cougars around town already
World Porridge Making Championships held in Carrbridge
Update on the brothels of Amsterdam
Does Fast Food Marketing Make Kids Fat?
Sexless marriage
Dalio: Buy gold
With what?
Not Even Hillary Clinton Can Look Away From Christina Aguilera’s Ample Bosom
"Not even"?
Venetians want their independence back
Electric Cars Hurt the Environment
US Politics Of Medicine
Balancing the Makers and Takers
Sean Penn campaigns in Venezuela — for Hugo Chavez
Declining interest rates = declining common sense
New jobs report shows growth, but in low-skill, part-time jobs
Chart below via Carpe

Image via Theo
"I’m asking you to keep believing in me." Is this a religion?
Romney, MSNBC, and the McGurk Effect
Desperate Dems Hide Behind Big Bird
Obama’s Boys on the Bus - The media pull out all the stops to reelect the president.
Klavan: A Fantasy Election, an Imaginary Man - Barack Obama has always been less real than dream—a media dream:
The Obama of the imagination is the media’s Obama. Out of their fascination with the color of his skin and their mindless awe at his windy teleprompted rhetoric, they constructed a man of stature and accomplishment. Now, with the White House on the line, they’re waging an ongoing battle against the undeniable evidence that he has never been, in fact, that man. The result in these quadrennial autumn days has been media coverage of a fantasy election, an election in the news that may bear no relation whatsoever to the election as it is.
McCarthy: Obama is a phoney
"When the hermetic, perfect world created in 2008 came into being, the Lightbringer at its center was protected from the moment of his nomination in a kind of numinous cloud of cultural, media and elite opinion protection."
It was boob bait. Axelrod understands boob bait.
Holy Shit: Washington Post Runs Op-Ed Asking Why Mitt Romney Isn't Richer, and If He Isn't Richer, Doesn't That Disqualify Him From the Presidency?
Ryan’s Impossible Debate Challenge
New polls show Romney overtaking Obama in Colorado, nationally
People just wanted to see a viable, credible alternative
Steyn: Sesame Nation - Big Bird should leave the government nest.
Big essay: Mort Zuckerman: Why the Country Is Unhappy Under Obama
From Driscoll's Observation Can Become an Intervention — The Reverse Is Also True: