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Thursday, October 4. 2012There's no debate about the big debate
Leftie Leftie Bill Maher tweeted:
Romney was the adult in the room Powerline: It's Over:
Romney was having fun. The O just wanted to go home and turn on the TV. Sullivan: A disaster for the President Politico: Not debatable: Obama stumbled -
Juan Williams was "caroling"? Pajamas: Left and Right Come Together to Slam Obama’s Bomb of a Night (and Lehrer) - But was the president's bland, dispassionate performance actually part of a campaign strategy? For the pity vote? Podhoretz: Massacre leaves liberals in tears Dejected Libs Ed Schultz & Rachel Maddow on Obama’s Debate Performance: ‘I’m Disappointed’ Commenter at Powerline: "Remind me if I ever become a community organizer not to debate a CEO." Commenter at Mediaite: About a hour into the debate, I almost felt bad for the President. He was completely outclassed and seemed intimidated by the Governor. Best comment line is from Insty: "The ego has landed." Best line from Romney: “I’ve been in business for 25 years. I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Romney said in the most devastating understatement of the night.
Krauthammer: Romney ‘won by two touchdowns’:
My email from Barack at 12:42 am:
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See kids, there is a reason you have to do your homework. In case you get schooled and it isn't open teleprompter.
The MSM didn't do Obama any favors by protecting him. Once he was out in the open, he was exposed. The waiter asked "And what will you have, Sir?"
Gov. Romney replied, "I would like an Obama sandwich." And that's what he had -- Obama for lunch. No pencil, no paper, no taking names. Just an old fashioned a$$ kicking. Wooo-hooo!
It was like watching two Dems debate. One was trying to play the part of a moderate and the other trying to look Conservative right. Neither of these clowns deserves the support of people who love liberty. This is pretty funny...Facebook put a video up on its login page that features--are you ready for this--empty chairs! Facebook just Eastwooded Obama after his miserable debate performance. It has to be unintentional, I mean, this thing was produced well beforehand. That is, unless they had it ready as a contingency plan, but I doubt that is what's going on here. Go to facebook.com and check it out!
The video is set to a frame showing an empty chair floating in air. This is what you see before you press play. In the video itself there are a lot of empty chairs. This is hilarious!
God, they can't be that stupid. It has to be intentional. We have to be careful here and not celebrate - gloat a little at finally exposing the empty suit that is President Obama perhaps, but not celebrate - there are two more of these things and it ain't over until the Fat Lady sings. I'll grant you that she may be warming up though.
I think it is also important to remember exactly who the President was using as Romney in debate prep - John Kerry. Now I have no respect for Kerry at all, I'll admit that right up front, but that was a horrible choice for a debate prep partner - one empty suit talking to another empty suit. Romney had Rob Portman who, as we all remember, did such a great job at role playing Obama in prepping McCain that Cindy McCain went running from the prep room crying and never ever returned to watch the debate prep again. Romney was wise to pick Portman because he takes his role seriously and does his best to annoy, harass, irritate and just generally be a pain in the ass. And that's the difference between a politician and a CEO. Some choice Twitter commentary per my usual post debate commentary: @Kristi Harrison -- I have to admit they're both pretty handsome. I'm waiting for the swimsuit competition to decide. #debates @Phil Plait -- After reading all the variations of the debate drinking games, I have decided to simply remove my liver and set it on fire. @Are You Italian? -- The debates in my house are much louder. #2012debate @iowahawkblog -- From what I'm reading, the big winner last night was What Obama Should Have Said. @freddoso -- Quick, someone give Obama a Nobel Prize in Debating. @iowahawkblog -- Inside the JournoList volcano lair, Jim Lehrer is being tossed in the shark tank. @iowahawkblog -- BREAKING: Sandra Fluke hit by immaculate conception. @DrewMTips -- My guess is about 75% of MSNBC's audience tonight is conservatives ODing on schadenfreude. @rjmoeller -- #ObamaDebateExcuses The son of George Romney was in my eyes. I also found it interesting that a week before the debate, R and O were basically neck and neck in the polls - across a broad spectrum of polls I might add. This week, O is ahead and R needs to "catch" up. My money is that this is the election where the polls are totally useless and folks go back to not paying them any attention at all. Quick, someone give Obama a Nobel Prize in Debating.
Too late. You have to give him the prize before he debates. OK. That one was worthy of a Nobel. Now I have to clean my computer screen.
Politico spins furiously, yet does not weave. Rumpelstiltskin could spin straw into gold, but Politico couldn't spin hot air into yarn. When ya gots nuthin to work with...
Pollster Frank Luntz says he has never seen anything like this as focus groups swing sharply to Romney.
http://twitchy.com/2012/10/03/undecided-voters-in-focus-group-swing-sharply-toward-romney-frank-luntz-ive-never-seen-anything-like-this/ I think it was an overwhelming, and stupendous, shift in attitude by people toward Romney. But as Don Draper says "Success is a reality, but its effects are temporary." The most important debate is the final one. Romney can't afford to rest on his laurels, he can suffer a tie at worst in the next one, but has to have a third debate (there are 3, right? I don't really follow these things closely) which is as advantageous as this one.
Here are the problems, as I see them: 1. He gets cocky. Cockiness can lead to slips of the tongue and the press is salivating for a chance to flip momentum. They won't wait. Any slip will be used to a devastating end. 2. He gets lazy. Doubt this will happen, but his campaign is weird so you never know. He isn't good at responding to Obama's insanity regarding advertising. He has to fix this. Obama could go on an ad blitz that Romney suffers through. 3. It's part of a plan. Seems weird, but think about it for a minute. Reagan in 1984. First debate - the doddering old man, confused looks, etc. Second debate - that devastating comeback which knocked out Mondale for good. It's possible that Obama is playing rope-a-dope and Romney just has to be ready for it. He can't let his guard down. 4. None of this matters. I'm still of the opinion that the press doesn't really care that Romney won by a wide and effective margin. They are busy creating new memes to work with so they can diminish the impact of this over the final month of the campaign. Remember, the key for Romney is convincing about 5% of the undecided votes to go for him....if they don't care too much, then all this is for naught. The VP debate should be (but no need to go overboard) be a devastating win for Ryan. Biden may have an edge on Foreign Policy, but other than that Ryan is more articulate and more intelligent. Don't count chickens, but another big win there could generate a tremendous turnaround. Biden is funny, though. I think people like him because he's so stupid, they feel sorry for him. I think people feel sorry for Sheriff Joe because he's such a doofus - a perpetual underdog who somehow wins.
I'm of the opinion that Sheriff Joe's persona is carefully constructed to cater to the low information voter and it works. I know, it ain't over til the fat lady sings, but the facts aren't going to change between now and the last debate. At best, Obama will have refined his lipstick-on-a-pig application skills by then.
I know a lot of pro-Obama people, and this certainly didn't change any of their minds. .
It has always been about turn-out. This election will be decided by how many people care enough to vote. For that reason, I have never been as despairing as some about the polls. I am also not that elated by the debate. VOTE if you're pro-Romney. VOLUNTEER to work on the ground game now. DON'T gloat. It was Rocky Marciano vs President Truman Capote. Capote escorted Rocky into the parlor of languid cynicism, and switched on the lights. Lo and behold, someone had redecorated, it was a boxing ring!
And the butler wasn't Andrew Warhol anymore, it was Andrew Napolitano! And Jim Lehrer was Gym Leerer! (ok scratch that last one, groan) press here declared Obama the unequivocal winner even before the debate was over in massive headlines, then later put up single column messages that US TV stations had declared Romney to have won according to opinion polls.
Was the first time they'd ever mentioned Romney except to regurgitate the "scandals" the US MSM keeps inventing around the man. Truly, there is no there there. Moreover, there never has been anything there.
How come you guys are always getting emails from the White House? I never get emails from the Obama campaign.
"Texas has always been a pretty Republican state, for, you know, historic reasons." You know,Texas went big for Lincoln in 1860,with the exception of those Hill Country Germans. Lyndon Johnson, a.k.a. Mr. Republican, represented Texas in Congress before being elected President. No point in trying to convert those yellow dog Republicans in Texas, whose great-great-grandpappys voted for Lincoln.
Bill Clements, elected in 1978, was Texas' first Republican governor --ever, in all of recorded history.
buddy larsen
2012-10-05 14:28
Dang it Buddy, don't confuse ∅bama's narrative on Republican Texas with the facts!
2012-10-05 18:03