Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Wednesday, November 5. 2014The Political CoresLike some of you, I've been reading about the election from all corners of the web: Left, Conservative, MSM, etc. One take-home I get from it all is that the Dem core, on which they rely for votes and/or money, consists of single women, billionaires and multi-millionaires, "old money", crony capitalists, Wall St. millionaires, unionistas, Hollywood and its allies and sycophants, black Americans, government-dependent Americans, and urban white Liberals (including nice gentry Liberals, and academics, students, and college townspeople). That's not news, but I just find it interesting. I can't really relate to any of those bloc-voting components. The other take-home I get is that those people have an incomprehensible hatred and contempt for ordinary hard-working and entrepreneurial people like me. Why? I do not hate them, and it is unlikely that they would hate me if they met me. I happily work 14-hour days to build our business and to employ and supervise the new people we need. Our major challenges to continuing growth are competition (good) and government (bad).
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Wednesday morning linksElection results, race by race and county by county WaPo: Battle for the Senate: How the GOP did it Scott Walker: "In America, we take a day off to celebrate the 4th of July, and not the 15th of April, because in America, we celebrate our independence from the government, not our dependence on it." And Mia Love won too. Brokaw: Once Republicans Win the Senate, What Are They Willing to Surrender to Democrats On? A Step-By-Step Approach To Congress' 2015 ObamaCare Strategy String Theory: Now Circling the Drain 'Best whisky in the world' prize won by Japanese single malt for first time as Scottish distilleries lose out Why support erodes for GMO labeling (Hint: It’s not because of spending by Big Ag) The Art of Not Working at Work The #StreetHarassment Meme and #Feminism’s Kafkatrapping Tactics What We’ve Learned From Our Open Border VDH: Sizing America Up - In today’s foreign-relations climate, even a Jimmy Carter would seem like a godsend. The Pentagon's Greatest Challenge (And It's Not ISIS or China) Europe’s Moment of Blinding Strategic Clarity The Immigrant Traffickers’ Club Med Extremism Disruption Orders: The End of Britain as a Free Nation The Case Against Academic Boycotts of Israel Arizona instructor claims U.S. military 'greater threat' to peace than ISIS The Islamic State is raising an army of child soldiers, and the West could be fighting them for generations to come A Sad State of Affairs: The Kerry Record The Jew of Nations: The Global Demonization of Israel Tuesday, November 4. 2014Guy goes to make his pointless vote
surrounded, at the polls, by busloads of Aztecs and Mayans.
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Tuesday morning linksAbout a book: Your God is Too Small From Salon, The sad, twisted truth about conservative Christianity’s effect on the mind - "Some religious beliefs may alter brain function, making us more prone to anxiety and depression" Good grief 22 Vintage Adverts That Would Be Banned Today (h/t SDA) What A 1951 Photo Tells Us About Modern Women’s Loss Of Power It’s the greatest achievement in human history, and one you probably never heard about Harvard University To Teach Students How To Have Anal Sex… Yes, Really… I thought that was taught in grade school nowadays Shocking Report: Colleges Want more Government Money What It’s Like To Face The LGBT Inquisition - Dare to question the new moral majority, and you will face an LGBT Inquisition. A bisexual son of lesbian parents speaks up. Broadcast networks cover Kochs 22 times more than election’s top funder Steyer Why If It Damages America, It's Good for Democrats A new young batch of Conservative women House Republicans could see their first black, gay members in years
Rand Paul courts the black vote I like Rand. For political figurehead purposes, it's too bad he's a little dude who looks like Harpo From Race and Reaction
That's a wow. I have never seen any racial discrimination in my personal life, or any racial tension either so I suspect politicians and media gin it up to keep an old narrative looking alive. Obama Calls Republicans ‘Un-American’ In Late Election Appeal to Black Voters Does the president really want black people to hate me? That is sick. Ben Stein: Obama ‘Is The Most Racist President There Has Ever Been’ Disparate Impact Rebuked By Federal Judge – Court Rebukes The Next AG Nominee, Tom Perez and The Social Engineering Construct He’s Pushing… Reflections on the Closing of the Russian Mind Italy’s in terminal decline, and no one has the guts to stop it - Everything that’s wrong with France is worse here Great place to visit, though - wonderful in every way Taliban trying to destabilize region beyond Afghanistan Below via WUWT: UN Climate Panel: Phase Out Fossil Fuels ‘Almost Entirely’ by 2100 They are insane. Most people pray for some global warming, but it never arrives. Leading Climate Scientist Bemoans Chicken Little Green Advocacy Monday, November 3. 2014Monday morning links Our Healthful, Mindful, Gluten-Free Religion Eight Most Absurd PC Police Halloween Rules Hush, Art is Happening Why We Sleep Together - A long time ago, beds were expensive—but there's more to it than that. More Horror Stories from the TSA Bureaucrats What about the slur against Scandinavians? Proposed FDA food-safety rules under the FSMA Want to help veterans? Stop pitying them. The Ottoman Spring - 1908 I did not know that some feminists support incest How the Far Left Hijacked a Cat-Calling Debate And Started to Eat Itself - A viral video about street harassment doesn’t fit the desired narrative. Pharmaceutical regulation is getting tougher That means fewer new medicines Pharmaceutical regulation is getting tougher Meh, same old ‘gloom and doom’ from the IPCC over new climate report Congressional Democrats Assist Billionaire Hedge-Fund Manager in Wall Street Feud Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg Wants a Government of the Oligarchs, by the Oligarchs and for the Oligarchs Shaheen: 'Right-Wing' Group Behind Study Showing Majority of NH Jobs Went to Immigrants That right-wing group is the US Census Bureau Horowitz: Why Are the Senate Races Close? Islamic State group kills 50 Iraqis Video: ISIS Enjoying ‘Slave Market Day’, Buying Yazidi Women Man Says Islam is Violent, Muslims Violently Beat Him Boko Haram Leader Says He’s Already Married Off Kidnapped Schoolgirls Is the photo below true? And, if so, why? From Rick Moran:
Saturday, November 1. 2014Saturday morning links"Why Don’t We Eat Swans Anymore?" I'd be happy to try one Seems crazy to me: Deer and antler-farming (h/t Vanderleun) So does this: EPA to ban Argon, one of the largest components of the atmosphere Breathing in Argon on a regular basis is correlated with eventual death 100% of the time Violent Tornadoes Are On The Decline In The US I blame global warming Fatter crash test dummies for America The 3 Most Effective Ways to Waste Time in the Gym From Ancient DNA, a Clearer Picture of Europeans Today 50,000 artifacts found in tunnel under Teotihuacan temple Progressives Sign Petition to Kill ‘Babies’ Up to 5 Years Old World Misery Index' Puts U.S. Between Romania and Hungary Taxpayers Lose as Small Businesses Drop Insurance Coverage Charlie Rangel on GOP: They ‘believe slavery isn’t over’ Major consumer media study finds liberals far less tolerant than normal people Money in politics "The most important single election next Tuesday is for governor of Wisconsin." "The Wall Street Journal confirmed today that the President is planning I think he sees this as his Lincoln opportunity Does the US military have a problem with Jesus? The Campus Is Conquered . . .So Israelophobia spreads to America’s secondary schools. Europe’s Options on Mediterranean Immigrants: Bad and Worse Does Western civilization have a boring, safe, efficient future? Friday, October 31. 2014Friday morning linksAlcohol-free likker Taylor Swift: a New Yorker Hooray: Michelle Obama Ruins Halloween In Philly 71 Percent of New Jobs Go to Foreign Born Legal, Illegal Immigrants in NH “People May Not Always Understand Why, But an Armored Vehicle is Almost a Necessity Now 20-Year CBS News Veteran Details Massive Censorship And Propaganda In Mainstream Media Health-Care Hell - Doctors and patients get burned by the world’s worst middleman. Why it's time for Libertarians to Vote for Republicans Dems have the statists and authoritarians in their tent, Repubs have room in their tent for Libertarians (ie, traditional Liberals) Shocking Harvard poll: Millennial voters want GOP in charge, abandon Obama The yoots like Rand Paul The Stupid Party Is For Losers VOEGELI: Why liberals can’t govern Massive Non-Citizen Voting Uncovered in Maryland Boxer: ‘So Sad to See the Party of Lincoln’ Attempting to ‘Suppress the Vote’ Scare the black people: It's Just Like Willie Horton Except Completely Different ... the state of Maine may have had just about enough of Saint Kaci of the Order of Unique Snowflakes. Fred says: The crucial question: Do we have more to fear from largely imaginary terrorists, or from the FBI? Your chances of being killed by terrorists are essentially zero, even if you live in Washington or New York, and far less if you live in Memphis or Raleigh-Durham. (To express this we need the concept of negative zero, which I hearwith offer to the mathmatical community.) Your chances of living in an electronically locked-down police state are very high. This is far more dangerous to what the United States was than even a successful bombing of a mall.What goes through the minds of those who are doing this to us? Renewables Threaten Europe’s Energy Security This Winter In France, Muslims Are 7.5% of the Population, Commit 60% of the Crime Thursday, October 30. 2014Thursday morning linksBook in the mail: Rebecca Bynum's The Real Nature of Religion Galapagos Giant Tortoise Brought Back From Brink of Extinction Parenting: Imagine a tragedy, dammit! Apparently you have to have OCD to be a parent Not Everyone Wants to Be Happy - Americans are obsessed with happiness, but other cultures see things differently Why Middle-Class Americans Can't Afford to Live in Liberal Cities The Economic Case for Marriage Instead of illegal immigrants, I have hired some beavers to repair our dam Genetic Engineering Could Provide the Solution to Florida’s Citrus Problem Predicted: No global warming for yet another 30 years at least Feminists: Abort all male children Obviously never worked for a female boss Woman walks around New York for a day, is catcalled more than 100 times Report on Non-Citizen Voters Shows Why Amnesty Would Be 'Suicide' for GOP Former Trek Employees Say Mary Burke Was Fired by Her Own Family for Poor Performance When “Raise the Wage” Backfired How Rand Paul Threatens Left and Right - Libertarian-inflected conservatism challenges entrenched political coalitions with a transpartisan appeal. La Raza Promotes Washington Post Guide On Where People Can Vote Without An ID Bad News: Skittish Gray Lady Fears ‘Bumpkinification of the Midterm Elections’ Obama Is a Republican - He’s the heir to Richard Nixon, not Saul Alinsky. Where is the media on the Attkisson story? Millennials abandon Democratic sinking ship Kim Jong Un Executes 10 Officials for Watching Soaps, Graft Has Italy Passed the Point of No Return for Statism and Big Government? Wednesday, October 29. 2014Wednesday morning linksTen Things That Are Killing the Family The baseball Playograph Environmentalists Are Ruining Everything, Including Halloween Will Food Allergy Hysteria Destroy Halloween? The Utter Moral Collapse of UNC-Chapel Hill NY to colleges: Don't ask applicants re criminal history Berkeley students try to boot Bill Maher Indian Communities Chose Redskins for Athletic Mascot In US, Foreign-Born Job-Holders Break 25 MILLION… EconLog’s David Henderson does a splendid job explaining that minimum-wage legislation harms the very people its well-meaning proponents mean to help. Organic activists reject science, propose ‘natural’ Ebola cure, claim government conspiracy 2040’s America will be like 1840’s Britain, with robots? Scott Walker, in Dead Heat, Faces Third Election in Four Years - The national Democratic Party throws everything they have at the possible presidential contender. How Goldwater Changed Campaigns Forever British Minister: Global Warming “Pause” Result Of Government Climate Change Regulations… Good grief
Tuesday, October 28. 2014Tuesday morning linksImage via Driscoll Why is virginity so hard for modern culture to understand? Acid reflux: The Dangers of Eating Late at Night Welcome to the Big-Time College-Sports Sausage Factory The Most Stunning News Story of 2014 Boston Globe endorses Republican for MA governor Thornton: The Politics of Victimhood Richman: The State is No Friend of the Worker Want a Stable Job With Steadier Raises? Try Working for a Nonprofit Is Cruz too conservative for America? Army isolating some soldiers returning from Africa Teachers squeezed for $27 million in union political spending If oil speculators were to blame for the $12 per barrel Jan.-June increase, do they now get credit for the $25 drop? DeRugy: Government Failure Is Baked In China’s Third Era: The End of Reform, Growth, and Stability Navy SEAL: US Special Ops Are Starting To Look A Lot Less Special ‘Swarms of Cooperative, Autonomous’ Robots to Hit Battlefields Special interests weigh down America's economy, while Vietnam's young capitalism booms. Brazil: "As a Brazilian friend told me last week, we are two countries, one half that works and the other half is dependent on government." Cash Or Cheque Frau Merkel? EU In Control, PM Cameron Humiliated Monday, October 27. 2014Monday morning links You Don't Have to Feel Your Breasts - Breast self-exams haven't been shown to save lives. Instead, The Stigma Around Baby Formula How American Parenting Looks to the Rest of the World Moonbat Food Snobs Can’t Tell Organic Food From McDonald’s Should we pay teachers more? Should we pay teachers more? A Feeling of Control: How America Can Finally Learn to Deal With Its Impulses Catholic universities reject Catholic principles Feminism Has Nothing to Say But It Still Won’t Shut Up New York: Finally shred the charter-school cap - Why limit the spread of success? The bogus fuss over Walrus beach parties: Walrus Haulouts Are Nothing New Democrats Push for New Heavy Regulations on Internet Postings, Drudge, and Blogs Good luck with that Canada Shows How to Eliminate the Tax Bias against Saving Two Yr-Old and Four Yr-Old Boys Shot in St. Louis Drive-By Shootings – Media Silent Shameless Race Baiting by Dems Down the Stretch George F. Will: The nastiest political tactic this year Early voting alters campaigns' strategies, costs Related, it's the executive end run Democratic billionaires outdo GOP in Super PAC contributions Who should get the next U.S. jobs? More new immigrants or America's jobless? How Unions And Liberals Are Working Hard To Kill Jobs The profound implications of the Great American Shale Revolution Energy costs in the Northeast US China: Laboratory for Capitalist Wealth Creation Erasing borders in the Middle East
Saturday, October 25. 2014Saturday morning linksFrank Serpico speaks Thirty-Three-Hit Wonder - Billy Joel still lives on Long Island, still rules the Garden. Big Taxi is doomed Idaho city ordinance bans distribution of Bible to children Study Says Deer Hunting Helps to Replenish Forests Problem is that we eliminated their natural predators Save the fishes! Drill offshore Prohibition Redux: Pennsylvania to Destroy Thousands of Bottles of Wine - Owner violated archaic liquor laws From My Vantage Point, Social Security Disability is Totally Corrupt Houston, We Have a Gender-Blind Public-Restroom Problem Krauthammer: Barack Obama, Bewildered Bystander - He’s angry, but not angry enough to fix what’s wrong. Hillary Clinton Says, “Don’t Let Anyone Tell You It’s Corporations and Businesses That Create Jobs”
Dems on FEC move to regulate Internet campaigns, blogs, Drudge The UK wants people to exercise to save $ for the NHS But aren't people cheaper if dead? John Kerry Thinks Climate Change Causes Radical Islam North Korea warns against anti-Pyongyang leaflet drop Shooting balloons is the most fun you can have in NoKo Friday, October 24. 2014Competency-based credentials - this is a big deal
I suspect he missed a lot of interesting stuff, but he got the competency. There are plenty of reasons for "seat time" in many areas of study, but certainly not in all. For example, there really are no valid criteria (in my view) for competency in Art History, or in history for that matter. Here's the idea: Hacking Higher Ed With Competency-Based Education Related, competency exams may be racially-biased via disparate impact. Here's that whole story, from Bill McMorris: How the Supreme Court Created the Student Loan Bubble - It all starts with Griggs v. Duke Power Co.
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Friday morning links Weather Channel Founder John Coleman: There is no significant man-made global warming at this time Football Coach Fired Because Eating Watermelon Is Racist - Parents from other schools felt smashing a watermelon and eating it after games was inappropriate. Related, architecture is racist too Most racist thing? An architect eating a watermelon Death Threats Aimed at Boy, 11, Who Bagged Rare Albino Deer Can't Afford a House? Don't Buy One The Department of Homeland Security Goes on a Panty Raid Op-Ed: What Would Toscanini Do? Andrew Klavan: Just Say No To Feminism The War on Poverty Turns 50 - Are We Winning Yet? Sex and politics: poor Lewinsky didn't know the game The Department of Homeland Security Goes on a Panty Raid Michael Brown’s Granny & Mother Brawl in Street Over T-Shirts & Swag Mark Steyn: Doesn’t Matter If GOP Win Midterms, Liberals Winning ‘Other 364 Days,’ Culture Wars Yucca Mountain safe for nuke storage Syria tribal revolt against Islamic State ignored H.R. McMaster: Thinking Clearly about War and the Future of Warfare – The US Army Operating Concept Navy's Top Admiral: Long Deployments are 'Unsustainable' Thursday, October 23. 2014"The American people deserve to be treated better than the way their government treats them."
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Thursday morning linksThe most valuable and unequal things we inherit are not dollars, but dollars are good too I'd Stay Off Of This Guy's Lawn If I Were You The Dodge Brothers and Henry Ford: A Brief History Confessions Of An AP Teacher: College Board’s New History Curriculum Is Terrible Abusing Federal Paid Leave Good grief Al Gore: America’s Unofficial Climate Czar Union enrollment plummets for Wisconsin teachers under tough law "Tough"? The old law was tough. Special interest licensing: A Confused Progressive Case Against Occupational Licensing Abuse NYC:Council’s new bill to boost smoking The Real Story on How Much Obamacare Increased Coverage
The incredible cost savings that are possible when patients can actually shop around Infected by Politics - The public-health profession is more committed to social justice than to sound science. Obama the conservative US Spends 30 Times More on Welfare Benefits Per Person Than Communist China Thomas Sowell on ‘predatory lending’ and ‘predatory journalism’ NYT: Dems should applaud Obama Election season: Holder DOJ expert witness: blacks are dumber and less civic-minded than whites Election season: Dem GOTV Group Caught on Camera Endorsing Voter Fraud Election season: Scott Brown Nails Shaheen on Immigration: 'I Want to Fight for Jobs for New Hampshire' over Jobs for Illegal Aliens Election season: Kimball - Dem Panic According to the New York Times Why the Teenage Girls of Europe Are Joining ISIS - Because they want the same things that teenage boys want: a strong sense of meaning and purpose No mention of devotion to Allah in that calculation? Traffickers use abductions, prison ships to feed Asian slave trade Saudis Sentence Leading Shiite Cleric to Death Defensible Borders in the Age of IS - What does the upheaval in the Middle East mean for Israel’s territorial needs? Wednesday, October 22. 2014Illegal immigration
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Wednesday morning linksPic is this 1959 Porsche-Diesel Junior Tractor There's More to Life Than Being Happy - Meaning comes from the pursuit of more complex things than happiness It's about Viktor Frankl When Aristotle Invented Science The surprising comeback of train travel The Externalization of Responsibility: Monica Lewinsky’s Personal Shame Election season: Dems Backing Sen. Kay Hagan Leave Fliers Warning Of Lynchings If GOP Wins… Election season: Dildos and Lynchings: Wendy Davis, Kay Hagan Campaigns Go Insane Election season: CAUGHT ON TAPE: Dem Operative Stuffs Ballot Box in Arizona Election season: Obama Admin: We May Need 'Surge' Of Millions Of Immigrant Ids 'For Any Number Of Reasons' Green cards on the table -President Obama lets slip his scheme for a permanent majority
Future election season: Hillary Clinton Raises Record $2.1M At Jeffrey Katzenberg Co-Hosted Hollywood Fundraiser Klavan: Knucklehead Row:
Tuesday, October 21. 2014The Hypocrisy of Power
This is a 4 year old story discussing why reconciliation is "good", in particular as it applied to the ACA. It is a certainty, as Lord Acton once said, that power corrupts. In many cases of political activity, that corruption isn't just apparent in bribes, graft or other rackets that take place. It's visibly evident in the hypocrisy of power. In reality, reconciliation is probably bad every time it is used. I say this because it was mainly designed to overcome filibusters. Filibusters exist in order to extend debate on contentious issues on which neither side can claim a clear and overwhelming majority agreement (read as "bipartisan" - a term I despise since I view it as a means to push a slow growing Progressive agenda, but which many people think is a "good"). If a system's success depends on having the 'right people' in place, there's probably something wrong with the system. As our republic is aging, it seems there is a distinct and overwhelming stench coming from Washington because both parties are putting people in place who are perceived to be the 'right people'. Yet things just keep getting worse.
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Tuesday morning links25 Is the New 21 - For some parents, the deadline for a kid's financial independence has gotten an extension. The History of the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, 50 Years After Its Construction - Built in 1964, the span still stands as Americas’ largest suspension bridge Re AirBNB: Interesting, isn’t it, that most of our growth comes from the parts of An Interview With the Repo Man College Grads Flock to New Cities New York Dominates 2014 List of America's Most Expensive ZIP Codes Near the top - SoHo's industrial loft area Why I love old people, but I will not accept Medicare 10 reasons why I love Medicare as a physician Why doctors give Obamacare a failing grade Secret Slack Shadows Job Market as Fed Weighs When to Lift Rates I would suggest three years ago SOURCE OF CURRENT EBOLA EPIDEMIC IDENTIFIED: Bat-Eating Family in Guinea Village Election season: Wendy Davis Campaign Launches Its Most Absurd Attack on Greg Abbott Yet The guy is married to a Latina Election season: Mary Landrieu: My Multimillion-Dollar Home Is Not a Mansion For me, a 7000 sq' townhouse is just a humble pied a terre. BTW, how do politicians get so rich? Government to Ordained Ministers: Celebrate Same-Sex Wedding or Go to Jail Will that apply to Muslims too? Sultan: The Progressive Pajama Boy Era is Over
A New Start for Afghanistan: 3 Massive Challenges That Will Decide Its Future Monday, October 20. 2014The Inverted Priorities of Americans A fun and interesting blog from the author.
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Monday morning links
The Case for Drinking as Much Coffee as You Like Great London Beer Flood of 1814 How not to carry your neck pillow… 'The Hobbit' In LEGO, In 72 Seconds Why I visit prostitutes - Just as sex workers are shamed by society, Taking Exception to Vermont's Proposed GMO Labeling Rules Pelosi: Let transgender troops serve openly Seattle’s Reds Have Minimum Wage Blues Your Tax Dollars At Work: Liberal religious organizations make amnesty pay The New York Times Editorial Board needs a copy of ‘Consumer Credit and the American Economy” Government case implodes as its former lawyers allege fraud against Holder DOJ Goodwin: A toxic president Noonan: Who Do They Think We Are? The administration’s Ebola evasions reveal its disdain for the American people. The nasty politicization of Election season: Kay Hagan’s October Surprise - Her family’s businesses benefited from $400K in stimulus funds. Election season: The Trouble with Early Voting - When Election Day becomes Election Month, voters cast ballots before they have all the relevant info. MADA: 80% of Palestinian journalists censored themselves Yazidi Virgins Given As “Gifts” To Islamic State Leaders… The Dead Hand of Socialism: State Ownership in the Arab World Arab Uprisings May Doom Middle East Christians Saturday, October 18. 2014Saturday morning linksImage: Sorry again - forgot where I stole that one Students: Transgender Woman Can’t Be Diversity Officer Because She’s a White Man Now. Biology is too confusing. Rambunctious boys: The economic value of misbehavior The Upside of Marrying an Underachieving Man 'Sex over Food the Clear Choice for Some Males,' Says Study Whoda thunkit? Can eat later. Thank God for studies. Why Germany Is So Much Better at Training Its Workers - America rarely uses an apprenticeship model to teach young people a trade. Could such a system help the unemployed? A book people are discussing: How Adam Smith Can Change Your Life: An Unexpected Guide to Human Nature and Happiness "I fully admit to having a mild resentment toward rich people." I envy wealth, but not enough to do anything about it. I know envy is a sin. CDC Curbs Secondhand Smoke More Than Ebola We've all heard of Government Cheese - but Government Beer? A terrible bus ride in Baltimore “Climate Change” To Cause More Severe Frosts Of course, just as predicted Surveillance-Proof - Technology companies take heat for making phones the government can’t tap. Barrons: Investing in Do-Good Stocks Is Sustainable - More dollars should flow to socially responsible firms as Millennials and women gain influence in markets. How's that for an insult to the intelligence of the youth and women? Voting Out Incumbents Could Worsen Partisanship So? Partisanship is good. Figures. Obama Appoints Far Left Hack With Expertise in Revolutionary Politics as Ebola Czar Election politics: Bloomberg fuels pro-Michelle Nunn Super PAC with $350,000 donation
Thomas Friedman: Those non-Islamist ISIS folks just need better schools Go, Tom. Go and teach. More evidence that Obama brought Enterovirus D-68 to US the with his illegal alien imports BRITISH OFFICIALS UNCOVER HUNDREDS OF NEW CASES OF FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION IN THE UK Friday, October 17. 2014Friday morning linksI took my mother-in-law to the wife market Why Kids Sext - An inquiry into one recent scandal reveals how kids think The Rise of All-Purpose Antidepressants - Doctors are increasingly prescribing SSRIs to treat more than just depression When 'Niceness' Becomes Tyranny Run FOUR miles to burn off just one bottle of coke: Scientists call for exercise data to be printed on packaging instead of calories Who’s afraid of hedge funds? The folks with a vested interest in failed schools Could the state of America get any worse? Yes CDC Blew Record Budget on Playground Injuries and ‘Social Norming’ 15 Ways The NIH And CDC Wasted Taxpayer Money During the October 3 airing of Real Time With Bill Maher, guest Ben Affleck joined Maher in talking about owning guns in order to protect their homes and their families. Stockton’s Unlearned Lessons - The troubled California city could straighten out its finances, but its leaders don’t seem to want to. The effects of cheap oil Sultan is no fan of Islam AP: Nearly 1 Million Americans Have Cast Ballots Already For Midterm Elections Politics today: Udall is a rubber stamp Politics today: Scott Brown can win Politics today: The nation’s most effective welfare reformer may be the Republican governor of Maine, Paul LePage, and he’s under assault for it. From Wiliamson's The Thirty Years’ War - What this country needs is a war of attrition against the welfare state and entrenched incompetency: Hamburg has become the scene of street fighting between Islamic supporters of ISIS and expatriate Kurds Thursday, October 16. 2014Thursday morning linksThe investment markets? It's about time, past time, for a good correction towards reality. Ebola hysteria? I guess it sells soap. News is infotainment. See The #Ebola Media Epidemic Presbyterian workers wore no hazmat suits for two days while treating Ebola patient I don't blame government for that - I blame the Infectious Disease team at the hospital A COMPACT FUSION REACTOR THAT COULD CHANGE THE WORLD FOREVER: Lockheed Martin Claims Breakthrough We'll see... Why Angie’s List Is In Trouble We have had good luck with people via Angie's - a good resource, thus far The Adultery Arms Race - Technology has made cheating on your spouse, or catching a cheater, easier than ever. How digital tools are aiding the unfaithful and the untrusting—and may be mending some broken marriages. Why is Denmark so happy? No limit, no pay credit card. Nice The end of the era of personal responsibility A moving reminiscence Cornell: Basically, if you were a deer on campus, you got so much free birth The World Is Full of Grain - Agricultural production is at record levels—and that could make the planet less stable. A gluten apocalypse City of Houston demands pastors turn over sermons Tell the city to go to hell All-Female Colleges Adopt New Policies To Enroll Male ‘Transgender’ Students After Central Bank Financial Bubbles, Comes Liquidation And Industrial Deflation Stockman: This Time Is Different—–For The First Time In 25-Years The Wall Street Gamblers Are Home Alone Obamacare Is a Job-Slashing, Deficit-Deepening Disaster Equating Conservatism With Hate Speech on Campus The kids can't handle new ideas Jon Stewart Skewers Dem Wealth Hypocrisy Fair enough, but I do not get the appeal of this smarmy guy Politics today:Elizabeth Warren: The Rich White Man’s Candidate Politics today: Train Wreck: Alison Lundergan Grimes Refuses To Say If She Would Vote For Harry Reid To Lead Senate Dems… Politics today: Arkansas Debate: Cotton excels; Pryor confirms he’s out-of-touch Politics today: Our Lame Cult of the Presidency Remember The Fresh Promise Of Barack Obama? What Happened To That Guy? Leon Panetta wants more kids to go into "public service" The Progressive always reveals his inner totalitarian Heather: Neo-Victorianism on Campus - Is this the end of the collegiate bacchanal? Leaked DHS Document: 167,000 Convicted Criminal Aliens At Large In US Kerry: ISIS ‘Dead Wrong’ in Its Religious Justification for Slavery Well, he knows Islam better than they do Is Kobani Erdogan’s Warsaw? Apprentice Jihadists Practice in French Park – Tell Cops They’ll “Burn in Hell”
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