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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Thursday, August 3. 2017Thursday morning links
New Zealand needs to kill these adorable rabbits How Amish produce gets to Whole Foods—without the internet, tractors, or phones Why the middle-aged ‘dad bod’ could be deadly instead of sexy Why it Was Moral for Trotsky to Kill the Tsar’s Children—But Immoral for Stalin to Kill His First results from US CRISPR gene editing on human embryos GMO people Obese patients and smokers banned from routine surgery in 'most severe ever' rationing in the NHS SOCIALIZED MEDICINE KILLS - Call it single-payer or Medicare-for-all, socialized medicine is death. Decline And Fall. NYC Pet Owners Not Getting Dogs Vaccinated For Fear Of Autism A Doctor Gives Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop a Pelvic Exam Evergreen State College’s Police Chief Resigns We Can Solve Hotcoldwetdry If Everyone Eats Beans Instead Of Meat Stossel: Stop! You Need a License To Do that Job! Affirmative Action Battle Has a New Focus: Asian-Americans Maryland city to allow non-citizens to vote...again Build The Wall? It's Already Been Built Favor factory? Huma emails reveal Clinton allies seeking jobs, meetings This Vanity Fair Lionization Of The Press Is Why Everyone Hates The Press Former U.N. Amb. Power Unmasked ‘Hundreds’ In Final Year Of Obama Admin THE ASSOCIATED PRESS DEPARTS FROM VENEZUELA Senior Palestinian Official Seeks Life-Saving Treatment in Israel Wednesday, August 2. 2017Madame LibertyStephen Miller is historically correct. Lady Liberty was designed by the French as an inspirational symbol for the US illuminating the whole world with the idea of individual liberty so the world could enjoy the freedom of Americans - not as a welcome mat. Emma Lazarus' sentimental poem was a 1903 addition to the site of the statue, for some reason. What should America's immigration policies be? Let the American people decide. Who else should?
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Wednesday morning links
The Queen is an "excessive drinker" The American Eclipse of 1878 and the Scientists Who Raced West to See It Young People are Clueless about How Food Grows Food comes from the store. Electricity comes from the wall. Wisconsin County Fair Bans Confederate Flag Sales After “Someone Got Their Feelings Hurt”… Thought Police Hiring at University of Michigan Where is the free speech rebellion? Los Angeles Just 'Won' the 2028 Summer Olympics. That Is SUCH Bad News. The IOC needs one permanent site for summer games, ideally in Greece. Why Boston's Sports Fans Rejected the Olympics Boondoggle—and L.A. Said Bring It On Climate change article of the year Many worthy environmental issues are overshadowed by the climate hysteria Claim: 59,300 Indian Suicides because Climate Hmmm. They are making more money? NYT: When Progressives embrace hate:
Ian Tuttle Reviews The Proper Procedure by Theodore Dalrymple - The Welfare Culture and Its Discontents Sanctuary City Leaders Silent After Homeless Illegal Alien Rapes Woman in Pricey Portland Neighborhood California Ranchers Revolt After State Sets Aside 2 Million Acres For A Frog CNN’s Fareed Zakaria: Trump Won Because His Voters are Stupid, Racist, Misogynist, Gay-Hating Bigots VDH's Republicans and the Lost Art of Deterrence
Repubs have balls during elections, none when elected. The Left plays the middle during elections, then goes straight for their goals when elected.
Armed Antifa Group Offers Training Manual On Terrorism And Guerrilla Warfare Who pays for this? Via American Digest: Spanish border enclaves under violent siege as increasing hordes of African migrants storm barriers Four Teenage Girls Raped at Swedish Music Festival, Many More Sexually Abused Fifty Years Ago, Israel Saved Western Civilization In The Middle East Tuesday, August 1. 2017Tuesday morning links
Sam Shepard dead at 73 PRINCETON TO “RE-EDUCATE” ITS MALE STUDENTS So they don't like the way the parents raised them? Plastic Bottles Are Almost As Dangerous As Hotcoldwetdry Or Something Re trannies: What Is normal? What Is Abnormal? Who Decides? NYC: Cops say hands are tied in arresting unruly 'desnudas' naked female panhandlers 'because most are illegal immigrants' California voted to go easy on criminals — this is how crime is doing 3 years later Eager to Impose Single-Payer on Whole Nation, Sanders Cannot Explain Why It Failed in His State U.S. Companies Post Profit Growth Not Seen in Six Years Australia Weather Bureau Caught Tampering With Climate Numbers Costs of green electricity driving Aussies off the grid and into poverty To Defend Public Schools, the Hard Left Puts On the Tinfoil Hat
Andy McCarthy: If You Think the Imran Awan Investigation Is About Bank Fraud, You're Wrong. It's About Islamophobia. Destroying Donald Trump is all that matters in the newsrooms of the mainstream media The Nation: How Are We Going to Survive the Next 42 Months of Trump? Many progressives are depressed and angry. But there are also glimmers of hope. Get a life The Deep Constitutional Thinking Of Sally Yates Fareed Zakaria: Trump Is ‘A Class Rebellion Against People Like Us’
Comments on Trump Goes Rogue 14All-out in Afghanistan – or out? The Middle East: Terrorism Forever? Why the Middle East Hated Obama But Loves Trump Nets Barely Notice Venezuela’s Vote for Dictatorship CANADA’S FREE-SPEECH PHOBIA - Islam-critic charged with “willful promotion of hatred.” Monday, July 31. 2017Monday morning links
Strategy is grim reality, and hope is not a plan. That's why most people settle to being employees and bitching about their jobs Americans don’t need elite tastes to join the upper class Women Who Emotionally Abuse Men Happens every day. Women should all go lesbian and try that out Acceptance Of Polygamy Is Rising, But Why Is This A Liberal Issue? Prof: 'Cadre of militant LBGT students' drove me to resign COLLEGE PAPER CALLS OUT "COGNITIVE PRIVILEGE" OF SMART PEOPLE $130 million of Nazi gold may be in a sunken cargo ship Basic rules for screenwriting action scenes Shabby chic in the Hamptons Why Connecticut Is Circling The Drain Financially Moonbats Flock To Chelsea Clinton Book Signing In Falmouth, MA DHS: 2.6 Million H-1B Foreign Workers Approved to Enter US in Last Decade Why your kids can't get good jobs Apple Removes Apps From China Store That Help Internet Users Evade Censorship Washington Post whitewashes California Imam’s “Annihilate the Jews” sermon Gov. Greg Abbott: How George Soros is helping Obama Democrats buy their way back to power Kinsley: "Yes, it’s true that Hillary Clinton got more votes, but he got the votes of more than 62 million people — and I am pretty sure I don’t know any of them." Yes you do, Michael, but they aren't sharing Proliferating Scandals Make Mueller Investigation Ludicrous 'Collusion' Collapses: Dem Congressional Espionage Ring Takes Center Ring Wasserman Schultz ‘Negotiating’ With Police Over Access To Evidence In Hacking Probe Not that I need the info right now, but how exactly does one negotiate with police? The Bizarre Hacking Scandal That Democrats And The Press Are Happy To Ignore Chuck Schumer: ‘Our Founding Fathers Intended’ for Congress to ‘Improve Our Healthcare System’ THE LEFT’S WAR ON THE FIRST AMENDMENT … and the crisis of an illiberal media. Who would want to work for Trump? Not me. Public humiliation is not my thing
Huffpo: The GOP Is No Longer A ‘Conservative’ Party - They’ve become radical, and they want to remake America. Moderates Stand in the Way of ObamaCare Repeal, Time for President Trump to End the Congressional Exemption Watch them squeal Scenes from Multicultural Europe Sunday, July 30. 2017Kevin Williamson dislikes Donald TrumpKevin is amusingly prickly, but misses the point. Trump was not elected for his IQ, breadth of knowledge, refinement, morals, wisdom, or policy savvy. He did not run on those qualities. He was elected because he was an outsider, to disconnect the cables and overturn the tables. He is trying. A reckless non-careerist is what was wanted. You don't have to like the obnoxious SOB to appreciate some of the things he has done. If you dislike his personalty, then don't invite him to your next dinner party.
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Saturday, July 29. 2017Strange Wasserman-Schultz storyGood summary of the crazy story: Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the Pakistani IT Scammers It's difficult to image a more unappealing bunch of people. But not to worry - her brother is on the case.
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Solar Eclipse Preview
1. If possible, you definitely want to catch it. It is — by definition alone — a rare and spectacular event. I saw the one in 1979 and it remains on my "Three most amazing things I've ever seen" list. It'll be worth the driving time, even spending the night in a motel. So start making plans now. This is the last total eclipse we'll see for seven years, and that one will only cross the eastern U.S. After that, it'll be a wait of twenty-one years. 2. If you're going to watch it, you'll definitely need some special eyeglasses. An Amazon link is here. Just make sure you get the "ISO certified" type, not just "ISO tested". I'm mentioning this simply because time is running short and the glasses you order might be backlogged or the company might get swamped with last-minute orders. The best map I've seen of the path of totality is here. Use the mouse scroll wheel to zoom in or the plus and minus keys. Head for the center line, as that's where the full eclipse will last the longest. Click on a specific area for a pop-up box with the peak times. They'll be in UT time, so to convert it to your time zone, click here. A good time promises to be had by all. Saturday morning links
Slug mucus inspires possible surgical glue Prince William and Princess Kate Deny Kids iPad Time! It's Summer Break. Where Have All the Children Gone? Since You Asked, Here's How Google Maps Really Works (h/t Am. Digest) Regular alcohol consumption could cut diabetes risk, study finds Drug Testing for…Poppy Seeds? Steve Jobs' widow Laurene Powell buys the Atlantic Planned Parenthood Doctor Says Forms are Smokescreen for Dodging Partial-Birth Abortion Ban College Offers Course on Being Transracial Conference teaches K-12 educators how to combat ‘whiteness in schools’ University of Michigan Hiring Admin For “Cultural Appropriation Prevention”… Good grief California cities have become pension providers that offer a few public services on the side. Electric bikes are illegal in NYC IRS Makes Shocking Discovery As To Why They Have So Many “Problematic Employees” McArdle: How Bureaucracies Creep Into Life-and-Death Medical Decisions - The Charlie Gard case in the U.K. shows the role government health systems inevitably seek to play. Dems Running Socialist “Boot Camp” For Prospective Candidates In D.C. In Government, Failure Is The Way To Get Yourself More Money Related, What’s really behind the MTA’s money woes WaPo Admits=> “The Quest to Prove Collusion is Crumbling” The Week the Russia Conspiracy Theory Fell Apart Awan Bros Helped Wasserman Schultz Screw Bernie Sanders Campaign – Taught Her How to Disguise Calls NEW STUDY DOCUMENTS VOTER FRAUD IN 2016 ELECTION Nunes: Obama political aides made hundreds of unmasking requests THE TRUMP EFFECT - Deprogramming the American mind.
In Oz, The stupidest thing the federal government does Stop Infantilizing the Palestinians Combat Vet Gives Powerful Testimony Against Trans Troops So what? Combat troops are a tiny part of the military "Rolling Stone largely gives Trudeau a pass on his sheik-like affection for black gold and hurries on to other topics. Hey, Justin snowboards! He’s handsome! He loves diversity! " Also, he is a twit U.S. says Iran rocket test breaches U.N. resolution Friday, July 28. 2017How big are America's huge tech companies?
Related, should Google be a regulated utility?
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Friday morning links
Philosopher and Psychoanalyst. An advocate of taking risks in life. Good for her. She died well, valiantly, in action and not in deep thought. Keeping Cocktails Cold Without Dilution Sheesh, Coyote. Is this all that important? I like the physics, tho. A Guide to Global Book-Reading Habits The Incas and the Collectivist State Only the royalty led full free lives. Still that way lots of places where people are oppressed by a parental State Picture Alan Alda in a leotard. That is a campus liberal’s concept of healthy masculinity. Speaking of which, See the Violent Italian Sport that Inspired Modern Football I would not last long out there, I am sorry to say Researchers Have Been Underestimating the Cost of Wind and Solar Empowering the Administrative State European nations treat their people like sheep; the USA treats its people more like goats, although the would-be shepherds keep pushing New Orleans bilks federal taxpayers of $2 billion in Hurricane Katrina repairs Hey, it's the New Orleans Way The military isn’t about social engineering, it’s about lethality and protecting the US Seven Republicans betray their party and their constituents They had the chance to do something good. Could have gotten rid of mandate, allowed a wide variety of plans, and allowed cross-state plan sales. For starters. Related: 15 million Americans would opt out of Obamacare if they could John McCain Kills Obamacare Repeal With Single Decisive Vote 'Let Obamacare fail,' says Trump. It already has. Charlie Guard: The inevitable ending for those under a government run single-payer system Top FBI Lawyer Under Investigation For Leaking Imran Awan Needs a Special Prosecutor 1000x More Than Trump Related from Steyn: RussiaRussiaRussiaRussiaRealbitofnewsRussiaRussiaRussiaRussia...Wait a minute, what was that? Still waiting for PMSNBC to get smart and hire Steyn. World-class wit. Imran Awan Scandal Shows Just How Much Dirt Dems Wanted to Hide By Focusing on Trump-Russia Russia probe: Democrats block key witness against shadowy firm Fusion GPS Shady Research Firm Fusion GPS Behind Fake Trump Dossier WAS BEING PAID BY DNC AND RUSSIANS! Malanga: Same Old “New” Democrats - Trying to reclaim lost voters, the party rolls out a derivative slogan to promote old, failed ideas. The Post-Hillary Democrats - How in God’s name, the Democrats wonder, did we ever lose the 2016 election to HIM? Are The Unions Finally Getting Tired Of The Democrats? Z-man on Trump:
House Judiciary Committee Calls for Second Special Counsel to Investigate Hillary, Lynch, and Comey Drain the swamp! It's about time. Senators caught on hot mic: 'Donald Trump is crazy. I'm worried' The President Better Pick His Battles To Win The DC Game of Thrones Re this Mooch guy, it's a new low for this White House Is he that guy from Goodfellas? Or is he Scarafucile? I know people have always talked that way in the West Wing, but not in public. CNN’s Jake Tapper: Scaramucci 100% Right, People Trying to Bring Down Trump From Within… British Police Force to ‘Consider’ Charging People Who Mocked Promise to Track Down Trolls How shall I mock thee? Let me count the ways... Thursday, July 27. 2017Thursday morning links
Half of Class of 2016 are ‘A’ Students—Even Though Their SAT Scores Stink "A" is for Attendance California Growing Too Much Marijuana And Can't Get Rid of Surplus " Dr. Lloyd Minor, dean of Stanford University School of Medicine, says “there is nothing more frustrating to a patient than talking to their doctor, wanting advice, and that provider is typing away and looking at a computer screen.” Global Warming Discussions Need Apocalyptic Thinking Or Something Poll: Most Climate Change Believers Haven’t Changed Their Lifestyles Westchester at Liberty - In a welcome move, HUD will cease micromanaging the county’s housing policy. Halper: Obamacare Repeal Woes Due to Inherent Difficulty of Taking an Entitlement Away Huffington Post Deletes 2016 Tweet Predicting Hillary Has 98% Chance Of Winning Election… This was a pretty famous tweet and somehow it’s disappeared. Probably an oversight … The Democrats’ Anthropological Field Trip to Study Americans Undercover Video: CNN Producer Admits ‘Automatic Bias’ Against Conservatives Believing 'Speech Is Violence' Justifies Actual Violence LIMBAUGH: Republicans Are Squandering An Opportunity They Never Thought They’d Get At what point does a president become too erratic to function? WINNING! Walmart Unveils Manufacturing Plan to Create 1.5 MILLION New AMERICAN Jobs Trump to Announce Apple Supplier Foxconn Opening Wisconsin Plant Migrants Overwhelm German Courts with Asylum Lawsuits: ‘This Will Paralyze Us for Years’ Sultan: Don't Be Pro-Israel, Be Pro-Sarah Rolling Stone has a crush on Justin Trudeau Wednesday, July 26. 2017Wednesday morning links Shrinkflation at the supermarket Sneaky Would a supervolcano wipe out civilization? Roomba maker may share maps of users' homes with Google, Amazon or Apple Why Randi Weingarten has to lie to attack school choice Feds Dole Out $3 Million To Fight “Microaggressions” In Science Fields… Princeton’s new ‘men’s engagement manager’ to combat aggressive masculinity on campus Toxic femininity vs "toxic masculinity." Sheesh. Can't we all just get along? Berkeley Radio Station Cancels Richard Dawkins Appearance Over His Denigrating Comments About Islamism-- But Not Over His Far More Extensive History of Attacks on Christianity Muslims are a protected group Like him or not, ya gotta admit Rush has fun with his radio show He just has to talk about his iPhone Drugs vs. Border: How Smugglers Get Creative (video) Rescind the Obamacare Rule Exempting Congress Coyote: Public Choice and "Privilege" Economy Needs Workers, but Drug Tests Take a Toll Democrats 'Better Deal' Agenda Isn't New, And It Isn't Better Dems promise freebies, Repubs promise jobs growth The Democratic Party’s False Centrism Trump Is Offering Populism, Minus the Free Candy PRESIDENT TRUMP’S SICKENING TREATMENT OF JEFF SESSIONS " Trump seems surprised by all the difficulties he's facing as president. Does he have any idea of how his treatment of those who work with him will make it even more difficult to find competent people who are willing to come work for him?" Does anyone doubt that the New York Times has already prepared the title for the editorial on terminating the Trump presidency. Perhaps it reads: "Now, Finally, He Must Go! Tuesday, July 25. 2017Why intellectuals look down on commerce, and related topicsFrom 2015
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Tuesday morning linksPhoto: Buy Maggie's Ant Kill Can't Afford a Vacation? Blame the State! The billion-dollar palaces of Apple, Facebook and Google Tesla battery, subsidy and sustainability fantasies The stair story: Everything You Need to Know about Government, in One Story Steve Jobs Wanted to Break Up the Education Monopoly TNR: Climate change is killing us right now Kotkin: Why the Greens Lost, and Trump Won - It’s tough to prevail with an agenda that makes people poorer, more subservient and more miserable. That disconnect is one part of how this awful guy made it to the White House. New Warmist Prognostication: A One In Three Chance Of Record Rainfall Menton: Official Announcement Of New Supplemental Petition To EPA Charlie Gard: parents end legal battle as time runs out for critically ill baby Government vs the person The Edenic religion of the Left What’s the Matter with Democrats? The Democrats have unveiled their new slogan: a “Better Deal.” Are Democrats turning to an alliance between neocons and neoliberals? If so, it’s a terrible strategy In Bizarre Rant, Schumer Claims Gas Prices ‘Never Go Down,’ Despite 12-Year Low Under POTUS Trump Needs To Be Smart About How He Fires Mueller JUSTINE DAMOND: A Casualty of Islamophobia THE EU: AUTHORITARIANISM THROUGH COMPLEXITY: Monday, July 24. 2017Images
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Monday morning links![]() Where was the shepherd? Killing feral horses Falling in love with your friend’s spouse? Charlie Gard And The Experts Vatican archbishop: All should accept that global warming is a fact Hot Temperatures In Summer Have Been Declining For Decades Former UN climate chief: Only three years left to save the planet Ozone Hole was life or death issue The 'Amazon Washington Post,' and Why It Needs to Be Destroyed ICE Plans Crackdown On Teen Gang Members, Which Is Apparently A Bad Thing Or Something Dear Sanctuary Cities: ICE Is “Open For Business” AN ANTI-KOCH RAMPAGE AT WAKE FOREST Professor Wants to Combat Merit by Basing Admissions on Lottery A Word of Thanks From a Welfare Recipient ‘Buy American’ has little meaning in today’s world of globalized supply chains Remembering a WSJ Pulitzer winner: Joseph Rago’s column on the wacky comparisons between Trump and ‘1984’ Will Progressive Democrats Abandon Busybody Dream Of Perfecting Humanity? To read Frank Rich and Maureen Dowd is to return to highschool, where eye-rolling is argument, and lack of style is a sin. Mueller found the man (Trump), now he’ll find the crime - If Bloomberg News report is accurate as to expanded probe of Trump, then we’re heading into Soviet territory. FLASHBACK: Hillary Clinton Ordered Mueller To Deliver Uranium To Russians In ‘Secret Tarmac Meeting’ London Caves to Political Correctness Germany: NO GROPING, DAMN IT! A New Look at the Death of Europe Poland appears to be dismantling its own hard-won democracy Dutch Euthanasia is “Killing” Israeli 'mental first-aid' method offered to attack victims abroad Operation Good Neighbor: Israel reveals its massive humanitarian aid to Syria Saturday, July 22. 2017(We've been...) Climate Hustled Prologue Below, I have the now-infamous Marc Morano 'Climate Hustle' documentary that so unnerved the delegates at the Paris climate accords in December of 2015.
Luckily, Mr. Moreno skipped town just before the storm troopers arrived. France Puts 24 Climate Activists Under House Arrest Ahead of UN Talks
Close one, Marc! Before we get to the video, allow me to set the background with a few relevant links and quotes. You're welcome to skip ahead and watch it, of course; I'm just posting the following to show that the claims made in the documentary are hardly unique.
Continue reading "(We've been...) Climate Hustled" Saturday morning links
No One Hates Your Transgender Child. We Hate What You Are Doing to Him How fentanyl is making deadly drugs even deadlier Loving a Borderline Idleness kills manliness How Capitalism Averted The Bee-Pocalypse The Man Who Got Americans To Eat Trash Fish Is Now A Billionaire The 20 most in-demand jobs that pay more than $100,000 World War II Military Surplus 1911’s Coming To Store Shelves Ice cover in Greenland is steadily increasing, in defiance of rising carbon levels and even greater levels of green rhetoric. Claremont McKenna Punishes 7 Students Over Blockade Of Heather Mac Donald Speech California College Chancellor Wants To Abolish Algebra Requirement, Calls It A ‘Civil Rights Issue’ How bad is grade inflation? Minnesota Schools Adopt Transgender Toolkit for Kindergartners I think the real problem is that he’s embarrassed them by solving the problem quickly, easily, and cheaply. That is unforgivable. Food Stamp Use Falls to Lowest Level in Seven Years Political Intolerance Is Rising Media Spins Positive Trump Poll as Negative Where did white voters back Hillary Clinton? Clinton Scandal Only Deepens — So Why Is Trump, Not Hillary, Targeted For Investigation? Latest Deep State Leak Proves Obama Was Spying on Trump Campaign Early On MUELLER EXPANDS HIS PROBE AGAIN - It’s all Russia, Russia and Trump, Trump -- all the time. Mike Pompeo: Russia Interfered In The 2016 Campaign — And Campaigns Before That [Fill in Name of Government Program] Would Have Worked Had the Right Person Been Running It Gorka: America is back with the first 6 months of Trump President Trump Kills 16 Regulations For Every New One, Crushing 2-For-1 Goal Netanyahu Unbound Slovenia’s Side of Melania’s Story: How the First Lady’s Upbringing in Communist Eastern Europe Shaped Her Fight for Freedom in America Amsterdam to punish unsuccessful dating attempts Sweden: A Failed State? The Red Cross and the Holocaust Iran’s terrorism goliath - The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps terrorizes its own people and casts a dark shadow over the world Friday, July 21. 2017What the MSM care about, and what people care about
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Friday morning links
Why ‘Vogue’’s Attempt to Embrace ‘Gender Fluidity’ Backfired Why We Should Allow Boys to Fight Taking Care of a Friend’s Dog For The Weekend? Better Have a License, NYC Says NPR: Having That Extra Child Could Cause “Climate Trauma” Want To Stop Global Warming? Stop Having Kids And Eating Hamburgers LIBERAL TALKING HEADS TURN AGAINST THE WEST When Institutions Go Left John McCain's unfortunate news: What does it mean? Run, Kamala, Run President Trump's Voter Fraud Commission Meets, Smeared by Deniers The U.S. Military Rewrites the Basic Laws of Biology...What's Next? Thursday, July 20. 2017Thursday morning links
´Let them eat food off the floor, play in the soil!´: It IS important to expose your children to germs to boost their immune system, expert urges At age 111, America's oldest veteran is still smoking cigars, drinking whiskey and loving life The Royal Family's dress code uncovered Why Americans Are Having Less Sex Perfect: Listen, Area Boss Gets It USA Today: People Might Be Upset By Lack Of Women, Black People In ‘Dunkirk Green Cronyism Gone Wild: It Looks Like The State Of California Is Bailing Out Tesla What Facebook Can Learn From Company Towns - As the technology firm plans to build a village in Silicon Valley, history suggests what can sustain a company town long after its founders are gone. No Justification for Importing More Low-skilled Labor, Study Claims The Myth of Technological Unemployment - If the nightmare of technological unemployment were true, it would already have happened, repeatedly and massively. The Mother of All Disruptions - Yes, robots are coming to the workplace, fast—and yes, America will change. These Technologies Are Changing Farms in Some Surprising Ways - As agriculture adopts recent advances in automation and data science, farms will become super-efficient — and perhaps a bit lonely. My University Treated Me Like a Criminal Over a Joke Why It's a Bad Idea to Tell Students Words Are Violence The English Language Is Under Attack. We Must Defend It.
WaPo’s Latest Worries About How Somali Community Will React To Police Shooting Epstein: The Single-Payer Siren Ronald Reagan has the answer to GOP’s ObamaCare riddle The Left’s ‘Hamburger Problem’ Is Not Going Away
Elizabeth Warren Attends Martha’s Vineyard Fundraising Dinner Hosted By Big Bank Executive About erasing history:
While Nation Is Focused On Healthcare, The WH Press Corps Continue To Push Russia Conspiracies Taxing Hospitals Is a Lousy Way to Fix Health Care- Higher hospital profits were a feature of Obamacare, not a bug. Fmr. U.N. Amb. Power Emerges As Central Figure In Obama Unmasking Investigation - Congress demands answers on why Obama officials demanded classified intel that harmed Trump Pavlich: Clinton’s Russia dirt Tucker Carlson Calls Out Dems For Double Standard On Russia USPS broke law in allowing workers to boost Clinton campaign, watchdog says New Documents Suggest “Puff Pieces” On Dem Sen. Kamala Harris Due to Major Spending With PR Firm Palestinians: Another Lopsided Deal Palestinian Authority’s 2017 Budget Shows ‘Huge Increase’ in Funding for Terror Payments UNESCO is an Immoral, Anti-Semitic Organization - Decent Countries Should Leave Wednesday, July 19. 2017Wednesday morning links
Another Reason Men Don't Work: Imaginary World More Enjoyable Than The Real World Disney Vows to Give Epcot a Magical, Long-Overdue Makeover 2 Monkeys Were Paid Unequally; See What Happens Next (video) California: Golden No More LINDA SARSOUR'S SAUDI ARABIA ARRESTS WOMAN IN SKIRT FOR "DISRESPECTING TEACHINGS OF ISLAM" For Climate-Change Hypocrites, U.S. Is Too Frackin' Much LGBT Mega-Donor Reveals Next Goal: 'Punish the Wicked' Gay Marriage Opponents Leaked Email Shows Hillary Camp Internally Bragging About “Killing” a Story Linking Bill Clinton $500K Moscow Speech to Magnitsky Bill What killed Senate health care bill? Liberal Medicaid alarmism Democrats Will Soon Regret That Republicans Failed To Repeal ObamaCare CBO Analysis of Trump Budget Shows Need for Entitlement Reform, Pro-Growth Tax Policies Tuesday, July 18. 2017Monday links
There Is No Human Right to a Big Mac EVANGELICAL FUNDAMENTALISM AND CATHOLIC INTEGRALISM IN THE USA: A SURPRISING ECUMENISM “Do Not Cite Research By White Men” 6 behaviors making men unemployable Do All Moms Truly Believe Their Boys Are Rapists? Reynolds: How long do you want to live? Amazon Prime does more for northern food security than federal subsidies, say Eskimos That’s right: Nearly half of America’s Class of 2016 are A students. The Yale Record Found Dave Brooks Scared-of-Sandwiches Friend Why corporate elites support mass immigration Jane Sanders: This Fraud Probe Is “Incredibly Sexist,” You Know Vietnam: Are PBS and Ken Burns about to Rewrite History Again? Recycled Gore: The former vice president resurfaces, with another round of familiar apocalyptic predictions. THAT "IRANIAN CANCER RESEARCHER" WHOM US BANNED WAS A JIHADIST Report: Anti-Israel Textbooks Turning Young Americans Against Israel Shock: Snopes Factchecks MSM's Fake News The news: “I Hate To Say It, But I Wake Up In The Morning Looking Forward To What Else Is Coming” For Liberals, The Shadow Of Donald Trump Looms Far Larger Than The Man The Myths of 1953 - Newly declassified documents reveal the CIA to have been mostly a bystander in the Iranian coup. Israel and Hezbollah: The Battle before the Battle Monday, July 17. 2017Roger Federer, plus tennis theoryAt age 36, his eighth Wimbledon win. You knew about that remarkable feat already, but it seemed like a good opportunity to re-post David Foster Wallace's 2008 The String Theory - What happens when all of a man's intelligence and athleticism is focused on placing a fuzzy yellow ball where his opponent is not? An obsessive inquiry (with footnotes), into the physics and metaphysics of tennis.
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