Reasons Your Creative Type Has Broken Up with You (toons) (h/t Althouse)
Slug mucus inspires possible surgical glue
Prince William and Princess Kate Deny Kids iPad Time!
It's Summer Break. Where Have All the Children Gone?
Since You Asked, Here's How Google Maps Really Works (h/t Am. Digest)
Regular alcohol consumption could cut diabetes risk, study finds
Drug Testing for…Poppy Seeds?
Steve Jobs' widow Laurene Powell buys the Atlantic
Planned Parenthood Doctor Says Forms are Smokescreen for Dodging Partial-Birth Abortion Ban
College Offers Course on Being Transracial
Conference teaches K-12 educators how to combat ‘whiteness in schools’
University of Michigan Hiring Admin For “Cultural Appropriation Prevention”…
Good grief
California cities have become pension providers that offer a few public services on the side.
Electric bikes are illegal in NYC
IRS Makes Shocking Discovery As To Why They Have So Many “Problematic Employees”
McArdle: How Bureaucracies Creep Into Life-and-Death Medical Decisions - The Charlie Gard case in the U.K. shows the role government health systems inevitably seek to play.
Dems Running Socialist “Boot Camp” For Prospective Candidates In D.C.
In Government, Failure Is The Way To Get Yourself More Money
Related, What’s really behind the MTA’s money woes
WaPo Admits=> “The Quest to Prove Collusion is Crumbling”
The Week the Russia Conspiracy Theory Fell Apart
Awan Bros Helped Wasserman Schultz Screw Bernie Sanders Campaign – Taught Her How to Disguise Calls
Nunes: Obama political aides made hundreds of unmasking requests
THE TRUMP EFFECT - Deprogramming the American mind.
Six months into the Trump presidency, it seems safe to say that America has never had a political experience like the one he has brought to the White House...
In Oz, The stupidest thing the federal government does
Stop Infantilizing the Palestinians
Combat Vet Gives Powerful Testimony Against Trans Troops
So what? Combat troops are a tiny part of the military
"Rolling Stone largely gives Trudeau a pass on his sheik-like affection for black gold and hurries on to other topics. Hey, Justin snowboards! He’s handsome! He loves diversity! "
Also, he is a twit
U.S. says Iran rocket test breaches U.N. resolution
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