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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Saturday, July 22. 2017Saturday morning links
No One Hates Your Transgender Child. We Hate What You Are Doing to Him How fentanyl is making deadly drugs even deadlier Loving a Borderline Idleness kills manliness How Capitalism Averted The Bee-Pocalypse The Man Who Got Americans To Eat Trash Fish Is Now A Billionaire The 20 most in-demand jobs that pay more than $100,000 World War II Military Surplus 1911’s Coming To Store Shelves Ice cover in Greenland is steadily increasing, in defiance of rising carbon levels and even greater levels of green rhetoric. Claremont McKenna Punishes 7 Students Over Blockade Of Heather Mac Donald Speech California College Chancellor Wants To Abolish Algebra Requirement, Calls It A ‘Civil Rights Issue’ How bad is grade inflation? Minnesota Schools Adopt Transgender Toolkit for Kindergartners I think the real problem is that he’s embarrassed them by solving the problem quickly, easily, and cheaply. That is unforgivable. Food Stamp Use Falls to Lowest Level in Seven Years Political Intolerance Is Rising Media Spins Positive Trump Poll as Negative Where did white voters back Hillary Clinton? Clinton Scandal Only Deepens — So Why Is Trump, Not Hillary, Targeted For Investigation? Latest Deep State Leak Proves Obama Was Spying on Trump Campaign Early On MUELLER EXPANDS HIS PROBE AGAIN - It’s all Russia, Russia and Trump, Trump -- all the time. Mike Pompeo: Russia Interfered In The 2016 Campaign — And Campaigns Before That [Fill in Name of Government Program] Would Have Worked Had the Right Person Been Running It Gorka: America is back with the first 6 months of Trump President Trump Kills 16 Regulations For Every New One, Crushing 2-For-1 Goal Netanyahu Unbound Slovenia’s Side of Melania’s Story: How the First Lady’s Upbringing in Communist Eastern Europe Shaped Her Fight for Freedom in America Amsterdam to punish unsuccessful dating attempts Sweden: A Failed State? The Red Cross and the Holocaust Iran’s terrorism goliath - The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps terrorizes its own people and casts a dark shadow over the world Comments
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QUOTE: Ice cover in Greenland is steadily increasing, in defiance of rising carbon levels and even greater levels of green rhetoric. Um, no. From the Danish Meteorological Institute, the source of the cited graphs: "Over the year, it snows more than it melts, but calving of icebergs also adds to the total mass budget of the ice sheet. Satellite observations over the last decade show that the ice sheet is not in balance. The calving loss is greater than the gain from surface mass balance, and Greenland is losing mass at about 200 Gt/yr." So what? It freezes/melts in different cycles of different lengths. Been doing that forever. What are you so concerned about??
Dale: So what? It freezes/melts in different cycles of different lengths.
The claim was that Greenland was gaining ice. That was a false claim, which should have been apparent to any reasonably careful reader of the Danish research. So Greenland is losing about .03% of ice.
That's a big cube of ice but barely significant to the overall mass. drowningpuppies: So Greenland is losing about .03% of ice. That's a big cube of ice but barely significant to the overall mass.
Greenland ice mass The rate of mass loss is still low, but will accelerate as the Earth's surface continues to warm. Each loss of 1% will result in about 7 cm of sea level rise. Without mitigation, several percent of the Greenland icecap is expected to melt by the end of the century. QUOTE: Clinton Scandal Only Deepens — So Why Is Trump, Not Hillary, Targeted For Investigation? Little of the rehash in the article is much more than the usual "it's who you know" politics. Also, as far as we know, Clinton didn't fire the FBI Director investigating her, or seek out legal advice on pardoning herself. The Democrats are geniuses in fraud, crime and coverup and the media is their willing handmaiden. They are in a full court press to take power and eliminate the competition and I think they will succeed. The gulag awaits those who cross them. To quote that popular song; "don't believe it just watch". Watch Mueller and his team of inquisitioners. The Republican congress is useless/helpless against the Democrats and in fact appear to be in collusion with them. Again if you don't believe that than why is congress eagerly bringing Trump's family and administration in front of them to testify. Everyone in the world knows the Russia story is a red herring designed to distract attention from the real crimes by Obama and Hillary.
drowningpuppies: Everyone but Zzzzz....
A majority of Americans believe President Trump has done something either illegal or unethical when it comes to Russia, according to a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll. A Fox News poll finds that 40% think there was collusion between the Trump Administration and Russia. "A Fox News poll finds that 40% think there was collusion between the Trump Administration and Russia."
Exactly!! There wasn't! There is zero evidence of it! But the dishonest MSM and the crazy alt-left Democrats have repeated the lie often enough that the low information voters believe it. Incredible. This why I say that the Alt-left Democrats are geniuses, dishonest anti-American, anti-democratic geniuses that rival Lenin and Hitler. They are going to win and destroy our great republic. Evil geniuses!
2017-07-23 10:49
GoneWithTheWind: Exactly!!
In fact, you claimed that "Everyone in the world knows the Russia story is a red herring designed to distract attention from the real crimes by Obama and Hillary." We provided evidence that your claim is false. GoneWithTheWind: Exactly!! There wasn't! There is zero evidence of it! Your new claim is also incorrect. There is a lot of circumstantial evidence. You could start with Trump calling for Russia to release Clinton emails, or with the fact that the Trump organization took in a lot of Russian money, or that there have been a pattern of lies concerning contacts between the Trump campaign and Russian agents.
2017-07-23 12:41
There is a lot of circumstantial evidence.
Hardly. More likely inferences drawn from hearsay, speculation and conjecture. Y'all gotta do better than that.
2017-07-23 15:02
drowningpuppies: More likely inferences drawn from hearsay, speculation and conjecture.
Did Trump not call for Russia to release emails stolen from Clinton's server? Did Trump Jr. not say that a lot of Russian money was flowing into their organization? Have there not been multiple misleading statements concerning contacts with the Russians, such as by Flynn?
2017-07-24 08:44
Anyone who actually thinks/believes that "Trump calling for Russia to release Clinton emails" is proof of collusion is simply too stupid to argue with. Sadly too that the irony was lost on such an individual. You see Clinton actually did break the law and THAT is why what Trump said was "funny" (as in he was telling a joke and pointing out his opponent's crime... oh never mind... you are just too stupid to argue with.)
2017-07-23 16:32
GoneWithTheWind: Anyone who actually thinks/believes that "Trump calling for Russia to release Clinton emails" is proof of collusion
Didn't say it was proof, but circumstantial evidence. Try to read more carefully. It was certainly unethical (not that that's a barrier to Trump supporters).
2017-07-24 08:47
Look up the definition of circumstantial evidence and learn something, kidz.
Better yet, keep digging that hole.
2017-07-24 09:41
drowningpuppies: Circumstantial evidence is evidence that relies on an inference to connect it to a conclusion of fact
"Circumstantial evidence is evidence that relies on an inference to connect it to a conclusion of fact." You had stated "More likely inferences drawn from hearsay, speculation and conjecture." You waved your hands at the facts, calling them "hearsay, speculation and conjecture." When again asked to address the facts, this time you diverted to semantics.
2017-07-24 09:51
Keep digging, kidz.
It's quite entertaining.
2017-07-24 10:20
Btw, kiddiez, try to show a complete definition next time.
Circumstantial evidence is the opposite of direct evidence. It cannot prove a material fact by itself. Rather, it is evidence that tends to prove a material fact when considered together with other evidence and by drawing inferences. ... Inferences may not, however, be drawn by guesswork, speculation, or conjecture. Santos v. Providence, et al. 09-CV-348S
2017-07-24 10:35
drowningpuppies: "Circumstantial evidence is the opposite of direct evidence. It cannot prove a material fact by itself. Rather, it is evidence that tends to prove a material fact when considered together with other evidence and by drawing inferences. ... Inferences may not, however, be drawn by guesswork, speculation, or conjecture."
That's all correct. However, your position was that the facts were in error. Perhaps you meant the evidentiary link to the conclusion (inference) was weak, but that's not what you said. The facts are that Trump called for the Russians to leak stolen emails, money flowed in the past to Trump's organization, and lies concerning contacts between the Trump campaign and the Russians.
2017-07-24 10:44
However, your position was that the facts were in error. Nope. You're lying again. Never claimed that.
2017-07-24 11:15
drowningpuppies: Nope.
You said, "More likely inferences drawn from hearsay, speculation and conjecture." "Drawn from" refers to the purported underlying facts. Instead of either arguing why the purported facts are in error, or clarifying your position, you then argued semantics, and now you are arguing you didn't say what you said. Are you saying Trump did not call for the Russians to leak stolen emails? Or that this is not circumstantial evidence of collusion? Are you saying Russian money didn't flow into Trump's organization? Or that this is not circumstantial evidence of collusion? Are you saying that no one lied about contacts with Russia? Or that this is not circumstantial evidence of collusion? None of this is conclusive, but it is certainly circumstantial evidence warranting a closer investigation.
2017-07-24 11:24
Nope. There is no evidence of collusion, circumstantial or otherwise.
You have nothing, kidz, but your own confirmation bias. Keep digging that hole.
2017-07-24 14:45
drowningpuppies: There is no evidence of collusion, circumstantial or otherwise.
"Is not! Is not!" isn't an argument. Notably, you didn't answer any of the question intended to further the discussion.
2017-07-24 15:24
"Is so" isn't an argument either, kidz.
2017-07-24 15:40
drowningpuppies: "Is so" isn't an argument either
Which is why we provided evidence to support our position: Trump called for the Russians to leak stolen emails, money flowed in the past to Trump's organization, and lies concerning contacts between the Trump campaign and the Russians.
2017-07-24 16:47
GoneWithTheWind: The gulag awaits those who cross them.
Sure. Gulags. Here is the link to
How Capitalism Averted The Bee-Pocalypse http://hotair.com/archives/2017/07/19/capitalism-averted-bee-pocalypse/ QUOTE: MUELLER EXPANDS HIS PROBE AGAIN - It’s all Russia, Russia and Trump, Trump -- all the time. As that was what Mueller was charged to investigate, it makes sense. QUOTE: The claim is that Trump did this to end Comey’s investigation into National Security Advisor Mike Flynn’s ties to Russia. Trump: "And in fact when I decided to just do it {fire Comey}, I said to myself, I said 'you know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story, it's an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should have won'." So, yes. He did fire Comey over the Russia investigation. QUOTE: There is still no evidence that Trump covered up a crime, or even that there was an underlying crime to be concealed The underlying crime is the hack of the DNC by Russian agents, with the intent of interfering in the U.S. election. QUOTE: One interviewer asked the president, "Last thing, if Mueller was looking at your finances and your family finances, unrelated to Russia, is that a red line?" Another then chimed in with, "Would that be a breach of what his actual charge is?" Trump responded, probably correctly, with “I would say yeah. I would say yes." Meanwhile, Trump is considering pardoning himself. Meanwhile, Trump is considering pardoning himself.
Is he? How do you know that? Washington Post: "Trump has asked his advisers about his power to pardon aides, family members and even himself in connection with the probe, according to one of those people. A second person said Trump’s lawyers have been discussing the president’s pardoning powers among themselves."
Trump: "all agree the U. S. President has the complete power to pardon" According to unnamed sources reported by the Wapoo.
OMG! It must be true! Thankz, kidz, once again proving your gullibility.. Why not post the whole thing?
"While all agree the U. S. President has the complete power to pardon, why think of that when only crime so far is LEAKS against us.FAKE NEWS" Could y'all be any more dishonest? drowningpuppies: Why not post the whole thing?
We linked the "whole thing". Trump: "While all agree the U. S. President has the complete power to pardon, why think of that when only crime so far is LEAKS against us.FAKE NEWS" Heh. No, Trump isn't thinking about pardons at all. Don't think about elephants! Meanwhile, Trump's Communications Director said he and Trump discussed pardons.
2017-07-24 08:51
OMG, Gee Whiz! That proves it. A discussion on pardons!
Your confirmation bias is showing, kiddiez.
2017-07-24 09:48
drowningpuppies: A discussion on pardons!
That's right. Trump is already discussing pardons, even tweeting about them. Heh. Don't think about bananas.
2017-07-24 09:54
But y'all said he was thinking of pardoning himself.
Once again, how do you know that?
2017-07-24 10:24
drowningpuppies: But y'all said he was thinking of pardoning himself.
Right again. Sources for the Washington Post say pardons, including a self-pardon, are being considered. Trump then went out of his way to say that the power to pardon is "complete". And his own Communications Director says he has discussed pardons with the President. That's strong evidence in support of the proposition, and certainly constitutes a stronger argument than "Is not! Is not!"
2017-07-24 10:41
Anonymous sources. Amazon Washington Post.
Back to that inference thing and your confirmation bias. Are you kidz seeing a pattern here?
2017-07-24 11:21
drowningpuppies: Anonymous sources.
Are you saying anonymous sources never reveal accurate information? If so, then you are saying the controversy over leaks is unwarranted. Certainly one should be reasonably skeptical, but the accumulation of circumstantial evidence is narrowing the realm of possible innocuous explanation, especially including the lies about Russian contacts, such as with Flynn. In any case, with regards to pardons, you nitpick at one piece of evidence, when it is the consilience of evidence that implies that Trump is discussing pardons — including his own tweet!
2017-07-24 11:29
Nope, you typed Trump was considering pardoning himself.
That an inference on your part based on hearsay.
2017-07-24 14:51
drowningpuppies: Nope, you typed Trump was considering pardoning himself.
And we pointed to several facts to support that contention. drowningpuppies: That an inference on your part based on hearsay. Trump's tweets are not hearsay. And his own Communications Director is considered to represent the President's own official voice. Anonymous sources are certainly hearsay, but still represent circumstantial evidence.
2017-07-24 15:26
Once again all you have is your own confirmation bias nothing more.
2017-07-24 15:48
drowningpuppies: Once again all you have is your own confirmation bias nothing more.
No. We provided evidence that supports the claim. Sources for the Washington Post say pardons, including a self-pardon, are being considered. Trump then went out of his way to say that the power to pardon is "complete". And his own Communications Director says he has discussed pardons with the President.
2017-07-24 16:49
No, you provided evidence of your confirmation bias.
2017-07-24 22:58
Please let us know when you are ready to dispense with handwaving and address the specifics.
2017-07-25 09:36
It's difficult to argue against your circular logic.
2017-07-25 10:27
Please see response below.
2017-07-25 10:59
I see.
Apparently y'all fail to understand the terms, "confirmation bias" and/or "circular logic" in addition to "circumstantial evidence". You're right, it's hard to argue against that. Thankz, kidz.
2017-07-25 13:12
"The underlying crime is the hack of the DNC by Russian agents, with the intent of interfering in the U.S. election."
How is that any different than what the New York Times, Washington Post, and other Fake News media are doing right now through illegally leaked information to overturn the election and nullify the results? Except that the leaked DNC documents were true, unlike most of what the Fake News media is putting out which has been faked. Jim: How is that any different than what the New York Times, Washington Post, and other Fake News media are doing right now through illegally leaked information to overturn the election and nullify the results?
Because the New York Times and Washington Post have not illegally hacked into anyone's email. Even if the information is classified, it is not illegal to publish such information as long as the publisher is not complicit in the theft. Furthermore, most leaks are not illegal, unless the information is classified. The Man Who Got Americans To Eat Trash Fish Is Now A Billionaire. Just changing the name of some fish has gotten the public to want to eat them for dinner. Monk fish used to be called goosefish, orange roughy was slimehed and Chilean sea bass was toothfish, just to name a few.
Pollock is what surimi is made of, and surimi is fake crabmeat.
At some point, tilapia started being marketed as "golden perch."
Re: Abolish Algebra Requirement
That chancellor is racist. What's the difference between what he said and what Charles Murray said in The Bell Curve? Solving the problem for $550: No union labor!!!!!!1111!!!! What's worse is NO GRAFT!!!!11111!!!
Yes indeed Sam. Those $550 stairs put egg all over the faces of city officials. Of course they had to be torn down. They were a monument to governmental ineptitude and corruption so they had to be erased.
Where are the investigative reporters to track down who was going to get the $64 k contract and what their connections are to the city? Furthermore, how much gross over spending has been done on other projects and where did that money end up? Re Re: Abolish Algebra Requirement
He wants to replace algebra with statistics and obviously doesn't know that statistics requires algebra. In statistics there are formulas for the different statistical distributions that are used to compute probabilities. The tax rate increase example was simple arithmetic, not algebra.
"Minnesota Schools Adopt Transgender Toolkit for Kindergartners"
Officially sanctioned child abuse. Madness. Yes, well, if they confuse enough children so that they're obsessed with their 'gender identity' then these same students won't have the emotional and mental resources to notice how this country is being handed off on a platter to the global 1%.
Distraction, distraction, distraction. Plus there is the added pleasure these ideologues get from forcing people to say that 2+2=5. Had occasion to be with ALL the grandbrats this weekend. They all know what they are, and one even told me in fairly good detail the difference between him and his sister. That being said, it is observed that the girls are much more physical than the boys right now; wearing the dresses they love doesn't slow the girls down one bit.
We would deplore any rigid slotting into roles (have two hetero families, and the men in both are good at cooking; not so good at cleaning), but we are also really concerned that the grandbrats get to explore their world without anxious outsiders taking advantage of a natural confusion and trying to pigeon-hole them into something totally alien to their real selves. How Capitalism Averted The Bee-Pocalypse: Bad Link
How Capitalism Averted the Bee-pocalypse. Fixed it for ya. drowningpuppies: It's difficult to argue against your circular logic.
Not at all. Circular logic is easy to identify, as the conclusion is entailed in the premises. In this case, however, the stated facts are independent of the hypothesis, but are consistent with the hypothesis, meaning they represent evidence supporting the hypothesis. The usual way to attack an inference based on circumstantial evidence is to point to an alternative explanation. While any single bit of evidence may have other explanations, the more independent bits of evidence, the narrower the constraint on plausible hypotheses. Direct evidence: Joe looks on as George shoots Sally. Indirect evidence: Joe hears a gunshot in the other room, then sees George emerge carrying a smoking gun, then looks to see Sally dead of a gunshot in the other room. The obvious inference is that George shot Sally. But perhaps Sally had the gun, and they struggled, and Sally got shot. However, when it is found that there is no gunpowder residue on Sally's wound, that hypothesis is excluded by this second bit of circumstantial evidence. Additional circumstantial evidence, such as George lying about a struggle, may further restrict the range of plausible hypotheses. drowningpuppies: Apparently y'all fail to understand the terms, "confirmation bias" and/or "circular logic" in addition to "circumstantial evidence".
Let us know when you are ready to forego handwaving and decide to engage specifics. |
Tracked: Jul 23, 09:48
Tracked: Jul 23, 10:13