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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Thursday, August 3. 2017Thursday morning links
New Zealand needs to kill these adorable rabbits How Amish produce gets to Whole Foods—without the internet, tractors, or phones Why the middle-aged ‘dad bod’ could be deadly instead of sexy Why it Was Moral for Trotsky to Kill the Tsar’s Children—But Immoral for Stalin to Kill His First results from US CRISPR gene editing on human embryos GMO people Obese patients and smokers banned from routine surgery in 'most severe ever' rationing in the NHS SOCIALIZED MEDICINE KILLS - Call it single-payer or Medicare-for-all, socialized medicine is death. Decline And Fall. NYC Pet Owners Not Getting Dogs Vaccinated For Fear Of Autism A Doctor Gives Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop a Pelvic Exam Evergreen State College’s Police Chief Resigns We Can Solve Hotcoldwetdry If Everyone Eats Beans Instead Of Meat Stossel: Stop! You Need a License To Do that Job! Affirmative Action Battle Has a New Focus: Asian-Americans Maryland city to allow non-citizens to vote...again Build The Wall? It's Already Been Built Favor factory? Huma emails reveal Clinton allies seeking jobs, meetings This Vanity Fair Lionization Of The Press Is Why Everyone Hates The Press Former U.N. Amb. Power Unmasked ‘Hundreds’ In Final Year Of Obama Admin THE ASSOCIATED PRESS DEPARTS FROM VENEZUELA Senior Palestinian Official Seeks Life-Saving Treatment in Israel Trackbacks
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The whole idea of socialism is that there's some fairer way to distribute scarce resources than through the spontaneous order that emerges when everyone is allowed to vote with their dollars on what they think is fair. How is imposing your idea of fairness on everybody else itself fair? No matter how much data they gather, no one can be smarter than everyone in making choices as to what's "better" for each individual. And if you're a Top Man making choices for everybody else, what incentive do you have to make the best choice compared to the incentive each individual has to make the best choice for himself? I would like to respectfully disagree. The whole idea of socialism is to transfer wealth from those who earned it to those who did not. I do not believe for a second that there is a desire for fairness or equity it is a simple unarmed robbery (in some cases armed). The only possible way to achieve the illusion of fairness and equity is to lower the bar for all and pull down anyone who is better off. This part of socialism is essential in the big ripoff because you need to keep the peasants on your side and the peasants want to see the Kulaks (the middle class) dragged down to their level. That is the first phase of socialism.
The second phase, after everyone is dragged down to an equal level of despair and hunger is a armed take over by the elite and communism, i.e. socialism of the masses enforced by the gun. Socialism cannot and does not work as defined it is and always was nothing more than a stepping stone to an authoritarian form of government. We have a perfect example in Venezuela where their socialism is now in a the armed takeover phase. Venezuela was a great example as it was a rich nation with a vast wealth of oil so there was a lot of OPM to run the socialist experiment. And yet in a few short years they had destroyed the economy, made the wealthy elite multi-billionaires and turned the entire population into poor starving peasants. Ask yourself why our own MSM does little to nothing to show what is going on in Venezuela. There is plenty of news worthy video and it is most certainly a significant event. If it were somehow possible to blame it all on some mythical "right wing" generals or something it would be Venezuela 24/7 on every channel. But it is not. It is the raw truth about left wing socialism and therefore must be ignored/hidden/covered up. Watch Venezuela. It looks like it is heating up. Phase two is well underway and the resistance must be smashed. There will be mass killing and "disappearing" of citizens. Will our press even notice? When government gets involved it eventually goes off the tracks and that is the nature of government. The NHS is getting stressed for OPM, other peoples money. It will first go for the politically correct "fix" such as smokers and then the obese. Now the Charlie Gards are being put on the expendable lists. The old are already being rushed to the grave and perhaps they will get to the HIV class (oh, No) and then maybe the trannies won't get fixed. The NHS is just another politically correct thug class just as education is in this country. ( see my comments on Barristers education piece) Public unions are a travesty...TSA anyone?
QUOTE: Huma emails reveal Clinton allies seeking jobs, meetings Once again, Judicial Watch doing the job of the MSM and the DOJ. A certain amount of gladhanding is typical in politics. Friends of politicians are often their financial supporters; and in the case of the Clinton Foundation, they hit up the rich for donations — because that's where the money is —, and also because it built relationships that might have political usefulness later.
None of this is particularly noteworthy. I would agree, except for the pay to play aspect. That is corruption.
Zzzzz: None of this is particularly noteworthy.
😂😂😂😂 Judicial Watch today released 1,606 pages of documents from the U.S. Department of State revealing repeated use of unsecured communications for classified information and numerous examples of Clinton Foundation donors receiving special favors from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s staff. http://www.judicialwatch.org/press-room/press-releases/judicial-watch-huma-abedin-emails-reveal-transmission-classified-information-clinton-foundation-donors-receiving-special-treatment-clinton-state-department/ Yep, nothing to see here. Pay no attention to that (wo)man behind the curtain!
"Gladhanding," otherwise known as criminal political corruption, bribery and extortion. What the Clintons routinely did was blatantly illegal and a federal felony--ten years in prison for each offense.** Every time I work on a government project, I and my clients have to sign affidavits and declarations up the wazoo, under penalty of perjury, that we didn't do this kind of stuff.
The Clintons, on the other hand, took hundreds of millions of dollars in bribes, either individually or through their phony Foundation which was used to maintain their lifestyle and their political machine. There are thousands of us out here who see this and can only think, how bad has corruption gotten in the U.S. and why will no one do anything about it? Instead, we have this phony Russia scandal, still without any proof anything wrong was done, day after day after day. Distraction you think?? Trump's biggest mistake was indicating after the election he would not go after the Clintons and other politicians engaged in this kind of corruption. --------------------------------------------- **E.g., from DOD Procurement Handbook: Bribery The term “bribery” means offering or giving something of value to a Government official or for a Government official to solicit or receive something of value in return for preferential treatment. Bribery is a criminal offense. Anti-Kickback Act The Anti-Kickback Act of 1986 modernized and closed the loopholes of previous statutes applying to Government contracts. The act does the following: Prohibits attempted as well as contemplated kickbacks, which include any money, fees, commission, credit, gift, gratuity, thing of value, or compensation of any kind. The inclusion of kickback amounts in contract prices is prohibited conduct in itself. Makes illegal the acceptance of a kickback “for improperly obtaining or rewarding favorable treatment.” Prohibits kickbacks to prime contractors, prime contractor employees, subcontractors, and subcontractor employees. Congress intended the act to embrace the full range of Government contracting. Note: “Any person who knowingly and willfully engages in conduct prohibited by the Anti- Kickback Act shall be imprisoned for not more than 10 years or shall be subject to a fine … or both.” Never solicit gifts of any type, regardless of their nature or dollar value. A small number of contractors and potential contractors are willing to offer favors in exchange for business. CORs must understand that a bribe occurs when someone “directly or indirectly gives, offers, or promises anything of value to any public official, former public official, or person selected to be a public official, for or because of any official act performed or to be performed by such public official.” (Note that the value need not be monetary (See 18 U.S.C. § 201. 14 See 41 U.S.C 54 and Articles 92 and 134 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice 22.) Giving or accepting a bribe is a crime punishable by a fine, imprisonment, or both. Gratuities Gratuities constitute a crime when offered or given to a Government official or when a Government official solicits or receives a gratuity (see 18 U.S.C. § 201 and FAR Subpart 3.2). To be categorized as a gratuity, the item being offered must be a thing of value and be presented with the intent of corruption. As a participant in the acquisition process, the COR must constantly keep himself or herself on guard to improper actions or those that can be construed as such. Gifts The term “gift” includes any gratuity, favor, discount, entertainment, hospitality, loan, forbearance, or other item having monetary value. It includes services as well as gifts of training, transportation, local travel, lodgings and meals, whether provided in-kind by purchase of a ticket, payment in advance, or reimbursement after the expense has been incurred. Contractor personnel may offer CORs welcome gifts upon arrival or souvenirs to take home in a possible attempt to gain favor provided the gift value is $20 or less per source per occasion, not to exceed $50 in the aggregate in a calendar year from the same source. FAR 3.101-2 provides the overarching rule about accepting gifts from contractor personnel: do not accept any gratuity, gift, favor, entertainment, loan, or anything of value from a prospective or current contractor. In Government-contractor relationships, the COR must strictly avoid any conflict of interest or even the appearance of a conflict of interest. Remember, a COR should not accept a gift in return for being influenced to perform an official act. Also he or she should not accept gifts so frequently that a reasonable person would think the COR is using the position for private gain. When in doubt, the COR should call an ethics official about accepting a gift. BD: I would agree, except for the pay to play aspect.
The examples provided in the article are of the "It's not what you know, but who you know" type. You will find those sorts of connections being leveraged in every government. Jim: "Gladhanding," otherwise known as criminal political corruption, bribery and extortion. No. It's called having connection, and it is not illegal unless there is a quid pro quo. Indeed, it's hard to imagine a society without connections. Jim: their phony Foundation There is no evidence that the Clintons benefited financially from the Clinton Foundation. If they developed connections through the Foundation while doing charitable work, that's hardly noteworthy. Zzzzz: There is no evidence that the Clintons benefited financially from the Clinton Foundation
Ahem. “The investigation into her getting paid for campaigning, using foundation resources for her wedding and life for a decade, taxes on money from her parents….,” Band wrote. “I hope that you will speak to her and end this[.] Once we go down this road….” http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/11/06/clinton-aide-targets-chelsea-in-email-as-foundation-audit-shows-issues.html drowningpuppies: “The investigation into her getting paid for campaigning, using foundation resources for her wedding and life for a decade, taxes on money from her parents….,”
Chelsea Clinton was married in 2010. The wedding was planned and executed by a wedding planning business that took care of all arrangements, including the hiring of help. The Clinton Foundation has been independently audited every year since then. There is no evidence to support such an accusation.
2017-08-04 09:46
Yep. No evidence except the emails.
That's funny. 😂
2017-08-04 11:20
drowningpuppies: No evidence except the emails.
One garbled email from a disgruntled employee that talks about undefined "resources". In any case, that's what audits are for.
2017-08-04 13:18
The Clinton Foundation actually only disburses 6% of its donations on charitable work. The rest of the money it spends on itself and the activities of the Clintons. It's a fraud.
http://thefederalist.com/2016/09/16/clinton-foundation-spent-6-percent-charitable-grants-2014/ Jim: The Clinton Foundation actually only disburses 6% of its donations on charitable work.
Charitable grants only represent a small portion of the Clinton Foundation's charitable works. According to audited returns, the program percentage for the Clinton Foundation is 88%.
2017-08-05 09:53
Not particularly noteworthy....
"The outrage about Obama officials spying on Americans, let alone on the Republican candidate and then incoming president, is both real and legitimate," said the source, who would only discuss the sensitive matter on background. "But there are still a lot of known unknowns, which could make things a lot worse." http://freebeacon.com/national-security/former-u-n-amb-power-unmasked-hundreds-last-year-obama-admin/ Not particularly noteworthy...
The Senate this week approved a fifth Trump nominee, placing Trump on a faster pace for approvals than either President Barack Obama or President George W. Bush. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/08/03/5th-trump-judicial-nominee-confirmed-outpacing-obama-bush.html Erekat clearly knows the Israelis will treat him better than they should, and that the Palis cannot treat him at all. Can you say "cognitive dissonance", boys and girls? Yes, I knew you could!
Affirmative Action Battle Has a New Focus: Asian-Americans
--------------------------------------------------------- This is a huge discrimination issue which was intentionally swept under the rug by the Obama administration. It can be conclusively shown that Asians across the country are heavily discriminated against because of their race in college admissions, mainly to facilitate the admission of lesser/non-qualified blacks and Latinos under federal discrimination mandates. For some reason, the Obama administration did nothing to investigate this situation, and the complaints sat in the "Justice" Department for years, totally ignored. Bravo to A.G. Sessions for saying they will now investigate this situation. The only real answer to this is to do away entirely with affirmative action as well as legacy admissions, and make admission to higher education a question of merit rather than one's skin color, gender or sexual preference as is now prevalent. This one makes me personally angry, because I know my kids as well as many others faced discrimination in admission because they were Asian--essentially deemed "over qualified." It is worth noting also that there is discrimination against males in college admission as well.
AND there is discrimination in favor of foreign students over citizen students in college admissions. It would be interesting to have the DOJ look at these two issues as well. I stopped reading the Popular Science article about rabbits in EnnZed when the authorette claimed stoats were rodents.