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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Wednesday, July 26. 2017Wednesday morning links Shrinkflation at the supermarket Sneaky Would a supervolcano wipe out civilization? Roomba maker may share maps of users' homes with Google, Amazon or Apple Why Randi Weingarten has to lie to attack school choice Feds Dole Out $3 Million To Fight “Microaggressions” In Science Fields… Princeton’s new ‘men’s engagement manager’ to combat aggressive masculinity on campus Toxic femininity vs "toxic masculinity." Sheesh. Can't we all just get along? Berkeley Radio Station Cancels Richard Dawkins Appearance Over His Denigrating Comments About Islamism-- But Not Over His Far More Extensive History of Attacks on Christianity Muslims are a protected group Like him or not, ya gotta admit Rush has fun with his radio show He just has to talk about his iPhone Drugs vs. Border: How Smugglers Get Creative (video) Rescind the Obamacare Rule Exempting Congress Coyote: Public Choice and "Privilege" Economy Needs Workers, but Drug Tests Take a Toll Democrats 'Better Deal' Agenda Isn't New, And It Isn't Better Dems promise freebies, Repubs promise jobs growth The Democratic Party’s False Centrism Trump Is Offering Populism, Minus the Free Candy PRESIDENT TRUMP’S SICKENING TREATMENT OF JEFF SESSIONS " Trump seems surprised by all the difficulties he's facing as president. Does he have any idea of how his treatment of those who work with him will make it even more difficult to find competent people who are willing to come work for him?" Does anyone doubt that the New York Times has already prepared the title for the editorial on terminating the Trump presidency. Perhaps it reads: "Now, Finally, He Must Go! Trackbacks
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I kind of enjoy watching Sessions get kicked around. He apparently hasn't read the Constitution closely enough to appreciate federalism and is determined to continue the drug war even in states that have no interest in it.
And his assistant hired Mueller and set him lose on the Administration without any kind of a leash. Of course Sessions is going to take heat - and continue taking heat as long as Mueller is around. Frog, meet scorpion. Scorpion, frog. You ever read any of Trump's tweets? Everything is "unfair" and "sad" and "bad" - Trump's a whiny crybaby and everybody's out to get him even though nothing's ever his fault. And this pretense that the AG is supposed to have an arm's-length relationship with the President? Not in my lifetime, not since at least RFK, not to mention Ramsey Clark, John Mitchell, Ed Meese, Janet Reno, Eric Holder - the AG isn't there to explain to the President why whatever it is he wants to do is illegal, he's there to explain to the American people why whatever it is the President wants to do is perfectly legal. Spy on people, overthrow foreign governments, firebomb women and children, torture enemy combatants, ship weapons and money to our enemies? It's the AG's job to justify criminal behavior. If Sessions has a moral bone in his body he's unfit for the job.
I don't understand being soft on drugs. Should we just roll over and let drugs destroy our country. If your argument is that law enforcement and the courts often get it wrong on drugs I can agree with that but hell they often get it wrong on everything. Should we stop enforcing all laws because sometimes the law is too stiff? I simply don't understand what there is to love about the illegal drugs. Do you have children? Do you really want your 14 year old daughter to live in a drug house and do what these kids must do to get the drugs they are addicted too? Is that better in your mind than prosecuting drug dealers???
______________________________ I feel the headline should read just the opposite: JEFF SESSIONS SICKENING TREATMENT OF POTUS TRUMP If Sessions couldn't fall in 100% behind Trump and assume the role of "attack dog" on Trump's behalf from Day One, then Sessions deceived Trump and deserves whatever he gets in approbation for his deceit. Powerline is the epitome of that Midwestern "nicey-nice, "hail-fellow-well-met" attorney collegiality" BS that got this country in this whole current mess! Plus, they've been anti-Trump...until he pulled off the "Miracle in the Swamp," (hence the comment on the sleazoid, yet "collegial" Sen Cruz!). Politics today is war, a simmering cold war now, but the mindset of Mirengoff and Co. is just the kind that will get conservatives and deplorables killed, administratively, legislatively and otherwise. They would rather lose to the ruthless Proggies, so long as they (the MW Cons) played "fair and square," when the name of the game is WINNING! As for TRUMP, "we can't spare this man...HE FIGHTS! You are right of course. however, you must remember that it was a Republican that led the charge to get marijuana legalized in WA state. It is now true that the increase in auto accidents has increased so much that auto insurance has gone up. Seems that more people drive stoned than those who drive drunk. Have you seen what "just marijuana" does to a young person? Of course, it is much worse now that it is legal in WA and CO States. Much, much worse.
Note: Did you notice that less than a month after leaving office the Clintons visited Viet Nam--again? Did you notice that while he was in office they visited that small little part of north Queensland that is drug runner heaven? No?m m m . . . Gimme a break. Mr. Sessions was the first to support Mr. Trump and offered him his staff during the pre-election days. Have you every seen two strong-minded people agree on everything? I grew up watching my parents and their best buddies have knockdown drag outs around the dinner table while doing everything they could to support one another the next minute. Lawd forbid you said a bad word about them. When the chips were down, guess who stood up first?
What amazes me it how much has been cleared away very quietly while all the media are watching the fireworks the Dems and RINOs ignite. The drugs, arms, organ and sex trafficking has been exposed and the banksters supporting the system now wonder how push-comes-tp-shove is going to survive during this administration. Trump knows the underworld. The muck goes deep. What?
Sessions didn't understand the job description, "serving at the President's pleasure" and all that? So, a brilliant attorney and longtime politico thought nothing of telling his potential boss the day before he's hired, "By the way Mr. President, that big Russia stink that's got you downing Pepto-Bismol all night, yeah, I'll have to recruse myself from that mess on my first day. Do I get a corner office with that? Re: Shrinkflation at the supermarket
In addition to the 14 ounce pounds and the 96 ounce gallons, there's the Saver's Club card pricing that annoys me - jack the shelf price up by 15% and offer a 10% discount if you sign up for the card that tracks all your purchases. No thanks. Too bad restaurants don't try the same thing: I'd love a menu with half the price and half the portions. It's not always convenient to wrap half of it up and take it home. The shrinking quantities at the store are just a pain--I have to restock more often, or bring home more packaging. More and more these days I order from Amazon.
My wife and I have noticed the fraud in the Bounty. Note that it lyingly says in the corner it has more sheets, when actually it has less. They are playing the same games with all their paper products, they keep switching around the size and type of packaging to keep you confused on what you are really buying. Note also that for many of these paper products, the size of the "sheet" is also only 75% or 50% of what it used to be. At least we have Don Quijote (Japanese bargain chain)--what they sell is junk too, but at least they have merchandise and they outdo Walmart.
Especially at the drug store, they jack up the prices and then purport to save you money by giving you a 4-foot long receipt of dozens of "discount coupons" which you can supposedly use on future visits. I guess they think it will make you feel better for getting ripped off for what you just bought; however, they are for items they either never have, or the expiration of the coupon is so short it is likely you will never use it. And they put so much rubbish in the printout it would take you 10 minutes to actually go through it and figure out precisely what you are getting a discount for. Another classic is running the newspaper ad for "on sale" items to entice people to come to the store that are either then missing from the shelves, or are not marked so you can't find them, or they only put one or two out at a time so there is nothing there. And don't get me going on Walmart (third-world to the max; empty shelves, no merchandise, everything falls apart) or K-Mart (now out of business), or K-Mart By Another Name (Sears, now also out of business). Another classic. Shrinking the pre-made salads at the supermarket. I often buy a salad before I go home and that's my dinner. They shrank the salads and their containers to perhaps 75% of the size they were. They also purported to reduce the price; but I am sure if someone were able to weigh the before and after salads and do the calculations, they would find they reduced the size of the salads more than they reduced the price. Nothing new about shrinkflation. Candy manufacturers have been doing this for decades. Why, when I was a nipper, Grandpa would buy me a 5-cent Hershey bar. Look at 'em now.
Sugar is no longer the 5lb. Bag that has been around forever. Went to Wal-Mart to get a bag for my hummingbird feeder and found that all bags were now 4lbs., but the same price. And all the economists talk about de-flation. Obviously manufacturers have found their way to more profits with these shrinking techniques.
I was at a PJ O'Rourke book signing a while back. He got asked about his next project, and stated that he was kicking around the idea of doing a history of the US through the history of Toledo, Ohio. When he mentioned that it was the site of the first American Civil war, he was amazed that half of his Wisconsin audience knew the story of the Toledo War.
It's taught in Wisconsin elementary schools specifically to answer the questin of why the UP is not part of the state. One wag in the audience let out "Ohio got Toledo in the deal, Michigan got the UP, and both sides think they got ripped off." "President Trump’s sickening treatment of Jeff Sessions"
I don't see any "sickening" treatment. What I see is honesty which is very unusual for DC. Trump is 100% correct in what he has said. On the day Sessions recused himself I knew that Sessions was not smart enough for the job. The Democrats are playing chess and the Republicans are playing checkers. Sessions fell right into the trap. Recuse himself and his left wing second in command appoints a biased investigator to hve a dishonest witch hunt into the administration. Didn't Sessions see that coming??? Duh!!! IMHO Sessions is a good guy and in way over his head in the cesspool that is Washington. Unlike McCain who is intentionally "unhelpful" sessions simply wasn't up to the job and gave away the farm to the crazy far left radicals AKA Democrats. Sessions intentionally failed to disclose that he would (needlessly) recuse himself from the Russia probe. It appears he intentionally set in motion the special prosecutor process. He hasn't appointed a prosecutor to the Clinton, Obama, or IRS crimes.
He's a scalawag scumbag, a lying establishment mole.He has to go. "Like him or not, ya gotta admit Rush has fun with his radio show"
I have listened to Rush Limbaugh on long drives through rural Georgia and the Democrats would do well to copy his tactics. The respect he has for his listeners is obvious - he does not talk down to them. He listens to them. He calls them sir and he means it. Also, his producer is a genius. Whoever it is, they order and arrange the callers so that even though each person can't really articulate their complete argument, the calls are put together one after another in such a way to create a coherent criticism of politics or policy with logic and a historical perspective. It's fascinating. Re microagressions in the STEM fields.
Any undeluded person knows that equality of opportunity leads inevitably to inequality of outcome. But the inability of the political correct to tolerate unequal outcomes because of their commitment to a Marxist doctrine that equates justice and fairness with equal outcomes, have resulted in pervasive illiteracy, innumeracy and ignorance. Grade inflation is rampant in the universities and undergraduate degrees are becoming worthless pieces of paper. The universities have capitulated to ‘egalitarian’ demands that students receive A’s for attendance. OMG, I am cracking up that you all fell for the Trump-Sessions drama. Can't you see what's going on? Even Rush is finally catching on today.
1) Trump goes to leakfest NYT to give an interview with 3 reporters who are KNOWN for making Trump stories out of leaks. In this interview he dumps on Sessions. (Clue number 1) 2) Trump tweets out all kinds of things about what Sessions should be focusing on. Even when he can just call him up on the phone and discuss these issues privately. (Clue number 2) 3) Sessions and Trump have been friends since 2005. Sessions has been on the Trump team since he announced he was running (Clue number 3) 4) Yesterday, on the Senate floor, Schumer actually stood up for Sessions - the guy he voted AGAINST for AG just a few months ago. So did Manchin, but Schumer's support more significant. (Clue number 4) 5) Late last night report comes out that Sessions will be releasing a criminal investigative report...wait for it...ON LEAKERS! (Clue number 5) Now do you all get it? Trump pretended to have a squabble with Sessions, got the left to defend Sessions, Sessions now going to release report about leaks. Expect high-level people involved...possibly Comey or even McCabe...who will be implicated in this. Trump now has all he needs to show the hypocrisy of Dems. And it all started with an interview given to the NYT who LOVES leaks. See the irony? I am cracking up at the genius of Trump! Yeah . . . but no. Sessions recused himself on March 2. This is not some grand 4D chess move that is four months in the making in an effort to expose the hypocrisy of Dems. It's a disaster entirely of Sessions' making.
Sessions unnecessarily and prematurely recused himself from an investigation without informing the President of his plans. If Sessions had a shred of decency he would have informed the President of his intent to recuse and offered his resignation in order to place the decision with the President. It was an unforgivable breach of protocol and loyalty. Sessions has to go. The difference between being "given" a job and hired used to be understood
Democrats promise to give jobs. Republicans focus on creating jobs free individuals can be hired to do RE: STEM
OMG! STEM is a classic example of liberal leadership. First: They needed extra money to make sure girls and African Americans had the extra tutorials they needed just to pass these classes. That is when the idea of STEM was developed by the women's leadership in WA State. Second: Then they realized many (most) women do not want to be scientists or mathematicians. AND, btw--that stuff is way harder to study (more time consuming) than the softer studies like community organizing, etc. WOW ! what an inconvenient embarrassment to the National Organization of Women--who knew? Third: The STEM fields pay way more money--now how do you get this "special group" into these jobs? You create a new layer of management positions in all corporations that deal with science--these jobs are titled something like "facilitator". These gals work for science pay, but only have to be able to manage calendars, balance budgets, and type reports about progress (basic secretarial duties). They also get their names on the research grants and "investigator"--very important to add to your CV Fourth: Here is the worst part: several years ago the Jesuit colleges in this country complied with the fem/nazis and downgraded the need rigorous proof (scientific vigor) because it may be discriminatory! They still do have a quiet network of male science teachers who pass along the kids (usually boys) who can do the work. Fifth: Now of course we have the women's leadership in Seattle claiming that STEM is not fair to women, etc. Summary: Devos and the presidents cabinet should be able to force the NSF to clean up this line of funding. Too too many wimps working over there to resist for long! "Why is Michigan's Upper Peninsula not part of Wisconsin?"
Because the good people of Wisconsin don't want to have anything to do with Yupers. |