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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Monday, August 21. 2017Are Electric Cars Really Green?
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Monday morning links
The Eclipse Can Be A Call To Action On ‘Climate Change’ Or Something The Eclipse Is Racist Because It Fails To Affect Enough Black People, The Atlantic Suggests:
How to clean your Keurig How HIV Became a Cancer Cure When the Arts Czars resign It's a good thing. I oppose government art. The Chinese of the Mississippi Delta Reporter Confronts Al Gore On Sea Level Rise Claims, Gets Called A ‘Denier’ If you're not hysterical, you are an evil denier Menton on women in big law:
NAACP calling for boycott of NFL, Atlanta Falcons Starbucks CEO Faces Backlash After Suggesting Violence and Hatred Towards Whites is Acceptable Door.Ass.Bang: US Illegals exit via the dead end of Roxham Road It’s Not Trump They Hate — It’s Us! Trump is the real Antifa Donald Trump is winning...bigly Democrats own Antifa, just like they owned Occupy NEW YORK TIMES APPLAUDS FAR-LEFT VIOLENCE TDS is a sad disorder Deroy Murdock: Both sides were to blame for Charlottesville violence Scott Adams: How To Know You’re In a Mass Hysteria Bubble Media working overtime to prove Trump is a racist Good luck with that. Trump is the most post-racial US president, but maybe post-racial is racist in this Orwellian world Mainstream Media Exploit Charlottesville Violence to Help the Left Commenter at Althouse
Media created and amplified such jerks to serve the narrative Dartmouth Prof Defends Antifa: It’s Just Self-Defense Against Nazis Seen a Nazi lately? Sheesh, they are everywhere these days. KKK too. Be very afraid. I blame Trump. Rumors of Trump's demise are, once again, greatly exaggerated DUMBEST NEWS STORY OF THE DAY - I know, the competition is stiff. But I think we have a winner. Spanish terror cell planned to use 'Mother of Satan' explosive used in 7/7 bombings to slaughter hundreds in 'spectacular' blast at Barcelona's famous cathedral Barcelona Suspects Planned To Blow Up Church, Accidentally Blew Up Imam Who Radicalized Them 'Better get out early than late': Barcelona’s chief rabbi urges Jews to move to Israel as he warns Europe is 'lost' because of threat from radical Islam The drug that turns ISIS into ‘unforgiving killing machines’ What's up with the US Navy? Tragic and Embarassing Sunday, August 20. 2017Metformin
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Saturday, August 19. 2017Saturday morning links
Do you suffer from decision fatigue? WHY BRILLIANT GIRLS TEND TO FAVOR NON-STEM CAREERS Only In Cali: New Bill Would Imprison Healthcare Workers For Using Incorrect Pronouns With Patients Want A $400K Grant To Watch Gay People Drink? Time to re-name Yale “Is This The Day The Internet Dies?” How ‘Bout We Punch You In The Face Week In Higher Education “You Need Violence In Order To Protect Nonviolence” Dems risk culture war fight in Charlottesville response And Yet President Trump, in His Classically Inartful Way, Was Absolutely Right THE DEMOCRATS’ DANGEROUS DOLCHSTOSSLEGENDE - The Master Party would rather destroy America than question its own superiority. PBS Stands by "Dying to Be a Martyr" Curriculum Turkey to boost military cooperation with Iran after army chief's visit How Syria continued to gas its people as the world looked on Why terrorists are so focused on attacking Europe
Friday, August 18. 2017I had to explain the news
Selling emotional "news" to get people talking is a desperately-competitive big business. It's not about keeping you "informed." She confessed that she had never thought about it that way, that the media makes the news so people will watch it instead of CSI re-runs. She is young and innocent, but capable of learning. Media amplifies what it wants to, and mutes what it wants to. In some ways, though, we all fall for it. This post itself is evidence for that. Are you excited about statues and Nazis, etc? Switch to Verizon and buy a new car. Next week, the media will create a fresh excitement for us suckers. Enuf said.
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Friday morning linksPhoto is Lincoln posing with Edgar Allen Poe in Brady's studio See an animation of how the solar eclipse will look from anywhere in the U.S. NYT: Jun Takahashi, sorcerer of fashion HOW BASEBALL BECAME A PROFESSION Why Millennial Women Are Failing and How to Fix It You nonna's Italian-American cooking If you like heartburn... Vaginas absolutely need sex or they’ll become medically ‘depressed’ Is there a role for government here? Related, WHAT DO FANNY HILL AND KING LEAR HAVE IN COMMON? Look out, Amazon: China's Alibaba may soon be bigger Why the North Pond Hermit Hid From People for 27 Years - Christopher Knight did not have a conversation with another person for almost three decades—but he committed roughly a thousand burglaries. In India, an Uber for farm machinery aims to make a difference in rural areas Cool Why we need to curb our enthusiasm for scientific ‘breakthroughs’ Alexis de Tocqueville on Free Health Care How technology breeds inequality University cancels event called ‘The Stifling of Free Speech on University Campuses’ The "Diversity" Follies, Gender Edition No, the Government Should Not Censor White Supremacist Views Loonies are free to speak Related, Missouri Senator: ‘I Hope Trump Is Assassinated!’
The Democrats Wanted Charlottesville Media and Dems doing their darndest to shape our reality. They keep seeking to create Trump's Katrina - media did create Bush's Katrina successfully Greenfield: Arrest the Editor of the Washington Post - Inciting violent riots should have consequences. New York Times: Some Charlottesville Protesters Were Not White Supremacists, Nazis Like Trump said Prominent Republicans Endorse Antifa " The Republican Party is no more. It is dead. It has ceased to be. It has joined the choir invisible and is pushing up the daisies..." ISRAEL ON THE 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE BALFOUR DECLARATION Alternative Facts Under NY Times Editor Matt Seaton - Newspaper Claims Eilat Was an Egyptian Port, Abbas Accepts a Jewish State, Israel Built no Arab Cities, Palestinian Factions Don't Call for One-State Solution Thursday, August 17. 2017Monuments, Identity and Race
I do want to write a commentary on the removal of icons and monuments. In Tuesday's morning news, Bird Dog posted an article about Confederate statues in the Capitol building. Before I dig in, I want to point out that if a statue triggers your emotions, I suggest you think long and hard about why you're having an emotional response to an inanimate object. I'd further point out that if these emotions regarding the statue are related to taking offense, or increasing your anger or hatred, you may want to see a therapist. I'm not a psychologist or psychotherapist, and maybe one of our other writers who are in that field can elaborate (or even tell me I'm wrong) about this point. Consider one fact. Since Monday, monuments around the US have been removed, sometimes forcibly, in an angry response to Charlottesville. Taking this further, New York's governor, and NYC's mayor, have decided to review and remove 'symbols of hate'. One NYC councilman said "if not hate, at least symbols of hurt." I'll have to send him my list of statues that 'hurt' me. I think politicians, and people, get bent out of shape over strange things. When I see virtually any protest forming, I begin to think "Don't those people have better things to do?" It's been a long time since I marched or protested or did anything political in a group setting. I generally don't like aligning with large groups that claim to speak for me. But a bigger personal issue is the current mindset is the assumption that if you don't agree with removal, you must somehow be sympathetic to the white supremacists. Thought Police abound in today's society, driven by emotions of hurt and hate. Moral equivalency is employed with alarming regularity, often unnecessarily and ignorantly. I'll relate one experience I had in which I'd have to admit I was emotionally 'triggered'. It was a great learning lesson. I was in college. I was working on a TV show about hunger for the college station. A speaker arrived and handed out leaflets. One person pasted several of them on the set. It was an elephant with "GOP" written across his chest, preparing to drop a nuclear bomb. This was 1984, I was 22 years old and Reagan was being protested regularly on campus. I stood up, stated my opposition to the leaflet on the set, saying it neither had anything to do with hunger, and had everything to do with politics which we weren't discussing. I was told to be quiet and do my job. I protested again, saying it "offended my sensibilities" and that I couldn't work on a project like this. The professor who managed the station walked over, put his arm around me and said "you will be asked to do difficult and uncomfortable things throughout your life, and on your job. If you allow your emotions to get the better of you, it will cost you your job. Today, if you walk off the set, you will fail the day's project." I walked off the set, took my "F" for the day and still got an "A" for the class. But I learned a lesson. Don't let your emotions overwhelm you. I could have done the work and still been effective at my job. Today, I guess I could've sued for a "hostile workplace." Continue reading "Monuments, Identity and Race" Thursday morning links
Applebee's Gives Up On Millennials After Failed Rebranding Efforts WHAT TO DO WHEN THE COPS SHOW UP A Navy SEAL explains what to do if you're attacked by a dog Could Elite Colleges Expand? CBS Brags: Iceland Has Cured Down Syndrome. But Can You Guess How?… Professors Told to Treat Microaggressions Like Assaults Don’t Even Think About Being Evil - Corporate America has managed to make higher education look like an open marketplace of ideas. Can NY Times really win Sarah Palin case by proving Editorial Author didn’t read the NY Times? Trump To Roll Back Yet Another Obama ‘Climate Change’ Rule University Physics Researcher Chanda Prescod-Weinstein Denounces White Male Science Baltimore Pulls Down Confederate Monuments In Dead Of Night Trump Supporters In Seattle Demand Lenin Statue Be Torn Down The Pandora's Box of Taking Down Confederate Monuments Trump on Charlottesville: Danged if he does, danged if he doesn’t Mr. President: Dismantle the Insurrection Council on American-Islamic Relations: Tear Down Every Confederate Memorial ACLU Blames Police Inaction for Charlottesville Street Brawls David Horowitz: Charlottesville Is Biggest 'Fake News' Story of Summer The Rise of the Violent Left - Antifa’s activists say they’re battling burgeoning authoritarianism on the American right. Are they fueling it instead? THE INVASION OF CANADA - A Somali immigration minister and an open border. Practicing Coercive Diplomacy on the Korean Peninsula Migrant Crisis Reaches Spain Wednesday, August 16. 2017The Left’s Hatred Cannot Be Alleviated
The hate is terrible. Why can't people with different views tolerate each other? I can, no problem. Just change the subject when they get rabid. NEVER argue. It's not worth it because views arrived at by emotion or fashion can not be changed with logic.
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Wednesday morning links Anti-Israel Curricula Used in World History Courses Across the Country Subsidizing health insurance cannot ever get us to universal coverage Google memo author exposes three of the most scandalous thought crimes of contemporary American society Study Finds 3.5 Million Ghost Voters in US – More Than the Entire Population of 21 States WaPo: Documents Show Russians Sought Meetings With Trump Campaign…and Team Trump Declined I've changed my mind about the statues Allen West: Ok folks, here’s what REALLY happened in Charlottesville – and what everyone is missing Trump's Epic Presser Clarifies Three Truths That Have Driven The MSM Insane NYT Illustrates Perfectly Why Conservatives Consider Mainstream Media Hostile WASHINGTON POST: "START THROWING ROCKS" Tuesday, August 15. 2017Tuesday morning links
Granola: Not particularly "healthy" but tasty To each his own. I think it's gerbil food Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation? To The Progressive, Everything That Happens In Urban America Is Bad Participation boost: Americans are still rushing back into the job market The Eclipse as Dark Omen - America’s skies are set to dim at a strange hour of its history. The Statues of Unliberty - Confederate leaders are honored with sculptures in the halls of Congress. James Damore Confronts the Nagging Harridans of High Tech (and Loses) Sundar Pichai Should Resign as Google’s C.E.O. Reynolds: Google needs a new CEO, but dumping Sundar Pichai is not enough Google's search for non-white male employees shows few results (Asian now counts as white, I guess) McArdle: As a Woman in Tech, I Realized: These Are Not My People Conservatives say campus speech is under threat. That’s been true for most of history. Violent Charlottesville Protester Claims 'Free Speech Does Not Protect Hate Speech' Avoidable Mayhem - Why did Virginia’s political leadership order the police and National Guard to stand down? How The Liberal Media Created Charlottesville Antifa Website Calls for Violence Against Trump Supporters So dumb they think he was serious With Tom Price in charge, doctors are winning again in Washington How Middle-Class Europeans Fare Under the Welfare State The Forgotten South Vietnamese Airborne Clarity on Israel Anti-Boycott Act Monday, August 14. 2017WHY GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM IS WRONG
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Monday morning links
Vanderleun: I’m a believer because… well because I’ve really got Nothing. Better. To. Do.
Grand Central Terminal’s Swankiest Bar Reopens As the Campbell FAR-LEFT FASHION AT VOGUE Yes, Left=Fashion 47 Hospitals Slashed Their Use Of 2 Key Heart Drugs After Huge Price Hikes Dumb move When it's OK to mock bums NYT: Why Women Had Better Sex Under Socialism "It is likely that from a strictly environmental point of view, practices like buying local and subsidizing renewable energy have adverse effects." It's just a virtue fad CA sued for not offering assisted suicide The Atlanitc: This author is certain that only he is "reality-based"
DC hasn’t come to grips with Trump’s presidency Washington Post Decides To Write What Trump Should Have Said About Charlottesville Is Charlottesville What's Really Going On in the USA? Of course not What is Kim’s Strategy? Saturday, August 12. 2017Saturday Links From All Over
Barns Are Painted Red Because of the Physics of Dying Stars
Nope. Dairy barns were painted white -- with lead paint --to indicate purity. Barns are painted all colors, but most red ones were covered with red lead primer. Lead oxide, linseed oil, turpentine and Japan drier. Most outbuildings didn't merit paint, and red lead primer was the cheapest stuff you could buy. Cary Grant learned not to mix white lead primer with red lead primer in Operation Petticoat.
Toymaker Lego returns to Danish roots with sudden CEO switch
Legos suck. Bring back American Bricks! Butter shortage is a ‘major crisis’ in Europe
You can make butter with milk and a stick. Command economies can't solve anything.
We've finally reached peak passion.
Look at the picture. It's like these dweebs share one, big closet to go with their one, big opinion. The Next Moon Landing Is Near—Thanks to These Pioneering Engineers
Listen, poindexters. We stopped going to the moon because there's nothing to do there. It was a stunt, to outdo the Soviet Union. Subsunk! World's largest private submarine sinks... no, in the bad way
"Crowdfunded vessel." Heh. Have you tried my Indiegogo vaccines? They're free-range.
This accurate description of recent investor/business relationships tells you all you need to know about the last 10 years. Twitter users want Trump’s account suspended for ‘threatening violence’ against North Korea
His motorcade doesn't obey the speed limit. They should revoke his driver's license, too. The End of Libor and Non-Voting Stock
He just really likes typing Libor. Review: For ‘Get Shorty,’ an Amusing Epix Makeover
Get Shorty was a perfect movie. Get Shorty was a passable book. Get Shorty will be a terrible TV show. How Tesla’s Elon Musk became the master of fake business
This becomes a problem when the government changes hands, apparently. Have a great Saturday, everyone! Maybe paint your barn red, and then paint the town red.
Posted by Roger de Hauteville
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Friday, August 11. 2017Late Summer Is When Laziness Finds Respectability
Hi everybody. It's Friday. Light the smoking lamp early. Run the cocktail flag up the mizzen before you're under sail. It's noontime somewhere. Bust out the tonsil polish while the sun rides high. Bunk off. Take a mental health day. Slack. Don't kill the job. Make up your mind to procrastinate. Indole. Read the links first, though. Get ready for the 'tech alt-right' to gain power and influence in Silicon Valley
If you've always wondered what a conservative is, and you work in hi-tech, the nice man will tell you in fourth-grade syntax about this rare but terrifying animal. What fraction of social programmes don’t work?
All of them work just fine, thank you -- if you're running them. Duh.
That's the best definition of blogging I've seen. Why Everyone Is Hating on IBM Watson—Including the People Who Helped Make It
IBM should get with the times and appoint a female CEO to straighten out this mess. Oh. A New Way to Tell Your Airline You Hate It
Listen, iPhone drones. There's only one way to tell your airline you hate it. It has a steering wheel.
I and Pangur Ban my cat, 'tis a like task we are at; hunting mice is his delight, hunting words I sit all night... How Two Brothers Turned Seven Lines of Code Into a $9.2 Billion Startup
An Irishman, late for an appointment, prays, "Lord, if you give me a parking space, I'll give up Guinness and go to Mass every Sunday." A parking space immediately opens up. The Irishman sticks his head out the window, looks up, and says, "Never mind, I found one." One Quarter Of Basic Industry Firms’ Debts Are Near Speculative Grade
Debts backed by physical assets are so 20th Century. Just announced: Applebee’s is closing up to 135 restaurants
As long as Flinger's and Chotchkie's stay open, I don't care. You want to come over and watch Kung Fu? Trump declares national emergency on opioid abuse
Perhaps we should declare war on it. You know, a war on drugs.
It's unclear to me where Kevin Bacon fits into this. U.S. producer prices record biggest drop in 11 months
Janet Yellen can't even cause inflation right. Where's Arthur F. Burns when you need him?
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Thursday, August 10. 2017The Naked Truth About Waitresses
All the guy at Google did was mention that in a private moment, he has entertained the thought that Google's wife has bingo wings and halitosis, and Google's kid eats library paste. Some how or another, it merits a sacking, followed by the kind of attention that Leo Tolstoy used to get in Russia. I don't get it. I hereby propose that Google's original, stupid, gilt-edged lie of a motto, Don't Be Evil, be changed to a more up-to-date, honest version: Don't Be Male. Works for me. So does Start Page. On to the links!
Everything is just Pichai at Google. Google Is Not What It Seems by Julian Assange
That's a lot of words to call a guy a conniving jerk. Uber Gets Run Over by its Own Subprime Auto Leases
The last eight years of "recovery" consisted entirely of lending money to dorks who can't count, but understand a little javascript. A hard rain's gonna fall eventually. Percentage of Europeans Who Are Willing To Fight A War For Their Country
I remember some inter-war poll of Oxford students who claimed they wouldn't fight for their country, either, egged on by Bloomsbury pansies. They all climbed into Spitfires when the time came. Talk is cheap, coming and going.
If you've never experienced the wonder of Russian dashcam video, you're in for a treat.
I remember that show. That was a good show. Good show all around, Glen, and RIP An Extreme Bike Race Across Russia Faces a Hurdle: How to Get More Women Riding
Joe Stalin knew how to get women to undertake a grueling trek halfway across Russia to Siberia, whether they wanted to or not. I guess the NYT still misses the guy. Facebook is officially launching its big attack on TV tomorrow
Net neutrality my keister. I wonder what the FCC fine for ten billion wardrobe malfunctions would be if cable and internet really got the same treatment. Marijuana associated with three-fold risk of death from hypertension
Fighting over the last Funyun is bound to send your diastolic through the roof. Exclusive: Tesla developing self-driving tech for semi-truck, wants to test in Nevada
Someone should mention to little sooper genius boy that we already have self-driving trucks. They're called rail cars. Nearly 300 people have joined a collective lawsuit against Google alleging age discrimination.
A woman plaintiff, so this one will stick. The Star Wars Video That Baffled YouTube's Copyright Cops
In complex matters like these, it's much simpler to assume everyone involved, including the author of the article, is a jerk, and deserves no sympathy. Saves time and aggravation. Well, there's the links. Have a great Thursday. And don't worry, Maggie's Farm waitstaff would never flirt with you to get a better tip. We might rifle through your belongings if you don't keep an eye on them, though.
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Wednesday, August 9. 2017Great moments in human achievement Spanning the spectrum of mankind's achievements, there are certain key moments that stand out in each field. I'm going to cover a few here, and if you have any additions that you think I might be interested in doing a future post on, leave a synopsis and maybe a link or two in the comments. When it comes to the heading of 'Inventions', I think the sublime moment is this:
As I note in the piece, what's particularly baffling about it all is that we have natural axle-ready 'wheels' around us in nature, i.e., an eroded pebble in a stream bed or a sawed-off piece of tree trunk with a knot in the middle which pops out. So you'd think it would have evolved naturally, like fire, without any historical point of reference you could point to. But nope. So, if you had to boil it down to one single moment, the great architects of the Egyptian empire seeing the wheel for the first time gets my vote. Continue reading "Great moments in human achievement" The GOP predictably fails to deliver on their small government rhetoric.
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I'm Tanned, Rested, and VestedA friend sent along this video from a recital for a music store in Los Angeles. Holy cow she's only ten years old. Double-plus good: That's her mother accompanying her on the piano. Cool choice of music, too. "Sicilienne" by Maria Teresia von Paradis. She was a blind musician and composer who had Salieri for a teacher and Mozart for a friend. I don't know about you, but when I was ten years old, I was still eating earthworms I found in the playground, and my mother only played the radio. There's some hope for the human race yet. On to the links! North Korea has produced a miniaturised and missile-ready nuclear warhead, say US analysts
Little Kimmie better not work outside in the yard too often. Shame if something fell on him. Japanese scientists have created ice cream that doesn’t melt. Here’s how
Mmm. Polyphenols. If I recall my chemistry correctly (I bet I don't), Polyphenols are called "anti-nutrients." I don't go out of my way to eat anti-nutrients. Summer lovin'? Not in angry Europe's tourist hotspots
It appears that everyone in Europe is a French waiter now. First echosound image of Scapa Flow battleship wreck
If you scuttle your ship, do you have to keep up the loan payments? I'm asking for a friend. Rare pine marten caught on camera in Yorkshire for first time in 35 years
He's kinda cute. Unless you're a squirrel. The Internet Archive has begun to digitize 78rpm discs for preservation, research, and discovery
Neato. I wonder if they have a copy of Good Old Shoe? Apple staffers reportedly rebelling against open office plan at new $5 billion HQ
Apple employees are revolting? I'll say they are. Why Germans pay cash for almost everything
I would have answered, "Because, unlike Greeks, they have some." Disney will pull its movies from Netflix and start its own streaming services
I love the term "cord cutters." People who used to pay one cable TV bill and a small internet bill will now pay seventeen streaming service bills and a giant internet bill for bandwidth. You know, to save aggravation and money. Treasured Island: Robert Louis Stevenson in Samoa
Not a NIMBY, I see. Steve Bannon Wants Facebook and Google Regulated Like Utilities
I think they misunderstood him. I think he was just referring to hanging them all on telephone poles.
Harrumph. Back in my day, sonny, we just married the boss's daughter. Well, there are the links for today. I hope you're all ready for another grueling day of resting and vesting, or being henpecked, or maybe even working if you can't avoid it.
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Tuesday, August 8. 2017The Secret To Staying Young Is To Live Honestly, Eat Slowly, and Lie About Your Age
Amazon Buys Lucille Ball Biopic Starring Cate Blanchett Lucille Ball? That Lucille Ball? Cate Blanchett is pretty enough to play Ethel Mertz. Maybe First genetically engineered salmon sold in Canada
Darwin worshipers hardest hit
Who would be willing to fly in a pilotless plane? Hardly anyone.
"And pass the savings along to passengers." Pull the other one. It has bells on 15 of Robert Mitchum's Wittiest Quotes
All I know is that The Yakuza is a criminally underrated movie Is the stock market going to crash?
According to David Stockman, the market will crash every day for 36 years and counting
No one brings the potato salad to the Mensa meetings in Equatorial Guinea A Group Is Its Own Worst Enemy (from 2003)
Poor Glenn. What did he ever do to this guy to get compared to MSNBC? Shoot his dog? The BSBFB Hereby Testifies That People Are, Indeed, Awesome
I remember the good old days when we called it "gnarly" instead of "awesome" 5 Offbeat Landmarks on the Road From LAX to Pasadena
I remember the good old days when surfing was gnarly The dos and don'ts of taking your clothes off on French beaches
I think I'm supposed to warn you there's some naked people if you follow the hyperlink. The way the internet is going, pretty soon we'll have to warn you when there aren't naked people at the link Swedish writer wanted by Turkey arrested in Spain
You have to admit, that headline is right up there with Headless Body In Topless Bar. Copenhagen Police extend stop-and-search zone
Wow. That kind of fascist policing wouldn't fly in an enlightened country like the USA. And shootings and stabbings in Denmark? Must be fake news Netflix’s Latest Hit Series Is a Boring, Soothing Japanese Reality Show
Who could have predicted that Japanese youngsters would be better behaved than Americans? Why Germans need far less supervision at work than Americans
They're just following orders from fewer people Don Baylor, who won MVP with Angels and World Series with Twins, dies at 68
Don Baylor was a blast to watch. He'd stand in one batters box and lean over the other one. RIP, big fella
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Monday, August 7. 2017Gawn Fishin
Bird Dog has gone fishing for the week. His Raja Isteri figured his audience would bridle at seven full days without a little touch of Bird Dog in the night, so she kindly sent me a picture of him up to his old angling tricks. Bird Dog isn't much of a fisherman, truth be told. Just between you and me, he jacklights great whites. He even tried a salt lick once, but it didn't work all that well. I'm not sure why. Anyway, as you can see, Bird Dog is just another square old man who wears his shoes when he goes swimming. On to the links! Little-known fact: P. T. Barnum was actually a stoic who downplayed his opinions for public consumption Little-known fact: Bad writers use dashes and parentheses instead of commas. Really bad writers use them in headlines 25,000 chimneys will offset Global Warming
Little-known fact: The best jokes are unintentional European Union Debt by Country (2005-2016)
Little-known fact: Anything about acting Estonian by Greeks
Apparently little-known fact to some people: The USSR is no longer operative. We've read their files. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were guilty, guilty, guilty Airbnb dominated by professional landlords Little-known fact: An iPhone isn't a magic device that nulls out all existing laws. Very little known, apparently. Not for long Robots are replacing managers, too
Little-known fact: You can hire bad writers who shotgun quotation marks and parentheses into everything to pretend to be impartially reporting on a newsworthy trend just to get a link back to the company that hired them, because the FTC isn't paying attention to the internet. Yet Beneath the glow of stock-market records, darkly bearish trends are lurking Little-known fact: All the good news is bad now Exclusive: Here's The Full 10-Page Anti-Diversity Screed Circulating Internally at Google Little-known fact: There's no way this guy is a conservative. There are no conservatives at Google The Best Path to Long-Term Change Is Slow, Simple and Boring Little-known fact: The road to total enlightenment is long and arduous. Bring a a bag lunch and a change of undershorts It’s Time to Design Emotionally Intelligent Machines Little-known fact: My parents produced an emotionally intelligent machine using nothing but a bottle of Mateus, a Bobby Darin record, and some private school tuition What is more beneficial in all aspects of life; a high EQ or IQ?
Little-known fact: You can't mention this at Google, either Have a great Monday, everyone. If you can manage it, you should go fishin'.
Posted by Roger de Hauteville
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Saturday, August 5. 2017"We are the adults."Adam Carolla testifies in Congress about free speech on campus
Nothing Important Happened Today
Hello again. Roger here. Bird Dog's off to get wormed, or get his nails clipped, or something, so you're stuck with me. I can't do nearly as good a job as Bird Dog when it comes to assembling links for you fine people. My lips get really tired reading all those stories. However, he's started me off on Saturday. It's a smart strategy. Nothing much happens on the weekends, so I can't get into too much trouble. Of course George III is reported to have written "Nothing of importance happened today," in his diary on July 4th, 1776, so maybe I better scan the papers for you just in case. On to the links! NAACP Warns Black Travelers To Use 'Extreme Caution' When Visiting Missouri I guess the NAACP's daughter just got her learner's permit or something. I can't be bothered to read it. Everyone warns everyone to use extreme caution when visiting Russia Truth as a Possibly Illegal and Addictive Substance Our friend Gerard at American Digest is in the Saturday Evening Post? Signs and wonders, man. Signs and wonders.
Dirigiste? My French is rusty. She's not that fat, is she? California’s Promethean Past. How a visionary entrepreneur watered and powered Los Angeles Politicians, ugly buildings, and whores all get respectable if they last long enough. Zuckerberg currently runs a business without a "Dislike" button. The little ponce is in for a rude awakening.
Just plug the holes, doc, and mind yer own business.
You know, you could turn it off. It sounds crazy, I know, but you could. Smart people never looked at it in the first place. Five anarchists held in Italy over January 1st blast Sacco and Vanzetti unavailable for comment. Robert Hardy, Harry Potter actor, dies at 91 Harry Potter actor? That's like saying, "George Washington, surveyor, dies at 67. Early modern humans consumed more plants than Neanderthals but ate very little fish Pssst. Grok. Don't mention the Paleo diet to the Neanderthals. They think it's cultural appropriation. The Problems of Price Controls Shorter version: Sign says: All You Can Eat Special! Waiter puts half a saltine on your plate, and says, "That's all you can eat." Have a nice Saturday. Try to make sure that nothing important happens to you today.
Posted by Roger de Hauteville
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Friday, August 4. 2017Immigration
Posted by The News Junkie
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Did Licensed Contractors Hang Those Window Signs?
Is anything more corrupt than government? Chicago to Businesses: Did Licensed Contractors Hang Those Window Signs? Classic protection racket enforced by city fines.
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