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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, August 8. 2017The Secret To Staying Young Is To Live Honestly, Eat Slowly, and Lie About Your Age
Amazon Buys Lucille Ball Biopic Starring Cate Blanchett Lucille Ball? That Lucille Ball? Cate Blanchett is pretty enough to play Ethel Mertz. Maybe First genetically engineered salmon sold in Canada
Darwin worshipers hardest hit
Who would be willing to fly in a pilotless plane? Hardly anyone.
"And pass the savings along to passengers." Pull the other one. It has bells on 15 of Robert Mitchum's Wittiest Quotes
All I know is that The Yakuza is a criminally underrated movie Is the stock market going to crash?
According to David Stockman, the market will crash every day for 36 years and counting
No one brings the potato salad to the Mensa meetings in Equatorial Guinea A Group Is Its Own Worst Enemy (from 2003)
Poor Glenn. What did he ever do to this guy to get compared to MSNBC? Shoot his dog? The BSBFB Hereby Testifies That People Are, Indeed, Awesome
I remember the good old days when we called it "gnarly" instead of "awesome" 5 Offbeat Landmarks on the Road From LAX to Pasadena
I remember the good old days when surfing was gnarly The dos and don'ts of taking your clothes off on French beaches
I think I'm supposed to warn you there's some naked people if you follow the hyperlink. The way the internet is going, pretty soon we'll have to warn you when there aren't naked people at the link Swedish writer wanted by Turkey arrested in Spain
You have to admit, that headline is right up there with Headless Body In Topless Bar. Copenhagen Police extend stop-and-search zone
Wow. That kind of fascist policing wouldn't fly in an enlightened country like the USA. And shootings and stabbings in Denmark? Must be fake news Netflix’s Latest Hit Series Is a Boring, Soothing Japanese Reality Show
Who could have predicted that Japanese youngsters would be better behaved than Americans? Why Germans need far less supervision at work than Americans
They're just following orders from fewer people Don Baylor, who won MVP with Angels and World Series with Twins, dies at 68
Don Baylor was a blast to watch. He'd stand in one batters box and lean over the other one. RIP, big fella
Posted by Roger de Hauteville
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I pitched against Don many years ago. His cousin (Ronny) was my catcher for some years and his brother (Doug) was in one of my leagues.
Classy guy. Very very tough out. As a lifelong Red Sox fan, and well more than 30 years old, I too remember Don Baylor. Past his prime when he joined the Sox, he most certainly helped them get to the World Series in 1986. When I heard of his passing my first memory was of him in the batter's box, leaning in so far over the plate that he was effectively challenging the pitcher to not hit him. They often failed.
RIP. Re: Why Germans need far less supervision at work than Americans
So what's the point? The USA tops Germany in worker productivity, is less supervision a means to an end or for some reason an end in and of itself? It is pretty obvious the Dems are trying to lower the IQ of the US just by looking to see who they are wanting to let in this country legally or otherwise. It's also pretty obvious the collective IQ of the country has gone down as immigration has become more widespread from places all over the globe instead fro higher IQ countries. Maybe the influx of all the Chinese landing in California will equalize things in that state.
A challenge for MFers and especially for The Barrister
Last week a BBC journalist was fired from his job because he commented on women in the workplace. What I think is stunning is this very well written response from a journalist in Ireland. Irish Times Article MF is the best place to tear apart the "reasoning" O'Toole uses to defend any woman in any job at any time. It is very important to all of us to challenge this rhetorical defense. This is the new ethic/rhetoric I saw being taught in a Jesuit University (liberation theology). I believe it is one of the fundamental issues of the day. It is essential that we understand the rhetorical process at work here--I can smell it, but I am not sure what it is. I am looking forward to your deconstruction of this argument. If the link didn't work you can go here: https://www.irishtimes.com/opinion/fintan-o-toole-there-will-always-be-a-market-for-misogyny-1.3176904 I think that firing someone for their gender or treating them different because of their gender is wrong. Thus any man who dares try to discuss this must be fired.
Did I get that right. Your close. But there is so much more--did you see the "twist" in the logic? That is what we must address.
We must also acknowledge that a great many women in this country are ready, willing, able and do behave as a mafia complex. We haven't started that conversation yet. The man's an idjit. I noted that he was claimed to have writen something anti-semitic, but I didn't see that
From what I can find he said this "look at these two reporters tv/radio reporters. They are making good money". He went on to say something like this: 'look at the Jewish community--they never undersell their skills, nor should any capable woman.' Apparently the two gals he referenced were Jewish and the liberal press immediately jumped on it as being anti semitic, when in fact he was stating that the two gals were good and got paid well because they knew how to demand the good salary that they were worth because they are good at their job. However, what I would like to see us unravel is not the original intent of the article, but rather the logic of the response which is the new "feminist rhetoric".
Cate Blanchett. Gawd. She's an acceptably good actress when she plays a fresh character, but please. Her Katherine Hepburn interpretation in The Aviator was miserable affect, almost as bad as Meryl Streep trying to imitate someone famous.
"France is world famous for its nudist beaches and its topless sunbathers..."
Testosterone-charged young North American men always presume this means the beach will be filled with gorgeous French girls in the buff. And yes, there will be some beautiful women there. But what always gets forgotten is that such beaches are for everybody: as in any other country, the French come in all ages and body types. Let's just say that whether simply topless or nude, most of them aren't quite so appealing in the flesh. Well, heck, neither am I, so I subscribe to live-and-let-live. In theory, of course, since I live in the first state to pioneer gay marriage but which doesn't have one legal nude beach.
There is an old saying that "the people you see on nude beaches, many of them are NOT the ones you'd LIKE to see."
My wife and I were members of a nudist swim club for years. It was very liberating and comfortable... But not erotic.
"The ordinances (called visitationszoner in Danish) allow police to stop anyone within a predetermined area and search them for weapons without having probable cause."
We who live in the US or the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand rarely think about the debt of gratitude we owe to English Common Law. There is a reason why the citizens of most European countries are required by their laws to carry some sort of national identity card and we are not. "Which country has the highest IQ? What is the average IQ of your country? Here is the average IQ of more than 80 countries."
I am far less enthused by IQ scores than I was as a callow youth. High IQs don't stop people from being vain, irrational and annoying and sharing the same character flaws and personal foibles as the rest of mankind. Some of the "brightest" minds have proved to be major busts (I keep thinking of Dr Stephen Hawking, whose latest rants suggest he has now completely lost it). So many myriad factors contribute to the success or failure of peoples, nations and societies that basing our judgment on just one - national IQ in this case - is desperately specious. I'd need proof that what is claimed to have been said by Hawking was, in fact, "said" by Hawking. I suspect we're witnessing "Never Ending Weekend At Stephen's" as he's being wheeled around by some lefty loons who blather whatever echoes around between their ears and then claim Mr. Hawking said it.
I concur with JJM, and with Richard and Tatu, that IQ is not the only factor. It may not even turn out to be the most important factor. However, it is reasonably measurable (especially at the population level) and does have demonstrated predictive value. Beauty, charm, connections, determination, luck, health, foresight, patience, and ability to delay gratification are all also valuable - they are tough to measure.
In the same way that we shouldn't blame dogs for the haircuts humans put on them, we should not blame IQ tests for the bad interpretations humans make of them. I teased the daughter of an Australian friend one time by asking her if she went topless at Bondi Beach. She said no and I asked why not ? She said, "I don't want people to think I'm a bloke !" Lying on your back if small breasted might be misleading.
Lucille Ball was so lovely, but when she started to do comedy, somehow that outshined her natural good looks. She also was late to marriage at the time, being nearly 30 when she married Desi.
I look forward to the bio pic. I like that her kids are involved. She and Desi loved each other, but he had his demons. Did a google today about Lucy and discovered that about 13 years after she died her kids had her moved from Forest Lawn Cemetery, where the big name Hollywood Stars are buried, to the cemetery in New York where her mom/dad/grandparents and aunt are buried. It seems they understood she would rather be with her family. Good decision I think.
"UBS estimates the industry could save $35 billion and pass the savings along to passengers through lower fares if airlines could operate pilotless planes. "
Or more likely they'd increase prices and market it as a "flight safety tax", increased every few months. There are a few issues with the whole approach. Number 1 is what to do with all of the FAA Inspectors, whose job it is to harass pilots?
As much as I hate to bring it up, I think it would be technically conceivable right now to reduce to one pilot in the cockpit; thus achieving half the savings. But, just try it. How long did it take to get to one engineer (in honor of my grandfather and a slew of Uncles, I will not call them drivers) on a locomotive? I do not see how it is feasible to go completely naked. To throw out one simple problem, what does the airplane do if there is a severe thunderstorm on the route? Do we really want a pre-programmed response, to a dynamic situation? Or is the passenger plane to be controlled like a drone from some central facility? While you can program an automobile to simply stop if the situation becomes chaotic--thereby creating even more chaos than customary on the LA freeways--that is clearly not an option with an airplane. |