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Monday, August 21. 2017Monday morning links
The Eclipse Can Be A Call To Action On ‘Climate Change’ Or Something The Eclipse Is Racist Because It Fails To Affect Enough Black People, The Atlantic Suggests:
How to clean your Keurig How HIV Became a Cancer Cure When the Arts Czars resign It's a good thing. I oppose government art. The Chinese of the Mississippi Delta Reporter Confronts Al Gore On Sea Level Rise Claims, Gets Called A ‘Denier’ If you're not hysterical, you are an evil denier Menton on women in big law:
NAACP calling for boycott of NFL, Atlanta Falcons Starbucks CEO Faces Backlash After Suggesting Violence and Hatred Towards Whites is Acceptable Door.Ass.Bang: US Illegals exit via the dead end of Roxham Road It’s Not Trump They Hate — It’s Us! Trump is the real Antifa Donald Trump is winning...bigly Democrats own Antifa, just like they owned Occupy NEW YORK TIMES APPLAUDS FAR-LEFT VIOLENCE TDS is a sad disorder Deroy Murdock: Both sides were to blame for Charlottesville violence Scott Adams: How To Know You’re In a Mass Hysteria Bubble Media working overtime to prove Trump is a racist Good luck with that. Trump is the most post-racial US president, but maybe post-racial is racist in this Orwellian world Mainstream Media Exploit Charlottesville Violence to Help the Left Commenter at Althouse
Media created and amplified such jerks to serve the narrative Dartmouth Prof Defends Antifa: It’s Just Self-Defense Against Nazis Seen a Nazi lately? Sheesh, they are everywhere these days. KKK too. Be very afraid. I blame Trump. Rumors of Trump's demise are, once again, greatly exaggerated DUMBEST NEWS STORY OF THE DAY - I know, the competition is stiff. But I think we have a winner. Spanish terror cell planned to use 'Mother of Satan' explosive used in 7/7 bombings to slaughter hundreds in 'spectacular' blast at Barcelona's famous cathedral Barcelona Suspects Planned To Blow Up Church, Accidentally Blew Up Imam Who Radicalized Them 'Better get out early than late': Barcelona’s chief rabbi urges Jews to move to Israel as he warns Europe is 'lost' because of threat from radical Islam The drug that turns ISIS into ‘unforgiving killing machines’ What's up with the US Navy? Tragic and Embarassing Trackbacks
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So, 40,000 people turned out against Free Speech in Boston?
What the heck kind of drugs are all of these people taking?Sheesh
"Police confined a small group of free speech protesters to the Parkman Bandstand on historic Boston Common as they blocked off the massive counter-protests, CBS Boston reports. The permit issued for the rally came with severe restrictions, including a ban on backpacks, sticks and anything that could be used as a weapon.
Boston's police commissioner, William B. Evans, said an estimated 40,000 people attended the counter-protests and there was very little property damage. The Boston police department tweeted there were 33 arrests. A large crowd of people march towards the Boston Commons to protest the Boston Free Speech Rally in Boston, MA, U.S., August 19, 2017. STEPHANIE KEITH / REUTERS The Boston Police Department announced at 1:30 p.m. that the "free speech" rally had ended. Police vans escorted conservatives out of the area, and angry counter-protesters scuffled with armed officers trying to maintain order. Police in riot gear struggled to push the large crowd of counter-protesters away from the area, pushing them back in the area of Boylston and Tremont Streets. On Twitter, the police department asked "individuals" in the area to refrain from throwing urine, bottles and other "harmful projectiles" at officers. They later confirmed that rocks were thrown at officers.........Organizers of the "free speech" event had publicly distanced themselves from the neo-Nazis, white supremacists and others who fomented violence in Charlottesville on Aug. 12. A woman was killed at that Unite the Right rally, and scores of others were injured, when a car plowed into counter-demonstrators." Why, they're as BAD as the Tea Partiers! The HORROR!! The horror...
The wonderful thing is that the Antifa terrorists and the BLM racial supremacists now are starting to fight with each other. Sounds like BLM is upset with Antifa's white privilege.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QANvgecGAiE&feature=share Anonymous: So, 40,000 people turned out against Free Speech in Boston?
They clearly turned out to support racial equality in response to the terrorist attack committed by one of the neo-Nazis who had recently rallied in Charlottesville. Boston responds.
Yes indeed, Boston responds.Watch: Trump supporter wearing Israeli flag told to 'get the f--k out' of Boston by hecklers. QUOTE: Among the eclectic throng of demonstrators in Boston on Saturday, a supporter of President Trump found himself surrounded by protesters who yelled profanities at him. That's the way things are inside Route 128.A man wearing an Israeli flag as a cape can be seen in a video shared by Univision's Jessica Weiss, walking through a crowd of protesters. One person rips off his "Make America Great Again" and throws it away. Amid the obscenaties directed at him, one protester shouted, "Get the fuck out of our fucking town." Another person can be heard urging the other protesters not to be violent. Weiss asked why he was in Boston to demonstrate, and the man replied, "I want to show that people shouldn't be afraid to voice their other views and voice their opinions." "You shouldn't be afraid to go outside and say you're conservative," he added "And it's pretty sad that things like this happen." AnnoyedCommenter,
Notably, other than losing his hat, he was only subject to verbal criticism, while others shouted "No violence."
2017-08-21 16:06
"Get the fuck out of our fucking town.
Sends a certain message.
2017-08-21 16:24
he was only subject to verbal criticism
"Get the fuck out of our fucking town" addressed to someone wearing an Israeli flag sounds rather anti-Semitic to me. Not exactly what one would expect from a crowd that claims that it is against "Neo-Nazis."
2017-08-21 16:34
Anyone shared this one yet?
Woman carrying American flag attacked by Antifa "counter-protestor" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1tsbWvqDdE The more this happens, the more it increases the Democrats' losses in the next election cycle.
2017-08-21 20:10
Boston responds
BostonAntifa. QUOTE: Boston Antifa How inclusive, how tolerant!August 19 at 9:57pm · There is no room for capitalists, conservatives, libertarians, "classical liberals" or supporters of the US constitution in our city. You MUST leave. #BostonResist Here's another gem. QUOTE: Boston Antifa added 4 new photos. August 20 at 9:28am · Democrats, DSA and others who come to our aid in the future, know our history. Thanks to your assistance, Saturday was a tremendous victory for our cause but you need to educate yourself for future events like #BostonResist. The B&W photos pictured are the German communist (KPD) headquarters in Berlin 1932 and an early Antifa meeting in the same year. Despite capitalist and American interests, many are unaware of our movement's Soviet and Bolshevik ties. This is deemed problematic only to those who still believe America has a right to exist. For more information on the KPD: http://www.theepochtimes.com/…/2282816-the-communist-origi…/ Here is a screenshot if our AntiFa friends in Boston erase it from their Facebook site. I believe is it not on their Twitter feed anymore. AnnoyedCommenter: BostonAntifa
Conservatives keep panicking over fake Antifa parodies created by right-wingers
2017-08-22 21:40
Did you say "clearly?" Is that why they threw urine and had to be restrained by the police? Because of a desire for racial equality? When people try to pretend that the suspect motives of others are obviously nothing but good, they contribute to an atmosphere of division and violence. This is because it contributes to the depersonalization, disorganization, and impressions of voicelessness of the people who actually saw the events in real time. You never saw any hatred from those people Jimmy. They are all good people who are acting from only the highest motives. All the real hatred comes from the other side. Do you see that now, Jimmy? Good. I don't want to have to tell you again.
You are contributing to violence with your unreality, O'Brien. They clearly turned out to support racial equality in response to the terrorist attack committed by one of the neo-Nazis who had recently rallied in Charlottesville.
And what better way to support racial equality and to strike a blow against Neo-Nazi terrorists than to throw urine-filled projectiles at cops.Pee-Filled Projectiles A Recurring Weapon Of Choice For ‘Anti-Fascists’ . QUOTE: In just the latest instance of weaponized urine, counter-protesters demonstrating against a free speech rally in Boston on Saturday flung urine-filled bottles at police officers trying to maintain order amidst an already tense political climate. Yup, that makes a lot of sense, Zach. Throwing urine-filled projectiles at cops REALLY strikes a blow for racial equality. Throwing urine-filled projectiles at cops REALLY strikes a blow against Neo-Nazi terrorists.The Boston Police Department sent out a message on Twitter urging demonstrators not to assault officers with urine, but it’s unclear if it had any effect. Boston Police Commissioner William Evans stated at a press conference later that day that protesters successfully hit officers with their urine-filled projectiles. “I’m sorry to report that we did have some bottles thrown at our officers that did have urine in it. A couple of our officers were hit with that,” Evans said. “They were hit with a lot of stuff today.” AVI- O'Brien? Jimmy O'Brien- former Celtics coach? Or the former BC coach? The Boston Pee Party.
(Okay, I denounce myself.) Assistqant Village Idiot: Is that why they threw urine and had to be restrained by the police?
Per the police, it was a small minority of counterprotesters. AnnoyedCommenter: Throwing urine-filled projectiles at cops REALLY strikes a blow for racial equality. Throwing things is counterproductive, and people should be charged when they do. The vast majority of the counterprotesters were peaceful. Can't wait to see what next weeks pretend crisis will be. He won, get over it!
"Barcelona Suspects Planned To Blow Up Church, Accidentally Blew Up Imam Who Radicalized Them"
Classified as 'workplace accident'? (grin) re What's up with the US Navy?
From CDR Salamander: QUOTE: As we still wait for the details of what happened with the FITZ, and we need to wait for the results of MCCAIN as well, we really don't know if we keep rolling snake eyes in WESTPAC or if there is some common thread that is worth pulling. Just this year: - FEB, USS Antietam ran aground. - JUN, USS Fitzgerald collided with a merchant off Japan. - AUG, USS John S. McCain collided with a merchant off Singapore. In May, San Diego based USS Lake Champlain (CG 57) ran over a S. Korean fishing vessel. Our Navy is good at getting to the cause of these things. I hope that somewhere the chain of events that led to these four incidents are put up on the white-board dug in to. I'm not a believer in this much "luck." http://cdrsalamander.blogspot.com/2017/08/and-now-mccain.html Lest we forget
Three years ago the Naval academy was no longer demanding that students be required to study celestial navigation "it's all computerized anyway" was the standard explanation. It has only been about two years that it has been re-established as a requirement. HOWEVER, it is considered discriminatory because it eliminates those who cannot acquire the skill. So it is required but a passing grade is not. Sheesh ! It sounds like you are suggesting that there are so many affirmative action sailors now that competency is suffering as a result.
I don't know. I hope that is not the case, because what can they do about it if it is? re DUMBEST NEWS STORY OF THE DAY
This is to be expected once you let the perpetually outraged tear down statues. There will always be one more statue to tear down, and if there isn't, a substitute must be found no matter how tenuous the link to the Confederacy and slavery. One wonders how long it will be before a move is made to ban white sheets lest they be made into Klan robes? FINALLY Comes a well informed and articulate summary of the movements on campus that have led us to this place we are at today. A good an thoughtful read that provides additional insight.
http://www.chronicle.com/article/How-Colleges-Are-Strangling/240909?key=_ds5xEy29SM9Wq4Ek8CmAQtrc-CeIrKfiAiM9xrC72owFjxGcKz7IMnqil4QSloiYk84ZDk1Tm12cVVDUE5LTU91RFhNNW1JeVh0VVhUdllEVlBtMG9zemI5MA "Nazis" have no constituency worthy of note and operate on the fringes of politics.
That's because Nazism was effectively destroyed as an ideology by the comprehensive defeat of the Third Reich in WWII. The swastika brand is poisonous in Canada precisely because we fought a long, hard war against Adolf Hitler. There are too many Canadians lying in Commonwealth War Graves for that symbol to ever have any popular appeal. I don't doubt that it is poisonous in the US for much the same reason. Unfortunately, though WWII put paid to one of the two most evil ideologies of the 20th Century (fascism), the other - Marxism/communism - has evaded being thoroughly discredited notwithstanding the collapse of the Soviet Bloc. A pox on them both and on all the wingnuts, moonbats, fellow travellers and useful idiots who continue to spout their grim, murderous creeds in one disguise or another. re: DUMBEST NEWS STORY OF THE DAY
I don't know. mixing racism and the eclipse should give it a run for it's money (https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2017/08/american-totality-eclipse-race/537318/#article-comments). Sounds like the Navy has a seamanship (is that sexist?) problem. I was on a destroyer and we operated with the aircraft carriers on Yankee Station and we stayed away from them, usually did not come closer than 500 yards.
(is that sexist?)
Obviously. The new preferred term would be 'seapersonship', or, better yet, "seaentityship', since the person might not actually identify with human beings. Glad we got that straightened out. For the "zir" entities we could use seazirship but that does sound to much like seizure ship and might affect recruiting and retaining efforts.
In some sense of seriousness, the replacement for a term like "Basic Seamanship" would be something like "Shipboard Operational Skills, Navigation, Station Keeping, and Collision Avoidance", with some semi-pronounceable Clipronym like "ShipOSNAKCA". Why use one or two words when nine or ten will do.
A message from Texas to the Antifa.
http://www.iamatexan.com/2017/08/20/police-warn-protesters-texas-gun-owners-can-shoot-you-on-sight-if-you-mess-with-our-confederate-statues/ |