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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, August 1. 2017Tuesday morning links
Sam Shepard dead at 73 PRINCETON TO “RE-EDUCATE” ITS MALE STUDENTS So they don't like the way the parents raised them? Plastic Bottles Are Almost As Dangerous As Hotcoldwetdry Or Something Re trannies: What Is normal? What Is Abnormal? Who Decides? NYC: Cops say hands are tied in arresting unruly 'desnudas' naked female panhandlers 'because most are illegal immigrants' California voted to go easy on criminals — this is how crime is doing 3 years later Eager to Impose Single-Payer on Whole Nation, Sanders Cannot Explain Why It Failed in His State U.S. Companies Post Profit Growth Not Seen in Six Years Australia Weather Bureau Caught Tampering With Climate Numbers Costs of green electricity driving Aussies off the grid and into poverty To Defend Public Schools, the Hard Left Puts On the Tinfoil Hat
Andy McCarthy: If You Think the Imran Awan Investigation Is About Bank Fraud, You're Wrong. It's About Islamophobia. Destroying Donald Trump is all that matters in the newsrooms of the mainstream media The Nation: How Are We Going to Survive the Next 42 Months of Trump? Many progressives are depressed and angry. But there are also glimmers of hope. Get a life The Deep Constitutional Thinking Of Sally Yates Fareed Zakaria: Trump Is ‘A Class Rebellion Against People Like Us’
Comments on Trump Goes Rogue 14All-out in Afghanistan – or out? The Middle East: Terrorism Forever? Why the Middle East Hated Obama But Loves Trump Nets Barely Notice Venezuela’s Vote for Dictatorship CANADA’S FREE-SPEECH PHOBIA - Islam-critic charged with “willful promotion of hatred.” Trackbacks
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Great scene with Sam Shepard, walking out of the last scene in "the Right Stuff" as Chuck Yeager. RIP
Great scene in same movie with Sam Shepherd asking Levon Helm for a stick of Beeman's. Levon is gone so is Sam perhaps they meet in heaven. Beeman's gum is still around though.
Zakaria doesn't understand just how much he and his ilk are hated in the Red counties.
Peter Turchin, your neighbor at UConn, notes that discord among our elites is at its highest since the eve of the Civil War, and he believes that we are entering a period of extreme political violence, worse than the 60's. I should not be surprised if the violence extends to journalists and professors. I'm really glad I live in the boonies and will escape most of what is coming. Violence with journalists and professors?
That's funny. Brie and Birkenstocks as weapons in Fairfield Connecticut. Momeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Those assholes made might do well to remember we have all the guns. While what you say is true, and I agree, one must conflate and remember that they are not really ELITE. Conflating further, I must confess that I feel superiority to those that feel they are superior. Funny about that.
Truly, red Eager to Impose Single-Payer on Whole Nation, Sanders Cannot Explain Why It Failed in His State
He could get a good explainer from Megan McArdle if he cares to read it, but the tl;dr version is that saner people than he looked at the VT budget and realized the tax increases needed would very quickly ruin their economy, especially given the easy of moving out of state. QUOTE: Comments on Trump Goes Rogue Tee hee! Trump's been holding back all this time! QUOTE: After six months of trying to behave like a conventional Republican president, he’s done. Hahaha! Just like Reagan or Bush, he is. Trump's been holding back! That's a good one. Ho ho! At the risk of overstating the case I think most on the left are simply unaware of what Trump represents just as the Romans were unaware of what Christ represented. (Not trying to compare or say Trump is the messiah but rather that when something that is truly game changing comes around the unbelievers are at a loss to understand it.) That is why Zach and so many on the left must (cannot help himself) try to make light of it while he hopes it will go away. Trump will go away, he is the current symbol of the silent majority, the citizens who are sick and tired of the swamp politicians and just won't take it anymore.
My plea to all those on the left; keep your head in the sand. Keep denigrating him and making those common citizens on the right love him more. Keep under estimating him. Keep Russia in the headlines while Trump continues to make progress. Keep your brown shirts attacking innocent voters and speakers at colleges so that the silent majority becomes vocal. Keep calling us names so we know the mark of the beast. Persist!!! OneGuy: That is why Zach and so many on the left must (cannot help himself) try to make light of it while he hopes it will go away. Trump will go away, he is the current symbol of the silent majority, the citizens who are sick and tired of the swamp politicians and just won't take it anymore.
Our comment had nothing to do with whether or not Trump is the 'messiah' of the silent majority, but of the incongruence in the suggestion that Trump has been holding back all this time. Our comment was in spite of not in response to whatever you said.
Aye, the never Trumpers understand nothing about Trump except that he threatens their hanging around the trough for a lifetime of benefits and liquor. Void their "special" healthcare subsidies and cut off the illegal Obamacare subsidies and see if Trump can gather their attention. Vanderlun at American Digest has a good list of what he has accomplished so far and it's a great start.
The first few paragraphs of David French's essay about the paranoia of those defending public schools apply to several other topics just as well, and are especially well-put. The use of six-degrees-of-separation to prove that conservatives are really influenced by John Wilkes Booth, or Robespierre, or Beelzebub has been going on for some time. It happens when they don't have a coherent argument against the actual ideas.
So the deceitful and criminal Hillary Clinton "perfectly represented" the overeducated population? If you say so, Fareed. I would have been a bit more moderate in my accusation myself, but you know them better than I do. As for Zachriel finding humor in the Powerline comments - well, we'll see, won't we? I think it likely that Trump will paddle his own canoe even more going forward. Who's he going to listen to among the Republicans? McCain? Assistant Village Idiot: As for Zachriel finding humor in the Powerline comments - well, we'll see, won't we?
Well, you're right. It might not be funny after all. The irony remains, however. Zzzzzz :
Well, you're right. It might not be funny after all. It's that feeling, kidz, y'all get when entering a room and all around the people begin to laugh uncontrollably at you... Plastic bottles almost as dangerous as climate change: Each of those is as loathsome and frightening as air is to me.
Single Payer: We can, each and every one of us, be just like Charlie Gard under single payer. Imran Awan: Shows just how much the Dems love to keep secret government info secret, which seems to be approaching zero. Re: Imran Awan and his band of brothers. I am having a problem understanding how any congress person could have picked Pakistani IT people to "guard" their and our country's secrets. What went through DWS mind? I mean, first of all, were their no Americans available (People who put America first and are clearly not some kind of Manchurian candidate)? The ONLY thing that makes any sense is that it was a criminal enterprise and they could not conduct their criminal business with an American holding the keys to all the evidence. The risk of a whistle blower was too great so they needed someone whose allegiance was not to the U.S., someone they thought they could control.
I do hope we see a special prosecutor appointed soon to investigate this real crime/treason Any fans of Bachelorette? I don't actually watch it but my wife does and I'm sitting there on the computer. But I have noticed that this season it is all racism all the time. The big "staged" event to create an opportunity to lecture us about racism came last night. They had a contestant that was obviously a plant probably an actor who could pull off the part of a white male who is secretly racist. Seriously did they think this wasn't going to be transparent to everyone. There is so little white on black racism that they have to make it up to talk about it.
Frankly, IdahoBob, every aspect of our culture, politics, economy, and religion has been redesigned to divide us into little interest groups that can be more easily manipulated for conquering.
You may not be able to teach an old dog new tricks, but I wonder if this is simply a new version of an old trick: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2017/08/01/dog-revived-with-narcan-after-getting-into-pain-pills.html "Hey doc, my dog ate my dope. The police can verify it. I'll take another Rx, please." @TRUMP GOES ROGUE
"Other presidents have tried to govern without support of the leaders of their political party. " Dear President Trump, Please, please, please start a new party. We know you will win. Thank you, Your Supporters I like some of what Trump has done.He could a be great pres. and make badly some needed changes.He did some of that with his campaign..
I don't think he will make all 4 years of his stretch.He does lie,and has a foolish mouth.Sooner or later all that stuff catches up with anyone.JMO,,,We'll see... I would have loved to see him and Bernie both start their own political party.I think they probably had enough numbers and support. CNN’s Fareed Zakaria: Trump Won Because His Voters are Stupid, Racist, Misogynist, Gay-Hating Bigots
-------------------------------------------- Hopefully, our new immigration policies being developed by President Trump will address why we permit foreigners like this to come into our country and tell us what to do. Sincerely, Jim Bob "Bubba" Beauregard III |